A picture of a sad boy and her story. Painting that brings death - exposure

Mystical stories and mysteries are associated with many works of painting. Moreover, some experts believe that dark and secret forces are involved in the creation of a number of canvases. There are grounds for such an assertion. Too often amazing facts and inexplicable events happened to these fatal masterpieces - fires, deaths, madness of the authors ... One of the most famous "cursed" paintings is "Crying Boy" - a reproduction of a painting by the Spanish artist Giovanni Bragolin. The history of its creation is as follows: the artist wanted to paint a portrait of a crying child and took his little son as a sitter. But, since the baby could not cry to order, the father deliberately brought him to tears, lighting matches in front of his face.

If you look at her for 5 minutes in a row, the girl will change (eyes will turn red, hair will turn black, fangs will appear). In fact, it is clear that the picture is clearly not drawn by hand, as many like to say. Although no one gives clear answers how this picture appeared. The next picture hangs modestly without a frame in one of the shops in Vinnitsa. "Rain Woman" is the most expensive of all works: it costs $500. According to the sellers, the painting has already been bought three times, and then returned. Clients explain that they are dreaming about her. And someone even says that he knows this lady, but does not remember where. And everyone who has ever looked into her white eyes will forever remember the feeling of a rainy day, silence, anxiety and fear.

The Crying Boy is a painting by the Spanish artist Giovanni Bragolin, also known as Bruno Amadio. A reproduction of this picture is considered cursed by superstitious people, and it causes a fire in those rooms where it is located.

It is no secret to anyone, even the most skeptical person, that there is such a thing as a “curse” in the world. There are many so-called cursed places on the planet. But the curse can also contain items. The reasons why this happens are still unknown. An example of this is the cursed painting "The Crying Boy". Until now, everything connected with this picture instills in people an incomprehensible feeling of anxiety and misunderstanding of what is happening ...

What is it - a cruel curse or the most inexplicable coincidences in history? Everything described below gives reason to believe that the curse that some items contain may still exist. I think that everything that happened with the painting “The Crying Boy” can hardly be called a coincidence ...

Damn picture.

In the middle of 1985 across the UK front-page stories related to the fires and, mysteriously surviving in these unrelated fires, a cheap reproduction of the painting "Crying Boy". A reproduction of this painting was located where the fire started. This could well be explained as an absurd coincidence, but she alone remained unharmed, while everything around was destroyed by fire.

The Crying Boy is a painting by the Spanish artist Giovanni Bragolin, also known as Bruno Amadio. A reproduction of this picture is considered cursed by superstitious people, and it causes a fire in the rooms where it is located.

The artist of this picture, the boy's father, terribly mocked his son. The boy was very afraid of fire, and his father, in order to give the picture brightness and mystery, lit matches in front of his face, thereby making him cry. Unable to bear such bullying, the child shouted to his father: "You burn yourself." The child died of pneumonia a month later, and a couple of weeks later, the charred body of the artist was found in the burnt house next to the only thing that survived the fire - the painting "Crying Boy". Such is the history of this canvas ...

This unusual phenomenon was brought to the fore in early summer, when Yorkshire firefighter Peter Hall, in an interview with a major newspaper, reported that all the fire brigades in Northern England began to find countless reproductions of this painting, which remained untouched by a fire that started for completely incomprehensible reasons. Peter Hall let this fact out in an interview only after his brother, who completely refused to believe in this mythical story, bought a reproduction of The Crying Boy, and thereby decided to refute that this picture was cursed. Shortly thereafter, his house, which was located in the south of Yorkshire, in Swallonest, burned to the ground, for unknown reasons. Seeing that the cursed painting was the only thing that survived the fire, Roy Hall angrily crushed it with his boot.

After the publication of this interview, a British daily newspaper received a huge number of calls and letters from the owners of the reproduction of the painting, who suffered in the same way. The house of Dora Brand, who lives in Mitcham, Surrey, burned to the ground six weeks after she purchased the painting. Although there were more than a hundred other paintings in the house, only one painting survived the fire ...

Sandra Kraske, from Kilburn, recounted how her sister, mother, their friend, and herself were all affected by the fires after they each had a copy of the cursed painting. Similar information also came from the counties of Nottingham, Oxfordshire and the Isle of Wight. On October 21, Parillo Pizza Palace, located in Great Yartmouth, burned to the ground, leaving only the Crying Boy in excellent condition. Three days later, the Godber family, who lived in Herrinthorpe (South Yorkshire), also lost their house in a fire. And only the reproduction of The Boy, which hung in the living room, miraculously survived, although all other paintings burned down.

The next day, in the house that belonged to the Amos family in Heswople, Merseyside, literally torn apart by a gas explosion, only a couple of pictures of the Crying Boy, which hung in the dining room and living room of the house, remained unscathed. A day later, a new message was received, this time the fire occurred in the house of a former firefighter from Telford (Shropshire) Fred Thrower. Only one reproduction survived.

One of the newspapers suggested that all owners of reproductions of the cursed painting organize a mass burning of this painting. By autumn, some of the owners who had destroyed the painting had acquired nervous illnesses. It seemed to them that the damned picture, which they destroyed, now intends to take revenge on them.

Several fire brigades, who were approached for comment on the growing hysteria surrounding the painting, flatly refused to discuss it or participate in any of the mass burnings of the painting that were taking place across the country. Meanwhile, the tragedy continued...

November 12 Malcolm Vaughan, who lives in Gloucestershire, helped his neighbor destroy another "Crying Boy". After he returned home, he saw that the entire living room of his house was on fire, which broke out for some unknown reason. A few weeks later, a house in Weston nad Maroy (Avon) was destroyed by flames, which also killed its occupant, 67-year-old William Armitage. This incident hit the front pages of the newspapers because the cursed painting was found completely intact next to the charred body of the old man. One firefighter who took part in putting out the fire said: “I never believed in a curse before. However, when you have to see a whole picture in a completely burned-out room - the only thing that was not damaged, then you have to understand that this goes beyond all limits.

Since then, in the press, and then on the Internet, the old story periodically comes to life, and in completely different versions. For example, it is argued that, subject to good handling of the reproduction, the “Crying Boy” is able, on the contrary, to bring good luck to its owner. You be the judge...

Sometimes, the horror of mystical phenomena is caused by strange paintings, as if they were cursed by the brush of the artist himself. In this case, we are talking about the paintings of "crying children" by the artist Bruno Amadio, also known as Giovanni Bragolini.

Bragolini's "Crying Children" paintings illuminated by the Devil

The legend of the damned paintings of this artist should be highlighted, since in those houses where the “crying boy” Bruno Amadio is located, things not only of a mystical nature, but also of an extremely sinister hue, take place.

The owners of the “crying boy” paintings are haunted by all sorts of misfortunes, houses burn down in fires turning all property into ashes, and only paintings are taken out of the fire incorruptible. This is a classic and immortal legend about mysticism and otherworldly forces, where even reproductions from paintings bring horror and fear to their owners.

— By the way, according to firefighters, reproductions survive in the fire, not because they are cursed, or something else, as there is an opinion among the people, they are simply made of hard and non-combustible paper. Cosmic characteristics of the material for paintings, right?

According to a myth from a bygone century, mystical phenomena cover the places where paintings with "crying children" are located, attracting a series of suffering and misfortunes to the inhabitants of the house. But they also say that if you stand in front of the picture with the “crying boy” at exactly midnight, you can

Who was Bruno Amadio?

Despite the terrible curse of the paintings, little is known about the Italian artist Bruno Amadio, although he was initially considered a mediocre artist born in Venice between 1890 and 1900. A faithful admirer of Mussolini's ideas, many say, referring to the artist as bearing a fascist stamp in his heart.

Presumably, during the Second World War, Bruno translated into portrait images the faces of those orphans whose horror from life he met on his way, fantastically capturing fear and sadness, using canvas and paints showing children's tears.

One can only assume that during the war, the artist decided to create a collection of paintings called "crying children", postponing in the canvases the image of children's suffering and pain. In particular, a collection of 27 paintings is well known - all of them are marked

The first work of the artist was created with a child from an orphanage as a model. The name of the crying boy is unknown, but this is the first work in a series of cursed paintings - it is believed that the fascist master of colors deliberately “brought” the children to the image he needed. Further, Bruno Amadio changes his stage name, signing his works already as Giovanni Bragolini.

There are references that the artist fought at the front, although it is not known exactly where. After the war, Bruno Amadio settled in Spain, in Seville, where he spent several years of his life, later moving to Madrid, where his trail was finally lost.
- At the same time, some believe that he lived out the years allotted to him along with, although both assumptions may be incorrect.

A great demand for the artist's paintings appeared in Chile, where people bought reproductions in bulk. However, in the 1980s, rumors about the curse of the paintings became so strong that the company, which had been successfully selling copies for many years, stopped producing them - no one wanted to buy the curse of the "crying boy" anymore.

The legend of the cursed "crying boy" paintings.

According to the mystical part of the legend, Bruno Amadio is tired of being an unknown artist, he desperately wants great popularity and world recognition. This obsessive thought painfully devours Bragolini so hot that he turns to the devil's advocate with the sale of the soul. It is not known whether they succeeded or not, but since then his paintings have been known, their popularity has been growing.

It is said that the first painting was painted by the artist in an orphanage that burned down after the work was completed. The flames devoured the building, spitting out ashes. The fire could not destroy only one object - the painting "crying boy".

Of course, everything that comes to us from legends is subject to serious doubt, but considering strange cases, we find that this is true. Part of the legend speaks of the appearance of the image of the devil, and there are people who claim that this is absolutely true: if we stand in front of the picture at midnight, we can make our own pact with the devil.

Perhaps the most popular part of this story is the place where the mystical properties of the paintings are told: houses will burn, property will turn to dust, but any of these paintings will remain intact, the flame does not damage Bragolini's works in the least. The inhabitants of the houses suffer bad luck and an endless series of misfortunes, besides, they start all kinds.

Bruno Amadio left 27 paintings of "crying children", after the first work he signed already as Giovanni Bragolini. Did the cursed paintings really reflect the crown pact with the devil, spreading evil to the owners?

Rebecca's story.

Rebecca purchased a couple of "crying boy" paintings from a shop in her area. From the moment the paintings appeared in the house, the fire often began to “visit” the dwelling. And although it was never necessary to call the fire brigade, the situation is alarming, because we are talking about more than thirty small fires in ten years of ownership of the works.

In addition, as Rebecca is surprised, the pots and pans removed from the fire continue to fry or boil food for some more time, as if they were still standing on a live fire. The trouble also affected the store, whose owners went bankrupt after the sale of paintings.

In addition to the rather unpleasant incidents, other strange phenomena are going on in the house. Particularly frightening are those incomprehensible incidents when objects or things disappear without a trace, never to appear again. Once, before going to the shower, the woman left her shirt on the bed - the clothes disappeared without a trace, and when this happened there was no one in the house.

Similar events with things have already happened many times, and the loss has never been found. This is a very old, but still strong house, where other types of phenomena happen: incomprehensible noises and steps are heard from the attic, and this place is completely uninhabited.

The most interesting story of Rebecca and her paintings is that the household members suffering from the curse knew nothing about the legend of the “crying boy” of Bragolini. It was later that the owners of two amusing paintings, having learned the history of the curse, connected the fires and strange phenomena with the works in their home.

The cursed painting emerged from the fire untouched.

Other incidents with Bragolini's "weeping boy/girl" paintings can be considered officially recorded. It must be said right away that there is no rational explanation for these incidents, but in September 1985, the British edition of The Sun reported on property on fire.

The Yorkshire firefighters have indeed encountered some hell when intact copies of the painting are often found among the ruins of burnt houses. According to one of the firefighters - who gave an interview to the newspaper - the houses were attacked by flames due to a safety violation, and the curse of the pictures had nothing to do with it.

At the same time, no one could explain why the paintings of “crying children” are taken out from the ashes untouched by fire, only saying that the reproductions are made of hard paper that does not suffer from the effects of fire. Strange explanation, isn't it? But even stranger, no firefighter would keep a copy of the painting in their home, one of the firefighters told the publication.

Over the following months, The Sun and other tabloids published several articles about burned-out houses whose owners had Amadio's painting. An incredible thing, but the property turned to ashes, the only thing that survived the fire was the pictures of Bragolini's "crying children"!

The passions around the works became so strong that at the end of November, belief in the curse of the painting spread widely, and the publication organized mass arson of replicas sent by readers - this is how educated people tried to remove

Tom Ballarger - according to him, he bought an original by Giovanni Bragolini at a crazy price, intending to decorate a country house with a novelty. A small old-style estate near Yorkshire has never been a problem.

The Briton received the first “call” about the curse from a room with a fireplace, where, in some unknown way, an ember that escaped into the wild almost destroyed the house. But this time everything worked out. Another trouble was the shorted outlet in the kitchen - apparently old wiring, the owner who did not believe in legends probably thought so.

Some time after the acquisition of the cursed painting, when various incomprehensible things were happening in the house, Ballarger was informed by phone that your house burned down. In a strange way, the picture of the “crying girl” survived in the fire. The firefighters explained that it hung in the corridor, little affected by the fire, although for some reason other paintings were not saved.

To be honest - as they say - the house really didn’t suffer so much. However, the curious thing about this story happened when part of the property was temporarily placed in an outbuilding. Just a week later, the building where the painting was stored burned to the ground. The old wiring reduced everything to ashes except for the damned painting - the frame burned down, while the canvas itself, which was rolled up, was practically not damaged.

“Perhaps all this is superstition and absurdity, where in most curses we are faced with the phenomenon of urban legends, when reality and fiction are mixed into one leaven and fed into the market of glib rumors.

But in this particular study, we found a lot of testimonies on the Internet, telling about the failures, misfortunes, strange situations that relate to the images of Bragolini. Most of these witnesses associate the “curse of the pictures” with non-needs in the house, although without losing objectivity it should be noted: all situations can be explained by an unfortunate coincidence.

In conclusion, we note that there are no reliable tests capable of destroying the legend about the curse of Amadio's paintings. Perhaps all this is fiction, but the possibility of risk remains ...
The risk that a curse and misfortune is introduced into the house. But as compensation, those who wish can acquire mystical phenomena. And even at midnight to talk to the Devil's lawyers.

For example, a painting called “The Crying Boy”, which was created by the artist Giovanni Bragolina. He took his little son as a sitter and made him cry for many hours in a row, bringing burning matches to his face. The little child was scared to death of fire, his father knew this and specially brought his son to hysterics in order to create his terrible picture.

Once, in fear of another “trial by fire,” the boy shouted to his father: “Burn yourself!”
Shortly after painting the picture, the baby died, and after him his sadistic father burned to death.

Subsequently, the houses in which the painting was located began to burn down one after another, people died. Only the miraculously surviving canvas with a crying boy on it remained unharmed. made public, it turned out how this picture was created.

In the end, one of the newspapers published an article that said that everyone who had a reproduction of the Crying Boy at home should urgently get rid of it and in the future this painting was forbidden to be sold. The original painting was never found, and the train of her notoriety stretches for the "Boy" until now.
