Natalya Gundareva: biography, personal life, husband, children, family. My husband does not tell me about his life with Gundareva Mikhail Filippov became

Mikhail Filippov photography

Laureate of the Moscow Prize (1997, for theatrical roles)

Winner of the Best Supporting Actor Award at the Constellation Film Festival (1997, for his role in the television series Petersburg Secrets)

Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1999, for participation in the play "Marriage")

Winner of the Three Sisters Award (1999)

Cavalier of the Order of Honor for many years of activity in the field of culture and art (2005)

Laureate of the "Crystal Turandot" award in the nomination "Best Actor" (2010, for his role in the play "Secret Notes of a Privy Councillor")

The beginning of life

Mikhail Filippov was born on August 15, 1947 in Moscow. After graduating from school, the young man entered the philological faculty of Moscow State University. During the years of study, he played in the student studio "Our House". Having established himself in the idea that his destiny was the stage, after the fourth year Mikhail moved to GITIS, which he then successfully graduated in 1973.


Since 1973, Mikhail Filippov has been an actor at the Moscow Mayakovsky Theater. During this time, he played many diverse roles: Abel Znorko "Mysterious Variations"), Krugosvetlov ("The Fruits of Enlightenment"), Napoleon ("Napoleon the First"), Kharchenko ("Rout"), Sancho Panza ("The Man from La Mancha") , Apothecary ("Venceremos!"), De Quadra ("Long live the queen, vivat!"), Leva Arzumanov ("Efficiency of obsession"), Korzukhin ("Running"), Investigator ("Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk district"), Gooper ( “Cat on a Hot Roof”), Robert (“Look who came!”), Mchislavsky (“Rumor”), Mintou (“Victoria? ..”) and others. Among them are the main characters and supporting roles, and in each of them the actor is always organic, convincing.

Possessing a truly hypnotic ability, he literally captivates the audience with his game. One of the best works of the actor is the role of Kochkarev in the play "Zhanitba", staged on the stage of the Theater on Pokrovka. For her, Mikhail Ivanovich was awarded the State Prize of the Russian Federation.


Mikhail Filippov made his film debut in 1975 with the role of Mr. Fouquet in Sergei Gerasimov's Red and Black. However, further the romance with cinema somehow did not work out, and only theatergoers could see the talent of the actor. From time to time, films-performances with his participation appeared on the screens: “Interview in Buenos Aires”, “Odessa stories of Isaac Babel”.

Filmmakers "saw" the actor already in adulthood. At the turn of the 80s and 90s, he played such roles as: Gruzdev in the comedy "The Artist from Gribov", Mark Grigorievich in the film "Women Who Are Lucky", Vasya in the famous tragicomedy "Promised Heaven", Pyotr Chaadaev in the drama "The Case of Sukhovo-Kobylin". In the late 90s, the actor took part in two highly-rated TV series: “Decoupling of Petersburg Secrets” (Moronshark Mordenko) and “D.D.D. Dossier of detective Dubrovsky "(Vitaly Avdeevich Irinarkhov).

The talent of the actor is also in demand by the new Russian cinema. In the comedy directed by Dmitry Tomashpolsky "Jisai" (2004), Mikhail Filippov brilliantly played the main role - businessman Dudypin. The hero of the film, having learned about the ancient Japanese traditions, decides to get himself a jisai, i.e. "sacrificial scapegoat" (Alexander Lykov), on whom all the troubles and illnesses intended for the owner will fall. The Filippov-Lykov duet in this picture is simply incomparable.

Among other works of the actor: Alferov in the TV series "Children of the Arbat", Metropolitan Macarius in the historical drama "Ivan the Terrible", Major General Rostislav Batorsky in the drama "The Crimson Color of the Snowfall".

Personal life

The first wife of Mikhail Ivanovich was Irina Yuryevna Andropova, daughter of the formidable head of the KGB and the future General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov. In this marriage, the son Dmitry was born.

For the second time, Mikhail Ivanovich tied the knot with the famous actress Natalia Gundareva. Natalya Georgievna spoke about her husband: “Misha came to the theater and made friends with my former classmate at the theater school. Thus, we ended up in the same company. They were friends, arranged jokes, jokes. By the way, my husband is a man of amazing humor. He knows a lot about a good joke. God did not give me such wit, and I was basically just a performer. But I liked being a part of it all. Then we worked so well together in the theater that we understood: we need to live together ... ”It so happened that Natalya Georgievna and Mikhail Ivanovich did not have common children, but, nevertheless, their marriage was very happy.

In 2005, Natalya Gundareva passed away. Mikhail Ivanovich endured this tragedy very hard, he even lay in intensive care. However, life goes on, and four years later, happiness smiled at him again. In 2009, Mikhail Ivanovich registered a relationship with the 41-year-old actress of his theater, the charming Natalya Vasilyeva, for whom this marriage was the first.


1976 Red and black

1979 Interview in Buenos Aires - film-play

1980 Tatyana Doronina's benefit performance - film-play

1983 Jonah, or the Artist at Work - short

1984 Odessa stories by Isaac Babel - film-play

1986 Your daughter Alexandra - film-play

1987 Look who's here! - film performance

1988 Artist from Gribov

1989 Process

1989 One for All - Short

1989 Women who are lucky

1989 And it happened in Vichy - film-play

1990 Superman

1991 Nuts

1991 Promised Heaven

1991 Sukhovo-Kobylin case

1992-1997 Little things in life - series

1993 Russian novel

1993 Dashing couple

1993 Italian contract

1993 Breakfast with a view of Elbrus

1993 Alphonse

1994 Petersburg secrets

1994 Moscow holidays

1995 Square

1997 Serpent Spring

1997 Marriage - film-play

1997 Breguet - film-play

1998-2002 Impostors - series

1999 Denouement of Petersburg secrets - TV series

1999 D.D.D. Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky - series

2000 Russian riot

2001 Cricket behind the hearth

2001 Salome - series

2003 Evlampia Romanova. The investigation is conducted by an amateur -1- series

2004 Lily of the valley silver-2 - TV series

2004 Jisai

2004 Children of the Arbat - series

2007 You can't catch up with us

2007 Marriage - film-play

2008 Capercaillie - series

2009 Legends of witch love (Russia-Ukraine)

2009 Ivan the Terrible

2010 Snowfall Crimson

"We went bankrupt with you, Mordenko." This phrase was repeated many times to the hero of the television series "Petersburg Secrets", the usurer Osip Mordenko, who was brilliantly embodied on the screen by Mikhail Filippov, his parrot. The character was quite extraordinary - both a victim and an executioner to his offenders. Once he was made to suffer because he dared to love a woman not of his circle. From that moment on, his love turned into hatred and a desire for revenge. All feelings from this moment are fastened with large buttons. And he is so thirsty for just revenge that he does not even feel paternal feelings for his only son.

First steps

People's Artist of Russia Mikhail Filippov was born in the capital of the Soviet Union - Moscow - on a warm August 15th day in 1947.

At school, he studied pretty well, and after receiving a certificate, the young man enters the Faculty of Philology at Moscow State University. During his studies, he plays in the student studio "Our House". The same theater became a creative home for Khazanov, Arkanov, Filippenko, Farada and many other movie and theater stars. Now he is so sure that his fate for life is the stage that, after studying for four years at the university, Misha is transferred to GITIS. In 1973, he received a diploma from this particular educational institution.

Our whole life is a theater

Mikhail Filippov is an amazingly talented actor with a peculiar and very bright personality. Since he is a philologist by his first profession, he feels and understands the nature of each word spoken on stage quite subtly. In his three decades of ministry, he didn't have many leading roles. But even the roles of a secondary plan and significance were embodied by him in such a way that they sometimes became more interesting than the main ones.

Yes, Mikhail Filippov, unfortunately, did not play many roles that seemed to have been intended for him by heaven, with an artist of enormous originality. His theatrical fate was not particularly stellar. The path was long and laborious. But Mikhail Ivanovich overcame all obstacles with incredible strength of patience and great self-esteem. Many years passed before Mikhail Filippov, whose biography is re-read by his contemporaries countless times, received the main role of Napoleon in his creative biography (the play "Napoleon the First").

From Fouquet to Irinarkhov

The first cinematic role played by Mikhail Filippov was in Sergei Gerasimov's film "Red and Black", very famous and beloved by viewers. The debut was more than successful. But for some reason, relations with cinema suffered some setback. Now, with his talent, he could bestow only theatergoers. Only occasionally did films-performances in which he played appear on the wide screen.

Everything changed when the actor was already in adulthood. It was then that he was able to embody in front of the cameras many interesting and beloved by the audience characters, whose characters, mood, social status and education were very different. During the period of the late 80s and early 90s, he was invited to many films that became classics of Soviet cinema: Gruzdev in The Artist from Gribov, Chaadaev in The Sukhovo-Kobylin Case, Vasya in the tragicomedy Promised Heaven, Konstantin Sergeevich in Alphonse, investigator Matyukhin in The Serpent Spring, Garansky in The Dashing Couple.

And in the film of whatever genre Mikhail Filippov played, the actor each time gave the character a piece of his soul. He has a very beautiful, wonderfully delivered voice, with the intonations of which he easily brings the audience (if it is a theater) or the audience at the TV screens into a feeling of delight and admiration. Possessing beautiful burning eyes that simply attract attention, he can easily fascinate those around him on both sides of the blue screens.

New, modern filmmakers also liked his talent. One of the interesting roles in the comedy "Jisai", where Mikhail Filippov, whose biography has always aroused interest among fans, reincarnated as businessman Dudypin. Without a doubt, the picture was a success, especially if you remember that Filippov's partner was Alexander Lykov.

Another bright spot in the filmography of the actor was two of the most interesting roles in the series of the late nineties - Vitaly Irinarkhov from D.D.D. Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky" and moneylender Osip Mordenko from "Petersburg Secrets". After the release on the wide screen, the popularity of both the actors and the series themselves simply went through the roof, and the ratings rose to an almost unattainable height.

Unceremonious curiosity

Incidents happen in the acting life, because of which even the huge creative success and adoration of the audience of the whole country are not a guarantee of happiness in family life and the only marriage union. A great rarity in the acting environment (and not only here) are people who created a family in their youth, remaining together until gray hair. Now, few people can be surprised by divorces (sometimes quite loud and heavy) between people who are related to creative professions.

This is exactly what happened to our hero. Both the divorce and the death of his wife survived Mikhail Filippov. The personal life of the actor, despite his venerable age, is the object of attention and interest of both admirers of his talent and idle inhabitants.

Love, families, children

Behind this somewhat ponderous and even slightly formidable man with amazing eyes are three marriages.

He created his first family with the daughter of the then General Secretary, Irina Andropova. The relationship of the spouses was far from perfect, so the couple broke up immediately after the death of Yuri Andropov.

After some time, Mikhail Filippov married the actress of his theater, Natalya Georgievna Gundareva. In this union there was everything one can only dream of: love and tenderness, trust and respect, devotion and mutual understanding. They lived together for 19 happy years. Unfortunately, the illness and death of Natalya Georgievna completed this beautiful fairy tale.


One of the most beautiful women in Soviet cinema was ill for several years, and all this time her husband did not leave her, trying to help in every possible way, protecting her peace from too curious people and impudent journalists.

Two years after her departure, Mikhail Ivanovich published a book called "Natasha" about the main woman in his life - his deceased wife. It was a kind of book of memories and impressions about their family life, which included Natalia's drawings, Mikhail's poems, their notes about love for each other.

Waiting for a miracle

For four whole years, the actor remained an inconsolable widower. But, in the end, the pain subsided a little, let go. He was lucky: he met his soul mate. Despite the fact that Mikhail Filippov, whose photo can often be seen on the pages of tabloid publications, was twenty years older than the chosen one (she is the theater artist Natalya Vasilyeva), the wedding took place. Their colleagues said that Natasha had a feeling for her future husband back in 1993, when she joined the troupe. At that time, no one could have imagined that trouble would break out in a few years. Therefore, the girl admired Mikhail only from a distance, not hoping for anything. It was said that it was precisely because of this feeling of love that she did not marry until the age of 40, rejecting all the proposals of men in love with her.

Not young but loved

Mikhail learned about the feelings of his future third wife only after the death of the second. Slowly, he began to pay attention to her. There was no long courtship, just a quiet painting. The only condition for Natalia was the wedding, because the issues of faith were of tremendous importance to her.

Love and understanding reign in this family. Since the spouses are no longer twenty, there are no special passions, but their relationship is very reverent. Natalya often pampers her husband with pastries, for which he has a special weakness. And Michael always protects his young wife.

The only sad moment in their union was the question of joint children. “This worries me very much,” Mikhail Filippov once shared. The actor became a father (he has a son), being in his first marriage, Mikhail is now a grandfather. There were no children in the second marriage. For several years, there were reports in the press about Natalya's pregnancy, but one day she could not bear the child, and all the other articles were "ducks". Whether they will be able to realize their dream is still unknown, in any case, no information has appeared in the print media. It remains only to wish them health, happiness and good luck.

Mikhail Filippov realized as a child that the stage was his calling. And although after graduating from school he went to study philology, fate still returned him to the creative path. Now Filippov is one of those artists who manage to harmoniously combine work on the set and in the theater.

Childhood and youth

Mikhail Filippov was born on August 15, 1947. The actor admits that since childhood he dreamed of working in the theater, however, not in the usual, but in the puppet theater. However, after graduating from school, the young man did not apply to the theater, but entered the Faculty of Philology at Moscow State University.

Mikhail Filippov

Classes were held in a building located on Mokhovaya Street. Here, right across the road, there was the House of Culture of the Humanities Faculties, in which two theaters coexisted side by side. The first, student, led; at the helm of the second theater, the Nash Dom studio, were Ilya Rutberg and Albert Axelrod.

Filippov's classmates, who worked as costume designers at Our House, persuaded the young man to go to the audition. He successfully passed the entrance examinations and found himself in the circle of young talents. Many of them later became national favorites. , - these are just a few people from the walls of this studio.

Rehearsals and performances completely captured Mikhail, and not only him - the participants of "Our House" went home on the last train, and the next day after work or school they were in a hurry to be again in the circle of like-minded people. Happiness lasted until 1969, when the studio was closed due to performances and satirical evenings that thundered throughout Moscow. From harmless student skits, the productions of "Our House" gradually turned into something more acute and topical, and they preferred to abolish the theater.

At that time, Filippov was in his 4th year of philology. He no longer imagined life without a stage, so he went to GITIS for the next admissions campaign. The young man was lucky: he was accepted immediately to the second year. In 1973, the young artist graduated with honors and immediately got into the troupe of the Moscow Theater. .


In 1975, Mikhail first appeared on the set. The debut in a big movie was the role of Fouquet in the film adaptation of the novel "Red and Black". They became partners of the young actor - in a word, the artist starting his career had someone to learn from.

Unfortunately, after the first appearance on the screen, Filippov “fell out of the cage” for a long time, in subsequent years he was filmed only in films, performances and short films. The theatrical career was also difficult - the artist received his first significant role only in 1992 - it was work in the play "Napoleon the First".

In the 80s, Mikhail starred in only a few films, such as "The Artist from Gribov", "Women Who Are Lucky", "The Trial". But in the last decade of the 20th century, a lot of work fell upon Filippov. The creative biography of the actor was replenished with roles in the Sukhovo-Kobylin Case, Count Panin in the historical film Russian Revolt.

The artist remained in demand even in the "zero". Among the notable projects with his participation are the series "Salome", "Children of the Arbat". Also, his filmography was replenished with the paintings "Jisai", "Crimson Snowfall", "Spy" and many others.

Filippov is the owner of a number of awards and prizes. They are mainly theatrical - "Three Sisters" (1999), "Crystal Turandot" (2010), the International Prize. Stanislavsky (2011), Live Theater (2013). Also in 2013, he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree. In 1984, Mikhail was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. Since 1996, Filippov has been a People's Artist of Russia.

Personal life

The first chosen one of the actor was Irina Andropova, whose father was the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU. They had a son with Filippov, who was named Dmitry. However, his appearance did not save the marriage - the relationship of the spouses rapidly deteriorated and eventually ended in divorce.

In 1986, Mikhail married an actress. They met at the theater. Mayakovsky, and at first the colleagues were connected only by friendship, but then they realized that they needed to live together. The marriage turned out to be strong: Filippov and Gundareva lived together for 19 happy years. They were separated by the death of Natalya Georgievna.

In 2007, the artist released a book of memoirs "Natasha". It tells the story of their relationship, full of love and light sadness. The narrative is accompanied by photos and drawings, notes, poems, the author of which is Gundareva's husband himself.

The couple never had their children, but in the book Filippov mentioned Irina Degteva, a longtime fan of Natalya, who did a lot for the spouses and partly replaced their daughter.

The third wife of Filippov was the actress of the theater. Mayakovsky Natalya Vasilyeva. Despite the difference in the age of the spouses (Natalya is two decades younger than her husband), warmth and mutual understanding reign in the family. Several times the press was "exploded" by the news that Mikhail Ivanovich would become a father again, but these rumors turned out to be false.

Mikhail Filippov now

The actor continues to play in films and on the theater stage. Currently, at least one series with his participation called "Tell the Truth" is in production. This is a Russian adaptation of the British project Doctor Foster (2015). In the center of the plot is the story of a woman who, once suspecting her husband of treason, gradually becomes obsessed with this idea.

In search of evidence of her husband's infidelity, she, without noticing it, destroys her career and relationships with loved ones. In addition to Filippov, they are filming in the series,. “Tell the Truth” will hit the screens in 2019.

Michael's personal life is going well. He lives in Moscow with his wife Natalya. Spouses work in the theater. Mayakovsky, however, they have not yet had a chance to play with each other in one performance.


  • 1976 - "Red and Black"
  • 1988 - "Artist from Gribov"
  • 1991 - "The Case of Sukhovo-Kobylin"
  • 1994 - Petersburg Secrets
  • 2000 - "Russian rebellion"
  • 2003 - Evlampia Romanova. The investigation is conducted by an amateur "
  • 2004 - "Children of the Arbat"
  • 2004 - "Jisai"
  • 2009 - Ivan the Terrible
  • 2010 - "The crimson color of the snowfall"
  • 2019 - "Tell the truth"

In the history of performing arts, there are many cases when an artist became famous and popular thanks to supporting roles. Among such masters of the stage, whose talent makes it possible to make any work on stage and on the screen noticeable, is Mikhail Filippov. The actor has been working on the stage and in the cinema for more than 40 years and has created many memorable images.


Mikhail Filippov, whose personal life is presented below, was born in the capital on August 15, 1947.

After school, he entered Moscow State University, where he studied at the Faculty of Philology for 4 years. In parallel with his studies, he played in the student theater studio "Our House". Soon the young man realized that he wanted to devote himself to the stage, and, having taken the documents from the country's main university, he went to GITIS. He managed to successfully pass the exams for the acting department, where at that moment the course of the People's Artist of the RSFSR G. Konsky was recruited.

Upon graduation, Mikhail Filippov became an actor in the troupe of the Moscow Theater. Mayakovsky, to whom he devoted most of his creative life.

Acting career until 1990

In the first years of service in the Theater. Mayakovsky, Filippov was entrusted with several unobtrusive roles, including a student of Socrates in the play by E. Radzinsky, a pharmacist in the Interview in Buenos Aires, Leva Arzumanov in The Efficiency of Obsession, and others.

In addition, in 1976, fate made a real gift to the young actor, and he got the opportunity to act in films, and not with someone, but with Sergei Gerasimov himself. True, in the serial television film based on Stendhal's novel Red and Black, he played only a minor role of Mr. Fouquet, but his work received good reviews from colleagues and critics.

After the 90s

For many years, Mikhail Filippov was deprived of the opportunity to sufficiently show his talent. Only in 1992 he received a role that became a turning point in his work. She became the image of the French emperor in the play "Napoleon the First" by F. Bruckner. The performance was staged by T. Kazakova, who was able to discern the emotionality in Filippov, hiding under the mask of indifference. Napoleon, played by the actor, is, first of all, a lonely person who does not find understanding in anyone, and therefore rushes around the world in the hope of forgetting his mental anguish.

Mikhail Filippov: films

At the moment, the actor starred in almost 40 films. The most notable of these was the television series "Petersburg Secrets", in which Mikhail Filippov (actor) played the role of Mordenko. For this work in 1997 he was awarded the prize for the best male role of the 2nd plan at the Constellation festival. Among the notable works of the actor on television and the big screen are:

  • the film "The Crimson Color of the Snowfall", in which Mikhail Filippov (actor) played the main role of Major General R. I. Batorsky;
  • television series "Ivan the Terrible" by Andrei Eshpay (Metropolitan Macarius);
  • film adaptation of the famous "Spy novel" by Boris Akunin (the role of Joseph Stalin);
  • television series "Capercaillie";
  • Film "You Can't Catch Us"

"Gagarin. First in space"

In 2013, a picture was released about the heroes who realized the dream of mankind and overcame gravity. The film, directed by Pavel Pakhomenko, was warmly welcomed by the audience, who appreciated the magnificent play of the main actors Gagarin and Korolev - Yaroslav Zhalnin and M. Filippov. In particular, many noted the realism of the scenes, which tell about the difficult relationship between the General Designer and the first cosmonaut of the Earth.

Personal life

Mikhail Filippov was married three times. At a fairly young age, he married his contemporary Irina, the daughter of the chairman of the KGB of the USSR, and later the Secretary General of the CPSU, Yuri Andropov. A year later, the couple had a son. However, very soon Michael began to cheat on his wife, as his all-powerful father-in-law became aware of. He did not allow the young spouses to leave, considering the divorce immoral and unacceptable. However, after the death of Andropov, the actor began to openly meet with the famous actress Natalya Gundareva and divorced his wife without hesitation. In 1986, the actors signed, and 2 years later they had an adopted daughter, thirteen-year-old Irina.

The actors were happily married, played together in several television projects and lived in perfect harmony for almost 20 years. At the same time, in the last years of their life together, Mikhail Filippov looked after Gundareva, who was seriously ill. In 2005, the actress died from a second stroke. The death of his wife shocked Mikhail Ivanovich so much that he even ended up in the hospital with a heart attack.

However, life went on, and after a while he began to spend most of his free time with the actress of the Mayakovsky Theater - Oksana Kiseleva. Imagine the surprise of the members of the troupe when they learned that Mikhail Filippov had made an offer to his other colleague, Natalya Vasilyeva. The new girlfriend of the actor's life is twenty years younger than him. However, she has been performing on the stage of the Theater for a long time. Mayakovsky and played more than two dozen roles in his performances. In addition, the viewer had the opportunity to see her on television and film screens.


Actor Mikhail Filippov is a laureate of many prestigious theater and film awards. Among them:

  • "Crystal Turandot".
  • State Prize of Russia.
  • "Three sisters".
  • Moscow Mayor's Award.
  • etc.

In addition, in 2013 the actor was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th degree, and since 1996 he has been a People's Artist of Russia.

Now you know what roles Mikhail Filippov played. You also know the biography of the actor, as well as the difficult story of his personal life.

Date of Birth:

Place of Birth:

Soviet and Russian theater and film actor
People's Artist of Russia


Mikhail Filippov was seriously fascinated by art from early childhood. The actor himself called himself a "teenage theater-goer".

“The guys and I ran around the theaters, including the performances of Mayakovka,” recalls Mikhail Ivanovich. one of Lyubov's first performances. I can't say that "Mayakovka" stuck in my memory. But I went to theaters a lot. I had one good friend, and we often ran together to the theater on Malaya Bronnaya, to the Stanislavsky Theater, where there was, as I remember now, one of my favorite performances in those years - "The Threepenny Opera". The role of Peacham was played in line, imagine, the now deceased Evgeny Leonov and Evgeny Urbansky - that's what the theater was like, that's what the cast was. I went ten times for this show."

Nevertheless, immediately after graduating from school, Mikhail Filippov did not enter the theater, but at Moscow State University at the Faculty of Philology.

While studying at Moscow State University, the future actor began to play in the student studio "Our House". “For me, it was a“ lyceum ”, where I not only received professional skills, but also went through human development,” the actor shared. house", in this amateur performance, in this theatrical "homeless", from which many talented directors and actors have come out.

After the fourth year, Mikhail Filippov moved from Moscow State University to GITIS on the course of the People's Artist of the RSFSR Grigory Grigoryevich Konsky. In 1973, Mikhail received a diploma in acting education.


Immediately upon completion of his studies, Mikhail Filippov joined the troupe of the Moscow Mayakovsky Theater, where he still works.

In the performances of the current repertoire of the theater, the actor plays the role of Kochkarev in Gogol's "Marriage", Ivan Semenych Velikatov in Ostrovsky's "Talents and Admirers", Alexei Vladimirovich Krugosvetlov in the play "The Fruits of Enlightenment" by Tolstoy, as well as the main character, Immanuel Kant, staged by Ivashkevicius " Kant" and Puntila in the performance "Mr. Puntila and his wife Matti" by Brecht.

In addition to the Mayakovsky Theater, over the years of his work, Mikhail Ivanovich collaborated with the Hermitage Theater, the Stanislavsky Theater and others.

Theatrical productions. Actor

Theater named after Vl. Mayakovsky (works of previous years):

  • "Napoleon the First" F. Bruckner - Napoleon
  • "Mysterious Variations" E. Schmit − Abel Znorko
  • "Fruits of Enlightenment" L. Tolstoy - Krugosvetlov
  • "Defeat" A. Fadeev - Kharchenko
  • "The Man from La Mancha" D. Wasserman, D. Darion - Sancho Panza
  • "Thought of the British" Y. Yanovsky - 1st Chubaty
  • "Streetcar" Desire "T. Williams - Barker, Sailor
  • "Unpublished Report" R. Ibragimbekov − Planovik
  • "Conversations with Socrates" E. Radzinsky - 1st student of Socrates
  • "Venceremos!" ("Interview in Buenos Aires") G. Borovik − Pharmacist
  • "Long live the queen, vivat!" R. Bolt − De Quadra
  • "Efficiency of obsession" Y.Volchek - Leva Arzumanov
  • "Running" M. Bulgakov - Korzukhin, Artur Arturovich
  • "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" N. Leskov − Investigator
  • "Cat on a Hot Roof" T. Williams − Gooper
  • "Look who's come!" W.Arro − Robert
  • "Molva" A. Salynsky - Mchislavsky
  • "High" M. Rozovsky - Lord of everything, Chief accompanist
  • "Sunset" by I. Babel - from the Author, Boyarsky
  • "Victoria?.." T. Rettigan - Mintou
  • "The Karamazovs" by F. Dostoevsky - Dmitry Fedorovich Karamazov
  • "Shaky balance" E. Albee - Toby

Other theaters:

  • "Ivanov" by A. Chekhov (1993, Stanislavsky Theatre)
  • "Marriage" N. Gogol - Kochkarev (1996, "Theater on Pokrovka")
  • "ART" - Ivan (Theatrical Agency "Art Partner XXI", staged by Patrice Kerbrath, 1997)
  • "Hamlet" W. Shakespeare - Polonius (1998, International Confederation of Theater Unions, production by Peter Stein)

Theater "Hermitage":

  • "Secret Notes of a Privy Councilor" - Nikolai Stepanovich, Privy Councilor
  • "These bitches wanted to kill me" - Stern, Neumann


Mikhail Filippov made his film debut in 1976 in Red and Black directed by Sergei Gerasimov. It was a five-part tape based on the novel of the same name by Stendhal: the love and death story of Julien Sorel, a young provincial who came to conquer Paris at the beginning of the 19th century. Mikhail Filippov played the role of Fouquet. He went to the set with the stars of Soviet cinema: Nikolai Eremenko, Natalya Bondarchuk, Leonid Markov, Natalya Belokhvostikova, Gleb Strizhenov, Mikhail Gluzsky.

In the eighties, viewers could often see the actor on the TV screen in films-performances of the Mayakovsky Theater. In 1988, Mikhail Filippov played the main role in the film "The Artist from Gribov", Irina Muravyova became his partner in the film.

Later, with the participation of the actor, tapes were released: "The Case of Sukhovo-Kobylin", Eldar Ryazanov's tragicomedy "Promised Heaven", the serial melodrama "Little Things in Life". In addition, he played one of the brightest roles in the historical drama Petersburg Secrets, as well as in the detective series DDD Dossier of Detective Dubrovsky.

In the 2000s, the actor did not appear on the screens as often as fans of his talent would like. In 2004, he starred in the comedy "Jisai" about a Russian businessman who learned about an ancient Japanese tradition and hired himself a "sacrificial scapegoat" - Jisai.

After some time, Vladimir Motyl's historical drama "The Crimson Color of Snowfall" was presented, in which Mikhail Filippov became the main character - Major General Rostislav Ivanovich Batorsky.

In 2012, the actor played one of the main roles in the film adaptation of Boris Akunin's novel "Spy Romance" - the film "Spy". A year later, viewers were able to see the artist in the film "Gagarin. The First in Space" in the role of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

Over the years, Mikhail Filippov received many offers to star in television series, but he did not accept everything. So? he participated in the projects of Andrey Eshpay "Children of the Arbat" and "Ivan the Terrible", in 2015 he played in the Ukrainian serial detective comedy "Dog", and in 2018 he played one of the roles in Yuri Moroz's film "Operation Satan".

In 2019, the TV channel released the picture "Tell the Truth", which was also shot by Andrey Eshpay and where he invited Mikhail Filippov. "Tell the Truth" is the Russian version of the British project "Doctor Foster", released in 2015.

Personal life

Currently, Mikhail Filippov is married for the third time. The first wife of the actor was Irina Andropova, daughter of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU Yuri Vladimirovich Andropov. They had a child. After the death of Yuri Andropov, the couple broke up.

The second wife of Mikhail Ivanovich was the People's Artist Natalya Gundareva. They lived together for 19 years, Natalia's death separated them. Two years after this tragic event, Mikhail Filippov published the book "Natasha", dedicated to his wife.

The third time the actor married a few years later, the actress of the Mayakovsky Theater Natalya Vasilyeva.

Prizes and awards

  • Laureate of the Moscow Prize (1997, for theatrical roles in the performances "Marriage" and "Napoleon I")
  • Prize of the film festival "Constellation" for the best male supporting role (1997, television series "Petersburg Secrets")
  • Laureate of the State Prize of the Russian Federation (1999, for participation in the play "Marriage", Theater on Pokrovka)
  • Winner of the special prize of the "Idol" award
  • Cavalier of the Order of Honor - for many years of activity in the field of culture and art (January 2005)
  • Laureate of the "Crystal Turandot" award in the nomination "Best Actor" (2010, for his role in the play "Secret Notes of a Privy Councillor")
  • Laureate of the Stanislavsky International Prize in the nomination "Skill of the Actor" for the roles of recent years (2011, for the roles in the performances "Secret Notes of a Privy Councillor" and "These Bitches Wanted to Kill Me" at the Hermitage Theater)
  • Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" IV degree "For great merits in the development of national culture and art, many years of fruitful activity" (06/1/2013)
  • Honorary diploma of the Moscow City Duma for services to the city community (2017)

The title "People's Artist of Russia" Mikhail Filippov was awarded in 1995.
