An excerpt from the fairy tale Ryaba Hen. The Tale of the Ryaba Hen in a New Way or the Emerald Egg and the Magic Ring Timin Konstantin

Which of us from childhood is not familiar with the fairy tale about the chicken ryaba?

Surely, each of us now thought that he still remembers the text of the fairy tale Ryaba Hen by heart. However, when small children appear in the house, you begin to enthusiastically tell this fairy tale to them, the understanding comes that you can not remember the whole story from memory.

In such cases, the Internet comes to our aid, where you can find many different works.

Among other things, here is a bun, and The Bremen Town Musicians, and the fairy tale chicken ripples, the text of which is provided with vivid illustrations.

Let's go straight to the story

Grandfather and grandmother lived,

And they had a hen Ryaba.

The hen laid an egg.

The testicle is not simple - Golden.

Grandfather beat, beat - did not break.

Baba beat, beat - did not break.

The mouse ran, waving its tail,

The egg fell and broke.

Grandfather is crying, woman is crying;

And the hen cackles:

"Don't cry grandfather, don't cry woman,

I'll lay you another testicle

Not gold, but simple.

This children's fairy tale is small in volume and is easily perceived by ear even by the smallest listeners. Open the fairy tale about the Ryaba chicken, show the pictures to the child and invite him to read together. While the kid will be enthusiastically looking at the illustrations, you will have time to read the whole fairy tale to him from beginning to end.

Thanks to the repetitive elements that the Russian language contains folk tale even a one-and-a-half-year-old child, by the end of the first reading, reacts with interest to already familiar phrases and tries to repeat them. By the time the fairy tale is told for the second or third time, you will surely notice for the baby that he confidently recognizes and understands the repeatedly encountered images “and the chicken laid a testicle”, “not simple, but ...” and many others.

It is no coincidence that such repetitions occur in many fairy tales. The wisdom of generations has been passed from mouth to mouth for many centuries in a row, helping children from an early age to remember and learn important experience. Such verbal constructions develop memory, attract such fickle children's attention to the text of the fairy tale about the chicken, which is extremely important for the perception of young listeners.

Chicken Ryaba is a fairy tale that the child wants to read again and again. First, he asks his parents about it, then, growing up, he learns to do it himself. It is much easier to teach a child to read fluently based on a long-known story. In addition, pictures for the fairy tale Ryaba Hen help not only diversify the reading process, but also attract children's attention with their bright colors and familiar plots. Read to children, read with children, and when they grow up, their interest in habitual knowledge vast world through books will never fade away.

The tale of Hen Ryaba is striking in its absurdity. On the one hand, by all indications, the most ancient archaic, probably the oldest fairy tale on Earth. On the other hand, how is this to be understood?

There lived a grandfather and a woman. They had a chicken ryaba. The chicken laid an egg, not a simple one - a golden one. Grandfather beat, beat - did not break. Baba beat, beat - did not break.
The mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke.
The grandfather cries, the woman cries, and the hen cackles: “Don't cry, grandfather! Don't cry, grandma! I'll lay you an egg, not a golden one - a simple one.

What, a simple testicle is an equivalent replacement for a golden one, which for some reason should console a grandfather and a woman? On the other hand, why did they grieve so much, if they themselves wanted to, tried to break it? Well, we got what we wanted!
Some nonsense.

It is impossible to understand using a similar, sorry for the expression, retelling. To understand, you need to contact the original source.
I always say and never tire of repeating: Read the original sources!

What was the real story like?
That's how:

Chicken Ryaba (original text)

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman,
They had a chicken ryaba.
The hen laid an egg:
Motley, sharp, bone, tricky, -
She planted an egg in an aspen hollow,
In the kut - under the bench.
The mouse ran, returned with its tail,
Broken egg.
Grandfather began to cry about this testicle,
grandma cry,
Verei - laugh,
chickens fly,
Gates creak
Litter under the threshold lit up,
Doors pobutusilis, tyn crumbled,
The top of the hut shook...
And the ryaba hen says to them:
Grandfather do not cry, grandmother do not cry,
Chickens don't fly
Do not creak the gate, rubbish under the threshold
Don't smoke
Tyn do not crumble
Top on the hut do not stagger -
I'll lay you another testicle:
Motley, sharp, bone, tricky,
The testicle is not simple - golden.

(Kut - a chest in which chickens were kept in winter. Verei - pillars on which gates were hung. Pobutus - protruded, arched. Tyn - a fence, a palisade.)

That's it! It turns out that everything is exactly the opposite. FIRST there was a simple testicle, but a golden one was PROMISED!
Well, that sheds a lot of light already.
And yet, in order to understand the true meaning of this ancient tale, which has come down from the beginning of time, you need to carefully read its content, line by line.

The image of the Bird that lays down the World Egg is present in many mythologies and religions. But we are interested in the Slavic version, so let's turn to those close to it in spirit and origin:

1. The Finno-Ugric peoples, whose mythology is closely related to the Slavic-Aryan one, report (in the Kalevala epic) that a duck, the "daughter of air space", conceived from the east wind and laid several eggs on the knee of the water mother Ilmatar. These eggs broke and the world was born from their parts.

Initially, the entire surface of our planet was covered with land - the original mainland. In the process of the expansion of the planet, this first continent - the egg split, and its parts became the current continents, further and further diverging from each other (as the planetary expansion of the Earth continues).

We will call this first continent in accordance with the way it is now accepted - Gondwana. Only it did not stand in the middle of the ocean at all, but it covered the entire surface of the planet (as proven by computer simulations)! The oceans arose from the bowels of the Earth in the process of expansion - dehydration, that is, the release of hydrogen from the original core material - iron hydride and its combination with oxygen. That is why the egg, or the original mainland-dry land, was demolished "onto the waters" - the "waters" were born inside the planet!

2. In Hinduism, the divine bird carries the Cosmic egg to the primordial waters, from which Brahma, the supreme god of this world, arose. In another Vedic version, the yolk of the egg, the golden germ - Hiranyagarbha is the original form of Prajapati, the creator of the universe.

3. The Slavic-Aryan, Vedic, and as a result, the Hindu version quite logically echoes the ancient Egyptian:

In ancient Egyptian cosmogony white goose The "Great Gogotun", the incarnation of the earth god Seb, lays an egg from which the sun god Ra is born.

Seba, or Swa. Vedic mythology speaks of Mother Sva, or Mother Glory - who gave birth to this world "And now Mother Glory beats her wings on both sides, as if on fire, all shining with light" ("Book of Veles").

Ryaba, a speckled chicken, or a speckled chicken, symbolized the starry sky, which in turn symbolized Mother Sva or Mother Glory. “Like on fire, shining with light,” the night sky looks like in the Arctic, where there was ancient Hyperborea, the ancestral home of the Slavic-Aryans, during the aurora.

So with the pockmarked chicken, everything is quite clear.

Grandfather and woman - yes, this is a separate issue. Judging by a number of sources, grandfather is Svarog, the creator and creator of the world (hence the verb, which we perceive as jargon, but in fact is extremely ancient word- to bungle, that is, to create; just as the word "makar" in Shakta Yoga means a method, a way, hence the Russian "such a makar" - Sanskrit and Russian are related languages, since the Indo-Aryans and Slavic-Aryans once constituted one people in the past).

Baba is the wife of Svarog, or Brahma, Saraswati (again, as expected, the root of Swa) is the goddess of wisdom in Hinduism.

IN Greek mythology, which in essence is a later retelling of the Slavic-Aryan Vedas, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, will be born from the head of Zeus, thus being his daughter. Strictly speaking. Mother Sva, also not only a wife, but also ... the daughter of Svarog. Such is the divine incest, but we will not go deep.

Moreover, Sva is not only a woman who is “with her grandfather”, but also a “pockmarked chicken” herself. Another thing is important - the egg, the planet Earth, the original mainland split, continents and the world ocean arose, modern world. But coming into being also means the end, as we shall see a little later.

As for the kinship and even partly the identity of Hinduism and Slavic-Aryan Vedism, this does not require additional explanation, at least for the readers of my blog. The rest can be referred to sources, of which there are plenty.

Let's move on to the second part of the story.

The egg is broken by the mouse.

The mouse is originally a chthonic image, that is, related to the underground, infernal kingdom. This ancient representation preserved in particular in languages, for example, geli- (Indo-European proto-language "mouse") - qela (Lydian "earth"). In ancient Egyptian mythology, the mouse is a creature of the earth.

So, chthonic, infernal, or infernal forces crush the egg, or life. The apocalypse is coming. Its description in the tale of the ripples is similar to the "Apocalypse" of John Chrysostom: human crying, a column of smoke, a hurricane, an earthquake.

There are other versions of the tale (there are about 60 in total), which differ little from the original, but with the introduction of some additional details. For example, an oak, sheds foliage, a magpie breaks a leg, a priest's daughter, breaks the buckets with which she went through the water, the priest throws pies out the window, the priest breaks holy books and smashes his head on the door frame.

Pop is a later concept, the perception of a priest as such. Among the Slavic-Aryans, priests are sorcerers, sorcerers, or keepers of the Vedas - sacred tests. The sorcerers tore these sacred texts, because knowledge at the end of the world does not matter. And he broke his head - the material receptacle of the mind. But the soul has not died, just as knowledge cannot die. And the end of the world is followed by the beginning of a new world!

This is where the detail becomes extremely interesting: “the faiths laugh.” And why are these pillars actually laughing? Around death, destruction, horror, but they find it funny?

We know that the ancient Slavs burned the dead and laughed at the same time. Ibn Rusta Abu Ali Ahmed ibn Omar writes in his book Dear Values ​​(9th century CE):

“The country of the Slavs is flat and wooded, and they live in it.
When someone dies among them, the corpse is burned.
When the deceased is burned, they indulge in noisy fun, expressing joy.

Why or why were they laughing?

Strabo also reported on the Egyptians who buried their dead to loud laughter.

I don't really like V.Ya. Propp, but in detail it is sometimes useful. So Propp believed that the laughter of the ancients at death and murder meant the upcoming new birth.

"Laughter when killing turns death into a new birth, destroys murder. Thus, this laughter is an act of piety that turns death into a new birth" (Kaisarov A. S., Glinka G. A., Rybakov B. A. Myths of the ancient Slavs. Velesova book, Saratov, 1993).

That is, laughter is a way of starting or conceiving a new life through death.

Thus, laughter is a symbol of the re-creation of life through death.

Now it is clear that the laughter of faiths is a harbinger of a new life through death and the destruction of this world.

That's why the pillars laugh.

We will not delve into the topic of pillars, it is known how symbolic the image of a pillar is in all mythologies, and first of all in the Slavic-Aryan and Indo-Aryan, here is the link between heaven and earth and the path of ascent, and even a phallic symbol. Shiva, world energy, creation-destruction of the worlds. The pillar is the axis of the earth, which is located at the North Pole (“bears rub their backs against the earth’s axis”) and on which the Cat-Bayun, aka the World Tree, sits (in Pushkin’s cat, the scientist walks along the tree, along the chain, only he has a right- to the left, and in the Slavic-Aryan mythology up and down).

All this is separate big topic. Now the main thing is laughter at the death of the world, which means a harbinger of a new world and a new life.

At the same time, the gates creak, the top of the hut staggered, the tyn crumbled - everything clearly indicates a hurricane gust of wind. And this wind fills the hut, an important detail - “the doors were knocked down”, that is, they resounded, arched outward, the house was filled with wind.

The wind fertilizes the ryaba hen, as it is the fertilizing principle in the main mythologies (hence the “wind blew” about an incomprehensible pregnancy). This is the pregnancy of the new world.

Feeling this, the Ryaba chicken reassures everyone: it will new world, better than before, not crappy, but golden.

According to Hinduism, four ages or Yugas - Satya Yuga, Treta Yuga, Dvapara Yuga and Kali Yuga constitute the Manvantar cycle (Mahayuga or Chaturvy Yuga).
We are living in the age of Kali Yuga, which began in 3012 BC. and will continue for a long time.

The Kali Yuga corresponds to the Iron Age, this is the era of global degradation, when virtue is in complete decline, the righteous are in poverty, criminals are prospering.

Here are descriptions of the Kali Yuga in Hinduism:

"Norms of legality and justice in relations
between people will be established by those who are stronger.

Greedy and ruthless rulers will behave not
better than ordinary thieves."

(Srimad Bhagavatam)

“When the age of Kali comes, deceit reigns on the earth,
lies, laziness, drowsiness, violence, depression, sorrow,
confusion, fear and poverty.

Men in the Kali Yuga will be absolutely miserable creatures,
under the control of women.

Uncultured people will collect in the name of God
alms and earn a living just dressing up in
monks' clothes and playing ostentatious renunciation.

(Bhumi Gita)

"In the Kali Yuga, lawlessness predominates by three quarters."


"Descending movement of manifestation", Kali Yuga - the end of the Manvantar cycle (Chaturvya Yuga), when the "spark of being" is exhausted, disappears and a special situation of the end of time, the apocalypse, arises.

The apocalypse is followed by a new cycle, the world is moving into a new Golden Era, called Satya Yuga in Hinduism. The golden egg promised by the pockmarked hen is this era, the “golden age”, when people will again live in harmony with the Trinity of Gods (Father-Son-Holy Spirit in Christianity, Brahma-Vishnu-Shiva in Hinduism, Trinity in Slavic Aryan Vedas) and in harmony with nature.

So, the meaning of the fairy tale “about the chicken ripples” becomes clear:

The hen Ryaba laid an egg, that is, the world in the fourth, current, Iron Age. Chthonic, infernal beginning The mouse breaks or cracks (“breaks”) this egg, thus completing the Kali Yuga (a parallel meaning is creating a world inhabited by mankind, split into parts of the first continent and the world ocean). As a result, the end of the world comes, the world perishes. However, chaos is the beginning of a new Golden Age, Satya Yuga, a new world and a new cycle of Manvantara.

Like this. The tale of the chicken ryaba is both a story about the beginning of the world (the split of the first continent) and a prophecy about the end of the Iron Age (the end of the Kali Yuga) and the onset of a new "golden age".

That is, in fact, the tale of the hen Ryaba is both a prophecy about the end of this world and the end of the Kali Yuga, and a message about the creation of the world, the split of the first continent, the formation of the continents and the oceans in the process of planet expansion (dehydration of the planetary core). In the first case, the golden egg is new era, Golden Age. In the second - life itself, which came to a lifeless, but "whole" planet.

Deep meaning, age-old wisdom, coming from the beginning of time - that's what this fairy tale is. Why was it so distorted, why and when, cut down to two sentences, and even turned inside out, turning it into an absurdity?

It is stupid, yes, it is strange that we know so little about the religion, history and philosophy of our ancestors, meanwhile, the history of Rus' did not begin at all with Baptism, but at least several millennia before this event. And what depths of knowledge are not hidden in this story. Or maybe then they hide so that we look for them?

Well, if the fairy tale about the chicken ripples were at least somewhat logical, even if primitive, did anyone begin to look for its meaning?

Fairy tale Hen Ryaba about the golden egg has more than one hundred and fifty variants of texts, but we offer you the nine most, in our opinion, remarkable and diverse: from the textbook, which is customary to read to children (initially it was included in Ushinsky's book " native word”), to the farcical and grotesque tex of Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl.

Which of these options fairy tales Hen Ryaba considered canonical is not clear. Ushinsky preferred the former, and perhaps some of you will follow his preferences. At least, it is this option that occurs in the head at the mention of the phrase Kurochka Ryaba.

Tale Hen Ryaba (original)

There lived a grandfather and a woman. And they had a Ryaba Hen.

The chicken laid an egg, but not a simple one - a golden one.

Grandfather beat - did not break.

Baba beat - did not break.

And the mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke.

The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, and Hen Ryaba says to them:

Do not cry, grandfather, do not cry, woman: I will lay you a new egg, not golden, but simple!

Fairy tale Hen Ryaba in the processing of A. N. Tolstoy

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman,

They had a chicken ryaba.

The hen laid an egg:

She planted an egg in a hornet's hollow,

In kut, under the bench.

The mouse ran, returned with its tail,

Broken egg.

Grandfather began to cry about this testicle,

Grandmother to cry, faith to laugh,

Litter underfoot lit up,

Doors pobutusilis, tyn crumbled,

The top of the hut shook...

And the ryaba hen says to them:

Grandfather, do not cry, grandmother, do not cry,

Chickens don't fly

Gate, do not creak, rubbish under the threshold,

Don't smoke

Tyn, don't fall apart

Top on the hut, don't stagger

I'll lay you another testicle:

Motley, vostro, bone, tricky,

The testicle is not simple - golden.

Notes by A.N. Tolstoy:

Kut - corner.

Verei - pillars at the gate.

Pobutusilis - bulged out, swelled up.

Fairy tale Hen Ryaba (Hen) in the processing of A. N. Afanasiev (2 versions of the fairy tale)

Option 1

Once upon a time there was an old man with an old woman, they had a Tatar hen, she laid an egg in a kuta under the window: colorful, vostro, bone, tricky! She put it on the shelf; the mouse walked, shook its tail, the shelf fell, the testicle broke. The old man cries, the old woman weeps, she burns in the oven, the top of the hut staggers, the granddaughter girl strangled herself with grief. There is a mallow, asking: why are they crying like that? The old people began to retell: “How can we not cry? We have a Tatar hen, she laid an egg in a kut under the window: colorful, vostro, bone, tricky! She put it on the shelf; the mouse walked, shook its tail, the shelf fell, the testicle broke! I, an old man, cry, the old woman sobs, burns in the oven, the top of the hut staggers, the granddaughter girl strangled herself with grief. As she heard the prosvirnya, she broke all the prosvirs and threw them away. The deacon comes up and asks the prosvira: why did she leave the prosvira?

She told him all the grief; The deacon ran to the bell tower and broke all the bells. The priest comes and asks the sexton: why did you interrupt the bells? The deacon retold all the grief to the priest, and the priest ran, tore up all the books.

Option 2

Like our grandmother in the backyard

There was a ryabushechka chicken;

The hen planted an egg,

From shelf to shelf

In an aspen hollow,

In the hood under the bench.

The mouse ran

Tail returned -

Broken egg!

About this testicle build

Baba weep, faiths laugh,

Chickens fly, gates creak;

Litter under the threshold lit up,

The priest's daughters walked with water,

The tub was broken

Popadye said:

“You don’t know anything, mother!

After all, in the grandmother's backyard

There was a ryabushechka chicken;

The hen planted an egg,

From shelf to shelf

In an aspen hollow,

In the hood under the bench.

The mouse ran

Tail returned -

Broken egg!

About this testicle, the system began to cry,

Baba weep, faiths laugh.

Chickens fly, gates creak,

Litter under the threshold lit up,

Doors pobutusilis, tyn crumbled;

We walked with water - the tub was broken!

Popadya kneaded sourdough -

She scattered all the dough on the floor;

I went to church, I said to my ass:

"You do not know anything...

After all, in the grandmother's backyard

(The same story is repeated again.)

Tyn crumbled;

Our daughters walked with water -

The tub was broken, I was told;

I kneaded the dough

I swept all the dough!

Pop began to tear the book -

Scattered all over the floor!

Tale Hen Ryaba from some areas (4 versions of the tale)

Expensive testicle (Saratov region)

An old man lived with an old woman. And they had a chicken ryabushechka, an old old woman. She laid an egg in the porch on a shelf, on a rye straw. No matter where the mouse came from, it cracked this testicle. The grandfather is crying, the woman is grieving, she has broken her leg, the tyn has become loose, the oak tree has knocked off its leaves. Popov's daughter went for water, broke buckets, came home without water. Popadya asks: "Why are you a daughter, did you come without water?" She says: What a grief for me, what a great one for me: “The old man and the old woman lived. And they had a chicken, an old old woman, an old woman. , the woman is grieving, she broke her leg forty, the tyn was loosened, the oak tree was knocked off its leaves. And I went for water, broke the buckets, broke the yoke. Popadya with grief and threw the pies out the window. Pop goes: "What are you doing, popadya?" And she replies: “What a grief for me, what a great one for me. An old man lived with an old woman. And they had an old old woman’s chicken ryabushechka. she's crying, the woman is grieving, the magpie's leg is broken, the tyn is loosened, the oak tree is knocked off its leaves. Our daughter went to fetch water, broke the buckets, broke the yoke. hurt yourself!" The pop ran away, but how he hit the jamb! Here he died. They began to bury the priest and celebrate the wake. What an expensive egg!

Chicken ryabushka (Voronezh region)

There lived a grandfather and a grandmother. And they had a chicken ryabushka. The hen was not simple, which means that she laid golden eggs. Here the ryabushka laid a golden egg, such a large one, it's a pleasure to look at. Grandfather saw an egg and calls his grandmother. They began to praise the chicken ryabushka. And then the grandfather says: "Put a testicle on a good place put to be seen. Well, they put it down. Put and do not fall in love. Enjoyed all day. And my grandparents had a purring cat, very angry to mice. And when the grandfather and grandmother went to bed, the purr began to run after the mouse. Thought to eat it. The mouse is here and there - you can’t get anywhere from the cat. She saw an egg, wanted to hide behind it - and dive onto the shelf. And the egg on the shelf could not resist and fell to the floor and broke. Grandfather and grandmother get up in the morning. Give, they think, we will admire the testicle. Look, there is no egg on the shelf. Lying on the floor and broken everything as it is. Grandfather and grandmother began to wail and went to complain to the ryabushka. And the hen says to them: "Don't cry, grandfather, don't cry, grandmother! The chicken ryabushka will lay another golden egg for you, better than the previous one."

Hen-tatator (Vologda region)

A tatator hen Laid eggs In the corner on a shelf, On an oatmeal straw. A mouse came, wagged its tail, pushed the testicle, the testicle rolled under the tyn into the garden. Tyn buckled, Soroka broke his leg.

She began to jump: Chiki, chiki, magpie! Where have you been?

- Far.

- I'm at my grandmother's on a spin. What did you eat?

- What did you drink?

- Brazhka. Butter porridge, Good old lady, And sweet mash.

Belarusian version of the fairy tale Hen Ryaba

There lived a grandfather and a woman. And they had a chicken ryaba. And the hen laid an egg. Grandfather beat, beat, beat - not breaking. Baba beat, beat, beat - did not break. It is necessary to put the eggs in a basket, and won - in a basket. They didn’t wrap up the trapitza, they put it on the police. A mouse ran (and how much their passion was!) across the police, twisted its tail (hand gesture), touched the testicle. The testicle rolled, rolled - bang, rumble! And crashed. Baba cries: "Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah!" ( high voice). Grandfather cries: "Whoo! Woo! Woo! (bass voice). And the chicken run: Where-where! Where-where! Don't cry, grandfather and woman! I'll lay you an egg like that , is: "Not a simple egg - a golden one! And laid down a golden egg. Grandfather Iago sold and bought a stove so that there was somewhere to lie down. And to the stove - a pipe, and to the pipe - a hut, and to the hut - lavas. They brought the guys - everyone is sitting on the benches, eating porridge, ruining bread, and listening to fairy tales.

Fairy tale Hen Ryaba (OLD GREAT WORN) in the processing of V. I. Dahl

There was an old man and an old woman, they had a little ryabushka chicken; the ravioli laid the first egg in the kuta in front of the stove, under the very window; motley brightly bone tricky.

The old woman put the testicle on the shelf, the mouse ran, wagged its tail, turned the shelf, the testicle rolled down, crashed on the floor. The old man is crying, the old woman is sobbing, the hen is clucking, the fire is burning in the stove, the doors are creaking, the rubbish is swirling under the threshold, the tyn is squinting, the gates are slamming, wood chips are flying into the field. Neighbors came running: what, what?

The old man says: like this and this, our hen ryabushechka laid an egg, colorfully brightly bone tricky. The old woman put the testicle on the shelf, the mouse ran, wagged its tail, turned the shelf, the testicle rolled down, crashed on the floor; I am an old man crying, an old woman is crying, a hen is clucking, a fire is burning in the stove, the doors are creaking, rubbish has swirled under the threshold, the tyn has squinted, the gates are slamming, wood chips are flying in the field! As the neighbors heard about the old man's grief, they shrugged and yelled at the whole village.

The village fled: what, what?

The old man says: like this and this, our chicken ryabushechka, laid an egg, motley, vostro, bone, tricky. They put the testicle on the shelf, the mouse ran, wagged its tail, turned the shelf, the testicle rolled down, crashed on the floor! I am an old man crying, an old woman is crying, a hen is clucking, a fire is burning in the stove, doors are creaking, rubbish has swirled under the threshold, the tyn has squinted, gates are slamming, wood chips are flying in the field, neighbors are crying all over the village, waving their hands! Then the whole village began to cry out loud, it began to tear its hair, to grieve over the old man's great grief.

Publication date: 11/18/2016 . Publication date: .

The tale about Ryaba the chicken was actually not quite the same as we were told in childhood, but a little more complicated. This is an example of a "chain" tale.
In different areas there were different variants. So you decide which one is better to tell your children.

Saratov region
Dear testicle

An old man lived with an old woman. And they had a chicken ryabushechka, an old old woman. She laid an egg in the porch on a shelf, on a rye straw. No matter where the mouse came from, it cracked this testicle.
The grandfather is crying, the woman is grieving, she has broken her leg, the tyn has become loose, the oak tree has knocked off its leaves. Popov's daughter went for water, broke buckets, came home without water.
Popadya asks: “Why are you a daughter, did you come without water?” She says: What a grief for me, what a great one for me: “An old man lived with an old woman. And they had a chicken ryabushechka, an old old woman. She laid an egg in the porch on a shelf, on a rye straw. No matter where the mouse came from, it cracked this testicle. The grandfather is crying, the woman is grieving, she has broken her leg, the tyn has become loose, the oak tree has knocked off its leaves. And I went for water, broke the buckets, broke the yoke. Even if you are a priest, leave the pies out the window with grief!
Popadya with grief and threw the pies out the window. Pop goes: "What are you doing, pododya?" And she replies: “What a grief for me, what a great one for me. An old man lived with an old woman. And they had a chicken ryabushechka, an old old woman. She laid an egg in the porch on a shelf, on a rye straw. No matter where the mouse came from, it cracked this testicle. The grandfather is crying, the woman is grieving, she has broken her leg, the tyn has become loose, the oak tree has knocked off its leaves. Our daughter went for water, broke the buckets, broke the yoke. And with grief I left all the pies out the window.
And you, priest, at least hurt yourself on the jamb with grief!
The pop ran away, but how he hit the jamb! Here he died. They began to bury the priest and celebrate the wake. What an expensive egg!

(Tales of the Saratov region. Saratov, 1937. P. 147-148).

Voronezh region
chicken ryabushka

There lived a grandfather and a grandmother. And they had a chicken ryabushka. The hen was not simple, which means that she laid golden eggs. Here the ryabushka laid a golden egg, such a large one, it's a pleasure to look at. Grandfather saw an egg and calls his grandmother. They began to praise the chicken ryabushka. And then the grandfather says: “Put a testicle in a good place so that it can be seen. Well, they put it down. Put and do not fall in love. Enjoyed all day. And my grandparents had a purring cat, very angry to mice. And when grandfather and grandmother went to bed, the purr began to
run with the mouse. Thought to eat it. The mouse is here and there - you can’t get anywhere from the cat. She saw an egg, wanted to hide behind it - and dive onto the shelf. And the egg on the shelf could not resist and fell to the floor and broke. Grandfather and grandmother get up in the morning. Give, they think, we will admire the testicle. Look, there is no egg on the shelf. Lying on the floor and broken everything as it is. Grandfather and grandmother began to wail and went to complain to the ryabushka. And the hen says to them: “Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, grandmother! The chicken ryabushka will lay another golden egg for you, better than the previous one.

(From Danshina Natalya Mikhailovna (1892), Krasovka village, Gribanovsky district, in 1969//Folk tale Voronezh region. Modern records. Voronezh 1977 under. ed. Kretova. Page 17, No. 1.)

Vologda region
There was an old man, yes an old woman

There was an old man, yes an old woman. And they had a colorful hen. She laid a testicle at Kot Kotofeich under the window on a fur coat. Look, the mouse jumped out, returned with its tail, blinked its eye, kicked with its foot, broke the egg. The old man cries, the old woman cries, the broom plows, the mortar dances, the pestles are pounded. The priestly girls went to the well for water, and they were told that the egg had been broken. The girls broke buckets with grief. Popadya was told that she planted pies under the stove without memory. They told the priest, the priest ran to the bell tower, to ring the alarm. The laity gathered:
"What happened?" Here the laity began to fight among themselves out of vexation.

(Sokolovs, 142. From Elizaveta Panteleevna Chistyakova, Pokrovskaya village, Punem volost, Kirillovsky district, Novgorod province.)

Ukrainian plot
Chernihiv region
Chicken Ryaba

There lived a grandfather and a woman. They had a chicken ryaba. The chicken laid an egg, not a simple one - a golden one. Grandfather beat, beat - did not break. Baba beat, beat - did not break. The mouse ran, touched the tail, the testicle fell and broke. The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, and the hen is clucking: - Don't cry, grandfather, don't cry, woman: I'll lay you an egg, not a golden one - a simple one!

Ryabonka Chicken

Live did, yes woman. Dida had a chicken ryabenka. A chicken on an egg, and a mouse jumped out at the window, waving its tail, the egg fell and broke. They began to cry. The hen laid another egg; Toda the chicken disappeared two days later.

(Ploskoye village, Nezhinsky district of Chern.).

Poltava region
Did and Baba

Buv sobi did and baba. Mali sobi chicken ryabushka.

Did weep, the woman weep, the gates creak, forty chirps.
A magpie flew, strength on a oak tree. Feed the magpie oak: “Why are you chirping?”, “Hey, oak, oak. If you knew, then you would lower the leaves. Oak leaves let go.

The hen laid an egg, the woman is sweet, she broke the egg.
Did weep, the woman weep, the gates creak, the magpie chirps, the oak leaves are lowered.
Come bull. Pitae goby: “Why are you lowering the leaves?” "As if you knew, then you would have forgotten the ryuzhki."
Buv sobi did and baba. Mali sobi chicken ryabushka.
The hen laid an egg, the woman is sweet, she broke the egg.
Did weep, the woman weep, the gates creak, the magpie chirps, the oak let the leaves go, the bull-calf pozbyv.
The bull went to the water. Drink water: “Why are you beating the ryuzhki?” “Water to her, water, as if you knew, then you would become bloody.”
Buv sobi did and baba. Mali sobi chicken ryabushka.
The hen laid an egg, the woman is sweet, she broke the egg.
Did weep, the woman weep, the gates creak, the magpie chirps, the oak leaf let go, the goby pozbyvav, the water became blood.
The priest's hired hand came for water: "Water, water, why have you become blood?" "Divko, divko, as if you knew, then you would have stayed in the vidra."
Buv sobi did and baba. Mali sobi chicken ryabushka.
The hen laid an egg, the woman is sweet, she broke the egg.
Did weep, the woman weep, the gates creak, the magpie chirped, the oak leaves let go, the goby pozbyvka, the water became blood, the hired wife stayed.
The hired hand came home. Puup pitae: "What have you been to?" "Hey priest, priest, as if you knew, then you would have thrown everything out of the church."
Buv sobi did and baba. Mali sobi chicken ryabushka.
The hen laid an egg, the woman is sweet, she broke the egg.
Did weep, the woman weep, the gates creak, the magpie chirped, the oak let its leaves down, the goby poked its head, the water became blood, the hired wife was gone, and she threw out the church.
Priyshov pyup to come. Then you try: “Priest, priest, why did you throw out the churches?” “Oh, hitting, hitting, as if you knew, then you would have thrown out the proskury.”
Buv sobi did and baba. Mali sobi chicken ryabushka.
The hen laid an egg, the woman is sweet, she broke the egg.
Did weep, the woman weep, the gates creak, forty chirps, let the oak leave, the goby pozbyvav, the water became blood, the hiring vidra stayed, throwing the mustache out of the church, throwing out the scurry.

(M. Borispol, Pereyaslavsky district, Poltava province. Chubinsky. Proceedings of an ethnographic and statistical expedition to the Western Russian region. Materials and studies collected by Chubinsky. T.2 Little Russian fairy tale. St. Petersburg. 1878 part. 1 , 2)

Kharkov region.
About chicken ryaba

Buv sobi did that woman, and they have a pockmarked chicken, she laid an egg, not simpler, more golden. Did beat - without breaking, the woman beat - did not break. They put it in a skull, put it in a little box. Beagle mouse, hooked with a tail and rozbyl. Did cry, woman cry, kudkudache chicken, straws rip the doors.
There is an oak tree. “Doors, doors, why are you roaring?
“Let go of the gill, I will say so. Oak and gill down.
“Well, it seems, we don’t roar: Buv sobi did that woman, and they have a pockmarked chicken, she laid an egg, not simpler, more golden. Did beat - without breaking, the woman beat - did not break. They put it in a skull, put it in a little box. Beagle mouse, hooked with a tail and rozbyl. Did cry, woman cry, kudkudache chicken, straws rip the doors. I lowered the gill oak.
Ide the ram of the water of torture: “Oak, oak, why did you lower the gill?” “Keep your horns together, I’ll say so. Vin took and posbyvav.
“But they didn’t let me down: Buv sobi did that woman, and they have a chicken pockmarked, she laid an egg, not simpler, more golden. Did beat - without breaking, the woman beat - did not break. They put it in a skull, put it in a little box. Beagle mouse, hooked with a tail and rozbyl. Did cry, woman cry, kudkudache chicken, straws rip the doors. Pozbivav oak gill. The ram has forgotten its horns.
Priyshov ram to the river.
“Sheep, ram, have you called your horns? “And become crooked, so I will say. Richka became crooked. “But my horns will not be forgotten: Buv sobi did that woman, and they have a pockmarked chicken, she laid an egg, not simpler, more golden. Did beat - without breaking, the woman beat - did not break. They put it in a skull, put it in a little box. Beagle mouse, hooked with a tail and rozbyl. Did cry, woman cry, kudkudache chicken, straws rip the doors. I lowered the gill oak. The ram has forgotten its horns. Richka became crooked.
Arriving before the river, the popov’s diva of the banyta’s plates: “Richka, richka, why have you become crooked?”
“And beat that dish, I’ll say so. Divka stayed.
“Well, it seems, I’m not crooked: Buv sobi did that woman, and they have a chicken pockmarked, she laid an egg, not simpler, more golden. Did beat - without breaking, the woman beat - did not break. They put it in a skull, put it in a little box. Beagle mouse, hooked with a tail and rozbyl. Did cry, woman cry, kudkudache chicken, straws rip the doors. I lowered the gill oak. The ram has forgotten its horns. Divka stayed the dishes.
The diva came to the house, and when she got herself, she taught the deeja. “Why are you trying to eat dishes?
And scatter tsyu rozchyna on hati, so I will say. Spoiled the popaddy rozchyna, divka, and it seems:
“But I haven’t been visited: Buv sobi did that woman, and they have a chicken pockmarked, she laid an egg, not simpler, more golden. Did beat - without breaking, the woman beat - did not break. They put it in a skull, put it in a little box. Beagle mouse, hooked with a tail and rozbyl. Did cry, woman cry, kudkudache chicken, straws rip the doors. I lowered the gill oak. The ram has forgotten its horns. Divka stayed the dishes. Having hit the rozchyna on the khati, she scattered it.
Come pip: “What have you got?
“And dry the scythe, so I will say. Pip got it, and snarled it.
“But they don’t tell me: Buv sobi did that woman, and they have a chicken pockmarked, she laid an egg, not simpler, more golden. Did beat - without breaking, the woman beat - did not break. They put it in a skull, put it in a little box. Beagle mouse, hooked with a tail and rozbyl. Did cry, woman cry, kudkudache chicken, straws rip the doors. I lowered the gill oak. Pozbivav oak gill. The ram has forgotten its horns. Divka stayed the dishes. Mother rozchynu rozchyna hati. Pip trimmed his hair.

(Manzhura I. I. Fairy tales, proverbs, etc. recorded in the Ekaterinoslav and Kharkov provinces. Collection of the Kharkov Philological Society. Vol. 3, issue 2 Kharkov. 1890.)

Belarusian plot

There lived a grandfather and a woman. And they had a chicken ryaba. And the hen laid an egg. Grandfather beat, beat, beat - without breaking. Baba beat, beat, beat - did not break. It is necessary to put the eggs in a basket, and won - on a basket. They didn’t wrap up the trapitza, they put it on the police. A mouse ran (and how much their passion was!) across the police, twisted its tail (hand gesture), touched the testicle. The testicle rolled, rolled - bang, rumble! And crashed. Baba cries: “Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, ah-ah!” (high voice). Grandfather cries: “Whoa! U-s-s! U-s-s! (bass). And the chicken run: Where-where!
Where-where! Do not cry, grandfather and grandmother! I will lay an egg for you like this, like this: “Not a simple egg - a golden one! And laid down a golden egg. Grandfather Iago sold and bought a stove so that there was somewhere to lie down. And to the stove - a pipe, and to the pipe - a hut, and to the hut - benches. They brought the guys in - everyone is sitting on the benches, eating porridge, ruining bread, and listening to fairy tales.

(Melnikov M.N. Rus. Det. Folklore. M., 1987).

PS And also an excellent song about the chicken ryabushka is sung by Belarusians - the group "YUR'YA", soloist-director Yuri Vydronak.
I advise you to download this song (the rest are not for everyone), although it is rather inconvenient to download materials there from the rapid ball, and you also need to register.

There lived a grandfather and a woman. And they had a Ryaba Hen.

The chicken laid an egg, but not a simple one - a golden one.

Grandfather beat - did not break.

Baba beat - did not break.

And the mouse ran, waved its tail, the testicle fell and broke.

The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, and Hen Ryaba says to them:

- Do not cry, grandfather, do not cry, woman: I will lay you a new egg, not golden, but simple!

The original full story

There lived a grandfather and a woman, they had a hen Ryaba; she laid a testicle under the floor - colorful, bright, boney, tricky! The grandfather beat - did not break, the woman beat - did not break, and the mouse ran and crushed it with its tail. The grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, the chicken is cackling, the gates are creaking, chips are flying from the yard, the top is staggering in the hut!

The priest's daughters went for water, they asked the grandfather, they asked the woman:

What are you crying about?

How can we not cry! - answer the grandfather and the woman. - We have a chicken Ryaba; she laid a testicle under the floor - colorful, bright, boney, tricky! The grandfather beat - did not break, the woman beat - did not break, and the mouse ran and crushed it with its tail.

When the priest's daughters heard this, out of great grief they threw the buckets to the ground, broke the yokes, and returned home empty-handed.

— Ah, mother! they say to the popadye. “You don’t know anything, you don’t know anything, but there is a lot of work in the world: a grandfather and a woman live for themselves, they have a hen Ryaba; she laid a testicle under the floor - colorful, bright, boney, tricky! The grandfather beat - did not break, the woman beat - did not break, and the mouse ran and crushed it with its tail. That is why the grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, the hen is cackling, the gates are creaking, chips are flying from the yard, the top is staggering in the hut. And we, going for water, abandoned the buckets, broke the rockers!

At that time, the priest was crying, and the hen was cackling, and immediately, out of great grief, knocked over the sourdough and scattered all the dough on the floor.

The pope came with a book.

— Ah, father! the priest tells him. “You don’t know anything, you don’t know anything, but there is a lot of work in the world: a grandfather and a woman live for themselves, they have a hen Ryaba; she laid a testicle under the floor - colorful, bright, boney, tricky! The grandfather beat - did not break, the woman beat - did not break, and the mouse ran and crushed it with its tail. That is why the grandfather is crying, the woman is crying, the hen is cackling, the gates are creaking, chips are flying from the yard, the top is staggering in the hut! Our daughters, going for water, abandoned the buckets, broke the rocker arms, and I kneaded the dough and, out of great grief, scattered everything on the floor!

The pope grumbled and grieved, tore his book to shreds.
