Pasha Volya and Marika why broke up. TV presenter and model Marika Kravtsova: biography, career and personal life

“Why did the TV presenter and resident of the Comedy Club Pavel Volya break up with Marika? Is his alliance with Laysan Utyasheva strong? - the winner of the TV show "Battle of Psychics" on TNT answered the questions of our readers Natalia Vorotnikova .

"Alas! The union of Pavel and Laysan is not from the category of fateful ones, I don’t see a future in this relationship, the clairvoyant said, looking at the photo. - And it's not just that the partners are completely different people. We have already said that differences in characters and attitudes do not always threaten a family boat. In a successful scenario, partners complement each other, value their relationship, and therefore peace and mutual understanding reign in the family.

I see that Pavel and Laysan have discussed plans for the future more than once and have come to the conclusion that they need to be together. However, this union is not destined: it will turn out to be short, but will fall apart on the initiative of Paul, who by his nature does not accept any long-term obligations. He constantly doubts himself, has an unbalanced character, is used to proving to others and to himself that he is strong and confident. All these features largely became the reason for the collapse and his union with Marika (with Maria Kravtsova, TV presenter and former model. - Note ed.), who considered Pavel, who knew how to look after and take care so beautifully, the most reliable of men. There was love and passion in their relationship, Pavel was the first to cool down, and Marika was very worried about this.


But everything is already in the past - she is happily married to a man older than her, a businessman. This union is very successful, the couple will have two children. And with Laysan and Pavel, I see a common child who will be born in a few months. After a break with the TV presenter, Laysan will marry again after some time and give birth to a second child. But this marriage will also be fragile - the spouses will divorce. I see that for several years they are destined to live in a very cold land - where exactly, I can’t say for sure right now. This is definitely the territory of Russia - mountains covered with ice are visible, and a plain on which there are several houses. The spouses will settle in one of them: such a movement will be associated with the work of the future spouse Laysan. After a divorce from her second husband, the former gymnast and TV presenter will live with children for several years, but at the age of 50 she will marry again, and only this marriage will be calm and lasting for her.

And Pavel Volya will marry twice more, in one of the marriages the TV presenter will have a child (according to fate, he has two children from different women). As for his career, it is currently at its peak: the Comedy Club resident will not be able to fly higher in the future.

The host of the MTV and TNT channels, the girlfriend of the "glamorous bastard" Pasha Volya, Maria Kravtsova or simply Marika, strive for a happy family life. But first, the ambitious girl intends to pursue her career. However, Marika does not deny that in the next few years she is ready to build a cozy family nest.

Recently, the beautiful Marika has also taken up fashion design. Her line immediately became a success. In addition, Maria Kravtsova is the owner of various style awards, which precedes her success.

- Once you said that Pasha Volya had to sell his Hammer in order to provide you with a luxurious wardrobe. How much money do you spend on clothes?
- Well, there was, of course, a joke about Hammer. In general, I believe that many people spend much more on clothes. And I'm not the kind of person who is very fixated on this. Of course, I love clothes, but not to such an extent as to throw millions on it. Plus, if you have good taste, you don't have to spend thousands to look stylish. You can get dressed for very little money. No one really influences my style. Pasha and I are enough self-sufficient people to have our own opinion and live as we please. The same goes for wardrobe choices. It's nice, of course, when your beloved man appreciates your outfit, says nice things...

- Does Volya often compliment you?
- Well, let's put it this way: I have never been deprived of this goodness. Many men give me signs of attention. On the one hand, this is pleasant, but for some reason I am embarrassed all the time.

- And when other men compliment you, how does Pasha react?
- Not every guy dares to compliment me in front of Wola.

- Afraid?
- Maybe. And besides, it's not very ethical to praise a girl in front of her boyfriend. But on the other hand, when Pasha is a little jealous of me, I like it.

- Are you jealous of Will? After all, a lot of beautiful girls are constantly spinning around him.
Jealousy is a feeling of the weak. I don't mind that other girls like Pasha. Why not? Yes, I have a really cool dude!

- Wouldn't you like to have a wedding?
- Of course, I would like to, but not now. I'm still too young for this. Yes, and Volya is in no hurry ( laughs). But in the future, of course, I want to get my own family, strong as a rock.

- What about offspring?
- Sometimes, I catch myself thinking that I'm ready for motherhood, and then I realize that it's still too early.

- Marika, how does Pasha react to your erotic shootings for men's magazines?
- It somehow happened that when I started dating Will, these erotic shootings would stop. There was just such a period in my life when I really did a lot of filming for such magazines. I just think that while you are young and you have something to show, you can take pictures. Is not it so? Youth and beauty are leaving, I want it to remain imprinted for centuries. Now Pasha would probably not approve of this. But when I was filming, he was not in my life yet. However, we met him when he sneered at my shooting at Comedy. Problems arose with dad, who did not like it all. But we were able to calm him down.

So, is your mother on your side?
- Of course, she is my great friend. My parents divorced when I was still young. And since childhood, I felt some kind of responsibility for my mother. When at the age of 13 I went on a modeling path, I realized that I could get much more than she did. So I decided to plant her at home and work on my own. She worked hard, not refusing any offer, she did not choose a job. That is why she was able to earn a name for herself. And then my friend suggested that I try my hand at being a TV presenter. I was approved and I, an inexperienced girl, went to lead "Elementary Sex". It was difficult, but I gained a lot of experience. My mom is proud of me, I hope. And I, in turn, try not to stand still and grow.

- In pursuit of development, you took up design ...
- Yes, I'm just such a person that a lot of ideas are constantly spinning in my head. Always want to do something. And, as a former model, I really love different things and understand them a lot. Now she was able to fulfill her old dream and become a designer. So she performed at Russian Fashion Week. I was very nervous before this event. First of all, I make clothes that I like myself, that I would wear. In my opinion, femininity is relevant today - this is the idea I try to embody in my collections.

- Wouldn't you like to go to the federal channel?
- They don't go there, they invite you there. But such proposals have not yet been received. But, of course, I am set to grow creatively. Just like a happy family life.

Galina Karpenko

One of the sweetest and most passionate couples in show business broke up - Pavel Volya and Marika. It turns out that they decided to disperse before the New Year, but did not want to advertise it.

Pavel Volya met 25-year-old Marika at a Comedy Club performance. Their romance developed very rapidly, soon they began to live together and call their relationship family. And in society they always showed the most tender feelings, they were an exemplary couple. Pavel Volya said that he had decided on the choice of a life partner. “I made a choice in life, we trust each other. Having met Masha, I realized that pure love still exists. May God grant us to keep this happiness for a long time.”

Marika in an interview said that many men have now lost the desire to get married and stamp their passports. She admitted that marriage is a terrible word for her.

From time to time it was reported in the press that in the pair of Pavel and Marika, not everything is as smooth as we would like. The first serious conflict between them occurred 2 years ago, when Marika began acting in one of the musical projects. Pavel was jealous of Marika for his partner in the show Artyom, and Marika, in turn, was jealous of Pavel when he starred in the film "Plato" for actress Elizaveta Lotova. Then there was a split in their pair. They were rarely seen together at secular parties, and they generally spent the New Year holidays separately.

Friends say that this is a mutual decision to leave, quietly and without scandals. At the same time, Pavel and Marika managed to maintain warm friendly relations.

30-year-old Comedy Club resident Pavel Volya became an enviable groom. The showman broke up with his girlfriend, VJ Marika, whom he had been dating for three years.


The couple has not been seen together recently. They came to secular parties separately, and also left the parties, Pavel and Maria also spent the New Year holidays separately.

Secular gossip wondered: what happened to the relationship of the couple. As it turned out, Volya and Marika decided to leave before the New Year, but the cooling of relations is not advertised.

It has long been rumored that not everything is going smoothly between celebrities. A serious conflict occurred two years ago, when Marika began acting in a new project of one of the music TV channels. Then Volya was jealous of her show partner Artyom. And when Pavel starred in the film "Plato", it was rumored that Marika was jealous of the actress Elizaveta Lotova, writes "Express newspaper". But, despite this, in public, the couple always showed the most tender feelings. "I made a choice in life, we trust each other. Having met Masha, I realized that pure love still exists.. May God grant us to keep this happiness for a long time,” Paul said then.

Recall that Volya met the former model, 25-year-old Marika, at a Comedy Club performance. Young people very soon began to live together and call their relationship family.

Close friends say that the couple made the decision to leave mutually, quietly and without scandals. And most importantly, Pavel and Marika managed to maintain warm friendly relations with which their romance once began.

The showman took his beloved to the Red Sea "to make children"

The showman took his beloved to the Red Sea "to make children"

One of the funniest and cutest couples in Russian show business - 31-year-old Comedy Club member Pavel VOLIA and 25-year-old TV presenter Maria KRAVTSOVA - after a loud breakup, tried to arrange her personal life separately for a year and a half. But both, having never met a new love, decided once again to try to build a family together. This time it's official.

"Glamorous bastard" Pavel Volya and TV presenter Maria Kravtsova, better known as Marika, met at a Comedy Club performance. Seeing an attractive, smiling girl among the audience, Pavel boldly approached her to meet her after filming.

I didn’t know who she was, Volya said. - All the time while standing on the stage, I literally could not take my eyes off her. And she looked at me, batting her eyelashes and smiling with all her teeth. I was smitten!

First we were friends

At that time, Pavel had just broken up with a girl and could not even think about a new serious relationship. Marika herself also licked her wounds after breaking up with a hockey star Pavel Bure whom I dated for several years. By the way, it was Express Gazeta that wrote about the relationship between Marika and Pasha for the first time.

We had good moments with Bure, - recalls Marika. - But he did not occupy a special place in my life - Pasha was just one of my many men.

After they met, Volya offered to give Maria a ride home, the girl agreed, but admitted that she was hungry, and asked to go to some restaurant first. This was their first romantic dinner. Pavel refused alcohol that evening, as he was driving, and Masha decided to support a new acquaintance.

- Oh, we behaved very decently! Maria recalls. - Somehow immediately tuned in a friendly way. I immediately liked Pavlik very much - so positive and wise beyond his age. He told me something and laughed himself to tears, which brought me to some kind of hysterical laughter.

According to the guys, after that they were just friends - they gave each other gifts, called each other every day, chatted and laughed a lot. And then Volya unexpectedly invited the girl to go with him to the Seychelles. It was there that Kravtsova and Volya kissed for the first time. Returning to Moscow, the couple decided to live together. This news immediately spread in the press, and a photo hunt began for the stars.

Paparazzi were sitting in cars near the house, - says Masha. - We left the house and felt with our skin that they were looking at us. Journalists came up with some fables about me and Pasha. It was difficult, but together we overcame all the trials.

Pavel Volya and Maria Kravtsova lived together for more than four years.

Love with Jeanne

When Masha was offered to shoot in the new project “Five in Separation”, they began to gossip, they say, Kravtsova spread to her co-host, handsome Artem Koroleva. Then Volya began to go to the set with Masha to control his girlfriend. And suddenly Pavel himself was "caught" in the company of partners in the film "Plato", where Volya plays the main role. But the star couple survived these blows of fate. When all the gossip subsided, the news sounded like a bolt from the blue that Pasha and Masha ... broke up. For a long time, both refused to comment on their breakup, until Kravtsova admitted: “Our relationship did not develop, they reached a dead end. Nothing connects us with Pasha now.

There was gossip in the party that Volya really wanted a family and children, but Marika thought it was too early for her to have a baby, and she was going to make a career.

After parting with Pasha, Masha could not find herself in any way, - Olga and Vadim, friends of the couple, tell us. - She made mistakes, rushed from one extreme to another, she probably regrets a lot today.

Some psychologists believe that the hottest love lives for three or four years, says Kravtsova. - I kind of agree with that. At some point, the thrill ends. But, apart from love and passion, there must be respect, mutual understanding. To save all this, one must be tolerant ...

Red Sea of ​​Passion

For a year and a half of parting, neither Maria nor Pasha have met a worthy replacement for each other. Both remembered pleasant days and wonderful nights spent together. The couple's friends knew this. One day, one music channel offered Marika to become the host of an outdoor party. But after learning that the ex-lover would become her co-host, the girl flatly refused - it was too hard for her to see Pasha. The disappointed showman had to lead the beach party alone. After filming the program, Volya, who was also tormented by memories of Mashenka, decided to try to talk frankly with her and arrived at her house after midnight with a huge bouquet of peach roses.

“I was so dumbfounded when I saw him,” the girl recalls, “that I gave out something like: “Pasha, let's get married, or go away and don’t torture me!”

Having reconciled after a one and a half year gap, Masha and Pavel signed at the nearest regional registry office. The couple did not spend money on the wedding - the newlyweds decided to arrange a first-class honeymoon trip for themselves and went on a kite safari in the Red Sea.

I'm 25, and I seem to be ripe for a family, says Maria. - Ready to finally fulfill Pasha's dream - to become a father. Actually, since this trip, we have ceased to be protected.

I want many children, Volya always said. - I'm sure I'll have them! I will be the most gorgeous father in the world.

He is also supported by Marika, who said in a recent interview: “I will absolutely be a wonderful mother!” Let's hope that the dream of a young couple will come true this year.
