A collection of the best computer programs for drawing art. How to make a pop art portrait in photoshop How to draw art in Photoshop online

The pop art processing style does not lose its popularity. It is used for advertising posters, in the design of magazines and simply in social networks, as attractive avatars and campaign banners.

In this article, we'll show you how to make art in Photoshop. Or rather, we will make an art picture from a photo. And undoubtedly, the best program for creating art from photos is Photoshop. There are several ways to create art. We will consider the least labor-intensive and the fastest.

For work we need a portrait. Open the image in Photoshop. Duplicate the image layer ( Ctrl+J).

The background on the image needs to be removed. We wrote earlier in the article how to separate an object from the background.

If you have a uniform background in the photo, use the tool "Magic Wand"/Magic Wand Tool or . If the background is complex, then you need a tool Quick mask mode.

In our case, you can separate the girl from the background with the tool Quick selection tool. Working with a duplicate image.

Select the background without touching the model. Then invert the selection ( Ctrl+I). Now not the background is selected, but the object on the background, in our case, the girl.

After that, just press the key combination ctrl+c, ctrl+v so that the image of the girl separated from the background is transferred to a transparent layer.

Now we need to select Filter Gallery the one with which we can stroke the contours on our black and white photo and posterize the shadows and highlights. Posterizing will break the shades into levels, the transition between which will be very sharp. At this stage of creating art, each photo should have its own filter, or even two, if necessary. The most likely filters are: "Strokes" / Brush Strokes / "Stroke" / Ink Outlines And Accented Edges; Sketch/"Photocopy" / Photocopy; . The filter gallery is located at "Filter" / Filter main menu of the program. Important! When choosing a filter, the main working colors should be black and white.

In our case, the filter fit perfectly "Imitation" / Artistic / "Outlined Edges" / Poster Edges. The filter is customizable. On the left in the dialog box, you need to move the sliders until you achieve the desired result. Edge thickness ask 1 , Edge Intensity - 0 , "Posterization" / Posterization - 1 . Pay attention to how the lights and shadows are broken into levels. After completing the selection of parameters, click Ok.

It remains to colorize the image. An adjustment layer will help us with this. Gradient Map. You can call it in the list of adjustment layers, at the bottom of the layers palette.

A dialog box will open. Double click on the gradient to call up the settings.

In them, we have to set four color points for the gradient. We will move from left to right.

Learn more about Photoshop in courses.

There are sliders at the bottom of the gradient. They are control points (stops). Left dot - on Positions/Location 0%, right - 100%. With one click of the mouse below, under the gradient, you can create a new point. Grabbing it, you can move it left and right. Extra points can be deleted by highlighting and clicking on "Delete" / Delete. We have to put points on the positions of 25%, 50%, 75%. Let's assign a color to each point. The last two dots will be the same color, roughly similar to the person's skin tone.

You can set the color at the control point by double-clicking on it (on the slider). The palette will open. On the gradient of all colors, move the slider to desired color and in the large hue gradient window, select the appropriate tone. We close the window.

And now the points in turn.

With the addition of each new point shadow levels will be colored.

Set the point at position 25%, set the color to red.

The next point will be blue color, position 50%.

The penultimate point is 75%. Its color is selected close to the color of the skin. At the bottom there is a box marked # . Copy the color code from this window (select and press ctrl+c).

We already have the last point. Position 100%. We double-click on it, open the palette, in the box marked # select the inscription and paste our copied code by clicking ctrl+v. We close the window. Close the gradient map by clicking Ok.

The gradient map adjustment layer needs to be attached to the girl's layer, as we will be painting the background. To pin an adjustment layer, hover your mouse between it and the one you applied it to. Holding down alt, click between the adjustment layer and the image layer. The adjustment layer will have an arrow indicating it is attached to the layer below.

Create a new layer ( Shift+Ctrl+N) and drag it under the layer with the image of the girl.

Staying on the new layer, take the tool Rectangular Marquee Tool.

We put the cursor in the upper left corner of the image and, holding the left mouse button, drag down, on the right we stick to the middle of the image. A dotted area will appear. Then choose a tool "Pouring"(key G). The color can be selected by double-clicking on the primary color swatches, which is located at the very bottom of the toolbar.

The modern world changes everything, and anyone can become anyone, even an artist. In order to draw, it is not necessary to work in some special place, it is enough just to have programs for drawing art on your computer. This article shows the most famous of these programs.

Any graphics editor can be called an art drawing program, although not every such editor is able to please your desires. It is for this reason that this list will include a variety of programs with different functionality. Most importantly, each of the programs can become both a separate tool in your hands, and enter your set, which you can use in different ways.

This graphic editor is not intended for drawing art. More precisely, it was not designed for this. When it was created, the programmers were inspired by children, and the fact that it is in childhood that we become who we are now. This children's program has musical accompaniment, many tools, but is not very suitable for drawing quality art.


This art program is very similar to Adobe Photoshop. It has everything that Photoshop has - layers, corrections, the same tools. But not all tools are available in the free version, and this is an important disadvantage.


ArtRage is the most unique program in this collection. The fact is that the program has a set of tools that is great for drawing not only with a pencil, but also with paints, both oil and watercolor. Moreover, the image drawn by these tools is very similar to the real one. Also in the program there are layers, stickers, stencils and even tracing paper. The main advantage is that each tool can be customized and saved as a separate template, thereby expanding the capabilities of the program.


If Artweaver was like Photoshop, then this program is more like standard Paint with Photoshop capabilities. It has tools from Paint, layers, correction, effects, and even getting an image from a camera or scanner. Plus, it's completely free. The only negative is that sometimes it works much slower with 3D images.


This art drawing program is quite a powerful tool in the hands of an experienced user. It has a very wide functionality and a lot of possibilities. Of the possibilities, the most prominent is the conversion of a raster image to a vector one. There are also tools for working with layers, text and paths.


This graphic editor is another copy Adobe Photoshop, but it has a few differences. However, these differences are rather superficial. Here, too, there is work with layers, image correction and filters, but there is also image transformation, moreover, access to it is quite easy.

Paint Tool Sai

A huge number of different tool settings allow you to create almost new tool, which is a plus of the program. Plus, you can customize the toolbar directly. But, unfortunately, all this is available only for one day, and then you have to pay.

In our modern times you don't have to be able to draw to create art, you just need to have one of the programs on this list. They all have one common goal, but almost each of them approaches this goal in different ways, however, with the help of these programs you can create truly beautiful and unique art. What art creation software do you use?

Modern graphic editors are capable of a lot. So, with their help, you can change the photo by removing unnecessary elements or adding new ones. Or you can turn a seemingly ordinary picture into original art, and in this article we will talk about just that.

Most modern graphic editors supports the ability to work with levels (layers), which allows you to turn the image into black and white, and then give certain areas the desired color. And this is just one of options creating art. More details below.

Method 1: Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is one of the most convenient and most popular graphic editors. It provides practically endless possibilities to work with images. There are also tools for creating pop art photography in his arsenal, which we will use to solve our today's task.

  1. After installing the program, you need to open the photo you need. To do this, go to the submenu "File" and press the button "Open", after which you need to select the desired photo in the window that appears.
  2. The first step is to get rid of the background. To do this, create a duplicate layer by dragging the main background onto the icon "Create New Layer", and fill the main one with white using the tool "Pouring".
  3. Next, add a layer mask. To do this, select the desired layer and click on the icon "Add vector mask".
  4. Now erase the background with the tool "Eraser" and apply the layer mask by right-clicking on the mask.
  5. After the image is prepared, it is necessary to apply the correction, but before that we create a duplicate of the finished layer. To do this, drag it to the icon "Create New Layer". Make the new layer invisible by clicking on the small eye button next to it. Next, select the visible layer and go to "Image" - "Correction" - "Threshold". In the window that appears, set the most appropriate black and white ratio for the image.
  6. We remove the invisibility from the copy, and set the opacity to 60% .

    Now we go back to "Image" - "Correction" - "Threshold" and add shadows.

  7. Next, you need to merge the layers by selecting them and pressing the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+E. Then paint over the background in the color of the shadow (we select at our discretion). And after that we merge the background and the remaining layer. You can also erase unnecessary parts of the image with an eraser or add black to the parts of the image you need.
  8. Now let's color the image. To do this, you need to open the gradient map, which is in the drop-down list of the button for creating a new adjustment layer.

    By clicking on the color strip, open the window and select the three-color set there. After that, for each square, we select our own color.

  9. That's it, your pop art portrait is ready, you can save it in any convenient format by pressing a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+S.
  10. As you can see, the procedure is not too laborious. Also on our website there is an alternative instruction for turning a photo into pop art, available at the link below.

Method 2: Paint.NET

The free Paint.NET editor is easier to learn than Photoshop, but less rich in features. However, with this tool, you can also make art from a photo.

  1. Open the editor and use the items "Menu""File" to upload the desired photo.
  2. Paint.NET does not support working with masks, so the required fragment of the picture will need to be freed from the background yourself. For example, for a portrait, the image of a person should be selected using the tool "Lasso" and use the tool "Crop" from the toolbar.

    Fragments of the photo that are not captured by the tool can be removed "Eraser".
  3. Use the menu "Layer", in which select the item "Duplicate Layer".
  4. Select the created copy, open the menu again "Layer" and choose "Layer Properties".

    Set blend mode as "Multiplication" with an opacity value 135 .

    Use the menu again "Layer", but this time click on the option "Merge with next layer".
  5. Use the menu "Effects", select options "Artistic""Oil Painting".

    Parameter "Brush Size" put in position "3", A "Roughness of strokes" set to about 140 . Please note that in some cases it may be necessary to select a suitable value by eye.
  6. Next select menu "Correction", paragraph "Posterization".

    Review the result - if it does not satisfy you, uncheck the option "Synchronization" and manually select the appropriate color combination.
  7. Set an arbitrary color as the background - select the desired color on the RGB wheel in the box "Palette", then use the tool "Pouring".
  8. At the end of the work, merge the layers again (the last step of step 4) and save the image through the menu "File".

Paint.NET, although not the most functional of the available graphic editors, is completely free and easy to learn. Some of the missing features can be returned using third-party plugins.

Method 3: GIMP

The free analogue of Photoshop - GIMP - is also able to solve today's problem.

  1. Open an image using the menu "File""Open".
  2. After uploading the image, use the tool "Free allocation" to select the desired part of the picture. In GIMP, this tool is more convenient than in Paint.NET, so the procedure will go much faster. To activate selection in GIMP 2.10 and later, additionally press the key Enter when you select the required fragment.
  3. After selecting a part, use the menu items in sequence "Edit""Copy" And "Edit""Insert".
  4. A new floating layer will appear in the Layers dialog box. Right click on it and select "To a new layer".

    Repeat the operation, and this time select "Layer to Image Size".
  5. Make the background layer invisible, left click on the eye icon.
  6. The next step is similar to that in Adobe Photoshop - you need to adjust the color threshold. In GIMP, the desired option is in the menu "Color" and are named accordingly.

    Move the slider to keep as much detail as possible, then click "OK".
  7. Create a new layer using the menu items for this "Layer""Create Layer".
  8. Switch to the black and white layer, then use the menu "Isolation", in which select the option "Highlight by color". Move the cursor over any dark area and click the left mouse button.
  9. Return to the previously created transparent layer, then click on the color picker icon foreground located below the tool box.

    Select your preferred color using the palette, then hover over the position "Current", hold down paintwork and drag the color onto the image to fill it automatically.
  10. Repeat steps 8-9, but this time select and fill in the white area of ​​the drawing.
  11. Use the tool "Selection of adjacent areas" to select a background and fill it with a color that contrasts with the colors in the main image.
  12. Use the menu "File" to save the result.

GIMP may not be the most user-friendly graphics editor out there, but the vast possibilities of this program are undeniable.


In such a tricky but effective way, we managed to make pop art portraits using three different graphic editors. Which of the considered methods to choose is up to you.

"Art" in translation from English means "art". This word refers to many modern styles: art deco, pop art, retro art, etc. In our article, you will learn how to take an art photo.

How to make art from photos of nature paintings

An unusual effect and an interesting shade of color and contours will be obtained beautiful photos picturesque places of nature, ancient architectural buildings if you do the following in Photoshop:

How to make a pop art portrait

The technique of creating pop art portraits belongs to the American photographer Andy Warhol. His work was a collage of 4 portraits put together with different shades of color in the image. The photographer received well-deserved recognition of his talent after he dared to make and show the world an art portrait of Marilyn Monroe.

After reading the instructions, you will be able to take your photo in this style. To do this, select a face image close-up and torso to the shoulders.

One of 4 portraits is ready. Now you need to make the basis for the entire collage so that you can add the created drawings there.

  1. In the "File" section, select "New".
  2. Set the parameters in the opened window: width - 1440; height - 1056; resolution - 72; RGB colors - 8 bits; background content is white.
  3. Open the Selection section and select All.
  4. Press Ctrl + C keys.
  5. Copy the image highlighted with the keys to the clipboard.
  6. Add the first created portrait.

All other images are made according to our scheme No. 1 only in different color shades. This way you will get your image in pop art style.

Drawing from a photo in art style

You can make an art-style drawing from a photo as follows:

Our photo is ready!

Online resources

For those who do not have Adobe Photoshop support for the necessary functions to create works in the art style, you can make a collage online for free on this resource. And on the site you can simply upload a photo, and you will immediately be given the finished result in the form of an art-style photo - you can download it to your PC.

On this resource, it is proposed to create online graphic patterns in the art style by simply clicking the mouse at any point on the proposed plane. The drawing can then be saved to your computer.

Today, paintings or art created using a computer are of no less interest than ordinary canvases painted on paper. Controlling the mouse cursor is no easier than guiding a canvas with a pencil or brush. Some artists who are professional electronic painters use special devices like graphics tablets to eliminate the mouse, but in this case special software is needed.

Consider best programs to create art on a personal computer for both amateur and professional environments. Let's designate the key features of the software, ease of use and availability of products for different users. We will not mention the venerable "Photoshop", because literally all PC artists already know about its existence and widespread dominance in our computers, but we will analyze the less well-known and sensible drawing utilities.


This is a basic art creation program that is included in almost every copy of the Windows platform. She has everything she needs to initial drawing tools: brush, pencil, eraser and fill. Moreover, each instrument has a dozen varieties: thickness, saturation, handicap, etc.

For connoisseurs virtual art in the style of abstractionism and cubism, the program for creating art provides shapes of a triangle, a rectangle, an expanding ellipse, polyhedrons and a cloud of conversations for comics. With support for graphic formats, there are also no problems. On the official Microsoft resource and on amateur sites, you can find some additional plug-ins and add-ons that greatly expand the capabilities of the program for creating art, turning it into a real monster of art.

You can recommend the utility to any novice artist, as they say, to test the pen. You can’t count on creating some serious canvases with the help of this program, but it’s quite possible to fill your hand.


This is a fairly powerful program for creating pixel art, and in terms of its functionality, it is as close as possible to the legendary Photoshop. The capabilities of the utility allow you not only to draw a picture from scratch, but also to apply many effects to ready-made images. In addition, the functionality of the program easily copes with the initial layout of sites or some other design layouts.

The program for GIMP supports multi-layered work with images, detailed toolkit settings, the most accurate color calibration, and more. The utility also supports professional graphics tablets, so it can be recommended to both experienced artists and beginners.


Another well-designed program for creating pop art and complex drawing. The utility allows you to perform any operations with contours, edit the gradient, change the style and type of nodes. In general, the software provides almost everything to draw professional masterpieces of art.

In addition, in the settings you can find a large number of preset shapes that you can change as you like. The program supports convenient "hot keys" and export not only to all popular graphic formats, but also to specific ones, such as XML. Professional draftsmen have a place to turn around in the fields of Inkscape, but it will be difficult for amateurs to figure out all the nuances and specifics of the utility, so they'd better choose something simpler or study the manual thoroughly.


This is a great program for creating art from photos. The utility has been adopted by tens of thousands of users, including professional artists, and novice amateurs. Here, as in previous programs, there is no need to thoroughly study the menu and the available tools - just open a new file and give free rein to your imagination with the help of an intuitive and competently visualized functionality.

At your disposal - layering of objects, rotation of the canvas in all axes, blending modes and sub-pixel anti-aliasing levels. Apart from standard set tools for painting on finished photos or from clean slate, the utility includes rare ready-made brushes like graffiti, stars, grass or water drops. Also, the program fully supports graphics tablets, which is a clear plus for such software.

PixBuilder Studio

Another program for editing and creating pixel art, that is, raster graphics. The capabilities of the software also allow you to calmly work out the design of websites, so the utility is enviably popular with webmasters, competing with the eminent Photoshop.

In addition to the already familiar basic set of tools, there is work with layers, multi-stage undo operations, adjustment of curve lines and levels, as well as adjustment of the popular Bloom (blur) and sharpening effects. Also, the user has the opportunity to customize the interface at his own discretion: fix tools, display important options as separate elements, etc. Working with the program is quite comfortable for both professionals and amateur beginners.

Manga Studio

This special program to create anime art. The user has access to a chic set of tools for drawing manga and comics. Those who have thoroughly studied the manual and are well versed with the menu branches as well as with hot keys, consider the utility to be the most convenient for sculpting anime.

All the tools, and customizable ones, are always at your fingertips: screenton, coloring, black contour, brightener, etc. If you are unfamiliar with software of this kind, but you really want to draw anime, then an extended version of the program step by step instructions to choose from - illustrations or video, where in the most detailed way all the nuances of this event are explained - from the basics to the creation of professional manga canvases.


This utility can be called a prime example of what a quality drawing for children should look like. Despite its specificity, the program enjoys enviable popularity among established artists.

One of distinctive features of this software are vector patterns, where the user can draw a picture of given shapes and sizes. Here you can easily decorate Slavic or Oriental ornaments, some kind of symmetrical nets or Gothic patterns. The already huge selection of brushes can be expanded with your own settings or you can download an even larger assortment from both the developer's official resource and other amateur resources.

The software proved to be excellent in working with graphics tablets and fully supports all stylus protocols. Moreover, the program monitors not only the pressure on the pen, but also its inclination, which for many artists is a critical moment when choosing utilities of this kind.

PaintTool SAI

This utility, along with Manga Studio, has become popular with fans of Japanese comics. In addition, many users called it a program for creating art on Minecraft because of the specific and convenient tools for this business. The utility is also perfect for those who like to draw landscapes and portraits in the style of hyperrealism or pop art.

A wide range of tools is available to the user: ballpoint pens, ink, dozens of brushes, pencils of different softness, pastels, watercolors, etc. Moreover, each individual tool can be customized to fit your needs. It is also possible to work with several canvases in parallel and support for multi-layered objects. This software is used by both professional artists and novice amateurs, and as mentioned above, this is an almost ideal program for creating art for Minecraft.

Affinity Designer

This is a good software for creating art with a classic design and a familiar set of tools. Here you will find a large assortment of brushes, gradients and other auxiliary modes. Among other masses of similar utilities, this program stands out in that it does an excellent job with vector objects and can easily process raster images. Many people use this software not only for drawing from scratch, but for photo retouching and further processing into an art work.

One of the obvious disadvantages of the program is the lack of support for third-party plugins. All that is available to the user is a small list of add-ons on the developer's official resource. The latter, by the way, promised to correct this defect in the very near future. But even without additional plugins, the utility is capable of a lot and will delight you with intuitive functionality with good artistic capabilities.


Drawing is a specific thing. Someone likes to sculpt landscapes, someone prefers to draw faces, and don't feed someone with bread - let them turn all reality into Japanese manga. Despite the similarity of all the above products and functionality, each utility has some of its own distinctive features.

Before you start creating another masterpiece that your friends will admire, be sure to consider the focus and set of tools of a particular art program. It is better to spend a couple of hours studying the manual of the software you like than to port your work to another utility with data loss due to lack of some kind of brush.
