How to draw a graffiti sheet with a pencil. How to draw graffiti with a pencil

Graffiti (from the Italian graffito - "scratch") - means a drawing or inscription, which is done with paint or ink. The basis can be a sheet, asphalt, house facade, fence or other surfaces. In the article we will describe in more detail some styles, and also tell you. For beginners, a small "master class" will be given.

general information

Graffiti is a relatively new art form. It attracts both young people and older people to its ranks. age category. Graffiti is closely related to teenage hip-hop culture. Today, the art of inscriptions has moved to a new level of popularity and received relative legitimacy. Even the well-known social network VKontakte now has a program that allows you to test your strength online in this newfangled trend. And today we will learn how to draw in stages on paper. The image can then be colored with felt-tip pens or paints.


Today, graffiti is modern look art. In addition, it is one of the most striking forms of self-expression of the individual. A variety of species and graffiti emerged. Let's look at some of the most popular.

  1. Spray art - this style, expressed in the application of inscriptions with aerosol paints from a spray can. It is the most common. Using his example, it’s easy to explain how to draw graffiti in stages.
  2. Bubble style. Here, using 2-3 colors of paint, rounded letters are drawn, more like bubbles.
  3. Blockbuster style - large letters are drawn in one color, without any "troubles". Rarely used more shades.
  4. Wild style - is the most "confusing". When writing, the letters look very difficult, in some cases it can even be difficult to read.
  5. The FX style is three-dimensional letters with a 3D effect. Such inscriptions are characterized by a smooth flow of color and picture, which has realism.

Not to list all styles of graffiti. Although any wall painting can be attributed to this type of art. In order to try our hand at this newfangled art, let's try to create a drawing. We will only use spray paints, facades and fences. Our tools will be a little simpler. Take paints, brushes, and pencils. These items are used to depict small inscriptions on paper. However, when using such simple tools, you can try to master many graffiti techniques. So, let's begin.

pencil step by step

In order to try our hand, we will write our name. You need to start by choosing the style in which yours will be executed. Consider how to draw graffiti in stages. Let's take advantage of the popular and quite light style Bubble. You can choose from sharp edges of the letters, and rounded ones. At will, their dimension is also selected: they will be the same or some smaller. This and more you determine yourself, based on your own preferences. Write the main word on a piece of paper. You can choose any you like (not necessarily the name), the main thing to do is leave more space between the letters. We will fill in this empty space later. There should be enough space between the letters to apply the remaining layers. Talking about how to draw graffiti in stages, one cannot help but dwell on the structure of the letters. Let's consider it in more detail.

Letter structure

It is necessary to carry out the drawing with light, "basting" strokes. This will then allow you to make the necessary adjustments. Although this task may take a lot of time, the result will please you, since everything will be performed according to the style you have chosen. Graffiti implies originality, so do not worry about letters that are unlike themselves.

Line thickness

If the lines are smooth and thin, then this is not bad. And if you can’t make them the same in thickness, then you can resort to artistic effects. Darken or thicken the lines to achieve a 3D effect. To do this, you can use pencils of different softness. This will allow you to change the thickness of the lines. However, if you later intend to shade the drawing with ink, then you should not achieve black saturated pencil lines.


When studying the question of how to draw graffiti in stages, you should pay special attention to the effects. After graduation preparatory phase(when you have finished drawing the letters), if desired, you can add some details. If your imagination is well developed, don't be afraid to experiment. You can add any image to your drawing.


If mistakes are made when coloring, then you will not be able to draw correctly further. To continue, you will need to copy the image. This, of course, should be done before the final coloring and rendering. You need to copy so that all the shades and effects of the image on the copy look distinguishable and understandable. You can make multiple copies and add different details to them.

Line dimming

A marker is used to shade details, less often a pencil. Since these lines are important part drawing, then they should be done carefully. When making mistakes, do not despair, as everything can be corrected simply by adding additional volume to the letters. Here's how to draw graffiti with a pencil step by step.

Adding color

And how to do it? Above we looked at how to draw graffiti with a pencil. Usually images and inscriptions are made bright. In order to avoid mistakes when filling in with color, you should pay attention to the drawings of other people. It is not necessary to paint over the letters with a simple pencil. In this case, even in the presence of shadows, the picture turns out to be one-color. Almost every graffiti is done in bright colors. But you should not make the inscription too colorful, as this will distract directly from the main thing in the drawing.

How to draw graffiti on the wall

Almost everyone can draw graffiti, it is not necessary to have artistic skills for this. A novice artist-writer can first try his hand at paper. Each "graffiti artist" signs his creation. Their signature is called a "tag". It is usually done in white or black. In order to work out your sign, you need training on paper. Then you can already draw on the wall. Riders need the right equipment. You also need to pick up paint. We have analyzed the main points on how to draw in graffiti style on paper. Now let's complicate the task a little. Let's figure out how to draw graffiti in stages on the wall.

We go out into the street

First you need to choose a wall for yourself. Any primed surface will be suitable. You can also draw on metal. However, this will be associated with additional labor costs, since the surface must be degreased. If you want to avoid problems with the city authorities, then you should draw in specially designated areas. Also, do not apply images on top of the work of other artists.

Applying an image

First of all, you should make a sketch with a balloon in the air. It is necessary to remember about the background - for a start, a sketch is made with its main color. Even if a mistake is made at this stage, it can be easily corrected. In no case should drips be stopped with a rag, as stains may remain. You have to wait until the paint dries. Later it will be necessary to paint over the streaks with the color that is used for the background. Do not rush to aim the jet aerosol can on graffiti. First you need to check if the cap (special nozzle) is installed correctly. For testing, spray on the ground. Dry and sunny weather is best for outdoor creativity; in the rain, the paint does not fit well and dries longer.

While walking around the city, you can find bright and, at first glance, not entirely clear drawings on fences, walls of houses, in transitions. But if you look closely and look around, the image becomes more understandable, the artist’s handwriting and the plot itself begin to be recognized in it. Graffiti gets more and more likeable when you get a better look at it. Perhaps after that you yourself will want to learn how to draw graffiti and you will love this art form.

In this article we will tell you all about graffiti: their differences from other types visual arts and give some advice to novice graffiti artists.

Translated from Italian, the word graffiti (“graffiti”) is translated as “scratch”. This is one of the new visual arts that mainly attracts young people and teenagers. From the very beginning, this art form was considered to come from the street. When you fully read this article, you will know the essence of graffiti and you will know how to draw graffiti for beginners.

Origin of graffiti, distinctive features of graffiti

Graffiti, as an art, originated in the seventies in New York City, and the first popular rewriter was a man with the nickname "Taki 183". Writer is an artist who draws in graffiti style. It is known about Taki 183 that it was he who became the first person who wrote his nickname on the wall with a marker, to which he added the number of the quarter in which he lives. After him, graffiti acquired the form that we know now: incomprehensible signs that are intertwined with the signature of the writer. The Russian-speaking population prefers to use the word “nickname” instead of the word “nickname”, which no rewriter takes offense at.

Graffiti is considered to be a work that is depicted in the entrance or on the city wall, so if you think you can master true art graffiti, if you figure it out, draw graffiti with a pencil on paper, on the wall in your room, then you are mistaken.

Over time, teenagers who grew up in poor New York neighborhoods began to invent nicknames for themselves, which they wrote in hard-to-read fonts. In the same quarters, they had a huge scope for creativity, where you can create graffiti to your heart's content. At the same time, no one will do anything to you. Rewriters began to gather in whole teams and painted everything that came their way: cars, fences, garbage cans. A team of several rewriters is called a "crew".

There were daredevils who managed to paint trains so that others would recognize and see their graffiti. Thus, this art form became known throughout the States, and graffiti became part of street art (any street art).

Attitude towards graffiti is different everywhere. For example, in France it is almost impossible to meet graffiti, but on the territory of the Scandinavian Peninsula you can admire it from the windows of trains. The official name of this art is "graffiti-art".

In Russia, this kind of art began to gain popularity since the mid-90s, when break dancing was also an echo of hip-hop and hippie culture. Russian rewriters demonstrated their creations at large hip-hop festivals, although they were mainly limited to drawing their nicknames.

If you want to figure out how to draw graffiti, then it is with such trifles as writing your nickname that you should start. Add volume to it, do not limit yourself to one plane, draw bubbles, arrows, experiment with a mixture of colors. To learn how to draw graffiti, you need to work out the little things at the first stage, which will then be needed to create large works. The more incomprehensible your drawing is, the more interesting it will become to someone who will then look at it.

Of course, you have seen more than once in films how to draw graffiti, but before picking up a spray can, first practice on a piece of paper and figure out how to draw with a pencil so as not to spoil the drawing on the street. To learn how to draw graffiti on paper, you must first practice drawing ready-made drawings or invent your own own characters. You need to come up with your own "tag" and how you will portray it. Prepare several options, and then practice the best one until you can portray it in a matter of seconds.

Tag, from English word"tag" in the communities of graffiti lovers is the signature that the rewriter leaves under his work. It should be done in the same way with a marker or spray can of white or black. "taggers" is a term that is applied to those graffiti lovers who are predominantly engaged in the image of their tag, which does not give them the opportunity to join the ranks of rewriters.

The process when you figure out how to draw graffiti with a pencil on a piece of paper and work out your skills is called sketches (Sketch) - a drawing on paper that is depicted for further transfer to the wall.

How to learn to draw graffiti with a stencil?

Experienced rewriters in the instructions on how to draw graffiti for beginners advise beginners to experiment more with color palette, because the simplest multi-colored graffiti will be much better than the complex in black and white.

For creating good graffiti you don't need much more than a natural talent for drawing and you don't need a special art college degree. Of course, at first, when you learn to draw graffiti, you still have to figure out how to make a stencil for graffiti and master the technique of chiaroscuro and a combination of bright colors.

Graffiti stencils are usually drawn and cut from stiff paper. Most often these are the faces of celebrities or ordinary drawings. A pattern is applied along the contour of the stencil, from which a wonderful picture is obtained, and the stencil can be applied several times.

Using a stencil is a great way to apply a pattern. After you better master the graffiti technique, the need for a stencil will disappear. You will use the stencil only to emphasize the clarity of the lines of the drawing. At experienced artists graffiti in the arsenal there are stencils for all occasions: broken lines, contours of the hemispheres, straight lines.

When you head out into the street to paint graffiti, you will be faced with the harsh Russian reality, because if you paint graffiti in public places, you expose yourself to the danger of criminal punishment, which is followed by a minimum fine of 100,000 rubles, and a maximum of deprivation freedom for up to 10 years. This applies to public places, but there are so many wastelands, back streets and abandoned construction sites around. In any city you can find such a secluded place.

In addition, some construction companies are ready to invite graffiti professionals themselves to decorate the fences around the construction with their drawings. There are residents of high-rise buildings who themselves do not mind when rewriters apply their graffiti in their yards and porches.

In addition, when holding various events related to the work of graffists, restrictions on public places are lifted.

Materials and equipment needed to paint graffiti

Before drawing graffiti, take a closer look at the place where you will apply the drawing. You may need a primer on the walls that the image will be on, or some other equipment. A primer is necessary for porous walls so that you do not have to apply paint many times. As additional equipment a ladder or additional lighting may be needed.

Paint fumes are bad for your health, so don't skimp on a respirator and rubber gloves. Among rewriters, black medical gloves have become especially popular today, which allow you to feel the can in your hand, just like without a glove.

If you want your graffiti to look as professional as possible, get some markers and vandalizers. Vandalizers are called flat-end markers or squeegee markers. With their help, you can write tags or correct minor inaccuracies and details. With the advent of experience, you will understand why stencils are needed, with which you can apply tags and more advanced and beautiful drawings. You don’t need to save on paint either, because it can either go badly or wash off at the first precipitation. Too much expensive paint doesn't mean either High Quality drawing, because the main thing here is your skill. It will be optimal to buy two spray cans from the middle price category than one expensive one, then your creation will turn out to be more successful.

Weather conditions also matter. You are unlikely to be able to draw a high-quality drawing in windy or cold work: the paint will be blown out by the wind, and when low temperatures the paint will freeze, making the cap hard to press.

Cap is a special nozzle for blowing paint. A lot depends on the nozzle. This is the uniformity of the monochromatic parts of the picture, and the transition from color to color, the thickness of the lines, which changes in the fingers, usually up to ten fingers (“fat cap”). A cap with a thin line is called a "skunny". The cost of caps starts from 150 rubles, and are sold in specialized stores or online stores.

A cap can be one of two types:

  • male - characterized by the presence of a tube with a side hole at the bottom;
  • female - at the bottom of the cap there is a regular hole, for which you need to buy a cylinder with a tube.

Often, when working on graffiti, they use an airbrush - a spray gun, with which you can apply strokes to a drawing.

How to draw beautiful graffiti?

Graffiti art can be divided into several styles, which determine how the final drawing will turn out:

  • BUBBLE STYLE - the pattern consists of "bubbles", thick lines and many weaves;
  • WILD STYLE - the drawing consists of a "wild" heap of lines, a very complex style;
  • DAIM STYLE or 3D style - three-dimensional images.

Start your drawing by applying a primer to make the job easier. So there will be less smudges, and the paint will not fade. Enamel or water-based paint can be used as a primer. It can also be a background for a picture. Then, with the help of sketches, apply a drawing on the wall. First, draw the lines that will be the main outline of the drawing, then better outline the outline with a wider nozzle on the balloon.

When you figure out how to draw graffiti, you may be afraid to work with a wide jet of paint that comes out of a spray can, believing that only professional rewriters get high-quality drawings. But that's not true, it just takes a little practice.

For the image of drawings-bombs usually use black and silver colors. Officially, this method is called “to bomb” (bombing, “throwing”, bombing the image on the walls). Bombing is used in the most inaccessible places when the graffist does not have much time to draw graffiti. This technique is called the "draw and run" style.

A couple more concepts:

  • Outline - edging;
  • Fillins - drawing elements inside.

First of all, you need to draw the fillins twice, and then the outline border. Thickness
Fillins in 3-10 fingers are drawn with a cap. While working, you may want to change the drawing a little, and this is not something to be afraid of. Most likely, the finished graffiti can become much more interesting than it was originally shown in the picture. When you're done with the fillins, you can safely complete the edging and bring the image to perfection. In order for the color to turn out to be saturated, it is necessary to repaint the drawing several times. After that, your creation will be complete.

How to draw graffiti on the wall: paint

Choosing a good paint is an important issue, it must be of good quality.

  • Krylon paint is notorious for non-forest reviews due to its wateriness and smudges that remain after it.
  • "Lada" - Finnish-made Russian paint at a price of 150 rubles allows you to create rich drawings.
  • Paints "American Fast Spray", "Flexa", "ACE Hardware" are widely used in the West.
  • Motip is a popular paint in the CIS countries and costs between 60 and 200 rubles. Experienced rewriters choose cans of this particular paint, which has a wide palette and rich colors.
  • "Abro" - the most popular paint in Russia, costs around 30 - 100 rubles. Unlike Motip paint, which is used for complex work, Abro paint is used for bombing and simple graffiti. Abro has many shortcomings: smudges, instability to temperature changes (Fiesta paint is endowed with a similar quality).
  • "Montana", "Sparvar" are common in the West, but in Russia they are rare.
  • "Rust-Oleum" is a paint that has the quality of covering colors. For example, black color covering in relation to blue color. In addition, this paint has a wide palette and high-quality composition. The paint "Painter's Touch" has the same properties.

For drawing fillins, one can of paint is enough for 1-2 square meters. m of surface.

  1. The primary task of a graffiti artist is to create a background for the drawing. If this is not done, then the finished drawing will look unattractive.
  2. The sequence of work of drawing graffiti:
  • Sketch future work with background color;
  • Pattern background;
  • Contour drawing;
  • "Sanding" of the drawing;
  • Adding "author's" details and signature.
  1. If there is a smudge, wait until it dries, then paint it over.
  2. Move your hand quickly without stopping to avoid a smudge.
  3. Clean the caps every time you finish work: turn the can upside down and keep the cap pressed until the paint stops coming out of it. Otherwise, you can immediately throw out the cap, because after the paint dries in it, it will become unusable.
  4. There is also a code of honor among rewriters. Therefore, do not leave your tags under the work of other rewriters and do not overlap them. Respect other people's work, then your drawings will also be respected.

If your child is interested in graffiti, but is interested, then you do not need to interfere with his hobbies. He can spend his pocket money on paints, nozzles and a respirator, but you can buy graffiti material for him much more. best quality commensurate with your financial capabilities. Most importantly, do not spare money on gloves and a respirator, because the health of your child is much more important.

Explain to the child regulations, which are related to his hobby, so that he knows where to draw graffiti and where it is impossible. Meet his friends who are in the same graffiti dig as him. Don't worry if your child disappears all day outside and comes back covered in paint. Perhaps his hobby will grow into a profession and become an incentive to enter an art college or academy. This can be a plus in his biography if he is a man of art.

Communication in a graffiti party will help him avoid negative influences social networks And virtual communication. Your child will have many friends and will be much more sociable. It is better to indulge his hobbies in every possible way, and not to hinder him.

Graffiti will give you the opportunity to leave your mark on contemporary art.

Graffiti - popular view street art, involving the application of drawings on the walls. It will take a lot of time to learn the art of graffiti (to become a writer). Therefore, before you start applying images to the walls, you need to try your hand with a pencil on paper. After all, even the most experienced writers start with sketches, so they think over colors, individual details, shading.

Standing against a wall with a can of paint, it's not easy to pick up and draw a fictitious abstract drawing right off the bat. But when in hand finished sample, it becomes much easier to carry out the plan.

Where to begin?

Before you start creating your drawing, check out the work of established graffiti artists. Carefully study their creations, pay attention to the nuances, try to catch the basic techniques.

To get started, you can copy your favorite drawing style. In any case, gradually you will develop your original, unique approach. Samples of works by eminent writers can be easily found on the Internet.

Required equipment

To work on sketches, you will need: thick A4 paper or a regular sketchbook, color and simple pencils, eraser, gel pens, paints, pastels, markers, felt-tip pens - depending on your preferences.

First drawings

What to draw first? Usually everyone starts with 2D images. Later, when you gain enough experience, you can try to give your graffiti volume. First, try to draw the letters of the alphabet. For example, draw your name or pseudonym, that is, a unique signature for your future graffiti.

The simplest and most common style of depicting letters is the bubble (bubbles). Its meaning is clear from the name - such letters are rounded and resemble bubbles. There are no sharp corners in the inscription itself.

In addition to names, small inscriptions are often made in graffiti - one of the most important components of this type of art. To an ordinary person sometimes it is difficult to make out these inscriptions, since the words in them are hidden in forms that are difficult to perceive.


Before you start drawing, do not forget to correctly position the drawing. Composition in graffiti is extremely important. By placing the picture in the center of the sheet, you definitely can’t go wrong.

If you're drawing with a pencil, try experimenting with pressure. When the pencil drawing is finished, you can circle all the contours with a gel pen. And inside the contour make hatching.

Graffiti is the art direction of Hip-Hop culture. We will find out how and where this art of “painting the walls” originated and, in fact, how to learn how to draw graffiti.

There is no such person who would not see colorful inscriptions on the walls of his city (perhaps, the content is not entirely clear). No, we are not talking about folk art with bad words on the fences. The art of painting city walls and other surfaces owes its origin to a New York teenager named Demetrios.

In the late 60s, he began to display his own on street walls and in metro stations. creative pseudonym TAKI. A little later, the guy added his street number, 183, to writing his pseudonym.
When unusual signs began to appear throughout Manhattan, other teenagers noticed them and began to print their names. And since everyone wanted to stand out from the crowd, whole compositions began to appear on the walls, some were more like real works of art.

(Photo: Fedor Selivanov, Shutterstock)

And now let's find out how to learn how to draw graffiti and what you need for this. Before you run into the yard and spray paint within a radius of ten meters, you should prepare the so-called sketch. This is a sketch of what you plan to depict on the wall. Drawing a beautiful and neat sketch is not such an easy task as it might seem at first glance. Especially if you are just taking your first steps in graffiti. Only when the sketch is ready is it transferred to the wall.
Interestingly, often the sketch itself can differ from the picture on the wall. Many writers (that's what those who draw graffiti are called) generally ignore sketches, but it would still be better for beginners to start with drawing sketches. Later, when you “fill” your hand, you can start implementing your creative ideas without resorting to sketches.

(Photo: S.Borisov, Shutterstock)

You can draw sketches with pencils, helium or ballpoint pens, felt-tip pens, crayons, etc. are also used. In this case, thick paper is preferable, the dimensions of which already depend on your final idea. There is no need to rush while drawing, it is better to take a pencil first and apply light strokes so that later you can correct something. Then we circle with a pen everything that we drew and erase the pencil strokes with an eraser. Fill the form with color and make the background.
If everything went well and you like the result, then we are getting ready to transfer our sketch to the wall. It is important to remember the surface for your drawing. Very badly, it will lie down on uneven surfaces. The best option is porous concrete or any primed surface. The metal surface must be "degreased" with a solvent before anything can be applied to it.
You should pay attention to the following feature: when drawing graffiti, first of all, you should take care of the background - first, a sketch is drawn in the background color of the main inscription, then the background and contour. This is very important, because it will be easier for you to correct any mistake later. Also, do not stop the drips, wait until the paint dries, then paint over them with the background color.

(Photo: 1000 Words, Shutterstock)

Cylinder nozzles - caps - must be cleaned after each use. Before putting the can aside, it is worth turning it over and holding the cap pressed for a couple of seconds until the paint stops coming out. If the paint in the cap has dried up, then such a nozzle can be thrown away. Caps are consumables and get clogged with paint very often, even with the most competent use, so when you go to paint graffiti, be sure to take spare caps with you. Before pointing the jet at the drawing, you need to check if the cap is installed correctly: this can be done by splashing on the ground or on a test section of the wall.

Warm, calm weather is best for painting graffiti. When it rains and in the cold, the paint lays down very poorly and dries for a long time.

Do not forget to wear a respirator while drawing, because paint fumes are very harmful to the lungs. If you don't use it, you're more likely to get asthma over time! Respirators must be used not only indoors, but also outdoors.

Gloves are also an important piece of equipment. If you do not use them, your hands get dirty very quickly, and walking around with multi-colored hands and washing them for several minutes, or even an hour, is not the most pleasant experience.
I hope these simple tips will help you master interesting art drawing graffiti.
from the Internet

Before we start to the lesson how to draw graffiti for beginners, let's watch two videos first.

The first video shows how the kid is training to draw graffiti. To do this, he chose a warehouse and took or bought a sheet of fiberboard or chipboard (by the way, he, a sheet, comes in different thicknesses and costs an average of 130 UAH or 500 rubles). Take a look at his outfit. It is better to use a respirator, gloves and clothes that you do not mind ruining. Since the paint is caustic, unhealthy and easily soiled, all the more, he applied a layer of paint to remove the previous drawing, can you imagine what a stink there is. So, let's look.

Now let's see how to draw a monster in graffiti style with colored paints, spray cans.

Cool! Yes! You want that too. BUT, to paint with spray cans, you just need to be able to draw given style if you don't know how to draw, you won't draw anything. Therefore, you must first learn to draw on paper using pencils, felt-tip pens, gel pens, etc. Let's start with the alphabet, in the video we will see a simple style of drawing letters in graffiti.

Now try to draw on paper. Click on thumbnails to enlarge.

Happened! Okay, let's draw monsters.

Now let's sum up. To start drawing graffiti on walls, boards, etc. spray cans, you need to learn how to draw graffiti on paper, train a lot and bring the lines to automatism in order to draw without auxiliary lines and corrections, i.e. it is necessary to draw each individual letter, the drawing so many times that it does not cause difficulties, just take and draw, for each this number will be different from 20 to 100. After you have learned to draw, for example, what word, buy or if there is where it's a free board, practice on it, you should understand how it works.
