Two captains main theme. A study of Kaverin's novel "Two Captains

A boy named Sanya Grigoriev lives in a small town called Ensk with his parents and sister. One day, a dead postman and a bag filled with letters are found near the river bank, which are willingly read aloud by the neighbor of the Grigorievs, Daria. At the same time, Sanya's father is mistakenly charged with murder, and the boy knows the truth, but he is unable to reveal it to others due to his dumbness.

Somewhat later, a kind-hearted doctor, who met on the way of Sanya, helps him to master speech, but the elder Grigoriev dies in custody, without waiting for justice. The mother immediately remarries, the stepfather turns out to be an unscrupulous and heartless person who mocks the members of his new family.

Sanya's mother, unable to bear the terrible existence with her second husband, also soon passes away. The neighbors intend to send the boy and his sister Sasha to an orphanage, but Sanya and his closest friend Petka manage to escape to Moscow. There, the guys are unsupervised for some time, but then Sanya is detained, and thus he finds himself in a recently opened school intended for children who have lost their parents.

The boy enthusiastically takes up his studies and finds a common language with classmates. One day, by coincidence, he ends up in an apartment where Nikolai Antonovich Tatarinov, who is in the position of head of the school, lives. Sanya's life includes Katya, his age, an active, emotional and fairly well-read girl, and her mother Marya Vasilievna, who is almost constantly in a dull and depressed state.

The boy begins to constantly visit the Tatarinovs, he has long known that the cousin of Nikolai Antonovich was the husband of Marya Vasilievna and the father of young Catherine. Having sailed on an expedition to remote northern lands, Captain Tatarinov disappeared forever, and the head of the school does not tire of emphasizing how much he managed to do for his late brother, although there is no exact information about the fate of Katya's father even now, his wife and daughter do not know if he is alive or long dead.

At the age of seventeen, Sanya meets Katya again, before that he had not appeared at the Tatarinovs for several years, he was categorically forbidden to come to them, angry with the teenager Nikolai Antonovich. The girl tells her childhood friend the story of her father, it turns out that in 1912 he said goodbye to his family living in Ensk and sailed to Vladivostok on the schooner "Saint Mary". In the future, his relatives never met him again, and all the requests of Marya Vasilievna for help in searching for the captain in the name of the tsar remained unanswered.

One of Alexander's comrades, the cunning and dodgy Romashov or Romashka, as he was called at school, who is also not indifferent to Katya, reports to her cousin that the girl often communicates with Grigoriev. Ekaterina is immediately sent to Ensk to her aunt, Sanya leaves for the same city, having previously severely beaten Romashka.

Arriving at home, Grigoriev, after a long break, again sees his matured sister Sasha, from whom he learns that his old friend Petka is in Moscow and is going to study fine art. The young man once again reads the old letters that made such a huge impression on him in his childhood, and suddenly realizes that they are talking about the expedition led by the missing Tatarinov.

Carefully reading each line, Sanya understands that it was Katya's father who gave the name of Severnaya Zemlya Maria in honor of his wife, and almost all the equipment for the expedition turned out to be completely unusable thanks to his cousin, who took responsibility for the economic part. The guy immediately tells Catherine about everything, and the girl believes his words without hesitation.

Sanya also tells the truth to Marya Vasilievna, insisting that she accuse Nikolai Antonovich of actually killing his cousin and members of his crew. Only later does the young man realize that the truth literally killed Katya's mother, because by this time she had already managed to become the wife of Nikolai Antonovich. A woman who did not have enough mental strength for such a monstrous discovery commits suicide.

After the funeral, Nikolai Antonovich skillfully convinces people, including his niece, that the letters of his deceased relative were about a completely different person. The guy sees that everyone around him is considered to be the culprit of the tragic death of Marya Vasilievna, and he is going to find the expedition without fail and prove that he did not lie or slander about the head of the school.

Grigoriev is studying at a flight school in Leningrad, while his sister Sasha and her husband Petya are preparing to become artists. Upon graduation, Sanya becomes a polar pilot, and when he meets his old comrade Valya Zhukov, he learns that Romashka now regularly visits the Tatarinovs and, apparently, plans to marry Catherine.

Sanya does not stop thinking about this girl and decides to go to Moscow. But first he manages to discover the remains of the schooner, on which Captain Tatarinov sailed, and the young pilot is going to make a corresponding report and reveal the whole truth about the disappeared expedition.

However, Nikolai Antonovich manages to get ahead of Sanya, he himself publishes an article in the press dedicated to the late Tatarinov and his discovery, and at the same time places slander on Grigoriev everywhere, as a result of which the scheduled report is canceled. Korablev, who teaches geography at the school where Sanya previously studied, comes to the aid of the young man, and it is thanks to him that the guy again reaches mutual understanding with Katya and trust on her part. The girl flatly refuses to marry Romashka, as her relatives wish, and leaves home, because she has acquired the profession of a geologist and becomes the leader of the expedition.

Romashka does not give up, he informs Sana that he has some materials incriminating Nikolai Antonovich, but in return he must break off relations with Katya. But Grigoriev still manages to get permission for a trip dedicated to uncovering the secret of Catherine's father. Young people who experience reckless mutual love feel happy, but at this time Grigoriev's sister Sasha gives birth to a son, but she herself soon dies due to complications.

It takes about five years. Alexander and Ekaterina, who became his wife, constantly move between the Far Eastern region, Moscow and Crimea. Then they decide to settle in Leningrad, but soon Sanya is forced to go to fight on Spanish territory, and then fight the enemy in the air after the German attack on the USSR.

When meeting with Romashka, he tells Katya how he supposedly tried to save the wounded Alexander, but failed. The young woman absolutely does not believe him, and in reality he really left the helpless Grigoriev to the mercy of fate, depriving him of documents and the weapons he had with him. But Sanya still survives and, after treatment in the hospital, hurries to the starving Leningrad, intending to find Katya.

Grigoriev's wife is no longer in this city, and all searches for Alexander are in vain. But during one of the sorties, his crew discovers traces of Tatarinov's expedition staying in these places, the body of the captain himself, as well as all his letters to relatives and reports. Soon Sanya discovers his wife from his old friend Dr. Pavlov, who once taught him to speak.

In 1944, the Grigorievs again ended up in Moscow, where they met many dear friends for them, whom they already considered dead. Sanya reveals all the meanness and unscrupulousness of Romashka, who is on trial, and then makes a detailed report for geographers, where he exposes all the secrets regarding Tatarinov's journey.

After the words of Grigoriev, no one has any doubts about whose fault the entire crew of the "St. Mary" died. Nikolai Antonovich is forced to leave the hall where the solemn meeting is taking place in disgrace, and it is clear to everyone that his career is forever over and he will never be able to restore his good name.

Sanya and Katya go to Ensk, and the elderly judge Skovorodnikov, the father of Peter, a friend of Alexander from childhood, in his speech draws an equal sign between the deceased Tatarinov and Grigoriev. He argues that it is such captains that become the source of forward movement both for scientific thought and for all mankind.

Kaverin's work "Two Captains" is a novel that I met recently. The novel was assigned in literature class. When I started reading Kaverin's "Two Captains", I could not tear myself away, although initially there was a desire to read Kaverin's story "Two Captains" in brief. But, then I decided to read it in full and did not regret it, now it’s not difficult to write based on Kaverin’s work “Two Captains”.

Veniamin Kaverin two captains

Veniamin Kaverin in the work "Two Captains" tells us about the fate of Captain Sanya Grigoriev. As a boy, he had to be left without his father, who was arrested, accused of murder. There in prison, Sanya's innocent father died. The boy, although he knew about the real murder, could not say anything, since he was mute. It will be later that Dr. Ivan Ivanovich will help get rid of this disease, but for now the boy lives with his mother and stepfather, who mocks them. Soon his mother also dies, and Sanya goes with his sister to her aunt, who wants to send them to an orphanage. As you can see, since childhood, Sanya had a difficult fate, but this did not prevent him from being a real person who goes to his goal. His goal was to find out the truth about Tatarinov's expedition. Grigoriev wanted to restore the good name of Captain Tatarinov, which Sanya had learned about as a child by reading his letters.

In Kaverin's story "Two Captains" a large period of time will be touched upon, from pre-revolutionary to the Great Patriotic War. During this period of time, Sanya turns from a boy into a man who has to make difficult decisions. Kaverin's story is full of various exciting events, there are unusual plot twists here. There are adventures here, and love, friendship and betrayal.

So, having learned from letters about Tatarinov, who discovered the Northern Land, Sanya also learns about the brother of that same captain Tatarinov, Nikolai Antonovich. This man, who was in love with Tatarinov's wife, made sure that no one returned from the expedition. Grigoriev, on the other hand, wants to restore the good name of Tatarinov, he wants to open everyone's eyes to the act of Nikolai Antonovich, but the truth kills Tatarinov's widow, and Katya, Tatarinov's daughter, who Sana liked, turns away from him.

The plot of the work is interesting, you constantly worry about the characters, because in the work of Kaverin there are not only positive characters, but also negative ones. Sneaky Nikolai Antonovich, who betrayed his brother, and Romashka, an imaginary friend of Sanya, who did nothing but meanness, went on treason, betrayal, and lies without any problems. Without a twinge of conscience, he leaves the wounded Sanya, taking his weapons and documents from him. The plot is tense and you can not understand in advance how the story will end. And it ends with justice, which triumphed. Sanya manages to find the body of the deceased Tatarinov, he manages to read out his report, he marries Katya Tatarinova, Romashka, like Nikolai Antonovich, gets what they deserve. The first goes to prison, and the second is expelled from science.

Kaverin two captains main characters

In the work of Kaverin "Two Captains" the main character is Sanya Grigoriev. This is a purposeful person who lived under the motto: "Fight and seek, find and not give up." This is a guy who achieved his goal, he became a polar pilot, he managed to complete the investigation of the lost expedition of Tatarinov. Sanya is brave, courageous, knows what he wants from life and takes everything from it.

Executor: Miroshnikov Maxim, student 7 "K" class

Supervisor: Pitinova Natalya Petrovna, teacher of Russian language and literature



Preface. Biography of Kaverin V.A.

Kaverin Veniamin Aleksandrovich (1902 - 1989), prose writer.

Born on April 6 (19 Gregorian time) in Pskov in the family of a musician. In 1912 he entered the Pskov gymnasium. "My older brother's friend Yu. Tynyanov, later a famous writer, was my first literary teacher, who inspired me with an ardent love for Russian literature," writes V. Kaverin.

At the age of sixteen he came to Moscow and in 1919 finished high school here. Wrote poetry. In 1920, he transferred from Moscow University to Petrograd University, simultaneously enrolling in the Institute of Oriental Languages, graduating from both. He was left at the university in graduate school, where for six years he was engaged in scientific work and in 1929 he defended his thesis entitled “Baron Brambeus. The story of Osip Senkovsky. In 1921, together with M. Zoshchenko, N. Tikhonov, Vs. Ivanov was the organizer of the literary group "Serapion Brothers".

It was first published in the almanac of this group in 1922 (the story "Chronicle of the city of Leipzig for 18 ... year"). In the same decade, he wrote stories and novels: "Masters and Apprentices" (1923), "The Suit of Diamonds" (1927), "The End of Khaza" (1926), the story about the life of scientists "Brawler, or Evenings on Vasilyevsky Island" (1929 ). He decided to become a professional writer, finally devoting himself to literary creativity.

In 1934 - 1936 writes his first novel "Fulfillment of Desires", in which he set the task not only to convey his knowledge of life, but also to develop his own literary style. It succeeded, the novel was a success.

The most popular work of Kaverin was a novel for youth - "Two captains", the first volume of which was completed in 1938. The outbreak of the Patriotic War stopped work on the second volume. During the war, Kaverin wrote front-line correspondence, military essays, stories. At his request, he was sent to the Northern Fleet. It was there, communicating daily with pilots and submariners, that I understood in what direction the work on the second volume of The Two Captains would go. In 1944, the second volume of the novel was published.

In 1949 - 1956 worked on the trilogy "Open Book", about the formation and development of microbiology in the country, about the goals of science, about the character of a scientist. The book has gained immense popularity among the reader.

In 1962, Kaverin published the story "Seven Unclean Pairs", which tells about the first days of the war. In the same year, the story "Slanting Rain" was written. In the 1970s he created the book of memoirs "In the Old House", as well as the trilogy "Illuminated Windows", in the 1980s - "Drawing", "Verlioka", "Evening Day".

Analysis of the novel "Two Captains"

With a wonderful literary work - the novel "Two Captains", I met this summer, reading the "summer" literature recommended by the teacher. This novel was written by Veniamin Aleksandrovich Kaverin, a wonderful Soviet writer. The book was published in 1944, and in 1945 the writer received the Stalin Prize for it.

Without exaggeration, I can say that "Two Captains" is a cult book of several generations of Soviet people. I liked the ϶ᴛоᴛ novel very much. I read it almost in one breath, and the characters of the book became my friends. I believe that the novel helps the reader to solve many important questions.

In my opinion, the novel "Two Captains" is a book about the search - the search for truth, one's life path, one's moral and ethical position. It is no coincidence that captains become her heroes - people who are looking for new ways and lead others!

In the novel by Veniamin Kaverin "Two Captains" stories pass before us two main characters - Sani Grigoriev and captain Tatarinov.

IN the center of the novel is the fate of Captain Sanya Grigoriev. As a boy, fate connects him with another captain - the missing captain Tatarinov, and his family. We can say that Sanya devotes his whole life to finding out the truth about Tatarinov's expedition and to restore the defamed name of this man.

In the process of searching for the truth, Sanya matures, learns life, he has to make fundamental, sometimes very difficult, decisions.

The events of the novel take place in several places - the city of Ensk, Moscow and Leningrad. The author describes the 30s and the years of the Great Patriotic War - the time of Sanya Grigoriev's childhood and youth. The book is full of memorable events, important and unexpected plot twists.

Many of them are connected with the image of Sani, with his honest and courageous deeds.

I remember the episode when Grigoriev, rereading old letters, finds out the truth about Captain Tatarinov: it was the man who made an important discovery - he discovered the Northern Land, which he named in honor of his wife - Maria. Sanya also learns about the vile role of the captain's cousin Nikolai Antonovich - he made it so that most of the equipment on Tatarinov's schooner turned out to be unusable. Through the fault of this man, almost the entire expedition perished!

Sanya seeks to "restore justice" and tell everything about Nikolai Antonovich. But at the same time, Grigoriev only makes things worse - in his own words, he practically kills Tatarinov's widow. This event pushes away from Sanya and Katya - the daughter of Tatarinov, with whom the hero falls in love.

Thus, the author of the book shows that there are no unambiguous actions in life. What seems right can at any moment turn into its opposite side. You need to think carefully about all the consequences before you take any important action.

Also, the events in the book that were especially memorable for me were the discovery by Captain Grigoriev, as an adult, of the diary of the navigator Tatarinov, which, after many obstacles, was published in Pravda. This means that people have learned about the true meaning of Tatarinov's expedition, learned the truth about this heroic captain.

Almost at the end of the novel, Grigoriev finds the body of Ivan Lvovich. This means that the hero's mission is completed. The Geographical Society listens to Sanya's report, where he tells the whole truth about Tatarinov's expedition.

Sanka's whole life is connected with the feat of the brave captain, since childhood he has been equal to brave explorer of the North and in adulthood finds the expedition "St. Mary", fulfilling his duty to the memory of Ivan Lvovich.

V. Kaverin did not just come up with the hero of his work, Captain Tatarinov. He took advantage of the history of two brave conquerors of the Far North. One of them was Sedov. From another he took the actual history of his journey. It was Brusilov. The drift of the "St. Mary" exactly repeats the drift of the Brusilovskaya "St. Anna". The diary of the navigator Klimov is completely based on the diary of the navigator of the "St. Anna" Albanov, one of the two surviving members of this tragic expedition.

So, how did Ivan Lvovich Tatarinov grow up? It was a boy who was born into a poor fishing family on the shores of the Sea of ​​Azov (Krasnodar Territory). In his youth, he went as a sailor on oil tankers between Batum and Novorossiysk. Then he passed the exam for the "naval ensign" and served in the Hydrographic Department, with proud indifference enduring the arrogant non-recognition of the officers.

I read a lot of Tatars making notes in the margins of books. He argued with Nansen. Now the captain was "completely agree", then "completely disagree" with him. He reproached him for the fact that, not having reached the pole of some four hundred kilometers, Nansen turned to the earth. The brilliant idea: “Ice will solve its own problem” was written there. On a sheet of yellowed paper that had fallen out of Nansen's book, Ivan Lvovich Tatarinov's handwriting was written: “Amundsen wishes at all costs to leave behind Norway the honor of discovering the North Pole, and we will go this year and prove to the whole world that the Russians are capable of this feat." He wanted to go, like Nansen, perhaps further north with drifting ice, and then get to the pole on dogs.

In mid-June 1912, the schooner St. Maria ”left Petersburg for Vladivostok. At first, the ship followed the intended course, but in the Kara Sea, the "Holy Mary" froze and slowly began to move north along with the polar ice. Thus, willy-nilly, the captain had to abandon his original intention - to go to Vladivostok along the coast of Siberia. “But there is no evil without good! A completely different thought now occupies me, ”he wrote in a letter to his wife. There was even ice in the cabins, and every morning they had to cut it with an axe. It was a very difficult journey, but all the people were doing well and probably would have done it if they hadn't been late with the equipment, and if the equipment hadn't been so bad. The team owed all its failures to the betrayal of Nikolai Antonovich Tatarinov. Of the sixty dogs he sold to the team in Arkhangelsk, most of them had to be shot on Novaya Zemlya. “We took risks, we knew that we were taking risks, but we did not expect such a blow,” Tatarinov wrote, “The main failure is a mistake that you have to pay for daily, every minute, the one that I entrusted the expedition with Nikolai … »

Among the captain's farewell letters were a map of the filmed area and business papers. One of them was a copy of the obligation, according to which the captain waives any remuneration in advance, all commercial production upon returning to the "Great Land" belongs to Nikolai Antonovich Tatarinov, the captain is responsible with all his property to Tatarinov in case of loss of the ship.

But despite the difficulties he managed to draw conclusions from his observations and formulas, proposed by him, allow one to subtract the speed and direction of ice movement in any area of ​​the Arctic Ocean. This seems almost unbelievable when one remembers that the comparatively short drift of the St. Mary" went through places that, it would seem, do not provide data for such broad totals.

The captain was left alone, all his comrades died, he could no longer walk, he was cold on the move, at rest, he could not even warm up while eating, he froze his legs. “I’m afraid that we are finished, and I have no hope even that you will ever read these lines. We can no longer walk, we freeze on the go, on halts, we can’t even get warm while eating, ”we read his lines.

Tatarinov understood that soon it was his turn, but he was not at all afraid of death, because he did more than he could to stay alive.

His story ended not in defeat and unknown death, but in victory.

At the end of the war, making a report to the Geographical Society, Sanya Grigoriev said that the facts that had been established by the expedition of Captain Tatarinov had not lost their significance. So, on the basis of a study of drift, the famous polar explorer Professor V. suggested the existence of an unknown island between the 78th and 80th parallels, and this island was discovered in 1935 - and exactly where V. determined its place. The constant drift established by Nansen was confirmed by the voyage of Captain Tatarinov, and the formulas for the comparative motion of ice and wind represent an enormous contribution to Russian science.

The photographic films of the expedition, which had lain in the ground for about thirty years, were developed.

On them he appears to us - a tall man in a fur hat, in fur boots, tied under the knees with straps. He stands with his head stubbornly bowed, leaning on his gun, and the dead bear, with its paws folded like a kitten, lies at his feet. This was a strong, fearless soul!

Everyone stood up when he appeared on the screen, and such silence, such solemn silence reigned in the hall, that no one even dared to breathe, let alone say a word.

“... It is bitter for me to think about all the things that I could have done if I had not been helped, but at least not hindered. One consolation is that by my labors new vast lands have been discovered and annexed to Russia ... ”, - we read the lines written by the brave captain. He named the land after his wife, Marya Vasilievna.

And in the last hours of his life, he did not think about himself, but worried about his family: “My dear Mashenka, somehow you will live without me!”

Courageous and clear character, purity of thought, clarity of purpose - all this reveals a man of great soul.

And Captain Tatarinov is buried like a hero. Ships entering the Yenisei Bay from afar see his grave. They walk past her with their flags at half-staff, and cannon fireworks are fireworks. The grave was built of white stone, and it sparkles dazzlingly under the rays of the never-setting polar sun. The following words are carved at the height of human growth: “Here lies the body of Captain I.L. Tatarinov, who made one of the most courageous journeys and died on his way back from Severnaya Zemlya discovered by him in June 1915. "Fight and seek, find and never give up!"- this is the motto of the work.

That is why all the heroes of the story consider I.L. Tatarinov a hero. Because he was a fearless man, he fought death, and in spite of everything he achieved his goal.

As a result, the truth triumphs - Nikolai Antonovich is punished, and the name of Sanya is now inextricably linked with the name of Tatarinov: "Captains like this move humanity and science forward".

And, in my opinion, this is absolutely true. Tatarinov's discovery was very important for science. But the act of Sani, who devoted many years to restoring justice, can also be called a feat - both scientific and human. This hero has always lived according to the laws of goodness and justice, never went to meanness. This is what helped him to endure in the most ᴄᴫᴏ harsh conditions.

We can say the same for about Sanya's wife - Katya Tatarinova. In terms of strength of character, this woman is on a par with her husband. She went through all the trials that fell to her lot, but remained faithful to Sana, carried her love to the end. And this despite the fact that many people sought to separate the heroes. One of them is an imaginary friend of Sanya "Romashka" - Romashov. On account of this man there were a lot of meanness - betrayals, betrayals, lies.

As a result, he was punished - he was put in jail. Another villain was also punished - Nikolai Antonovich, who was expelled from science in disgrace.


Based on what I have said above, we come to the conclusion that "Two Captains" and its heroes teach us a lot. “In all trials, it is necessary to maintain dignity in oneself, to always remain human. Under any circumstances, one must be faithful to goodness, love, light. Only then is it possible to cope with all the trials, ”says the writer V. Kaverin.

And the heroes of his book show us that we need to face life, to meet any difficulties. Then you are provided with an interesting life, full of adventures and real deeds. A life that will not be shameful to remember in old age.


Yurin Vladimir

The research work carried out by the pupils of the Tambov Cadet Corps has one feature - we are trying to find a practical basis for conducting science-intensive analysis: reach the level of expeditions, get support and advice from experts of the All-Russian level, become participants in real educational events. Because of this, research work often leads to the implementation of projects.

The leading educational event of the last academic year was the project to create the Northern Lights Club of Young Polar Explorers in the cadet corps. The partners of our project are the Association of Polar Explorers of Russia (President - Artur Nikolaevich Chilingarov, special representative of the President of Russia for international cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic, honorary cadet of our corps), the charitable foundation of the All-Russian Club "Adventure" (Dmitry and Matvey Shparo), territorial departments of the Federal Security Service of Russia , the Dynamo society, physical culture, sports and tourism of the Tambov region, the regional administration, educational institutions in Moscow and Pushkino, Moscow region, and many others.

But the practical component of the project implementation should have a solid foundation for the research work of cadets in various areas: geographical, environmental, ethnographic and others.

Thus, the relevance of my work lies in the fact that it is part of the systemic project of the cadet corps dedicated to the North.

In this case, the presented research work is part of a team work on the analysis of one of the key literary works devoted to the problems of discovering and studying the territories of the Far North.



Tambov Regional State Budgetary Educational Institution Cadet Boarding School "Multiprofile Cadet Corps"

Research work on the topic:

"Development of the epistolary genre in the letters of Captain Tatarinov

in the work of V. Kaverin "Two Captains"

Completed by: Yurin Vladimir Yurievich,
10th grade cadet

Head: Gutarina Svetlana Viktorovna,

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Introduction ………………………………………………………………………3 - 7

Chapter 1. Theory of the epistolary genre.

1.1 From the history of the epistolary genre…………………………………… 7 - 12

1.2 The question of the genre definition of letters………………………………… 12 - 13

1.3 Etiquette speech formulas in letters…………………………… 13 - 14

Chapter 2. The composition of the letter.

2.1Beginning of a letter…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 14-17

2.2 Information part…………………………………………… 17

2.3 Ending the letter…………………………………………………… 17 – 19

Chapter 3. Letters from Captain Tatarinov in the plot organization of the novel

V. Kaverina "Two captains".

3.1 Review of the content component of the novel by V. Kaverin “Two Captains”……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 19 - 20

3.2 Analysis of the “first” passage from the letter…………………………… 20 – 23

3.3 Analysis of the "second" passage from the letter…………………………… 23 - 27

3.4 Analysis of the “third” passage from the letter…………………………… 27 - 28

Conclusion…………………………………………………………… 28 - 30

Literature………………………………………………………… 30 - 31

Application…………………………………………………………… 32 - 37


Please write me letters!
In our loud age, they have no price ...
N. Kuzovleva.

Today, most people have forgotten how to write letters. In this regard, epistolary art fell sharply, replaced by the ease of telephone communication, the rhythms and pace of modernity, to the detriment of future historians, biographers, literary critics and linguists. You are only amazed when you look around at the past monuments of the frantic hard work of people seeking fellowship. We admire, re-reading the published volumes of letters of A. S. Pushkin, L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov. And earlier - the times of ancient Rome. Their form, content, and the design itself are attractive - clear, well-considered, neat, in which respect for the addressee is felt.
Letters recreate destiny. No sources, documents, conjectures, constructions of the mind or insights of the soul will return what a person (or a hero of a literary work) told about himself in his letters. In them, he revealed himself to his contemporaries and descendants, taking everything else with him, which no one will ever guess, resurrect or recognize.
What do you look for and find in letters? Personal intonations, lively voice. Letter- this is one of the most ancient types of written text, with the help of which people at all times exchanged information, thoughts and feelings. How many concepts this truly rich, magical word includes! What could be more intriguing, mysterious than a letter that has not yet been opened, which you hold in your hand, regardless of who it is from: from relatives, friends or acquaintances. It can make you happy, and upset, and turn your whole life around. It is not for nothing that word artists often choose letters as a form of novelistic narration, for example, Goethe's "The Sorrows of Young Werther", Rousseau's "Julia or New Eloise". The epistolary genre was used in the Russian classics (I. S. Turgenev, L. N. Tolstoy, A. P. Chekhov, F. M. Dostoevsky) and in the literature of a later period (V. Kaverin "Two Captains", D. Granin " Bison"). Peculiar letters are notes, diaries in the novel by M.Yu. Lermontov "A Hero of Our Time". The genre of "letter" was also popular in the work of wartime poets. These are letters of promise, letters of confession, letters of oath: “In the dugout” by A. Surkov, “Wait for me” by K. Simonov, “Dark Night” by V. Agatov.

The research work carried out by the pupils of the Tambov Cadet Corps has one feature - we are trying to find a practical basis for conducting science-intensive analysis: reach the level of expeditions, get support and advice from experts of the All-Russian level, become participants in real educational events. Because of this, research work often leads to the implementation of projects.

The leading educational event of the last academic year was the project to create the Northern Lights Club of Young Polar Explorers in the cadet corps. The partners of our project are the Association of Polar Explorers of Russia (President - Artur Nikolaevich Chilingarov, special representative of the President of Russia for international cooperation in the Arctic and Antarctic, honorary cadet of our corps), the charitable foundation of the All-Russian Club "Adventure" (Dmitry and Matvey Shparo), territorial departments of the Federal Security Service of Russia , the Dynamo society, physical culture, sports and tourism of the Tambov region, the regional administration, educational institutions in Moscow and Pushkino, Moscow region, and many others.

Among the main tasks of the Club:

preservation and development of the traditions of Russian polar explorers;

popularization of the best achievements in the study and development of the Northern Territories;

attracting public attention to the problems of the Russian North;

vocational guidance training of cadets for future service in the military and civilian fields in the regions of the North;

expansion of the research work of cadets related to the socio-cultural and scientific study of the North;

practical development of the northern territories through participation in expeditions, sightseeing trips, hiking trips, organization of specialized camp shifts.

Practical tasks are actively solved: 2 cadets were trained in the Republic of Karelia to participate in the ski crossing from the Barneo drifting station to the North Pole, 15 cadets are being selected for the expedition to Franz Josef Land.

But the practical component of the project implementation should have a solid foundation for the research work of cadets in various areas: geographical, environmental, ethnographic and others.

Thus, the relevance of my work lies in the fact that it is part of the systemic project of the cadet corps dedicated to the North.

In this case, the presented research work is part of a team work on the analysis of one of the key literary works devoted to the problems of discovering and studying the territories of the Far North.

Topic of my work:“Development of the epistolary genre in the letters of Captain Tatarinov in the work of V. Kaverin “Two Captains”.

Rereading the letters of Captain Tatarinov, you catch yourself thinking that some of them can be copied almost exactly today. This is all the more important because many of us, holding a pen, feel at a loss, not being able to find language means of etiquette and appropriately apply them in a recommendation or in an expression of condolence. Such linguistic means are epistolary units - situationally determined, communicatively directed, thematically conjugated, interconnected and interdependent stable formulas of communication. The true culture and etiquette of communication can be traced precisely in the letters of the past. Therefore, for us, people of the electronic age, a good example also does not hurt.
Object of studyserved as letters from Captain I. L. Tatarinov to Maria Vasilievna, his wife.

Subject of researchare epistolary units.

The purpose of this work- to identify the features of epistolary units in the letters of Captain Tatarinov to the above mentioned addressee.

The purpose of the study determined the following tasks: - get acquainted with the selected literature on the topic; - to study and analyze the epistolary legacy of Captain Tatarinov to his wife;

Systematize the analyzed material by letters; - to identify and reveal the features of epistolary units in Captain Tatarinov's letters to the addressee.

Novelty of this work lies in the fact that letters in general are a little-studied phenomenon. Their research is at the intersection of several disciplines, they are the object of history, literary criticism, linguistics and other sciences. Linguists have studied only some of the features of certain types of letters, therefore, a complete picture of this type of literary activity in science, one might say, is missing. It should be noted that the letters were almost not subjected to linguistic research, either in terms of language or speech.

In the process of working on this topic, the following methods were used:

Biographical (used to clarify the relationship between the intensity of correspondence, the use of special etiquette-epistolary units (addresses, farewells, etc.) with elements of the hero's biography; - comparative (used when comparing the requirements for personal correspondence at different times);

Analytical (used in the direct study of epistolary units).
The theoretical significance lies in the fact that the work provides a systematic analysis of the epistolary units of etiquette; the features of their functioning are highlighted depending on the addressee and the nature of the letter.
The practical significance is determined by the fact that the theoretical and practical material of the work can be used by teachers, students of educational institutions when studying, for example, a novel

F. M. Dostoevsky "Poor people", letters from Onegin and Tatyana in the novel

A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin".
Structurally, the work consists of an introduction, which provides a rationale for the chosen topic, determines the relevance and novelty, the object and subject of research, outlines the main stages of the work, determines the theoretical and practical significance, three chapters: the first chapter discusses the history of the issue under study, the theory of epistolary creativity , in the second chapter, an acquaintance with the composition of the letter takes place, in the third chapter, an analysis of epistolary units is made, their features are revealed based on the letters of Captain Tatarinov, conclusion, list of references (26 sources)and an appendix, which contains the texts of Captain Tatarinov's letters to his wife, which make it possible to visualize the features of the epistolary units in V. Kaverin's novel "Two Captains", photographs of the geographical objects of the North mentioned in the letters, a list of the islands of the Severnaya Zemlya archipelago and a letter to Captain Tatarinov.

. Chapter 1. Theory of the epistolary genre

1.1 From the history of the genre.
"Letter" as a literary genre has spread since antiquity in Greek and especially in Roman literature. The letters of Cicero, Seneca, Pliny the Younger are examples of early epistolary literature. In the East, in Greece, Rome, Ancient Rus', medieval Europe, the art of writing letters has reached a high level of development. The Romans considered this art to be graceful and free, it was part of education.

In ancient epistolary theories, letters were called “half of the dialogue” (i.e., a dialogue without an interlocutor), but at the same time they emphasized the difference between writing as a written form of speech and spoken speech: “... writing needs more careful processing than dialogue: after all, dialogue imitates speech , said without preparation, impromptu, the letter is written and sent as a gift.

Ancient rhetoricians and "scribes" gave the rules of correspondence and examples of the art of writing letters and insisted that the task of writing is to call a spade a spade, to remain documents, everyday phenomena with all the skillful design. The general plot of the letter may be missing. There is nothing obligatory in the composition of the letter, it all depends on the intentions of the writer, he has the power to cut off the narration in mid-sentence and return to the topic raised at the beginning. At the end, it may not put a signature.

For comparison with the requirements that were imposed by the ancient rhetoricians and "writers" to personal correspondence, we present the requirements that were imposed in the 19th century. From the book “Life in the Light, at Home and at Court”, published in 1890, it is clear that in many ways the society was right, strictly following the rules of decency, and in many ways our predecessors were right, observing etiquette. The authors of this work believe that “... you should write about the person to whom the letter is intended, and touch on subjects that may interest him, then you can already tell about yourself, describe your situation and pastime, in conclusion, turn again to the personality of the correspondent, ask about various circumstances related to him, and then express a desire to see you soon.

The first samples of the epistolary novel appeared in Europe as early as the 17th century. The first such work was the Portuguese Letters by Gabriel Joseph Guilleragas, written in 1669. The work is a collection of love letters from the Portuguese nun Marianna Alcoforado. Another novel in 17th century letters is Aphra Behn's Love Correspondence between a Nobleman and His Sister, which was written

in 1684.

In the XVIII century, the genre of the novel in letters becomes very popular, especially among writers - sentimentalists. The popularity of this genre was facilitated by the success of the novels "Pamela, or Virtue Reborn", "Clarissa, or the Story of a Young Lady", containing the most important issues of private life and showing, in particular, the disasters that can result from the wrong behavior of both parents and children. in relation to marriage, The History of Sir Charles Grandison, by Samuel Richardson.

In France of the 18th century, novels in letters were written by Charles Louis de Montesquieu "Persian Letters", Philippe Bridard de la Garde "Letters of Teresa", Jean-Jacques Rousseau "Julia, or New Eloise", Choderlos de Laclos "Dangerous Liaisons". In Germany, at the same time, Johann Wolfgang Goethe turned to the genre of the novel in letters. His "The Suffering of Young Werther" is one of the classics of the epistolary genre.

In the literature of romanticism, the development of the genre continued. Julia Kridener's novel "Valerie", Etienne de Senancourt's "Oberman", Johann Christian Friedrich Hölderlin's "Hyperion" were created in the form of letters. The epistolary genre was also used in Jane Austen's Lady Susan. In neo-romantic literature, the techniques of the genre were developed by Bram Stoker in the novel Dracula.

In Russian literature, it is impossible not to mention the first novel by F. M. Dostoevsky "Poor People", written between 1844 and 1846, when the author was twenty-five years old. The novel depicts correspondence between Makar Devushkin and Varvara Dobroselova.

“Letters were invented to communicate their thoughts to those who are absent,” says the “New and complete letter book, or general secretary, containing letters: informing, giving advice, accusatory ...” 1829. And further: “They serve instead of oral conversation and, as it were, before the eyes represent people who are distant from each other. The art of writing letters is the way in which almost all communications in society are contained.

The authors of the letter compare a person's letter with his own portrait, which is easy to spoil even with one wrong line. They believe that "the written style should not be too high, but not too clownish, it should look like an ordinary conversation."

In the 19th century letters were as important as they are now. This is also evidenced by the earlier, published in 1881, collection "Good tone" by Hermann Goppe. It makes sense to adopt some of the rules that existed then. Since a significant part of good manners is not a tribute to fashion, not momentary trends, but rules polished by time, following which saves us from inconvenience, bringing joy from communication.

For example, the "Collection of advice and instructions", released in 1889, was at one time literally a handbook. The main provisions are acceptable even now, they are being revived (rules for addressing, writing letters). The book tells us that “in the art of composing letters, the ability to distinguish the one to whom we write plays a very important role, to give the right tone to our letter, that is, such a tone that would quite correctly agree with those feelings and attitudes to to whom we write. And further: “Any letter, no matter who it is written, reflects the moral character of the writer, the measure of his education. That is why it is necessary in correspondence to be refined and witty and firmly remembering that holy truth that people aptly conclude about moral dignity from letters.

The letter is adapted to the transfer of as much and varied information as possible in the smallest possible volume of the message. Such “frugality” of communication has been historically fixed: after all, private correspondence reflects the entire daily life of people outside of their official relations, and this is a huge complex of emotions, thoughts, and actions.

The importance of private letters is greater, since an intimate conversation allows you to speak openly about many things, to raise questions that cannot be raised publicly - political, philosophical, historical. That is, epistolary literature provided an opportunity for an exchange of views on issues that were considered non-debatable.

Figures of culture and art raised the language of letters to the level of the language of works of art. They even published some of their letters as fiction and journalistic works. For example, N.V. Gogol's articles in "Selected passages from correspondence with friends" are excerpts from the author's personal letters. Personal letters of A. S. Pushkin, P. A. Vyazemsky, V. A. Zhukovsky and many other writers were read at one time in circles and salons as literary works. And the authors themselves wrote letters with no less diligence than their works of art. Drafts of some letters of well-known figures of culture and art have been preserved, which testify to the careful work on their content and style.

Therefore, speaking of a careful attitude to the creation of their own letters, one can see the same scrupulousness in writing letters by the heroes of the works. Basically, these are friendly letters. It is in them, the characteristic feature of which is “looseness”, meaningful freedom, trusting and friendly relations between the participants in communication, that the “secret” of using the language is revealed, the system of speech preferences is revealed.

At different times, the epistolary genre attracted writers with its great potential. A. I. Herzen wrote: “For digressions and for brackets, I love the form of letters most of all ... - you can write without hesitation what comes to mind.” And also: “I always looked at letters with some kind of trepidation, with some kind of painful pleasure, nervous, thick and, perhaps, close to fear. ... Like dry leaves that have wintered under the snow, the letters remind me of another summer, its heat , its warm nights, and the fact that it has gone forever and ever, you can guess from them about the branchy oak from which the wind plucked them, but it does not make noise over your head and does not press with all its strength, as it presses in the book. Correspondence becomes "some kind of moving, open confession ... everything is fixed, everything is marked in letters ... without rouge and embellishment."

In this case, a letter is defined as a private informal written communication of persons (addresser and addressee), characterized by sufficient content freedom, the presence of standard epistolary elements (appeal, signature, as well as the date, place of writing), which, as a rule, involves receiving a response and is not intended auto -rum letters for publication. For a friendly letter of great importance is the constant feeling of the personality of the addressee by the author of the letter, the “home-likeness” of the material, his autobiography.

In the last decade, thanks to the Internet, novels based on electronic correspondence have appeared. The first significant novel written in Spanish and describing correspondence solely by e-mail is The Heart of Voltaire by Puerto Rican writer Luis López Nieves. The novel was written in 2005. Unlike a traditional epistolary novel, the use of e-mail in the novel makes the plot more dynamic, as the Internet allows messages to be delivered anywhere in the world in a matter of seconds.
1.2 Question of genre definition of letters

In modern science, there are practically no works in which the theory of this genre would be deeply developed.

Some scholars consider the most striking feature of letters to be their focus on a particular reader. And since the addressee may not be one person, but a group of persons, the content of the letter may address issues not only of a personal nature, but also public and state problems.

All letters can be classified from several points of view. One type of classification is in terms of the permanent addressee, that is, how many letters were addressed to a particular person and what is the general tone of these letters. It is possible to classify letters both in terms of content and its purpose. Conventionally, the following groups are distinguished in this classification: private letters, business letters, journalistic letters and philosophical ones. Most often we have to talk about business and personal letters. The main features of a business (official) letter are persuasiveness, strict consistency, conciseness, and informativeness. Business correspondence is in many ways close to the official business style in the presence of a special stock of official, clerical vocabulary and phraseology. A personal letter is distinguished by emotionality, ease, the transfer of one's own impressions, a rather large coverage of events and information from the life of the author of the letter and the addressee. Through the language of the hero, we can determine not only his mood, character, but also his attitude towards the addressee. And this is very important! After all, compiling the text of the letter with special care, we hope to get an answer to it.

Different literary genres to varying degrees reflect the linguistic specificity of the individual. The epistolary genre can be called universal, since it is especially favorable for the study of a linguistic personality in all the richness of its manifestation.

1.3 Etiquette speech formulas in letters

Writing is a special (epistolary) genre of speech. It is compiled and sent to the addressee in order to inform him of something, to notify him of something, to maintain communication with him. The genre of writing dictates a greater stereotyping of expressions than oral communication, hence the special set of etiquette expressions characteristic of the epistolary genre.

Writing etiquette is part of speech etiquette in general, but it is a special part of it, since contact between those who communicate does not occur directly, but in time and space in writing. Both the temporal-spatial feature and the written form suggest a special genre of writing and dictate the choice of certain language means that differ from the means of oral speech etiquette. The distance of the “interlocutors” in space excludes facial expressions, gesture, intonation, what can be called understanding from a half-word, the possibility of asking again, situational reinforcement, therefore, it implies a comparative completeness of constructions, deployment, sequence of presentation, that is, those features that are characteristic of monologue speech. However, a letter cannot be called a monologue in the full sense, since the presence of a specific addressee, and most importantly, his expected answer, also causes dialogue forms of communication (greeting, farewell, appeal, etc.). The distance of the “interlocutors” in space may necessitate the description of a gesture, for example: I hug, kiss, shake my hand. The remoteness of the “interlocutors” in time makes it necessary to remind the addressee of the questions posed in his letter, of returning to the topics already mentioned (You ask how I live ...), that is, again, the letter stands out as a special genre of dialogic-monologic text.

Chapter 2

Compositionally, the letter consists of three parts: 1) the beginning (address, greeting, etc.), 2) the informational part and 3) the ending.

2.1 Beginning of the letter

Each type of writing involves its own characteristic types of beginnings, which are determined by the degree of standardization of the letter. Naturally, standardization is the highest in a business letter, and the lowest in a friendly letter.

This type of beginning, such as indicating the place where the letter is sent from, and the dates of writing at the beginning of the letter may be absent in informal letters.

The beginning of the Russian letter also includes appeals, greetings. The sequence of parts at the beginning of informal letters is as follows:

Place and date of writing the letter;



The place of writing the letter is a geographical name: from the widest - the name of the state (Russia, France), to the narrowest - the name of the city (Moscow, St. Petersburg), village (village Vyazniki), settlement (village Oktyabrsky) . In addition, these can be conditional names of the place where the letter is written from: the Anapa sanatorium, the board of the ship Georgia. As can be seen from the examples, a combination of a generic name with a conditional name is more often used, which is typical for informal letters.

The date of writing the letter most often includes the day, month and year. All three of these elements are formatted in different ways: the number can be enclosed in quotation marks, the word "years" is abbreviated. In other types of letters, the month may be indicated by a Roman or Arabic numeral, for example: 8/X-1978, 8.X.78, 8-X-78, 10.8.78. The letter may not indicate the year, but sometimes time of day and day of the week can be marked. For example: 8.X, morning; 7/VIII, Sunday; 11 am, Saturday.

Address in a letter

The choice of etiquette forms of address is determined by the norms of Russian speech etiquette.

The choice of first and middle name, full or diminutive form of the name, as well as the name and kinship name with affectionate suffixes (for example: Valechka, mommy) are determined by the relationship between the addressee and the sender, the degree of their closeness, the nature of the relationship at the moment, the content of the letter.

The form of addressing the word "dear" is widespread. Moreover, the word dear is neutral in this case. As a neutral word, it is opposed, on the one hand, to such "affectionate", "intimate" words as dear, dear, etc., and on the other hand, to such "official" words as respected, highly respected. It should also be noted that the appeal "dear" is accompanied by the pronoun "my (mine)", also has an intimate character (for example: My dear mom!). The order of the words "my", "dear", "beloved" can be different. For example: My dear! Darling! Or my dear! My lovely! Among close people, the use of a large number of individual, occasional affectionate addresses is common.

Greeting in a letter

A typical opening element is a salutation, which may begin private formal and informal letters. Letters may begin: 1) with an appeal; 2) with greetings and appeals; 3) with an appeal and greeting; 4) with greetings.

The most common stylistically neutral greetings are “Hello (those)!”, “Good afternoon!”, Which can be both before and after the appeal, for example: Hello, dear Ekaterina Ivanovna! Dear Semyon Vasilyevich, hello! Good afternoon, my dear Olenka! My dear son, good afternoon!

The word "greet" forms various greetings. For example: Allow me to welcome you, dear Alexei Nikolaevich! Such greetings are found in informal letters from people of the older and middle generation, for example: Dear Victor, I cordially greet you.

In a greeting, the formula “I send (helmet) hello” often appears. This formula is typical for informal letters. For example: I send warm greetings, dear Klava!

Greetings often contain an indication of the place from which the letter is sent, for example: Greetings from the Crimea! I send you greetings from the ship! Greetings, drawn up with the words "greetings", "hello", are often accompanied by wishes and congratulations, if the subject of the letter provides for this. For example: Kostya! Greetings from Crimea and best wishes! I cordially greet the participants of the International Scientific Conference.

2.2 Information part

To go directly to the informational part, there are stereotypical phrases. They harmoniously enter messages (for example: I’ll tell you about business in a few words or I’m in a hurry to tell the news ... etc.). There are also stereotypical phrases that contain informational information (for example: This is where I end. Or Well, that's all the news, etc.).

The elements of the informational part of the letter also include braces - formulas that allow you to enter a new, significant segment of the letter. The transition from paragraph to paragraph, from one thought to another, as a rule, is realized with the help of a tie-attachment, a tie-opposition, a tie-generalization.

Attachment-clip introduces an additional message, for example: In addition to what has been said, we inform ...; Yes, I would like to add...

A counter-brace introduces a message containing a limitation or opposition to what has been said, for example: So we basically agree with your condition. However, I must make a number of clarifications.

A generalization skrepa, as a rule, introduces a final message to what was said earlier, for example: Based on the above, one can come to the following conclusion ...

2.3 Letter ending

The ending of the letter, like the beginning, has a normalized sequence of parts.

At the end of the informal letter are the following parts: 1) final phrases; 2) repeated apologies, thanks, congratulations; 3) assumptions that the correspondence will be regular; 4) a request to write and answer questions (often these questions are listed); 5) greetings and a request to send greetings; 6) farewell; 7) PS - (post scriptum - literally: after what was written) - where what was accidentally omitted in the text of the letter is added.

The sequence of parts at the end of the letter is as follows:

Final phrases;

requests to write;

Assumptions that the correspondence will be normal;

Repeated apologies, congratulations, wishes;


Greetings and requests to convey greetings;

Farewell and expressions accompanying farewell;

Assurances of respect, friendship, love;



At the same time, not all elements of the scheme must be present in the letter.

Signature at the end of the letter

The signature at the end of the letter corresponds to the forms of address accepted between the correspondents. If the correspondents call each other by their first name and patronymic, then the sender writes his first name and patronymic at the end of the letter, and if they call each other by their first name or kinship name, then they sign the name or kinship name, and the diminutive form often corresponds to the one that familiar to reporters.

Non-standard addressee signatures in a friendly letter also express the attitude of the author of the letter to the addressee, serve to establish and maintain communication, and “increase” the pragmatic effect of communication. For example: Your Coconut (K.S. Stanislavsky - N.K. Schlesinger; December 12, 1886).

Stereotyping postscript at the end of a letterPostscript - the text that is located after the signature. The first postscript can be entered with a P.S. (postscript), and the secondary postscript is P.S.S. (post-postscript), after which the phrases can go: In addition, I inform ..., One more news ... and others.

In private letters, postscripts without the P.S sign are possible.

Chapter 3. Letters from Captain Tatarinov in the plot organization of V. Kaverin's novel "Two Captains".

3.1 Review of the content component of the novel by V. Kaverin "Two Captains".

Before proceeding to the study of the letters of Captain Tatarinov, I would like to say about the plot of the work. It is based on the letters of Captain Ivan Lvovich Tatarinov, whose expedition got lost in the north near Novaya Zemlya. The author did not accidentally choose this type of narration. These letters run through the entire novel, largely determining the future of the protagonist - Sanka Grigoriev. They are a kind of link in the novel: the past haunts the hero in the present and pushes him to future discoveries.

From the pages of the novel, we learn that Ivan Lvovich Tatarinov is the captain of the schooner "Saint Mary", who in the fall of 1912 went on a northern expedition. At first, he thought of going on a schooner along the coast of Siberia from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok. Then he changed his route and took the Northern Sea Route as far as possible to the North Pole. For a long time the expedition was considered lost, the fate of Tatarinov was unknown. And only by chance and perseverance of Alexander Grigoriev it became known that important geographical discoveries were made by Tatarinov. A new land was discovered, which he called "Mary's Land" and which was subsequently discovered by Vilkitsky and named Severnaya Zemlya. Formulas were derived by which it was possible to calculate the speed and direction of ice movement in any area of ​​the Arctic Ocean. Scientific information about the existence of Peterman's Land was refuted. From the captain's letters it became known that the schooner was covered with ice in the Kara Sea. 13 people, led by the navigator Klimov, on his orders, went to the mainland to deliver information about the discoveries to the Hydrographic Department. Tatarinov himself, with the rest of the expedition, stayed for the winter on the new land he discovered, and then moved towards the mainland. The remains of his expedition were discovered by Grigoriev on the northern coast of Taimyr.

3.2. Analysis of the "first" passage from the letter.

Starting to study one of the letters of Captain Tatarinov, I want to conditionally give them a number, since I note that the exact date is not indicated in them. In addition, the novel does not give a clear boundary at the end of the first letter and the beginning of another. The work says: “Here the first leaf ended. I turned it over, but nothing could be read on the other side, except for a few incoherent words, slightly preserved among smudges and stains. Therefore, I will call them the “first”, “second”, and “third” passages from the letter, based on their following in the novel.

“My friend, my dear, dear Mashenka!

It's been about two years now since I sent you a letter via a telegraph expedition to Yugorsky Shar. But how much has changed since then, I can't tell you! To begin with, then we were moving freely along the intended course, and since October 1913 we have been slowly moving north along with the polar ice. Thus, willy-nilly, we had to abandon the original intention - to go to Vladivostok along the coast of Siberia. But there is no evil without good! A completely different thought now occupies me. I hope it does not seem to you - as to some of my companions - "childish" or "reckless" ...

Place of writing and date in the letter

There is no date in the letter. Captain Tatarinov only points to a fairly long time for sending the letter: "... about two years have passed since I sent you a letter ...". V. Kaverin used this technique to show that time has no power over a person's desire to live and create, and in the case of the hero of the novel, to discover something new for others.

The place of departure of the letter is Yugorsky Shar.From the encyclopedia we learn what it isstraitbetween the shores of the islandVaygach and mainland Eurasia, connects the southern parts of the Barents andKarskyseas. The length is about 40 km, the width is from 2.5 to 12 km. The greatest depth is 36 m. Most of the year it is covered with ice. There are several islands in the strait, the main ones being Storozhevoy and Sokoly. shores of the straitprecipitous, cliffsand rocky ones. There is no woody vegetation on the banks, there is sparse grass, slanka,moss And reindeer moss. For the first time among the navigators of Western Europe they passed the Yugorsky Shar in1580the British Arthur Peet and Charles Jackman, calling this strait Nassau. Later, a Russian version appeared - the Vaigach Strait. At present, the strait is called Yugorsky Shar. WITH17th centuryRussian travelers used the strait on their way toMangazeya. A more accurate survey of the Yugorsky Shar was carried out in And 1898 expeditions L. F. Dobrotvorsky And A. I. Vilkitsky.

The letter uses the combination "through a telegraph expedition to Yugorsky Shar". It also has a historical and geographical justification. The marine hydrometeorological (polar) station Yugorsky Shar was opened in 1913 under the program of the II category, it was located on the coast at the eastern mouth of the Yugorsky Shar strait, 3 km from its outlet into the Kara Sea, between Capes Lakorzali and Yarossel. On August 3, 1989, the station was moved 500 m northeast of its original location. Observations were terminated and the station was closed on May 17, 1993.

Address in a letter

"My friend, my dear, dear Masha!" - with these words, Captain Tatarinov begins his letter to his wife. The neutral forms of the standard etiquette address “dear, dear” take on a different color in this context: they show the spiritual qualities of a person, and the use of the possessive pronoun “my” gives an intimate character. In addition, the phrase-appeal "my friend" is used - a symbol of reliability and devotion. The word order is used direct, and in the address "my friend" there is an inversion, which performs an accent and semantic function, serves to highlight the necessary words. According to the speech constructions, we can conclude: Captain Tatarinov sees in his wife a reliable comrade and devoted friend whom he loves and appreciates.

Greeting in a letter

There is no greeting in the letter. This speaks, on the one hand, of the feelings that overwhelm the hero, and on the other hand, of the transience of time, or rather, of its lack. There is so much to say and express. Or maybe Captain Tatarinov does not even want to think about those huge kilometers that separate him from his family. Therefore, he avoids the standard "hello". It seems to him that he sees Maria Vasilievna, and the words-stamps are out of place here.

Information part

In the informational part, Captain Tatarinov talks about past events, but in his descriptions I see the hero as more of a romantic than a discoverer of the vast northern latitudes. The rhetorical exclamation “But how much has changed since then, I can’t tell you!” fascinates: the hero is overwhelmed by the flows of information that he wants to convey to the addressee. This formula already shows the importance of those events that will be described later. The hero sets out the route with extreme precision, using professional words: expedition, course, north, polar ice. Ivan Lvovich begins the informational part with the standard phrase: "to begin with...". This suggests that the hero has something to tell, but thoughts are in a hurry, you need to take the most important thing. Therefore, Captain Tatarinov, fearing to interrupt the clear composition of the narrative, begins with the dates: "since October 1913, we have been slowly moving north along with the polar ice." The letter uses the phraseological unit “there is no blessing without good”, in which notes of optimism are heard. Even in the current difficult, or rather, hopeless situation, Tatarinov finds pluses. Most of all in this letter I was attracted by the last lines: “A completely different thought now occupies me. I hope it doesn't seem to you - as it does to some of my companions - "childish" or "reckless."Here the character's style is original, full of peculiar turns. Epithets are used: the thought is called "childish, reckless". They describe to us the character of a true polar explorer, a person full of hopes and unfulfilled dreams. Summing up the analysis of this passage from Captain Tatarinov's letter to his wife, it should be noted a mixture of two styles of colloquial (the beginning of the letter, phraseological unit, adverb "willy-nilly") and scientific (exact geographical names, dates). Regarding the epistolary units, one can note a certain compositional completeness: the beginning “to start with that ...” and a fragment of the conclusion of the statement “in this way”.

Letter ending

The end of the letter is missing.

3.3 Analysis of the "second" passage from the letter.

The second passage began with a description of the schooner "Saint Mary":“In the midst of one such field stands our “St. Maria“, covered with snow up to the gunwale. From time to time, garlands of frost break off the rigging and fall down with a quiet rustle.. And then follows:“As you can see, Mashenka, out of grief I became a poet. However, we also have a real poet - our cook Kolpakov. A restless soul! All day long he sings his poem. Here are four lines for you to remember:
Under the flag of Mother Russia
The captain and I will go on our way
And round the shores of Siberia
With your beautiful ship.

I write and reread my endless letter and write again and see that I am just chatting with you, and there is so much more important to say. I am sending Klimov a package addressed to the head of the Hydrographic Department. These are my observations, official letters and a report that outlines the history of our drift. But just in case, I am writing to you about our discovery: there are no lands on the maps to the north of the Taimyr Peninsula. Meanwhile, being at latitude 79° 35" between meridians 86 and 87 east of Greenwich, we noticed a sharp silvery stripe, slightly convex, extending from the very horizon. On the third of April, the strip turned into a dull moon-colored shield, and the next day we saw clouds very strange in shape, like mist that shrouded distant mountains. I am convinced that this is land. Unfortunately, I could not leave the ship in a difficult position to explore it. But everything is ahead. As long as I called it by your name, so that on any geographical map you will now find a heartfelt greeting from your Mongotimo Hawkclaw, as you once called me. How long ago, my God! However, I do not complain. We will see each other and everything will be fine. But one thought, one thought torments me!”

Place of writing and date in the letter

Address in a letter

In the letter we see the appeal "Mashenka". In addition, it should be noted the use of the diminutive suffix -ENK- in this word, which indicates a positive, kind attitude of the writer to his addressee. Yes, Ivan Lvovich loves his Masha, otherwise how can the following phrase be explained: “I write and reread my endless letter and write again and see that I’m just chatting with you, but there is so much more important to say.” These words are consonant with Pushkin's intimate lyrics.

Greeting in a letter

Information part

In the informational part, the hero remarks: "out of grief, I became a poet." The description lines do not leave indifferent: “From time to time, garlands of frost break off the rigging and fall down with a quiet rustle.” This proposal shows that we are not only the discoverer of the northern unknown distances, but simply a person who sees beauty and admires it. Great is the fortitude of Captain Tatarinov. He instilled it in the soul of his team. This is evidenced by the poetic lines that he cites as a demonstration of the poetic talent of the cook Kolpakov. In them we see purposefulness towards the intended goal, the desire to overcome all obstacles and, of course, love for “Mother Russia”. The analyzed fragments of the letter show us a vivid example of figurative speech, although again you can see inclusions of professional vocabulary: gunwale, rigging. The combination of commonly used words and professionalism suggests that Captain Tatarinov, even in a letter to a loved one, does not forget about his duty to the Fatherland.

The following snippet is a business report. The hero himself writes: “I am sending a package with Klimov addressed to the head of the Hydrographic Department. These are my observations, official letters and a report in which the history of our drift is laid out. Captain Tatarinov describes his great discoveries simply, but reading the lines of his letter, one can see the excitement of the hero. With bated breath, he writes to his Mashenka that the “new” earth is named after her: “So far I have named it after your name, so you will now find a heartfelt greeting on any geographical map ...”. Again we see the touching feelings of Ivan Lvovich for his wife, which, no matter how strange it may sound, are connected with the science of the geographical discoveries of the Far North.

Severnaya Zemlya… In gazetteers we read: “Severnaya Zemlya is located in the central part of the Arctic Ocean. From the west, the shores of the archipelago are washed by the waters of the Kara Sea, from the east - by the Laptev Sea. Severnaya Zemlya is separated from the continental part of the Krasnoyarsk Territory by the Vilkitsky Strait, 130 km long and 56 km wide at its narrowest point between Cape Chelyuskin and the southern tip of the Transe Islands off the coast of Bolshevik Island. The most distant point from the mainland is Cape Zemlyanoy on Schmidt Island, distant from the Taimyr Peninsula.

for 470 kilometers. The northernmost point of the islands is Cape Arctic onKomsomolets Island(81 ° 16 "22.92" northern latitude), the distance from it to the North Pole is 990.7 km, therefore the cape is often used as a starting point for Arctic expeditions, the southernmost is Cape Neupokoev on Bolshevik Island (77 ° 55 "11.21" northern latitude), the westernmost is a nameless cape in the extreme west of Schmidt Island (90 ° 4 "42.95" east longitude), the easternmost - in the area of ​​Cape Baza on the island of Little Taimyr (107 ° 45 "55.67" east longitude). The distance from north to south is 380 kilometers, from west to east - 404 kilometers.

The archipelago was discovered in 1913 by a hydrographic expedition of 1910-1915 by Boris Vilkitsky.

There is a collision of geographical truth and literary truth, the way V. Kaverin sees it. I will not prove the reliability of names and surnames, as well as who nevertheless discovered Severnaya Zemlya. This is for other studies. But the accuracy of Ivan Lvovich's "objective" style is amazing. Moreover, he conducts a thorough study of his discovery. He writes: “... being at latitude 79 ° 35 "between meridians 86 and 87 east of Greenwich, we noticed a sharp silvery strip, slightly convex, extending from the horizon itself. On April 3, the strip turned into a matte moon-colored shield, and the next day we saw clouds of a very strange shape, similar to fog that shrouded distant mountains. I am convinced that this is the earth. "This record is accompanied not only by degree measures that help to accurately determine the object, but also by dates. For the discoverer, this is very important. Afraid, that Klimov will not be able to deliver information about the discovery, he dedicates his wife to his secret, although he writes about it, starting with the phrase "... just in case, I am writing to you about our discovery."

Letter ending

At the end of the fragment, we see the final phrases: “How long ago, my God! However, I'm not complaining. We'll see you and everything will be fine." The rhetorical exclamation immediately performs two functions: on the one hand, Ivan Lvovich is horrified by the long separation, and on the other, he tries to convey to his wife the desire to see her, while calling on God as a witness. This is followed by lines full of optimism and tranquility. Knowing his difficult situation, he does not want to tear Maria Vasilyevna's heart. Therefore, the words sound so promising: "We will see each other, and everything will be fine."

3.4 Analysis of the "third" passage from the letter.

Place of writing and date in the letter

In this fragment, the date and place of writing are not indicated. This gives reason to believe that the presented passage is part of the letter.

Greeting in a letter

There is no greeting in the letter.

Address in a letter and information part

Starting the analysis of the third fragment, I would like to note some confusion in terms of composition. The appeal is used in a slightly different form: "I beg you for one thing." There is no name, no beautiful words, but everything is very clear: using verbs in the imperative mood, Captain Tatarinov orders his wife to fulfill his request - not to believe Nikolai Antonovich, the captain's brother. Ivan Lvovich does not slander a person. God alone probably knows how hard these lines were given to him. He blames a loved one for many of the failures of the expedition, but he does it without saying a word, and supporting his arguments with evidence: “... of the sixty dogs that he sold to us in Arkhangelsk, most of them had to be shot on Novaya Zemlya.” As a sentence, tragic notes sound in the letter of Captain Tatarinov: “We can safely say that we owe all our failures only to him.” The feeling of surprise, despair sounds like an alarm in the lexical repetition: "We took risks, we knew that we were taking risks, but we did not expect such a blow." However, the feeling of love for the family and people close to the heart overcomes the bitterness of loss and deprivation. The plot outline is quickly cut off, and Captain Tatarinov again finds no words to describe everything that he sees and experiences. He remembers his daughter, affectionately calls her "Katyusha". Again, the same technique that we observed in the second fragment: the presence of diminutive suffixes is a symbol of the manifestation of positive emotions and feelings.

Letter ending

Pitying and reassuring his wife, Ivan Lvovich does not lie, but tells the truth, no matter how bitter it may be. The last lines sound tragic. But hope dies last. And again an imperative mood. It no longer acts as an order, but as a request of the heart “you still don’t really wait ...”.


Writing is a direct reflection of a natural communicative act that is realized in the most direct form and is not burdened by genre restrictions that are imposed by all other types of creative activity. Consideration of the addressee determines a wide choice for attracting various contact-setting means. Such means include epistolary units.

In our work, we made a systematic analysis of these units in the letters of Captain I. L. Tatarinov to Maria Vasilievna, his wife. At the same time, we considered these units as compositional structures of writing. We used 3 fragments, most likely from one letter, since there is no evidence of the number of letters in the novel.

It seems natural, expedient and logical to explore the experience accumulated by the epistolary genre by the end of the twentieth century, to see how it manifests itself at the final stage of its existence. All this determined the purpose of our work - to identify the features of epistolary units in the letters of Captain Tatarinov to the above addressee.

Based on the goal, we conducted a systematic analysis of epistolary units, identified the features of their functioning depending on the addressee and the nature of the letter. Compositionally, the letter consists of three parts: the beginning, the informational part and the ending.

The following components stand out in the beginning:

1. Place of writing and date in the letter.

For Captain Tatarinov's letters, writing the date with the designation of the day and month is not typical. Only a year is given. This is observed in the first fragment, in the remaining fragments there are no dates.

2. Appeal.

In the analyzed passages, figurative appeals, which express a special trusting, friendly disposition towards the addressee, are most widely used. This is achieved by using unusual epithets, diminutive suffixes.

3. Greeting.

In all fragments, Captain Tatarinov proceeds without unnecessary prefaces to the informational part. Perhaps this is due to the fact that the correspondence is quite well-established. The hero does not use a greeting, knowing that this will not offend the addressee, since a trusting relationship has already developed between the participants in the correspondence.

4. Information part.
The information part of Ivan Lvovich's letters differs in that each new input of information almost always begins with a new paragraph. Therefore, messages are practically not connected with each other and are able to exist separately from each other. 5. The ending of the letter.

At the end of the letter, many constituent elements are missing. Thus, epistolary requirements are more respected in relation to farewell and the result of what is written. The signature is found only once: "... greetings from your Mongotimo Hawkclaw."

So, we can state that the epistolary style, once strictly observed, does not disappear. The letter in its traditional form does not go away, but only changes. However, this fact does not at all mean its complete mutation, perhaps it is only an adaptation to new technical conditions.

The study of these processes is of undoubted interest and will allow us to see the prospects for new forms of expression of human relations.


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22. Encyclopedia for children. T. 9. Russian literature of the 19th - 20th centuries. M .: Avanta +, 2004.

Captain Tatarinov's letters

“My friend, my dear, dear Mashenka!
It's been about two years now since I sent you a letter via a telegraph expedition to Yugorsky Shar. But how much has changed since then, I can't tell you! To begin with, then we were moving freely along the intended course, and since October 1913 we have been slowly moving north along with the polar ice. Thus, willy-nilly, we had to abandon our original intention - to pass to Vladivostok along the coast of Siberia. But there is no evil without good! A completely different thought now occupies me. I hope she does not seem to you - as to some of my companions - "childish" or "reckless" ...

“... reaching considerable depth in places. Among one such field stands our “St. Maria“, covered with snow up to the gunwale. From time to time, garlands of frost break off the rigging and fall down with a quiet rustle. As you can see, Mashenka, out of grief I became a poet. However, we also have a real poet - our cook Kolpakov. A restless soul! All day long he sings his poem. Here are four lines for you to remember:
Under the flag of Mother Russia
The captain and I will go on our way
And round the shores of Siberia
With your beautiful ship.

I write and reread my endless letter and write again and see that I am just chatting with you, and there is so much more important to say. I am sending Klimov a package addressed to the head of the Hydrographic Department. These are my observations, official letters and a report that sets out the history of our drift. But just in case, I am writing to you about our discovery: there are no lands on the maps to the north of the Taimyr Peninsula. Meanwhile, being at latitude 79° 35" between meridians 86 and 87 east of Greenwich, we noticed a sharp silvery stripe, slightly convex, extending from the very horizon. On the third of April, the strip turned into a dull moon-colored shield, and the next day we saw clouds very strange in shape, like mist that shrouded distant mountains. I am convinced that this is land. Unfortunately, I could not leave the ship in a difficult position to explore it. But everything is ahead. As long as I called it by your name, so that on any geographical map you will now find a heartfelt greeting from your Mongotimo Hawkclaw, as you once called me. How long ago, my God! However, I do not complain ... However, I do not complain, "I continued to remember, mutter, confused, that here is one more word, one more, and then - I forgot, did not remember. "I'm not complaining. We'll see each other, and everything will be fine. But one thought, one thought torments me!"

“... It is bitter to think that everything could be completely different. I know he will make excuses, perhaps he will be able to convince you that I alone am to blame for everything. I beg you one thing: do not trust this man! We can safely say that we owe all our failures only to him. It is enough that of the sixty dogs he sold to us in Arkhangelsk, most of them had to be shot in Novaya Zemlya. That's how much this service cost us! Not only I alone - the whole expedition sends him curses. We took risks, we knew that we were taking risks, but we did not expect such a blow. It remains to do everything in our power. How much I could tell you about our journey! There would be enough stories for Katyushka for the whole winter. But what a price to pay, my God! I don't want you to think that our situation is hopeless. But don't expect too much…”

Letter addressed to Captain I. L. Tatarinov

October, 2012, Tambov

Hello Ivan Lvovich! With greetings and best wishes, Vladimir Yurin, a cadet of the Multidisciplinary Cadet Corps in Tambov, addresses you. As I address my letter to you, I am filled with excitement. So I want to shout: “Hello to the discoverer of the northern expanses, hello to the twentieth century from the twenty-first century!”

At the beginning of my letter, I want to inform you that you are a legendary person! Firstly, your discoveries helped the development of domestic science, and secondly, they became the material for creating a wonderful novel written by V. Kaverin. This work shocked every cadet of our corps.

Ivan Lvovich, unfortunately I didn't get to know you personally, but I really want to be like you. I, like you, love to read. I have had this passion for books since childhood. I especially like adventure and historical novels, in which courageous, strong-willed people appear. They, like you, charge with amazing energy. And after that, at least to the North Pole, even to the Sahara desert.

You are a real hero! People like you and your team members have set an example of inimitable patriotism. Love for the Motherland... What could be more valuable and more important for a person of any time. Each of us absorbed this feeling with mother's milk. As a mother is holy to a person, so is the Motherland.

Reading the pages of the novel, I was touched to the depths of my soul by your feelings addressed to loved ones. You love your family. Understanding the complexity of the current situation, you still do not lose heart, but remain an optimist, plus a romantic. Being separated from your loved ones, being separated by thousands of kilometers, you continue to think and take care of them, regardless of the distance.

Your resilience is amazing. I want to be like you in many ways.

My eyes must be sparkling as I write these lines. But there is so much I want to say. I have a dream - to become a military man. Probably, this choice, in part, I owe to you, because those features of a real man that you possessed attract me. You did not like fame, grandiloquent speeches. I, too, am alien to the smell of ambition, but the fighting spirit of a real fighter boils in my soul.

In conclusion of my letter, I would like to express my gratitude to you for a clear example to follow. You have become a hero not only of the Kaverin novel, but also a hero for many generations of boys. Keep your head up, Captain Tatarinov! Your words, which have become the motto of many of us, will be remembered forever. "Fight and seek, find and never give up!"

Sincerely, Vladimir.


The work of Veniamin Kaverin occupies a special place in modern literature. This artist perceived the world around him very optimistically, believing that reality is as it is created by people themselves. And even in the most difficult life situations, he was looking for something positive and truly valuable. The heroes of his works are strong, spiritually beautiful people.

The novel "Two Captains" tells the story of Sanya Grigoriev's life from an early age. The fate of this boy was very difficult. Thinking about his childhood years, he recalls with pain in his heart the moment when his father, an innocent person, was arrested. Soon the father of the hero dies. Sanya's mother did not live long either: “She just called me and took my hand, shaking her head and holding her trembling lips with difficulty. I understood that she wanted to say goodbye. But like a chump, I stood with my head down and stubbornly looking down at the floor.

Once in the orphanage, Sanya would have been completely alone if not for his acquaintance with Katya and her family. For an orphan boy who had no one but his sister, these people became a second family. Katya's parents treated the hero very well. Yes, and Sanya himself was very fond of visiting their house.

In my opinion, despite all the difficulties that fell to the lot of Sasha Grigoriev, he did not break down under the influence of the environment. He could not be changed by the cruel world that had developed around him. It would seem that loneliness, hungry years, the loss of parents and the whole situation in society should have hardened Sanya, made him indifferent to others. In fact, his own pain and suffering made the hero sensitive to the feelings of other people. This person knows how to understand others. Spiritual purity and love for the whole world make Sanya Grigorieva, in my opinion, an exceptional person.

Another feature of the character of this hero is his desire for justice. I think this is one of the basic human values. It is the sense of duty and responsibility that makes Sanya reveal the truth about the fate of Captain Tatarinov. For the boy, this man became the ideal of masculinity, willpower, inner beauty. Sasha Grigoriev dreams of being like him.

The hero of the novel strives to be useful to the people around him. And he manages to become a real person. He becomes a pilot, courageously defends his homeland during the war years. Sanya found the expedition of Captain Tatarinov. Grigoriev continued his great work. The judge's words to Sasha become symbolic: "... And I legitimately see you next to him, because captains like him and you move humanity and science forward." I think that, like Captain Tatarinov, Sasha Grigoriev has always been guided by the motto "Fight and seek, find and not give up." That's what this hero is close to me.

Katya, no doubt, can also be called a real person. This is a very kind and gentle girl, who is nevertheless distinguished by inner strength and stamina. She knows how to appreciate people and strives only for the good.

Katya's life also cannot be called simple. This heroine, in my opinion, is revealed most vividly in adulthood. Katya is the wife of pilot Sasha Grigoriev. This is a strong woman who knows how to deal with her fears and who knows how to help, support in difficult times.

Katya, like all the wives of pilots, worries about her husband, worries about his fate when he leaves for another flight. She gets excited when new vehicles arrive in the squad, because this is a sure sign of a new task for her husband. Katya is worried, calls the headquarters endlessly and annoys the duty officer with questions about Sanya when he is on a business trip. This heroine says about herself: “Just like them, I am sure that I will never get used to my husband’s profession, and, just like them, I eventually get used to it.”

Thus, Katya does not complain about her fate. She emphasizes that many women, like her, live in eternal anxiety, which they have learned to cope with. The strength of this woman manifested itself during the war years. Then she, as best she could, tried to help the defenders of the motherland. Women dug ditches, looked after the wounded in a military hospital. We can say that the war and fear for loved ones did not break Katya, but made her even stronger.

I think that Katya is in no way inferior to her husband Sanya Grigoriev. She has the same willpower and masculinity. Katya can be called a model of a real wife of a Russian officer, a real Russian woman. This heroine can be safely called a real person.

I really liked this image. Katya has femininity, softness, beauty. But at the same time, he is a very strong, courageous, determined person. She is always able to support her husband in difficult moments of life.
