Essay is my favorite fairy tale what it teaches. My favorite literary tale

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I love reading Russian folk tales. Fairy tales are magical, household and animal tales. I like fairy tales the most because they have magical items. At the lesson we read the fairy tale "The Frog Princess" and I want to tell you about it.

The tale tells of a king who had three sons. When the time came for them to marry, they fired an arrow. At the elder and middle brother, the arrows hit the general's and merchant's daughters. And Ivan Tsarevich was not lucky at first. A frog caught his arrow. Ivan Tsarevich was upset at first, and then he married a frog. When the tsar father decided to test his daughters-in-law, the frog turned into Vasilisa the Beautiful. She helped Ivan Tsarevich. She sewed a beautiful shirt, baked wonderful bread. The king was pleased with her gifts. And when the king invited his sons and their wives to a ball, the frog took off his frog skin and turned into a beautiful girl. But Ivan Tsarevich left the ball earlier and burned the frog's skin. Vasilisa was upset and said: “Ah, Ivan Tsarevich! Why didn't you wait a little, if I were yours forever! And then she disappeared.

Ivan Tsarevich had to look for Vasilisa the Beautiful. On the way, he met an old forest man who gave him a magic ball. The magic ball showed Ivan Tsarevich the way to the kingdom of Koshchei. Ivan Tsarevich was kind. When he walked along the path, he helped different animals. And then the animals helped Tsarevich Ivan. The bear knocked down a centuries-old oak, on which hung a chest with Koshchei's needle. The hare saw that another hare ran out of the chest and caught up with him. The drake caught the duck that flew out of the hare. And when Ivan Tsarevich dropped Koshcheev's egg into the water, the pike found it and brought it to Ivan Tsarevich.

The story ends well. Ivan Tsarevich broke the egg and broke the needle. Thus ended the kingdom of Koshchei. And Ivan Tsarevich and Vasilisa the Beautiful lived happily ever after.

Composition "My favorite fairy tale".

As a child, I loved to fall asleep while reading fairy tales. My mother read a lot of books to me. The story of Cinderella was my favorite. Growing up, I re-read it many times, and constantly worried about the fate of the poor girl, endowed with extraordinary kindness.

The Essence of the Cinderella Story

The work tells about the life of a girl named Cinderella, whose mother died. The father remarried, "rewarded" his daughter with an evil stepmother and two unbearable sisters. They spoiled Cinderella's life in every possible way, loaded her with hard work. The girl, in turn, dutifully completed all the tasks, was so kind and sympathetic that she did not even harbor a grudge against her relatives.

Good always triumphs over evil in all fairy tales. This one is no exception either. The work, perseverance and kindness of Cinderella more than paid off. Cinderella surprisingly got to the royal ball, where the prince fell in love with her. Despite the obstacles and troubles, they got married and lived happily ever after.

What does the fairy tale about Cinderella teach?

The main idea of ​​the work prompted me to write an essay about me, that a rich human soul can be hidden behind an unsightly gray appearance. Sooner or later, the efforts made will lead to the desired result - justice will prevail. And ignorance, anger and rudeness cannot be hidden under beautiful clothes. These qualities will lead the owner to a broken trough. You can't judge a person by their appearance. Perhaps he just got into an unpleasant life situation.

The fairy tale elevates kind and honest people, putting them one step higher from negligent characters, which motivates a large number of children to be hardworking, benevolent. The work teaches to forgive, not to hold anger and resentment. After all, an open kind person brings harmony and beauty to this world. Anger and resentment can destroy it.

Finishing the essay about Cinderella, I would like to note the following. In reality, not everything always turns out so smoothly and beautifully. I think that you need to believe and hope for a happy ending. And of course, to read good fairy tales that teach us to live correctly and honestly.

Mini essay "My favorite fairy tale"

When I was very young, I loved to listen to bedtime stories. I really liked to imagine pictures from a fairy tale plot and fall asleep to the sound of my mother's voice. Most of all I liked the story of Cinderella.
Cinderella family
It is about a good-natured girl. Her father chose a woman with a bad temper as his wife. She had two adult daughters and she loved them very much. But the stepmother treated Cinderella very badly. The poor girl endured all the bullying from her stepsisters and stepmother. The father did not defend Cinderella, because he did not dare to argue with his wife. But still, Cinderella remained the same good-natured girl with a wonderful character.
fateful ball
Once Cinderella was invited to a ball, but her stepmother strictly forbade her to go there. The woman thought that one of her daughters would be an excellent wife for the prince, which is why she ordered Cinderella to stay at home.
Nevertheless, Cinderella was destined to appear at this ball, and her godmother helped her in this. There the girl met the handsome prince and love was born in the hearts of both. It so happened that exactly at midnight Cinderella had to leave the palace. But still, the prince found her, and they got married!
It seems to me that this fairy tale teaches people to be kind, honest and love work. It was for these qualities that the prince fell in love with Cinderella. This tale once again convinces that it is not a person who paints the outfit, but quite the opposite.
I really want every life story to have a happy ending. And I believe that is exactly what will happen.

Other interesting essay topics, if you liked the topic “My favorite fairy tale”

As a child, my mother read a lot of fairy tales to me, I liked to listen to them before going to bed and, imagining fabulous pictures, fall asleep to the sound of my mother's voice. I liked a lot of fairy tales: both “Little Red Riding Hood” and “Three Little Pigs”, but the fairy tale about Cinderella became my favorite.

This story

About a girl with a good heart, whose father married an evil, grumpy woman. The stepmother had two own daughters, whom she loved very much, but her stepdaughter was not enough love. Cinderella had to endure reproaches and humiliation, doing dirty hard work, and there was no one to intercede for her. The father could not argue with his wife, he was weak-willed and weak-willed. But, despite all the insults, Cinderella still did not become embittered, she retained warmth and softness. The girl was skillful, and any work in her hands was argued. Once they were invited to the royal ball, but the stepmother forbade Cinderella to go, in the hope that one of her daughters could charm the prince and marry him. This was not destined to happen, because the fairy godmother helped Cinderella, and she still managed to get to the ball. There she met the prince, and feelings arose between them. But she had to leave the palace before midnight. The fairy tale has a happy ending - the prince found his beloved and they got married, despite all the obstacles.

In my opinion, this fairy tale teaches us that such spiritual qualities as kindness, justice, diligence are always rewarded. After all, the prince could not help but fall in love with such a sweet and kind girl. Thanks to this fairy tale, I realized that a pure soul can be hidden behind a dirty dress.

When my mother read this tale, I felt sorry for Cinderella, and I wanted her to find her happiness, and the evil stepmother was punished for her meanness and cruelty. And so it happened.

I would like to see a happy ending always come in life, good wins, and evil is punished. But, unfortunately, this is not always the case. And still, I think that you should always hope for the best and keep the ability to forgive in any situation.

Essays on topics:

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Cool! 15

It is very difficult to choose a favorite fairy tale written by Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin. After all, almost each of his fairy tales is close, familiar and dear to us from childhood.

However, at the first reading, the Tale of the Golden Cockerel left the most vivid impression on me. This tale, in my opinion, is distinguished by a special, unlike anything color and deep inner meaning.

The impotence and stupidity of the aged King Dadon, who relied on the help of the Golden Cockerel, is opposed to the cunning, intelligence and military strength of the Queen of Shamakhan. But the main weakness of Dadon is not his ensuing decrepitude, but his willingness to forget the numerous raids on his lands, and the dead army, and even the death of his own sons, for the flattery and beauty of the Queen of Shamakhan.

First, read all 4 essays and choose the most interesting. Do not rush!

The king was drugged by the songs and speeches of the oriental beauty and forgot about his dignity, responsibility for his native land and the promise given to the astrologer. For which he was severely punished by the Golden Cockerel.

Every time you reread the lines of a fairy tale, you wonder why the evil in it is so attractive and incredibly beautiful? After all, usually, in Russian fairy tales, negative characters are ugly, ugly and scary. Remember only Baba Yaga, Koshchei the Immortal, and of course, numerous goblin, water and kikimor.

But it is precisely this feature that emphasizes the mind and foresight of the brilliant Alexander Sergeevich. Pushkin knew perfectly well that beauty and charm are not always the companion of a good, kind and spiritually rich person. Having invented the evil and cruel, but outwardly attractive Shamakhan queen, Pushkin once again reminds us of the power of inner beauty over outer beauty.

Do not forget about such an interesting character as the Stargazer. After all, it was he who gave King Dadon a cockerel on a knitting needle. Who is he? Where did it come from? Much says that the Astrologer is a foreign wizard from the east, and even possibly a loyal subject of the Shamakhan kingdom, living on Russian soil. This draws invisible parallels between the Astrologer and the mysterious Queen of Shamakhan.

But the dominant place in this tale is occupied by the image of the Golden Cockerel - a symbol of the highest retribution for the unrighteous deeds and deeds of King Dadon. Throughout the story, the cockerel represents honesty, justice and the inevitability of retribution.

"The Tale of the Golden Cockerel" reminds each of us that we should not judge others only by appearance, that any deed, good or bad, will always be paid for by its dignity.

Don't write everything off as it is. Choose a couple of sentences from different essays. The perfect essay is ready!

Even more essays on the topic: "My favorite Pushkin's fairy tale":

I love reading fairy tales. Kind, funny and instructive, they become our friends and advisers for many years in various difficult situations. Fairy tale characters with their actions help us learn to distinguish good from evil, truth from lies, to become honest, courageous, fair.

My favorite fairy tale "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs", written by A. S. Pushkin, takes us to the time of kings and queens, heroes and magic mirrors. However, even here, within the walls of a rich palace, envy and jealousy, malice and hypocrisy live. A lot of grief and trouble happened to the young beautiful princess, left without a mother. However, the purity of the soul, tolerance, fidelity to the given word and feeling, kindness and hard work helped her overcome all the intrigues of the evil and insidious stepmother and wait for her happiness. This fairy tale teaches us that miracles in the world happen not only thanks to magic and sorcery. A person can make the best, most interesting and most truthful fairy tale a reality only on his own, because a kind heart and faith in the best are the most powerful wizards.


I love reading Russian folk tales. Most of all I like fairy tales, because they have something unusual and exciting, interesting. It's like I'm temporarily transported to a land of magic. Fairy tales are different: kind, funny and instructive; for many years they become our friends and advisers in various difficult situations. Recently we got acquainted with the work of A.S. Pushkin and read a fairy tale called "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", I want to talk about it.

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish made an indelible impression on me. It tells how a poor old man caught a goldfish. She was magical and could fulfill any desire. The old man had a very angry and greedy old woman. He submitted to her will, went to the sea and asked the fish to fulfill all her desires. The old woman was dissatisfied with everything, scolded, called the old man names. He did not respect her, no matter how high she ascended. Only the fish did not want to serve the old woman and returned her dugout and the broken trough.

This fairy tale taught me to be a generous person, never be stingy and know everything in moderation.


All children love fairy tales! I love them too! Because, firstly, in fairy tales, good always wins and justice triumphs! And, secondly, in fairy tales you can meet amazing fairy-tale characters, with miracles and magic!

When I was little, my mother, father or grandmother read and told me fairy tales. Fairy tales teach children that good will always be rewarded, and evil is punished, the brave and honest will win, the patient will wait, the truth will triumph. This is best expressed in folk tales. Lived feelings together with fairy-tale characters make us kinder and more merciful, bolder and stronger. Fairy tales help us cope with fear, overcome our weaknesses and believe in our own strengths.

My dad says that a person can make the best, most interesting and most true fairy tale a reality only on his own, because a good heart and faith in the best are the most powerful magicians. Of course, I agree with him and I think that I still have a long way to go.

Having learned to read, I read many different fairy tales: Russian folk tales, Kazakh folk tales, fairy tales of the peoples of the world, Bazhov's fairy tales, Andersen's fairy tales, Grimm's fairy tales, Charles Perrault's fairy tales. But the tales of Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin are especially dear and close to my heart. Reading Pushkin's fairy tales, you are immersed in an amazing and magical world! And your favorite poet-storyteller brings you into this world. It's great when there are adults who understand children and can compose such wonderful fairy tales! Life without fairy tales would be very boring. Unfortunately, many adults forget that they, too, were once children. Based on poems and fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin can be seen that he was a very cheerful and cheerful person. When I found out how his childhood passed, I understood why he became everyone's favorite poet.

The upbringing of Alexander Sergeevich was carried out by his grandmother Maria Alekseevna Gannibal and the nanny Arina Rodionovna. Grandmother taught the poet to read and write in Russian, and Arina Rodionovna told little Sasha stories. She was a peasant serf, a person from the poor and long-suffering Russian people. Pushkin loved her very much and dedicated several poems to her, filled with love and gratitude for this simple Russian woman. Russian folk tales, epics, legends, heard from the lips of the nanny Arina Rodionovna, revealed to the future poet the beauty and grandeur of the Russian language and awakened in him love for the Russian people.

In my opinion, the main secret of Pushkin's skill as a storyteller is the special melodious and melodic poetic language of the poet. It even seems to me that my favorite learned cat is actually Alexander Sergeevich himself, who, when with his soft and fluffy paws, “goes to the right, starts the song”, and when he goes to the left, he tells a fairy tale. The learned cat drawlingly “purrs” many fairy tales in which miracles and magic take place. In these tales “on unknown paths” one can see “traces of unseen animals”, a hut on chicken legs; meet heroes from Russian folk tales familiar to us from childhood - the goblin, the mermaid, thirty beautiful knights, the uncle of the sea, the prince, the king, the sorcerer, the hero, the brown wolf, the princess, Baba Yaga, Kashchei! Pushkin himself wrote that in these fabulous places lives "the Russian spirit ..." and "there smells of Russia!".

My favorite tales of Pushkin are Ruslan and Lyudmila, The Golden Cockerel, The Tale of Tsar Saltan, The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish, The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda, The Tale of the Dead Princess. Particularly captivating is "The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty son Prince Gvidon Saltanovich and the beautiful Swan Princess." It seems to me that this is the most wonderful fairy tale. In this tale, the most generous, the most mysteriously beautiful of all fairy-tale sorceresses is the Swan Princess. What miracles do not happen at the behest of the princess! This is a miracle island, an amazing squirrel, the exit of the naval army from the foamy wave and, of course, the main miracle - the transformation of the Swan bird into a princess, Prince Guidon into a mosquito, a bumblebee and a fly. And what a beauty she is - “the moon shines under the scythe, and the star burns in the forehead.” In this tale, love and kindness win.

Pushkin gave the world many instructive works. I also learn from the examples of fairy-tale heroes A.S. Pushkin. Tales of A.S. Pushkin is taught such qualities as: trust, kindness, generosity, courage. So, for example, in "The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs" we find ourselves in the world of kings and queens, heroes and magic mirrors. But even here, within the walls of a rich palace, envy and jealousy, malice and hypocrisy live. A lot of grief and trouble happened to the young beautiful princess, left without a mother. But purity of soul, tolerance, fidelity to a given word and feeling, kindness and diligence helped her overcome all the machinations of an evil and insidious stepmother and wait for her happiness. This fairy tale teaches us that miracles in the world happen not only thanks to magic and sorcery.

But in the "Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" the character of a greedy person is clearly visible. In our life, there are also greedy people who always want something more than they have or can have, do not know the measure and limit of their capabilities. Alexander Sergeevich showed that people punish themselves for greed and ignorance of this line. On the one hand, the old woman can be understood. The poor woman, she was tired of living in poverty, and then the opportunity arose to live well. She completely lost her head from the opportunities and wealth that she had. In this tale, the old woman is considered the personification of evil and greed. Good teaches and punishes evil. Good does not destroy evil, but teaches - the fish laughed at the old woman. A.S. Pushkin wanted to show that people have not yet understood that happiness is not in wealth. How ridiculous people look in pursuit of wealth. The fish in this tale acts as goodness, it personifies goodness. The fish was ready to fulfill any wishes of the old woman, but did not want to serve as a weapon with which the old woman wanted to achieve greatness.

Why does everyone love poetry and fairy tales of Alexander Sergeevich so much?! Yes, because they are written in a simple and understandable language. His poems are very easy to remember. You can read or hear his poem or fairy tale once, and much is remembered verbatim. And his fairy tales are very kind, and even negative characters do not seem like scary monsters. In the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin, it is shown how an honest and kind person can overcome all trials and difficulties and in the end become a happy winner. Pushkin's fairy tales make you want to read or listen again and again ...

In the fairy tales of A.S. Pushkin you feel all the beauty and richness of the Russian language and Russian culture.


1. My love for reading fairy tales. Tale of S. Marshak "Twelve months".

2. The plot of the fairy tale "Twelve months".

3. Characteristics of the heroes of the fairy tale "Twelve months":

a) stepdaughter;

b) Stepmother and Daughter;

c) the Queen;

d) teacher;

e) Months.

4. What does the fairy tale "Twelve Months" teach?

This literary tale, written by Samuil Yakovlevich Marshak, attracts me with its unusual plot.

On New Year's Eve, the Queen issued a decree that she would reward whoever brought her a basket of snowdrops. The greedy Stepmother and Daughter send their Stepdaughter into the forest. They do not care at all that the girl can freeze. For them, the main thing is snowdrops, which do not grow in December.

The stepdaughter goes to the forest, where she meets the twelve brothers of the Months. They help her: they give her snowdrops and a magic ring. The Stepmother and Daughter bring flowers to the palace, and the Queen orders to show the place where they picked them.

Everyone goes to the forest. But the Stepdaughter does not want to reveal the secret of the twelve Months. The queen is angry and wants to punish her. But even here the Months brothers help the girl. They turn the Stepmother and Daughter into dogs, and make the Queen think about her behavior.

The stepdaughter is my favorite character in this story. She is very kind, hardworking, polite and beautiful. The girl helps the soldier, animals and birds love her. The stepdaughter is true to her word, does not skimp and gives fur coats to the frozen Queen and her servants.

I condemn the greed and heartlessness of the Stepmother and Daughter. They envy the beauty of the Stepdaughter, they themselves do not want to work, but they force everyone to do it. They wanted to get gold for someone else's work. The daughter takes the ring from the Stepdaughter and rejoices in someone else's grief. At the Queen's, they first boast, and then cowardly accuse each other.

Nor can one approve of the behavior of the Queen at the beginning of the tale. She does not understand the importance of her position, she decides human fate by counting the syllables in a word. She does not know what gratitude is, she thinks that everything can be bought.

Another interesting character is the Queen's Teacher. He teaches the girl grammar, but, unfortunately, he cannot teach her kindness, wisdom and politeness. But this knowledge is so important in life!

The most unusual characters in the tale are the twelve months. These are the brothers who help the Stepdaughter find the snowdrops. Months are kind, cheerful, responsive.

Marshak teaches us kindness and compassion, but he does it in an entertaining way, and not in the form of boring instructions. This is probably why the tale "Twelve Months" reaches the very heart of both children and adults.
