How to draw the face of a little girl. Step by step instructions on how to draw a person

Let's take a closer look at how to draw a girl. In this drawing lesson we will learn how to draw a girl step by step using a pencil. It is not at all difficult to draw a portrait of a little beauty with blond hair and emerald green eyes, you just need to follow the instructions. This will not take very much time, and you will also need a pencil and a landscape sheet of paper.

Without the main contour lines, it is impossible to learn how to draw a girl, a novice young artist. Let's start by thinking about what shape the child's head will have in our drawing: oval, round or similar to a triangle. Such simple geometric shapes will be the basis. We will choose the standard shape of the human head.

  • We draw a circle, and draw a chin under the circle, as shown in the figure.

  • So that there is no dirt, you need to draw the contours with very light lines, then the excess will be erased.
  • First you need to designate the hairline, for example, two ponytails on the sides and bangs to the middle of the forehead. Better to start with bangs.
  • The hairline always goes beyond the contour of the head. We will show how to draw a hairstyle with two ponytails.

  • You can draw and other hairstyle to your taste. In our drawing, we draw ponytails on the sides of the head.

The next step: above the circle line inside the outline of the head, you need to draw eyes - two elongated ovals. Above them is a crease, and above the crease - eyebrows. You can not draw a fold, then the girl will look like a resident of Asia.

Next, you need to start the transition to drawing the details of the eye one by one. Let's draw irises, inside them - pupils, glare in the eyes. Around the eyes you need to draw cilia: on top - long, below - shorter. Below the line of the circle is a blush, we denote the nose with one point and below the mouth in a smile.

Now the auxiliary lines can be erased, the outline of the head and face can be drawn more clearly, and then the neck, shoulders and outerwear can be drawn: the collar of a dress or blouse.

When all the contours have been clarified and the extra strokes have been removed, you can decorate the drawing. We choose the colors at our discretion, for example, blond hair and green eyes.

The drawing of the girl is ready: we learned today how to draw a beautiful girl. The video shows how to draw a girl in a dress.

This lesson shows in detail how to draw a girl in stages with a pencil. We will try to draw a beautiful girl with blond hair, and it will not be difficult at all if you do everything as shown in this instruction. It will take a simple pencil and paper, as well as a little time to do everything according to the rules.

Of course, you can draw a girl without a base, but it’s more difficult, and we choose the easiest ways. Therefore, first draw the shape of the head like this. Try to keep all the lines light and neat - we may have to erase them further.

On the upper part we draw the girl's hair - I chose a hairstyle with bangs and two tails, I start first with bangs. The edges of the hairstyle go beyond the boundaries of the figure of the girl's head.

Two neat ponytails are drawn on the sides - you can draw any girl's hairstyle that you like best - braids, a long tail and even loose hair, it all depends on what you like.

Just above the line on which the circle is based - it still passes through the girl's face - draw her eyes. First, two elongated shapes are drawn, then above them - folds, and even higher - eyebrows. If you, for example, draw an Asian girl, then there will be no such fold here.

The next step is to draw the girl's face, adding more details to it - the iris, pupils, highlights, cilia. I also draw a blush, a nose with one small dot and a smiling mouth.

Any girl has tried to draw beautiful pictures of a girl more than once. But, probably, not everyone managed to draw them beautifully. It is very difficult to maintain the exact proportions of the face in the drawing, to convey the individual characteristics of a person. But, if you draw a girl in stages with an ordinary simple pencil, and then color the drawing of a girl in a dress with colored pencils, then perhaps not on the first try, but you will be able to draw correctly at least such a picture as this one.

1. First draw the contour of the face in the form of an oval

The very first step is quite easy. You just need to draw an oval for the contour of the girl's face and outline the line of the shoulders and arms. As always, small "balls" can be used in the drawing at the junction of the arms with the shoulder and elbows. They visually help you correctly draw a girl further. Draw all these elements with barely noticeable lines, in the future they will have to be removed from the drawing.

2. How to draw a girl. Second step

Now you need to draw the neck. It is important not to make it too thick, so compare the proportions with the oval of the face and arms, you can even look in the mirror. It's the little things like this that often ruin the whole picture. So that you take your time and carefully draw all the details of the drawing, the lesson "How to draw a girl" consists of seven steps. Draw the outline of the dress and a large neckline on the chest, and the girl's right arm.

3. Girl's dress with "flashlight" sleeves

The girl's dress has lantern-type sleeves and therefore her shoulders look noticeably raised. The rest at this stage you can draw yourself without my comments. Before proceeding to the next step, remove girl drawing now unnecessary contours of "balls".

4. Outline of the girl's hat

When a drawing is done in stages, it always looks "not very" at the beginning, but let's continue and you will see what a beautiful girl you will draw. But first, let's put a hat on the girl's head, however, for now, of course, this contour is not very similar to a hat.

5. How to draw a girl's face

6. Draw in detail the hat

First, draw the girl's face in detail: eyebrows, pupils, nose and hair. You can draw a hat at your discretion, the main thing is that its fields are even and symmetrical. You can draw a flower, if in the future you paint a picture of a girl with colored pencils, a bright flower will only decorate the hat. Draw the short sleeves of the dress and the finishing element of the belt.

7. The final stage of the drawing

At this stage, the drawing of the girl is almost finished. It remains only to add a few details already at your discretion, and if necessary, color with colored pencils.

8. Drawing a girl on a tablet

The girl probably looks more like a Barbie doll, but probably every little girl dreams of looking exactly like a Barbie.

In any drawing of a girl, it is important to draw eyes beautifully. Try to draw the eyes of a girl in anime style. This tutorial will help you draw people's faces.

Try to draw a ballerina by adding new elements to the drawing step by step. Of course, drawing a dancing ballerina is not easy, because you need to express the grace and beauty of the ballet in the drawing.

You can use this tutorial made on a graphics tablet to learn how to draw with a simple manga pencil step by step. The last, final step will need to be painted with colored pencils or paints.

The drawing of the Snow Maiden is made on a graphics tablet in stages. You can draw it with an ordinary simple pencil. There are other lessons on the New Year theme on the site, for example, how to draw Santa Claus.

Already drew +12 I want to draw +12 Thank you + 71

On this page you will find polygamy step by step lessons through which you can easily draw a cute chibi girl or girl. Prepare paper, pencil or marker, then choose a lesson and start drawing. It will be easy and fun!

How to draw a cute chibi girl step by step for beginners

  • Step 1

    First things first, you have to draw a large shaped head which is in the form of a circle. When done, add guidelines for the face and body.

  • Step 2

    Now draw simple lines that will begin the shape and structure of the lines of the chibi's jaw and her chin.

  • Step 3

    Here you will start drawing the eyes and as you can see the top of the eyelids which is a lot thicker and more confident than the bottom.

  • Step 4

    Done, draw the eyes, add some simple lines for the eyebrows and nose.

  • Step 5

    Now, you will start drawing the cute chibi's upper body which includes the shoulders, arms, chest and waist.

  • Step 6

    Let's continue sketching out the rest of the torso - the thighs and legs.

  • Step 7

    Great, now we have the whole body and face. Now let's start drawing the hair. You can draw them chibi in any style you want.

  • Step 8

    Believe it or not, you are at the last drawing step. All you have to do now is draw the clothes, which are easy to add, for which you need more sleeves and lines for the dress and skirt. Erase the lines and shapes you drew in the first step.

  • Step 9

    See how good your cute chibi girl looks. Color her in and then move on to something new.

How to draw a cute chibi girl in watercolor step by step

In this tutorial we will show you how to draw and color in watercolor a cute chibi girl step by step. I drew with a simple pencil, eraser, black and white pen and regular honey watercolor.

  • Step 1

    Draw the base. Chibi body size is equal to the size of the head

  • Step 2

    draw a face

  • Step 3

    And hair. If these twists at the ends of the tails do not work out, you can not draw them.

  • Step 4
  • Step 5

    Now skirt and legs.

  • Step 6

    Stroke. I circled with a regular helium black pen

  • Step 7

    In the eyes, first draw highlights and stars with a pencil, then use a pen

  • Step 8

    Skin color - a mixture of white, ocher, brown and pink

  • Step 9

    Hair. The hardest part. In general, they are orange, where the highlights are also orange, but heavily washed out by water, and where the shadows are orange with brown

  • Step 10

    Jacket and boots. The jacket is orange, the hood, cuffs and pocket are yellow. The freak on the pocket and the elastic band of the sweater are green. The boots are yellow with pink uppers and soles. After watercolor, sometimes you need to repeat the stroke

  • Step 11

    The skirt is blue with a yellow fringe. Also color the elastic bands on your hair

  • Step 12

    I decided to make the eyes green (in the original they are turquoise). Also a pink mouth.

  • Step 13

    That's all. I hope you liked the lesson

Draw a cute chibi girl with glasses and a lollipop in her hand

In this lesson we will draw a Cute chibi girl with a lollipop in her hand. For this we need:

  • HB pencil,
  • black gel pen,
  • colour pencils,
  • elastic band and sequins (if any).
  • Step 1

    We draw a part of the face, draw two straight lines in these lines, we draw squares for future eyes.

  • Step 2

    In the squares we draw two eyes and on top of the squares we draw glasses, as in the picture !!

  • Step 3

    Then we draw the nose, mouth, ear, bangs and part of the hoop.

  • Step 4

    We draw highlights in the eyes, draw eyelids, eyelashes, eyebrows, finish the hair on the head, the rest of the hoop, hairpins in the form of hearts and draw a hairstyle, as in the picture!

  • Step 5

    We draw a neck, a blouse and patterns on it, a dress, hands and a lollipop in a hand!

  • Step 6

    Then we draw the legs, the lines on the tights and draw the sneakers.

  • Step 7

    We circle the entire drawing with a black gel pen (except for the hair) and decorate her eyelids and eyelashes with it, and erase everything superfluous! Then we take a light brown pencil and circle all the hair with it, as in the picture!

  • Step 8

    We take a blue and blue pencil and decorate their eyes and dress with them, take a red pencil and decorate their mouth, a heart on the dress and make them blush. Then we take a yellow pencil and decorate all their hair!!

  • Step 9

    At the final stage, we decorate our chibi girl and make her sequins (if any) as in the picture! And that's it! Our drawing is ready! Good luck to all!!

How to draw a cute chibi-chan step by step

In this lesson you will learn how to draw a cute chibi-chan step by step with colored pencils. There are 18 stages in total. You will need:

  • HB pencil
  • paper
  • colour pencils
  • eraser
  • black gel pen
  • Step 1

    To begin with, we outline the legs and the outline of the legs.

  • Step 2

    Now we draw the details of the dress, if necessary, we can correct the contour of the dress.

  • Step 3

    Now we draw a cat: round eyes, a slightly open mouth (or mouth, as you like), antennae, ears, tail and paws.

  • Step 4

    Now we draw hands. You can make them a little symmetrical. We draw hands of the same size (that is, the hand should not be larger than the other).

  • Step 5

    We draw the upper part of the dress, relying on the already drawn hands.

  • Step 6

    Let's get to the face. It is slightly tilted to the side.

  • Step 7

    It remains only to draw the hair and the sketch will be ready. After we have drawn the outline of the face and eyes, draw the bangs.

  • Step 8

    Now we draw curls of hair, which is a little longer. As well as the ears and headband.

  • Step 9

    We finish the hair. Adding a tail. The sketch is ready.

  • Step 10

    We outline everything with a gel pen.

  • Step 11

    Coloring. We draw the face, chest, arms. The base color can be cream and beige. After applying the base color, we draw the shadows. For shadows, you can use colors a tone darker or brown.

  • Step 12

    Add blush to cheeks. We draw the eyes, first we apply a light brown color, and then we darken it, as shown in my picture. We leave glare on the eyes.

  • Step 13

    We draw a cat. Everything is as simple as with the eyes. The base color is light brown and darken it with a tone darker color. Let's get to the hair. First, apply a light blue color. You don't need to press hard.

  • Step 14

    Now we draw shadows, leaving highlights.

  • Step 15

    We continue to color the hair at the same pace.

  • Step 16

    And just finish drawing the hair. The tail is drawn in the same way.

  • Step 17

    We color the bezel. We draw buttons in red or crimson.

  • Step 18

    The last stage of our drawing. We color the dress, it is lighter than the hair. Don't forget the shadow cast by the hands. Ready.)

We draw a chibi girl with a plush bunny in stages

In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a cute chibi girl with a plush bunny step by step for beginners:3. Only 12 stages! We will need:

  • simple pencil
  • eraser
  • black pen
  • colour pencils.
  • Step 1

    Draw the base of the head. Mark where the eyes will be located.

  • Step 2

    Draw the face: eyes, nose, eyebrows and mouth.

  • Step 3

    Now we draw hair. First, draw bangs and a bow. We will return to this stage.

  • Step 4
  • Step 5

    Draw the girl's hands and finish the body of the bunny.

  • Step 6

    Well, we are finishing the dress of our chan)

  • Step 7

    And so is the hair.

  • Step 8

    Outline everything with a black pen and erase the extra pencil.

  • Step 9

    Let's start coloring! Color the skin with beige, and make shadows with light brown.

  • Step 10

    Color your hair with dark brown and light brown. Blue and blue bow.

  • Step 11

    We color the bunny gray.

  • Step 12

    Blue and blue dress (do not forget about the folds). Our drawing of a cute chibi girl with a plush bunny is ready! You can draw a frame if you want.

How to draw a cute chibi girl with a cat step by step

In this tutorial I will show you how to draw a chibi girl with a cat step by step. The lesson consists of 7 steps. For this tutorial I used:

  • simple pencil,
  • black pen,
  • pink, black, yellow and orange pencils.
The drawing is not the best, but it seems not so bad. :)

How to draw and color a beautiful chibi girl step by step.

In this step by step tutorial I will show you how to draw a cute chibi girl. For the lesson, I used simple and colored pencils, a black gel pen. Good luck)

How to draw and color a winking chibi girl

In this step by step tutorial you will learn how to draw and color a winking chibi girl. For the lesson, I used simple HB and B7 pencils, colored pencils.

Draw a cute chibi-chan in pajamas and a toy in hand

In this step-by-step photo tutorial, you will learn how to draw a cute chibi-chan in pajamas and a toy in hand with pencils step by step. The lesson consists of 17 steps.

  • Step 1

    First of all, draw the circumference of the head and the frame of the body.

  • Step 2

    We apply auxiliary lines for the eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth.

  • Step 3

    Adding volume to the body.

  • Step 4

    We erase the frame of the body and throw a nightgown on the girl.

  • Step 5

    We draw the approximate location of the hair and toys.

  • Step 6

    With the help of auxiliary lines draw the eyes.

  • Step 7

    We draw eyebrows and a mouth, we erase auxiliary lines.

  • Step 8

    We add hearts on the hair, draw a monster on a T-shirt, a checker on the neck, bunny eyes and stockings.

  • Step 9

    Lightly erase the main lines and start adding pink color (hair, T-shirt, stockings).

  • Step 10

    Coloring the skin beige.

  • Step 11

    Let's take care of the eyes. Trace the outline with a gel pen and fill it in. Eyebrows and mouth are also highlighted with a gel pen.

  • Step 12

    We color the iris of the eye with strokes, adding purple.

  • Step 13

    We do the same with the second eye.

  • Step 14

    Outline with a gel pen. And draw a blush.

  • Step 15

    We begin to fill the hair with color. On the wing hairpins, we make a smooth transition from pink to white.

  • Step 16

    We finish the hair.

  • Step 17

    We color a T-shirt with a monster, a rabbit and stockings. Let's not forget the shadows. Ready)

How to draw a chibi girl with a simple pencil

How to draw cute chibi nyashek with a pencil step by step

How to draw a cute chibi girl with long hair step by step

In this tutorial I will show you how to draw Eiryuzu in chibi style step by step. Only 11 stages! We will need: a simple pencil an eraser colored pens colored pencils

  • Step 1

    We draw the design of the head, chin and markings for the eyes.

  • Step 2

    We draw eyes, a mouth and eyebrows.

  • Step 3

    We draw bangs and rubber bands in the shape of hearts.

  • Step 4

    We draw a jacket and shoulders.

  • Step 5

    Draw the arms and skirt.

  • Step 6

    Draw ponytails and legs.

  • Step 7

    Circle everything with colored pens, as shown in the photo.

  • Step 8

    We paint the skin beige.

  • Step 9

    Add pink blush, light brown shadows on the skin. Purple and pink eyes.

  • Step 10

    We paint clothes and rubber bands with colored pencils. Use yellow to paint highlights on the hair.

  • Step 11

    It remains only pink and orange to color the hair. Our drawing is ready!

Cute girl full length in chibi style

For drawing you will need:

  • eraser,
  • a simple pencil (any hardness),
  • sharpener,
  • colored pencils (I used Milan 24 colors),
  • plain black pen.
  • Step 1

    First, draw a circle that will become the head of our girl. Then we depict the chin.

  • Step 2

    We make markings for the eyes. We draw eyes, as well as a mouth.

  • Step 3

    Let's start drawing the hair. We draw eyebrows, as well as hairpins in some places.

  • Step 4

    We continue to draw hair. Also, at this stage we draw the ears.

  • Step 5

    We draw a neck, and a blouse collar. We schematically depict the location of the arms and body, as well as indicate the places where the bent palms will be.

  • Step 6

    We clearly draw fingers on bent handles. We draw the sleeves of the blouse.

  • Step 7

    We draw a jacket, using the previously drawn markup. We draw two hearts on the jacket - one is larger, the other is smaller.

  • Step 8

    We draw shorts. Also, we schematically depict the legs, after which we draw them using the markup.

  • Step 9

    We draw hearts on shorts, and a belt. We draw stockings on legs, and small shoes.

  • Step 10

    We draw a tail, and circle everything with a black pen. Then we erase all the extra pencil lines.

  • Step 11

    We begin to decorate the picture with the skin. The main color for the skin is body. Shadows are done in brown. We draw blush on the face, and also do not forget about the shadow that falls from the hair. We color the neck, arms, and part of the legs with body color, and slightly shade the skin with brown in the right places.

  • Step 12

    We decorate the eyes. For the eyes, I used blue and blue colors. Then we decorate the hair. I painted my hair with the same brown color that shaded the skin. Shade the hair. After that, we draw the ears, and shade them too. At the very end, we decorate the tail.

  • Step 13

    Now it's sweatshirt time. To decorate the sweater, I used turquoise. To begin with, we shade the jacket by pressing hard on the pencil in those places where there are folds. Then we cover the jacket with one natural shade, gently pressing on the pencil. I colored the hearts with a tortoise shell colored pencil. Let's not forget about them either.

  • Step 14

    Color the shorts black. Color the hearts in purple. For the belt, I used two shades of purple. For the stockings, I use the same purple that I used for the girdle. We decorate the stockings with black and purple flowers. Here is our picture and ready.

How to draw a cute chibi girl in a sweater

Hello everyone in this lesson I want to show you how to draw a girl. For this you need: a simple pencil, colored pencils and a black pen.

Cute little girl holding her hair in her hands

Hello everyone in this lesson I want to show how to draw a girl holding her hair. For this tutorial we will need:

  • simple pencil,
  • colour pencils,
  • black gel pen.

How to draw a cute chibi girl with big eyes

In this step by step photo you will learn how to draw a cute chibi girl fox. For this we need:

  • black gel pen or HB pencil;
  • colour pencils,
  • rubber.

Drawing a human figure is one of the main branches of fine art. Already creating the first drawings, any kid tries to portray a person, for example, his mother, his father, brother or grandmother. Of course, children do not succeed in portraying people right away. As a rule, the first drawings of a person made by kids are distinguished by their primitiveness, sketchiness and monotony. Experts explain this by the fact that young children have not yet accumulated enough life observations of the movements and proportions of the human figure.
In general, a person is the most difficult object to draw. Therefore, you should not expect from a child that he will immediately draw a masterpiece. Parents should help the kid, and then he will surely get carried away by drawing and learn to more or less realistically portray the human figure.
So, to draw a person you will need:
1). Colour pencils;
2). Gel pen (black is better);
3). Pencil;
5). Eraser;
6). Paper that has a fairly smooth surface.

If everything is ready, you can get to work:
1. Draw a small oval first;
2. Draw a straight line to the oval;
3. Just below the head, draw a bell depicting a dress;
4. Sketch both legs under the bell;
5. Draw hands with thin lines;
6. Draw the hands;
7. Draw a handkerchief on the girl's head;
8. Draw a bang. Then draw the eyes, nose and mouth;
9. Draw the girl's outfit in more detail, and also depict the flowers that she collects;
10. Circle all the contours with a pen;
11. Erase the sketch with an eraser. Start coloring the drawing;
12. Finish coloring the picture, choosing bright and juicy shades.
The drawing of the girl is completely ready. Children will surely enjoy drawing a human figure. They will enthusiastically portray the heroes of any fairy tales, members of their family and friends.
