Capricorn man career horoscope May.

Many Capricorns in May 2017 will be incredibly happy, but they will hide all their emotions and worries under the guise of absolute indifference. And all because they will be afraid to frighten off luck. Fortunately, fears will turn out to be in vain, no one can interfere with enjoying success and joyful moments. This month, Capricorns will be able to say goodbye to their past and let it go. It's time to spend general cleaning in your life and inner world. If something doesn’t work out for you, leave it in the care of your loved ones. They will be able to make your life brighter and more interesting. Develop your most strengths, gain experience, improve skills and increase knowledge. Your favorite hobby will soon become your life's work. You should not even try to merge with the gray mass and bend under the entrenched social foundations. Everywhere and everywhere show your individuality, be original and boldly defend your opinion. It has a right to be! Just be yourself and don't play roles.

Capricorns are unique creations and the only ones of their kind who do not win because of something, but win in spite of. In the first decade of May 2017, act in the same spirit and do not be afraid of any obstacles. You can do anything, the main thing is to believe in it. Allow yourself to dream, because dreams do come true. Never look back, except to look and remember some important life lessons. Just waiting for you ahead pleasant meetings, soulful conversations and a lot of fun. Remember, laughter prolongs life. Treat all funny situations and problems with a sense of humor, and you will see how the problem becomes not a problem, but only a question, the answer to which you have already prepared for a long time. While spending a lot of time communicating with your friends and loved ones, avoid contact with people who are called energy vampires. They will suck all the strength and optimism out of you. Be careful. Don't let your integrity be taken advantage of.

Capricorns are far-sighted and prudent people. They like to look into their lives many years ahead. But believe me, if you now, from the second decade of May 2017, start living the way you see it in the distant future, then you will not have to wait decades. Start changing your life today and don't procrastinate. After all, the best time is now. Start looking for a high-paying job now, stop being content with pennies! Change old and bad habits to new and useful ones. Put in front of you big goals and do not doubt the reality of their implementation for a single moment. The movement of Mercury in Taurus suggests that from mid-May 2017 you have every opportunity to realize most of your grandiose plans. And even if someone nearby is giggling at your thoughts, laugh heartily with him. After all, luck comes to your heels, just have time to dream and plan. Many Capricorns during this period can move up career ladder thanks to his out-of-the-box thinking and initiative. Your activity and purposefulness will surely lead you to success. Put your soul into everything you do, and everything around you will be real, genuine and sincere. Capricorns are very neat people, and this quality is a great tool to demonstrate their professionalism and competence.

Capricorns love cleanliness and order so much that it is very difficult for them to let an outsider into their lives, even a loved one. But in the third decade of May 2017, under the influence of Venus, they will finally open not only a tightly closed door in their hearts, but also in their home for great and sincere love. Your relationship with your loved one will be on the verge of the impossible. Only Capricorns are capable of such feelings, completely going into them with their heads. Your chosen ones will simply become an integral part for the representatives of your Zodiac sign, with which they are one. Despite all this, try not to lose your head and a sober mind, no matter how intoxicated you are with feelings. You need to think about what will happen tomorrow and, of course, do not forget that there are other aspects of life that require your direct participation. And look, do not crush your loved one with such a strong pressure of feelings. Everything should be in moderation. The stars advise Capricorns to slow down a bit and not run ahead of the locomotive, because you may simply not have time to see the most important life moments that will happen to you.

It remains to understand why the May life of Capricorns will be replete with all sorts of mysterious accidents and pleasant incidents. The reason is that you will completely lose your usual peace (moreover, in the very good sense of this word), will be Mars and Saturn, who will volunteer to patronize your life in May 2017.

It is noteworthy that your heavenly leaders will not immediately agree among themselves which of them and when bestows you with certain gifts. Very often, "presents" from Saturn and Mars will contradict each other. For example, Mars will make you more active and morally stronger, and Saturn at the same time will try to set you up for passive philosophizing. As a result, you will not try to move up and forward, but will begin to stagnate, trying to comprehend a number of issues that you do not really need to deal with.

While Saturn and Mars are arguing among themselves which of them is your main patron, another powerful planet, the Moon, will decide to actively intervene in your existence. She will confuse your inner world, and so much so that you run the risk of completely breaking away from reality. Be careful, because it only seems from the outside that an emotional crisis can be overcome quite easily and quickly! If you allow the Moon to get the better of you, your life will lose its tendency to develop and progress.

Fortunately, you have every chance to neutralize the tricks of the Moon, and in this you will be called to help a star named the Sun. Of course, the Sun rarely remembers you, but in May 2017 you can safely call this planet your wise mentor and caring guide along the winding paths of life. It is the Sun that will provide you with large-scale success, which, unfortunately, you will not gain immediately. The reason for this delay lies in the fact that the participation of the Sun in your destiny will constantly clash with the extravagant Mars, the imperious Saturn and the Moon, prone to eternal whims.

The coming month will be fruitful for those who have done everything to achieve their goal, but those who are looking for themselves will have to face troubles and difficulties. You should not take the initiative if you are not confident in yourself, otherwise you risk getting into an unpleasant situation.

A lot of different gossip and rumors can hover around you. This will especially affect those who have achieved success or immediately become leaders in the team. Some can significantly harm your career or contribute to further troubles and scandals.

Try to understand who is harming you and provoke this person to straight Talk. Only in this situation you will cope with all the troubles.

Capricorn Woman: Work and Career Horoscope for May 2019

This month you will have to take on several tasks at once, including urgent ones. They can take almost everything from you. free time but the result will be worth your effort. Try to do what the boss requires, even if this work is not related to your main activity. It is possible that an increase after all this is waiting for you.

In dealing with colleagues, you will have to act diplomatically. You will be unpleasantly surprised by the attitude of the person whom you considered your friend. Try to avoid frank conflicts, especially with those who dream of being in your place, otherwise the actions of enemies and envious people can lead to unpredictable results.

Those who are looking for themselves and their careers will have to be active. Some of you can make a difference if you take part in professional auditions and competitions. Be active and wait for the result, it is likely that after that you will have a career take-off. Do not refuse tempting offers, even if you do not consider them feasible, the stars promise you good luck and an unexpected leap forward.

Capricorn Man: Work and Career Horoscope for May 2019

At the beginning of the month, you will be faced with a significant amount of paperwork or correcting past mistakes. This time, you should pay attention and try to complete the work you have begun. Don't plan anything new until you've solved all your old problems, otherwise troubles will pile up like a snowball.

This month, promotion awaits only those who have completed their work and are ready for new exploits. The stars promise you a significant increase and success if you take the initiative in business and do not refuse the responsible assignment of your superiors. The initiative this time will not be punishable, but, on the contrary, will bring you significant prerequisites for success.

Relationships with colleagues can improve if you show goodwill and act in the chosen direction. If you are competent and will give advice to friends, this will be noticed and will help you in Hard time. The main thing is not to deviate from the intended goals and act in your own interests. For those who dream of expressing themselves in creativity or changing their field of activity, the stars will provide a happy occasion.

May will be a month of relief for Capricorns in 2017. There will be ample opportunities for creativity and active work. The most relevant areas of interest in the first half of the month will be children, hobbies, love. The horoscope for May 2017 recommends that Capricorn write down his thoughts, impressions and ideas - they can be the beginning of large and successful projects.

It will be useful for Capricorns to spend time in the garden with children in May - teach them to plant and sow, take care of plants.

The last week of May for Capricorns will be a time for intellectual work. A great time for those who are "married" to their work - the work will be rewarded.

Love horoscope for May 2017 Capricorn

Stabilization of relations with a partner will come in May with Capricorn. According to the horoscope for May 2017 for Capricorn, there will be no more problems and quarrels, conflicts and irritation. May for the love of Capricorns is a very favorable period for spending time together. Walks, going to the theater and parties - everything will absolutely benefit the relationship in which both you and your partner are already tired of mutual reproaches and irritation. Relax together, tune in to each other, listen and understand your partner.

May, finally, favors those Capricorns who are plotting the formalization of marriage. For maximum success, it is better to check the date of the wedding with the astrologer with whom you usually consult.

Auspicious days for love in May 2017 for Capricorn: 1, 2, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 22, 24, 30, 31 April.

Financial horoscope Capricorn for May 2017

The first half of May in the horoscope for 2017 for Capricorns is devoted to thoughtful, balanced and effective issues. It would be nice to learn how to delegate your authority, manage and allocate time. Thanks to the proper organization of their work, Capricorns in May 2017 will create a good foundation for the future. It is the successes of this time that will probably become the foundation of prosperity for you in the future.

Two last weeks May in 2017 will become good time for new business acquaintances, meetings and partnerships. Meetings, presentations and master classes will be held efficiently and productively.

Favorable days for money in May 2017 for the sign Capricorn: May 3, 4, 5, 6, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25, 30, 31 May in 2017.

Capricorn health horoscope May 2017

In May, Capricorns can completely change their image and change their appearance as they please! Paint in bright colors, resort to services plastic surgeons and cosmetologists, update your wardrobe - everything that you choose now will benefit you.

As for nutrition, it would be good for Capricorn to eat more fruits and vegetables in May. Unloading days and light physical activity will be favorable. And physical exercise will be more effective in May if you perform them outdoors.

As the horoscope for May 2017 says, Capricorn can finally exhale with relief and actively engage in an interesting business or creativity. Now you can fully show your talents. Or maybe you will come up with interesting ideas, the implementation of which will help you open up, achieve what you want, and maybe even get a good profit. A creative upsurge will allow you to expand your circle of interests. A serious approach to the implementation of ideas will help not only to escape from the routine, but also to acquire an interesting additional profession.

The month is also great for initiating changes in your life. It's time to say goodbye to the past that weighs on you and start a general cleaning inside yourself. Don't be afraid to enjoy life, don't hide your positive emotions, your fears of frightening off luck are in vain. Develop, improve your skills, show individuality, this will help you make your favorite pastime a life's work.

The end of the month is a great period for Capricorns - workaholics. You will face many important and interesting work tasks that will require your serious concentration.


Devote this month to taking care of your health. Now you are full of strength and energy, do not waste it on bad habits. Better do some physical activity. Running, hiking, cycling, gym or just physical work on the plot will do you good. It is better if your classes take place outdoors.

Now is a great time to improve your diet. Add fresh fruits and vegetables to your diet. Fasting days will be useful.

Capricorn's desire to change his life will also affect his appearance. You can afford to change your hair and wardrobe. The benefits will go and care, as well as cosmetic procedures.


As the Capricorn horoscope for May 2017 recommends, the representatives of the sign no longer need to put their lives on hold. Already now you can live the way you want, there is no need to wait any longer. Now you can and even should set big goals for yourself and work towards them. Thanks to innovative thinking, creativity and ambition, many representatives of the sign will be able to move up the career ladder. The main thing is to approach your work seriously and with soul.

In the month of May, Capricorns will have various trips and business trips, as well as meetings related to work issues. Faced with obstacles, try to overcome them steadfastly and confidently. For those Capricorns who long time not satisfied with the work, it's time to change it.

Try to establish business contacts, attract allies to your side. Especially in the second half of the month, try to go out more often, make new acquaintances with potential partners and clients. Teamwork will be more effective in your business.

All decisions must be carefully considered, there is no need to rush now. Develop and implement new technologies in your business in order to increase labor efficiency.

The last days of the month will bring with them difficulties in work and relationships with colleagues.


The financial horoscope for Capricorn for May 2017 portends a stable situation. It is not necessary to count on large profits, but the month of May will not bring any special losses either. But additional income is quite possible. Real estate transactions will be especially successful.

In the first half of May, Capricorns will be able to lay the foundation for the future. The main thing is to organize the work correctly. You must learn how to correctly allocate your time, as well as delegate authority. Take care to make your work more efficient.

The second half of the month should be aimed at establishing business relations, which will become the guarantor of your financial well-being.


Family Capricorns May will bring chores around the house. Perhaps it will be a renovation, or maybe even a new home. Try to resolve conflicts that arise in the family without quarrels. Spend more time with your family, especially with children. Together you can find an interesting hobby that will bring you closer. The month is favorable for joint trips to theaters, parties and other leisure activities.

As recommended love horoscope as of May 2017, Capricorn will be the soul of the company. Thanks to your sociability, you will have many admirers. Romantic relationship will give you a taste of life, but try not to lose your head.

For those Capricorns who have met their soul mate and are ready to formalize the relationship, it has come auspicious time. The next three months are very successful for this.

Man - Capricorn

As the horoscope for May 2017 recommends, Capricorn - a man should engage in self-development. Now you are full of charm and interesting ideas. You attract people to you, easily establish business connections and actively move up the career ladder. Try to clearly plan your budget, do not avoid additional ways to earn money. Now the Capricorn man strives with all his might to realize himself in what interests him.

Take care of your health. Going to the gym or swimming pool will help keep your spirits up.

Woman - Capricorn

As the horoscope for May 2017 says, Capricorn - a woman should not refuse those who need her help. The month will spin you into a cycle of events and promises a lot of romantic meetings, surprises and vivid emotions. Now you can meet your soul mate. Family women the horoscope recommends not to provoke quarrels and avoid jealousy.

Don't forget about yourself, your appearance. Try to update your wardrobe, but not at the expense of the budget.

Career promises to develop successfully. But with health there may be some difficulties. Get a complete medical examination.
