Lika star - biography, information, personal life. Biography Lika Star Lika Star Playboy 1996

In the 1990s Name singer Leakey Star was well known not so much because of her work, but because of the numerous scandals in which she became a participant: the first candid clip, the first photo shoot for Playboy magazine, outrageous images on stage, novels with famous singers and producers, including married ones, refusal to work with Alla Pugacheva, etc. In the early 2000s. Lika Star suddenly disappeared from the screens, and later it became known that she moved to Italy, where she began new life nothing to do with show business.

Lika Pavlova was born in 1972 in Moscow. His unusual name she owes it to her father, who decided to name her daughter in honor of the muse of Chekhov's favorite writer - Lika Mizinova. Lika has been fond of music since childhood, and at the age of 15 she met a novice DJ Vladimir Fonarev and began to master the work at the console. So she became one of the first and youngest female DJs in Russia.

In the early 1990s she began to sing and perform on stage under the pseudonym Lika Star. Together with producer Sergei Obukhov, they decided to create a shocking and scandalous image, which at that time was too bold and frank. One of the first artists, Lika Star, starred naked for the Russian version of Playboy magazine; in 1994, she released a very frank video for the song “Let it rain”, which was filmed for her by aspiring director Fyodor Bondarchuk. Her song "Lonely Moon" became a real hit.

In 1995, the singer married businessman Alexei Mamontov and bore him a son, Artemy. The family had to experience all the horrors of the rampant banditry of the 1990s: they tried to kidnap her husband, Lika had to hide with her son.

At one time, Lika Star was Alla Pugacheva's favorite, the prima donna even invited her to her "Christmas Meetings". Later, Lika said that Pugacheva wanted to make her her successor, star No. 1, and called her to her theater. However, she did not accept the offer: I refused because I'm already number one! I'd rather be nothing than a puppet in the hands of Pugacheva!". However, it was said that real reason their relationship was cooled by a stormy romance between Lika and Vladimir Presnyakov, Pugacheva's son-in-law. And allegedly it was after this that her Solo career ended at the height of its popularity. However, the singer herself does not confirm these rumors, although she does not deny her novels. She was also credited with a close relationship with Fyodor Bondarchuk and Ilya Lagutenko.

In the early 2000s Lika Star disappeared from the screens. Then they said that Pugacheva, in retaliation, "blocked" her way into show business, but later it turned out that the singer married an Italian, the owner of the furniture chain Angelo Sechi, and moved to him on the island of Sardinia. In 2004, her daughter Allegrina was born, in 2011 her son Mark was born. Since then, the singer is no longer engaged solo career and devoted herself entirely to her family: I just realized that for a very long time I was close to the wrong people, I loved the wrong ones. The values ​​they offered me were stupid - all this star life, threatening loneliness ... I took place both as an artist and as a woman. The most important thing has already been done: I am a mother, and this sounds proud. In my opinion, more beautiful than a woman who gave birth, there is nothing in the world».

In her interviews, Lika Star has repeatedly stated that she does not regret her departure from the stage at all - she says that after moving to Sardinia, she began a new life that had nothing to do with show business, which she is very happy about. Now she calls herself a person outside the party: “ Amazing metamorphoses took place in my mind. I haven’t considered myself a star for a long time, and in fact, have I ever been one? Now it seems to me that all this was in another life and on another planet ... Many things seem ridiculous and ridiculous to me over time, and life in the VIP style is unusual for my character. Yes, being famous is sometimes very convenient, many doors open to you just because you are a star. And you quickly get used to it. But the worst thing in this situation is that you cease to belong to yourself, not immediately, day after day your popularity makes you dependent on it. And there is a lot, a lot of BUT!!! That's exactly the moment when I realized that I depended on these But - I jumped off this Titanic! And she sailed to the island of Sardinia and settled on it far from success!»

The star of the 90s, singer Lika Star, has not lived in Russia for more than ten years. Having married Italian businessman Angelo Sechi in the early 2000s, she settled with him and her son from her first marriage, Artem, on the island of Sardinia. In 2004, the performer had a daughter, Allegrina, and in 2011, a son, Mark. Lika Star does not regret at all that she left her homeland. On the contrary, she found harmony, happiness and love.

“Amazing metamorphoses have taken place in my mind. I have not considered myself a star for a long time, and in fact, have I ever been one?! Now it seems to me that all this was in another life on another planet. Many things seem ridiculous and ridiculous to me over time, and life in the VIP style is unusual for my character. Yes, being famous is sometimes very convenient, many doors open to you just because you are a star. And you quickly get used to it. But the worst thing in this situation is that you cease to belong to yourself, not immediately, day after day your popularity makes you dependent on it. And there are many, many "buts"! That's it at the moment when I realized that I depend on these "buts", I jumped off this "Titanic"! And sailed to the island of Sardinia, and settled on it far from success! I am happy, and I have the most important thing in my life - love!” - Lika Star shared her thoughts on Facebook.

The singer is also incredibly grateful to her husband for their happy life. “Sometimes I just can’t believe that we are alone - my husband and I were able to create and grow all this. Only he and I carry everyone on ourselves. I can't even imagine that we could do it. Husband, my beloved and only man in the world, I love you very much and thank God for uniting us in different countries world, different religions and cultures into a single whole - FAMILY! And the fact that you are smart, wise and patient with me, all our friends and relatives know this! I love you my angel!" She doesn't hide her feelings for her husband.

Note that Lika Star, although she does not perform, does not sit idly by. She organizes gastronomic tours to Sardinia.

Although Lika was not a good girl, she was still seriously engaged in swimming, having received the title of master of sports, and studied at a French special school. It is interesting that Lena Perova (ex-Lyceum and Amega) studied at the same school, in which Lika Pavlova was a pioneer leader.

When Lika was 14, she left big sport, and at 15 at one of the first Moscow discos she met future star dance floors, and then as a novice DJ Lantern (Vladimir Fonarev). He stood at the remote control... It was love that opened the true path in life to the young talent...

MC "Master of Ceremonies" Cinema "Orion" witnessed the birth of the first girl DJ, they went to look at the miracle master as a domestic sensation. The lantern helped Lika master the intricacies of working at the remote control, and the work involved not mixing vinyl records, but a much more complex procedure for manipulating tapes. The city danced and everyone was happy...

DJ Lika Little by little, the talent moved to other areas - an advanced girl drew attention to the commercial trend of hip-hop that was emerging in the West. She took an active part in promoting it in Rus', besides, the girl developed singing vocals ... In this capacity she became interested in one of the first producers interested in dance music - Sergei Obukhov. The first single "BBC Taxi" set the dancefloors on fire, and in 1990 Leakey's debut album "Rap" was released.

Lika Star And once grace descended from heaven - the great Alla Pugacheva honored young talent an invitation to the Mecca of domestic show business - "Christmas Meetings". The divine retinue was ready to accept her into their ranks. Even Valentin Yudashkin hastened to offer an outfit for the debut from his own collection, however, the masterpiece of the famous meter only made the girl want to cry all night. The dress had to be built on its own, which did not prevent Lika from agreeing with Alla Borisovna on the prospects for future cooperation.

The successful single “Let it rain” came to the court on MTV, and Lika at Alla Pugacheva’s studio, where work was painstakingly on the album “ Fallen Angel", in the creation of which Vladimir Presnyakov, the youngest, also took part, they sang songs, rattled the timpani, and here again Alla Borisovna came out of nowhere! Now there was no need to wait for mercy, Lika was urgently asked to vacate the studio, and the son-in-law too!

The dates for the release of the album were pushed back a year, the studio changed, Lika also began to grow up, the scandals around her name got tired, shocking turned into a different quality. In addition, Lika became a young mother! And unexpectedly for the producer, who invested a lot of money in the promotion of the album. And now the covers of fashion magazines are full of pictures illustrating the life of a young pregnant singer, in show business they don’t go on maternity leave! The situation was catastrophic, the amount for the penalty was called huge, and as a result of long proceedings, the sale of the album fell on the shoulders of Lika in the amount of 5000 discs. The singer did not sell them. The discs, according to some rumors, are still kept on her balcony.

Leakey's pregnancy was accompanied by scandalous rumors. The vast majority of admirers were sure that the father of the child was not Lika's husband Alexei Mamontov, but the editor of OM magazine Igor Grigoriev, who took part in the promotion of the subsequent album "More than Love" and even starred in the most famous of Lika's clips "Lonely Moon".

But over time, the situation in society and on the stage began to improve, Lika even acquired her own AS Studio. The projects included recording a new album and producing young performers. And then it burst new scandal, which brought a lot of joy to secular gossip. The news of the affair of Leakey and new star Russian rock scene Ilya Lagutenko marched through the gossip column. And then the thing happened great sorrow in Lika's life - her mother suddenly died of cancer, the most close person, whose death unsettled the singer for a long time.

However, they found the strength to return to show business, an old colleague back in the days of DJing Dmitry Postovalov (Arrival) created the Demo project, in which Lika took an active part, and was also preparing for the release new album"I", the first single from which "Fall" was recorded together with the famous Moscow rock band MEDDOG, who also took part in the filming of the video.

Philosopher Recently, a new scandal from Lika's camp has pleased fans of show business - the Naked Truth project, in whose creation ex-DJ Lika, DJ Groove and DJ Mutabor took part, shocked with revelations embodied in juicy and biting wrong Russian language, telling about miracles, going on in show business. The single, as usual, was presented on the radio only once, after which it was banned forever, in a live performance in the summer, the visuals, supplemented by live elements of pornography, shocked. The Naked Truth project threatens to spread from show business representatives to other professions. The guys threaten to distribute products on video at retail for the greater devastation of the wallets of lovers of "naked" projects!

Lika Pavlova V Lately the singer disappears abroad. In the UK, she is working on joint project with the musicians of the Apollo 440 group. While in Russia, the artist was stubbornly studying languages, for which she even entered one of the specialized Moscow institutes.

In parallel with her work in London, the artist will perform on the stage of the Moscow Theater of Satire. The young Japanese director Mikhail Vozumi approved Ms. Pavlova for leading role in his new play"Good evening, Dr. Freud."

Although Lika was not a good girl, she was still seriously engaged in swimming, having received the title of master of sports, and studied at a French special school. It is interesting that Lena Perova (ex-Lyceum and Amega) studied at the same school, in which Lika Pavlova was a pioneer leader.

When Lika was 14, she left the big sport, and at 15, at one of the first Moscow discos, she met the future star of the dance floors, and then the novice DJ Lantern (Vladimir Fonarev). He stood at the remote control... It was love that opened the true path in life to the young talent...
MC "Master of Ceremonies" Cinema "Orion" witnessed the birth of the first girl DJ, they went to look at the miracle master as a national sensation. The lantern helped Lika master the intricacies of working at the remote control, and the work involved not mixing vinyl records, but a much more complex procedure for manipulating tapes. The city danced and everyone was happy...
DJ Lika Little by little, the talent moved to other areas - an advanced girl drew attention to the commercial trend of hip-hop that was emerging in the West. She took an active part in promoting it in Rus', besides, the girl developed singing vocals ... In this capacity, she became interested in one of the first producers interested in dance music - Sergey Obukhov. The first single "BBC Taxi" set the dancefloors on fire, and in 1990 Leakey's debut album "Rap" was released.
Lika Star And once grace descended from heaven - the great Alla Pugacheva honored the young talent with an invitation to the Mecca of domestic show business - "Christmas Meetings". The divine retinue was ready to accept her into their ranks. Even Valentin Yudashkin hastened to offer an outfit for the debut from his own collection, however, the masterpiece of the famous meter only made the girl want to cry all night. The dress had to be built on its own, which did not prevent Lika from agreeing with Alla Borisovna on the prospects for future cooperation.

The successful single “Let it rain” came to the court on MTV, and Lika at Alla Pugacheva’s studio, where work was painstakingly on the album “Fallen Angel”, in the creation of which Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. also took part, they sang songs, rattled the timpani, and here again from nowhere Alla Borisovna! Now there was no need to wait for mercy, Lika was urgently asked to vacate the studio, and the son-in-law too!
The dates for the release of the album were pushed back a year, the studio changed, Lika also began to grow up, the scandals around her name got tired, shocking turned into a different quality. In addition, Lika became a young mother! And unexpectedly for the producer, who invested a lot of money in the promotion of the album. And now the covers of fashion magazines are full of pictures illustrating the life of a young pregnant singer, in show business they don’t go on maternity leave! The situation was catastrophic, the amount for the penalty was called huge, and as a result of long proceedings, the sale of the album fell on the shoulders of Lika in the amount of 5000 discs. The singer did not sell them. The discs, according to some rumors, are still kept on her balcony.
Leakey's pregnancy was accompanied by scandalous rumors. The vast majority of admirers were sure that the father of the child was not Lika's husband Alexei Mamontov, but the editor of OM magazine Igor Grigoriev, who took part in the promotion of the subsequent album "More than Love" and even starred in the most famous of Lika's clips "Lonely Moon".
But over time, the situation in society and on the stage began to improve, Lika even acquired her own AS Studio. The projects included recording a new album and producing young performers. And then a new scandal broke out, which brought a lot of joy to secular gossip. The news of the romance of Lika and the new star of the national rock scene, Ilya Lagutenko, marched through the gossip column. And then the biggest grief in Lika's life happened - her mother, the closest person, whose death unsettled the singer for a long time, suddenly died of cancer.
However, they found the strength to return to show business, a longtime colleague back in the days of DJing Dmitry Postovalov (Arrival) created the Demo project, in which Lika took an active part, in addition, a new album "I" was being prepared for release, the first single from which "Fall" was recorded together with the famous Moscow rock band MEDDOG, who also took part in the filming of the video.
Philosopher Recently, a new scandal from Lika's camp has pleased fans of show business - the Naked Truth project, in the creation of which ex-DJ Lika, DJ Groove and DJ Mutabor took part, shocked with revelations embodied in juicy and biting incorrect Russian language, telling about miracles, going on in show business. The single, as usual, was presented on the radio only once, after which it was banned forever, in a live performance in the summer, the visuals, supplemented by live elements of pornography, shocked. The Naked Truth project threatens to spread from show business representatives to other professions. The guys threaten to distribute products on video at retail for the greater devastation of the wallets of lovers of "naked" projects!
Lika Pavlova Recently, the singer has been disappearing abroad. In the UK, she is working on a joint project with the musicians of the Apollo 440 group. While in Russia, the artist was stubbornly studying languages, for which she even entered one of the specialized Moscow institutes.
In parallel with her work in London, the artist will perform on the stage of the Moscow Theater of Satire. The young Japanese director Mikhail Vozumi has approved Ms. Pavlova for the lead role in his new play Good Evening, Dr. Freud.

Future singer Lika Pavlova was born on September 3, 1973 in Moscow. This is her real name. The father-writer named his daughter in honor of Chekhov's heroine Lika Mizinova. Although Lika was not a good girl, but still seriously engaged in swimming, having received the title of master of sports, and studied at a French special school.

It is interesting that Lena Perova (ex-"Lyceum" and "Amega") studied at the same school, Lika Pavlova was a pioneer leader. When Lika was 14, she left big sport, and at 15, at one of the first Moscow discos, she met a future dance floor star, and then a novice DJ Lantern (Vladimir Fonarev). As it says now Lika, between them there was an affair, moreover - first love. It was Lantern who introduced his girlfriend to work at the remote control: then, at the dawn of domestic show business, it was not torsion of vinyl, but manipulations with tapes. Lika got involved and became almost the first and almost the youngest DJ-girl in Moscow and Russia. She left her last name for friends and family and took on the then fashionable pseudonym MC, which means "master of ceremonies."

Slowly Lika MS began to try to rap and sing, and it was in this capacity that producer Sergei Obukhov liked it. He was one of the first (along with Igor Siliverstov and Sergey Lisovsky) to turn to the promotion of youth dance music in Russia. Likin's debut hit was the song "BBC Taxi". The song began to be played on the radio and demanded in the first Moscow clubs. In 1993, her first album "Rap" was released, criticized for its primitive lyrics. However, just then Lika Star(as she now calls herself) received an invitation from Alla Pugacheva to take part in the next "Christmas Meetings". The main horror for the 20-year-old "star" was the costume proposed for the performance by Valentin Yudashkin. Lika she just burst into tears, realized that this would not work, and all night, together with her mother, she built a concert suit with sewn CDs.

In 1993 Lika came to grips with recording a new album, called "Fallen Angel" in honor of the Lika duet included in it Star and Vladimir Presnyakov Jr. The musicians of the Action Direct group took part in the work on the disc. At first, the recording was carried out at the studio of Alla Pugacheva (who patronized the singer), but at some point Lika was asked to clear the room. According to rumors, ABP found out about the romance between the singer and her then son-in-law Presnyakov Jr. and was terribly outraged. The work on the album had to be completed at another studio, its presentation took place at the end of 1994.

1995 began with a war. In an interview in 1994 Lika mentioned her friend, who gave birth to a son: "I even envied her a little quiet life, such a wonderful child." Soon Lika as if on cue magic wand, met a young businessman Alexei Mamontov and after some time realized that she was pregnant. She announced this to her producer Sergei Obukhov, being already in her sixth month: she said that she could no longer perform and it was time for her to maternity leave. The difficulty, in any case, according to Mr. Obukhov, was that a lot of money was invested in the promotion and release of the Fallen Angel album, which had to be returned in money. The producer intended to receive money for the distribution of debts from a large tour, the route of which was already scheduled. So the message about the pregnancy fell on Sergei Obukhov like snow on his head, and his anger was understandable. First Lika said that the father of her child was ready to compensate for material damage, but the amount named by the producer was not included in the plans of the young family: in an interview Lika reported that she was billed for 126 thousand dollars. As a result of long trials (there were rumors of almost gang warfare between the parties), Lika "departed" the entire circulation of her album "Fallen Angel" in the amount of about 4000 copies. The singer, out of principle, decided not to sell discs, but keeps them on the balcony and gradually gives them away.

Soon Lika became a mother - she gave birth to a son, Artem. In 1996, having recovered from childbirth, the singer finally reciprocated the Russian version Playboy magazine and went with photographers to the Bahamas, where an erotic photo session took place. In the same year, a video was shot for the first single of the future album - the song "Is there something more than love". In the video, in addition to Lika herself, her one and a half year old son starred. The maxi-single "Lonely Moon" was released as an audio supplement to the magazine "OM" (there were rumors about several novels by Leakey at once in the editorial office of this publication), the vampire video for this song turned out to be very bright. The album "More than love" was released in January 1997 and was recognized by critics as very, if not too advanced.

In 1998 Lika became the mistress of her own AS-Studio (Analog Sound Studio), where the singer was going to record a new album and help young performers as a producer. But on August 16, Lika had a real grief - the singer's mother suddenly died of cancer at the age of 49. Naturally, there was no talk of any party life after such a loss, but with redoubled energy Lika began to write songs for the new album. The period of calm lasted for almost a year. At the end of 1999 Lika starts recording new songs and at the same time helps Dmitry Postovalov (Arrival) in the work on the new project "Demo": he writes several compositions, which he finally signs with his real name and surname - Lika Pavlova.

Own album called "I" was recorded with the participation of Arrival and Action Direct, and the single and video "Fall" became its first sign. With a single Lika was original, remembering her DJ youth and releasing not a CD or a cassette, but a vinyl record with several versions of the song. The video was directed by Philip Yankovsky and aired in June.

Recently, a new scandal from the camp of Leakey pleased fans of show business - the Naked Truth project, in the creation of which ex-DJ took part Lika, DJ Groove and DJ Mutabor, shocked with revelations embodied in juicy and biting incorrect Russian language, telling about the miracles happening in show business. The single, as usual, was presented on the radio only once, after which it was banned forever, in a live performance in the summer, the visuals, supplemented by live elements of pornography, shocked. The Naked Truth project threatens to spread from show business representatives to other professions. The guys threaten to distribute products on Lika Star's biography text taken from open sources or added by the user.

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