How to draw a fallen angel with a pencil step by step. How to draw an angel in stages with a pencil

The cute angel that we want to draw will decorate any gift for children or a birthday card. For brightness step by step drawing use pencils, felt-tip pens or even watercolors.

Necessary materials:

  • marker;
  • eraser;
  • simple pencil;
  • colored pencils pink, blue, yellow, blue.

Drawing steps:

1. Simple first hard pencil draw an angel's head. Let's denote it as a small circle. It is worth helping a child a little, despite the fact that in your opinion it is easy and simple.

2. At the bottom, you need to draw a figure denoting the torso.

4. On the sides of the body, draw the hands of the angel, dressed in the sleeves of the dress. Let's draw the folds on the clothes. Recognizable shapes appear!

5. We finish the hands, folded together.

6. At the bottom of the clothes we draw small legs for the angel. In the picture, he will be barefoot in full growth.

7. Then we show how to draw hair. They can be of different lengths and have any hairstyle you want.

8. Behind the body, from the sides, draw the beautiful two wings with feathers for the angel.

9. Now we will draw an oval at the top of the head. This will be a halo above your head. After that, it is necessary to depict all the features on the face: kind eyes, a sweet smile, a small nose - by drawing them, you can also add freckles. We got mostly childish features!

10. Now that the drawing is almost ready, and all the extra lines are erased, you can start tracing the contours of the angel with a black marker. If not, then you can use a felt-tip pen, gel pen or even black pencil.

11. We begin to decorate the silhouette. We take the yellow color and apply it to the hair.

12. in pink decorate the angel's skin on the arms, legs and face.

13. The clothes of the guardian angel will be blue. Let's decorate it first with a gentle shade, and then take a blue pencil and apply it in dark areas.

14. Also, do not forget to color the wings. They will be white, but with a blue effect, so with strokes we apply a soft blue color to the wings.

15. At this stage, we complete beautiful drawing. An angel with wings seems to soar in the sky! Your kid will definitely love this entertaining lesson!

Armina Poghosyan

Everyone good mood! After the celebration of the New Year, another magical holiday awaits us - Christmas! This wonderful day will not be complete without gifts. And give on this day little angel would be the most appropriate! Especially if this angel will be depicted by children's hands.

I offer you a very simple Master Class. This does not require a lot of time and materials. And fun is guaranteed for you and the children!

To do this, we need a sheet of black or blue matte cardboard, toothpaste, gouache, cotton swabs, scissors and a little rain (or ready-made sequins).

To start, toothpaste and a little white gouache to make snow-white paint.

Now you can paint! We start from the head - draw a circle with your finger.

Then, draw the torso, stretching the paint from top to bottom.

With a finger we draw hands and palms.

Let's touch the face with a drop of red paint little angel and mix in a circular motion. to get a soft pink complexion.

We print the hair with a cotton swab and with it draws the wings of an angel.

Draw a halo with a wand, flowing ribbons and everything you want draw for your angel.

Sequins or sequins are easy to stick on wet "snow" paint without glue.

I painted angels with my kids - they really enjoyed this activity! Everyone has angels turned out nice and sweet!

I wish you all good luck and enjoy your creativity:!

Winter holidays are loved by both adults and children. New Year takes us to childhood with his expectation of a fairy tale, with Santa Claus and gifts under the tree. And we try to recreate this fabulous atmosphere on the eve of each holiday for our loved ones and children. We decorate the home with images and figurines fairy tale characters so that happiness in the coming year does not bypass our house, and everything good, bright and fabulous leaves its magical traces in our habitat. Our today's master class on how to draw an angel with a pencil step by step for beginners for the New Year 2019 - this funny character that we often see on New Year's cards. With such a cute pattern, you can decorate a homemade greeting card or new year poster, and you can cut it out. make an original Christmas tree toy based on it.

Example #1

On a sheet of paper, draw a circle that will be the head of an angel. Then you should add a torso in the form of a rectangle and small arms to it. After that, it needs to be decorated with a dress and beads. Also, don't forget about your legs. Extra lines must be removed and the drawing completely corrected. Wings are drawn on the back.

When everything is finished, you need to draw the eyes, nose, mouth, lips, eyebrows and hair on the head. Then everything needs to be painted in the appropriate colors and the wonderful angel is ready. This option is more like a cartoon drawing. Since this method is the easiest, it is perfect for children of different ages.

Example #2

Another traditional option is also easy for beginners, but you need to spend more time to work. The result should be an angel drawn on the side. First you should draw a profile, after which you need to draw all parts of the face there. Hair on the head is better to make wavy. After that, you should proceed to the body. Since in the figure he will be in a sitting position, there will be no difficulties in the work. It is enough to draw a line from the head, forming the back, legs and arms. When this work is finished, you will need to draw neat wings. Then you should correct all the features of the character's clothing. It turned out to be an angel sitting on bent legs. If you decorate it with paints, you will get a wonderful drawing that can serve to decorate a postcard or a festive poster for the New Year 2019.

Example #3

There is a simple drawing option, for this you need to draw a semicircle with a pencil, and then you should draw lines from it, placing them slightly up. After that, you need to create wings by drawing smooth lines. Do the same for the lower wings. It turned out a beautiful angel, created according to the simplest instructions for the New Year 2019. Therefore, it is perfect for drawing by young children.

Example #4

You can also use complex master classes on drawing an angel, but there you will have to do the work for a long time and in stages. To get a drawing quickly, this will help simple instruction. On a sheet of paper, draw a circle and a triangle, and these details will serve as the head and torso. Then for them you need to draw wings, legs and arms. Wings can be drawn in any form, the main thing is that they look like them. At the end, add all the missing details. The result is a beautiful holiday drawing.

Here is a video tutorial on drawing an angel step by step

There are more complex instructions to make a beautiful angel. But the simple ones are perfect for kids. different ages. It is customary to draw a circle above the head. All lines must be smooth. Very often you can find drawings of an angel, which depicts a person's face. This technique is often used in art, the main thing is to give the face such features - purity and lightness. If you draw it, then you will definitely get a wonderful drawing for the New Year 2019. So we figured out the question of how to draw beautiful angel pencil step by step, not difficult for beginners, so you should have no difficulty with this task.

The popularity of drawings with angels is growing every day, because this image carries a symbol of goodness and spiritual purity. Little children are also often compared to heavenly messengers. Therefore, there are a lot of reasons for depicting divine messengers. How to draw an angel with a pencil? The process is not difficult if you create a picture step by step. This article will offer instructions for depicting a "heavenly" youth with slim figure and broad shoulders.

How to draw an angel step by step

  1. First, create a sketch that represents the contours human body: put on the drawing the lines of the back, legs, arms and wings.
  2. Then you need to outline the body of the angel. To do this, outline the outline of the sketch on both sides.
  3. They refine individual lines of the body (arms and legs), draw the muscles (curving their contour slightly outward) and shoulders.
  4. Now special attention should be paid to the creation of wings. This is the most time consuming part of the whole process.

Draw wings

How to draw angel wings? It would seem that it could be simpler - he made two arcs with a bend - and the “flying apparatus” is completely ready. In fact, the whole complexity of the picture lies in the detailed drawing of the wings. Their contour is created as follows:

1. Starting from the shoulder, draw a line to the thumb, and then to the armpit.

2. Then you need to draw feathers, starting with small ones. They will be located near the shoulder and forearm. Feathers are drawn in a checkerboard pattern, giving them the shape of teeth. In the second third of the wing, they should be slightly longer, leaving the location the same. On external line wings (closer to the fingers) feathers should be the longest. Thus, the "plumage" of an angel is created in 3 layers. Between the rows it is necessary to mark the grooves for the effect of layering.

If such detailing seems too complicated for you, you can limit yourself to creating the contour of the wings and drawing only long feathers.

The final stage of the drawing

How to draw an angel with a pencil step by step for beginners

For those who first undertake the creation of such drawings, it is best to use this instruction. It is a simplified algorithm without drawing shadows, plumage and muscle lines. The only difficulty may arise when creating the face and the outline of the wings. Otherwise, the process of how to draw an angel in stages will be simple even for a child.

  1. They draw something like a flower - a circle on a stick, inside of which there are 2 lines. This will be a sketch of the angel's body - the ball will turn into a head, and the stem will turn into a torso. horizontal lines necessary for orientation when drawing eyes and lips.
  2. Create an outline of the hair and outline a couple of lines at the bottom of the head.
  3. Then the process of how to draw an angel becomes a little more complicated: bangs are drawn on the forehead in the form of teeth, and the contours of half-bent arms are drawn from the lines at the bottom of the ball.
  4. Shape the fingers. Then the ends of the wings are drawn (3-4 feathers on each).
  5. They create a dress contour in the form of a trapezoid, the bottom of the clothes is marked with a wavy line.
  6. Draw a halo over the head of an angel.
  7. Shape the face. To do this, draw eyes, a small nose and mouth, guided by the outlines.
  8. Correct the picture by erasing unnecessary lines. The drawing is ready. That's the whole secret of how to draw an angel with a pencil in stages.

Before you draw an angel, read the following useful tips for a beginner artist:

  • At the beginning of work, do not press hard on the pencil so that erroneous lines can be easily erased with an eraser.
  • To give the drawn picture some airiness, you can use a colored pencil in blue tones. They are shaded by wings and clothes.
  • Start working with a gel pen only when all unnecessary details have been removed and you are sure that you will no longer need an eraser.

Heavenly messengers in bright colors

To create a real artistic masterpiece you can draw an angel in stages using watercolor, acrylic or oil. The last type of paint is most suitable for such paintings. They are sold in tubes, so in the process of working, the paint must be properly distributed on the palette - from white to dark. If a color needs to be slightly lightened, you can use linseed oil. The following instructions will show you how to paint an angel in oils.

Step 1. The sky (the background of the picture) is painted with blue paint.

Step 2. For the angel drawn on the canvas, choose gold, beige and white. With them we color the hair and wings, face, dress, respectively.

Step 2. Refine the details of the picture with other colors - green, blue, yellow. With the help of these paints, we shade the wings and highlight the plumage, hair, draw a halo with gold.

Step 3. We paint the hem of the dress in light blue with an admixture of yellow. This will give a "glow" effect.

Step 4. Paint the sky with stars - small dots. The drawing is ready.

Now you know how to draw an angel and what you need for this. Such a picture will be possible even for novice young and adult artists, and the result will be for a long time looks nice.

Drawing is a pleasant process. It is always interesting to create with pencils and paints. The choice of tools depends on your preferences. We will tell you how to draw a Cupid. This process is very interesting and exciting. The main thing is to follow all the steps in turn. Only in this way will you be satisfied with the result.

Who is Cupid?

Cupid is an ancient Roman god, the personification of love and passion. Previously, the angel was depicted in the guise of a young handsome guy. Aphrodite chose this young man for herself as a companion and faithful assistant. Later, Cupid was portrayed as a little angel. His attributes were a bow with magic arrows of love. At first glance, this character looks quite simple, but in order to portray him on paper, you will have to make an effort. In this article we will tell you how to draw a cupid in stages.

Drawing technique

Even if you do not have an education as an artist, do not be upset. It must be remembered that any drawing consists of geometric shapes, and thanks to this knowledge, it will be much easier to cope with the technique. The image starts with an oval or circle. If you can draw these then success is guaranteed.

So, the roundness will serve as sketches on paper, for this it is better to choose a pencil of medium hardness. When drawing figures, do not press hard on the tool. Before you start drawing, practice on a draft. Over time, you will understand how to draw a cupid correctly.

In order for the hero to take on a colored look, it is better to use paints or they are easy to use. Before moving on to coloring, remove the extra sketch lines.

Cupid drawing steps

In fact, there is nothing difficult in drawing an angel of love, you will have the opportunity to verify this. Consider several options step by step drawing cupid.

Freehand draw as much as possible even circle and lines, thanks to which it will be easier for you to depict the nose and eyes. It should be as even as possible, because, as we know, angels are chubby characters. A cupid drawn in pencil always looks attractive.

In order to facilitate the drawing of the body, you need to draw an oval under the circle, it should be slightly uneven and go over the head area. lower part geometric figure needs to be rounded off more.

The next step is sketching for the hands. The limb consists of three parts (shoulder, forearm and hand). You need to draw three ovals for each. See the picture below for more details.

You also need to sketch out the legs. It is worth noting that the parts of the buttocks are depicted as ovals, larger than the caviar parts.

Now the more fun part of the drawing begins. We draw parts of the face. The eyes should be large, the nose with a button, a gentle smile and curls. Cheeks and chin should be depicted with auxiliary lines. More details - in the picture.

We outline the contours of the body, drawing bends in the elbows, knees, buttocks. Draw fingers on the arms and legs. and onions, you can see in the picture.

At this stage, you need to remove all unnecessary lines in the drawing and decorate the cupid.

You should not use bright colors for coloring an angel. The hero must be gentle and light. Use pastel colors.

The direction and poses of the angel can be changed according to your desire. The most important thing is to correctly sketch out the ovals for the location of the arms and legs. Now you know how to draw a cupid.

DIY cute cupid

IN Greek mythology the god of love was called Cupid, and the Romans called their own Cupid.

Consider the following version of drawing a character. Unlike the previous example, this one is easier to follow.

Draw a circle with lines for the eyes, nose and mouth. We draw the lines of the head. The next step is drawing the body and hands of the angel. Then draw the bow.

We draw the wings and other parts of the angel.

We finish our Cupid with a bow and arrow. This is what our hero looks like when finished. You can decorate it if you wish. Now you have learned another option for creating a cute boy with a bow and you know how to draw a cupid.

Other options for depicting angels

Many girls wonder about being Hai. Cupid is also among these heroines. Depicting a girl with pink hair is easy.

And in the pictures below, you can see examples of step-by-step drawing cupids for Valentine's Day. It can be used for holiday cards to your beloved.

This version of the cupid image is more complex, it will take a lot of patience, care and training to draw it. Over time, you will be able to depict boys with wings behind their backs with their eyes closed. Use a variety of techniques and tools for your creativity.
