Rune cards. Runic cards

1. Otala (othala)

The meaning of the Otala rune in the first position is luck, gain. You are lucky to feel well-being. It is rather a state of mind, a state of mind, rather than material wealth, or, if you like, the very feeling of good luck and happiness. It is in this feeling that the source of joy, prosperity and fulfillment of your desires lies. All the wisdom of your ancestors and all your life experience are concentrated in this spark of happy magic in your eyes. This is the light of the sacred grove that preserves and transmits to you the secrets of your ancestors, this is your Garden of the Soul - a source of divine images and inspiration. As long as its borders are strong and the inhabitants are friendly, you can live happily anywhere. Sometimes it is an indicator of limitation. But the limitation of the limitation is different - add a clarifying rune. If you are protected by light runes, then you have nothing to worry about. In the forecast, it represents a sacred hedge, a forest, a magic circle, a sacred and protected space, a house or possessions. Or indicates an authoritative person inspired by a lofty idea or ideal.

Otala in reverse position

The meaning of the inverted Othala rune in the first position is a nuisance. Being a rune of thought, Odal indicates a state of consciousness devoid of divine light. Now is the time when failures and troubles can literally fall on your head. Apparently, your negative way of thinking has destroyed your credibility. Lack of spiritual values ​​or high ideals can attract a lot of unpleasant circumstances into your life. You currently have no benefits.

2. Soulo (sowilo)

In the second position - the purification of space is required, and first of all - the purification of the mind. Bring clarity to your conclusions. Being a rune of thought, it recommends being creative or instantly reacting to a situation, not slowing down. Your thoughts should be clear and understandable, and your actions should be quick and efficient. Illuminate and clear that part of your life that was fenced off, realize your individuality and try to creatively express your personal myth. Sometimes it takes an active will and spirit to overcome obstacles and achieve a goal.

3. Mannaz (mannaz)

In the third position - with positive runes indicates success, you will be satisfied with the outcome of any situation. If the previous runes are turned upside down, it portends an outcome that you will be dissatisfied with, but this will not hurt your pride. In some cases, it is an indication that you will be denied help, but this will not prevent you from doing just fine on your own.

Mannaz in reverse

In the third position - portends dissatisfaction with oneself, irritability and alienation. If the previous runes are positive, it indicates a successful outcome of any business. If the previous runes are reversed, you will be disappointed with the outcome of the case. It portends events in which you can feel, to put it mildly, "not at ease."



Berkana (woman, mother)

The most auspicious moment. Perfect YES.

Hagalaz (death, destruction)

Sudden, negative change in the situation. A crisis

Savelo (sun)

Getting everything you want


Don't get involved

Evaz (horse)

Problem solving as soon as possible.

Eyvaz (protection, tree with rough bark.)

Difficulties along the way, life lessons

Gebo (feminine and masculine)

Pleasant surprises, unexpected gifts.

Teyvaz (warrior) -

Achieving the goal through struggle

Raido (road, journey)

Change for the better, moving towards something new.

Dagaz (day) - a change in the situation in the opposite direction
Laguz (water, lake)

Moving with the flow

Perth (mystery, fate)

Will of chance, fortune. Sacrament. fateful events. Hidden Information

Uruz (life-affirming force)

Stubbornness and ambition allow you to break through. Hurry events.

Turisaz (Gate, place of hope)

Think before making any decision. You need to stop and think.

Ingus (fertility)

Implementation of the planned

Isa (Ice)

Freeze your plans, there will be no result yet

Otila (family ties, home) Mannaz (male, human)

Subconscious fears, hesitations

Fehu (wealth and prosperity)

But the bare minimum.

Nautiz (“need”. Fire obtained by friction and salvation in trouble)

These are temporary events that make you wait.

Vunyo (joy, holiday)

Balanced state, good company, stagnation

Algiz (defence)

Be careful in the area to which your question relates.

Hyera (age, crop)

To get something, you need to grow it

Kano (Fire)

Kano gives impetus to decision-making, a spark. But she needs to be supported.


Rune of conversation, communication, you need to ask, clarify

Important: "Runes" and "Rune cards" are related, but independent oracles. Not all Rune values ​​can be applied to Rune Cards. There are meanings in Rune Cards that do not appear in Runes.

Rune cards is a system that allows you to work with space, determine the best path for the development of events. The predictions that are made on the rune cards allow you to take the path of least resistance, not to waste time, effort and finances when this does not bring the expected result.

When asking on rune cards about an upcoming event, we always get an answer that describes the situation as accurately as possible, whether we get what we want on time, or whether the cards tell us what will prevent us from doing so at the moment. Cards are always used only upright, and the positive and negative values ​​​​of rune cards are always determined by the symbolism of the card itself and the meaning of the rune.

Rune cards- this is a system of everyday predictions, they help us in solving complex problems, and in choosing, and in forecasting. You can also ask about health, about the weather, about the best time for action, about the optimal amount of money. You can find a lost thing, a person.

Basic prediction rule:
we ask only once about the event in the time frame in which we expect.

For example, if we ask about the possibility of buying a house within six months, then we trust the answer that the cards gave us and do not ask again during this period. The first answer is the most correct , then the answer of the cards reflects some other aspects of this situation that we do not ask about. If we take them into account, then confusion arises, and as a result, we think that the cards are not telling the truth, it is not possible to work with the cards, etc. When we ask about the same event several times, we thereby violate a certain Universal law. Having received the answer “yes” to the question posed, we trust it and wait for the Universe to somehow let us know that it is time to do something: either people will say something, or we will read, hear, or otherwise receive information , which will serve as an impetus, and we understand that it is time to act in order to get what we want. This applies to long-term events. Well, if we ask about the events of the very near future, then the event occurs without any special external shocks. For example, we ask when it is better to leave the house at 8 or 9 o'clock and we get the answer "at 9" - events develop in such a way that we really leave the house by 9. Will a person come home in an hour, we get an affirmative answer and just wait.

Sometimes cards, if we really want something, can answer in the affirmative, although in reality it is not so. This leads to the fact that in a difficult and seemingly hopeless situation, we get the necessary impetus and get out of it with the least losses. And then comes understanding and inner peace and satisfaction. This is how the old ends and the new begins. Some people have great difficulty parting with their illusions and cards help in this way. It also happens when a person does not want to hear (accept) an answer and asks again and again, then the cards give him the answer that he wants to hear. But in the end, the prediction naturally does not come true - they violated the rules for working with cards.

The main thing to remember - runes must be trusted and if we turn to them for advice, we are going to follow it, and not do the opposite. As practice shows, if you do not follow the advice that you yourself asked, we will encounter problems that then arise. This happens because the maps have already told us about the best path for the development of events, and we did not follow it. This also happens if we receive an answer, in our opinion, illogical and do not follow it, in the end it turns out that we simply did not imagine what was ahead. If the cards answered “no” or “not now” to some question, and we begin to clarify, and if I do this or that, if I take some steps, this is already in vain, because the answer of the card was already given with the final as a result, or rather, considering that, even if you do something.

Working with maps, we interact very closely with them and improve the method of predictions. There are fewer errors and more correct interpretations of answers. Predictions on rune cards can be within 10 minutes, and for a month, and for a year. You can make predictions for several years ahead.

What can be asked on Runic cards (Answers like "Yes" and "No"):

  • About the situation, about the event, about the relationship ...
  • How does the person feel?
  • Where is someone or something? (We ask if we can find it.)
  • Time intervals, events - when will the event occur, in how many minutes, hours, days?
  • How are things in the apartment?
  • Make a diagnosis, pick up a medicine, how a person will spend the night (if he is sick) Get advice, view options for events and the result. - Find out what the weather will be like, will you have time to return before the rain.

1.FEHU. Required minimum. "YES"

The most basic value of the card is the minimum. A minimum of information, means, emotions, comfort, etc.

Money, the bare minimum. Fehu is the pleasure of having a tasty meal or reading a book.

If there is a question about where a person is at the moment, the thing is in the immediate vicinity, nearby and quickly found.

When asked how a person feels, not bad, the condition is not ideal, but tolerable. For example, a headache or a sore throat, but this does not prevent you from doing the necessary things. Or the course of the disease is simple, without crises and severe discomfort.

When we ask about some amount of money that we should take or give to someone, the Fehu rune indicates that the amount is optimal, i.e. you can comfortably afford to give or take this amount, but this is the minimum amount. Less is impossible^ Fehu characterizes sexual relations as simply the satisfaction of physical intimacy or the pleasure of being around.

In terms of purchases, Fehu means that the purchase at the moment and for some period of time will satisfy your needs. Most likely, you can afford it at the moment, and if your material level improves over time, you can afford something else.

Medicine - Fehu indicates that the medicine works for a while. Fehu says that if you are planning something, then it is feasible in the near future, but maybe not in the amount you expected.

This is the minimum wage, payment.

When we talk about timing, fehu is the optimal time and the rune indicates that the event is very close.

2. URUS. Life-affirming power. "YES"

Stubbornness, ambition that allows you to go ahead. The card warns that we are in a hurry. Later, you can make it more comfortable, but here the person’s desire to rush things so that the desired happens faster plays a role. But if it is about whether the desired event will happen within the agreed time, then the answer is “take your time” the event will happen a little later. If we rush, then in the end we will create difficulties for ourselves, we can do it a little later and easier.

In relationships, Urus characterizes a person who demonstrates his merits and seeks, first of all, to satisfy his needs. This card also warns of haste in the development of relationships. Relationships that characterize Urus develop rapidly, mainly due to your pressure or the pressure of a partner, and can lead to destruction due to a strong initial onslaught. Either one of the partners has already made a decision, and the other is not ready yet and because of this he is retreating.

Health- the rune speaks of good health and energy.

Money- means that there will be more of them if you show perseverance and the desire to earn more. For this rune, you need to ask less, and you also need to give less.

Medicine, acts quickly and actively, so not very comfortable

Where is the person- He is rapidly approaching, in a hurry.

Looking for a lost item- Urus says that you need to search again where you have already searched. Be more persistent in your search if it seems to you that you have looked carefully. Or you need to search where, in our opinion, the lost cannot be.

3.TURISAZ. The gate, the place of inaction. "No"

Reflections before making any decision, the transition from one life stage to another. The rune warns that you need to stop, think. A temporary stop is needed, advises to weigh everything well before making serious decisions that affect the future life

When we are looking for someone or something, the rune indicates that the search has so far been unsuccessful. Or the lost thing is in a place similar to an open pencil case. You can try leading questions to find out. If we are looking for a person, then we can simply ask if everything is all right with him.

Health- emotional problems, dull and aching pain, impaired mobility.

Money- the rune does not promise anything, it says that payment will not be received or the calculation will not be made. When this rune falls out, we don’t take money and don’t give it. Perhaps later.

Medicine will not help.

Relationship- There is no development of relations, or the answer is - there will be no relations. The rune speaks of a temporary stop in order to think about whether this relationship is necessary, if necessary, then you can move on in order to see what happens after all. Try it, all of a sudden everything works out.

If we ask about the timing- the answer is "no". The event will not happen within the time period we are asking about.

This is a rune of conversation, communication, received and transmitted information, contacts.

Anzus says that you need to ask, ask again, clarify.

When asked if a person will come- “no”, he will not appear, but he will call or somehow let you know about himself ..

Anzus is the rune of documents and contacts.

(we eat or ask about some event, Anzus says that the question needs to be clarified, broken down into its component parts.

;niyakh is just communication via telephone, the Internet, maybe on neutral topics, as a rule, emotions are not involved. Therefore, there is no understanding, because the true emotions of a gay man and it seems to people that they can’t find a common one in any way i relationships are usually futile, unless you get on the same wavelength. If the emotions match, then

If it’s about the amount, then either you need to clarify by asking about a larger amount, or break it down into components, for example, part of the amount of work, part for another, etc.

At the dawn of the medicine, we carefully read the annotation and do not self-medicate, we consult a doctor. We can find out about a person’s health by asking my person about his condition.

the best option.

5. RAIDO. Movement towards harmony. "Yes"

Changes for the better, movement towards a new, harmonious. This is restoration, improvement.

Where is anyone- in motion, in transport.

Looking for a lost item- you need to go in the direction of movement, return to where it may have been lost. Or in your search you need to move, for example, from one room to another.

Relationship- harmonious, but they are still in the development stage and each partner has his own vision of these relations. Time to get to know each other and find common ground. Relationships are built and developed harmoniously. A comfortable state allows you to move on. Words are clear, emotions are clear. Everyone understands what the partner wants, what actions he expects. This is the way of harmonious development of relations.

If you need money and give, we give a little more, but we take a little less. The medicine helps and the healing process goes on.

Health- there is a gradual improvement in the condition. There will be no crises

6. CANO. Fire. "YES"

Revelation, clarification, understanding of something. Kano gives impetus to solving the problem, a certain impulse, the fire of desire and the desire for a goal.

Relationship- Kano is a flash of desire, attraction. If the second partner experiences the same emotions, then the process of unification takes place. As a rule, partners do not speak openly about their desires, but fleeting touches and confessions are already taking place. And as soon as the partners admit to mutual attraction, then KANO develops into something more. The flame flares up and people experience a strong attraction to each other.

Health Kano talks about heart problems, hypertension.

Medications attention should be paid to contraindications and side effects.

If we are looking for- someone or something lost will suddenly be in our field of vision or we will understand where it could be. Either in the heat, or where the fire is, in the chimney.

We specify the amount, fluctuations can be both up and down

7. GEBO. Gift exchange. "Yes"

Pleasant surprises, unexpected gifts that are very pleasing (sudden recovery of a person whom doctors cannot help in any way and are waiting for the disease to manifest itself). Or maybe it's getting rid of something or someone negative in life. A random chance to change your life. As a rule, what we dreamed about comes into our lives unexpectedly, not in the way we expected. This leads to the fact that we do not immediately understand that something is entering our life that will bring joyful changes.

Relationship It is a mutual exchange of gifts, love. Sexual relations are harmonious, because they give and take, no one pulls the blanket over themselves; such a union implies a complete and deep mutual understanding. But this does not mean that you can relax, you need to consciously live in these relationships, because. they are long, stable, and the less negative they are, the more harmonious and happier the unions are - stability is ensured precisely by reciprocity and openness. Gebo reflects such an emotional state in which we share emotions, give, give, and immediately positive emotions overwhelm again. We trust, trust and open up in relationships.

Health- When we are interested in someone's well-being, or before a complex operation, or if they have to make a diagnosis, everything will be fine, there is a chance to be born again, a bad diagnosis will not be confirmed.

As a rule, the Gebo rune speaks of a replacement, that the situation will develop, but not in the way we think. Or we will be helped not by the person we were counting on, but by another, and perhaps it will be pointed out to us by the one we were counting on.

When choosing medicines Gebo says that you can use an analogue.

Sum optimal and take and give.

Where? almost where we think

8. VUNYA. Holiday. Stability, not leading to development. "Yes"

Feast, wedding, good company. Being in a balanced calm state.

Good, harmonious and holistic state, relaxation after a difficult period (eg passing exams). Finding the golden mean, a moment, a state in which you can freeze for a while, not think about anything, enjoy calm and peace.

The main advice in Vunje is to remember that in this state you can be at intermediate stages, where you need to rest, and then you need to again strive for development.

Relationship- Vunya characterizes relationships as bringing satisfaction, joy. But these relationships are short-lived, because. such stability does not lead to development. When this harmony is saturated, it becomes simply necessary to go beyond, to strive for novelty. The old becomes habitual and is not valued as the best.

Where?- in good company, at the cinema, at the disco.

Health- stable, after the crisis there will be no deterioration. But the disease drags on for a long time. This is if the person is sick. If you are healthy, with a charge of optimism and cheerfulness, a person achieves good health.

Finance- fixed amount, payment. No changes are expected. The optimal amount for both taking and giving.

Medications will not change the situation for the better.

9. HAGALAZ. Grad. "No"

Destruction, a sharp negative change in the situation. Uncontrolled events. The completion of something, painful, bringing psychological trauma, The feeling that the world is collapsing, crumbling underfoot and there is nothing to cling to in order to stay in the same positions. But any destruction to the ground leads to the fact that there is a cleaning, cleaning, preparing a place for a new one.

Hagalaz is a sharp change in the situation, a violation of plans, a warning against any action that could aggravate the situation. Either the rune warns that the planned situation will not work out, and we need to either refuse or accept the consequences. For example, the planned trip will cost more than expected, but if you still need to go, then we accept these changes.

Health Crisis, sudden deterioration.

IN finance problems, losses, surprises. If you need to take money, do not take it or take half as much, and if you give, then twice as much.

IN relations a crisis. As a rule, this is a discrepancy between what was expected and how the situation developed. In a relationship after a harmonious period, uncontrollable processes begin, this happens because there was no agreement, emotional stability. And partners do not understand each other so much that any action and any attempt to get closer leads to greater misunderstanding and aggravation. As advice at the moment, try to let go of the situation and look from a distance, from the outside, without getting emotional. You have to come to terms with the fact that now nothing works. Don't drive yourself crazy.

Medicine will not help.

Where? We won't find it.

10. NAUTIZ. Need. "No"

The circumstances in which we are forced to be, as if the Universe forces us to do what we do not want to. These are temporary events that make you wait. Or this is the situation in which we found ourselves, fulfilling our obligations.

Relationship are made up of considerations of necessity or a forced decision. People after a divorce remain in the same apartment, because. there is no possibility of separation, either a marriage of convenience or an unplanned pregnancy. Or in a relationship, a period of forced separation and waiting, because. there is no way to be near, together now. Share distance, circumstances, or obligations to other people. While there is no way to be together.

When asked how someone feels, not very well. A cold that is very annoying, a virus that needs to be aged. Nautiz rune of drunkenness and protection from it. And maybe when asked how someone feels, maybe drunk.

When choosing a drug, Nautiz does not advise taking it, it may not be affordable for you, and for this amount you will not get the expected result.

We want to buy something, Nautiz warns that at the moment there may not be the required amount or conditions for the transaction. If we give money, we take less and we take less. Earnings are small, or we repay debts.

Where? If we are looking for someone, then this person is either in a traffic jam, or delayed at work, etc. The lost will be found later, you need to spend time searching.

11. ISA. Ice. "No"

Freeze your plans. Do not try to decide or act, there will be no result. It is better to stop, move, the solution of these issues for another time. You don't really need to do anything.

If you are asking about options, Isa indicates that this option is not suitable, there will be no result, it may not even be possible to start. Isa covers a time interval up to one year.

When asking about well-being, Isa can denote a state of fatigue, impotence, low blood pressure, mild depression. Or maybe the state of sleep sleep.

We choose, we buy something, Isa says that it is not needed, do not make a purchase.

If you are interested in waiting time and drop out Isa Just wait and don't ask again. Have patience.

Relations No. Or coldness and lack of feelings and emotions. Frozen thoughts, plans, feelings. You have to wait. Coldness is the best thing to do right now. Squeeze the will into a fist, cool emotions. We don’t even dream about meeting a partner or about love. Otherwise, a new emotional outburst, not being able to be realized, will lead to a suspended state from the fact that it is not known what lies ahead: joy or disappointment. In communication, the coldness of one of the partners causes bewilderment in the other. But coldness can arise from the fear of taking the wrong step.

Money we don't take and we don't give. There are no financial receipts, or they are at a minimum level and no changes are expected.

Medicine will not help. Isa says that this drug is not suitable.

Health-weakness and loss of strength.

Where? Where it's cold or stuck in something.

looking for something (someone) It's not time until we find it.

12. YEPA. Harvest. "Yes"

Yera is also a rune of expectation, but waiting is not meaningless. At this time, we do something in order to bring the expected closer. You need to invest effort, money, feelings, grow your own undertaking and the result will be, but after a certain time. Maximum nine months. It must be remembered that there will be no quick results, and this is in any area, be it relationships, business, some kind of acquisition.

Jera says that you will receive it, but if you do not sit back and wait. You have to strive towards the goal.

In any undertaking, Yera guarantees that it is promising, long-term, and effective.

Hyera rune of money, their gradual growth, stabilization of cash flow.

Yera is everyday hard work and striving for a goal. You know what you want to receive in the end, and circumstances will develop in such a way that you do not have to spend extra energy on harmonization.

IN relations these are hopes for an early meeting, the gradual development of relations. Partners are constantly doing something for development where? Somewhere on the way, or nearby. When we are looking for someone or something, we will find it soon.

Selected medicine can be used, but the result will most likely be seen at the end of treatment.

Health— there is a gradual improvement and stabilization. Jera is associated with the liver.

Money take more and give more

13. Eyvaz. Tree. Difficulties "No"

Difficulties, obstacles on the way, which may entail a delay, change of plans. Life lessons, and how you pass them depends only on you.

Magic, evil eye, corruption.

You yourself can create difficulties for yourself with your negative thoughts or wrong actions. You don't need to get hung up.

This rune usually speaks of a situation that tends to repeat itself, aggravated. The solution to the problem seems close, then again circumstances arise that do not make it possible to solve.

Relations are complex, constantly being worked out, crises, problems and misunderstandings. To understand each other, you need to hear the right words that can lead out of the crisis. Those words that will give you the opportunity to trust and get out of the endless process of unresolved situations.

Or difficulties and problems with creating relationships.


Health- the disease is quite serious, it can be, for example, a cold with a complication. Problem with the respiratory system and spine.

Money take more, give less.

Where- very hard to find.

14. Perth. Fate. "No"

Will of chance. Fortune. Sacrament.

Perth this may be secret, hidden information.

Maybe advice is to show confidence in the Higher Forces in this situation.

The rune pert speaks of events that one way or another should still happen in our lives. This is fate or events that are of great importance in our life.

Perth is something shrouded in a veil of secrecy, where initiates can penetrate. It's like saying in your ear. Discovery of new opportunities.

A meeting of people that was supposed to take place, and it plays a significant role in future events.

In a relationship like in a minefield, the search for common ground and the fear of doing the wrong thing.

Health- needs examination

Medications we don't take

Money we do not take and do not give, or specify the amount

Where lost person or object unknown, hidden

15. ALGIZ. Protection. "No"

Warning - be careful. Be careful in the area to which your question relates. You are under the auspices of the Higher Forces. Protecting children and families. Inheritance after the death of a person.

Algiz is the rune of the Angel of merciful death, the transition of a person to the better if he was very ill and the desire to save him would only lead to a martyr's existence.

Algiz advises in the situation, first of all, to observe their interests. When you succeed, the dynamics of events will spread to the rest.

IN relations possible scenarios, but advice - be careful. Confessions of your feelings will not cause a response. It is better to refrain from any active actions or manifestations of emotions at the moment.

Health- also under the protection of the Higher Powers. Sleep is guarded by angels so that nothing happens in a dream.

Medications- Be attentive to the accompanying information. Algiz will protect from someone else's magic, the evil eye.

Where hidden from view, impossible to find. When you ask where a person is under the protection of the Higher Forces, you do not need to worry about him.

16. SOVELO. Success. "Yes"

Obtaining in full the desired, including status, social position. Career. This is a victory in any case, the decision is in your favor. This is optimism and a huge amount of energy to achieve new goals, expanding boundaries. This is a huge power of desire, which allows you to get what you want. Success, luck, prosperity, health.

Sovelo always portends success, whether you are going to take exams, whether you want to agree on something.

This is satisfaction with the results obtained, an emotional upsurge from the fact that everything went well. Optimism, the desire to go further and a huge amount of positive energy that will continue to support you (this can be called faith in a successful completion).

In a relationship strong emotion, love. Very strong emotional attachment and passion.

Money is the optimal amount.

Where is the person? Where he is visible. At work, at school, where many people see him.

Health— excellent.

Medicine- The best option


Rune of struggle, movement through the dense ranks of the enemy, work with elbows in order to break through further. The rune of victory, but to win you need to fight a lot. Teyvaz is disputes and conflicts, the struggle for a place, a title, a social niche. This rune indicates jealousy, which wakes up when we lose what we considered ours.

Teyvaz are sharp corners, or they need to be bypassed, or you will stumble upon them, be offended, be in a warlike state.

In a Teivaz situation, you will have to fight, demand (not ask), put pressure on people so that they either help you move forward in the situation or get out of your way.

In a relationship conflict, the desire to win at any cost, aggression, an attempt to regain lost positions or win new ones. Health - there may be an increase in temperature or complications after treatment, operations.

Where is the person? Somewhere with someone in conflict: they stopped, detained, some kind of clarification. Near hot, spicy, red.

Are medications suitable- there may be obvious side effects indicated in the instructions (eg headache, nausea, etc.)

18.BERKANA. Woman, mother. "Yes"

The most auspicious moment. Berkana is a rune that portends favorable events, an ideal set of circumstances. When the situation is characterized by Berkana, one can be absolutely sure of the ideal outcome of the situation. This is always the best option. Everything happens in such a way as if everything was put together in advance and at the last moment events are simply assembled like puzzles and we get the perfect result. When Berkana falls, everything converges in the place and at the time that we need. This is such an energy of an event in which we practically do not need to do anything, everything adds up in an amazing way.

In a relationship, this is the perfect moment to meet and nurture the relationship. Relationships are very comfortable, and they bring joy and satisfaction. Partners are ideally suited to each other, mutual understanding and emotional development leads to maximum knowledge. Everything favors development: time, place, people. Nothing interferes, on the contrary, it seems that all events, people and situations favor the creation and development of relationships. You need to let go, trust. We do not decide anything, and if necessary, then we will not be able to think or resist - this is necessary in order for the situation to develop. Marriage on the rune of Berkana is ideal-among millions of people there is an ideal person for us, our person, and nothing will prevent us from becoming happy.

Health- a woman is good, and a man needs a piece of the feminine, the opportunity to show weakness in order to be pitied. Medicine perfect fit.

Where? With a woman, with a friend. In an ideal location, where it is very comfortable. Habitual place.

Berkana gives invisibility (you can put it on a car so that the police do not stop it, or put it on documents during an inspection).

Money the optimal amount to take or give.

19. EVAZ. Sleipnir. "Yes"

Rapid changes, problem solving in the shortest possible time. Rapid change in situation.

Evaz says that the direction of action is chosen correctly and changes are happening very quickly. Events happen earlier than planned. You can do in a day what would normally take longer.

In a relationship, the movement of two harmonious people towards a common goal. Connecting to find integrity. But when they reach the goal towards which they moved together, they either stay together, but set new goals, or each distance goes its own way. It depends on what the union was created for.

Sexually, this is a harmonious union, lovers. Passion flares up, moving together in this stream. Then the passion either fades away and it is already clear to both that there is too little in common for further relationships, they crossed paths at some period of their lives, got rid of something, acquired something, and each returned to the family. Or such relations then turn into a harmonious union, subject to full mutual understanding and a common goal.

In business, partnership is mutually beneficial, because while the common goal and means. You can go towards something, changing business, partners, climbing higher on the social ladder, go with those with whom you keep up. Leave behind those who do not have time for you, catch up with those with whom you are on the way.

Evaz gives movement if there was a stagnation somewhere in the situation. Evaz advises not to stop, to keep moving, not to fall into pessimism if something did not work out, otherwise you will have to pull, push, and who likes to pull someone on themselves. You will just be thrown.

Evaz gives rapid advancement, strategic decisions that allow you to quickly mobilize and change direction. Health is good, and mainly due to physical activity and movement on foot, running, etc.

Where?-On my way. In car. Along the way. We need to keep searching. Medicine is suitable.

Money is the optimal amount.

20. MANAZ. "No"

Subconscious fears, doubts, hesitations. Because of them, depression. Internal conflict. Unwillingness to understand that it is only inside a person. Manaz is a mirror. People treat you the way you present yourself.

These are psychological blocks, barriers, something that you just need to step over, something that is not of significant importance.

The desire to be better in the eyes of others must be replaced by the desire to improve yourself in order to feel confident, secure, and not need confirmation of your qualities by others. Learn to correct your mistakes without waiting for someone to push you and you will again hold a grudge.

Look at yourself through the eyes of the people around you. Identify what annoys others about you and what repels you. Don't lock yourself in. It is necessary to go beyond the boundaries of their complexes.

Do not create problems around other people by trying not to be yourself, to imitate others and at the same time hide in the shell of your internal complexes and problems.

In a relationship, doubt, uncertainty. We transfer our experiences to our partner, think about his reaction in terms of our far-fetched fears. Distrust of the situation, distrust of the partner. Exhaustion with experiences and, as a result, the inability to develop relationships. We accuse the partner of what we are afraid of, we do not understand and do not accept in ourselves.

Health- psychological exhaustion or far-fetched diseases (neuralgia).

Where?- You have screwed yourself up and you won’t get an exact answer. Not ready to hear and accept the answer. Need to ask later. In a more balanced psychological state.

Medications Your internal conflicts will not be resolved.

Money We give less and take more. 26

21. LAGUS. Flow. "YES"

Movement in the flow, with the flow.

Intuition, predisposition to intuitive knowledge of the answer. Lagus may advise listening to yourself to find out the answer. Pregnancy.

Lagus is a safe stream in which a person is located, has a connection with the outside world, but no negative situations affect him. The advice of the card is not to take part in conflicts or choose for yourself a calm environment, a safe position, etc.

May refer to a young woman.

Lagus is also very bright intuitive insights.

In relationships, this is the ability to be in the flow of one's emotions and feelings, nothing affects relationships from the outside: neither criticism, nor envy, nor condemnation. People are on their own and nothing prevents the formation and development of relationships.

Where is the man? -Near. Lost in a safe place not visible at first glance.

Health- good, but pay attention to the genitourinary system. You can take medicine, it helps a lot, but you can also look for another option.

Money-the amount is optimal, and we give and take as much as the Lagus rune confirms.

22. INGUS. Fertility, the realization of the plan. "Yes"

Ingus is the rune of the completion of what has been started. Implementation of the planned.

Association, union of strong and self-sufficient people. The downside of such an alliance is the dominance of one of the partners, but if such a situation is harmonious for the partners, then we can say about such an alliance that it is harmonious and long-term.

Ingus time is the time of completion of a certain stage in one's life, the completion of all affairs and the beginning of new processes. Nothing else will work in Ingus - these are boundaries, time frames, restrictions. In the old way, as before, it will no longer be possible to live, earn money, or form relationships - a way out, novelty is needed.


Medicine- a good option.

Where is the man- somewhere busy solving their problems, completing things. Lost in something, under something, between something. That is, limited to frames, walls, shelves, etc.

Money- the optimal amount and take and give.

23. DAGAZ. Breakthrough. Changes.

Changing the situation in the opposite direction. Dagaz symbolizes both changes within the person himself and changes around him. Situations change, events turn 180*. The solution to the problem is to return. It may mean that the decision will come the next day, in the morning. You can change your plans.

When we try to build a line of conduct, Dagaz will mean that from now on there will be a necessary turn in the situation, after which it will steadily improve.

Health This is a crisis, a turning point. May improve. There may be deterioration. Death.

Medicine will operate at 50%.

Where to look-Turn around and look in the opposite direction. We do not give or take money, the situation may change in the near future.

24. Otila. Property, house, family. "Yes"

Strong family ties. A house in which everyone gathers together, the older generation, the help of the family, strong family and family ties. Stability, solidity and reliability. Money, large sums that can be invested in something that will ensure the stability and security of the family. Protecting your home and your living space.

The desire to start a family, to strengthen family ties, to attract someone close to this limited world of silence, peace, certainty. When it comes to buying, Otila advises to buy.

Otila is the rune of a family and a stable income. When it characterizes monetary relations in the family, it means that the functions of earning and spending are correctly distributed in the family, etc. there is a maximum attraction of funds to the family. Stable growth and business prosperity.

People from official structures, judges, officials, chiefs, police.

In money matters Otila acts as a guarantor of financial stability.

Where to look? In the house.

Health- good health for the elderly, ensures the attention of children and grandchildren. Either a person's health directly depends on the situation in the family. Money is the optimal amount.

Medicine fits.

25. WIRD The unknowable. Rune of Odin. The void is the end. The void is the beginning. The unknowable is in motion. Emptiness and full content. It embraces the fullness of being.

Rune requirement: auspiciousness of what is happening and readiness for it. The rune often requires an act of courage like jumping into the void. Her appearance is a test of your faith. The rune represents karmic forces as well as the full sum of what you have done and the limits of what you are and will become. This rune teaches however that even the debts of old karma shift and change as you change and evolve. Nothing is predetermined, no nothing that could not be changed and avoided

This rune of total trust should be taken as a thrilling sign of direct contact with your TRUE destiny. This is the cosmic force of fate. We ourselves must take responsibility for our own actions, whether good or bad. When a rune appears in a spread, you can be sure that something unexpected will happen to you. Whether it will be positive or negative depends on what you have earned with your past behavior.

In fact, this is not a rune. The concept she expresses is not concrete and does not apply to this world. It operates through another dimension. Often it can indicate that the answer to the question posed is known only to God. It is useful to consider it as a void. WYRD shows what is meant to be and what cannot be avoided. It can easily denote both a bad incident and a good one. She points out that if a certain step is taken, your life may never be the same as before.

It usually means that the present time is hidden from view. Sometimes it can be some kind of mystery. The appearance of THIS RUNE may indicate that you are looking for information that you have no right to know. Always pay attention to the runes surrounding WYRD, as they can give clues to her meaning. When a rune takes a position that is responsible for the final result, this often indicates that a simple solution to the problem of interest is not currently available.

Trust in higher powers, do not interfere in the situation. The cards won't give you information because it's either not the time or it's not for you to know. Nothing can be done, nothing can be done

To the question "Do I need to do something?", the answer is NO!

Health– Loss of STR

Medicine- We do not take

Money We don't give, we don't take

Where?- In the dark or something closed.

And now, when you find out the designation of the cards, the designation of the runes, we will proceed to the layouts.

The layout of runic cards for analysis of the situation

We post three. The first card (1) is the past. The second card (2) is present. The third card (3) is the future.

What is in (1). This is the reason. Why did a person get into this situation in the present. In the present (2), this is where the situation is now. What does she represent. In the future (3). How the situation will develop in the future.

Of course, you can lay out the fourth card (4) - this is advice. What should a person do.

We got a small alignment, but it will help you and your acquaintances, friends, navigate in this situation.

Layout of runic cards for relationships

Which we will now consider is the alignment of relationships. This is a very simple and easy spread, but it will help you learn about feelings, actions, and what may be between you and your partner. On the left side there will be a column indicating you. On the right side - the partner you want to know about.

The first card is your feelings. The second is the partner's feelings. The third card is your actions. The fourth is his actions, intentions. Fifth - what is now between you. And the sixth - what will be between you.

The first (1) is how you feel. The second (2) is how the partner feels towards you. The third (3) is your desires, the actions that you want in relation to your partner. The fourth (4) is what your partner (partner) wants in relation to you. The fifth (5) is what's between you at the moment. Sixth (6) what will be between you.

Runic cards. meaning.

Name: late Scandinavian - Kaun - "torch" British - Can - "torch" Gothic - Kanu (Kusma?) - "flame" Rune of incarnation and disclosure. Ralph Blum characterizes the Kano rune as "a rune of renewed clarity". Very powerful rune; is connected not only with the formation and direction of human activity (at any level) in the right direction, but also with giving it the necessary strength. The magical application of this rune is extremely wide, however, with proper analysis, it can be reduced to one thing - the Kano rune helps to concentrate the will and realize what was conceived. Women use amulets with the Kano rune inscribed on them during conception and pregnancy in order to give the child the desired qualities. Artists, writers, poets and other people of art can use this rune for the most clear and high-quality embodiment of their plans. An amulet with this rune can be recommended to treasure hunters, priests, and magicians. The second aspect of this rune is disclosure. It is obvious that both aspects are interconnected - it is impossible to realize the idea without revealing oneself to the world. This is a very important point to keep in mind when working with this rune. Using the Kepas rune in magic opens up extremely wide possibilities. First of all, Kenaz tends to "attract inspiration", but it does not contribute to mystical ecstasy, but to creative burning, therefore it is believed that she patronizes artists and artisans. In practice, this is expressed in the following: in the runic spell Kenaz, on the one hand, contributes to the most clear formation of a creative idea, and on the other hand, makes the process of its embodiment more fruitful and joyful, giving fidelity, accuracy and firmness to the hand.

It would be worth using the Kenaz rune for everyone whose activities are somehow connected with creativity. For those who are not interested in the magical arts as such (although from the point of view of the Old Norse tradition, any creativity and craft is the most magical art), it will be enough to hold the image of this rune in front of you. It is also recommended to make yourself a talisman with her image. The next aspect of the magical use of this rune is associated with Kenaz as a symbol of the torch that disperses the darkness - this time it is about the darkness of ignorance. Kenaz patronizes researchers and scientists, all those who were called "reclusive scientists" in the old days, and today are called "bookworms". Spells based on this rune contribute to a systematic and fruitful course of research. Those who are not confident in their abilities or have lost faith in the need for their work should keep on the desktop an object with the image of the Kenaz rune applied to it three times. This simple spell will bring them peace of mind, create high spirits. Under the special patronage of Kenaz are also the search for mystical or other occult knowledge, and if we talk about how to use this rune, then talismans are the most effective. On the basis of Kenaz, spells for amulets are also often compiled - in this case, they are intended to provide protection and assistance to those who are engaged in research in the field of magic and practice any of the occult teachings themselves.
Note: Some rune scholars believe that Kepaz is also closely related to specific magical actions or rituals in which it weakens, enhances or somewhat modifies their course and, accordingly, the final result. However, since knowledge of the technical aspects of the magical arts varies from one school to another and is necessarily passed on from master to student, it is both unreasonable and pointless to give any recommendations. It is only necessary to mention the possibility of using Kenaz in love magic, namely as a love potion. The rune is also used in healing, although it is believed that it does not affect the human body, but its state of mind, bringing calm and, like a candle in the dead of night, dispelling fears. Use: Used to enhance any runescript. Healing, physical health. Love, stability and passion in relationships. A new beginning. Protection of values.
ANSUZ Name: later Scandinavian - Us - "ac" British - Us - "ac" Gothic - Ansus - "message" One of the most sacred runes. The rune is associated with Odin, as well as with its reverse side - with Loki, the insidious ace. The rune of higher magical initiation is the third rune of the sacred word alu. The rune names complement each other perfectly: one of the key concepts here is the "sign", associated with the "signs of Power" of Castaneda and the "sacred signs" of Roerich. Bloom calls this rune "the rune of the Messenger". The magical application of the Ansuz rune is a complex matter, requiring experience and a certain amount of personal strength. The magical application of the Ansuz rune directly follows from its content and symbolism. Spells based on it will push for a wise decision, help in achieving or strengthening success or leadership. In addition, as a rune directly associated with the Futhark creator Odin, Ansuz patronizes divination, prophecy and magic in general. The spells created on its basis will be a reliable help to any practitioner. It has already been mentioned above that Odin acquired runes as a result of a mystical “shamanic” insight, and therefore Ansuz is considered not just a rune of a magician, but a shaman traveling between worlds. Applied to any magical object or amulet, it will both provide protection and attract the high inspiration needed for any magical act. R. Blum, and after him many modern practitioners, give a number of very specific situations in which the Ansuz rune can be used in the most favorable way. Since Ansuz patronizes both tests and the magic of speech, she is quite effective in passing exams. The same applies to business negotiations. In both cases, it is worth keeping an object with the image of Ansuz with you, attracting the forces of this rune to yourself. Proceeding from the fact that one of the meanings of this rune is a "message", A. Platov associates this rune with telepathy and the development of abilities for it. Use: Persuasive and engaging speech. To gain wisdom. Confidence and success in exams. Increase active magical energy.
THURISAZ Name: late Scandinavian - Thurs - "thurs" British - Thorn - "thorn" Gothic - Thauris - a) "thurs", b) "gates" (the British version of the name is related to the Russian "thorn") A powerful, but very heavy rune, difficult, among other things, to understand. It has three aspects, of which the most obvious is the following from the most common name - thurs - "thurs", a giant in the Germanic tradition. In later times, the Turses were associated with the forces opposing the gods, but initially they were understood as an incredibly ancient generation of "primordial" gods, the gods of the "older generation". In this regard, tours related to Slavic Volots, ancient titans. The main characteristic feature of the turs is their Power, which reflects the content of the rune. The same Power later became an "attribute" of one of the gods of the "second" generation - Thor (Perun). The second aspect of the rune is connected with this - its shape repeats the shape of the stylized image of Thor's hammer - Mjollnir. Finally, the third aspect is associated with the Gothic name - Gates ... To a certain extent, the Turs rune can be considered a rune of military initiation. The use of the Thurisaz rune in magic finds the widest range of possibilities, although it is usually considered that the power of this powerful rune has a somewhat "unkind connotation". Practitioners of runic magic believe that spells with it are especially useful for those who are engaged in any kind of research, and they also contribute to self-discipline The Thurisaz rune itself is conducive to meditation. Carved on a large obsidian cabochon, it is the perfect talisman for meditation. Used for magical purposes, the Thurisaz rune and spells based on it are capable, in some way structuring chaos or - on a more mundane level - allowing you to see certain patterns in a seemingly chaotic pile of events, help clarify an unfavorable situation for you - both existential and everyday. Moreover, through them, you can also try to influence the course of events so that the situation develops in your favor. Thurisaz's ability to purify, clarify a confused situation allows you to build spells on its basis, the purpose of which is to protect against hostile magic and curses - Thurisaz, as it were, neutralizes their effect. It is possible to use this rune in sexual magic as well. So, many practitioners believe that the combination of Thurisaz with Vegsapa, symbolizing the "cosmic marriage" of Asa Thor with the Great Mother, has an impact on the deep sings of reality, and this combination in runic magic should be used with great care. This is a directed cosmic power of protection. It is pure will, not regulated by consciousness. It is the reflected form of applied force. This rune is especially useful in conjunction with FEHU, KENAZ, SIGEL, URUZ, WUNJO - the power of THURISAZ is able to effectively direct their energies. Use it when a little extra effort is needed to get off the ground. Usage: New beginnings. Use it when you need luck or when things get out of your control. Protection or defense. Neutralization of opponents or opposition. To push the question in love magic.
WUNJO Name: late Scandinavian - no British - Wynn - "joy" Gothic - Winja - "joy" Light, joyful rune. The magical purpose is to cause joy, a surge of energy, a feeling of elation and good mood, which is much more important than many tend to think. In some people, it can cause a beneficial cleansing of the subtle body, the removal of energy blocks and an improvement in well-being. The use of the Wunjo rune in magic, which belongs to the runes of thought, refers more to the external than to the inner world of a person. The action of this, as well as the previous, rune is always positive and is aimed at giving joy to those who work with it. Spells based on this rune contribute to the completion of any enterprise and, and, importantly, support a person’s desire to achieve “the goal set. In addition, the Wunjo rune applied to the door jamb sometimes makes a significant contribution to creating psychological comfort in the room. If it is applied to which - something a piece of clothing, then it can not only improve the mood of the one who wears these clothes, but also strengthen his friendships and love ties, eliminate alienation in relationships with loved ones, and sometimes even promote career advancement.Like the Raido rune, Wunjo brings success As the rune of synthesis, or, as it is otherwise called, the “rune of communication,” Wunjo is indispensable in the manufacture of runic talismans. used in the final position as a signifier of success and happiness Use: Satisfaction in any area, especially in love or whatever. rière. Travel success.
OTHEL Name: late Scandinavian - no British - Erel - "inheritance" Gothic - Othal - "separation" It is very conditionally possible to define this rune as a rune of retreat (separation). Usage Opila runes fall into the sphere of everything connected with the clan or family, it contributes to the acquisition of land, sound investment and strengthening relationships between family members. Do not forget that Opila is, in fact, the rune of memory, but not the ability of the human brain to accumulate information, but memory as a kind of family heritage, practical experience accumulated by many generations of the family. The help of this rune is addressed if there are problems with the health of the elders in the family. Opila is also useful for protecting property. Putting Opila on a lintel or on the jamb of the front door will not be difficult for you, but the rune will serve as a powerful amulet against evil spirits or scare away an accidental burglar. The Opila rune is also favorable in composite talismans. It denotes property or ancestral lands and hereditary traits. This rune symbolizes a practical life position. Use: In combination with FEHU, it is favorable for cash receipts. It is used when there is a question about the health of the elderly. Property protection.
