Christina Aguilera's fiancé squanders the singer's multi-million dollar fortune. Biography of Christina Aguilera Personal life of Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera is considered by some to be the voice of a generation and a diva of the stage, while others refuse to take the front rows in auditorium for fear of being deaf. For some, the singer's possession of the vocal apparatus causes professional delight, while for others, bewilderment and pity. Colleagues call Aguilera one of the best female vocalists modernity. In any case, no one is indifferent.

Christina Aguilera - Reflection

The heavy workload and busyness on the show led to the fact that Aguilera in the 8th grade decides to quit secondary school and focus on her own career. The freed time systematically leads to an increase in the number of projects in which the aspiring singer participates. Christina performs in Japan and Romania, recording the song "Reflection" for the Disney cartoon "Mulan". This soundtrack was so successful that it was nominated for a Golden Globe and brought Aguilera her first professional contract with RCA Records.


In 1997, the singer first appeared in a single by another artist as a guest artist. Aguilera performed "All I Wanna Do" with Keizo Nakanishi. A year later, the girl presented the first Music clip on his own composition "Reflection".

Christina Aguilera - Genie In A Bottle

In 1999, Christina Aguilera released her debut album Christina Aguilera. It immediately becomes popular, and the single “Genie in a Bottle” turns out to be a No. 1 hit not only in America, but also in 14 other countries. In the most famous Billboard music chart, the song held the leading position for 5 weeks in a row.

The second single "What a Girl Wants" not only repeated the fate of the first song, but also became the best song of the year from a commercial point of view. Thanks to these hits, Christina Aguilera's first album became 10 times platinum and brought the singer such awards as Grammy, ASCAP Pop Music, BMI, Blockbuster, Ivor Novello, Teen com.

In 2000, Christina released the album "Mi Reflejo". For the most part, he repeated the first record, only the songs were sung in Spanish. Also there were 5 new works. In the US, the disc did not have much commercial success, but in Spanish-speaking countries received recognition and the Latin Grammy award as best album of the year. In the same year, the Christmas disc "My Kind of Christmas" was also released. Interestingly, the album hits the top thirty even though there were no promotional singles.

Christina Aguilera, Lil "Kim, Mya, Pink - Lady Marmalade (Moulin Rouge soundtrack)

Christina Aguilera is a popular actress and performer, dancer, aspiring producer, was born on December 18, 1980 in New York (USA).


The girl's parents, so different in temperament and character, nevertheless passionately loved each other, and two beautiful daughters, Christina and Rachel, became the fruit of their love. Her father emigrated to the United States from Ecuador, where he served in the armed forces. Her mother was a professional musician - she played the violin and sang.

Mine musical talent and Christina inherited her charming appearance from her. And from her father - a quick temper and an incredibly stubborn character, thanks to which she was able to build a brilliant career on her own.

However, the family idyll did not last long. Shortly after the birth of their youngest daughter, Christina's parents broke up. The jealous temper of the father was the cause of constant scandals in the family. Because of him, his mother even left musical career and went to work as an ordinary school teacher. But when he began to regularly dissolve his hands, she took the children and went to her mother in Pennsylvania.

However, Christina's mother tried very hard so that family troubles did not affect the fate of her daughters. From an early age, she taught Christina music and singing. Moreover, the girl showed a beautiful voice and practically absolute pitch. And when a few years later she married a second time, the situation in the family became quite calm.

Singer career

Christina began her career as a singer at the age of 8. Debuting on children's vocal competition"Star Search" (like which the super popular program " morning Star”), the girl confidently took second place. Although she herself counted on winning and was very upset by this result.

But the competition did its job, and the young singer was noticed. When she was only 11, she already sang the US anthem at prestigious sports competitions in Pittsburgh. And a year later, she began performing in one of the best children's music shows, The New Mickey Mouse Club, which started her career at the same time. Justin Timberlake And .

It took so much time for singing and dancing classes that Christina practically abandoned school. However, at the insistence of her mother, she began to study at home and nevertheless passed the exams as an external student in order to receive a full certificate. However, the girl was not going to study further. At the age of 16, she already went on her first tour.

While in Japan, she meets a very famous local performer at that time, Keizo Nakanishi. Fascinated by the appearance and voice of the young singer, he invites her to record a duet song. The composition very quickly took the top steps of the Japanese charts and made Christina very popular in this country.

After recording a song for the cartoon "Mulan" at the Disney film studio, which became a hit in the United States, one of the best studios RCA Records, with the assistance of which she manages to prepare and present her debut album to the public in just a year.

The title track of the disc “Genie in a bottle” spent more than a month on the top lines of the most prestigious American charts and received several music awards. But the listeners also liked the rest of the compositions so much that the total circulation exceeded 8 million copies in a year. The girl instantly became a real star.

At the peak of popularity

In 2000 and 2001, literally one after another, two new full-length discs of the singer were released, each of which was instantly sold out. Her popularity is growing rapidly, as are the fees. She starts to work at a crazy pace. In addition to constant recordings at the studio, she manages to wander around on tour, including in Europe.

But quick success did not blind Christina. She is well aware that a well-chosen image of a romantic and tender blonde will not be able to be exploited for a long time. And as soon as the public gets fed up with it, another singer will take the top lines of the charts. Therefore, she decides to radically change her image and become a fatal temptress.

In 2002, she literally shocked the audience with a simultaneous change in appearance and musical style. After two pop albums, she suddenly releases a collection of jazz compositions. And again, her tracks occupy a leading position on the musical Olympus. In addition, the circle of admirers of her work has significantly expanded. Since she has shown that she is able to deeply feel and seriously perform complex music.

Realizing that this technique worked perfectly, Christina decides to repeat it. But this time, not too well. It seemed to many that the girl overdid it a little when, unexpectedly for everyone, she became a brunette, who recorded several very provocative compositions. But when she left on a joint tour with another megastar Justin Timberlake, they were received everywhere with a standing ovation.

A year later, Christina again returns to the image of a blonde and no longer experiments so boldly. Being the favorite of millions, she often appears on screens in various music shows and even tries herself in the leading career. However, the main focus still remains on the recording of new songs.

In just the years of his creative activity Christina managed to release seven solo albums with over a hundred songs. Her actor career didn't turn out too well. But as a producer of the vocal show "Voice", the audience liked her so much that when she missed one of the seasons, they began to literally demand the singer's return to the judging table.

Personal life

Despite the fact that the singer has always had a lot of fans, she always dreamed of having strong family, therefore, was not seen in numerous connections. At 24, she signed with her own producer, Jordan Bratman.

With Jordan Bratman

Journalists were not allowed to attend a luxurious wedding, and the guests were required to sign a non-disclosure agreement about the details of the celebration. However, it was a well-thought-out publicity stunt. Much is still "leaked" to the press.

Three years later, the couple had a son. And all the time of pregnancy, Christina not only worked hard, but also actively starred in "pregnant" photo shoots for prestigious glossy magazines. However, the seemingly ideal union unexpectedly broke up for everyone in 2010.

Officially, the reasons were hushed up. But according to the unofficial version, Christina's affair with Matthew Rutler became the reason for the breakup.

With Matthew Rutler


Voice Christina Aguilera one of the most recognizable among all American vocalists, and she herself has long received the title of pop diva from her colleagues and fans. Christina won the title of "princess of pop" at the very beginning of her career and continues to prove that she is worthy of this title, having already sold 50 million albums worldwide.

One can only imagine what other hits are ahead of us.

young starlet

Childhood Christina it was not at all bleak. She was born in 1980 in New York. His father (an immigrant from Ecuador) was a military man and kept his family in strictness, which sometimes looked more like tyranny. Mother Aguilera endured it for six years, and then took two daughters and went to Pennsylvania to start a new life.

Despite family troubles, the mother paid maximum attention to the children and developed their creative abilities, being a professional violinist and pianist herself. Christina inherited her love for music.

Already in primary school she became the envy of all her classmates when she started performing on a show for talented children. At 10 Aguilera won second place at the prestigious Looking for Stars competition, performing Etta James's song "Sunday Love". Then the audience was simply fascinated by the voice of the little vocalist.

Every year, the piggy bank of the girl's creative victories only replenished. After the 8th grade, she even decided to leave school and finish her studies as an external student in order to devote more time to her favorite singing. Mother hired for Christina tutors so that her daughter does not have a gap in school education.

Christina Aguilera's first contract

Popular TV Show New club Mickey Mouse" in 1993 lit such stars as Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Kary Russell and Ryan Gosling. Christina participated in the filming of the program for two years, and then left with her mother for Japan. There, Keizo Nakanishi was waiting for her, with whom she recorded the song "All I Wanna Do". This single made the young American singer very popular in the Land of the Rising Sun.

At home Christina immediately offered to record the soundtrack "Reflection" for Disney feature-length cartoon Mulan. This song became commercially successful and helped win the Golden Globe award for the performer. After that, the record company RCA Records signed a contract with the singer.

In 1999, her debut album Christina Aguilera saw the light of day, the circulation of which reached 8 million copies. The undoubted hits of the collection were the songs "Genie in a Bottle" and "What a Girl Wants". Firm self-confidence, striving for improvement, originality of performance and powerful vocal abilities helped Christina to make the first album worthy of the warmest reviews from critics. For him, the singer was awarded music award Grammy as the best performer of the year.

New look

Now, with their former Mickey Mouse Club partners and current co-stars, they became teen idols of the mid to late 1990s. But the romantic image of a cutie girl quickly got bored Christina, she realized that these frameworks were not for her temperament and character. The singer recorded a joint single "Lady Marmalade" with singers Pink, Mua and Lil Kim. It became the soundtrack to the film "Moulin Rouge". In front of the fans Christina appeared in a defiant and even aggressive way, which attracted new admirers to her work. The song stayed at the top of the charts for several weeks and brought the performers a whole set of awards. A Christina at the age of 20 she became a world-famous celebrity.

Music for adults

In the wake of such success, RCA Records released a collection of youth songs Christina Aguilera titled "Just Be Free". Not only did it sell well, the disc went platinum.

At the end of 2002 Christina released new album Stripped. It was a new stage of her creativity. The album climbed to number two on the US and UK charts.

In this collection, the singer decided to try herself as a songwriter and co-wrote 14 of 20 compositions.

Aguilera experimented with styles and sounds, diluting pop music with rock, soul, blues and hip-hop. The album's circulation reached 12 million, despite the storm of criticism that the singer had to endure because of her sexy image and the topless photo on the cover. Image change Aguilera not all critics liked it, but the impeccable performing abilities Christina gave no reason to doubt her professionalism. The album was nominated for five Grammy Awards. For the best female pop vocal, the singer nevertheless received the coveted statuette.

Nude photos for Rolling Stone magazine only supported the new candid image Christina Aguilera. And in 2003, she again excited the public when she turned from blonde to brunette and went on a world tour with Justin Timberlake, which became the most successful at the end of the year.

The next year was for Christina debut as a TV presenter. She removed almost all of her piercings and began her career as an MTV host. In parallel, her singles are released - "Car wash", "Tilt Ya Head Back", "A Song for You", "Somos Novios".

Back to basics

Four years Christina working on a new album. She called such a break in the release of discs a necessary pause that will help her convey in the songs her inner state and new impressions. During this time, material was created that fits on two disks, then Aguilera decided to take a chance and release a double album "Back to Basics". Again, she changed her style and image.

According to the performer herself, it was a throwback to the 1920s-1940s. music world, but in modern processing. The singer has always been a fan of jazz performers, so while creating the compositions for this album, she was inspired by the work of the greats, Billie Holiday and Etta Jace. This disc significantly expanded the audience Aguilera. Now among her fans are not only teenagers, but also people of the mature generation.

New album in fifteen countries Christina became number 1 in the charts and sold a total circulation of 4.5 million copies. And again Aguilera won one nomination for "Best Female Vocal" and won a Grammy Award.

Burlesque Christina Aguilera

in the musical "Burlesque"

Ten year creative anniversary Christina celebrated with the release of a collection of her hits and in the same year became one of the most desirable women in the world according to Maxim magazine.

After a couple of years, she returns to the studio to record a new album, "Bi-on-iC". Christina continued to experiment with styles and sound, now she directed her work into an electronic direction. This disc did not achieve great success, although some songs were selected to the top of the charts. But in a big movie, she was waiting for the main role. Aguilera starred with in the musical "Burlesque" in 2010. For a long time film producers pursued Christina, offering to star in a TV series or film. The singer constantly refused, appearing on the screen several times in episodes. But in the almost autobiographical "Burlesque" she starred with pleasure.

Happiness on the second try

with Matt Rutler

At this time at Christina began not the easiest period in his personal life. In 2005, she married Jordan Bratman, who was a music producer. Three years later, she gave birth to her first child Max, and a couple of years later she decided to divorce her husband. Aguilera does not like to talk about his life, so the fans could only guess about the reasons for the breakup. By the way, many tend to associate career failures during this period with the personal experiences of the singer. Fortunately, while filming Burlesque, she met producer Matt Rutler and fell in love with him. In the summer of 2014, the couple had a daughter, Summer, and now the singer dreams of a third child and assures that she will go down the aisle only with a rounded tummy.

Goodwill ambassador

Now she is busy filming in the popular TV project "Voice", she has also been cooperating with the UN for several years as part of a program to combat child hunger. The singer admitted that when she herself became a mother, she realized that she would do everything possible so that children in need would not starve. Part of your income Aguilera I used to donate to charity. She participated in the UN food program for assistance to Guatemala, as well as in a charity telethon to raise funds for earthquake victims in Haiti. The US State Department even awarded the vocalist for her contribution to the fight against hunger.


Took a worthy place in the ranking best singers of all time in Rolling Stone magazine. Of the entire list, she is the only one who was not even 30 years old at that time. Christina took a place in the ranking next to such stars as the group and Mariah Carey.

Martin Scorsese invited Christina Aguilera in your documentary « Rolling Stones. Shine a Light" which featured the band's two-day show in New York. In a duet with the band's frontman Mick Jagger, the singer performed the song "Live With Me".

She was always sympathetic to the grief of other people and tried to help them. When she got married, she asked the guests not to give them expensive gifts, but to send this money to help those affected by the hurricanes that swept across the United States.

Updated: April 8, 2019 by: Elena

Famous American pop singer and songwriter. Christina Aguilera first appeared on national television in 1990 as a contestant on the program "Star Search". Fame came to her after her debut music album "Christina Aguilera" in 1999. The release of each of her subsequent albums was accompanied by an absolute change in the image, style of performance and the theme of the compositions.

So, from a young nymphet who was constantly put on a par with Britney Spears, Christina turned into a chic mature woman, at the same time a sexy society lady and a touchingly caring mother of a little son.

Christina is an internationally recognized star with unique vocal abilities for the pop scene. She is a flamboyant fashion icon - her constant image changes inspire millions of imitators.
However, she is not fixated on herself and devotes her time to charity, current world problems and the fight for human rights. She became one of the most successful stars of the decade, selling over 43 million albums worldwide.

The childhood of Christina Aguilera / Christina Aguilera

Christina Aguilera(Christina María Aguilera) was born on December 18, 1980 on Staten Island in New York in the family of Fausto Wagner Xavier Aguilera(Fausto Wagner Xavier Aguilera), US Army Sergeant, and Shelley Loraine(Shelly Loraine), Spanish teacher.

In her house, they always spoke two languages, and therefore Christina Aguilera is fluent in both English and Spanish.

Her parents divorced when she was seven, her mother took them with her sister Rohel to my grandmother's house in Rochester, Pennsylvania, near Pittsburgh. The singer herself recalls that her father was always a very quick-tempered, tough, even cruel person. Christina Aguilera wrote about her difficult relationship with him and her mother in songs "I'm OK"(album Stripped) And "Oh Mother"(album Back to Basics). Despite constant letters and attempts by her father to rekindle a relationship with her daughter, she ruled out any opportunity to keep in touch with him again.

Musical career of Christina Aguilera / Christina Aguilera

In 1998, the singer recorded her voice over the song Whitney Houston "Run to You" on an audio cassette. After that, she was chosen to record the soundtrack "Reflection" to the Disney cartoon "Mulan". This song made Christina signed with RCA Records in the first week, and was nominated for a Golden Globe Award in 1998. Under the careful guidance of Steve Kurtz, Christina Aguilera released her first album "Christina Aguilera" August 24, 1999. It immediately topped the Billboard 200 and soared to the top of the Canadian charts. The hits of this album were the songs "Genie In A Bottle", "What A Girl Wants", "Come On Over Baby (All I Want Is You)" And "I Turn To You". According to the makers of the album, Christina Aguilera I so wanted to demonstrate all the possibilities of my voice that I abandoned acoustics in favor of an ordinary musical accompaniment piano. At the 42nd Grammy Awards, she received the award as " Best Female Artist pop music."

In 2001 Christina Aguilera, Lil Kim, Mayan And Pink were chosen to perform on the soundtrack Lady Marmalade to the film "Moulin rouge".

In a matter of days, the song topped the music charts in eleven countries and all four performers received Grammy Award. The video clip won two MTV Video Music Awards, including a nomination for " Best Video of 2001". Christina Aguilera, receiving the award, jokingly said that "the reason for such success is her hair in the video."

Despite the fact that the singer's debut album was accepted with a bang, she was very unhappy with the music and image that the managers chose for her. Without hesitation, she terminated the contract with Steve Kurtz, and chose a new manager, now more of an assistant than a leader - Irving Azoff.

October 29, 2002 saw the debut of the second album Christina Aguilera "Stripped". This album is a cocktail of many musical styles- contemporary R&B, soul, ballads, pop-rock and hip-hop.

Upon its initial release, the album was very well received by critics, although it was not so much her vocal skills as the provocative sexual shots that led to the discussion. At this time, Christina Aguilera begins to participate in erotic photo shoots and calls herself "Xtina". In America, they are wary of her new image, despite all Christina's statements that this image better reflects her. true essence than the image of a cute girl from the 90s.

Most famous singles from this album "Dirrty" And "Beautiful", for a long time at the top of the music charts. Stripped went 4x platinum in the US with over thirteen million copies sold worldwide.

Christina Aguilera joined Justin Timberlake on the final leg of his US Justified tour. It was a real show! Timberlake just broke up with Britney Spears and opened up from a completely different side - as a seductive and sexy man with a unique voice and manner of performance. Aguilera dyed her hair black and covered her exposed body with tattoos. This duet has become one of the brightest and most outrageous in the history of music!

Perhaps the best image of Christina - critics agreed in this opinion. Burlesque style, icon Marilyn Monroe, bright scarlet lip color - small details of amazing Hollywood style. Aguilera not alone in her preferences, this style is followed by the beautiful Dita Von Teese , Gwen Stefani and Ashley Judd.

I went back to the 30s of the last era: jazz, blues ... It's just good music for the soul, but with elements of a modern twist.

Universal acclaim for the single "Ain't No Other Man" is a significant success, reaching number two on the world charts, number six on the US charts, and number two in the UK. Subsequent singles were very well received in various regions: "hurt" in Europe and Candyman beyond the Pacific Ocean.

At the 49th Grammy Awards, she again won the Best Female Pop Artist nomination. In January 2007, she was included in the Forbes magazine list as one of the 19 richest women in show business.

Christina Aguilera's latest album to date - Bionic- received mixed reviews from critics and was less popular with the public than the singer's previous work. So far, this is Christina's only disc that has not received a Grammy, and the song " you lost me" is her first single not to chart on the Billboard Hot 100.

Personal life of Christina Aguilera / Christina Aguilera

November 19, 2005 Christina Aguilera married music producer Jordan Bratman, and in 2007, Paris Hilton publicly congratulated her friend on her pregnancy, which surprised the world community - after a while Christina pregnancy confirmed, but continued to shock the public. Her nude pictures recent months pregnancy for magazine Marie Claire were extremely ambivalent.

January 12, 2008 in Los Angeles, she gave birth to a son Max Liron Bratman(Max Liron Bratman), whose name in Latin and Hebrew means "My most important song".

Discography of Christina Aguilera / Christina Aguilera

1999 Christina Aguilera
2002 - Stripped
2006 - Back to Basics
2010 - Bionic

Christina Aguilera has long been a global celebrity. In addition to the talent and style of the songs, the attention of fans is constantly attracted by the amazing metamorphoses that are happening with the body of a woman. Like it or not, they are met by clothes, so in Lately Christina Aguilera is increasingly concerned with the correction of appearance, rather than creativity. What exactly surprises her fans so much?

Violent youth of the singer

Christina Aguilera was born on December 18, 1980 in New York. Her father was a military man and her mother was a pianist. From early childhood, the family constantly moves following the directions of his father. When little Aguilera was 7 years old, her parents divorced, and she moved with her mother to the small town of Wexford. This is where the girl's career begins. At the age of 8, she performs for the first time on the Star Search show, where she shows her singing talent and takes second place, and then sings the US anthem at sports competitions in her native Pittsburgh. Significant was the participation in the "Mickey Mouse Show".

After that, the solo and touring career of the young singer begins. She travels the world and releases successful albums one after another. However, not everything is so calm and smooth for Christina, because the producers hint at the imperfection of her face and body.

Plastics of the star singer

Photos of Christina Aguilera in her youth demonstrate that the singer's face is far from the canons of female beauty generally accepted in Hollywood. The producers of the young singer insist on this. Irish blood, which she inherited from her mother, boils with indignation, but the girl agrees to plastic surgery in the name of growing popularity.

  • Mammoplasty. The first and most popular operation in Hollywood is breast augmentation. Christina Aguilera before the operation could not boast of appetizing breast sizes. Her “boyish flatness” did not inspire the male population of the country.

Therefore, for the sake of admiring glances, she increased her breasts by two sizes.

And what kind of breasts did Christina Aguilera get after giving birth! At least two more sizes. Now for services plastic surgeons the woman turns with the aim of supporting her mighty feminine dignity.

From the added volume, the contents of the bra strive to flow out and smear over the stomach. Plastic surgeons regularly tighten the skin, and the singer's breasts stand inviolably. The singer herself denies breast plastic surgery, but a recent photo in which photographers noticed a scar on the armpit from this very mammoplasty speaks most eloquently.

  • Rhinoplasty. Christina Aguilera before plastic surgery did not have aristocratic features. The woman's nose cannot be called ugly, but its thick tip weighed down the whole face and looked weighty. Wanting to improve appearance She opted for plastic surgery.

The result after the procedure is quite noticeable. Christina Aguilera has changed a lot before and after the operation, because the tip of the nose has decreased, and the face has acquired more or less the correct proportions.

In addition, before each photo shoot, the best makeup artists put their hand of the master to the face of the singer. It is because of the makeup in the photo that Christina Aguilera's face often has prominent cheekbones, a thin nose and a thin chin.

  • Lip augmentation. Cheered up after the first, in her opinion, successful plastic surgery, Christina Aguilera decided to keep up with her stellar colleagues in terms of lip size. Her own mouth was naturally modest in size, with thin, pursed lips. The doctors came to the rescue.

Only one operation, and on Christina's face, under a thick layer of lipstick, weighty lips flaunt. It should be noted that there was no bust with the size, so the result satisfied both the singer and her fans. A lover of bright makeup Christina Aguilera before and after plastic surgery still prefers an accent on her lips. Favorite lipstick colors are red and pink.

  • . The figure of Christina Aguilera has known many states throughout her life. The woman's weight fluctuated constantly. To gain weight and lose 30 kilos for a star is a common thing. Recently, fans have suspected another change in the appetizing star body. Christina Aguilera before and after losing weight was left with voluminous hips and a thick booty.

Yes, and these parts of the body have become so prominent that the question of plastic involuntarily arose. It is authentically known that in order to take a break from the constantly changing weight, the woman decided to just correctly prioritize her body. The fat injected under the skin of the buttocks did its job, and now from the stage, under the groans of men drooling, the pop diva is shaking her lush thighs and shaking her heavy booty.

  • Uncontrolled weight of the singer. For the first time on stage, the singer appeared flat skinny. Shaking her bones, she tried her best to draw the attention of the public to herself. Christina Aguilera's plastic surgery made her a Hollywood beauty with a magnificent bust, thin waist and slender legs. After the birth of her first child, the woman began to get involved in fast food, gaining excess weight before her eyes.

The figure acquired new proportions, the arms became flabby, the shoulders were round, and the legs, pulled into stockings, generally began to resemble pork knuckles.

After the peak of weight gain, there was a period of weight loss until the seventh sweat. The diva of the stage tortured herself with diets, and finally achieved the desired thinness. It wasn't for long. Similar roundabouts with a change in shape began to be repeated periodically.

Christina Aguilera after giving birth became very loyal to her appearance. The singer publicly declares that she is good at any weight.

Star career and achievements

During her stellar career, the woman has achieved considerable success:

  1. The single from the debut album "Genie in a Bottle" stayed at the top of the charts for 5 weeks.
  2. The composition "What A Girl Wants" became the best-selling song of the year.
  3. In 2000, Aguilera received the Grammy Award for Best Performer of the Year. (After that, the award received 5 times).
  4. Awarded by the US Department for World Hunger Fighter.
  5. He is an ambassador for the US Food Program.

Personal life of Christina Aguilera

Currently, photos of Christina Aguilera show the emergence of a new passion in the life of the singer. But in her life there were different relationships.

  • First real love Christina Aguilera was her colleague, dancer George Santos. Their relationship lasted a couple of years, but the singer herself eventually called Jorge (as she called him) the most honest and devoted of her partners.
  • Jordan Bratman. Producer and the only official husband of the singer. The relationship began back in 2002, and already in 2005 the man proposed to Christina. In marriage, the couple had a son, Max. But the marriage broke up, having existed for only 5 years.

  • Matt Rutler. Newly made boyfriend of the singer. The doves met on the set of the famous musical Burlesque. In this musical she performed leading role, and Matt helped the producer. The singer simply flutters with love for the young chosen one, although her entire environment is already very skeptical about their romance. However, the couple has already had a daughter.

The latest photos of Christina Aguilera prove that her appearance is the fruit of the work of plastic surgeons, and for nutritionists with the singer, work is no end. Bright and independent, even with such a character, Christina Aguilera succumbed to the alignment with Hollywood beauty standards. How the singer's appearance will change in the future depends only on the requirements of changing fashion.

Video: Christina Aguilera, Lil' Kim, Mya, Pink – Lady Marmalade
