Wrestling olympiad results. Named composition of the Russian national team in freestyle wrestling for the Olympics in Rio

Iranian Hassan Yazdani.

from the Olympic Park

The time when Aniuar Geduev was supposed to become an Olympic champion was written in advance in the protocol: 18.30. Only numbers could change in this wording, but not words: in previous days, the finals now and then began with a slight delay from the schedule, and Friday could well not be an exception in this regard. But as for the fate of Olympic gold, somehow I didn’t even want to consider other options. In any case, there were several reasons for the victorious (in favor of Russia) scenario.

The first and most important was that on his way to the final, Geduev defeated the winner of the London Games and three-time world champion Jordan Burrows. In the category up to 74 kg, this dark-skinned American seemed, of course, not as significant and invincible block as Buvaysar Saitiev was in his time, who won the gold of three Olympics in his career, but he could not be considered an ordinary value either. "Defeating Burrows" was akin to a sports title. Twice in his career, this was achieved by the bronze medalist of the 2012 Games Denis Tsargush, who won the Russian selection against Geduev for those four-year-old Games, and on Friday morning Aniuar also chalked up this achievement, knocking out the American in quarter-finals.

That victory became a kind of declaration of intent. Geduev himself said, however, when he qualified for the Games: “I don’t care who will stand against me - the Olympic champion, or the world champion. I’m going to win ...”

To call this 29-year-old taciturn guy lucky did not turn his tongue. Take the already mentioned selection for the London squad: Geduev then lost in the semifinals to Adam, the brother of the legendary Saitiev. Moreover, even the residents of Krasnoyarsk, whom Saitiev Jr. represented on the carpet, admitted not for the press that the refereeing of that fight was quite biased. And as if paying for him, Adam flew out in the final - defeated by Tsargush.

At the World Championships last year, Geduev also dropped out in the semi-finals, running into Burrows. And the thing was just that the time from the weigh-in to the fight was not enough for the Russian wrestler to restore his condition: Aniuar always drove a lot. Sometimes more than fifteen kilograms.

Weight cutting is generally a separate chapter in wrestling history. Sometimes tragicomic: at the last European championship, for example, one of the athletes was forced to cut off the most luxurious mane of hair right on the scales in order to drive the arrow of the scales into the required framework. And flew out in the first fight.

Today. Rio de Janeiro. Hassan YAZDANI and Aniuar GEDUEV. Photo REUTERS

When you have to drive a lot, a wrestler for several days is often deprived of even such a household “little thing” as the opportunity to take a shower: a dehydrated body begins to rapidly absorb moisture through the skin, slowing down the process of losing weight. Accordingly, the athlete has a wild physiological discomfort - it becomes impossible to fall asleep.

Therefore, as soon as the weighing procedure is completed and the recovery process begins, literally every minute counts: a shower, a special drink, food, food again, and, finally, sleep, during which various medical recovery procedures can continue. The longer and stronger the sleep, the more likely it is that the athlete will regain his former condition without serious losses.

It is clear that after going through all this hell, a person comes out on the carpet not in the best condition. And the first contractions serve just to pump the body, "break through" all its systems, make the body work. That is why the draw is so important: you can’t lose if you expect to reach the final.

In any other situation, hitting Burrows in the quarterfinals could be considered a tragedy. But Geduev was lucky: the weigh-in procedure in Rio was not carried out the night before, as it was in Las Vegas, but at one in the afternoon. That is, the athlete had several hours more time to recover and complete his recovery marathon. This was the second reason for counting on a favorable outcome of the competition day.

There was also a third point. Even before the trip to Rio, Aniuar said that the Games would be the last tournament in his career for him - no matter how they ended. The wrestler, who will celebrate his 30th birthday in January, has a great many loving relatives and friends, own house and prosperity, in Nalchik, the head of the family is looking forward to a beautiful wife and three children. Exactly according to catchphrase famous movie hero: "What else does a person need to adequately meet old age?" Is that the Olympic gold medal. Well, it will be necessary to show the sons, of whom there are two in the family, what exactly was the meaning of their father's life for many years of training and performances.

Aniuar earned the first two points when the starting minute of the bout had not yet expired. And then the fight was stopped: the Russian wrestler bled from a cut eyebrow. Again exit to the carpet - and two more rapidly scored points. By the end of the second minute, the Iranian, it seems, generally regretted that he was born into the world and met Geduev on his way. All that he was capable of was to butt his opponent with his head, continuing to break his damaged eyebrow more and more.

Today. Rio de Janeiro. Hassan YAZDANI and Aniuar GEDUEV. Photo REUTERS

The bandage had to be applied so tightly that it almost completely covered Aniuar's left eye. A few more seconds of struggle - and the procedure had to be repeated again.

By the end of the three-minute period, the technical score on the scoreboard was 6:0 in favor of the Russian wrestler, but the blood from under the bandage on his head was already flowing non-stop. As soon as the fight continued, the Iranian won back two points, then two more, and Aniuar already incomprehensibly went out of the mat for the umpteenth time to change the bandage.

Of course, no one could have imagined such a plot twist in principle. The hall went into an indignant tramp, believing that the Russian was deliberately playing for time and demanding some action from the arbitrators, and perhaps this was the reason that the Iranian, who literally felt the taste of the enemy’s blood, began to take on completely unthinkable courage and confidence.

And then it all ended exactly as in the tragic duel between London Olympic champion Natalia Vorobyova and Japanese woman Sara Doso: in the last seconds of the fight, the Iranian equalized the score and this action brought him victory.

Rio de Janeiro (Brazil). Olympic Games 2016. Freestyle wrestling. August 19.
Men. Weight category up to 57 kg.
1. Khinchegashvili (Georgia). 2. Higuchi (Japan). 3. Aliyev (Azerbaijan), Rakhimi (Iran). 5. Bonnet Rodriguez (Cuba), Dubov (Bulgaria).
Weight category up to 63 kg. 1. Yazdani (Iran). 2. GEDUEV. 3. Hasanov (Azerbaijan), Demirtash (Türkiye). 5. Abdurakhmonov (Uzbekistan), Userbaev (Kazakhstan).

Wrestling is a hand-to-hand martial art in which both opponents try to knock each other down, having won. Its different types are what characterize the Olympics from the very year of its foundation, which is considered to be 708 BC. Wrestling was in the program of all games, except for those that took place in 1900. In each of its forms, there are permitted and prohibited techniques. As soon as one of the opponents gains obvious control over the other, the match is considered over. Wrestling differs from martial arts such as boxing in that opponents practically do not strike each other.

Wrestling game participants

The 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro will definitely include Greco-Roman and freestyle wrestling. In the first form, only men compete, in the second - men and women. In this sport there will be participants from various countries, in total there will be 244 athletes.

In Greco-Roman wrestling, men have 6 weight categories, in freestyle wrestling for men and women - also 6 each. It turns out that a total of 18 sets of medals will be played.

Greco-Roman wrestling, weight categories for men:

  • up to 59 kg;
  • up to 66 kg;
  • up to 75 kg;
  • up to 85 kg;
  • up to 98 kg;
  • up to 130 kg.

freestyle struggle, weight categories for men:

  • up to 57 kg;
  • up to 65 kg;
  • up to 74 kg;
  • up to 86 kg;
  • up to 97 kg;
  • up to 125 kg.

Freestyle wrestling, weight categories for women:

  • up to 48 kg;
  • up to 53 kg;
  • up to 58 kg;
  • up to 63 kg;
  • up to 69 kg;
  • up to 75 kg.

The selection of athletes has been carried out since 2015. Under the term qualifying tournament falls several competitions held in different parts of the world:

World Wrestling Championship 2015;

  • Olympic qualification - America;
  • Olympic qualification - Asia;
  • Olympic qualification - Africa and Oceania;
  • Olympic qualification - Europe;
  • 1st World Qualifying Tournament;
  • 2nd World Qualifying Tournament.

In early spring 2016, it was decided that during the draw for the Summer Olympics, all the finalists of the last World Championship would be in different halves of the schedule grid so that they could not face each other before the final. After all, this sport, it must be intriguing.

Wrestling competition calendar

The list of games that will take place in the summer in Brazil includes both freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling. All sports matches will take place from 14 to 21 August.

Each day of the Summer Olympic Games in the wrestling program is dedicated to several categories of athletes. All stages pass in one day: competition qualification, 1/8 finals, semi-finals, quarter-finals, competition finals, repechage matches.

  • August 14: Greco-Roman, men. Categories: 59 and 75.
  • August 15: Greco-Roman, men. Categories: 85, 130.
  • August 16: Greco-Roman, men. Categories: 66, 98.
  • August 17: freestyle, women. Categories: 48, 58, 69.
  • August 18: freestyle, women. Categories: 53, 63, 75.
  • August 19: freestyle, men. Categories: 57, 74.
  • August 20: freestyle, men. Categories: 86, 125.
  • August 21: freestyle, men. Categories: 65, 97.

There are other types of wrestling that are not included in the program of the Olympic Games.

From 19 to 21 August in Rio de Janeiro for summer Olympic Games-2016 will pass wrestling tournament. The strongest freestyle wrestlers will compete for six sets of awards in weight categories up to 57, 65, 74, 86, 97, 125kg.

the site offers to get acquainted with the schedule of freestyle wrestling competitions in Rio.

Freestyle wrestling. Summer Olympic Games 2016. Rio de Janeiro. Competition Schedule

August 19 - | |
16:00-17:40 Preliminary competitions. Weight categories up to 57kg, 74kg
22:00-22:30 Consolation bouts. Weight categories up to 57kg, 74kg
23:00-00:30 Finals. Award ceremony. Weight categories up to 57kg, 74kg

August 20 - | |
16:00-17:40 Preliminary competitions. Weight categories up to 86kg, 125kg
22:00-22:30 Consolation bouts. Weight categories up to 86kg, 125kg
23:00-00:30 Finals. Award ceremony. Weight categories up to 86kg, 125kg

August 21 - | |
14:30-17:40 Preliminary competitions. Weight categories up to 65kg, 97kg
18:45-19:15 Consolation bouts. Weight categories up to 65kg, 97kg
19:25-20:45 Finals. Award ceremony. Weight categories up to 65kg, 97kg

The program of the freestyle wrestling tournament at the Olympic Games-2016. Video

Russian wrestlers at the Olympics must be represented in 16 out of 18 weight categories. Women managed to win only five licenses out of six possible, and the men's freestyle wrestling team. The two-time world champion is forced to pay for doping ten years ago, and it is no longer possible to replace him according to the regulations. Also questionable performance Ibragima Labazanov.

Freestyle wrestling (men)

Up to 65 kg.

Most bright representative Ossetian wrestling school, world champion - 2014 is preparing to regain the title of the best wrestler in this weight. Ramonov has been winning since the age of 15

at the championships and championships of Russia and this year again proved his leadership in this weight. Also this year, at a tournament in Minsk, he already defeated the reigning world champion Franco Chamiso. Another principal contender will be his offender in Las Vegas Ikhtiyor Navruzov from Uzbekistan.

Up to 74 kg. Aniuar Geduev

Geduev ousted from the long-term leader in this weight Denis Tsargush and in Once again beat him in the final of the championship of Russia. Geduev has been unequaled for three years European level, but in the semi-finals of the World Cup, he got in his way american genius wrestling Jordan Burroughs, who has only lost one major tournament in the past five years. However, Geduev believes that he has learned a lesson from this defeat and now knows how to resist the American.

Chances: Gold - 25%, Silver - 60%, Bronze - 90%

Up to 86 kg. Abdulrashid Saadulaev

Undefeated over the past two years, the best wrestler in the world, regardless of weight category, was exempted from selection at the Russian Championship and fought a little this season. However, it is still a big problem for the opponents not only to defeat Saadulaev, but at least to take one point from him or not to lose ahead of schedule. At the World Championships in Las Vegas, the Asian champion managed to do it Alireza Karimi.

Chances: Gold - 80%, Silver - 95%, Bronze - 99%

Up to 97 kg.

Ramzan Kadyrov's favorite wrestler walked towards the Olympic dream for a long time and made his way to the national team only by the age of 30. The key to success was the victory at the Ivan Grand Prix

For rivals, it is still a big problem not only to defeat Saadulaev, but at least to take one point from him or not to lose ahead of schedule.

Yarygin in the Russian Championship, where his main opponent Abdusalam Gadisov starred with the entire Dagestan team. Light heavyweight at the Olympics is traditionally considered Russian, but Boltukaev will have to solve the problem that Gadisov could not cope with a year ago - to defeat the rising American star Kyle Snyder.

Chances: Gold - 40%, Silver - 75%, Bronze - 99%

Up to 125 kg.

The best Russian heavyweight last decade, perhaps, will say goodbye to amateur sports after the Olympics and move on to MMA, and before leaving he dreams of winning a medal of greater dignity than the London bronze. The loudest victories of Makhov were far behind, and in recent years he was not allowed to realize himself by combining styles and tough weight race. In Brazil, he decided to focus on freestyle wrestling.

Chances: Gold - 30% Silver - 70% Bronze - 99%

Freestyle wrestling (women)

Up to 48 kg. Milana Dadasheva

21-year-old Dadasheva, who won medals at various junior championships, became the most unexpected participant Olympic team. At the Russian Championship, she confidently defeated the experienced Valentin Islamov. If successful, Dadasheva can give impetus to the development of women's wrestling in Dagestan, where there is still a skeptical attitude towards her, and showdown on the mat is considered the lot of men.

Chances: Bronze - 15%

Up to 58 kg. Valeria Koblova

Koblova missed the World Championship in Las Vegas due to an injury, and she had to defend her place in the team in a confrontation with an experienced Natalya Golts. It is unlikely that Koblova will be able to argue for gold with a three-time Olympic champion and an invincible Japanese woman Kaori Ityo, but with a successful scenario, it is able to compete for awards. Four years ago, Valeria stopped a step away from the Olympic medal.

Chances: Silver - 25%, Bronze - 50%

Up to 63 kg. Inna Trazhukova

On the way to the Olympic team, Trazhukova had to overcome serious internal competition in the face of a participant in the last World Cup Valeria Lazinskaya, Olympic medalist Lyubov Volosova and Anastasia Bratchikova, which won an Olympic license for Russia. However, Trazhukova does not perform so convincingly at international tournaments and only once won the bronze of the European Championship.

Chances: Bronze - 10%

Up to 69 kg.

According to the coaches, the current Olympic champion Vorobyova is the only real contender for gold in the women's team. The burden of responsibility

According to the coaches, the current Olympic champion Vorobyova is the only real contender for gold in the women's team.

the consequences of injuries and the lack of competitive practice will put pressure on her, but Natalya is just famous for her ability to pull herself together before the main starts. A year ago, she managed to regain the title of the best at the World Championships in Las Vegas.

Chances: Gold - 30%, Silver - 70%, Bronze - 99%

Up to 75 kg. Ekaterina Bukina

Four years ago, Bukina lost the internal selection for the Vorobyova Olympics, after which she moved to a heavier weight category. Her most serious successes here were silver European Games and the bronze of the World Championship, and last year Ekaterina lost in the quarterfinals and was left without medals. In the final of the championship of Russia, his main rival Alena Perepelkina Bukina won on the carcass.

Chances: Bronze - 30%

Greco-Roman wrestling

Up to 59 kg. Ibragim Labazanov

A year ago, Russia was left without medals in this weight category. European Games Winner Stepan Maryanyan did not live up to expectations and lost in the quarterfinals. At the Russian Championship, Labazanov defeated him, but the confrontation between the athletes continued at the final training camp, as a result of which Ibrahim finally proved his right to compete at the Olympics, despite the lack of extensive international experience. .

Chances: Gold - 25%, Silver - 50%, Bronze - 90%

Up to 66 kg. Islambek Albiev

Olympic champion - 2008 this year experienced a real renaissance and consistently won the European Championship and the qualifying championship of Russia, displacing the World Championship medalist from the squad Artyom Surkov. After the main triumph of his career, Albiev experienced weight problems, a transition to a heavier category and a long search for his former self. He again goes to the second Olympics extremely motivated.

Chances: Gold - 30%, Silver - 70%, Bronze - 99%

Up to 75 kg.

The current Olympic champion Vlasov maintains leadership in his weight four years later. He lost the only final two years ago to a Korean kim hyung woo. Due to an injury, Roman missed the Russian Championship, but with subsequent performances he proved his right to be on the Olympic team,.

Chances: Gold - 50%, Silver - 80%, Bronze - 99%

Up to 85 kg. David Chakvetadze

Chakvetadze made it to the national team last year, winning the competition from the most experienced Olympic champion Alexey Mishin, but on the international stage he performed with varying degrees of success. After winning the European Games, he was left without a medal in Las Vegas. This year's championship final

In the most prestigious weight category, classic wrestlers have long had problems with personnel, and the heirs of Alexander Karelin are not yet visible.

In Russia, he again defeated Mishin and in Brazil he will fight for a medal, but he is unlikely to be able to defeat the leader of this weight - a Ukrainian Jean Beleniuk.

Chances: Bronze - 30%

Up to 98 kg. Islam Magomedov

The winner of the World Championship and the winner of the European Games Magomedov got into the national team at the last moment. The day before the final application was made, he won a test fight against the European champion Nikita Melnikov, and before that, at the cost of a broken finger, he won the Russian Championship in Grozny. I would like to believe that Islam still has the strength for the main fights of this year.

Chances: Silver - 40%, Bronze - 80%

Up to 130 kg. Sergey Semyonov

In the most prestigious weight category, classic wrestlers have long had problems with personnel, and the heirs Alexandra Karelina not yet visible. Therefore, Bilyal Makhov had to work part-time a year ago. The new champion of Russia, Sergei Semyonov, faces the difficult task of winning a medal. He is able to cope with any opponent, except clear leaders- Cuban Michael Lopez and Turk Riza Kayaalpa.

Chances - Bronze 25%

Today, the head coach of the Russian freestyle wrestling team announced the final composition of his team for the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. Despite a lot of talk, debate and reasoning, the composition of the most formidable team of the tournament turned out to be quite predictable.

In weight up to 57kg a Yakutian will go to the Olympic Games 2016 Victor Lebedev, despite the fact that Viktor himself admitted two defeats at the Russian Championship and refused the Olympics, the coaching staff still gave him CHANCE. And this, in my opinion, is satisfaction for the last Olympic cycle, in which Victor certainly deserved a trip to London, but, as you remember, he did not go.

In weight up to 65kg Ossetians go to Rio Soslan Ramonov, and on this point I think there will be no disputes. Dagestanis Magomed Kurbanaliev and Ilyas Bekbulatov, who did not speak at the Chechen Republic-2016, themselves removed all questions about the main candidate. It seems to me that Ramonov would not have left them a chance on the carpet, but whoever gave up without a fight clearly does not deserve the main chance in life.

In weight up to 86kg, the World Champion of two recent years, Dagestan Abdulrashid Sadulaev. Sadulaev was released from the Russian Championship and did not participate in it. In addition, today he is out of competition both in the world and in Russia and only a suicide could not take him to the Olympics, Dzambolat Tedeev is a thinking coach and he did right choice.

Weight up to 97kg and again everything is clear. Champion of Russia-2016, Champion of Ivan Yarygin-2016, Chechen Anzor Boltukaev Definitely a must in Rio. Now I feel the fans of Abdusalam Gadisov quarreled to themselves. But Gadisov himself chose his fate, he had a chance to argue with Anzor on the Chechen Republic, but voluntarily refused it, and in this case I support Tedeev. Those who fought should go to Rio, those who blew their chance should stay at home, everything is simple.

Weight up to 125kg, here the choice is clear, but in my opinion the wrong one, Bilyal Makhov of course, a real Champion, but his chances for gold are not great and it would be possible to give way to young people. The same Kushkhov or the current Champion of Russia-2016, in my opinion, would have performed no worse. And in the future it would be much more useful to train them.

Well, there is a composition of the Russian freestyle wrestling team for the Olympic Games in Rio, and “we will count the chickens in the fall”, in the end, Dzambolat Tedeev is responsible for the result, and we only have the right to express our opinion!
