Deniskin's story by Dragunsky: Childhood Friend. Lesson outline (senior group) on the topic: Notes on familiarization with fiction: Reading the story “Childhood Friend” by V. Dragunsky

The main character from the collection “Deniska's Stories” is the boy Denis. In the story, the boy recalls that period of his early childhood when he, being a schoolboy at five minutes, tried to decide on his future profession. He wanted to be an astronomer, a captain, or an artist. At some point, Denis decided to become a boxer, and a boxer definitely needs a special punching bag for training.

When asked to buy him a punching bag, Deniska’s dad, first of all, asked how much it cost. Having found out the price, dad offered to do without the punching bag for the future boxer. But the situation was saved by my mother, who found a huge teddy bear with eyes made of different buttons in old toys and suggested using it as a punching bag.

At first Denis was happy about his mother’s offer, but then he remembered what a good friend this teddy bear was for him. He remembered many good moments of his childhood associated with this bear cub. And at some point Deniska realized that the bear cub was his true friend, and friends should not be used as objects for beating. And this childhood friendship with a teddy bear was so important for the hero of the story that for her sake he decided to give up his dream of becoming a boxer.

This is the summary of the story.

The main idea of ​​the story “Childhood Friend” is that friendship is the most valuable thing a person has. And nothing can be more important than friendship. I liked the main character of the story, Deniska, for his loyalty to his old friendship, even with a teddy bear. Deniska, who treats his friends this way, must grow into a kind and decent person.

What proverbs fit the story “Childhood Friend”?

With a good friend, the world is a kinder place.
Loyalty is the basis of friendship.
An old friend is better than two new ones.
A good friend is real wealth.

When I was six or six and a half years old, I had absolutely no idea who I would ultimately be in this world. I really liked all the people around me and all the work too. At that time there was a terrible confusion in my head, I was kind of confused and could not really decide what to do.
Either I wanted to be an astronomer, so I could stay awake at night and watch distant stars through a telescope, and then I dreamed of becoming a sea captain, so that I could stand with my legs apart on the captain’s bridge, and visit distant Singapore, and buy a funny monkey there. Otherwise, I was dying to turn into a subway driver or a station master and walk around in a red cap and shout in a thick voice:
- Go-o-tov!
Or my appetite was whetted to learn to become an artist who paints white stripes on the street asphalt for speeding cars. Otherwise it seemed to me that it would be nice to become a brave traveler like Alain Bombard and sail across all the oceans on a fragile shuttle, eating only raw fish. True, this Bomber lost twenty-five kilograms after his trip, and I only weighed twenty-six, so it turned out that if I also swam like him, then I would have absolutely no way to lose weight, I would weigh only one thing at the end of the trip kilo. What if I don’t catch a fish or two somewhere and lose a little more weight? Then I’ll probably just melt into the air like smoke, that’s all.
When I calculated all this, I decided to abandon this idea, and the next day I was already impatient to become a boxer, because I saw the European Boxing Championship on TV. The way they thrashed each other was simply terrifying! And then they showed them training, and here they were hitting a heavy leather “bag” - such an oblong heavy ball, you need to hit it with all your might, hit it as hard as you can in order to develop the power of hitting. And I looked at all this so much that I also decided to become the strongest person in the yard so that I could beat everyone, if anything happened.
I told dad:
- Dad, buy me a pear!
- It’s January now, there are no pears. Eat your carrots for now.
I laughed:
- No, dad, not like that! Not an edible pear! Please buy me an ordinary leather punching bag!
- And why do you need it? - said dad.
“To train,” I said. - Because I will be a boxer and I will beat everyone. Buy it, huh?
- How much does such a pear cost? - Dad asked.
“It’s just nothing,” I said. - Ten or fifty rubles.
“You’re crazy, brother,” said dad. - Get by somehow without a pear. Nothing will happen to you.
And he got dressed and went to work.
And I was offended by him because he refused me so laughingly. And my mother immediately noticed that I was offended, and immediately said:
- Wait a minute, I think I came up with something. Come on, come on, wait a minute.
And she bent down and pulled out a large wicker basket from under the sofa; It contained old toys that I no longer played with. Because I had already grown up and in the fall I was supposed to buy a school uniform and a cap with a shiny visor.
Mom started digging in this basket, and while she was digging, I saw my old tram without wheels and on a string, a plastic pipe, a dented top, one arrow with a rubber blotch, a piece of sail from a boat, and several rattles, and many other toy items. scrap. And suddenly mom took out a healthy teddy bear from the bottom of the basket.
She threw it on my sofa and said:
- Here. This is the same one that Aunt Mila gave you. You were two years old then. Good Mishka, excellent. Look how tight it is! What a fat belly! Look how it rolled out! Why not a pear? Better! And you don't need to buy! Let's train as much as you like! Get started!
And then they called her to the phone, and she went out into the corridor.
And I was very happy that my mother came up with such a great idea. And I made Mishka more comfortable on the sofa, so that it would be easier for me to train against him and develop the power of the blow.
He sat in front of me, so chocolate-colored, but very shabby, and he had different eyes: one of his own - yellow glass, and the other large white - from a button from a pillowcase; I didn't even remember when he appeared. But it didn’t matter, because Mishka looked at me quite cheerfully with his different eyes, and he spread his legs and stuck his stomach out towards me, and raised both hands up, as if he was joking that he was already giving up in advance...
And I looked at him like that and suddenly remembered how a long time ago I never parted with this Mishka for a minute, dragged him everywhere with me, and nursed him, and sat him at the table next to me for dinner, and fed him with a spoon semolina porridge, and he got such a funny little face when I smeared him with something, even the same porridge or jam, then he got such a funny, cute little face, just like he was alive, and I put him to bed with me, and rocked him to sleep , like a little brother, and whispered different tales to him right into his velvety hard ears, and I loved him then, loved him with all my soul, I would give my life for him then. And here he is now sitting on the sofa, my former best friend, a true childhood friend. Here he sits, laughing with different eyes, and I want to train the strength of my blow against him...

“What are you doing,” said mom, she had already returned from the corridor. - What happened to you?
But I didn’t know what was wrong with me, I was silent for a long time and turned away from my mother so that she wouldn’t guess by her voice or lips what was wrong with me, and I lifted my head to the ceiling so that the tears would roll back, and then, when I had strengthened myself a little , I said:
- What are you talking about, mom? Nothing wrong with me... I just changed my mind. I'll just never be a boxer.

Childhood friend - Nikolai Nosov...
More than anything in the world, I love old books. The pages are tattered in some places, and in some places the pages have already faded. And this smell of time! Only a time-tested book can smell so “mysterious.” You take it in your hands and realize how many people held it before you! With how many did she share her wise thoughts? Therefore, for me, going to visit my grandmother is like a holiday. The fact is that my grandmother has a small wrought-iron chest (I call it the magic grandmother’s chest), various things are stored in it: letters, my mother’s school notebooks, notebooks with poems, drawings and much more, and, of course, books. My mother read these books when she was a schoolgirl.
- Mom, when you were my age, did you really like to read?
Mom, who was kneading the dough at the time, simply shrugged her shoulders at first.
- Well, yes, probably. Sometimes the weather was bad, it was raining, you couldn’t play outside with the kids, and that’s when my book day began. You used to go up to the shelf and start choosing - what to read today?
I came closer to my mother:
- Well?
- What is “and”? - the dough in my mother’s hands flashed like white barrels.
- What did you usually choose? What books, what authors?
“Oh,” my mother laughed, “I liked Nikolai Nosov most of all then!” Once you start reading, you won’t be able to put it down! You will forget about games and the street! I simply adored his story “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”! I laughed until I dropped, and sometimes I would start reading out loud the especially funny moments to your grandmother,” Mom turned to her grandmother, who at that moment was preparing the filling for the pies. “Do you remember, Mom, how you laughed? Otherwise, you’ll quit your job, sit next to me on the sofa, knitting, and I’ll read it out loud to you, remember? And you know, Katya, we really loved such moments. It made us feel good in our hearts!
Grandmother nodded in agreement:
- That's right, a very good writer! Not every adult can write so sincerely and simply for children. Write about what worries them so much! Here, granddaughter, you need talent, and an honest, kind heart.
Mom smiled slyly:
- Yes, Katyushka, you yourself probably read something from him, huh?
I answered, glancing sideways towards the chest (I remember the little blue book with the inscription “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”):
- I read, of course, “Dreamers”, “The Living Hat”, “Dunno”…. But I haven’t read about Vitya Maleeva yet.
Mom sighed:
- Happy! You have yet to get acquainted with this wonderful writer and his work. Oh, Katya, I wish I could go back to my childhood and re-read everything again.
I went to the chest and, taking out a familiar book from there, made myself comfortable on the chair and began:
- “Just think how quickly time flies! Before I knew it, the holidays were over and it was time to go to school...”
I read for a long time, my mother and grandmother baked delicious pies and listened to me read to them. And I felt so good in my soul, probably like my mother did then. We laughed together and discussed what we had read over tea. And believe me, friends, the main thing that I understood is that each of us should have a friend Nikolai Nosov in childhood. Without him, our childhood will be incomplete.

When I was six or six and a half years old, I had absolutely no idea who I would ultimately be in this world. I really liked all the people around me and all the work too. At that time there was a terrible confusion in my head, I was kind of confused and could not really decide what to do.

Either I wanted to be an astronomer, so I could stay awake at night and watch distant stars through a telescope, and then I dreamed of becoming a sea captain, so that I could stand with my legs apart on the captain’s bridge, and visit distant Singapore, and buy a funny monkey there. Otherwise, I was dying to turn into a subway driver or a station master and walk around in a red cap and shout in a thick voice:

- Go-o-tov!

Or my appetite was whetted to learn to become an artist who paints white stripes on the street asphalt for speeding cars. Otherwise it seemed to me that it would be nice to become a brave traveler like Alain Bombard and sail across all the oceans on a fragile shuttle, eating only raw fish. True, this Bomber lost twenty-five kilograms after his trip, and I only weighed twenty-six, so it turned out that if I also swam like him, then I would have absolutely no way to lose weight, I would weigh only one thing at the end of the trip kilo. What if I don’t catch a fish or two somewhere and lose a little more weight? Then I’ll probably just melt into the air like smoke, that’s all.

When I calculated all this, I decided to abandon this idea, and the next day I was already impatient to become a boxer, because I saw the European Boxing Championship on TV. The way they threshed each other was simply terrifying! And then they showed them training, and here they were hitting a heavy leather “bag” - such an oblong heavy ball, you need to hit it with all your might, hit it as hard as you can in order to develop the power of hitting. And I looked at all this so much that I also decided to become the strongest person in the yard so that I could beat everyone, if anything happened.

I told dad:

- Dad, buy me a pear!

- It’s January now, there are no pears. Eat your carrots for now.

I laughed:

- No, dad, not like that! Not an edible pear! Please buy me an ordinary leather punching bag!

- And why do you need it? - said dad.

“Practice,” I said. - Because I will be a boxer and I will beat everyone. Buy it, huh?

- How much does such a pear cost? – Dad asked.

“It’s just nothing,” I said. - Ten or fifty rubles.

“You’re crazy, brother,” said dad. - Get by somehow without a pear. Nothing will happen to you.

And he got dressed and went to work.

And I was offended by him because he refused me so laughingly. And my mother immediately noticed that I was offended, and immediately said:

- Wait a minute, I think I came up with something. Come on, come on, wait a minute.

And she bent down and pulled out a large wicker basket from under the sofa; It contained old toys that I no longer played with. Because I had already grown up and in the fall I was supposed to buy a school uniform and a cap with a shiny visor.

Mom started digging in this basket, and while she was digging, I saw my old tram without wheels and on a string, a plastic pipe, a dented top, one arrow with a rubber blotch, a piece of sail from a boat, and several rattles, and many other toy items. scrap. And suddenly mom took out a healthy teddy bear from the bottom of the basket.

She threw it on my sofa and said:

- Here. This is the same one that Aunt Mila gave you. You were two years old then. Good Mishka, excellent. Look how tight it is! What a fat belly! Look how it rolled out! Why not a pear? Better! And you don't need to buy! Let's train as much as you like! Get started!

And then they called her to the phone, and she went out into the corridor.

And I was very happy that my mother came up with such a great idea. And I made Mishka more comfortable on the sofa, so that it would be easier for me to train against him and develop the power of the blow.

He sat in front of me, so chocolate-colored, but very shabby, and he had different eyes: one of his own - yellow glass, and the other large white - from a button from a pillowcase; I didn't even remember when he appeared. But it didn’t matter, because Mishka looked at me quite cheerfully with his different eyes, and he spread his legs and stuck his stomach out towards me, and raised both hands up, as if he was joking that he was already giving up in advance...

And I looked at him like that and suddenly remembered how a long time ago I never parted with this Mishka for a minute, dragged him everywhere with me, and nursed him, and sat him at the table next to me for dinner, and fed him with a spoon semolina porridge, and he got such a funny little face when I smeared him with something, even the same porridge or jam, then he got such a funny, cute little face, just like he was alive, and I put him to bed with me, and rocked him to sleep , like a little brother, and whispered different tales to him right into his velvety hard ears, and I loved him then, loved him with all my soul, I would give my life for him then. And here he is now sitting on the sofa, my former best friend, a true childhood friend. Here he sits, laughing with different eyes, and I want to train the strength of my blow against him...

Childhood Friend - Victor DRAGUNSKY - listen online

Download dragunskiy/drug-detstva.mp3

When I was six or six and a half years old, I had absolutely no idea who I would ultimately be in this world. I really liked all the people around me and all the work too. At that time there was a terrible confusion in my head, I was kind of confused and could not really decide what to do.

Either I wanted to be an astronomer, so I could stay awake at night and watch distant stars through a telescope, and then I dreamed of becoming a sea captain, so that I could stand with my legs apart on the captain’s bridge, and visit distant Singapore, and buy a funny monkey there. Otherwise, I was dying to turn into a subway driver or a station master and walk around in a red cap and shout in a thick voice:


Or my appetite was whetted to learn to become an artist who paints white stripes on the street asphalt for speeding cars. Otherwise it seemed to me that it would be nice to become a brave traveler like Alain Bombard and sail across all the oceans on a fragile shuttle, eating only raw fish. True, this Bomber lost twenty-five kilograms after his trip, and I only weighed twenty-six, so it turned out that if I also swam like him, then I would have absolutely no way to lose weight, I would weigh only one thing at the end of the trip kilo. What if I don’t catch a fish or two somewhere and lose a little more weight? Then I’ll probably just melt into the air like smoke, that’s all.

When I calculated all this, I decided to abandon this idea, and the next day I was already impatient to become a boxer, because I saw the European Boxing Championship on TV. The way they thrashed each other was simply terrifying! And then they showed them training, and here they were hitting a heavy leather “bag” - such an oblong heavy ball, you need to hit it with all your might, hit it as hard as you can in order to develop the power of hitting. And I looked at all this so much that I also decided to become the strongest person in the yard so that I could beat everyone, if anything happened.

I told dad:

Dad, buy me a pear!

It's January, there are no pears. Eat your carrots for now.

I laughed:

No, dad, not like that! Not an edible pear! Please buy me an ordinary leather punching bag!

And why do you need it? - said dad.

“Practice,” I said. - Because I will be a boxer and I will beat everyone. Buy it, huh?

How much does such a pear cost? - Dad asked.

Just some nonsense,” I said. - Ten or fifty rubles.

“You’re crazy, brother,” said dad. - Get by somehow without a pear. Nothing will happen to you.

And he got dressed and went to work.

And I was offended by him because he refused me so laughingly. And my mother immediately noticed that I was offended, and immediately said:

Wait a minute, I think I've come up with something. Come on, come on, wait a minute.

And she bent down and pulled out a large wicker basket from under the sofa; It contained old toys that I no longer played with. Because I had already grown up and in the fall I was supposed to buy a school uniform and a cap with a shiny visor.

Mom started digging in this basket, and while she was digging, I saw my old tram without wheels and on a string, a plastic pipe, a dented top, one arrow with a rubber blotch, a piece of sail from a boat, and several rattles, and many other toy items. scrap. And suddenly mom took out a healthy teddy bear from the bottom of the basket.

She threw it on my sofa and said:

Here. This is the same one that Aunt Mila gave you. You were two years old then. Good Mishka, excellent. Look how tight it is! What a fat belly! Look how it rolled out! Why not a pear? Better! And you don't need to buy! Let's train as much as you like! Get started!

And then they called her to the phone, and she went out into the corridor.

And I was very happy that my mother came up with such a great idea. And I made Mishka more comfortable on the sofa, so that it would be easier for me to train against him and develop the power of the blow.

He sat in front of me, so chocolate-colored, but very shabby, and he had different eyes: one of his own - yellow glass, and the other large white - from a button from a pillowcase; I didn't even remember when he appeared. But it didn’t matter, because Mishka looked at me quite cheerfully with his different eyes, and he spread his legs and stuck out his stomach towards me, and raised both hands up, as if he was joking that he was already giving up in advance...

And I looked at him like that and suddenly remembered how a long time ago I never parted with this Mishka for a minute, dragged him everywhere with me, and nursed him, and sat him at the table next to me for dinner, and fed him with a spoon semolina porridge, and he got such a funny little face when I smeared him with something, even the same porridge or jam, then he got such a funny, cute little face, just like he was alive, and I put him to bed with me, and rocked him to sleep , like a little brother, and whispered different tales to him right into his velvety hard ears, and I loved him then, loved him with all my soul, I would give my life for him then. And here he is now sitting on the sofa, my former best friend, a true childhood friend. Here he sits, laughing with different eyes, and I want to train the strength of my blow against him...
