Easy money personal training by Alexander Sviyash. Download Sviyash - Easy Money (2012)

You can find out more about the training here: http://psymarket.ru/catalog/dengi/legkie_dengi_personalnyy_videotrening_aleksandra_sviyasha/?id=652
Imagine that you:

Earn money without putting much effort into it
- Earn money doing what you like
- Always have at your disposal the amount necessary to satisfy some need
- Life regularly gives you the chance to participate in an interesting project with a big reward, win the lottery or other easy way to get extra money

It's as if money is literally circling around you and you only have to wish, just reach out to take the bill you need.

What do you get as a result of the training?

A unique opportunity to quickly and effectively increase your income, and in a completely unusual way: the happier and easier you live, the greater your income
- Effective techniques for quickly getting out of a state of chronic tension and moving into a state of lightness and inner delight from the fact that your current life is so beautiful. You can then use these techniques for many years.
- A set of specially selected techniques for cleansing your body of bodily pressures and emotional blocks accumulated over the years, including a unique technique for quickly dissolving emotional blocks.
- Most likely, your body is now filled with emotional blocks. Do you know which ones are standing in the way of your financial goals? It is very easy to find out, but you have never paid your attention to them. Now you will learn to see these cues from your body and respond to them.
- Do you know how to recognize that the goal to which you so persistently strive is true and not false? Nothing is easier. You will do this as a matter of course.
- The most important thing is to create within yourself the expectation of an ever-increasing cash flow. Your Subconscious will catch this goal of yours and create the most favorable conditions for you along this path. This can be done in different ways, the simplest of which is to listen to a special mood in a special state of consciousness.
- During self-training, doubts always arise: “Am I completing the tasks correctly?” Seeing what questions other training participants ask and hearing the trainer’s answers to them is a condition for your successful independent work.
- By learning to independently get rid of internal blocks and program your Subconscious, you create a safe and prosperous future for yourself.

Details about the training: http://psymarket.ru/catalog/dengi/legkie_dengi_personalnyy_videotrening_aleksandra_sviyasha/?id=652

*We cannot guarantee a 100% final result, since it depends on the personal qualities of the individual, as well as how steadily he moves towards his goal


How to soar in the cash flow.

Personal video training by Alexander Sviyash

MP4 format

Common situation?

Tatyana, 37 years old, head of a department in a transport company. Divorced, has a 13-year-old daughter. Lives in an apartment left after a divorce, with a mortgage. The ex-husband helps a little with money, but it is still not enough for a normal life. We have to endlessly squeeze and save. Tatyana is trying to pay off the loan faster. But money flows through our fingers in completely different directions. Either the car breaks down, then my daughter is seriously ill, then my mother has problems...

Tatyana was lost in thought. Look for another job with better pay? What if another job doesn’t live up to expectations? Start arranging your personal life in the hope that the man will contribute his share to the family budget? But where can you get this man when work and your daughter take up all your time?

To what extent does financial well-being seem unbearable to you?

95% of people are in this state.

The money seems to be coming, but with difficulty. Let us feel every ruble that we literally have to snatch from life. But the money goes away very quickly, literally scatters and there is not enough of it to satisfy all needs. The prospects for increasing earnings in your current position are illusory, it’s scary to look for something else - what if it gets worse? What to do in such a situation?

Is there a way out to another, more favorable financial “dimension”?

Imagine that you:

Earn money without putting much effort into it

Earn money doing what you love

Always have at your disposal the amount necessary to satisfy some need

Life regularly gives you the chance to participate in an interesting project with a big reward, win the lottery or other easy way to get extra money

It's as if money is literally circling around you and you only have to wish, just reach out to take the bill you need.

Are you interested to know,Will you be able to earn money more easily in the future than you do now?

Then be sure to read what is written below.

There are trainings on how to attract more money into your life. By investing a certain amount of time and money in internal transformation, transformation of consciousness, you can radically change your behavior strategy and achieve better financial results in life, investing less time and effort into it.

Why do you need to change a lot to improve your financial situation by at least 10%?

Do you want to save years of your life that would be spent reading hundreds of books and becoming familiar with dozens of theories on this topic?

Take just 30 seconds to discover a comprehensive list of ideas that explain the difficulty of moving a person to the next level of financial success.

So, why don’t you have as much money as you need, and even more so, want?

You were programmed incorrectly by your parents or society, and now you avoid money. To become richer, you need to change your limiting beliefs, and everything will change in the most miraculous way. Do auto training, and the money will appear on its own.

You have had personal negative experiences related to money, and now you unconsciously avoid them for fear of repeat troubles. This means you need to remove fear, and everything will change.

You have the wrong attitude towards money, its value in your life is not high enough, so you have little of it. Increase the value of money and you will have it.

It is beneficial for you to have your current income, so you unconsciously avoid any changes. Remove the hidden benefits of the current situation, and joyful changes will not keep you waiting.

You are too superficial about your financial goals, you are lazy, you don’t plan your activities, so nothing works out. Start planning, clearly define your personal goals, make a plan for their implementation, start taking action, and everything will be fine.

You lack self-confidence. Work on increasing your self-esteem, and everything will be great, your income will increase dramatically.
Your family is excommunicated from money due to the misdeeds of your ancestors.

You have accumulated bad karma, so in this life you are forced to live in poverty.

There are also motivational trainings, during which You are pumped with energy to break through all barriers to money. Some people actually manage to break through at first, but this doesn’t last long - in the end you become dependent on external motivator. And if he left...

What's interesting, what ALL THIS REALLY HELPS!

However, why does all this help only a few?

Why do tens of thousands of people read books and attend trainings, but in reality only their financial situation improves? some of them? What is missing?

This secret was known to representatives of ancient civilizations, including the ancient Hindus, who understood human nature much more than we do. More recently, it was “discovered” by American psychologists. Now he has reached us.

Find out the secret, key “component” of internal transformation right now!

You won't hear about this at trainings about money.

Our attitude towards money literally “permeates” us. It lies not only in the depths of the subconscious, which is almost in no way influenced by our conscious “work on ourselves.” This attitude is registered even at the physiological level!

Have you ever tried to “introduce” a new attitude towards money into yourself? Remember the sensations.

Discomfort, pain in the neck, lower back or sudden heaviness, coughing, causeless panic, perspiration - your body is actively resisting your internal change.

If you do not have such experience, be sure to read the review of a person who has gone through this, so as not to waste money on internal transformation training.

Are you sure that you are ready to enter Another Relationship with Money?

Here are the lines from the letter:

Hello, dear Alexander. I have been your reader for a long time and attended two trainings. I started listening to the CD “I am a magnet for money.” The reaction is terrible. I listened to it ten times, sobbing out loud, cursing with everyone. Some old grievances come out (and I’ve been doing forgiveness meditations for several years), which, in general, have nothing to do with money.. They choke you all day and take all your strength. (To be honest, the relationship with money is very tense, judging by the teacher’s budget salary, upbringing in a truly Soviet family and endless fears for the future, and in general the practical lack of energy). My reactions have become more intense and I feel like I’m on edge. A feeling of melancholy and hopelessness, although I try to encourage myself and not give up. Is this normal? Should this be understood to mean that negativity rises from the bottom, which has been accumulating there for a long time? Shouldn't we pause? .... Tatiana

Agree. It is very difficult to fit something new into a space that is already filled to the brim and already internally formed.

Trying to squeeze new beliefs into your subconscious, you are likely to receive rejection.

This space needs, first of all, “cleaning”, and “general” cleaning at that. After all, every time you were worried about money, felt tension at that time, experienced strong emotions, your subconscious gave you energy that, with a greater degree of probability, was not realized.

- For a very long time they did not give you a large sum of money, either at work or borrowed from you, but you, despite the rage that overwhelmed you, tried to behave correctly with people. Partly because of upbringing, partly because of the fear that after the scandal they won’t give you the money.

- You listened to people’s stories about how they were “thrown away”, how cruelly they were treated by the state, the authorities or someone else. And you reacted to this, tried the situation on yourself.

- You were afraid that you would not be able to repay the loan, that you would not have enough money for the purchase that you promised to make for your family, you were afraid of losing your job. Where did this fear go?

This unspent energy is deposited in your body in the form of an energy block or clamp. And over the years of life of such clamps in your body, your subconscious has “prescribed” several hundred and even thousands.

Moreover, these blocks/clamps are directly related to your beliefs about how to live correctly, how much you can earn, and what you deserve. That is, with expectations, the violation of which caused your violent emotional reaction.

When you want to change some of your long-held beliefs,
these blocs are starting to protest!

And they stop you on the way to your goals!!!

Our accumulated energy blocks block the flow of vital forces, our energy and activity drop.

Over the years, education, experience, a sense of self-worth appear, which seems to be confirmed by money, but... Fatigue accumulates, there is less and less excitement and risk, we are bombarded with current affairs that require immediate resolution, and... there is no more strength left.


Our youthful dreams of how we will soar are shattered by the harsh prose of life. We don’t soar, we soar in constant hustle and bustle and the desire to change something, pay off loans or at least slightly increase our income.

As a result, by the age of 35-40, very few people manage to break away from the hustle and bustle and rise above money.

That is, do what they consider necessary, set the goals they want and easily receive the necessary financial support from life.

According to statistics, there are 15 percent of such people around the world., all other people remain almost at the starting level (in terms of their income). They are crushed by the burden of current worries, and all attempts to change something turn out to be fruitless. The internal blocks developed over the years of life do not “let them through” to their desired goals.

Answer yourself honestly..

Do you think things are better for you? And your body will not resist when trying to increase income, with less effort? So why Have you not achieved these goals yet?

If everything is approximately as described above, then...

It's time to act!

Now that you know the MAIN SECRET OF YOUR PREVIOUS FAILURES, what should you do?

First you will need to cleanse your body of accumulated negativity towards money.

Then you need to cut off or weaken all those endless connections, obligations or fears that hold you back and prevent you from changing something in the current situation.

And only then, having soared above the bustle in which you have been for many years, will it be possible to move on. That is, begin to clear space for more money to come to you - remove those internal barriers that you have imperceptibly built between you and money. And program your Subconscious to attract more money.

What does the training consist of?

I suggest you proceed using four-step algorithm for changing your reality.

The first step is to remove from your body all the blocks that are slowing you down on the path to your financial achievements. If you have already completed the video workshop “Forgiveness of Money”, this stage of the training will be much easier for you and you will achieve better results.

The second step is to remove from yourself those beliefs about money that can become an insurmountable barrier between you and money. Then, using the “Effective Self-Programming” technique, you replace your negative beliefs with the opposite positive ones, which work to attract money to you. You will overcome internal resistance, uncertainty and become above your emotions.

At the third step, you CORRECTLY formulate your financial goals and, using the “Effective Self-Programming” technique, put them into your Subconscious. And it begins to form a “most favored nation regime” for you on the way to your goals.

At the fourth step, with the help of the Subconscious, you take conscious steps towards new financial heights. At the same time, you work to ensure that the old “mental weeds” do not sprout and destroy your efforts to change your reality.

This is a completely unique technology. There are simply no developments of similar completeness and efficiency.

Additionally we:

Let's look at your current value system and identify what changes need to be made to it

We will determine what overly important and unconscious goals your energy is spent on, and we will block these leakage channels

We will evaluate your money - is it “light or heavy”?

We will identify channels for leaking your money

Let's work with techniques for erasing fear and positively influencing other people

Let's listen to a couple of special tunes that will harmonize your inner space, taking into account new attitudes in the field of money.

And then you will begin to act in accordance with new settings and plans. Unconsciously, automatically, as if you had always thought and acted this way. Attitudes of a successful person soaring above the hustle and bustle.

What do you get as a result of the training?

A unique opportunity to quickly and effectively increase your income, and in a completely unusual way: the happier and easier you live, the greater your income

Effective techniques for quickly getting out of a state of chronic tension and moving into a state of lightness and inner delight from the fact that your current life is so beautiful. You can then use these techniques for many years.

A set of specially selected moves to cleanse your body of bodily tensions and emotional blocks accumulated over the years, including a unique Technique for quickly dissolving emotional blocks.

Most likely, your body is now filled with emotional blocks. Do you know which ones are standing in the way of your financial goals? It is very easy to find out, but you have never paid your attention to them.

Now you will learn to see these cues from your body and respond to them.

Do you know how to recognize that the goal you are so persistently striving for is true and not false? Nothing is easier. You will do this as a matter of course.

The most important thing is to create within yourself the expectation of an ever-increasing cash flow. Your Subconscious will catch this goal of yours and create the most favorable conditions for you along this path. This can be done in different ways, the simplest of which is to listen to a special mood in a special state of consciousness.

During self-training, doubts always arise: “Am I completing the tasks correctly?” Seeing what questions other training participants ask and hearing the trainer’s answers to them is a condition for your successful independent work.

By learning to independently get rid of internal blocks and program your Subconscious, you create a safe and prosperous future for yourself.

The training is accompanied by a workbook, which describes in detail the tasks for each stage of the work.

And this is just the beginning!

If you perform the exercises of the first day correctly, your body is cleansed of accumulated emotional dirt, and you can experience a variety of positive changes in any area of ​​your life: in your relationship with a loved one, child or parents.

You may experience good changes at work, in your business or in your health.

This has happened more than once - a person cleansed his body of “emotional dirt” at a money training, and his health suddenly improved, his relationship with a loved one or colleague at work improved, new orders or customers appeared, and so on. These are all links of one chain invisible to us.

Who is the coach

Famous psychologist

Creator of a unique method of conflict-free and successful life

President of the Center for Positive Psychology “The Smart Way”

Editor-in-chief of the magazine "Reasonable World"

You either know the quality of my products, or you can easily find out by looking through (or better yet, reading) a couple of my books. If you like them, then you will not be disappointed in the training - these are my new developments. What is given in the training will appear in books in a year and a half.

Millions of people read me (the circulation of my books has exceeded 8 million copies, they have been translated into 12 languages), many express gratitude for the changes that have occurred in their lives - this is a guarantee that you will receive a quality product.



You are getting 4 parts of the “Easy Money” training, each lasting about two hours.

In Part 5 you will find:

Training participant workbook (pdf),

EASY MONEY (Personal video training by Alexander Sviyash )
Alexander Sviyash

Common situation?
Tatyana, 37 years old, head of a department in a transport company. Divorced, has a 13-year-old daughter. Lives in an apartment left after a divorce, with a mortgage. The ex-husband helps a little with money, but it is still not enough for a normal life. We have to endlessly squeeze and save. Tatyana is trying to pay off the loan faster. But money flows through our fingers in completely different directions. Either the car breaks down, then my daughter is seriously ill, then my mother has problems...

Tatyana was lost in thought. Look for another job with better pay? What if another job doesn’t live up to expectations? Start arranging your personal life in the hope that the man will contribute his share to the family budget? But where can you get this man when work and your daughter take up all your time?

To what extent does financial well-being seem unbearable to you?
95% of people are in this state.

The money seems to be coming, but with difficulty. Let us feel every ruble that we literally have to snatch from life. But the money goes away very quickly, literally scatters and there is not enough of it to satisfy all needs. The prospects for increasing earnings in your current position are illusory, it’s scary to look for something else - what if it gets worse? What to do in such a situation?
Is there an easy way out of this into another, more favorable financial “dimension”?

Imagine that you:
- Earn money without putting much effort into it
- Earn money doing what you like
- Always have at your disposal the amount necessary to satisfy some need
- Life regularly gives you the chance to participate in an interesting project with a big reward, win the lottery or other easy way to get extra money

It's as if money is literally circling around you and you only have to wish, just reach out to take the bill you need.

Are you interested in knowing if you will be able to make money more easily in the future than you do now?

Then be sure to read what is written below.

There are trainings on how to attract more money into your life. By investing a certain amount of time and money in internal transformation, transformation of consciousness, you can radically change your behavior strategy and achieve better financial results in life, investing less time and effort into it.

Why do you need to change a lot to improve your financial situation by at least 10%?

Do you want to save years of your life that would be spent reading hundreds of books and becoming familiar with dozens of theories on this topic?
Take just 30 seconds to discover a comprehensive list of ideas that explain the difficulty of moving a person to the next level of financial success.
So, why don’t you have as much money as you need, and even more so, want?
You were programmed incorrectly by your parents or society, and now you avoid money. To become richer, you need to change your limiting beliefs, and everything will change in the most miraculous way. Do auto training, and the money will appear on its own.
You have had personal negative experiences related to money, and now you unconsciously avoid them for fear of repeat troubles. This means you need to remove fear, and everything will change.
You have the wrong attitude towards money, its value in your life is not high enough, so you have little of it. Increase the value of money and you will have it.
It is beneficial for you to have your current income, so you unconsciously avoid any changes. Remove the hidden benefits of the current situation, and joyful changes will not keep you waiting.
You are too superficial about your financial goals, you are lazy, you don’t plan your activities, so nothing works out. Start planning, clearly define your personal goals, make a plan for their implementation, start taking action, and everything will be fine.
You lack self-confidence. Work on increasing your self-esteem, and everything will be great, your income will increase dramatically.
Your family is excommunicated from money due to the misdeeds of your ancestors.
You have accumulated bad karma, so in this life you are forced to live in poverty.

There are also motivational trainings, during which you pump up your energy in order to break through all the barriers to money. Some people actually manage to break through at first, but this doesn’t last long - in the end you become dependent on an external motivator. And if he left...
What's interesting is that ALL THIS REALLY HELPS!

However, why does all this help only a few?
Why do tens of thousands of people read books and attend trainings, but only a few of them actually improve their financial situation? What is missing?
This secret was known to representatives of ancient civilizations, including the ancient Hindus, who understood human nature much more than we do. More recently, it was “discovered” by American psychologists. Now he has reached us.

You can find out more about the training here: psymarket.ru/catalog/dengi/legkie_dengi_personalnyy_videotrening_aleksandra_sviyasha/?id=652
Imagine that you:
- Earn money without putting much effort into it
- Earn money doing what you like
- Always have at your disposal the amount necessary to satisfy some need
- Life regularly gives you the chance to participate in an interesting project with a big reward, win the lottery or other easy way to get extra money
It's as if money is literally circling around you and you only have to wish, just reach out to take the bill you need.
What do you get as a result of the training?
- A unique opportunity to quickly and effectively increase your income, and in a completely unusual way: the happier and easier you live, the greater your income
- Effective techniques for quickly getting out of a state of chronic tension and moving into a state of lightness and inner delight from the fact that your current life is so beautiful. You can then use these techniques for many years.
- A set of specially selected techniques for cleansing your body of bodily pressures and emotional blocks accumulated over the years, including a unique technique for quickly dissolving emotional blocks.
- Most likely, your body is now filled with emotional blocks. Do you know which ones are standing in the way of your financial goals? It is very easy to find out, but you have never paid your attention to them. Now you will learn to see these cues from your body and respond to them.
- Do you know how to recognize that the goal to which you so persistently strive is true and not false? Nothing is easier. You will do this as a matter of course.
- The most important thing is to create within yourself the expectation of an ever-increasing cash flow. Your Subconscious will catch this goal of yours and create the most favorable conditions for you along this path. This can be done in different ways, the simplest of which is to listen to a special mood in a special state of consciousness.
- During self-training, doubts always arise: “Am I completing the tasks correctly?” Seeing what questions other training participants ask and hearing the trainer’s answers to them is a condition for your successful independent work.
- By learning to independently get rid of internal blocks and program your Subconscious, you create a safe and prosperous future for yourself.
Details about the training: psymarket.ru/catalog/dengi/legkie_dengi_personalnyy_videotrening_aleksandra_sviyasha/?id=652

EASY MONEY (Personal video training by Alexander Sviyash )
Alexander Sviyash

Common situation?
Tatyana, 37 years old, head of a department in a transport company. Divorced, has a 13-year-old daughter. Lives in an apartment left after a divorce, with a mortgage. The ex-husband helps a little with money, but it is still not enough for a normal life. We have to endlessly squeeze and save. Tatyana is trying to pay off the loan faster. But money flows through our fingers in completely different directions. Either the car breaks down, then my daughter is seriously ill, then my mother has problems...

Tatyana was lost in thought. Look for another job with better pay? What if another job doesn’t live up to expectations? Start arranging your personal life in the hope that the man will contribute his share to the family budget? But where can you get this man when work and your daughter take up all your time?

To what extent does financial well-being seem unbearable to you?
95% of people are in this state.

The money seems to be coming, but with difficulty. Let us feel every ruble that we literally have to snatch from life. But the money goes away very quickly, literally scatters and there is not enough of it to satisfy all needs. The prospects for increasing earnings in your current position are illusory, it’s scary to look for something else - what if it gets worse? What to do in such a situation?
Is there an easy way out of this into another, more favorable financial “dimension”?

Imagine that you:
- Earn money without putting much effort into it
- Earn money doing what you like
- Always have at your disposal the amount necessary to satisfy some need
- Life regularly gives you the chance to participate in an interesting project with a big reward, win the lottery or other easy way to get extra money

It's as if money is literally circling around you and you only have to wish, just reach out to take the bill you need.

Are you interested in knowing if you will be able to make money more easily in the future than you do now?

Then be sure to read what is written below.

There are trainings on how to attract more money into your life. By investing a certain amount of time and money in internal transformation, transformation of consciousness, you can radically change your behavior strategy and achieve better financial results in life, investing less time and effort into it.

Why do you need to change a lot to improve your financial situation by at least 10%?

Do you want to save years of your life that would be spent reading hundreds of books and becoming familiar with dozens of theories on this topic?
Take just 30 seconds to discover a comprehensive list of ideas that explain the difficulty of moving a person to the next level of financial success.
So, why don’t you have as much money as you need, and even more so, want?
You were programmed incorrectly by your parents or society, and now you avoid money. To become richer, you need to change your limiting beliefs, and everything will change in the most miraculous way. Do auto training, and the money will appear on its own.
You have had personal negative experiences related to money, and now you unconsciously avoid them for fear of repeat troubles. This means you need to remove fear, and everything will change.
You have the wrong attitude towards money, its value in your life is not high enough, so you have little of it. Increase the value of money and you will have it.
It is beneficial for you to have your current income, so you unconsciously avoid any changes. Remove the hidden benefits of the current situation, and joyful changes will not keep you waiting.
You are too superficial about your financial goals, you are lazy, you don’t plan your activities, so nothing works out. Start planning, clearly define your personal goals, make a plan for their implementation, start taking action, and everything will be fine.
You lack self-confidence. Work on increasing your self-esteem, and everything will be great, your income will increase dramatically.
Your family is excommunicated from money due to the misdeeds of your ancestors.
You have accumulated bad karma, so in this life you are forced to live in poverty.

There are also motivational trainings, during which you pump up your energy in order to break through all the barriers to money. Some people actually manage to break through at first, but this doesn’t last long - in the end you become dependent on an external motivator. And if he left...
What's interesting is that ALL THIS REALLY HELPS!

However, why does all this help only a few?
Why do tens of thousands of people read books and attend trainings, but only a few of them actually improve their financial situation? What is missing?
This secret was known to representatives of ancient civilizations, including the ancient Hindus, who understood human nature much more than we do. More recently, it was “discovered” by American psychologists. Now he has reached us.
