Vadim Zeland how to make your wishes come true. A simple technique for making wishes come true from Vadim Zeland

I will not retell theories that prove our ability to shape the reality that surrounds us - “reality management” is too vast a field of information to retell it briefly. You will find everything about managing reality (or rather part of it, but undoubtedly the best part) in the articles published on our website.

At one time, the authors of the site were greatly impressed by the reality transurfing of Vadim Zeland. Having applied it to the achievements of modern psychotherapy, we found neither in Zeeland nor in his transurfing anything anti-scientific, nothing obviously charlatan and nothing... that would not have been said by other philosophers and other thinkers before Zeeland. More seditious ideas were expressed... But as Vadim Zeland said! Thanks to transurfing and Zealand for this.

Of course, Vadim Zeland as a commercial project seems to have exhausted itself, but this unfortunate fact does not detract from the value of the thoughts that were formulated earlier by the author of trannerfing.

Another popular direction is simoron, oxymoron and other variations. And here, as in the case of Vadim Zeland, there is nothing that would sound like an OBVIOUS heresy or that was cobbled together by a half-crazy fanatic of one idea. No no no! Oxymoron (simoron) is a very intelligent thing (so to speak) and books on simoron (for example, Lissy Moussa) are worth re-reading, worth returning to. And this is an indicator that there is something in them. A book that stands up to RE-READING is worth a lot.

By the way, I refer all readers to the preface by Lissy Moussa, which she herself wrote for her book “Here is your fulcrum.”

These are the theories that form the basis of “wish fulfillment techniques.”

“The textbook work of Konstantin Sergeevich Stanislavsky, the actor’s work on himself,” which is essentially a perfect program for personal growth, and not just a manual for the professional training of an actor.

Mikhail Chekhov's work "On the Actor's Technique" opens the way not only for the actor, but also for the magician."

Even the epigraph that Mikhail Chekhov chose for his book perfectly conveys the mood of the book:

“The one who enters the world of imagination feels younger and younger. Now he knows: it was reason that aged him mentally and made him so inflexible.”

Of course, I refer the Reader to these books that Lissy Moussa quotes.

Well, now let's look at the articles on our site. What can they tell you about techniques for fulfilling desires, about managing reality?

Start getting acquainted with the topic " " with this conceptual article "The Universe Doesn't Like to Argue"...

"Workshop on the Law of Attraction", from theory straight to practice. Everything is natural.

"Reality Tunnel", another theory under "", and what a theory! My favorite article on this topic.

And here is a specific exercise for managing reality "".

Again an exercise right after a portion of theory...

The “as if” lifestyle is again a theory that proves that managing reality is NOT a fake, invented for the simple-minded in order to extract commercial benefits.

"From the point of view of anthropologists who studied the ancient ways of man to control events, this is a typical example of the MAGIC OF CONTINUITY. When an object taken from another context attracts all its missing context into your life. Take the soil from the grave - the grave will come. Take a ball gown - an invitation will come to the ball... Who needs what."

That's it. Read the article about this “If there is a spacesuit, there will be travel.” At one time it caused a whole stream of discussions.

The article “How to tear off your own head and where to get a new one (with operating instructions)” is about how the magic of a name is connected with and what needs to be done in your specific case.

Read it. Note.

And finally, a series of articles about simoron - there’s nowhere more detailed.

Attention! This is about the famous "Yakal translation". If you are sad or have any complaints about the world, first of all, take a pen and paper and write a mini-essay (from 5 to 15 sentences) that will outline your pressing problem...

It's not easy for everyone sometimes,

Sometimes life seems to be in delirium,

But he waves his hand welcomingly

Good spectator in the ninth row.

This article is about how to get this “spectator” to be your friend...

Good luck, friends!

Write any thought form on a piece of paper:

I am a very charming person.
The inner light of charm, love and sex emanates from me.
I am a luminous being.
I attract men to me.
My man finds me.

Write whatever you want, if you already have a couple, you can write: “I have a Pleasant Appearance, I Look Attractive, and Every Day I’m getting Better and Better.” You will be very surprised how quickly reality reacts.

Thus, if the desire is related to health, then write that you are in excellent health, you can list what exactly is healthy in the body.

The particle "not" cannot be used. The thought form should be life-affirming. And no abstract and verbose wishes. Everything should be specific, concise and aimed at one goal.

Place a glass of water on this piece of paper. Rub your palms, move them like an accordion, imagine a dense clot like a balloon between your palms. This is your energy. Place your palms on the sides of the glass without touching it. Speak, out loud or to yourself, consciously and confidently, this thought form, imagining its meaning in your imagination if possible. Then drink water. Do this procedure in the morning, after waking up, and in the evening before going to bed. Your intention will be realized.

To do this, use only spring or melt water. You can do it like this:

Pour water into a container, put it in the freezer, freeze it, then set it to thaw, and when the top crust of ice below has already thawed, then remove the top ice and throw it away, and just pour the remaining water into a glass and meditate on it (and then drink it.

In one of the episodes of the Battle of Psychics, in which the psychic Mehdi Ebrahimi Vafa from Iran took part and ultimately won, a fairly simple ritual for the fulfillment of a wish sounded from his lips. This ritual is so simple that you can perform it at home yourself without any additional preparation.

If you have a positive effect from this method, be sure to share it in the comments to this article. So, below is the full text of the conspiracy without any distortion:

In a quiet room where you will not be disturbed, sit in front of a mirror. The mirror in this ritual provides a connection between the desired and the material. Place a glass of water next to the mirror. Water is your energy store. Light a candle. A candle is a good neutralizer of negative energy; it protects you from unwanted events. Take a glass of water in your left hand and say your wish for 10 minutes. Think about it as if it had already come true. Think about all the details, the details of your desire. Drink some water. This ritual must be repeated strictly once a week on the same day of the week and at the same time until the wish comes true. Mehdi advised saying the following as a wish: “I believe, I feel, I see that everything in my life will be fine.”

Many people know that water has amazing energy - it is capable of transmitting information, it can be “charged” for success and the fulfillment of desires.

There is only one condition - the water must be “purified”, not boiled, but ideally distilled or melt water. To enhance the energy of water, you can add a few drops of lemon juice to it.
Using this technique, you can solve some important issue for yourself, or use it to fulfill a desire. And the technique simply works perfectly to resolve relationship issues.
There are two options for working with this technique:

According to Vadim Zeland's method

  1. Take a glass of clean raw water and a clean sheet of paper. Write your wish with a pen on paper (we formulate it in the present tense).
  2. Place a piece of paper with a written wish under a glass of water. Bring your palms towards each other, but do not touch them.
  3. Mentally create a powerful clot of energy between your palms. Spin your “energy ball” as if compacting it. If you don’t manage to feel your clot of energy the first time, don’t be discouraged, after repeatedly performing the technique you will succeed.
  4. Mentally repeat your wish written on the sheet or read it.
  5. Place your palms on the sides of the glass of water, but do not touch the sides of the glass. Transfer the energy of desire into the water.
  6. Drink some water.

According to the Jose Silva method

  1. Before going to bed, pour a glass of clean water. Take it in your hands at the level of the solar plexus and hold it with 4 fingers - the glass should be held between the thumbs and index fingers of the left and right hands, the remaining fingers should be slightly spread.
  2. Mentally formulate your question or desire. For example, if you need to find a solution to a difficult work issue for which no thoughts come, formulate something like this: “Right now I’m looking for a solution to the question of how I can resolve a supply problem.” If this is a desire, then formulate it like this: “Now I am looking for a solution to the question of how I can get a new car (of such and such a make and color).”
  3. Close your eyes and slowly sip half a glass of water while saying, “That’s all I need to do to resolve this issue.”
  4. In the morning, when you wake up, drink the remaining half a glass of water and repeat the same.

The solution will come quickly and unexpectedly for you. For each desire or question you need to do the technique separately.
You can try both methods - both the Silva method and the Zealand method - as you like.

So, we take a notebook of 24 sheets, clearly formulate our desire (start with one), and within 21 days we write down the desire on each new piece of paper 21 times.

The desire should be formulated only in a positive context, in no case should there be denial. You should also write in the present tense: “I want a lot of money” is the wrong wording!

“I’m getting $10,000 to renovate my apartment soon” - that’s something like that.

If you dream of an apartment: “I’m moving into my own two-room apartment with new renovations and furniture” (add details at your own discretion).

Plus we add visualization - imagine this apartment: we walked through the rooms, opened the window, touched the wallpaper, sat on the sofa. Also, during the formation of a desire, you should experience joy, elation, and only strong positive emotions!

To make your wish come true as quickly as possible, let's add numerology.

We calculate our personal number by taking the day and month of birth and adding up the numbers. For example, July 25 = 2+5+7=14=1+4=5

Then we calculate the day when we need to start performing this ritual; to do this, we add sequential numbers from the date to our personal number.

Then we add up these numbers.

Total 5+6=11=1+1=2

Calculate the date when the number according to the above calculation will equal 1.

You cannot start keeping records on days 5, 7 and 9. 1 is the beginning, 9 is the end.

I hope you understand everything and try to carry out this ritual. Of course, the deadline for fulfillment depends on the magnitude of the desire, but with this ritual you will launch the mechanism for its fulfillment.

I wish all your wishes come true! Source Dreams come true!

Dreams do come true, and here's proof of it.

You know, dreams come true, and here's why...

  • Do you want to board a plane and fly far from home?
  • Do you dream of traveling to different countries and continents?
  • Do you want to have a prestigious job that brings you pleasure and a lot of money?
  • You want to get married successfully, have a child...
  • Or is your main goal today to be slim and beautiful?

Surprisingly, I was convinced in my own life that dreams come true! Moreover, even if at first glance they seem completely fantastic and impossible.

If a person’s dreams come true, then this is part of his life plans.

© Juliana Wilson

This is my favorite quote!

It represents 100% truth. And now, my dear reader, I will tell you how you can make your dreams come true into your life plans)))

Dreams Come True! And I know this for sure, since many of my desires have already become reality. This is what my blog is all about.

And with this article, I want to inspire you to fulfill your deepest desires! I will tell you the most exciting stories and share techniques for making your dreams come true)

Mantra of wish fulfillment. A very powerful mantra for wish fulfillment

When reading mantras, there is no need to think about the text or the meaning of the words. A necessary condition is the creation of vibration. You need to find the right rhythm of reading that will tune these vibrations within you. By joining the general energy flow, your words-messengers will soon return with a positive result. The number of readings is classic - 108 times. Mantras for desire need to be repeated from 20 days to a month. It will be better if at the beginning of practice you find a good audio recording. First time, listen and read at the same time. When you get into the right rhythm and feel inspired by it, you can read on your own. It is also necessary to take into account that in yoga there are feminine, neutral and masculine mantras. All of them are suitable for reading by both women and men. It is very important that you are able to break away from the surrounding reality and immerse yourself in the world of sounds. If you have been practicing reading for a long time, you can read them in your head. Think about what your ultimate dream is. This could be gaining financial well-being, strengthening the health of oneself or loved ones, the love and attention of a particular person. Usually, one is enough, the one you like best, or it’s easier for you to pronounce. But, in case of fulfillment of desires, it is better to read 2 mantras. Since most intentions require finances, you can combine reading a mantra for desire with a spell to attract wealth. For example, you want to go on a trip. To do this, you need financial well-being. In this case, read the mantra for desire 108 times. After this, read the money message any number of times, divisible by 3. Tune in to the positive and read.

Wish card. What it is

A do-it-yourself wish card or wish poster is the personification of our thoughts and desires, which are transferred to paper. Our Universe hears all our requests and is able to bring them to life! You can reach the heavenly office faster with the help of a card, since written down thoughts work and come to life much faster.

Creation Rules

A few of our tips will help you create the right message for your desires:

  1. A do-it-yourself wish card can consist only of pictures, or maybe of pictures and text. Here the choice is yours.
  2. All “wish lists” must be written in the present tense.

Incorrect: I want a new job. I want a new car.

Correct: I have a favorite job. I have a BMW car.

  1. The more details, the better. To make it come true, try to describe your desire in the smallest detail. If you simply ask for a “red car,” they may drive you an old and battered red Cossack. But you wanted a BMW!

Incorrect: I have a good job.

Correct: I work as an editor of my own program on Channel One and earn 300,000 rubles a month.

  1. You should not use particles “not” and “without”. The Universe does not perceive them and erases them. When you say, “I don’t want to be fat.” The Universe removes the “not” and interprets it as: “I want to be fat.”

Incorrect: I don't want to cry because of guys. I don't want a divorce. I do not want to be ill.

Correct: I am happy and loved by my boyfriend/husband. I am healthy, my body is always in good shape, and my mood is high.

  1. It's best to use your own photo. There should be no strangers on the wish map. When you ask for a new car, try to put your photo next to it. Only in the marriage sector is it appropriate to take a photo of you and your fiancé together.
  2. Ask for as many things as you need. If it's yours, it will definitely come to you.
  3. The wish card has no deadline. It can be done for a year, two, five years and even 10. It all depends on you.
  4. What to do with a wish card when all your wishes have come true? Thank you for the work and simply dispose of it.
  5. A do-it-yourself wish card is made on whatman paper, on an A4 sheet. You can simply write down your wishes in a notepad or notebook. The wish card can also be electronic. If you know Paint or Photoshop, then feel free to create a new project for your future.
  6. You can simply make a wish card in the Notes of your smartphone or download a special application. You can make a wish card on your phone using these applications:

Video Technique for making wishes come true “Glass of water”

Fulfillment of desires with the power of thought. How to make a wish come true with the power of thought

It is possible to fulfill desires with just the power of thought. You just need to know certain rules, and then everything will work out. The power of desire can turn any desire into reality.

In fact, the ability to make wishes come true with just the power of thought is a completely feasible task. But, as in any other business, here you need to know certain techniques and constantly practice. Of course, you may not succeed the first time, but don’t be upset. The more you work on yourself, the faster you will learn to get what you want just by thinking about it.

Practical rules for fulfilling desires with the power of thought

The most important rule in all practices is your true desire. When you clearly know what exactly you want, a corresponding signal will already be sent to the Universe: the action plan is ready. Higher Powers do not like vague formulations and hidden meanings, they simply do what you want. Therefore, before making a wish, decide whether you really want it and only then clearly formulate it. It’s even better to do it on paper - this way it will be easier for you to understand what to strive for and make what you want a goal.

It often happens that as soon as we think about something bad, it immediately comes true. But with positive changes you have to try much harder. Specialists in the field of bioenergy know what it is - the emotions that we experience during our thoughts.

Psychics say that fear is one of the most powerful emotions. Because of it, our negative thoughts come true more often than what we dream about. Therefore, in order for our wish to come true, we must want it very much and imagine how good it will be when all this comes true. Having understood your own fears, life becomes easier and much simpler.

The following condition is one of the most difficult to fulfill. The fact is that now the Internet is simply replete with information about positive thinking and the fact that your deepest desire should always be in your thoughts. However, this is not quite true.

According to this principle, you must let go of your desire. This is easier said than done, because having made a wish, we begin to really wait for it to come true, worry about it, constantly get nervous and count the minutes until it comes true. And then doubts and fears appear. It is they who ultimately block even the most favorable changes in life.

If you think negatively, achieving your goal will be very, very difficult. The point is that you should wish for what you want and continue to live as if nothing had happened. In such conditions, the Universe itself will give you a gift, pleasantly surprising you one day with the fact that, it turns out, the dream was not so unrealizable.

The power of thought is everywhere, it is not tied to anything, there are no barriers for it, there is no time or distance. Our thoughts are the greatest tool for fulfilling desires; the main thing is to learn how to use them. To do this, read affirmations, train your mind, let go of desires, enjoy life and of course do not forget to press the buttons and

It would seem, what could be simpler? Glass of water! Did you know that world science learned about clusters that combine water molecules that are capable of encoding and remembering information later than the first spaceship was built and then launched into space!

Water molecules can change their shape depending not only on mechanical action, but also through the “perception” of different energies. Water “feels” everything that happens around it. Ancient people knew about this feature.

Hermes is a famous character from ancient Greek history, whose teachings were jealously guarded; according to legend, he spoke his goals and desires to the cup of wine he held in his hand. I mentally drew them, after which I drank wine, bringing the energy of my desire to every cell of my brain.

But why go far? - our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew on a subconscious level about this property of the liquid and successfully used it in healing rituals: they read prayers, water spells.

These days, the most popular techniques using the power of water are:

  • method of Vadim Zeland, author of the famous Reality Transurfing;
  • technique proposed by Jose Silva and described in his books about the alpha state

Author of transurfing about fulfillment of desires

The “Glass of Water” wish fulfillment technique by Vadim Zeland is described in the book “Apocryphal Transurfing”. The structure of the book is questions from readers who have taken the author’s previous works as their guide in life, to which Zealand gives detailed answers.

A woman who is disappointed in intimacy without love wants sincerity, human communication, and a close relationship with her loved one. She asks the author for help. In response, the author cites the “Glass of Water” as a powerful technique for fulfilling desires.

  • You need to take a glass of clean water. We will write below about what the water should be like. Also take a piece of paper, a pen;
  • Formulate and write your desire (thought form, affirmation) in the following way: “I am beautiful, attractive in appearance, I am an interesting, versatile personality, attractive, charming, I enjoy great attention from the opposite sex, my man comes to me, we have sincere loved ones relationships” (this is if your goal is to meet your soulmate);
  • Place your piece of paper with your written wish under a glass of water. Bring your palms towards each other without touching. Feel a powerful clot of energy between your palms, roll this “energy ball”, as if compacting it. If you don’t immediately feel a dense clot of energy, don’t despair, experiment, after repeated practice you will succeed.
  • Mentally repeat your wish or read it, putting its meaning into the energy between your palms. Place your palms on the sides of the glass, but do not touch it. Transfer the energy of your dreams to water;
  • Drink the water to the bottom.
  • The exercise should be done in the morning and evening. Desires may be different, but at one time (for one glass of water) only one wish.
  • It is better not to use tap water or bottled water sold in the city, as it contains a lot of destructive energy. The best option would be melted, distilled or holy water;
  • Goals, desires (thought forms) can be anything: aimed at the professional field, financial issues, gaining health, self-development, strengthening, harmonizing relationships with loved ones. The wording should be life-affirming, clear, precise, concise, no vague, unclear phrases or half-phrases. The use of the particle “not” is prohibited.

Jose Silva's method on how water will solve your problems

But even earlier, a native of Mexico, who had never attended school, told the world about this technique. This, however, did not prevent him from gaining worldwide fame and creating an unprecedented method for developing mental capabilities: increasing one’s own IQ, healing, self-healing, and fulfillment of desires.

This man is Jose Silva. Here is his interpretation of the Glass of Water technique. A person is capable of programming not only his own consciousness, but also animals, as well as inanimate matter. Everything around is endowed with mutual perception of vibrations.

Using the “Glass of Water” technique, the consciousness is programmed for further easy resolution of any problems.

Initially, the “glass of water” technique according to the Silva method was developed specifically so that a person could independently and quickly find solutions to difficult situations. But it is also great for fulfilling desires. Let's get started.

  • Before going to bed, pour clean water into a glass. Take it in your hands at the level of the solar plexus and hold it with 4 fingers - hold the glass between the thumbs and index fingers of your left and right hands, the remaining fingers should be slightly spread;
  • Now the important point is that you need to mentally formulate your request. For example: “Now I’m looking for a solution to the problem of how I can quit smoking as quickly and easily as possible.” If we are talking about desire: “Now I am worried about the question of how I can easily and without harm to other areas of my life get a new job with a salary of 50,000 rubles. and above (or a new car indicating the brand, a new wardrobe"
  • Close your eyes, lifting your eyeballs slightly upward under your eyelids, drink half a glass in tiny sips, repeating: “This is all I need to do to solve my problem”;
  • Place the remaining half glass of water close to you, cover it and go to bed;
  • In the morning, after waking up, drink the water, repeating the same statement.

How does it work and why is the technique effective?

That same night or the next day, a simple, obvious solution to your problem will come to you in the form of a flash of insight or an unexpected thought. Why does this work?

The fact is that when a person drinks water and his eyes are closed, brain activity increases, as if the brain is trying to “figure out” what you swallowed. This increased brain activity paves the way for effective programming.

To make the technique more powerful, you can squeeze a little lemon juice into a glass of water. When you start drinking water, hold the glass exactly as described above.

Why will lemon juice be more effective? There is a scientific basis for this. Water, when acid enters it, becomes a much better conductor for energy. And the psychotropic energy that is involved in programming, like a bridge, passes into the water.

For each new problem, the technique must be performed anew. It has a particularly positive effect on problems related to human relationships.

With the help of a glass of water, the Silva method can not only find solutions to painful problems, but also successfully fulfill desires. The point, as you understand, is to program your own brain and transfer the necessary energy to it.

What the described methods have in common is the irrefutable property of liquid, and the human body, including the brain, as is known, consists of more than three-quarters of water, which also receives, remembers and encodes information.

So, before you make wishes or try to solve problems with the help of “external water,” take care of the liquid that is inside you. What energy and information does your “inner water” carry? Will there be any dissonance when performing the technique?

Make sure that it does not happen that the cells of your “inner water” carrying negative energy and negatively colored information neutralize the cells of the water charged with your dreams and intentions to cope with the problem. Think positively, bring a positive charge into the world. Good luck to you and may your wishes come true.

Among modern esoteric techniques and movements, Reality Transurfing stands out. Appearing in 2002, first as a mailing list on the Internet, and then in printed form, this trend immediately gained popularity for its accessible methods of materializing desires, easily achievable by an ordinary person. What is the essence of this direction? How, using the transurfing technique, can you achieve everything you have planned in life? And finally, is it as effective as advertised? Let's take a closer look at him.

So, imagine that the Universe has a certain information structure called the space of options. This space includes everything that was, is and will happen to every person in the world. Moreover, this space has all sorts of options for the development of events that can happen to every person. Who created this space and why is the second question to which there is no exact answer. The main thing for us is that this space exists, and we can choose whatever we want from it. This fundamental statement is the basis of transurfing. For example, you passionately want a new Mercedes. In the space of options, there is a scenario where you own this car. But now you want a new Ford. And this option is there. There's even an option where you own a brand new Maserati or Bentley, even if you're only making $200 a month right now. All you have to do is decide to choose this option and get it. "But how?" - you ask. Let's go into more detail here.

To realize a certain scenario, it is necessary to attract this variant so that it is realized in our objective reality. This is achieved surprisingly simply - you just need to visualize the desired option every day. Every day for at least half an hour you think about the desired subject, about the result you need in developing relationships with loved ones or colleagues. Universal flows, passing through your consciousness, receive a kind of energy charge, enter the space of options and “open” such a cell from it, where the option you need is located (where you own a Bentley). This cell with its own version of the development of events becomes on the line of your life, forming it. This way you can shape your destiny BY YOURSELF. Agree - are there any differences from the fatalistic idea of ​​human destiny, common in most modern religions and movements? A person becomes his own master, shapes his own life line, his own destiny, but he himself becomes responsible for it, without shifting this responsibility to God, nature, circumstances or other people.

From the point of view of religious people, reality transurfing may seem like a heretical teaching that denies the influence of God on our lives. But let's think: perhaps, in fact, God created this information space so that man could independently create his own destiny, creating his own reality, becoming like the Father, in whose image and likeness he was created. Crying in church, asking God to do a miracle and improve your financial situation or give you health is an activity unworthy of such a powerful creation as man. We have the power to materialize our desires ourselves, to make them come true and to enjoy the role of creator of our own destiny, so why not use them? After all, these possibilities are invested in us by a higher power, no matter what it is called, and it is unlikely that this was done by accident... But whatever the philosophical background of this trend, thousands of readers were convinced that it is effective. Here are some examples.

Sergey, 35 years old, security guard.

I didn't have a home phone in my apartment for a long time. It was not possible to install it even at a commercial price, since there was no free space in the house. I decided to use the transurfing technique to realize this desire. For three months I imagined how every day the phone rings in my apartment, I pick up the receiver and talk. And then, one day, a notice was posted at the entrance that after replacing the old telephone exchange with a new one, twenty connection points remained free. In general, whoever has time will connect. The rest was a matter of technique. I can say with confidence that transurfing is not a myth, it really works!

Ivan Dmitrievich, 54 years old, entrepreneur.

When I decided to sell my Zhiguli and buy a Japanese car, I didn’t know which brand and model to choose. But he knew exactly what characteristics this car should have: roomy, at the same time compact, inexpensive, economical in terms of fuel consumption. For 2 months I used the transurfing technique so that I could get exactly the car I needed, although I didn’t even know what it looked like. As a result, we came to the car market, walked around it twice and could not choose. Suddenly a Toyota Fan Cargo stops nearby. We looked at it and by all characteristics it is the same car that I imagined. Even the amount was exactly right - the owner made a discount of 10 thousand rubles. Then I became convinced: transurfing is a real force that can do anything.

It is impossible to give all the examples - their list is endless, even a whole book would not be enough. Of course, desire alone is not enough for such effective materialization. But a more detailed analysis of the presentation technique with all the subtleties is given in books and manuals on the transurfing technique, as well as at seminars on teaching this unique technique.

In general, to be precise, there are many techniques similar to transurfing, and many of them are based on ancient teachings and occult schools. For example, we can safely say that such a technique may well come from the ancient teachings of the Toltecs, dating back more than 10,000 years. The modern reader may have heard of such a teaching. For a long time, the Toltec teachings were unknown to the public, but in the second half of the 20th century it became available thanks to a series of books by Carlos Castaneda. One of the main provisions of the Toltecs is that a person has a so-called “assemblage point” of all energy lines. The position of this point (which is essentially the center that determines a person’s perception of the outside world and himself) determines what kind of world a person sees in front of him and what place he occupies in his own world. By changing the position of the assemblage point, involving new lines in it, it is possible to transfer ourselves to another scenario where our desire is realized and the goal is achieved. The ancient Toltec sorcerers used similar techniques to change themselves and gain control over their perceptions. Transurfing reality is a direction that is easy to use and understand, undoubtedly derived from the techniques of shifting and fixing the assemblage point, only with a narrower purpose. It serves to materialize any desire, be it a material object or a life situation. With transurfing, everything becomes possible, even what seemed impossible. But when you get everything you planned, what will you do next?...

You are the Creator of your reality. You have already taken the helm of the ship called “My Life” in your hands and are ready to set course for the desired shores. Where to begin? We suggest that you first make sure once again that you have taken the right course for you - towards your true desires - and then use 2 main tools to manage your reality. And let only fair winds accompany your ship!

How to find your true desires?

Choosing a course of movement

What is the purpose of our life? How can we distinguish our true desires from those that society imposes on us? How can I understand where is mine, the real one, and where is the unconscious desire for other people’s ideals? These questions have been and remain some of the most pressing in our world. Often people live more than half of their lives and, it seems, everything is going well for them: they have a prestigious job, wealth, children, a well-established life... But suddenly a gnawing feeling of dissatisfaction appears inside. And over time, they cease to understand - why all this, what is the meaning, why was this whole path traveled?

We would like to remind you once again that your real goals are always known by your soul, that is, your inner self. But in the frantic pace of modern life, few of us listen to ourselves. Often we are guided only by the voice of reason, which constantly gives rise to streams of thoughts, ideas, options, decisions... And in the everyday bustle we simply forget about our true needs. A clear example of this: many people have great difficulties with such a simple task at first glance - writing a list of 100 wishes! After the 10th point, their imagination runs out. Try to do this practice right now - be bold in your desires, do not analyze them with your brain - try to listen to what comes from within you, from your soul. These can be the simplest desires and goals, for example, to go ice skating, sing your favorite song out loud, or read a book in a cozy cafe with a cup of tea. Or maybe you want to go horseback riding, take an art class, or spend an evening playing board games with your family.

The realization of even such simple desires will gradually allow you to learn to hear your soul, and then it will declare more significant goals and tell you about your true purpose. You will connect with yourself and realize what unique qualities you are called to bring to this world, how you can express yourself and put all your talents into practice. But to do this, you will have to go beyond the generally accepted stereotypes and patterns of behavior that tell you: “you need to get a higher education, you need to start a family, you need to have children urgently, you definitely need to buy your own apartment...” and understand whether you are in the right direction you move through life.

To find your purpose, it is also useful to expand your comfort zone, choose new activities and ways to relax. Start with the ones you've listed on your 100 wish list. Learn to dance salsa, dye your hair a bright color, get a pet, go on a trip to a place you have long dreamed of visiting, play sports. Follow the dictates of your inner voice, not your mind. And be sure to notice all the signs that come your way - for example, an advertising booklet with rock climbing classes or online photography courses. Close your eyes and feel - does your soul respond, is there an internal response, do you want to try yourself in this?

How to make wishes come true?

Tool #1 – Intention

When you have identified all your true goals, you are faced with a logical question - how to start turning them into reality? Transurfing has special tools for this. The first and most important is. We do not make wishes and do not dream that goals will come true - we formulate an Intention. Because desires and dreams are something ephemeral, non-specific, foggy and blurry. And Intention is the determination to have and act; this is precisely our right to control our destiny, which we return to ourselves by embarking on the path of a transferer.

And we write down each of our goals in the form. This is a positive statement in the present or present continuous tense, consisting of 5-6 sentences. You should write as if your goal has already been realized and you have already received everything you wanted. In the first person, without negative particles “not”, without using the names of specific people.

The intention must be set towards something, that is, you must go towards a specific goal - and not from the opposite. For example, you want to go on a trip, but you don’t have the opportunity due to numerous debts and loans. In this case, your intention will be the journey itself, and not getting rid of debts and getting money.

Example of Intention: “I live with my beloved, loving husband (wife), I live and enjoy life, I realize my true goal, I live in my own country house, with joy, in a state of inspiration.”

Your Intention should inspire you, be as clear and specific as possible, without contradictions and without forcing other people to take any actions. Also note that it must contain an “order” for the implementation of your goal only for you, and not for someone else.

Tool #2 – Target Slides

Another tool for achieving your goals is goal slides. – a bright and detailed picture in your imagination that your goal has already been achieved. You paint it in all the colors and details in your imagination, watch “your movie” and be sure to place yourself in this picture as the main character. You yourself are the director, the cameraman, and the actor of your film.

If yours is your own cottage outside the city, take a mental walk through all its rooms, and at the same time pay attention to everything: what paintings are hanging on the walls, what furniture is in the living room, what kind of slippers you have, what you are wearing, whether there are are there pets...?

And now that your target slide is ready, return to it as often as possible, play it in your thoughts, hold it in the background and visualize it. Please note: these are not empty dreams, this is specific, purposeful work with your Intention. This is one of the ways to control your destiny and move closer to your desired life line from the Space of Options. In this case, to the one where you are the owner of a luxurious country house.

So, in order to make all your desires and dreams come true, you must first make sure that these are really your true goals, really what your soul wants. After which the time has come to formulate an intention, that is, to abandon vague hopes and dreams - and clearly, decisively proclaim your desire, to take for yourself the bold right to have and act. Intention is the number one tool of Transurfing for realizing your plans. The second tool is target slides. Working with them, you bring the fulfillment of all your desires and goals closer.

Do you want to master the basic tools of Transurfing to realize all your goals in practice in a short time - faster than a month? Very soon we will start, which is dedicated precisely to the search for the true desires of the soul, working with Intention and other effective tools with which you can not only choose, but also set your reality!

  • You will make Transurfing a way of life, and your life will become easier, more exciting and more enjoyable.
  • You will master all the basic concepts of Transurfing in practice and receive a set of techniques that you can apply in different areas: relationships, work, money, health, self-realization.
  • You will begin to solve all problems and difficulties as if playfully.

Tufte techniques are also waiting for you, which you will practice:

  1. Learn not only to manage the existing reality, but also to create a completely new, any reality!
