Who was the first to receive the Nobel Peace Prize? Who received the Nobel Prize this year and for what?

Probably, only humanity’s desire for self-expression and heroic deeds contributes to the emergence of unusually tenacious initiatives. So a gentleman named Nobel took it and decided to leave his money to his descendants in order to reward gentlemen who had distinguished themselves in one field or another. He rested in the damp earth for a long time, but the people remember him. The population is waiting (some impatiently) for the next lucky ones to be announced. And the candidates try, set goals, even intrigue, trying to ascend to this Olympus of glory. And if everything is clear with scientists and researchers - they receive their awards for real achievements or discoveries, then what makes the Nobel Peace Prize laureates stand out? Interesting? Let's figure it out.

Who awards the prize and for what?

There is a special committee whose main task is to select and approve
candidates for the field's highest honor. The Nobel Peace Prize is awarded to people who have distinguished themselves in promoting security and stability on the planet. It is issued annually. The procedure takes place in Oslo, on the tenth of December. At the same time, both international organizations and national governments can nominate a candidate to become a laureate. They are listed in the Committee Charter. Any person who was or is a member of the Nobel Committee is also eligible to participate in the nomination process. In addition, the Charter grants such privileges to university professors involved in politics or history.

When studying who received the Nobel Peace Prize, they inevitably come across the name of another political figure whose activities do not cause criticism. Such a person is Tenzin Gyatso, the Dalai Lama. This is an absolutely outstanding personality. From an early age he was forced to take on spiritual leadership. Buddhists recognized the boy as the incarnation of the deceased lama. Subsequently, he had to take on political responsibility for Tibet (at the age of sixteen). All his work is based on kindness, tolerance and love (from the formulation of the Nobel Committee). It should be added that he was unable to reach an agreement with the Chinese government. Now he lives and pursues his ideas in exile.

It turns out that not everything is so simple!

There are also very controversial winners of this high award. The committee is often criticized for being too politicized. Residents of the post-Soviet space see Mikhail Gorbachev as such a figure. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to such a controversial figure from the point of view of the world community as Yasser Arafat.

This decision of the Committee is considered scandalous on the grounds that this laureate did not deny military ways to achieve his goals. On his account not only battles, but also terrorist attacks. He himself declared his goal to be the destruction of an entire sovereign state (Israel). That is, despite the fact that Arafat fought for the well-being of the people of the Middle East, it is difficult to assign him the title of peacemaker. Another scandalous figure is Barack Obama. The Nobel Peace Prize was awarded to him in 2009. It must be said that the Committee had to come to terms with a barrage of criticism regarding this decision.

More about Obama

There is still an opinion in the world press that the President of the States was awarded the award “in advance”. At that time, he had just taken office and had not yet distinguished himself in anything significant. And the initiatives and decisions that he subsequently made do not at all explain why he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Obama is considered the president who started the most military conflicts. Their victims are incalculable due to the “hybrid nature” of these clashes (a term that has appeared quite recently). He had to make decisions about bombing and ground operations. He is criticized for the invasion of Syria, unrest in Iraq and Ukraine. Nevertheless, Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize and is among its laureates.

This “advance reward” leads to more and more scandals. As tensions arise, some political figures are calling for the award to be revoked. There is an opinion that such unpeaceful behavior disgraces the high bonus. In the Russian Federation, naturally, they believe that V.V. Putin is a more worthy candidate. The Nobel Peace Prize may yet be awarded to him for the true tenacity he shows in resolving conflicts.

About money

People are often interested not so much in the achievements of the individuals awarded this award, but in its amount. The Nobel Peace Prize can truly boggle the mind. The fact is that all the Committee’s funds do not just sit in financial institutions. They “work” by increasing in size. According to the will, the profit is divided into five parts. They are not the same and are becoming more and more impressive in size from year to year. Thus, the very first amount awarded in 1901 was equal to forty-two thousand dollars. In 2003, the amount was already 1.35 million. Its size is influenced by the state of the world economy. Dividends that go towards payments can not only increase, but also decrease. For example, in 2007 the bonus amount was 1.542 million, and by 2008 it “melted” ($1.4 million).

These funds are distributed in five equal shares according to nominations, and then according to the number of laureates, in accordance with the rules according to which the Nobel Peace Prize is awarded. How much money will be spent on awards each year is determined by the Committee, having carried out appropriate calculations of earnings from securities and other assets.

Russian laureates

Our fellow citizens have received such an award only twice. In addition to Gorbachev, the scientist Andrei Sakharov was awarded this honor. However, it was not his scientific works that became the reason for awarding the prize. Sakharov was considered a human rights activist and a fighter against the regime. During Soviet times, he was subjected to harsh criticism and persecution. The scientist worked on the creation of hydrogen weapons. Despite this, he openly advocated a ban on testing weapons of mass destruction and against the arms race. His ideas were very popular in society and were not at all liked by the ruling elite.

Sakharov is generally considered a passionate advocate of peace who suffered for his views. The Nobel Committee used the wording: “for courage in the fight against abuse of power...”. Nevertheless, he was rather an idealist, a kind and non-aggressive person (according to the recollections of his colleagues). More Russians have never received a high award, which does not mean that there are no worthy individuals living in our country. Rather, this fact can be perceived as the Committee’s political engagement, the use of the award in geopolitical competition.

Who didn't receive the award, but deserves it?

Many politicians believe that Mahatma Gandhi, more than any other figure, deserved a high award. This man was involved in organizing the struggle of Indians against the colonialists. Gandhi not only had to come up with ways in which a weak and unarmed population could resist the British army, but they also had to be related to the peculiarities of the local religion. This method was invented by him. It was called nonviolent resistance and is often used today. Mahatma Gandhi was proposed to the Committee five times. Only there were “more worthy” candidates (which again can be explained by the politicization of this organization). Subsequently, officials responsible for awarding the Nobel Prize expressed their regret that Gandhi never became a laureate.

Incidents of the Nobel Committee

There are such incredible things in the history of this organization that today can only be perceived anecdotally. So, as you know, none other than Adolf Hitler was nominated for this award in 1939. Fortunately, he did not receive the Nobel Peace Prize. And it's not about money. What would be the prestige of an organization that would call a peacemaker a person responsible for the death of millions of people on our planet? The Nobel Committee refused to award it, motivating its decision by the Nazis' attitude towards Jews.

Nevertheless, during his nomination, Hitler’s activities looked quite progressive to the German intelligentsia. He had just concluded two major peace agreements, was boosting industry, and caring about the development of science and art. Nowadays people understand to what extent Hitler's claims to the award were absurd and unfounded. But at that time, the people of Germany perceived him as a real leader, leading them to a bright life. Yes, to some extent this was true. He really cared about the Germans, only at the expense of people of other nationalities. To the credit of the members of the Nobel Committee, they understood this and rejected his candidacy for the prize.

Collective laureates

This award has been awarded three times to organizations associated in one way or another with the Red Cross. If we take into account the first laureate - its organizer, then four. It should be noted that this international organization undoubtedly deserves such high praise. Its representatives always find a field for activity. Whether in areas of bloody conflicts or epidemics, they often find themselves at the center of events, lending a much-needed hand of support to unfortunate people in distress. By the way, the UN won the prize once (2001); its peacekeeping forces (1988) and its refugee service (1981) were previously recognized. Among the not very well-known laureate organizations is the International Labor Organization (1969). Perhaps we don’t hear about the wave because a lot of time has passed since its influence in the world was so great that it received an award.

There are many winners of this serious award. The names of some went down in history with courage and bravery, others with scandals and intrigues. Still others are not remembered at all. Nevertheless, people want this award to fall into the hands of truly worthy individuals, regardless of the political situation.


The creator of the prize, Alfred Nobel, was an avid pacifist, which did not stop him from amassing an impressive capital from the arms trade and the invention of dynamite. He believed that the very presence of dangerous weapons should intimidate the enemy, preventing wars, terrorist attacks and bloodshed. The epiphany was painful. When the newspapers buried Alfred Nobel ahead of schedule, confusing him with his brother Ludwig, who died in St. Petersburg, he was greatly surprised by the morning headlines: “Death Merchant,” “Bloody Rich Man,” “Dynamite King.” In order not to go down in history as a millionaire on blood, Alfred Nobel immediately called a lawyer and rewrote his will, which stated that after death, all multimillion-dollar property should be placed in a reliable bank and entrusted to a foundation that would divide the income from investments into five equal parts and award them annually as a bonus . The idea was a success: now few people remember who invented dynamite, but even a child knows about the Nobel Prize.


Initially, the prize was awarded in five categories: chemistry, physics, medicine, literature and achievements in peacekeeping. Later, in 1969, the Swedish Bank also added an economics bonus to this list. Since the field of economics was not listed in the will, it is awarded not from the Nobel Foundation, but from the Swedish Bank Foundation, but at the Nobel Prize ceremony. Nobel's descendants do not support adding an economic field to the prize. “Firstly,” they say, “the whole meaning of the prize is destroyed. If it is named after Nobel, then it should be awarded only in those areas that Nobel himself listed in his will. Secondly, Nobel simply did not like economists and bypassed their attention in the will is not accidental."


In terms of current exchange rates, when converting Nobel's movable and immovable property into cash equivalent, the fund received about $250 million. Part of the capital was immediately invested in securities, and prizes were awarded to the laureates from the profits. The fund's current wealth is $3 billion. Despite the growth of the capital of the Nobel Prize fund, in 2012 it was decided to cut it by 20% (from 1.4 million to 1.1 million dollars). Such a move, according to the directors of the fund, will help create a reliable financial cushion and ensure a high monetary level of the bonus for many years.


The prize was very rarely awarded to anyone a second time. In all the years of its existence, this happened only 4 times. Federic Segner received both prizes in chemistry, John Bardeen - in physics, Linus Pauling - in chemistry and the Peace Prize. The only woman to receive two Nobel Prizes was Marie Skłodowska-Curie.

Maria Skłodowska-Curie

Stanley Williams, leader of the Crips gang, was nominated for the Nobel Prize 9 times: as a writer and as a humanitarian. Initially, the Crips group opposed police lawlessness on the streets of Los Angeles, but when it grew, it was responsible for several police deaths and, for some reason, a bank robbery. Stanley Williams was arrested and sentenced to death. The books that Stanley wrote while in prison became bestsellers, and he even received a US Presidential Award. This still did not pity the heart of California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, and in 2005 the leader of the Crips gang was executed.


Many people know that the Nobel Prize is not awarded in the field of mathematics. Many are also sure that the reason for this is Nobel’s beloved, who went to see the mathematician. Indeed, in the will, mathematics was initially included in the list of fields in which the prize was awarded, but was later crossed out by Nobel himself. In fact, there is no evidence of a romantic story associated with Nobel's refusal to give a prize to mathematicians. It is more likely that the main contender for the prize in mathematics before Nobel's death was Mittag-Leffler, whom the founder of the prize had long disliked for his annoying solicitation of donations for Stockholm University. Deciding to be true to himself and not give Mittag-Leffler money, Nobel crossed mathematics off the list and replaced it with the Peace Prize.


The banquet is held immediately after the awards ceremony in the Blue Hall of Stockholm City Hall. The chefs from the town hall restaurant and the best chefs, who were awarded the title “Chef of the Year” in the year of the award, are involved in preparing the festive dinner. Three months before the banquet, members of the Nobel Committee taste three types of menu and decide which one is worthy of being treated to guests at the banquet. Ice cream is traditionally served for dessert, but its type is kept a closely guarded secret until the evening of the ceremony.

The hall is decorated with more than 20,000 flowers from San Remo, and the movements of the waiters are rehearsed down to the second. Exactly at 7 pm, the guests of honor, led by the monarchs, descend into the Blue Hall. The Swedish king is holding a Nobel laureate on his arm, and if there is none, then the wife of a physics laureate.

The banquet service has its own unique design: it is made in three colors of the Swedish Empire style: blue, green and gold and consists of 6750 glasses, 9450 knives and forks, 9550 plates and one tea cup for Princess Liliana, who did not drink coffee. After the princess's death, the cup was kept in a special mahogany box with the princess's monogram. The saucer from the cup was stolen not long ago.


Most often, the name of Alfred Nobel is immortalized by astronauts. In 1970, the International Astronomical Union named a crater on the Moon after Alfred Nobel, albeit on its dark side. And in 1983, asteroid number 6032 was named in his honor.


If there are no worthy candidates for a prize in any field, it is simply not awarded. This happened five times with the medicine prize, four times with the physics prize, and most of all with the Peace Prize. According to the rules adopted in 1974, the prize can only be awarded during the lifetime of the laureate. The rule was broken only once, in 2011, when medical laureate Ralph Stayman died of cancer two hours before the presentation.


The cash equivalent of the award is variable, but usually amounts to more than a million US dollars. Not every scientist spends such a sum on the development of his scientific research. Ivan Bunin, with all the scope of his Russian soul, spent money on parties. The poet René François Armand Sully-Prudhomme organized his own prize, which was not as successful as the Nobel Prize, but existed for six years and was awarded to masters of poetry. The Hungarian writer Irme Kertész gave his prize to his wife, thus appreciating her heroic loyalty to him in difficulties and poverty. “Let her buy herself dresses and jewelry,” the writer commented on his decision, “she deserves it.”

Paul Greengard, who researched the relationship between nerve cells, which later led to the creation of antidepressants, used the award money to create his own Pearl Meister Greengard award. It is often presented as an analogue of the Nobel Prize for women, because in the scientific world, according to Greenard, there is enormous discrimination against women. The scientist dedicated the award to his mother who died during childbirth.


The most controversial and politically charged of the six areas in which the prize is awarded is the Peace Prize. At different times, such undisputed villains as Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin were nominated for the award.

Last year, in 2014, Vladimir Putin was nominated for it. Seventeen-year-old Malala Yusufai from Pakistan, who took victory from Putin, became the youngest Nobel Prize winner. Her fight for girls' education in Islamic countries led to worldwide recognition and a prestigious award. Radical Islamic groups declared jihad (holy war) on the girl and immediately after the award they tried to kill her, but Malala survived and continues to fight for women’s rights to education.

Unlike all other areas, the Peace Prize is awarded not in Stockholm, but in Oslo.

The next Nobel week opened on October 3 in the Swedish capital of Stockholm. The Nobel Committee has already announced the laureate in the field of physiology and medicine. Tomorrow and on other days the winners in physics, chemistry, economic sciences, literature, and the Nobel Peace Prize will be announced. Who has already received the prize, why is it given, and will Russian scientists receive the prize this year? Details are in the material Federal News Agency.

How to get a Nobel Prize

Over the course of a week, the world community will learn the names of laureates in various fields of science. This year the number of Nobel Prize nominees is a record - almost 380 people; last year there were a hundred fewer. The committee keeps the names of the nominees strictly confidential, but some information was still leaked to the media. It is known, for example, that a former US intelligence agent is competing for the Peace Prize Edward Snowden and even Pope Francis.

How to get a Nobel Prize? The answer is simple: pass the selection. It is not easy and consists of several stages. Moreover, most of the selection stages are classified, and it is possible to learn about the criteria for selecting a particular scientist only after 50 years. It is known that initially several thousand prominent scientists from different countries are looking for applicants, who are sent personal invitations. Then the list narrows greatly and reaches the Nobel committees. Each committee consists of five members nominated by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Karolinska Institutet, the Swedish Academy and the Peace Committee. They are the ones who determine the winner. The prize is awarded only to a living person, although if he dies after the announcement of the results, but before the actual presentation, he will still be considered a laureate.

Every year, various agencies try to predict who will win the Nobel Prize based on research citation rankings. However, the percentage of hits is small, but experts still try. In particular. This year, the victory in the “Medicine” category is given in advance to one of the works of scientists who are trying to replace chemotherapy with immunotherapy.

Who received it last year

The fundamental ideas of scientists about the Universe were destroyed by the Japanese Takaaki Kazhita and Canadian Arthur MacDonald, who showed that the smallest neutrino particle has mass, and received the Nobel Prize in Physics. The Swede was awarded the Chemistry Prize for joint research on DNA restoration. Thomas Lindahl, American Paul Modric and Turk Aziz Sankar. British professor wins Nobel Prize in Economics Angus Deaton, who has done extensive work in research on consumption, welfare and poverty

Finally, the Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to the writer from Belarus Svetlana Alexievich, and the Peace Prize winner was the National Dialogue Quartet in Tunisia.

Nobel Prize Laureate 2016

This year, the first Nobel Prize laureate in the field of physiology or medicine was a professor from Japan Yoshinori Ohsumi. He discovered the mechanism of autophagy. This terrible word hides the process of self-destruction of cell parts due to lysosomal degradation. More than 20 years ago, a scientist discovered genes that are responsible for the autophagy process and began his research.

Osumi is already 71 years old, he is a doctor of science from the University of Tokyo and has received numerous awards in biology. He became the 25th Japanese laureate to receive the Nobel Prize. The monetary reward for winning is eight million crowns or 932 thousand dollars. In total, the prize in the field of medicine was awarded 106 times. The youngest laureate in 1923 was a Canadian doctor. Frederick Banting. He was 32 years old when he discovered insulin. The oldest recipient is an American pathologist. Payten Rose: At the age of 87 he discovered oncogenic viruses.

Nobel Prize - Russians

It was the field of physiology and medicine that brought the first Nobel Prize to Russian scientists. In 1904, Ivan Pavlov received an award for his work on the physiology of digestion, essentially creating the science of higher nervous activity. Everyone remembers his experiments on dogs. Four years later, Russian embryologist and immunologist Ilya Mechnikov received a prize in this category. Together with a German doctor Paul Ehrlich He was awarded the Nobel Prize for his work on immunity. If a little more broadly, he was able to show his contemporaries how the body manages to defeat harmful microbes that, it would seem, have already taken hold inside.

In terms of the total number of Nobel laureates, the United States is in the lead - 359 people, the UK is second - 121 people, Germany is third - 104. Russia has only 27 laureates. One of them, a writer Boris Pasternak, at first agreed to accept the award, but then, under pressure from the Soviet authorities, refused it.

The 2018 Nobel Peace Prize winners were Congolese doctor Denis Mukwege and Iraqi human rights activist Nadia Murad. The Nobel Committee awarded them the award for their efforts in combating wartime sexual violence.

Previously they were awarded the Sakharov Prize. Denis Mukwege received this award in 2014, and Nadia Murad in 2016.

Denis Mukwege is a gynecologist from the Congo who has dedicated much of his life to protecting victims of sexual violence. Mukwege and his staff treated thousands of patients affected by such attacks in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The Nobel laureate has repeatedly condemned impunity for mass rape and criticized the Congolese government and other countries for not doing enough to stop sexual violence against women during armed conflicts. Denis Mukwege's core principle is that "justice is everyone's business."

Denis Mukwege

Iraqi Yazidi human rights activist Nadya Murad is one of about 3,000 girls and women who have been victims of rape and other abuses by the Islamic State terrorist group. Terrorists use sexual violence as a weapon against Yazidis and other religious minorities. After escaping from the Islamic State, Nadia Murad decided to speak openly about the suffering she experienced. The woman showed extraordinary courage in speaking out on behalf of other victims. In 2016, at just 23 years old, she was named the first UN Goodwill Ambassador for the Dignity of Trafficked People.

Who are the Yazidis? This is one of the nationalities. Yazidis mainly live in northern Iraq, as well as in several countries in the Middle East and the Caucasus. They profess Yazidism and speak the Kurmanji dialect of the Kurdish language. In Iraq they had long been persecuted - firstly because they were Kurds, and secondly because they were non-Muslim Kurds, that is, a minority within a minority. In particular, the city of Sinjar suffered the most from the attacks. Terrorists entered the city in August 2014. 90% of Yazidis left their homes and went to other countries. Thousands of women were captured by the ID. After Kurdish forces liberated Sinjar in 2015, mass graves of Yazidis were found there. The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights has recognized the persecution of the Yazidis as genocide.

Nadya Murad

The 2018 list of nominees included 331 candidates: 216 individuals and 115 organizations. This is the second largest number of candidates after 2016.

Important: On September 18, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine nominated him for the Nobel Peace Prize. An illegally convicted Ukrainian went on hunger strike in a Russian prison for almost 145 days. However, according to the rules, a Ukrainian director can only be included in the list of nominees in 2019. After all, nominations must be submitted before February 1 of the year of award.

Let us remind you that Nobel Week began in the capital of Sweden, Stockholm, on October 1. The award winners were:

  • in medicine and physiology– James P. Alison and Tasuku Khondji for discovery;
  • – Arthur Ashkin, Gerard Mourou and Donna Strickland for “breakthrough achievements in the field of laser physics.”
  • in chemistry– Francis Arnold, George Smith and Gregory Winter for development.

On October 8, the winner of the Prize in Economics in Memory of Alfred Nobel will be named in Stockholm. will not be handed over. The award ceremony will traditionally take place on December 10, the day of Alfred Nobel’s death.

What's happened ? This is a prestigious international award given annually for outstanding scientific research, revolutionary inventions or contributions to culture or society. The prize was established by the Swedish scientist Alfred Nobel, who invented dynamite. He bequeathed his fortune (SEK 31.5 million) to finance the award. The annual income from his legacy is divided into 5 equal parts among the laureates. The Nobel Prize has been awarded for more than 100 years, since 1901.

Who received the Nobel Prize.

Tamm Igor Evgenievich "For the discovery and interpretation of the Cherenkov effect."
Frank Ilya Mikhailovich "For the discovery and interpretation of the Cherenkov effect."
Cherenkov Pavel Alekseevich “For the discovery and interpretation of the Cherenkov effect.”
Landau Lev Davydovich "For pioneering theories of condensed matter, especially liquid helium."
Basov Nikolai Gennadievich “For fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which led to the creation of emitters and amplifiers based on the laser-maser principle.”
Prokhorov Alexander Mikhailovich “For fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics, which led to the creation of emitters and amplifiers based on the laser-maser principle.”
Kapitsa Pyotr Leonidovich "For his basic research and discoveries in low temperature physics."
Alferov Zhores Ivanovich “For the development of semiconductor heterostructures for high-speed optoelectronics.”
Abrikosov Aleksey Alekseevich “For the creation of the theory of superconductivity of the second kind and the theory of superfluidity of liquid helium-3.”
Ginzburg Vitaly Lazarevich "For the creation of the theory of superconductivity of the second kind and the theory of superfluidity of liquid helium-3."
Konstantin Novoselov, University of Manchester (Chemistry) "for pioneering experiments in the study of the two-dimensional material graphene."
Andrei Konstantinovich Geim, head of the Manchester Center for “mesoscience and nanotechnology”, head of the department of condensed matter physics “for pioneering experiments in the study of the two-dimensional material graphene.” True, at the time he was awarded the Nobel Prize, he did not have Russian citizenship, and when he was invited by the director of the international cooperation department of the Skolkovo Foundation, Alexem Sitnikov, Game refused.
Bunin Ivan Alekseevich "For the strict skill with which he develops the traditions of Russian classical prose."
Pasternak Boris Leonidovich "For significant achievements in modern lyric poetry, as well as for continuing the traditions of the great Russian epic novel."
Sholokhov Mikhail Aleksandrovich “For the artistic strength and integrity of the epic about the Don Cossacks at a turning point for Russia.”
Solzhenitsyn Alexander Isaevich “For the moral strength with which he followed the immutable traditions of Russian literature.”
Brodsky Joseph Alexandrovich “For comprehensive creativity, imbued with clarity of thought and passion of poetry.”
Physiology and medicine:
Pavlov Ivan Petrovich “For work on the physiology of digestion.”
Mechnikov Ilya Ilyich “For his work on immunity.”
Semenov Nikolai Nikolaevich “For research in the field of the mechanism of chemical reactions.”
Prigozhin Ilya Romanovich “For work on the thermodynamics of irreversible processes, especially for the theory of dissipative structures.”
Kantorovich Leonid Vitalievich “For his contribution to the theory of optimal resource allocation.”
Peace Prize
Sakharov Andrey Dmitrievich “For fearless support of the fundamental principles of peace between people and courageous struggle against abuse of power and any forms of suppression of human dignity.”
Gorbachev Mikhail Sergeevich “In recognition of his leading role in the peace process, which today characterizes an important part of the life of the international community.”

* The list does not include people who were born on the territory of the Russian Empire or the USSR, but at the time of presentation of the prize did not have Russian citizenship or Soviet citizenship and, according to the Nobel Committee, were not included in the list of laureates from Russia or were not included there due to ideological reasons reasons, as well as laureates born into a family of Russian subjects or Soviet citizens on the territory of other countries. Krorme Andrei Konstantinovich Geim, who was educated at MIPT, received a PhD in physical and mathematical sciences from the Institute of Solid State Physics of the Russian Academy of Sciences. He worked as a researcher at the Institute of Physics and Technology of the USSR Academy of Sciences and at the Institute for Problems of Microelectronics Technology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and only in 1990 he immigrated from the USSR.

** In 2009, Russia was twice deprived of the Nobel Prize in the category of chemistry and physiology. The award was awarded to Western scientists for those discoveries where the priority of Russian scientists is no less. Why did it happen? Is it intentional that our scientists are not awarded a prestigious prize? The answer cannot be clear-cut. There is also a human factor - choosing from many applicants is difficult. According to the rules, no more than three applicants are awarded the prize for one nomination. In addition, few of our scientists are engaged in nominating nominees from their ranks for other awards. Previous, already recognized merits may be taken into account by the Nobel Committee. PR is not enough - you need to present more, advertise your achievements. How well Western scientists do this. And you must admit that when making decisions about awarding this or that scientist from Russia, many biases are allowed.

*** From this list, I do not agree with the awarding of the Nobel Prize to M. S. Gorbachev. But this is my personal opinion.

Who could receive the award:

Alexey Starobinsky, chief researcher at the Institute of Theoretical Physics named after. L.D. Landau
Andrey Linde, professor at Stanford University
Vyacheslav Mukhanov, professor at the University of Munich. Ludwig Maximilian
(physics) "For contributions to the theory of the inflationary Universe"
Victor Veselago, professor at MIPT, head of the laboratory and the Institute of General Physics named after. A.M. Prokhorov RAS. (physics) "For the discovery of materials with a negative refractive index"
Lydia Gall, head of the laboratory at the Institute of Analytical Instrumentation of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
(chemistry) "For the development of a method for identifying and analyzing the structure of biological macromolecules"
Yuri Oganesyan, scientific director of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions named after G.N. Flerov JINR (Dubna)
(physics) "For the synthesis of new chemical elements and approaching the “island of atomic stability”"
Alexander Polyakov, professor at Princeton University
(physics) "For exceptional contributions to string theory and quantum field theory."
Anatoly Buchachenko, Head of Department, Faculty of Chemistry, Moscow State University
Yuri Molin, head of the laboratory of the Institute of Chemical Kinetics and Combustion SB RAS
Renat Sagdeev, director of the International Tomography Center of the SB RAS.
(chemistry) "For the discovery of the magnetic isotope effect"
Rashid Sunyaev, Director of the Institute of Astrophysics of the Max Planck Society (Germany)
(physics) "For the explanation of the anisotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation"
Ludwig Faddeev, director of the International Mathematical Institute. Euler (St. Petersburg)
(physics) "For the mathematical substantiation of quantum field theory."
Tigran Shmaonov Senior Researcher, Institute of General Physics RAS
(physics) "For the discovery of the relict background."
Yuri Bunkov Professor at the Neel Institute (Grenoble, France)
Vladimir Dmitriev, chief researcher at the Institute of Physical Problems named after. P.L.Kapitsa RAS.
(physics) "For the discovery of spin superfluidity."
Alexander Spirin was director of the Protein Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences until 2001.
(physiology) “For the discovery of messenger RNA”, “For the discovery of informosomes - ribonucleoprotein complexes”, “For the study of the structure and function of ribosomes”.
Harry Abelev, head of the laboratory of the Oncological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences and head of the laboratory of Moscow State University (Physiology and Medicine) “For the discovery of the synthesis of the embryonic protein fetoprotein by tumors and the development of the fundamentals of immunodiagnostics.”
Vladimir Garvin, head of the laboratory of the gallium-germanium neutrino telescope at the Baksan Neutrino Observatory of the Institute for Nuclear Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences
(physics) "For pioneering work in astrophysics, in particular for the registration of cosmic neutrinos."
Alexander Varshavsky, professor at the California Institute of Technology
(chemistry) "For the discovery of the role of ubiquitin in protein utilization."
