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There are a lot of different races in the Star Wars universe, and today we will look at the most significant and famous ones.

Unknown three-toed race:

Height: 0.7 meters

Color of the skin: green-brown

Life: about 1000 years

There is an opinion that this race is the Will from the planet Grentarik, who appeared as a result of experiments by the ancient Rakata race, who tried to create a race extremely sensitive to force.

However, the Rakata were destroyed by their own creation. The Wills began to chronicle the history of the universe. After their home planet was discovered, it began to be considered a neutral territory to which, once every 10 years, all records of the history of the Galaxy were taken.


Homeland: Kashyyyk

Language: Shiriivuk, Ksachik, Tikarann

Height: 2.1 m.

Peculiarities: Tall, long-lived, covered with hair, have claws for climbing trees

The natural habitat for Wookiees is the dense forests of Kashyyyk. Kashyyyk is covered with huge wroshir trees, on which the Wookiees built houses and cities. According to some sources, Wookiees descended from tree-dwelling mammals.

Wookiees can learn most languages ​​fairly easily. However, the special structure of the vocal cords does not allow them to reproduce the sounds of many other languages.

Adult Wookiees were tall, over two meters tall, and completely covered in dense fur. Although white albino Wookiees were rare, this was no exception. However, their birth was a bad omen, as their white fur did not harmonize with the forest around them.

Young Wookiees were born big. Wookiees had menacing looking claws for climbing. Wookiee women had six breasts and carried a child for a year. After birth, Wookiees grew up, became fully intelligent and learned to walk within a year. The average lifespan of a Wookiee was approximately 600 years. Despite their savage appearance, Wookiees were highly intelligent and could even travel in space. The Wookiees also possessed enormous strength (the most powerful race in the Galaxy) and were natural mechanics.

One of the most famous Wookiee traditions is the Life Debt. When a non-Wookiee saves the life of a Wookiee, that Wookiee pledges to serve the savior and his entire family for the rest of his life.

The Wookiees fought fiercely, preferring bladed weapons, such as riik blades and powerful crossbows, to blasters and grenades, which were ineffective in the hands of weaker races. The Wookiee code prohibits the use of claws in combat. Those Wookiees who fought with their claws were called "crazy claws" and were banished.

At the age of twelve, Wookiees underwent the Hrrtaik ceremony, signifying their coming of age.

Kalish people:

Homeland: Cali

Language: Kalisz

Height: 2 m.

Kalish are humanoids from the planet Kali. The average height of an adult is approx. 2 m. They have reddish-brown skin, five-fingered lower limbs, four-fingered upper limbs. The upper limbs have two opposable (thumb) toes. The lower jaw has two fangs growing on both sides of the mouth. Kalisz people's hair is usually black or dark brown, and their eyes are usually golden or yellow with vertical pupils. Kalish people are capable of seeing in the infrared.

Kalish people hide their bodies and faces. They wear clothes that hide their skin from the sun's rays, and cover their faces with masks carved from the skulls of predatory animals - carabbaks and myumuu. They usually wear their hair in a large number of braids. In noble families, masks that conceal the face are heirlooms, they are passed down through generations, and before battle they are painted with designs unique to each family.

Kalish people are very religious. Their cult is based on the worship of deceased ancestors; temples are built in their honor, and any more or less large burial site becomes a place of worship.

The most sacred place in Kali is Abesmi Island, located in the Jenuvaa Sea. Kalish people believe that their ancestors ascended to heaven from there.

Kalisz society is tribal, with each tribe headed by khan, to which the rest of the tribe is subordinate. Tribes often fight with each other, but unite against a common enemy under the hand of one military leader.

Kalish people are polygamous; each man can have several wives and numerous offspring.


Homeland: Varl

Height: from 3 to 4 m.

Life: up to 1000 years

A race of large gastropods characterized by small hands, a wide mouth and huge eyes. They controlled a giant space empire in Hutt Space. The Hutts originated from the planet Varl, but then moved to Nal Hutta. Many of the Hutts were crime lords.

In fact, the Hutt's thick-looking body hides strong muscles under loose skin, allowing, if necessary, to move at unusual speed on one muscular "leg", formed jointly by their stomach and tail. Thick, perpetually sweating skin, as well as a thick layer of fat underneath, play an extremely important role in regulating body temperature. Surprisingly, a Hutt's skin is strong enough to withstand several blaster shots before vital organs are affected. This gave the Hutts the opportunity to deal with assassins who were unprepared for this kind of obstacle. Hutts are also immune to many poisons and other lethal chemicals. With their massive tail they can easily stun and even kill an enemy. Adult Hutts are obese creatures with a total body weight of approximately one ton. You can guess that they mostly lead a semi-sedentary lifestyle, lazily resting all day long. Most of the Hutts' weight was carried by their swollen bellies and thick, slug-like tails, which only added to their image of corruption. In Hutt society, obesity was a sign of power and high status, while thin Hutts were considered weak and useless.

In addition, the Hutts have a fairly strong resistance to mind deception through the Force due to their natural immunity. Hutts can see in ultraviolet light and other spectrums invisible to the human eye. Often wealthy Hutts would illuminate their palaces in these types of spectra, giving attackers a false sense of secrecy.

The Hutts lack their own skeletal structure, but a special external "mantle" helps them control their arms and head. They can pinch their nostrils and hold their breath for unusually long periods of time. Hutts are omnivores; Being able to inflate their jaws and adapt their mouths for the consumption of food, the Hutts pushed food into their throats using a muscular tongue, where a special grinding organ was located.

Hutts are hermaphrodites, so their gender is determined rather by the desire of the Hutt himself. Typically, Hutts caring for children are considered female, but a Hutt was free to decide for himself whether he/she agreed with this or not.

Hutt embryos spent the first 50 years of their lives in a special “bag” and did not have a formed consciousness. Before his birth, the intelligence level of the little Hutt was comparable to that of a ten-year-old man. Newborn Hutts, called “Huttenks,” could live next to their parents for decades, returning to their “pouch” to sleep, rest, or when frightened. Sometimes other Hutts killed the Hutts to avoid future competition.

The Hutt Empire was a powerful organization that controlled a large part of the Outer Rim known as Hutt Space. Despite this, many ambitious Hutts ventured to worlds outside of Hutt Space with the goal of becoming crime lords within the Republic, Empire, and New Republic.

In their later years, most Hutts were too fat to move independently and, as a result, were confined to their thrones or chairs. The more agile Hutts either crawled like snakes or "walked" on their only "leg", using their abdominal muscles to propel them forward.


Homeland: Duro

Height: from 1.7 to 2 m.

A humanoid race from the planet Duro, one of the first in the Galaxy to master interstellar travel.

Duros are humanoids with smooth blue-green skin, red eyes, a lipless mouth, a long thin noseless face, and green blood. Their olfactory organs were their eyes, and they were responsible for the sense of smell. Both men and women were bald, but the gender of the Duros was easily distinguishable. Duros females laid eggs, as Duros were descended from ancient reptiles, and like the Neimoidians they were born in the larval larval stage, but unlike their cousins, who were left for solitary promotion in the state, Duros cared for children.

Along with the Corellians, humanoids of the Duros race are considered the most experienced space travelers in the Galaxy. They pioneered the technology of interstellar travel, established some of the oldest hyperspace trade routes, and abandoned the land of their homeworld entirely in favor of the cosmos of distant stars. The planet Duro endured millennia of neglect, but gradually became more and more polluted. Temperate areas of the world were turned into arable land, and huge automatic food factories began to supply food for trade throughout the galaxy. Finally, with the transfer of political power of the race from ancient kings to a rich coalition of intergalactic firms, all ties to ancestral roots were severed. The Duros people marked a bold era of expansion, choosing to live on orbital cities or vast colony worlds.

In appearance, Duros appear as humanoids with smooth blue skin, red eyes, lipless mouths, and long, noseless faces. They are a calm and peaceful race, and this fact enhances their reputation in all corners of the Galaxy. Representatives of the race are unusually reliable workers and are widely known for their excellent celestial navigation skills. Usually quiet and silent, duros are very fond of telling stories about their many travels if asked, and are able to maintain the interest of a wide variety of audiences for a long time.


Homeland: Kinyen

Height: from 1.5 to 1.8 m.

Intelligent mammals, humanoids. They came from the planet Kinyen, and also owned many colonies throughout the Galaxy. They have an elongated muzzle and three eyes on appendages. Grans have five clawed fingers and toes.


Homeland: Alzok 3

Height: from 2 to 2.5 m.

Large, furry creatures with two pairs of eyes: one for daytime vision and one for night vision. Their home planet is Alzok III, a cold world rich in natural resources. Telz were rarely seen outside their home planet.


Homeland: Duck

Height: up to 1.8 m.

Life: up to 79 years old

The Quarren were aquatic humanoids with squid-like heads. They had at least four tentacles on their faces. These tenacious shoots were able to catch food. The Quarren had a small mouth, two fangs, teeth protruding from the face on both sides, and a long, thin tongue sticking out between them. They had two long protrusions that extended on either side of their face. These projections contained several gill structures, which are actually sound structures used for hearing rather than by the ears. They also had holes on either side of their necks, which were most likely used for breathing. They had a special bag on the back of their heads.


Homeland: Ryloth

Height: up to 2.4 m.

An omnivorous humanoid race that originated on the planet Ryloth. Its representatives preferred to eat mushrooms, mold and ricrit meat. Distinctive features of Twi'leks are multi-colored skin and paired tentacle-shaped appendages on the head. The shoots are called "lekku". The appendages serve various functions in Twi'lek daily life, including storing fat and serving as erogenous zones. When speaking Twi'lek, lekku words and small movements are used. It is noteworthy that newborn Twi'leks did not have lekku. Lekku are very sensitive, and squeezing them hard is so painful that it can easily render almost any Twi'lek unconscious. Sometimes damage to the processes causes irreversible damage to the Twi'lek's brain. Long or specially laid lekku were considered a status symbol, signifying respectability, influence and wealth of their owner. Lekku were also analogous to the phallic symbol, and large lekku were seen by both sexes as a decidedly positive quality.

The range of possible Twi'lek skin colors is very wide: green, orange, brown, yellow, blue, white and purple - this is not a complete list of colors that were also of various shades.

Twi'leks' eyes are constructed differently from those of humans and can see in thermal, x-ray, and normal vision. A Twi'lek can "change the modes" of his eyes the way he wants. However, these changes in vision cause pain, so Twi'leks prefer not to change their vision mode from normal.

The shape of Twi'lek ears remains a mystery.

The Twi'leks' natural grace and exotic beauty made them a popular commodity among slave traders. Many Twi'leks themselves developed a slave trade on their planet. For some, kidnapping and selling children seemed like a great way to make money, others saw slavery as a way to keep children away from Ryloth's deteriorating natural environment. Many Twi'leks considered slavery an effective way to spread the race and preserve culture, since they had no other reason for interplanetary travel. Regardless of how the situation developed, many Twi'leks were slaves or performers, becoming a status symbol for their master. Women with rare skin color were especially valued: Rutians and Letankas. Twi'leks who escaped from a slave owner often became thieves, resorting to the art of seduction in this craft.

Although many Twi'leks led the lives of traders or even criminals, the race had a proud military tradition.

Twi'lek clothing was selected according to gender. Twi'lek men often wore long, loose robes, while women usually wore tighter, tighter dresses.

The religious beliefs of the Twi'leks are largely unknown, but at least one source mentions a "Twi'lek goddess". It remains unclear whether this means that the Twi'leks worshiped a single goddess or worshiped multiple gods, one of which was a female god.

Twi'lek society was divided into clans, each of which had its own city. Each city was governed autonomously by five Twi'leks - the heads of the clan. These five ruled the clan until one of them died. In this case, the remaining members of the government went into the desert of the day side of the planet, presumably dooming themselves to death. The next generation took their place. If the new rulers were not ready to take their place, governors were appointed who exercised temporary control.

Instead of distinguishing between their own first and last names, Twi'leks combined them into one name. The middle name was double - for father and mother. Also at the end of the patronymic the word Tey (son) or Lia (daughter) was added, depending on gender. If a Twi'lek was expelled for any crimes, his name was split into several parts. Such a change was considered humiliating.


Homeland: Satellite of Endor

Height: up to 1 m.

Intelligent humanoid mammals, their height averages only 1 meter, which provides an advantage when trying to hide. Ewoks are covered in fur from head to toe, most often in brown and black. Other Ewoks had almost white or reddish fur. Most Ewoks had a solid coat color, although some had stripes in their fur. These creatures are omnivores. Ewoks have large, shiny eyes, a small black nose, and hands with three fingers, one of which is opposed to the other two. Despite their small size, Ewoks were physically strong enough to surpass the combat training of humans.

Yuuzhan Vong:

Homeland: Yuuzhan'tar

Height: 1.9 m.

A race of bipedal humanoids originating from beyond the known galaxy and posing a serious threat to the New Republic.

Humanoids have many facial mutilations. This deformity is one of the results of the system of rituals required of every Yuuzhan Vong. The purpose of rituals is glory; to become equal to the gods, you need to change your appearance in their image and likeness. Thus, systematic facial disfigurement reflects an increase in status: the more a Yuuzhan Vong changes his appearance, the higher he climbs the career ladder. To achieve this goal, the Yuuzhan Vong go to any lengths - they attach to themselves the limbs of other creatures or bioprostheses. However, this systematic disfigurement is never aimed at making them helpless cripples or somehow limiting and weakening their fighting qualities - on the contrary, the Yuuzhan Vong, changing their appearance, try to become stronger, more agile and formidable fighters. Those who failed the transformation ceremony and ended up crippled become Disgraced and henceforth move to the lowest caste in the hierarchy of Yuuzhan Vong society. The Yuuzhan Vong are a humanoid race similar to humans in many ways, some even believe that they are a branch of the human race, but there are differences. The Yuuzhan Vong are much taller and more massive than normal humans, which may be the result of selection during reproduction.

The Yuuzhan Vong also differ in appearance: while some heads have hunchbacked, protruding foreheads, others have sloping foreheads. The Yuuzhan Vong face resembles a lump of pulsating flesh with deep-set eyes covered by bluish bags (considered a sign of beauty), which, combined with ritual tattooing and scars, gives them a barbaric appearance. Some Yuuzhan Vong have pointed ears, while most do not. This may be a change due to rituals or a genetic variation. The Yuuzhan Vong also have short, sunken noses, giving their faces a skull-like appearance.

The race's hair is black, in much less quantity than that of humans, and usually much longer, but in most cases they are completely bald. Their usual skin color is gray or yellow. Another important physical characteristic of the Yuuzhan Vong is their black blood. The Yuuzhan Vong nervous system is very sensitive, especially to pain. The lifespan of the Yuuzhan Vong exceeds that of humans by two to three times.

The strange thing is that, for unknown reasons, the Jedi who first discovered the Yuuzhan Vong are unable to sense them with the Force, since in one way or another all life forms have a connection with the Force - one would think that the Yuuzhan Vong are completely deprived of it.

The Yuuzhan Vong are fierce warriors who never surrender to the enemy, for they are afraid to offend their gods and are religious fanatics who do not accept mechanical technology. They worship life as such and consider everything artificially created to be unbecoming. Their technologies are based on genetic engineering and pure organic matter, therefore they fight with bioengineered weapons, use bioengineered devices and ships, and consider any use of technology to be a perversion. They have a special hatred for droids, since, from their point of view, droids are a blasphemous imitation of life, not worthy of existing in the world. The Yuuzhan Vong also worship pain, almost to the point of masochism, trying to improve their physical qualities through breaking their bones and attaching bioprosthetics or the limbs of other creatures.

Everything that the Yuuzhan Vong do is aimed at glorifying the gods, including the conquest and enslavement of ever new galactic territories, which the Yuuzhan Vong, like their own appearance, transform into glory and in the image and likeness of their gods. On their victorious path, they carry out executions and sacrifices everywhere because, according to Yuuzhan Vong myths, their creator sacrificed parts of his body, endured unbearable pain and ultimately died - all in order to rise to new heights. This is how, the legend says, he created from his body the lesser gods, who, in turn, created the Yuuzhan Vong people by collecting and mixing parts of the bodies of other creatures. Therefore, sacrifices are obligatory and are a sacred act.

Those who do not belong to their race are called infidels by the Yuuzhan Vong. Any attack on the honor of the Yuuzhan Vong can become a reason for a mortal duel, which is also considered a form of sacrifice to the gods. As far as death in battle is concerned, this is the most honorable death a Yuuzhan Vong can accept.

Little is known about the Yuuzhan Vong economy; it is a command economy, and their political system is a mixture of theocracy and autocracy. Yuuzhan Vong society is based on a caste system.

The highest caste consisted of one Supreme Lord, ruling over all other castes. During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion of the galaxy, Shimrra Jamaane was the Supreme Overlord. Only the Supreme Overlord has a direct connection with Yun-Yuzhan - the supreme deity and creator of the Yuuzhan Vong.


Homeland: Shili

Height: 1.8 m.

Humanoid race from the planet Shili. To protect themselves from dangerous predators and hunt, Togruta banded together into tribes and used their natural coloring to confuse less intelligent animals. Togruta perform better in groups and loners are considered an exception in their culture.

Togruta can have skin colors ranging from orange to red, with white pigmentation on their faces. The lips have a grayish tint. White stripes on various parts of the bodies, including the chest, backs of the arms and legs, lekku, and montrals complete the picture. The pattern and geometry of the stripes differs from individual to individual. This red and white camouflage was inherited from their predatory ancestor, who needed it to blend in with their natural environment in the jungles of the planet Shili. Togruta heads are adorned with two montrals, and three (very rarely four lekku) main tails, whose stripes are darker than those on the montrals.

Togruta are incredibly social creatures. On their home planet of Shili, they depended on each other and banded together to hunt and defend together from the huge monsters that hunted them in turn. While most of Shili's landmass was covered in forests, the Togruta hunted herbivorous prey in the thickets. The Togruta lived in small communities in forest valleys, and the thickets hid them and gave them protection. Togruta are also known for their habit of walking without shoes; they believe that the earth is spiritually united with them, and wearing shoes cuts them off from this unity. The tribes believed that every capable Togruta contributed to his own will or the will of the earth; any spoils were divided equally among everyone.

The Togruta were discovered approximately 25,000 BBY. Around the same time, they founded the main pacifist colony on the planet Kiros. Many Togruta were Force-sensitive, but often had slightly less midi-chlorians than normal. This sensitivity to the Force is believed to stem from the heightened spatial awareness inherent in this amazing race. It is also known that special organs contribute to this - the montrals and the hunting lifestyle. The meaning of their communication with the spirits of the earth also increased their connection with the environment and increased their ability to sense the Force. Traditionally, the Togruta supported the Jedi Order, most Jedi were Togruta women, much less men.


Homeland: Naboo

Height: 1.9 m.

Amphibious humanoids with eyes located on protrusions and long ears live in underwater cities on the planet Naboo. Technologically developed, and only the simplest mechanisms from technology. The rest is biotechnology.

Gungans are amphibious and can breathe underwater. Their eyes are located on outgrowths. The body structure of the Gungans is well adapted for both terrestrial and underwater existence. They have highly developed leg muscles. Gungans wear trousers and sleeveless vests. Naboo's warm climate allows them to go barefoot, and many do so, but some Gungans wear primitive sandals. The Gungans are especially distinguished by their large ears, with the help of which they even express emotions, and their long tongues, used to catch small animals.

The Gungans are believed to be the first race on Naboo. Initially they lived in tribes, which later united into a powerful power. Before the colonization of Naboo by humans, the Gungans reigned supreme over the planet.

The decision to create the first army of the Gungans appeared after attacks by semi-wild creatures on their settlements. It is noteworthy that the Gungan army is a union of police forces.

The Gungans worship many pagan gods.


Homeland: Gamorr

Height: 1.8 m.

Pig-like humanoids from the jungle planet Gamorr in the Outer Rim. Their attitude towards violence has made them excellent bodyguards for crime bosses across the galaxy. The race is widely known for its physical strength and skill in warfare. In battle, they prefer to use large, heavy weapons, particularly giant swords and axes. Most Gamorreans believe that ranged weapons are made for cowards. From time immemorial, the Gamorrean civilization has witnessed incessant wars between its rulers. Men devote most of their time to military affairs, while women are engaged in agriculture, hunting, weaving and weapon making. The hatred that reigns between the clans is so great that even when someone leaves their homeland - as a slave or in search of fortune - they still “carry” their clan affiliation. Anyone who decides to hire several Gamorreans as guards should definitely find out their clan affiliation - otherwise there is a high probability that they will spend much more time fighting among themselves than directly performing their duties. The stereotype of Gamorreans portrays them as mindless, bloodthirsty creatures with no cultural values. The race, however, doesn't really care what others say about them, as long as they are paid for their work and given ample opportunity to hack, smash and slash.

The average height of Gamorreans is approximately 1.8 m, while their weight can reach 100 kg. They have thick green skin covering their muscles. However, this applies more to men - women's skin color can vary in color saturation, and, in rare cases, be black, brown and pink-yellow. Eye color – yellow, blue, black or brown. Moreover, not all Gamorreans have a strong build, which was very undesirable in their society. Their close-set small eyes, wide muzzle, tusks and small horns give them a terrifying appearance. Due to their physiology, Gamorreans cannot speak the basic language and are forced to use only their own language. Already at the age of three they begin to train their children to perform social functions. Childhood for Gamorreans ends at age six, when they become teenagers, and at age 13, they become full-fledged adults. According to their physical characteristics, Gamorreans are capable of living up to 45 years, but harsh realities rarely give them such a chance.

Gamorr, as you know, is not the most welcoming place, and in tourist guides on its page there is usually a single phrase written: “Under no circumstances fly to Gamorr!” As for the social system, it is represented by clans ruled by a male leader and his wife. While the chief is involved in preparing for and participating in battles against rival clans, his wife coordinates all productive work such as farming and trading. Although they could sometimes show their cruelty, being as skilled in handling weapons as men. All women of the clan are usually related to each other by family ties, while men are exchanged between clans at a very early age, although then they have the right to change him. The size of the clan varies from a few dozen to as many as a hundred members, although it typically consists of 20 women, 50 men and children, most of whom are born in the spring and reach the ages of 3 to 9. The ratio of male to female births is approximately ten to one , although due to constant wars it is the female population of the planet that predominates. For the same reason, a woman has about ten spouses in her life.

Each clan owns a certain territory - and is always interested in expanding it, either by colonizing virgin lands, or, more often, seizing the lands of hostile clans. Territories were usually governed by a council of women elected from the general population. These could be distinguished from others thanks to the small number of guards that accompany them everywhere. They were also responsible for trade with non-Gamorreans, from whom they bought mainly weapons and shelf-stable food, for which they paid in gold or other valuable metals.

The men of the clan are divided into four categories: military leaders, ordinary clan members, “toothmen” and veterans. Military leaders are the strongest and most resilient members of society, who received their position by marrying one of the representatives of the council. The greatest of these, having proven his superiority in training or past battles, is the absolute head of the clan in military affairs, and the rest of them were captains. Most military leaders come from the “toothfish” who do their homework.

The religion of the Gamorreans boils down to animism. They believed that every animal, plant, stone or battle site had its own special energy that could influence the material world. In addition, they believed that such spirits also have a downside, which does not help survival, but, on the contrary, carries negative energy and can cause harm. The energy of mountains, trees and ancient fortresses is considered especially healing, but the energy of the seas is almost incomprehensible. Most of all, the Gamorreans feared the spirits of the slain, since, according to legend, they would seek revenge in this world.


Homeland: Manaan

Height: 1.5 m.

Life: up to 100 years.

Each selkath has retractable poisonous claws. Like the Wookiee, using these claws in combat or attacking with these claws was considered dishonorable and was regarded as a sign of madness: to do so was to succumb to animal instincts unworthy of an intelligent race.

Outwardly, they resembled anthropomorphic stingrays. Their skin had a blue or green tint, which was ideal for underwater camouflage. To the right and left of their mouths hung appendages that the Selkath stroked while talking, just as humans stroke their mustaches.

The progenitor was a large female firaxan shark, which the Selkath considered a divine being and their evolutionary ancestor. If this relationship is true, then the smaller, mindless sharks are also the ancestors of the Selkath.

The Selkath chose to remain neutral and did not join the Republic. Centuries later, they discovered deposits of kolto and became a monopoly on the supply of this substance, which only strengthened the policy of strict neutrality. During military conflicts, the Selkath supplied kolto to all warring parties as long as the party respected their neutral position.

During the Jedi Civil War, the Selkath collaborated with both the Sith and the Republic. To prevent conflicts, strict laws were introduced in the city of Ahto. If either party violated even one law, severe sanctions were applied to the culprits, such as deprivation of kolto supplies or a large fine. Those who violated the law were executed or imprisoned. The Sith often incited the Republicans to fight in the streets, resulting in the Selkath fining the Republic. The Selkath also produced special vibroswords.


Homeland: Iridonia

Height: up to 1.9 cm.

A humanoid race from Iridonia, a Mid Rim planet known for its harsh climate and dangerous predatory life forms. The race had a strong sense of self-determination, independence and dominance.

Zabrak are humanoids with vestigial horns protruding from their heads and well-developed willpower. The species is divided into many different races, distinguished by different horn shapes. Zabraks also like to have intricate tattoos on their faces, designed to reflect their personality.

Society is built on a clan system, and the difference between clans is determined by the type of occupation that is the main one for its members. The Zabrak's affiliation with a particular clan is clearly visible from their facial tattoos. The Zabrak religion is an ancestor cult.

The Zabrak were among the first to master space travel, and they explored most of the Galaxy. Their homeworld of Iridonia is a frighteningly violent planet that has forced many Zabrak to settle on other worlds, including Talus and Corellia. They also founded eight colonies in the Mid-Rim, which is why most Zabrak primarily identify with their colonies. All members of the species speak a Zabrak and primary language, but they can also adopt local languages.

Zabrak are proud, strong and confident creatures. They believe that nothing is truly impossible, and will constantly strive to prove skeptics wrong in their judgments. Some Zabrak maintain a view of their complete superiority over other species, and they often discuss the achievements of their people and home colonies with a pride that can border on arrogance.


Homeland: Korriban

Height: 180 cm.

The Sith were a species of proud and fierce humanoids that evolved on Korriban, a planet within the Horuset system in an isolated Outer Rim region called the Stygian Sink. There were quite a few individuals among the Sith who were capable of using the Force, but any member of this species was sensitive to it. This sensitivity to the Force was based on the symbiotic relationship between the Sith and the dark side of the Force. For the Sith, as for other creatures inhabiting the planet, symbiosis with the Force was vital - they were directly fed by its energy, while simultaneously feeding it.

As infants, Sith skin is a clear reddish hue, while as adults it becomes a deep red. However, some Sith's skin did not acquire a deep red hue as they aged, retaining the original pink of their youth. The appearance of the Sith was stern and predatory: in addition to the sharply defined, rough shape of the face, the body of this species had bony claw-like growths that appeared on various parts of the body, including on the face, such as on the brow ridges. On the cheeks, under the high cheekbones, a pair of antennae-like processes hung down, and horns often grew on the skull. The Sith had pointed teeth, small noses, and massive mouths and lips. Some Sith had elongated, bony chins, while others had small chins that did not stand out at all. They often scratched three symbols in the form of numbers on their arms and three on their legs (two in the direction, the third against the direction). Most of the Sith were left-handed, for this reason personal weapons were adapted for the left hand, so lanvarok were assembled only for the left hand.

Although the Sith were in a near constant state of war, their society was quite complex; they viewed these actions not as cruel or barbaric, but simply as basic aspects of their existence. They were known to engage in supposedly primitive activities such as sacrifices in the name of their gods. Their feud led to a decrease in the population on their home planet of Korriban and increased xenophobic sentiment in society.

Sith society had a strict hierarchy, using both a strong clan system and a stratified rank structure. Due to the length of time that Sith society was divided into clans (approximately 100,000 years), each clan is sometimes referred to as a subspecies of Sith. All members of the Sith clans were humanoids with black and red skin with distinctly sharp, predatory features and tentacle-like beards. Among the Sith, stroking the whiskers of the right cheek was a sign of caring. After interbreeding with members of the exiled Dark Jedi, the children born became known as Red Sith. Their clan system included: the slave clan (based on physical labor), the engineer clan (based on intellectual labor), the Kissai clan (magicians, based on the clergy) and the Massassi clan (warriors).

After many wars among the Sith and other peoples of the Galaxy, the Sith practically ended their existence. There were about fifty Sith in total, but in civil strife they practically destroyed each other. There is only one Sith Lord left - Darth Bane. He swore an oath that the Sith would never again disappear from the Galaxy, but established a rule according to which there could only be one Dark Lord and one of his disciples. When the teacher leaves, the student becomes the Dark Lord and chooses his own student.

Many ancient amulets, weapons and books created by the Sith are kept on various worlds of the Galaxy, although the Jedi Order did everything possible to destroy the very mention of the Sith.


Homeland: Camino

Height: 2.2 m.

Tall, thin creatures with pale skin from the aquatic planet Kamino. The Kaminoans lived in seclusion in cities on stilts built in the middle of the planetary ocean. One of these cities was Tipoca City.

The Kaminoans were the true creators of the clone army, which was used first by the Republic and then by the Empire.

When the Ice Age ended on the planet Kamino and its oceans flooded with melted ice, local residents had to adapt to the changed conditions. Finding themselves on the brink of extinction, the Kaminoans perfected technology and cloning and took control of reproduction in order to survive. The struggle for existence has made the Kaminoans a race of ascetics who reject the material values ​​common to other cultures. They are far from events on a galactic scale, and they do not care about the consequences of their own experiments.


Homeland: Coruscant

Height: average 1.7 m.

Life: up to 100 years, for those sensitive to force up to 800 years

The most numerous and politically dominant intelligent species, with millions of major and minor colonies throughout the Galaxy. They are believed to have originated from the galactic capital of Coruscant. They could be found anywhere and engaged in any of the activities that existed: pilots, mercenaries, smugglers, traders, soldiers, assassins, farmers, crime lords, workers and many others. Since humans became an intelligent species, they have been held to something of a standard by comparing their biology, psychology, and culture to other races, which, coupled with the inherent xenophobia of many humans, has led to anti-human sentiments among many other races.


Independent intelligent microscopic life forms that existed in symbiosis inside the cells of all living beings. They were intermediaries between intelligent beings and the all-encompassing tangible energy called the Force. The number of midi-chlorians determined the potential of the Force in a being. An ordinary person had 2,500 midi-chlorians per cell, but the Jedi had much higher levels.

Midi-chlorians were counted using a blood test used by the Jedi before their destruction by the Galactic Empire to identify Force-sensitive children. With the rise of the Empire, Jedi Force research was prohibited, although midi-chlorian testing was carried out as a way for the Empire to seek out and eradicate hidden Jedi and Force-sensitives. Knowledge of midichlorians shrank, became more condensed, and finally remained confined to the medical field. Research began again only after the founding of the New Jedi Order.

Midichlorians were neither the source of the Force nor the Force itself. They formed in living beings the ability to use the Force and acted as an organ that could receive the Force and give it away. A high concentration of midi-chlorians usually denoted a being's potential for the Force, as well as their potential to become a Jedi. From time immemorial, the Jedi Order has been looking for students capable of the Force, whose blood contained a lot of midi-chlorians. Students capable of the Force were taken from their parents in infancy and trained in the Order.

The Jedi lived in symbiosis with midichlorians. After many attempts, the Jedi learned to control the midi-chlorians in the bodies of other beings, which gave them incredible advantages over others. The amount of midichlorians in the blood is determined using a special blood test.

The highest concentration of midi-chlorians was found in Anakin Skywalker (over twenty thousand) - their concentration was higher than that of Grand Master Yoda himself. Presumably Anakin was conceived by midichlorians themselves, and even later, when he had lost many organs and many body parts, his cells continued to be teeming with them.

Midichlorians could be a source of Force influence on the creation of new life, such a technique was developed by the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Plagueis. Even the possibility that a person could be conceived with midichlorians could not be ruled out.


Homeland: Tatooine

Height: up to 1 m.

On average, Jawas are about a meter tall and have flexible, tiny arms and legs. Although the Jawas are descended from rodents, according to scientists, they became upright by rising on their hind legs to reach mushrooms and moss that grow on the walls of underground caves - the very same ones where rare natural springs once flowed, around which and the Jawas society developed. After some time, the sources dried up, but the Jawas surprisingly quickly and skillfully adapted to the new living conditions. To protect themselves from the rays of the two suns, they began to wear hand-made robes with hoods, so that only their sparkling yellow eyes were visible from under their clothes.

Most humanoid races have noted that Jawas emit a distinctive, strong odor. This is explained by two reasons: firstly, the Jawas impregnate their robes with a special solution that protects the body from loss of moisture, and secondly, in desert conditions they rarely wash themselves. The Jawas themselves are able to identify a fellow tribesman by smell and determine his state of health.

Jawas extract water from fannel flowers growing on Tatooine - they dip their long noses into the buds and suck out the juice; They feed mainly on the fruits of Habba Gurd - a fruit that few people are able to digest, but the Jawas themselves call it “the fruit of life.”

The Jawas make a living by collecting pieces of equipment in the desert, repairing or recycling them; however, they often appropriate everything that is poorly placed, especially if this something was not securely locked. The Jawas are true masters in repairing all kinds of equipment, and they melt down debris that cannot be repaired or recycled in furnaces they have made, powered by solar energy.

Jawas society is divided into clans or tribes. Once a year, all the Jawa tribes meet in a giant basin at the bottom of the Dune Sea, where they trade, communicate, tell each other various fables, and also give away, or rather sell, sons and daughters to neighboring tribes - this is the so-called “marriage trade”, it is considered a very good and profitable business, since it guarantees the continuation and distribution of one kind or another.

The entire Jawas culture is centered on the institution of family. Representatives of this people are proud of their family ties and pedigrees; In the Jawa language there is a rich lexical layer for denoting degrees of kinship - about forty names. Clans carefully trace all branches of the clan and keep detailed records about them. Jawas travel in clans on large wagons called sandcrawlers, nuclear-powered vehicles that were brought to the planet by unknown aliens during the reign of the Old Republic. Each crawler can accommodate at least three hundred Jawas, and at the same time it is a fully equipped workshop, so that the Jawas are engaged in repairing various equipment during their nomads.

Most Jawas roam in search of remains of equipment that can be repaired and recycled; however, some part of the clan remains within the walls of fortresses built from large fragments of starships. The most experienced craftsmen - repairmen - live sedentarily, in fortresses, where they perform the most delicate work, too complex to carry out on board a crawler. Fortresses are often attacked by Tusken raiders, who kill Jawas in order to seize their property and water, and therefore Jawas are extremely cautious and even prone to paranoia. However, they consider their fortresses to be the best means of defense and try to build them as strong and impregnable as possible. Jawas do not like to fight - due to their small stature, in the event of an attack, they most often do not defend themselves, but immediately take to flight. However, if a Jawa is pinned against a wall, he shows great dexterity in handling weapons, which the clan usually collects in the desert.


Homeland: Malastare

Height: 1m.

The Dags were slender, powerfully built creatures with a somewhat humanoid build and a unique mode of movement resulting from the high gravity on Malastare. They used their strong arms to move, and they used their lower limbs for various activities. They almost never walk on their lower limbs. Most dags prefer to walk on all fours, but some prefer to walk on their strong arms.



Home planet: Ando (Planet)

Notable Representatives: Ponda Baba, the troublemaker from the Cantina in Mos Eisley

The Akuala race is divided into two subspecies: Kuara (with five-fingered limbs), and Akuala (with flippers instead of hands and feet).

Akuala are known for their aggressiveness, hostility, instability and great physical strength. The Kuara and the Akuala experience racial hatred towards each other and are in a constant state of war, the reason for which was the decline in the supply of valuable Andoan mineral fish.

The Akual's first contact with other races occurred when Duro's reconnaissance ship landed on Ando. Having concluded a truce, the Quara and Acquala united against the crew, captured and studied the ship. Having built their own fleet, A. set off to conquer neighboring planets and systems, but were quickly defeated by the Old Republic and disarmed.

The Akquala easily integrated into galactic society and spread across many worlds, finding employment as bodyguards, tax collectors, assassins, and criminals. The Akuala are represented in the Senate of the Old Republic.


Home planet: Not exactly known. Commonly called Anzat

Representatives of the Anzati race are completely human in appearance. The main features of Anzati are their unique diet - they are predators and feed on the brains of representatives of other races - and the presence of a pair of grasping tentacles intended for feeding, which are hidden in the cheek pouches. All Anzati also have telepathy and hypnosis. Life expectancy is several centuries. Maturity occurs at about 100 years of age.

The Anzati are almost unexplored by other races: expeditions sent to a world believed to be Anzat disappeared without a trace. Many consider the Anzati to be fiction and legend. The limited evidence of the Anzati suggests that they live alone, infiltrating galactic society under the guise of humans, and returning to their homeland only to mate and reproduce.


Home planet: Kona

Notable Representatives: Sai Trimba - friend of Obi-Wan Kenobi.

The planet Kona is deserted: it is very hot and there is almost no water. Its atmosphere is filled with ammonia vapor. Outside of it, Arconians must take a drug called “ammonium dactyl crystals.”

The Arkonian body is very susceptible to salt, which causes drug addiction in them. Smugglers and criminals of other races actively take advantage of this feature of the Arkonian body, illegally supplying them with salt in exchange for precious metals. Externally, salt addiction is expressed in a change in skin color to darker and eye color from green to gold. In addition, salt greatly increases the Arkonians' need for dactyl.

Arconians hatch from eggs and perceive all their relatives as one organism. We always refer to ourselves as “we,” even if there is only one member of the race present. On their home planet they live in caves.


Home planet unknown.

Well-known representatives: Kud "ar Mub" at, Blancavizo (Organ-Accountant)

The Assembler is a huge, about 3 meters tall, arachnid creature with a large large body and six legs. Supposedly there is a single copy.

The Assembler lives in a giant web structure that is simultaneously a starship, a home, and part of the Assembler's body. Various devices can be connected to the web, be it engines, weapons or life support systems, allowing representatives of other races to be in it without danger to life. The assembler tends to eat all living things that are not of interest or use, including intelligent beings.

For the convenience of managing the web, the assembler creates autonomous organs for itself. To keep them under control, the assembler gives them exactly the mental and physical capabilities needed to complete the task assigned to them. However, nodes are able to improve their abilities and form their own personalities. Having received its own will, the organ prefers to hide its newfound independence from the assembler in order to one day destroy or leave it and become an assembler itself.

The most famous, if not the only, assembler is Qud'ar Mub'at. He collaborated extensively with criminal organizations and bounty hunters, including Boba Fett.



Home planet: Clark Dor VII


Main article: Nerds

A race of woolly humanoids, human-sized, from the planet Bothavui (Botavium in some versions). During the Galactic Civil War, they helped the rebels by scouting the plans of the Empire. Their spy skills are known throughout the Galaxy.



Home Planet: Kashyyyk

Wookies (English wookie) are aborigines from the planet Kashyyyk. He is over 2 meters tall. During the Clone Wars they were on the side of the Republic, and also helped the Rebels during the Galactic Civil War. Famous representatives include Chewbacca and his nephew Lowbacca, who later became a Jedi Knight. Wookiees did not originate naturally, they appeared as a result of an experiment with vegetation carried out on their planet by the ancient Rakata race




The Gungans are aborigines from the planet Naboo. They are divided into two types. Notable Representatives: Jar Jar Binks and Boss Nass.


Jawas live in the desert in small clans, about 300 individuals. Each clan has a small squad of warriors armed with ion blasters. Half the clan lives and works in sandcrawlers, which they use to travel across the desert and sell droids and equipment to farmers. The second half lives in fortresses, where the bulk of the goods are concentrated. These fortresses have high walls made from large pieces of old destroyed spaceships for protection against Tuskens and Krait dragons. They collect equipment from the desert or occasionally steal from people.

Once a year, before the storm season, all the Jawas gather in one of the bays of the Dune Sea in a giant flea market, where they exchange various news and goods, make marriages, deals and bets. Marriages of Jawas are the same business, so brides and grooms are called the collective term “marriage goods”. In general, trading among members of the Jawas is considered a very useful business practice, since it ensures the diversity of the bloodlines of their families.

In Episode IV, one of the Jawas found C-3PO and R2-D2 and sold them to Luke Skywalker's uncle, Owen Lars.

The Jawa language in films was created by speeding up Zulu speech. However, Star Wars: Battlefront and Star Wars: Battlefront II also use Spanish: "Arriba, Arriba!"


Yerkchi. Grayish-brownish creatures with bad breath. They have telekinesis.



The Zabrak are a humanoid that closely resembles a human. The main planet is Iridonia, but the Zabrak have colonized other planets. There are 3-4 pairs of small bone processes on the head. The Zabrak race included Ith Kott, Bao-Dur, Agen Kolar and Darth Maul.



The Ithorians are a mammalian species of intelligent life that inhabits the planet Ithor in the Ottega system. In appearance, they are very similar to terrestrial hammerfish; the uniqueness of this race is immediately visible if only by the fact that each Ithorian has two mouths located on both sides of the neck. For this reason, their native language, based on this phenomenon, cannot be studied or reproduced, so Ithorians traveling outside their home planet are forced to study the galactic language...

Ithor itself is a lush, tropical world where high technology and nature exist in harmony. Therefore, its inhabitants live in floating cities called “ships of the herd”, where all individuals are obliged to obey the commands of their captains, exactly as on a real ship. These "cities" float above the surface of the earth without landing, so as not to cause damage to the planet as much as possible. Each ship has many levels, and all of them are centers of trade, culture and industry.

Mimicking the planet's environment, each vessel is equipped with an interior jungle, man-made storms, humid atmosphere, vegetation, and wildlife.

Once every five years, "courts of herds" gather at a randomly selected location where the Ithorians celebrate, debate, and vote on planetary issues affecting the entire race. The Ithorians themselves love to travel to other worlds in caravans, trade and learn new things, the best from other peoples.




Humans are the main population of the galaxy, the most developed race. Today it is known that the constant body temperature in humans is +36.6 °C. Humans originate from the planet Coruscant, but it is believed that humans originate from other planets as well.



The Mandalorians are a human civilization made famous by the Mandalorian Wars, which took place 4,000 years before the New Republic. The most famous Mandalorians are Mandalore the Great, Canderous Ordo, Jango and Boba Fett. Mandalorians consider it an honor to die in battle, they also respect strength and usually do not hold hatred towards the victorious.


The only representative of this race appearing in the Star Wars universe is Visas Marr (a female Miraluca, a student of Darth Nihilus), as well as the dark Jedi Jerec. Miralukas, who look exactly like humans but are blind from birth, have a great connection to the power that allows them to see. Since the entire universe is filled with power, their gift is more perfect than any sight. A greater connection to the force helps Miralukas master many of the Jedi disciplines. They make excellent defenders of justice.


The indigenous inhabitants of the planet Bendomir are short and gray-haired. A race close to human. Early explorers found them an underdeveloped race with a primitive social system, unprepared for contact with the galactic republic. They never controlled Bendomir's mining operations, and only received a tiny share of the profits, even when the Republic recognized these people as the sole owner of the planet's resources. Over time, the Meerians' respiratory systems adapted to the smoky conditions caused by barbaric mining. Their lungs are able to filter out some toxic substances, and their hair began to form from metal particles.

Mon Calamari and Quarren

If Geonosians evoke strong associations with insects, then the inhabitants of the planet Mon Calamari are associated with mollusks (not to say even more precisely, with squids).

Two races live on the same planet: the Mon Calamari and the Quarren. The first are idealists and dreamers, the second are pragmatists and realists. The Quarren developed in the depths of the planet's ocean, so when they rose to the surface and were surprised to find more advanced relatives, the first thing they did was attack them.

The Calamari at that time already had more advanced intelligence and technology. When it became obvious that after some time they would completely exterminate their smaller brothers, the humanity of the Calamari prompted them to undertake a grandiose social experiment. They took the young Quarren and raised them in accordance with the basics of civilization, teaching them mathematics, philosophy and other sciences. When the wise youngsters returned to their parents, instead of hatred, they felt respect for those living on the surface of the planet.

Having made peace, they began to cooperate. Thus, the Mon Calamari living on the coast took on the functions of engineers and inventors, which most suited their nature, and the Quarren, who prefer the depths, mine metals and bring the ideas of another race to life. One of the results of this kind of symbiosis is the creation of a unique fleet of research vessels.

Representatives:Admiral Akbar


Mustafarians are an intelligent race of humanoids living on the volcanic planet Mustafar. Mustafarians had long noses and their foreheads were sloping. There were two subspecies of this race: one was taller and thinner, living in the northern hemisphere of the planet, the other subspecies was shorter, stockier and more tolerant of the planet's climate, laborers inhabiting the southern hemisphere. The Mustafarians evolved from anthropoids, whose natural habitat was not the same as the present one, but cooler. They lived in the voids and caves of the inactive volcanoes of Mustafar. After global climate change, Mustafarians had to redo their entire way of life. To protect their bodies from hot lava flows and fumes, the Mustafarians made themselves a kind of clothing-armor from the chitinous coating of Mustafar's lava fleas. For movement, the same fleas were used, which helped move through wide lava rivers. Even without protective armor, the Mustafarian's skin was tough enough to withstand a normal blaster bolt.



In addition to the Hutts, the Trade Federation, led by the Neimoidians, has also been involved in illegal activities for a long time. Although they are bold and aggressive in financial matters, in reality they turn out to be cowardly, greedy and self-interested.

This mentality is greatly facilitated by the first years of life of Neimoidians, who are born as larvae, who are placed in closed hives with a limited amount of food, clearly not enough for everyone to survive. Naturally, fierce competition arises, as a result of which all weak individuals die. When the larvae reach seven years of age, they emerge from the hives, having learned the fear of death and developed accumulative abilities, as well as the desire to protect what they have stolen at all costs.

In Neimoidian society, evidence of wealth is an indicator of personal status. That's why Neimoidians wear particularly elaborate clothes: expensive dresses and luxurious headdresses. High-ranking officials can spend unimaginable sums on things like a useless mechanical chair that only emphasizes the owner's status.


Of all the creatures in the Hutt's service, none are the most cruel and, perhaps, the most dangerous creatures. Being reptilians divided into five different races, each with unique characteristics, the Nikto evolved due to the intense natural radiation of their home world, a planet orbiting the dying star M'dweshu.

All nobodies, no matter what race they belong to, have obsidian-colored black eyes, reflexively protected by transparent membranes when their owner falls under water and in a storm. Nobodies have leathery, reptilian skin and various kinds of horns or spines. Although these races are different, they are genetically completely compatible and can interbreed.

When astronomers discovered the M'dweshu system, a strange and terrible cult was flourishing there, demanding a hecatomb of victims in order to make the dying star live with their blood. Hundreds of thousands of people fell at the hands of the priests or as a result of religious wars slaughtered by fanatics. Only the intervention of the space fleet of Jaba the Hutt, who destroyed the main Temple and the citadel of the cultists, was able to stop the endless fratricidal war. In gratitude for this, no one joined the enslaving agreement, which placed them in the position of servants of the Hutt and his supporters.


Planet Khonogr A humanoid race of medium height, gray in color. Many of the Noghri are excellent fighters, even considered the best in the Galaxy, and are very loyal. For many years they served Darth Vader (who forced them to obey him with lies), and later Grand Admiral Thrawn. Leia Organa Solo freed them from service to the Empire. Subsequently, until her old age, Princess Leia was always accompanied by at least two Noghri as bodyguards.





The Rakata are a once highly developed race that managed to conquer almost the entire galaxy in about 25,000 years. But their unimaginable power and cruelty led to discontent and then riots of the captured peoples (slaves). Marking the boundaries of their empire, Star Maps were placed on the outer planets, leading to the Rakata's greatest creation - the Star Forge. It was on these maps that Darth Revan found the Star Forge (the maps were located on the planets Dantooine, Tatooine, Manaan, Korriban and Kashyyyk. It is believed that the Rakata Empire fell due to an epidemic of the disease, but this is not a fact. This race was also susceptible to the Force .


Creatures with pimply green skin, compound eyes, a flexible snout, pointed ears, small antenna horns on the head and long fingers ending in suction cups. Greedy and immoral, Rodians do not enjoy the slightest trust or respect of other races. On their home planet of Rodia, they were the most aggressive hunters, and when they exterminated all other living species, they began to exterminate each other, and when they entered the expanses of the galaxy, many Rodians became hired killers.

Although the history of the Rodians is marked by numerous and brutal inter-clan wars, they have a rich culture. At some point in their lives, realizing that they were heading towards self-destruction, the Rodians decided to act out violence on stage without killing anyone. The early plays were little more than mock battles, but later generations developed Rodian drama into a real art. Rodians are first-rate dramatic actors, and their performances are prized throughout the galaxy.

The most famous representative of the race is Greedo, who was killed on Tatooine by Han Solo in the film A New Hope. Rodians are one of the playable races in the online game Star Wars: Galaxies.


Sullustians (Sullustians, Sullustians)


Famous People: Ahsoka Tano


Creatures inhabiting the planet Togoria. In Ann Crispin's book Han Solo and All the Traps of Heaven, they are described as very tall, panther-like creatures. Most representatives are more than two meters tall, covered with hair, and have developed muscles. The main occupation of men is hunting, and they use the flying reptiles Mosgoths as mounts. Togorian women are renowned for their technical prowess. Once a year, men return to the cities to mate. Very often, Togorians become pirates and hired killers.


A race of two-legged lizards from the planet Trandonshan. Known for their extreme, unreasonable aggressiveness. Representatives of this race extremely hate the Wookiee race. From time to time they earn extra money by robberies, slave trading, and mercenary work. The most famous representatives: Bossk, Kradossk. Trandoshans can see in the infrared spectrum (Darth Bane: Path of Destruction novel)


In contrast to the clothing-averse Twi'leks, the Tuskens - mutant nomads living in the deserts of Tatooine, also known as the "Tusken Bandits" or "Sand People of Tatooine" - completely hide their bodies under heavy, thick clothes, wrapping their heads in rag strips, securing them breathing mask and safety glasses. Seeing a Tusken's face, especially without his consent, is a terrible and deadly insult. The sex of the child, recorded at birth, is taken into account only at weddings, at which, during a special ritual, the blood of two sand people is mixed with the blood of their bantha. And only after this, in a separate tent, completely secluded from anyone else, the newlyweds can see each other’s true appearance.

The Tuskens have a truly mystical connection with their banthas, huge animals that vaguely resemble earthly yaks and mammoths. The Tusken, who has lost his bantha, becomes an outcast, and the bantha, whose rider has died, falls into a depressive psychosis and is released into the sands forever.

In general, sand people are extremely aggressive, often for no apparent reason (in this regard, it is enough to remember that the very name “Tusken robbers” appeared after they brutally destroyed Fort Tusken, built by settlers on their sacred land), but, despite this, they firmly adhere to deeply rooted customs. For example, young riders are required to prove their maturity by passing tests, the most severe of which requires tracking down and slaying a krayt dragon.

Since the sand people do not have a written language, the storyteller is the most respected in the Tusken clan. He knows the life story of each member of the clan, he knows the history of the entire clan. The storyteller is required to memorize verbatim, which eliminates any possibility of misinterpretation of the story or its distortion. A single mispronounced word during a story means a death sentence for the storyteller.

In the area of ​​material well-being, Tusken nomads do not build any permanent shelters and keep few possessions. According to the social hierarchy, the “sand people” do not make any distinction between men and women: both of them live, fulfilling all customs and traditions in full force. The Tusken language is, for the most part, an unintelligible combination of consonants and angry growls.

Sand people stay away from moisture-collecting farms; only occasionally do they attack the most remote settlements. Some scientists claim the organic origin of Tuskens, but autopsies of a few dead bodies did not confirm such a hypothesis.



A race of lizard-like creatures with green skin. They inhabit the planet Falien. One of the famous representatives is Xizor


Indigenous inhabitants of the planet Findar. Clumsy humanoids with long arms reaching to the knees. Average height is 1.7 meters. The skin is dark, sometimes with white spots and white circles around the yellow eyes. Phindians have a cultural trait that the rest of the galaxy finds irritating, in their conversations they love exaggeration, sarcasm and often avoid the main topic. They are also known for their sincere affection for family and friends. When parting, they hug three times - once in grief from parting, the second from joy that the friendship will continue and the third in the hope of a new meeting. One famous representative is Guerra Derida, friend of Obi-Wan Kenobi


A humanoid race from the planet Firrere. The Dark Jedi Lord Hethrir belonged to this race.



The Hutts are a race of long-lived gastropods. They originated on the planet Varl, but later began to consider Nal Hutta their home. The most famous representatives are Jabba the Hutt and Gardulla the Hutt, mentioned in both the original trilogy and the prequel.





A race of humanoids from uncharted regions. They are similar in appearance to humans, but differ in their blue-black hair color and bright red eyes. The average life expectancy is not known exactly, but what is certain is that at the age of 10 years, Chiss reach full age and sexual maturity, which is 2 times faster than humans. They have a great predisposition to logical thinking and attention. As a result, the Chiss are very good strategists and tacticians, but they very strictly punish preemptive strikes against an unprepared enemy. The Grand Admiral of the Sindic Empire, Mitt-raw-naruodo, or the more common name Grand Admiral Thrawn, belonged to the Chiss race. The Chiss have their own state in uncharted regions, which is ruled by ruling dynasties.

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It's hard to imagine Star Wars without the great variety of different intelligent creatures that appear before us in the very first minutes of the film. If you remove them from the picture even for a few minutes, then Han Solo will be left without his companion, the Mos Eisley cantina will be empty, and the criminal world of Tatooine will lose its flavor. The Jawas won't sell droids to Owen Lars, and Master Yoda won't train young Luke Skywalker. In short, the film won't work.

Well, if you take not only the films, but the entire Star Wars universe, including books, comics and games, then the importance of non-humanoids increases tenfold. In addition, expanding the universe beyond the film allows us to learn many interesting details about the various races. But you can also delve into the diaries from the set and inquire about the real origins of the invented races.

Today, more than a hundred species of intelligent creatures are known in the Star Wars universe. We will tell you only about those that are most recognizable to the common viewer or are of particular interest.


It so happens that one of the most popular creatures in the world of Star Wars are Twi’leks. They are not among the central characters, but at the same time they appear in almost every “episode”, in many books, and they are also known to avid computer gamers.

Official Star Wars literature states that there are very few creatures that can match the grace of a Twi'lek woman in motion, and it's hard to argue with that. For the beautiful girls themselves, beauty and grace are more of a punishment than a reason for joy. Because their own people, without a twinge of conscience, sell them into slavery. The slave trade is one of the sources of external income for their world of Ryloth, almost on a par with the trade in rill, a mineral and drug mined on the planet.

A characteristic feature of Twi'lek anatomy is the presence of head tails - lekku. They are quite sensitive, flexible, and with the help of them Twi'leks can even communicate secretly. The second distinctive feature of the race can be considered the variety of colors and shades of Twi’lek skin.


In contrast to the dress-averse Twi'leks, Tuskens, also known as Tusken Bandits or the Sand People of Tatooine, completely hide their bodies under a mask and a bunch of rags. Seeing the face of a Tusken is a terrible and deadly insult. The sex of the child, recorded at birth, is taken into account only during weddings, at which the blood of two sand people and the blood of their bantha are mixed during a special ritual. And only after that, in a separate tent, the newlyweds can see each other’s true appearance.

The Tuskens have a truly mystical connection with their banthas, huge animals vaguely reminiscent of our mammoths. A Tusken who has lost his bantha becomes an outcast, and a bantha whose rider has died goes mad and is released into the sands forever.

The attitude of the Tuskens towards storytellers who pass stories from mouth to mouth is interesting. A single mispronounced word during a story is a death sentence for the storyteller. In general, sand people are extremely aggressive, often for no apparent reason. Their very name “Tusken robbers” appeared after they brutally destroyed Fort Tusken, built by settlers on their sacred land.


When talking about the inhabitants of Tatooine, it is impossible not to mention the Hutts, although by and large only one Hutt is known on Tatooine. But what! Long-lived, arrogant, vile, ruthless and vindictive, the Hutts control a huge part of the galaxy's criminal world.

Hutts have incredibly muscular bodies, despite lacking a skeleton. In addition, their skin is resistant to most weapons and all but the most toxic chemicals. The internal organs are protected by several layers of muscle and fat. Hutts are hermaphrodites and have both male and female reproductive organs. They are able to eat almost anything that is even slightly edible, but they especially love live food.

A newborn Hutt weighs less than 100 grams. For the first 50 years, they grow and are fed milk inside a special pouch in the body of their parent. When they emerge from the pouch, they already weigh up to 70 kilograms and are about a meter long. The weight of adult Hutts reaches 500 kilograms. The Hutts are one of the longest-living races in the galaxy, some of them living up to a thousand years.


In addition to the Hutts, the Trade Federation led by the Neimoidians was also engaged in not entirely legal activities for a long time. Although they can be bold and aggressive in financial matters, Neimoidians prove to be cowardly. The first years of their lives greatly contribute to this mentality. Neimoidians are born as larvae, which are placed in closed hives with a limited amount of food, clearly not enough for everyone to survive. Of course, there is fierce competition in hives, as a result of which most of the weak individuals die. When the larvae reach seven years of age, they emerge from the hives having learned the fear of death and developed hoarding abilities.

In Neimoidian society, evidence of wealth is an indicator of personal status. That's why Neimoidians wear elaborate clothes: expensive dresses and luxurious hats. High-ranking officials can spend unimaginable sums on things like a useless mechanical chair that only emphasizes status and indulges laziness.

According to the original plan, the Neimoidians looked a little different and were supposed to look like battle droids.


There are two types of Geonosians: wingless drones, who do mostly menial work, and winged aristocrats, including royal warriors, who serve as scouts and provide security for the hives.

Despite their simple brain structure, Geonosians have outstanding abilities in the field of mechanics and engineering, which, however, does not prevent them from treating violence and death as entertainment.

Geonosian society is strictly divided into castes, but some ambitious individuals strive for social advancement. Gladiator fights are held for them, the survivor of which climbs the social ladder or earns enough money to leave the planet.

Mon Calamari and Quarren

If the Geonosians evoke in us strong associations with insects, then the inhabitants of the planet Mon Calamari, on the contrary, are associated with mollusks (not to say even more precisely, with squids). By the way, the name Mon Calamari itself appeared as a result of a joke by the designer, who remembered his breakfast - calamari salad.

Two races live on the same planet: the Mon Calamari and the Quarren. The first are idealists and dreamers, the second are pragmatists and realists. The Quarren developed in the depths of the planet's ocean, so when they rose to the surface and were surprised to find more advanced relatives, the first thing they did was attack them.

The Calamari at that time already had more advanced intelligence and technology. When it became obvious that after some time they would completely exterminate their smaller brothers, the humanity of the Calamari prompted them to undertake a grandiose social experiment. They took the young Quarren and raised them in accordance with the basics of civilization, teaching them mathematics, philosophy and other sciences. When the wise youngster returned to his parents, instead of hatred, he felt respect for those living on the surface.

Mon Calamari are coastal dwellers. They develop new ideas, and the deep-diving Quarren mine metals and bring these ideas to life. One of the results of the implementation of advanced Calamari ideas is a unique fleet of research ships.

Mon Calamari are capable of descending without special apparatus to a depth of 30 meters. Theoretically, they can stay under water for as long as they want, but for psychological and physiological reasons they cannot rest there. Quarren, on the other hand, can descend 300 meters without devices, but after deep dives they are forced to emerge slowly due to the need to adapt to pressure changes. Quarren have the ability to change skin color, but usually only use it for mating rituals.


Another lungfish species that likes to live close to or under water is the Gungan. Unfortunately, after watching “Episode One,” many people get the impression that all Gungans are based on their brightest, but not at all typical, representative - Jar Jar Binks.

In fact, Gungans are not so clumsy, although thanks to their cartilaginous skeleton they are very mobile. Their bodies are excellent for swimming. They have long, muscular tongues, easily hidden stalked eyes, and four-fingered hands. Their large, powerful teeth are designed to crush the shells of crustaceans, which form the basis of the Gungan diet. The two long ears, "hales", are also used to convey emotions such as anger, friendliness and fear. Gungans hatch as tadpoles, which grow limbs within a month and can then walk on their own.

There are at least two known varieties of Gungans. The first are the Gungans of Otholl: tall, lanky, with eyestalks and long ears. The second are the Gungans of Ankur: an older race, shorter, stockier, with shorter ears and muzzles and less protruding eyes.


Speaking about people from the water worlds, it is impossible not to mention the creators of the clone army - the Kaminoans. When the Ice Age ended on the planet Kamino and its oceans flooded with melted ice, local residents had to adapt to the changed conditions. Finding themselves on the brink of extinction, the Kaminoans perfected technology and cloning and took control of reproduction in order to survive. The struggle for existence has made the Kaminoans a race of ascetics who reject the material values ​​common to other cultures. They are far from events on a galactic scale, and they do not care about the consequences of their own experiments.

As the only intelligent race on a water-covered planet, Kaminoans have aquatic characteristics, such as a fin on their heads and pale, cold skin. The appearance of the Kaminoans was to some extent inspired by the classical idea of ​​​​aliens, formed over the years of the development of ufology. To soften this not-so-friendly image, the designers added small seal features to the Kaminoans to make them appear more innocent and naive.


There is another race whose appearance echoes earthly ideas about aliens - these are the Rodians, creatures with pimply green skin, compound eyes and a flexible snout. Rodians also have pointed ears, small antenna horns on their heads, and long fingers ending in suction cups. Greedy and immoral, Rodians are not trusted or respected by other races. On their home planet, they were the most aggressive hunters, and when they had almost exterminated all other living species, they began to hunt each other - in gladiatorial battles. Having entered the vast expanses of the galaxy, many Rodians became bounty hunters.

Although the history of the Rodians is marked by numerous and brutal inter-clan wars, they have a rich culture. Realizing that they were heading towards self-destruction, the Rodians decided to act out violence on stage without killing anyone. The early plays were little more than mock battles, but later generations developed Rodian drama into a real art. Rodians are first-class dramatic actors, and their performances are prized throughout the galaxy.

Kel Dors and Zabraks

Rodians are known to many thanks to computer games. In the same way, two more races gained popularity: the Kel Dors and the Zabraks. Representatives of both of these races are present in the films as members of the Jedi Council. In addition, it is hardly news to anyone that the charming Darth Maul is not a person, but a Zabrak disfigured by tattoos.

Kel Dors are adapted to the helium-rich atmosphere of the planet Doreen, and any other atmosphere is lethal to them. Therefore, outside their home world, they are forced to wear breathing masks. The Kel Dors have a long and honorable tradition in the knowledge of the Force - people from them have become Jedi over the past six thousand years. Level-headed, kind-hearted, and compassionate, Kel Dors believe in swift and simple justice. However, they often become not only Jedi and diplomats, but also traders and even bounty hunters.

Much the same can be said about the Zabraks. However, it is worth adding that among them there are many scouts and ordinary soldiers. There is nothing a Zabrak thinks he can't do. At the same time, the Zabrak lack a sense of superiority over other intelligent beings. In addition to pride, they have highly developed instincts for exploration and colonization of territories. Therefore, in addition to their home world - Iridonia - they have a lot of colonies.


If the Zabraks can be easily recognized thanks to their horns, then the furry giant Wookiees are even more difficult to confuse with anyone else. Wookiees are very devoted to their family. They value morality, courage, compassion and loyalty. Very few Wookiees are capable of willingly betraying friends or family. A typical Wookiee custom is the life debt - an oath of allegiance to anyone who saves a Wookiee's life.

The planet Kashyyyk, home of the Wookiees, is covered in lush vegetation. Wookiees live in the upper tiers of their endless forests, in houses located high on the branches of huge trees. Wookiee cities are hundreds of huts connected by wooden platforms, suspension bridges and ropes. Although Wookiees may seem primitive, in reality they are familiar with technology and easily learn to fly starships, repair instruments and use modern weapons.

The average Wookiee is more than two meters tall and has a lifespan several times longer than a human. In addition to physical strength and keen senses, Wookiees have good regenerative abilities: serious wounds heal in a few days. Wookiees also have claws, which are used only for climbing trees. The concept of honor prohibits Wookiees from using their claws in battle.


In the original plans of Star Wars, the Wookiee tribes would unite to drive the technologically superior Imperials from their forest world. However, Lucas ended up transforming the Wookiees into Ewoks for such a scene in Episode Six. In the first sketches, the Ewoks looked very fierce, and only then they became cute balls of fur.

The Ewoks have a rich and interesting culture. They believe in a wide pantheon of gods and spirits. Their religion is centered mainly around the giant trees of Endor, and the main Ewok deity is the Great Tree, which knows everything and watches over the forest. At the birth of an Ewok, a tree is planted, with which the newborn will remain in a close spiritual connection for the rest of its life.

Although Ewoks have a good command of primitive devices that help them survive, their level of technical development corresponds to the Stone Age. They wear primitive clothing and use crude weapons. But given the opportunity, they learn modern technologies very quickly. Ewoks are proud warriors, using their knowledge of the forests to defeat better-armed opponents.


Home planet: Alin (planet).

The Advoshshi race is the most hidden and unknown race. There is a legend that they were created by higher beings in order to breed an ideal race that could work unquestioningly and carry out all the orders of their overlords. But something went wrong and some Advoshshi were not obedient and submissive.


Home planet: Ando.

Famous representatives: Ponda Baba, a brawler from the Cantina in Mos Eisley (tried to “run into” Luke Skywalker, but Obi-Wan Kenobi cut off his limb in a fight, after which the incident was considered settled), By Nudo, senator from the planet Ando, ​​member of the separatist council.

The Akualish race is divided into three subspecies: Kuara and Ualag (with five-fingered limbs), and Akuala (with flippers instead of hands and feet). Akualish are thick-skinned humanoids with small tusks. Their skin color ranges from dark green or blue to red-brown or black. Members of the Hualag subspecies have four eyes instead of two. Average height is from 1.8 to 2 meters.

The Akualish call the planet Ando their home - completely covered with seas with small swampy islands and rocky cliffs.

The aliens speak and read Aqualish. All subspecies have different dialects, but understand each other well.

Akualish who have left their planet often learn to speak Galactic.

An Akualish is considered a child between 1 and 11 years of age, a teenager between 12 and 16 years old, an adult between 17 and 50 years old, an elderly person between 51 and 69 years old, and an old person between 70 and 80+ years old.

Akualish are known for their aggressiveness, hostility, instability and great physical strength. Cuara and Acquala experience racial hatred towards each other and are in a constant state of war, the reason for which was the decline in the supply of valuable Andoan mineral fish.

The Akualish's first contact with other races occurred when the Duro reconnaissance ship landed on Ando. Having concluded a truce, the Quara and Acquala united against the crew, captured and studied the ship. Having built their own fleet, the Aqualish set out to conquer neighboring planets and systems, but were quickly defeated by the Old Republic and disarmed.

The Akualish easily integrated into galactic society and spread across many worlds, finding employment as bodyguards, tax collectors, assassins, and criminals. The Aqualish are represented in the Senate of the Old Republic.


Home planet: Alin.

The race that was once the Advoshshi, due to the experiments of higher beings and physical changes, became the Alins in honor of their planet Alin. Due to the changes that had begun, they left the planet and began to explore the galaxy, populating previously unknown planets.


Home planet: Maridun.

A primitive race that preferred a clan system of society. Their height ranged between two and three meters, and their skin was green or bright yellow. The Amani skin was poisonous. They lived in the tropical forests of their planet.


Home planet: Not exactly known. Commonly called Anzat

Representatives of the Anzati race are completely human in appearance. The main features of the Anzati are their unique diet - they are predators and feed on the brains of representatives of other races - and the presence of a pair of grasping tentacles intended for feeding, which are hidden in the cheek pouches. Maturity occurs at about 100 years of age. Anzats have an extremely long lifespan (measured in centuries) and a developed ability to regenerate. They also have telepathy and develop it throughout their lives; this allows them to control other creatures, and thereby provide themselves with food. Sensitive to the Force.

The Anzati are almost unstudied by other races: expeditions sent to their world disappeared without a trace. Therefore, many consider the Anzati to be fiction and legend. The limited evidence of the Anzati suggests that they live alone, infiltrating galactic society under the guise of humans, and returning to their homeland only to mate and reproduce.


Home planet: Arzid.

An unintelligent arachnid race. They reached two meters in height. They lived in forests of huge mushrooms that covered the surface of the planet.


Other names: Arkona, or Arkonaians

Home planet: Kona

Famous representatives: Sai Trimba, and El-Les.

Humanoids resembling reptiles in appearance, with triangular heads, six three-fingered limbs (four upper and two lower) and powerful claws. Arconians have clear, marbled eyes and skin that varies in color from dark brown to black. Light vision is poorly developed, but they have developed thermal vision and a strong sense of smell, the organ of which is the tongue. They also have an organ between the eyes that enhances vision, usually mistaken for the nose.

The planet Kona is deserted: it is very hot and there is almost no water. Its atmosphere is filled with ammonia vapor. Outside of it, Arconians must take a drug called “ammonium dactyl crystals.”

The Arconian body is very susceptible to table salt, which causes drug addiction in them. Smugglers and criminals of other races actively take advantage of this feature of the Arkonian body, illegally supplying them with salt in exchange for precious metals. Externally, salt addiction is expressed in a change in skin color to darker and eye color from green to gold. In addition, salt greatly increases the Arkonians' need for dactyl.

Arconians hatch from eggs and perceive all their relatives as one organism. We always refer to ourselves as “we,” even if there is only one member of the race present. On their home planet they live in caves, in large families called Great Nests.


Home planet unknown.

Well-known representatives: Kud "ar Mub" at, Blancavizo (Organ-Accountant)

The Assembler is a huge, about 3 meters tall, arachnid creature with a large large body and six legs. Presumably there is a single copy, but only a narrow circle of people knows other representatives of this race.

The Assembler lives in a giant tube-like structure made of spider webs, which is simultaneously a starship, a home, and part of the Assembler's body. Various devices can be connected to the web, be it engines, weapons or life support systems, allowing representatives of other races to be in it without danger to life. The assembler tends to eat all living things that are not of interest or use, including intelligent beings.

For the convenience of managing the web, the assembler creates autonomous organs for itself. To keep them under control, the assembler gives them exactly the mental and physical capabilities needed to complete the task assigned to them. However, nodes are able to improve their abilities and form their own personalities. Having received its own will, the organ prefers to hide its newfound independence from the assembler in order to one day destroy or leave it and become an assembler itself.

The most famous, if not the only, assembler is Kud'ar Mub'at. He collaborated extensively with criminal organizations and bounty hunters, including Boba Fett.



Home planet: Ojom

Famous representatives: Dexter Jetster, cook and owner of one of the eateries on Coruscant and Pong Krell, a Jedi, participated in the Clone Wars in the Battle of Umbara, subsequently betrayed the Republic, for which he was executed. They reach over 2 meters in height and have a huge chin. Men have four upper limbs, women have more. They have massive, rounded legs, somewhat reminiscent of elephant legs. He is characterized by remarkable physical strength, which is clearly shown during the battle between the clones and General Krell.


Home planet: Clark Dor VII

The Bithi are a peaceful, highly developed genetically modified race. They have developed logical thinking, a keen sense of smell, hearing and exceptional coordination of movements, but are practically devoid of emotions. Bithas have large eyes, smooth bald heads, and five-fingered hands with fingers of equal length. It is believed that bithas never sleep and reproduce artificially.


Home planet: Bothawui

Bothans are fur-covered humanoids approximately 1.5 meters tall. Found on Bothawui and several colony planets, Bothans are distinguished by their body structure and similarity to dogs, horses, or cats. The race is known for the art of politics and espionage, love of intrigue and subterfuge.

The Bothans have been part of the Galactic Republic since at least 4,000 BBY, although they most likely joined much earlier. In numerous conflicts, including the Galactic Civil War, the Bothans remain officially neutral, although their spy network, Spinet, actively works for the warring parties to benefit themselves.

It is widely known that the Bothans stole the plans for the Death Star II, allowing the Alliance to destroy the battle station. The Bothans played an important role in the formation of the New Republic and the creation of its government.

Botanese is the native language of Botans, the written form of which is called Botha.



Home planet: Vhagar Praxath

The Vagaari were a humanoid race of conquerors and nomads. They had dark skin, long arms and two mouths.

During the Yuuzhan Vong invasion, the surviving Vagaari formed an alliance with them, helping them enslave the galaxy. The Vagaari also studied the biotechnology of the Yuuzhan Vong and began to actively reproduce them.


Home planet: Sriluur

Weequay's home planet had a harsh desert climate, resulting in their skin being tough, dry, and wrinkled with brownish tones. They were also able to communicate using pheromones they emitted, and only a Force-sensitive non-Weequay could understand such a conversation. They were prone to a clan lifestyle.

Notable Representatives: Jedi Master Sora Bulk, who defected to the Separatists and became Count Dooku's new apprentice and agent during the Clone Wars, pirate Hondo Ohnaka from the Forum, known for capturing Count Dooku during the Clone Wars and being a bounty hunter Shahan Alama, who participated in the capture of senators in the Senate building and in the mission to free the gangster Ziro the Hutt during the Clone Wars.



Home planet: Gand.

This is a race of intelligent anthropomorphic insects, native to the planet of the same name Gand, whose atmosphere is dominated by ammonia. There are two types of gands: with and without lungs. The first could breathe in the atmosphere of their home planet, but outside it they were forced to use a breathing apparatus, like the Kel Dors, while others had an increased ability to regenerate. Gands, like other insect-like races, had a chitinous exoskeleton and were able to see in the ultraviolet spectrum. They have huge, complex (like other insects) eyes, and each hand has only three fingers. They speak to each other in the Gandian language, however, thanks to the presence of special muscle-gas bags in their bodies, they can also imitate (albeit imperfectly) the sounds of the common galactic language, although most often, in order not to complicate their lives, they use the services of a translator. Gundams by nature do not require much time to sleep, and they are able to use it at their own discretion, that is, only when rest is really necessary. A characteristic feature of Gands is that they usually talk about themselves in the third person. To gain the right to speak about himself in the first person, a gand must perform some outstanding act. After this he becomes the chosen one (yanwuin). Also, by the way a gand calls itself, one can judge its feelings, for example, a gand feeling ashamed of its action will call itself by its last name. The social system of the Gands is a totalitarian monarchy, so they got along relatively easily under the rule of the Empire. Outside their home planet, many Gands became mercenaries, including bounty hunters.


Home planet: Nar Shaddaa

A mysterious race of bipedal humanoids who, due to their innate aggressiveness, most often work as assassins, security guards, and bounty hunters. It is unknown where they come from, most of them are on the planets of the Middle Ring, in Hutt Space, for example on Nar Shaddaa, since historically it turned out that the Hutts are their most frequent employers. They have a habit of wearing high-tech armor covering their entire body, so few people know what they really look like. It is very rare to see a gank alone, most often they roam in groups to fulfill their brutal goals. They became notorious after the events known as the Gank Massacre in 4800-4775 before the Battle of Yavin (the massive extermination of the cetacean humanoids of the Porporites who, through the fault of the self-interested Neimoidians, fell into an ever worsening dependence on the ryllan-new drug, a type of spice mined on planet Ryloth. The Neimoidians, in turn, to protect themselves from the ever-increasing aggressiveness of their porporite clients, who needed ever larger doses, hired several PMCs consisting entirely of ganks, who, without thinking twice, began a full-scale genocide of the porporites, which dragged on for 25 years and was stopped, with great difficulty, with the combined forces of the Jedi and the Republic).


Home planet: Kinien.

Intelligent mammalian humanoids native to the planet Kinyen, in the Sumitra sector, also live in many colonies throughout the Galaxy. They have a very characteristic appearance; they have three eyes located on stalk-like shoots and an elongated, goat-like muzzle. Their lifespan is approximately the same as that of humans. When their mood changes, their skin changes color slightly, which is most noticeable primarily to other Grans. They are herbivores and have an appropriate anatomy developed in the process of evolution. Very social creatures, they get involved in conflict only as a last resort, but for all their ostentatious love of peace they are, in a sense, rather cunning creatures. They, for example, captured Malastare because of the presence of huge mineral deposits there, and actually enslaved the Dags who lived there, which led to a sharp increase in xenophobia among the latter. In response, the Dags began a guerrilla war, and 1000 years after the capture of the planet, they thoroughly pushed back the Gran invaders, for the most part regaining their freedom and freeing themselves from slavery, but they were not able to completely expel the invaders from Malastare, and in relative freedom, they remained for grans to be second-class creatures. By the time the Clone Wars began, Malastare was still formally under the control of the so-called Gran Protectorate. The Gran are allies of the Empire.


Home planet: Naboo.

The Gungans are the aborigines of the planet Naboo. Judging by their appearance, their distant ancestors, from whom they descended in the process of evolution, were creatures reminiscent of terrestrial seahorses. From them the Gungans inherited the ability to live in an aquatic environment. But unlike their ancestors, they are double-breathing - they can breathe both oxygen dissolved in water and atmospheric air. They build their cities on the seabed, under waterproof domes. They willingly come to land and can stay out of the aquatic environment for a long time. Some of them are susceptible to the Force.

Jawas live in the desert in small clans, about 300 individuals. Each clan has a small squad of warriors armed with ion blasters. Half of the clan lives and works in sandcrawlers, on which they travel through the desert and sell droids and equipment to farmers, the other half - in fortresses, where the bulk of the goods are concentrated. These fortresses have high walls constructed from large pieces of old destroyed spaceships and are designed to protect against Tuskens and Krait dragons. Jawas' equipment is usually collected from the desert, and occasionally stolen from people.

Once a year, before the storm season, all the Jawas gather in one of the bays of the Dune Sea in a giant flea market, where they exchange various news and goods, make marriages, deals and bets. Marriages of Jawas are the same business, so brides and grooms are called the collective term “marriage goods”. In general, trading among members of the Jawas is considered a very useful business practice, since it ensures the diversity of the bloodlines of their families.

In Episode IV, one of the Jawas found C-3PO and R2-D2 and sold them to Luke Skywalker's uncle, Owen Lars.

The Jawa language in films was created by speeding up Zulu speech. However, Star Wars: Battlefront and Star Wars: Battlefront II also use Spanish: "Arriba, Arriba!"


Home planet: unknown.

A race that lived on the edge of unexplored regions, outside the Chiss state. Discovered by the Chiss and the New Jedi Order during an expedition to Outbound Flight and freed from the yoke of the Vagaari. Almost completely exterminated during the Clone Wars era; In addition, an environmental disaster caused by the war destroyed their home planet.

Drabatans (Drabatans)

Home planet: Pipada.

Famous representatives of the race: Pao Drabatans are reptile-like amphibians with a huge mouth as long as their entire head, and if the expression of smiling from ear to ear is applicable to someone, this is definitely about them. Their vocal cords are very well developed and it is simply impossible not to hear the Drabatan, and if the Drabatan makes an effort, he can even stun the enemy, not to mention the ability to elegantly shout to anyone or simply report something from the podium, this Drabatan can do even without a loudspeaker! The skin color of the Drabatans is swamp green, some individuals have membranes between their fingers, the Drabatans also have small eyes and no nose; instead, they breathe with special gills that are capable of absorbing air on land, the body of the Drabatans is very “wrinkled”. The homeworld of the Drabatans is unknown as they only appeared in the film Rogue One, a Star Wars Story and the mobile game Star Wars Commander, and there is unfortunately very little information about them.


Home planet: Droll.

One of the races living in the famous Corellian system. The home planet of the drolls is Droll. Outwardly they resemble upright walking rodents. Drolls are avid homebodies and hospitable hosts. Thanks to this, Drall is popular with tourists who come to see the Boiling Sea and the colorful feathered Ibots. They are distinguished by their nobility and intelligence and are known as excellent researchers.


Neighbors and relatives of the Ewoks, but, unlike them, they live in swamps. Compared to Ewoks, they look thinner and have shorter, greenish-colored fur.


Home planet: Duro.

The Duros, sometimes called the Durosians, are a humanoid race from the planet Duro, one of the first in the Galaxy to master interstellar travel.

The Duros' homeworld lies at the intersection of the Corellian Trade Route and the Duros Route, two critical hyperspace routes connecting Duro to major commercial centers. Planet Duro is a world of environmental disaster, which is the result of rapid industrial development. Most Duros live on the 7 orbital stations. A representative of this race is the mercenary Cad Bane from the series “The Clone Wars”




The Zabrak, also known as the Iridonians (when referring to the Zabrak from the planet Iridonia), are a humanoid race from Iridonia, a Mid Rim planet known for its harsh climate and dangerous predatory life forms. The race had a strong sense of self-determination, independence and dominance.

Zabrak are humanoids with vestigial horns protruding from their heads and well-developed willpower. The species is divided into many different subspecies, distinguished by different horn shapes. Zabraks also like to have intricate tattoos on their faces, designed to reflect their personality.

The Zabrak were among the first to master space travel, and they explored most of the Galaxy. Their homeworld of Iridonia is a frighteningly violent planet that has forced many Zabrak to settle on other worlds, including Talus, Dathomir, and Corellia. They also founded eight colonies in the Mid Rim, which is why most Zabrak primarily identify with their colonies. All members of the species speak Zabraki and Primary, but they can also master local languages.

In keeping with the Zabrak's pioneering spirit, they are generally judged to be independent and strong-willed individuals. Iridonia and the main colonies staunchly resist the control of the Galactic Empire, although some Zabrak individuals have become its servants. In response to the Zabrak's defiant behavior, the Empire began sending troops into their colony worlds and subjugating their production facilities. This forced many Zabrak to return to a nomadic lifestyle in space.

Zabrak (both male and female) are proud, strong, and confident creatures. They believe that nothing is truly impossible, and will constantly strive to prove skeptics wrong in their judgments. Some Zabrak maintain a belief in their complete superiority over other species; they often discuss the achievements of their people and home colonies with a pride that can border on arrogance. As warriors or scouts, Zabrak tend to be selfless, strong, and extremely focused.

The Zabrak are still regarded as the galaxy's most prominent explorers, but their individuality, survival instincts, and incredible willpower allow them to excel in nearly every profession that involves adventure and risk-taking.

At the moment, there are only 7 known zabraks that you can pay attention to: Darth Maul, Bao Dur, Maris Brud, Jedi Agen Kolar And Iit Cat, mercenary Sugi, and Savage Opress and his younger brother Feral(the last three are characters from the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars.


Home planet: Zygerria.
A humanoid race that evolved from felines. They are very similar in height and build to humans; Distinguishing features include large, pointed, woolly ears, golden-yellow eyes, and claws on the fingers instead of nails. Extremely beautiful in appearance, but extremely cruel and heartless. Their civilization is based entirely on slave labor, and the slave trade is the main source of income; The Zygerrian slave market is known far beyond the borders of their world (it was the Zygerrians who once sold Anakin Skywalker and his mother into slavery). The once powerful Zygerrian empire was destroyed by the Jedi, but they dreamed of reviving it and once again ruling the Galaxy; For this reason, they entered into an alliance with the separatists.

Notable Representatives: Queen of the Zygerrians Mirage Skintel, proud leader Darts D'Nar and the warden of the prison with slaves on Kadavo Argus.

Zillo Beast

Home planet: Malastare.
Gigantic creatures with a very large head on a disproportionately thin body. The eyes are green and fluorescent. They have five limbs (three upper and two lower) and a long tail with spikes at the end. The limbs are three-fingered, very long and flexible, almost the same in thickness as the body. Their entire body is covered with plates of incredibly strong armor that cannot be penetrated by any weapon. Their lifestyle and physiology are unknown, but there is reason to believe that they are intelligent.
For a long time, the Zillo Beast lived in the underground depths of Malastare, undisturbed by the inhabitants of the surface; The Dags encountered them when they began to develop the minerals of their planet. Many miners died until it was discovered that the fuel that the Dugs extracted from the raw materials they mined was deadly to the Zillo Beast. All of them were exterminated, with the exception of one, the last representative of the species, who fell into suspended animation and was awakened by an explosion when tests of new weapons were carried out on Malastare. On the orders of Chancellor Palpatine, the Zillo Beast was transported to Coruscant for study, but broke free and caused great destruction, so much so that it had to be killed.


Home planet: Zeltros.

A race close to humans, originally from the planet Zeltros, is distinguished by its reddish skin and hair color. Both men and women are very romantic and very loving. Women of this race are considered very attractive by people. Zeltrons encourage the pursuit of pleasure in all its forms. Known to be unabashed hedonists. They are empaths by nature, capable of feeling the emotions and mood of other living beings, and are also capable of releasing special pheromones that have a relaxing effect on the mood of others, but they can also use them more selectively to influence someone in particular. Having chosen an object of adoration, they show enviable persistence and categorically do not accept an answer “no”. Zeltron courtesans are widely known throughout the Galaxy. There are, however, exceptions when the Zeltron switches to monogamy (however, this does not happen often).



Home planet: unknown.

Known representatives of the race: Bistan Iakaru - intelligent ape-like creatures with dark gray fur sometimes with a purple tint. Tall stature and good muscles give great strength to Iakaru. Iakaru's distinctive features include a curvaceous physique, large nostrils and long but thin eyebrows. Iakaru do not tolerate heat well and live mainly in slightly cool and humid climates. Iakaru's home world is unknown, but it is definitely a tropical planet with many forests and jungles on its surface.


Home planet: Ithor.

The Ithorians are a mammalian species of intelligent life that inhabits the planet Ithor in the Ottega system. In appearance, they are very similar to terrestrial hammerhead fish. The uniqueness of this race is manifested, in particular, in the fact that each Ithorian has two mouths, located on both sides of the neck. For this reason, their native language, based on this phenomenon, cannot be studied or reproduced, so Ithorians traveling outside their home planet are forced to study the galactic language...

Ithor itself is a tropical world where high technology and nature exist in harmony. Therefore, its inhabitants live in floating cities, called “ships of the herd,” where all individuals are obliged to obey the commands of their captains, exactly as on a real ship. These "cities" float above the surface of the earth without landing, so as not to cause damage to the planet as much as possible. Each ship has many levels, and all of them are centers of trade, culture and industry.

Mimicking the planet's environment, each vessel features an interior jungle with man-made storms, a humid atmosphere and lush vegetation.

Once every five years, "courts of herds" gather at a randomly selected location where the Ithorians celebrate, debate, and vote on planetary issues affecting the entire race. The Ithorians themselves love to travel to other worlds in caravans, trade and learn new things, the best from other peoples.


Home planet: Iktotch.

Humanoids from the planet Kali. They are distantly related to the phalliens. The average height of an adult is about 2 meters. They have reddish-brown skin, five-fingered lower limbs, and four-fingered upper limbs. The upper limbs have two opposable (thumb) toes. The lower jaw has two fangs growing on both sides of the mouth. The hair of the Kalians is usually black or dark brown; the eyes are usually golden yellow, with vertical pupils. Kalians are able to see in the infrared range.


Home planet - Kamino.
Famous representatives: Lama Su(Prime Minister of Camino) Tong Wee, Nala Se(the head of a large space medical station where wounded and sick clones are treated), Senator Halle Burtoni.
When the Ice Age ended on Camino, its oceans flooded with melted ice, flooding all the land, so that local residents had to adapt to the changed living conditions. Finding themselves on the brink of extinction, the Kaminoans perfected cloning technology and took control of reproduction in order to survive. The difficult struggle for existence made them a race of ascetics who do not attach importance to material values ​​common to other cultures. They are far from events on a galactic scale, and they do not care about the consequences of their own experiments. It is on their planet that warriors for an army of clones are grown based on genetic material taken from a mercenary named Jango Fett.

As the only intelligent race on a water-covered planet, Kaminoans possess some aquatic characteristics, such as a vestigial fin on the head (in males) and pale, cold skin. The eyes are very large, almost black, with a silver iris; There is no hair on the head and body. They are taller than people; The unusually long neck is especially noteworthy. The movements are smooth, somewhat slow. The limbs are long and thin, the hands have three fingers. Sensitive to the Force (at least one Kaminoan is known to have served on the Jedi Council). However, they can be confused with zexto


Home planet: Karkaris.

A race of intelligent humanoid sharks; they have shark heads, but the fins have evolved into arms and legs. They breathe with gills and are constantly in motion. They are distinguished by cruelty and belligerence. They joined the separatists.
Famous representative - Riff Tamson. On the instructions of Count Dooku, he organized the assassination of the king of Mon Cala, Jos Colina, and provoked a separatist rebellion among the Quarren, then led a joint attack of the Quarren and an army of aqua droids on the Mon Calamari, but was eventually killed in battle by the young crown prince of Mon Calamari, Lee-Char. .


Mon Calamari

Home planet: Mon Calamari

Two races live on the same planet: the Mon Calamari and the Quarren. They are idealists and dreamers. Quarrens developed in the depths of the planet's ocean, so when they rose to the surface and were surprised to find more advanced relatives, the first thing they did was attack them.
Mon Cala at that time already had more developed intelligence and technology. When it became obvious that after some time they would completely exterminate their smaller brothers, the humanity of the Mon Cala prompted them to conduct a grandiose social experiment. They took the young Quarren and raised them in accordance with the basics of civilization, teaching them mathematics, philosophy and other sciences. When the wise youngsters returned to their parents, instead of hatred, they felt respect for those living on the surface of the planet.

Having made peace, they began to cooperate. Thus, the Mon Calas living on the coast took on the functions of engineers and inventors, which most suited their nature, and the Quarren, who prefer the depths, mine metals and bring the ideas of their partner race to life. One of the fruits of this union is the creation of a unique fleet of research vessels.

Since almost the entire surface of the Mon Calamari planet is covered with water, and most of the land is swampy, its population lives in floating cities that look like icebergs.

Both Mon Cala and Quarrens retain many similarities in their appearance to aquatic creatures. Mon Calamari have flippers instead of arms, the jagged edges of which act like fingers, and heads with large, extremely protruding eyes set on the sides, very reminiscent of fish.

Representatives: admiral Akbar, Bent Eirean, Nadar Webb(disciple of Keith Fisto), prince Lee-Char.


Although the history of the Rodians is marked by numerous and brutal inter-clan wars, they have a rich culture. At some point in their lives, realizing that they were heading towards self-destruction, the Rodians decided to act out violence on stage without killing anyone. The early plays were little more than mock battles, but later generations developed Rodian drama into a real art. Rodians are first-rate dramatic actors, and their performances are prized throughout the galaxy. Rodian women can be very beautiful even by the standards of other races (at least one of them was in Jabba the Hutt's harem).

The most famous representative of the race is Greedo. At one time he lived on the planet Tatooine and was a childhood friend of Anakin Skywalker; Subsequently, he chose a career as an assassin and kidnapper, took part in the kidnapping of the daughters of Baron Papanoid, then worked for Jabba the Hutt, but was killed by Han Solo in the film A New Hope. Famous Rodians are also Jedi Bolla Ropal and Onaconda Farr, characters from the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Onaconda Farr is Rodia's representative in the Republic Senate and a good friend of Padmé Amidala (she simply calls him “Uncle Ona”). For some time he was inclined to cooperate with the Trade Federation, but soon became disillusioned with it and began to actively support the Republic; however, being a staunch pacifist, he advocated curtailing the production of clones and reducing military spending and was poisoned by supporters of the escalation of hostilities.


Sullustians (Sullustians, Sullustians)


One of the three races that make up (along with humans and drolls) the population of the Corellian System. They live in caves and underground tunnels of the planet Sellonia


Sith ( a more correct phonetic transcription is Sith (eng. Sith)) - the race to which Naga Sadow belonged (5000-4400 years before the first episode). The Sith were an insectoid race sensitive to the dark side of the force. One day, exiled Dark Jedi arrived on the Sith home planet of Korriban; Thanks to their knowledge of the Force, they seized power over the planet's population and began to be called the Lords of the Sith. Already during the period of the Old Republic, the Sith race was considered extinct, and this name was understood as “ordinary” dark adepts of the Force belonging to the Sith Order.




Home planet: Thisspias

Home planet: Alzok-3 (also found on the planet Ortho-Plutonia)


The Tuskens, or "sand people" are primitive nomadic tribes of Tatooine who are hostile to the local settlers. They were called the “People of the Sands” because of their life in the desert; this name was common around 4,000 BBY. However, in later times, after the attacks on Fort Tusken in 98-95 BBY, the race received the name "Tusken Bandits".

Scholars studying the Tusken past use the name "Gorfa" to identify their early sedentary culture, as well as "Kumumga" to refer to the very first intelligent civilization on the planet, which is considered the predecessor of both the Gorpha and the Jawas.

In contrast to the clothing-averse Twi'leks, Tuskens completely hide their bodies under heavy, thick clothing, wrapping their heads in strips of rags to secure a breathing mask and goggles. Seeing a Tusken's face, especially without his consent, is a terrible and deadly insult. The sex of the child, recorded at birth, is taken into account only at weddings, at which, during a special ritual, the blood of two sand people is mixed with the blood of their Bantha mounts. And only after this, in a separate tent, completely secluded from anyone else, the newlyweds can see each other’s true appearance.

Little is known about the biology of Tuskens, but scientists agree on one thing - despite their external resemblance to humanoids and, in particular, to humans, Tuskens are not such. The face of these creatures is completely covered with pieces of rag. Tuskens look through metal tubes attached to their eyes; These tubes prevent sand from getting into your eyes while reducing your visibility levels. In the mouth area there is a device with which Tuskens breathe. It filters sand from the air, simultaneously cooling and humidifying it. This device makes life as easy as possible for Tuskens in the cruel deserts of Tatooine.

The Tuskens have a truly mystical connection with their banthas, huge animals that vaguely resemble earthly yaks and mammoths. The Tusken, deprived of his bantha, becomes an outcast and must wander the desert alone until he is lucky enough to meet a new bantha, and the bantha, whose rider has died, falls into a depressive psychosis and is released into the sands forever.

In general, sand people are extremely aggressive, often for no apparent reason (in this regard, it is enough to remember that the very name “Tusken robbers” appeared after they brutally destroyed Fort Tusken, built by settlers on their sacred land), but, despite this, they firmly adhere to deeply rooted customs. For example, young riders are required to prove their maturity by passing tests, the most severe of which requires tracking down and slaying a krayt dragon.

Since the sand people do not have a written language, the storyteller is the most respected in the Tusken clan. He knows the life story of each member of the clan, he knows the history of the entire clan. The storyteller is required to memorize verbatim, which eliminates any possibility of misinterpretation of the story or its distortion. A single mispronounced word during a story means a death sentence for the storyteller.

Tusken nomads do not build any permanent shelters, usually living in tents and keeping few possessions. Their main asset is weapons; Tuskens know how to use blasters, but their favorite type of weapon is gaderffay(two-handed axe). According to the social hierarchy, the “sand people” do not make any distinction between men and women: both of them live, fulfilling all customs and traditions in full force. The Tusken language is, for the most part, an unintelligible combination of consonants and angry growls.

The sand people stay away from the desiccant farms; Only sometimes do they attack the most remote settlements, but if this happens, the attacks can be very brutal (during one of these attacks, the Tuskens kidnapped Anakin Skywalker’s mother and held her captive for about a month; Anakin, having learned about this during his stay on Naboo hurried to Tatooine to free her, but she died in his arms, and then in anger he destroyed an entire Tusken camp with all its inhabitants).
Some scientists claim the organic origin of the Tuskens, but the autopsies performed on a few dead bodies did not confirm such a hypothesis.



A humanoid race native to the Uba system. Due to a man-made disaster in this system, most of the population died, and the survivors have since lived only on the planets Uba IV and Ubertica. They almost never appear in public without “signature” armor and a heavy helmet with a voice modulator with which they speak, which is why they are famous as mysterious nomads. They are distinguished by their wayward and hot-tempered character, as well as a tendency towards xenophobia, so they mainly choose the professions of mercenaries, slave traders, and head hunters. Senator Leia Organa disguised herself as a representative of this race to infiltrate Jabba the Hutt's residence to save Han Solo.


Ugnauts are pig-like humanoids from the planet Gentes. Ugnaughts are industrious and their society is industrialized. Despite their small stature, they are strong and resilient, living for about 200 years. Indispensable specialists and workers in heavy, harmful and dangerous industries, as well as when servicing complex technical devices. They have a rich oral tradition. Often found on Bespin (especially in Cloud City, where they mine Tibanna gas)



A race of lizard-like creatures with green skin. Aborigines of the planet Falien. They are known for their innate arrogance and love of luxury, as well as the ability to secrete specific pheromones that have a stimulating effect (and not only) on both sexes (except for creatures immune to the effects of pheromones, or those without intelligence). It is also known that most of their race was destroyed due to a biological disaster on Falliin (some kind of experimental virus escaped from the underground laboratory of the Empire, and Darth Vader, fearing the spread of infection, personally ordered the launch of a procedure for full-scale sterilization of the planet’s surface, which is why , in fact, almost its entire population died). One of the famous representatives is Prince Xizor, one of the few survivors of that disaster, later the “left hand” of the Emperor, the secret leader of the Black Sun crime syndicate, and the personal enemy of Darth Vader (due to the very thing he accepted many years ago fatal decision, since then Xizor’s family died), only dreaming of how to take his place at the court of Sidious, and also a womanizer known throughout Coruscant.


Aborigines of the planet Felucia. They look almost human, but with blue skin. They are also somewhat retarded in development, but despite this, they are susceptible to the Force, especially the Dark Side, which strengthens them, but turns them into bloodthirsty freaks. They are divided into shamans and warriors. They are armed with curved blades and wands similar to brooms. They worship their Ancient Deity: the largest Sarlacc in the Universe. They also tame the local animals - rancors. They have never flown into space. They have no representatives. The leaders at one time were the Jedi Shaak Ti and her Padawan Maris Brood.


Indigenous inhabitants of the planet Findar. Clumsy humanoids with long arms reaching to the knees. Average height is 1.7 meters. The skin is dark, sometimes with white spots and white circles around the yellow eyes. Phindians have a cultural trait that the rest of the galaxy finds irritating, in their conversations they love exaggeration, sarcasm and often avoid the main topic. They are also known for their sincere affection for family and friends. When parting, they hug three times - once in grief from parting, the second from joy that the friendship will continue and the third in the hope of a new meeting. One of the famous representatives is Guerra Derida, a friend of Obi-Wan Kenobi. The most famous representatives are Jabba Desilijk Tiure and Durga the Hutt.




Cereans inhabit the planet Cerea. They are very similar to humans, but their average height is about 2 meters due to their huge heads. Once upon a time, the Jedi An'ya Kuro flew to this planet. She recognized the potential in young Ki-Adi-Mundi and took him to Coruscant at the age of 4 (other children were taken to the Jedi Temple earlier, but despite this, he became a respected Jedi Knight under the leadership of Master Yoda. Another representative is the youngling O-Mer.



Celegians are a non-humanoid race from the planet Celegia, resembling an ellipsoid with hanging tentacles. They have telekinesis.


Chadra fans

Small, bat-like humanoids. Their home planet is Chad. Chadra-fans had 7 senses: vision, touch, taste, hearing, smell, infrared vision and chemoreceptor smell. Due to accelerated metabolic processes, they matured at a very early age.


A race of humanoids from uncharted regions. Outwardly they look like people. The average life expectancy is about 80 years, but at the age of 10 the Chiss reach full age and sexual maturity, which is 2 times faster than humans. A race related to humans, descended from a human colony formed before the invention of hyperdrive. About 5,000 years before the Battle of Yavin, Xilla was subjected to icing, which forced the colonists to adapt to ice age conditions, which caused external differences from people - blue-black hair color, blue skin and bright red eyes that glow in the dark. They have a great predisposition to logical thinking and attention. As a result, the Chiss are very good strategists and tactics. They sacredly honor ceremonies, customs and hierarchy, follow their own, not always clear, ethics and honor, as a result of which they very strictly punish preventive strikes against an unprepared enemy. The Chiss have their own state in the unexplored regions, which is ruled with an iron fist by nine ruling dynasties. Due to the complex hierarchy and internal ethics, they strictly follow bureaucratic procedures and are not able to quickly make decisions at the state level.

The Grand Admiral of the Sindic Empire, Mit'trau'nuruudo, better known as Thrawn, belonged to the Chiss race.



The Shistavanen originated on the planet Juvena Prime in the Juvena system. In addition to natural evolution, the Shistavanen species was shaped by unknown genetic engineers. Like many wolf species, Shistavanen had pronounced muzzles, sharp claws, long, sharp teeth, and pointed ears located on the top of their heads. Shistavanen also had large, glowing eyes, and could run at high speeds for long periods of time without getting tired, alternating the use of two or four limbs. As predators, they had a keen sense of hearing and smell, and excellent night vision. Life expectancy was about one hundred (100) years.



A race close to humans that can change their appearance. The Shi'ido live on the planet Lao-mon. They were shy and curious, and did not want to meet other races, especially on their home planet. Most of this small species were known as thieves and murderers. But some Shi'ido could not resist the desire to learn about cultures and travel around the galaxy.

The Shi'ido did not make contact with galactic powers. They were far from politics.

The Shi'ido's home planet of Lao-mon was located in the Unknown Regions. The aborigines themselves call their homeland Sh’shuun. They quickly understood the language of nearby creatures.

The Shi'ido believed that the race whose form they took on would forever remain “brothers and sisters” to them. Shi"ido were known to be shy and curious creatures. They preferred to avoid confrontation with other species, especially in their homeland. Despite their secretive nature, some shi"ido, especially older ones, could not resist the desire to travel the galaxy and study other cultures. Although, due to their secretive nature and their natural abilities, they were known as thieves, assassins and spies. However, this race was quite small.






A primitive race from the planet Er'Kit (known for its connections with the slave trade, the underworld and terrorist groups like the Bloody Dawn) have gray skin; thin, long arms and legs; a slightly elongated head shape, as well as long fingers, but very short ones on their feet! Er "whales live in tribes and live in small huts. The Er'whale tribes are often at enmity with each other and their red desert world has experienced many wars, as well as violence and blood, but Er'whale has always remained aloof from large-scale galactic wars and conflicts!


A race of short, up to 70 cm, shaggy creatures, similar to “bear cubs”. The indigenous population of the moon Endor (in orbit of which the second ambush was destroyed.


Yuuzhan Vong

Warlike humanoids from the planet Yuuzhan-Thar, located outside the Galaxy. They have an aversion to all mechanical technologies, so they grow weapons and spaceships from various animals (this is done by members of the molder caste). For example, the main weapon of a Yuuzhan Vong warrior - an amphibious rod - is a modified poisonous snake, and spaceships are grown from yorik coral.

As a sign of climbing the social ladder, the Yuuzhan Vong disfigure their faces and attach the limbs of other creatures to themselves. However, this does not cripple them, but, on the contrary, makes them more dexterous and combat-ready. Another feature of the race is that they are not felt through the Force.

During their invasion of the galaxy, the Yuuzhan Vong nearly destroyed the New Republic.

Notable Representatives: Warmaster Tsavong La, Supreme Overlord Shimrra Jamaane, Onimi.


A race of reptiles from the planet Yuven. They had two heads with spotted skin.


Bear-like creatures. They live on the planet Yuzzu.



Humanoids from the planet Nar Kanji. They were overweight and had red skin. A representative of this race was Azmorigan, a crime lord and slave trader.

"(Russian) , Wookieepedia. Retrieved July 24, 2018.
