What does mandala mean? Mandala: what is it and how is it used

With the advent of Eastern Europeans, and, in particular, Indian culture, Buddhism, and other philosophical movements, the mandala tattoo became an integral part of the art of tattooing. This is a unique phenomenon that could not be missed in our country. Today, on the streets of cities, it is not difficult to find men and women with similar images painted on their skin. We will try to figure out what the mandala symbol means, what it is like, and even on what parts of the body it is usually applied. We will also discuss the styles in which the image can be made.

To understand the meaning of a mandala tattoo, you need to understand the meaning of such diagrams in general.

So, if we dig a little deeper into history, we will find out that this is not just a beautiful picture consisting of patterns, but a kind of blueprint of the universe, our entire universe.

Although we are accustomed to consider the Middle Ages as the era of development of mathematics, as well as our time - the 20th and 21st centuries, it was well developed in ancient India and China. The geometry of the universe is a topic that can be discussed for a very long time. Essentially, mandalas are a flat, two-dimensional model. It can be a circle inscribed in a square, have the shape, or be a fractal. In any case, the geometric accuracy of all lines is maintained.

Mandala with feathers on the back

Mandala under the chest

Mandala with a fox face

Mandala pattern in blue

Magnificent mandala on the sacrum

Mandala in old school style

Mandala with space in the center

Mandala in watercolor style

Cute mandala on belly

In some cases, the image can be divided into four sides - north (green), south (yellow), west (red), east (white). The central segment is usually colored blue. However, there are other variations depending on local interpretations. Each color represents a part of the human personality. Often mythological creatures and deities are drawn nearby. They can be either neutral or violent. Inside, patterns of complex elements, colors, as well as various characters are often depicted.

Mandala with various characters

Such a colored mandala can have many meanings, from zodiac to religious. Some are created for contemplation in order to comprehend the secrets of the universe, others are symbols of good luck, or protective signs. Often, classical Indian mandalas are tied to a Vedic plot and symbolize certain sections of sacred treatises.

Colored classic mandalas

A similar tattoo with a lotus flower or rose is found in many Eastern cultures. Its carriers can be yogis, clergy, and ordinary residents. It is believed that the mandala has an ideal shape. Therefore, it is used in construction, believing that small objects - an altar, a temple, a house - should be created according to a universal matrix, a template of the universe.

If you want to gain some kind of spiritual fullness and integrity, such a tattoo will perfectly cope with changes in your life.

There are also more original drawings, which are sometimes difficult to understand. For example, what does an elephant with a mandala tattoo mean? The animal usually symbolizes the Indian god Ganesha. This mythological character is one of the kindest and most positive.

Mandala with elephant god Ganesh

Often, looking at numerous photos of mandala tattoos on the Internet, you can notice how different they all are. Each drawing has its own sacred meaning, and it is difficult to decide which one to make.

Even the Dalai Lama spoke about the significance of such drawings. According to him, this is a powerful tool that can influence not only the spiritual aspects of a person’s life, but also psychophysiology. He calls the drawings resonators, creating information fields that influence the electrical activity of the brain. It is worth noting that the Dalai Lama is one of the smartest people of our time. He regularly participates in conferences of neuroscientists and other scientists.

Dalai Lama and mandala

Tibetan mandalas, or yantras, are becoming no less popular than the plots of the Indian and Chinese styles.

You can often see combined designs that combine classics and more modern motifs, and even fantasy. For example, a mandala-style moon tattoo is popular among girls.

Some people choose a drawing on special websites, others order unique images from specialists, created individually for each person. There are universal options for harmonization that suit everyone.

In psychology, there is a technique in which mandalas are used in the practice of comprehending one’s own “I”. The system is based on an earlier one based in India. There it was called rangoli.

Mandala tattoos for men and women

The best mandala tattoo for girls is the mandala of love and harmony. Even if you are not yet planning to have a family and children, this image will help you get an internal balance of physical and spiritual, masculine and feminine, strength and humility. It is the desire for internal balance that makes many people go to get such a tattoo. The female version often has many rounded details and monograms.

Women's love mandala with floral motifs

Are there mandala tattoos for men? Considering that initially this is religious - philosophical and cosmological symbolism, the answer is affirmative. And let’s not forget that harmony and internal balance are needed not only by representatives of the fair half of humanity.

Where to get a tattoo and how does it affect?

If we talk about purely female options, we often encounter:

  • Mandala tattoo under the chest - in the area of ​​the manipura chakra;
  • On the chest is the heart chakra;
  • On the lower back – in the area of ​​the svadhisthana chakra.

It is believed that a mandala tattoo on the hand seems to guide a person’s life, conducting certain cosmic signals through his body. Therefore, it is worth paying close attention to what meaning this symbol will carry. You can depict it on the hand or on the wrist. An interesting placement option is the elbow, both on its outer and inner sides.

Energy channels pass through the wrist into the palm. Through the left we receive energy information flows, and through the right we send them to the outside world. By choosing a drawing, you can program the physical and subtle bodies to work more correctly with flows. Sometimes the mandala enhances the data transmission speed.

A girl's mandala will also look beautiful. However, it is worth thinking about where exactly the center of the picture will be placed. Experts recommend carefully studying the layout of the main energy centers on the human body. For example, on the back there are only three main (chakras). These are the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th chakras. That is, the areas starting from the lumbosacral region and ending with the chest. There are small centers in other parts of the human body.

Mandala on the back of a girl in the lumbosacral region

If you do not want to tie the drawing to a certain point on the body’s energy map, you can use universal options. Often there is a tattoo on the forearm, on the leg - foot, thigh, calf, ankles, or even knee.

A mandala on the ribs would look great. The two-sided option is quite common.

Mandala tattoo on the ribs for girls and guys

Another great solution is a mandala tattoo on the neck. This area of ​​the body is interesting because it is a kind of transition point between the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of human existence.

Girls often order a mandala tattoo on the collarbone. Typically, an image of this kind has small dimensions.

You can use mandalas and additional details to make a tattoo sleeve. It will look impressive and beautiful, while carrying a special sacred meaning for each person. You can use patterns of different meanings. Some will harmonize you, others will protect you from various negative external influences, and others will.

Mandala tattoo sleeve for a girl and a guy

Tattoo styles

When choosing design options, a customer in a tattoo salon thinks about several things:

  • Style and technique;
  • Dimensions;
  • Color.

There are many styles, but only those that imply geometric precision are suitable for such a tattoo. What to choose? Here are some ideas:

  • Graphics are a great style that allows thin black lines to create the perfect design. In order for it to turn out geometrically correct, it is first made on paper, all angles and proportions are measured, then the contours are transferred to the skin and stamped with a machine. The procedure is complex and painstaking.
  • A dotted mandala would also look great. This style is ideal for sacred designs and various symbols. It got its name due to the fact that the technique involves drawing an image with separate dots.
  • If you want something unusual, order a white mandala.
  • The background (traditional) is green, closer to an emerald hue, and copper tones of red.

The size depends on the location on your body. It is logical that a mandala tattoo on the back will be larger than a similar image adorning the wrist.

For mandala tattoos, sketches can be found on sites dedicated to Buddhism and Tibetan traditions. Under the pictures there is often a brief description of the meaning and symbolism of each picture.

The mandala is one of the most mysterious symbols in the history of mankind. To comprehend and decipher it, it is not enough to understand the definition; you must completely immerse yourself in the history of the universe and ancient cultures. The mandala takes us to time immemorial, when people's faith in higher powers was strong, and the sense of beauty spilled out into intricate ornaments.

Mandala- this is not just a beautiful intricate design. This is a complex geometry that carries a tremendous meaning. For many centuries it has served as a constant and universal symbol of wholeness, transformation and harmony. It combines almost all the original intuitive human ideas about the nature of the world, ideas that determine our existence and are inherent in every person.

Literally, “mandala” is translated as “circle” and denotes the entire matrix of the universe, the concentration of harmony and reconciliation with the Universe. The circle itself is a fundamental sign, an ideal geometric figure without beginning or end. This is everything and nothing, a comprehensive sign that is found in the culture of all peoples.


Since the art of creating a mandala originated in ancient times, today it is impossible to reliably determine the inventor or the date of creation of the first mandala. Some researchers are of the opinion that the history of the appearance of mandala drawings is connected with the construction of ancient megaliths. There is also a version that the inspiration for the image of the mandala came from shamanic drums and the symbols that were applied to them. The variety of historical interpretations and nuances of semantic interpretations indicate that the mandala is much more complex than it seems at first glance.

There is a beautiful Buddhist legend that the first mandala was made by the founder of the Vajrayana movement in the 8th century. He was in dire need of divine help, so he made a geometric pattern and stood in its center. He prayed for seven days and seven nights, after which the deity, attracted by the beauty of the image, descended on him and made his wish come true.

The famous psychiatrist and researcher of human depth psychology, Carl Gustave Jung, became one of the first in Europe to approach the study of the mandala from a scientific point of view. He created the first mandala in 1916 and over two years of practice he perfected the art and showed the world unique, magnificent images every day. Over the years of studying this art and its spiritual background, he found out that each of his mandala reflects the internal state at the time of drawing. Jung began using his drawings to document his psychic transformation and ultimately came to a stunning conclusion. The professor discovered that with the help of the mandala technique one can reveal a person’s unique individuality, overcome his fears and look “inside” himself.

Mandala in different world cultures

The mandala was originally a sacred symbol that was used in many spiritual beliefs.

It is known that the Christian nun Hilda von Bingen, who lived in the 12th century, created magnificent mandalas. In this way, she expressed her religious beliefs and worldview.

Native Americans created sand mandalas by marking the surface with unusual symbols. They also carved mandalas from stone, creating colossal architectural works. The famous Aztec calendar is also a mandala. It symbolizes the timekeeping and religious worldview of the ancient Indian people.

Despite the fact that mandalas are usually complex images with numerous ornaments and symbols, the Yin-Yang sign is also a mandala. Like its intricacies, it is used for meditation and comprehension of the deep secrets of the universe.

The whole world knows the ancient Tibetan art of creating mandalas from colored sand. This is painstaking and long work that requires fantastic endurance and skill. It strengthens the spirit and fosters human humility. Drawing is an integral part of the spiritual practice of Tibetan monks. The most incredible thing (for an uninitiated person, of course) is that when many days, and sometimes many months of work is completed, the mandala is destroyed. This gesture symbolizes the frailty of all things and teaches people to be submissive to universal forces.

Remember the legendary British monument - Stonehenge. It's hard to believe, but this is also a kind of mandala. Huge stone blocks arranged in a circle symbolize the knowledge and worldview of the ancient Druids. In this place they comprehended the secrets of nature, calculated the course of stars and planets, and prayed to their eternal gods.

Mandala therapy

Carl Jung found out that the mandala helps to emancipate a person and release his internal psychic energy. The healing qualities of the mandala were known before. The most interesting thing is that any aspect of “communication” with a mandala has a positive impact on a person, be it the independent creation of a drawing or simply attentive contemplation of it from the outside.

If you want to bring peace into your life, simply place the image of the mandala in a prominent place so that it catches your eye as often as possible.

The art of mandala has not been forgotten. On the contrary, today it is experiencing a new stage of development. There are mandal forms or templates for decorating. They can be downloaded on the Internet or bought at an art store. For what? The fact is that in the process of creating or decorating a cyclic mandala pattern, a person’s deepest emotions find a way out. Thus, psycho-emotional relief occurs, we become calm and balanced, we open up more easily to happiness and learn to enjoy basic things.

If during the process of decorating the mandala you felt strong emotions, focus on this and highlight with a brighter color the part that aroused these feelings in you. This way you will build your own personal “psychological diagram”, like Dr. Jung.

Regular work with mandalas will ensure that you are in harmony with the world around you. Concentration on the process of drawing mandal patterns allows you to concentrate and creates the basis for resolving internal conflicts. As a result, the person’s condition changes significantly.

It is important not to just draw a mandala and forget about it. Hang the finished image in a prominent place so you can look at it more often. Study your drawing, remembering what you were thinking about at one or another stage of its creation. This will consolidate a favorable result of the work.

If you don't have a penchant for drawing, but want to experience the miraculous effects of a mandala for yourself, there are many ways that don't involve using pencil and paper. So you can create beautiful mandalas-mosaics, collages and sculptures from natural materials (stones, cones, seeds, etc.), sculpt patterns from polymer clay... The beauty of this art is that it covers all spheres of natural manifestation, as in spiritually as well as physically.

The word Mandala (pronounced mon-dah-lah) means "circle". The mandala represents wholeness, a cosmic diagram that reminds us of our relationship to infinity, extending within and beyond our bodies and minds.

The mandala appears to us in all aspects of life, the Earth, the Sun, the Moon and, more obviously, the circles of life encompassing friends, family and community.

Mandalas are circular designs that symbolize the idea that life never ends. Many mandalas have spiritual meaning for a specific person or group of people. Hindus were one of the first people to use the mandala as a spiritual tool, but most people know that mandalas were created by Buddhists.

Mandala meaning

Mandalas are used for meditation, allowing a person to become one with the universe. There are not many people who can achieve this state of mind by studying mandala. The symbolism of creating a mandala can have significant meaning for many people, be it Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, Pagan or any other religious orientation.

Mandalas can be created by people to symbolize their journeys through life. A mandala can also tell a story about a person. In some cases, they describe a person's path in life. Groups can create mandalas showing what they must do to grow and develop as a group.

How to use a mandala

There are many uses for mandala. The design of the mandala is supposed to be visually appealing to absorb the mind in such a way that annoying thoughts are put aside, a spiritual essence surrounds the person viewing the mandala, which in turn allows him to achieve a higher consciousness, almost like being under hypnosis. This allows the busy mind to take a break while the creative mind runs freely.

Mandala is mainly used as a form of meditation to gain knowledge from within. You must know the meaning of the mandala you have chosen or set your own meaning before using it for meditation.

Once the goal is established, you can begin to focus on the mandala. Think about beauty, let your mind wander just like when looking at a candle flame. If your mind involuntarily begins to think about ordinary everyday problems, simply return your attention to the beauty of the mandala. Let the mandala absorb all your attention. Look at its colors and patterns. As you begin to fall into the mandala, you will experience a feeling of lightness, which can trigger intuitive thoughts. Relax and let thoughts and feelings come to you. If you start to feel panicked, lost, uneasy, or start thinking about everyday things again, simply relax and refocus your attention back to the mandala.

Everyone experiences different feelings. But if you are relaxed and focused on the mandala, obviously you have achieved what the mandala intended. You must leave with a clear intention, which is set by the chosen mandala before meditation.

Mandala colors

There is a wide selection of mandalas and their meanings on the Internet. Many websites have mandalas coloring pages available for download. It's better to choose colors intuitively. The colors and their symbolic meanings are described below to help you choose a mandala color:

  • Red - for strength, high energy and passion
  • Pink - for love, intuition and femininity
  • Orange - for creativity, transformation, self-awareness and intuition
  • Yellow - for learning, wisdom, laughter and happiness
  • Green - for physical and mental healing, love of nature and caring
  • Blue – for emotional healing, inner peace and meditation
  • Purple - for spiritual values
  • White - for spiritual charm
  • Black is for mystery, deep thinking and individuality.

How to draw mandalas

1. Prepare colored pencils (pens, markers) of the desired color. You can turn on relaxing music to get in the mood.

2. Set an intention, such as becoming healthier or having a loving relationship with your partner. Think about this until you decide on the pattern of your mandala.

3. Once you have aligned your mind and body, focus on the colors that you find helpful for your purpose. (See above)

4. Focus on your intention as you begin to draw. Repeat words that express your intention while you draw.

5. Draw a stream of thoughts connecting you to the creative source, as if it had a life of its own. You may feel inspired to use certain shapes, words or symbols as the basis for your manifestation.

6. Continue drawing, focusing only on your intention and how you will feel when you eventually achieve your goal. Stop drawing if you become distracted by other thoughts or notice that your energy is going astray. Give yourself a moment and take a few deep, relaxing breaths. When the energetic connection returns, continue drawing.

7. Mandalas should be created effortlessly, with creative pleasure. Leave any judgment aside and let your mandala evolve, no matter how long it takes to create.

8. Look at the mandala and feel its energy. This will be the living intention that you set at the very beginning. When you look at a drawing, you may notice elements that you didn't see when you created it. This confirms that you have been in distracted cerebral, intuitive activity - this is a good sign. The meaning of these elements will come to you over time through contemplation.

9. Once you have created your mandala, hang it somewhere to look at every day - on the wall or as a screen saver on your phone, computer or laptop so that it affects your subconscious.

Hello, dear friends!

The image of the Universe using a symbol is called the beautiful word mandala. All its parts are compared with the main laws of Buddhist teachings. Today, there are many varieties and ways of creating a sacred symbol: drawing, weaving, creating three-dimensional models, constructing from colored sand and other natural elements.

Mandala is a valuable tool for developing the positive qualities of a person, his strength and energy. Thanks to her influence, people find themselves. The word “mandala” began to be used to call establishments, spas, magazines, and even to give names to their children. This meant one thing, the term literally took root in the culture!

All over the world, Tibetan monks are building extraordinary sand mandalas, placing the symbols in museums. In this way, they introduce visitors from different parts of the world to the amazing cultural heritage of Tibet. But what does this mysterious symbol really mean?

What is a mandala? The Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung, a student of Freud’s grandfather himself, at the beginning of the twentieth century discovered the term “mandala” as a unique method for studying the unconscious in psychoanalysis.

In the process of his work, he systematically kept diaries, recording in them conclusions, and even his own dives into sleep. Moreover, in addition to reasoning in verbal form, his notebooks were painted with amazingly beautiful circles. Over time, he came to the conclusion that the mandala is nothing more than a complete reflection of spiritual harmony.

It can be called a powerful energy matrix, and not a simple outer circle, with a square inscribed in it and an inner circle, which often has the shape of a lotus or tends to it.

This is something more, having a colossal charge of energy, which is given to a person for use. If you translate the meaning of the term from Sanskrit, the term will be read as “circle” or “disc”. But what meaning for a person havesacred symbols?

Meaning of symbols

With the help of the subconscious, you can easily adjust reality, attitude and perception of yourself in space. A mandala is exactly what will allow you to work with the silent part of your personality, establishing communication with your inner “I”.

Experienced specialists can easily “read” your state of mind simply by looking at your drawing. By understanding the meaning of each symbol, you can attract the most positive aspects into your world, overcoming negative attitudes.

Where and why is a mandala used?

Harmonization of yourself and space

You can learn how to weave a mandala from threads yourself. With this technique, the threads will begin to form unique patterns of squares and circles, thereby charging the space. What is the role of a woven mandala for your home? It's simple! She will let the energy of the space pass through her, harmonize and align it.

This will help you find peace of mind, both at the time of its creation and after. Your thoughts will come into order, your mood will improve, and pressing problems will seem less serious.

Moreover, you can draw and weave sacred symbols for other people or family members. And by choosing specific colors when creating, you can charge a specific area of ​​your loved one’s life.

Healing through auto-training

From the drawing that a person created, you can understand his feelings and the degree of anxiety. And if you manage to get carried away by the creation process, then the benefits received will be more than noticeable.

But if you approach drawing a mandala through coloring “antistress”, where you need to add color to an already created drawing in black and white format,then you will notice how your thoughts align. At this moment it happens healing from psychological disorders.

Imagine that this is the healing process. Visualize images, charging the symbol to restore the body, moreover, with its help you can activate water for daily use by the whole family!


Art therapy using a wicker or painted mandala is used as an effective tool for psychoanalysis not only in adults, but also in children. This way you can “see” the child’s real fears, experiences or tendencies and help him overcome them.


Mandala patterns are used for meditation , as a quick way to go into a meditative, trance state. But most importantly, before performing a practical lesson, you need to mentally formulate and ask a question that haunts you.

Place the mandala at eye level and try to look at the patterns with defocused vision. During the “flight”, you can keep your eyes open, sliding along the curves and lines, or you can close them, enjoying the images that emerge in the subconscious.

They help find answers, stimulatedevelopment of intuition, make a person experience a genuine state happiness and weightlessness. You can also create a mandala that fully reflects the traditional representation of a person’s chakras.

Thanks to this, the individual will work on the energy centers at the mental level of perception.

But how to create a symbol with your own hands? What is needed for this?

How to draw a sacred symbol

You need a blank sheet of paper and a set of paints, crayons or pencils. Meditative music and incense work great in the process. Listen to yourself and draw a large circle in the center of the sheet (for example, you can circle a plate). Draw something in its center, choosing one or two colors.

An inner voice will tell you what symbols and lines should be in the drawing. Do this with concentration, but without straining your consciousness. Fill the space of the sphere with animals, triangles, signs, figures.

After this, try to decipher the meaning of the “map of space”. Get to know your subconscious systematically by drawing every other day for 7 days. Then, analyze your personal progress. Has your internal state changed, has harmony returned?

That's all! Share your impressions and transcripts in the comments and of coursesubscribe to updates, there is a lot of interesting things ahead!

See you on the blog, bye-bye!

Surely, you have heard about mantras, Ayurveda, the laws of Karma, and the ancient Indian philosophy that arose at the dawn of civilization. Hinduism is one of the oldest religious practices that offer an explanation for the meaning of human existence. Long before the advent of knowledge about psychiatry and psychology, they could discern the emotional state of a person and the stage of his development through drawing certain schematic drawings - mandalas.

What is a mandala?

Translated from Sanskrit mandala means wheel, circle, rotation. This is a schematic graphic sketch, but in ancient times it was treated with reverence, as a sacred object, since in it one could see a reflection of the human soul.

The famous psychotherapist, follower of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, while studying the unconscious, began to study mandalas in earnest. Give his patients the task of drawing a similar schematic drawing, he saw that they never repeat, changing over and over again, and reflect the internal emotional state of a person at a certain moment.

Thanks to the research of this scientist, this practice began to be used in psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.

Of course, all mandalas are strictly individual, but their depiction is subject to clear rules. In the center of the circle is the pupil, the waking eye. This center is surrounded by two circles: inner and outer. The outer one, closer to the edge, should guard and protect, and the inner one, which is closer to the pupil, shows your state of harmony, enlightenment at the moment.

If lotus flowers or tulsi branches are often used in the image of the outer circle, then in the inner circle diamonds, emeralds, rubies are used in an ornament of symbols. The center itself is also depicted symbolically.

The meaning of flowers in a mandala

These days, many have heard of art therapy, a restorative treatment for stress and depression. Psychologists believe that colors can be used to determine a person’s mental and emotional state.

In drawing mandalas, each color also has its own meaning:

Red - the color of passion, power, power and energy. This color in the drawing shows that the person has strong vital energy, the blood runs quickly through the veins, the heart beats quickly.

If there is not a single shade of red in the picture, then this is a very alarming signal. It indicates that a person is in a state of depression, chronic fatigue, despondency and hopelessness.

Yellow - fun, joy, happiness, positive. Creative individuals with an unconventional approach to life and work are attracted to all shades of this color.

Green - the color of nature and life. It is often used by sincere and honest people who live in harmony with the world and with themselves. The predominant use of this color indicates the balance of feminine and masculine traits in a person’s character.

Blue - the color of wisdom, prudence, calmness. It is believed that the use of this color is typical for psychics and esotericists, magicians and sorcerers, as well as philosophers and poets.

Brown - color of earth and bark. They say that the abundance of this color in drawings speaks of a desire to hide, take cover, and receive protection from the world.

Orange - midway between red and yellow, this is the color of strong, overflowing energy. A person who constantly uses this color dreams of self-realization and self-affirmation.

Black - anticolor. In all interpretations, he personifies death, emptiness, non-existence. The predominance of this color is a terrible symptom; it speaks of a person’s creative and professional burnout and unwillingness to live.

A schematic model of a mandala can be purchased in specialized stores or downloaded from the Internet, but by using different colors you will depict your own emotional state, and, as esotericists believe, depict your own soul at the moment.

The meaning of the symbols in the mandala

The image of the mandala is strictly symbolic. In addition to lotus flowers, they depict

  • triangles are symbols of the constant movement of the world,
  • squares are symbols of family, home, temple, protection,
  • short and long, thick and thin lines of different directions,
  • the star is a symbol of masculinity and masculinity,
  • the cross is a very important sign, symbolizing the right or wrong choice of life path,
  • flower is a symbol of femininity, beauty and love,
  • circles of various sizes and locations.

Gurus who study mandalas will be able to tell a lot about you and your state of mind by looking at your drawing. This interpretation will be influenced by absolutely everything, even the thickness of the lines. For example, if you outline the outer circle with a thick line, then this is an indicator of the desire to protect yourself from the dangers of the outside world.

If, in addition to a thin broken line, there are many empty spaces in the circle, then you are extremely sociable and friendly.

If thin, winding lines are intertwined in the space of a circle, then you are emotional and sensual. But such a drawing for a man is an indicator of the presence of a huge number of problems and spiritual stupor.

Any flower in a mandala depicted by a woman indicates the femininity and sophistication of its owner. In general, floral elements and ornaments in a woman’s drawing are a good sign.

Many triangles directed in different directions of the world indicate doubts about choosing the right path.

Both colors and symbols are of great importance in the depiction of mandalas.

How to draw a mandala

You can draw a mandala yourself . Prepare a white sheet of paper and pencils or paints. Take a large plate and draw a circle across the entire sheet. Now you need to move on to the icon image. Listen carefully to your inner voice. He will tell you what symbol or sign should be in the center.

Then move on to the inner circle, you can fill it with any shapes: people, animals, plants, ornaments or geometric shapes. Carefully move to the outer circle, remember that everything should be interconnected and harmonious.

Then proceed to coloring your drawing, use only those colors that your intuition tells you. And then try to interpret your drawing using your knowledge of symbols and colors.
