Autumn pictures of nature in Oblomov. Like landscapes in novel A

Landscape and its functions in Oblomov's novel and received the best answer

Answer from Nadeyka[guru]
Oblomov's dream takes us to Oblomovka. It is comfortable for a person to live there, he does not have a feeling of unsettled life, insecurity in front of the vast world. Nature and man are merged, united, and it seems that the sky, which is able to protect the Oblomovites from all external manifestations, is “closer to the earth there”, and this sky has spread over the earth like a home roof. There is no sea there that excites human consciousness, no mountains and abysses that look like the teeth of the claws of a wild beast, and the whole area around is “a series of picturesque sketches, cheerful, smiling landscapes.” Such an atmosphere of the world of Oblomovka conveys complete consent, harmony in this world, and "the heart just asks to hide in this corner forgotten by everyone and live in happiness unknown to anyone." "Neither terrible storms nor destruction can be heard in that land." You can't read anything terrible about this "God-blessed corner" in the newspapers. There were no "strange heavenly signs" there; there are no poisonous reptiles; “locusts do not fly there; there are no lions, no tigers, not even wolves and bears, because there are no forests. Everything in Oblomovka is calm, nothing distracts or depresses. There is nothing unusual in it, even "a poet or a dreamer would not be satisfied with the general appearance of this modest and unpretentious area." A complete idyll reigns in Oblomovka. An idyllic landscape is inseparable from a specific spatial corner where fathers and grandfathers lived, children and grandchildren will live. Oblomovka space is limited, it is not connected with another world. Of course, the Oblomovites knew that the provincial town was eighty versts from them, but they rarely went there, they knew both about Saratov and Moscow, St. Petersburg, “that the French or Germans live beyond St. Petersburg, and then it began for them for the ancients, the dark world, unknown countries inhabited by monsters, people with two heads, giants; darkness followed there - and, finally, everything ended with that fish that holds the earth on itself. None of the inhabitants of Oblomovka seeks to leave this world, because there is alien, hostile, they are quite satisfied with the happy “life”, and their world is independent, integral and complete. Life in Oblomovka flows as if according to a previously planned scheme, calmly and measuredly. Nothing disturbs its inhabitants. Even "correctly and imperturbably the annual cycle is completed there." A strictly limited space lives according to its age-old traditions and rituals. Love, birth, marriage, work, death - Oblomovka's whole life is reduced to this circle and is as unchanging as the change of seasons. Love in Oblomovka has a completely different character than in the real world, it cannot become some kind of revolution in a person’s spiritual life, it does not oppose other aspects of life. Love-passion is contraindicated in the world of Oblomovites, they “poorly believed ... spiritual anxieties, did not take for life the cycle of eternal aspirations somewhere, towards something; they were afraid, like fire, of the infatuation of passions. An even, calm experience of love is natural for Oblomovites. An essential place in the life of Oblomovites is occupied by ceremonies and rituals. “And now, to the imagination of the sleeping Ilya Ilyich, three main acts of life began to open up ... at first, played out both in his family and among relatives and friends: homeland, wedding, funeral. Then a motley procession of its cheerful and sad divisions stretched out: christenings, name days, family holidays, incantations, breaking the fast, noisy dinners, related congresses, greetings, congratulations, official tears and smiles. It seems that the whole life of the Oblomovites consists of only rites and ritual holidays. All this testifies to the special consciousness of people - the mythical consciousness. What is considered quite natural for an ordinary person is here elevated to the rank of mystical being - Oblomovists look at the world as a sacrament, holiness. Hence the special attitude to the time of day: the evening time is especially dangerous, the afternoon sleep time has a powerful force that controls people's lives. There are also mysterious places here - a ravine, for example. Letting Ilyusha go for a walk with the nanny, the mother severely punished “not letting

Answer from Daria Arkhipova[active]
the landscape plays one of the key artistically defining roles in the novel of the breakups. when Ilya Ilyich is calm, he reflects complete serenity and, accordingly, reflects anxiety, misunderstanding, etc. we can say that the most vivid landscape I have read in my entire life is a description of Oblomovka he dreamed about, where it smelled so delicious of pies with onions and eggs. what about his apartment? than a landscape. how it reflects his nature, his attitude, his philosophy. he's not lazy, as is commonly believed. he is inactive from the lack of meaning in committing an act. when he saw the meaning, remember Olga, he turned into a charming, intelligent, active man who persistently and ingeniously sought the attention and location of a woman for whom he was imbued with the brightest feelings.

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Landscape and its functions in Oblomov's novel

The functions of the landscape in the work are different. This is the background on which the action takes place, and the characterization of the state of mind of the hero, and a kind of framing of the plot, and the creation of a special atmosphere of the story.

The first landscape appears before us in Oblomov's Dream. Pictures of nature here are given in the spirit of a poetic idyll. The main function of these landscapes is psychological, we find out in what conditions the main character grew up, how his character was formed, where he spent his childhood. The Oblomov estate is a "blessed corner", a "wonderful land", lost in the outback of Russia. Nature there does not strike us with luxury and pretentiousness - it is modest and unpretentious. There is no sea, high mountains, rocks and abysses, dense forests. The sky there huddles “closer ... to the earth ... like a parent’s reliable roof”, “the sun ... shines brightly and hotly for about six months ...”, the river runs “merrily”: it “spills into a wide pond, then“ strives with a quick thread ”, then barely "Crawls over rocks" The stars there "friendly" and "friendly" blink from heaven, the rain "gush briskly, plentifully, jump merrily, like large and hot tears of a suddenly overjoyed person", thunderstorms "are not terrible, but only beneficial."

The seasons in this region are correlated with peasant labor, with the natural rhythm of human life. “According to the calendar, spring will come in March, dirty streams will run from the hills, the earth will thaw and smoke with warm steam; the peasant throws off his short fur coat, goes out into the air in one shirt and, covering his eyes with his hand, admires the sun for a long time, shrugging his shoulders with pleasure; then he will pull a cart that has been turned upside down ... or he will examine and kick the plow lying idly under a canopy, preparing for ordinary labors. Everything in this natural cycle is reasonable and harmonious. Winter "does not tease with unexpected thaws and does not oppress in three arcs with unheard-of frosts ...", in February, "you can already feel the soft wind of the approaching spring in the air." But summer is especially wonderful in this region. “There you need to look for fresh, dry air, drunk - not with lemon and not with laurel, but simply with the smell of wormwood, pine and bird cherry; there to look for clear days, slightly burning, but not scorching rays of the sun and for almost three months a cloudless sky.

Peace, tranquility, deep silence lie in the fields, quietly and sleepily in scattered villages not far from each other. In the master's estate, everyone sinks into a deep sleep after a varied, plentiful dinner. Life flows lazily and slowly. The same silence and tranquility reign there in human manners. The range of people's concerns does not go beyond simple everyday life and its rituals: christenings, name days, weddings, funerals. Time is counted in Oblomovka "on holidays, on seasons, on various family and domestic occasions." The land there is "fertile": the Oblomovites do not need to work hard, they endure labor "as a punishment."

It was in this region that the hero's childhood passed, here in the long winter evenings he listened to the nurse's tales, epics, scary stories. In this atmosphere of the unhurried course of life, his character was formed. Little Ilyusha loves nature: he wants to run into the meadows or to the bottom of the ravine, play snowballs with the boys. He is curious and observant: he notices that the shadow is ten times larger than Antipas himself, and the shadow of his horse covered the entire meadow. The child wants to explore the world around him, “to rush and redo everything himself,” but his parents caress and cherish him, “like an exotic flower in a greenhouse.” Thus, those who seek manifestations of power turn inward, droop and wither. And gradually the hero absorbs this unhurried rhythm of life, its lazily measured atmosphere. And gradually he becomes the Oblomov that we see in St. Petersburg. However, one should not think that this phrase carries only a negative semantic connotation. And Oblomov's "pigeon tenderness" and his moral ideals - all this was also shaped by the same life. Thus, the landscape here has a psychological function: it is one of the components that form the character of the hero.

In the scenes of love between Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya, pictures of nature acquire a symbolic meaning. So, a lilac branch becomes a symbol of this nascent feeling. Here they are on the path. Olga plucks a lilac branch and gives it to Ilya. And in response, he notices that he loves lilies of the valley more, since they are closer to nature. And Oblomov involuntarily asks for forgiveness for the confession that escaped from him, attributing his feelings to the action of music. Olga is upset and discouraged. She drops a lilac branch on the ground. Ilya Ilyich, on the other hand, picks it up and on the next date (for dinner with the Ilyinskys) comes with this branch. Then they meet in the park, and Oblomov notices that Olga is embroidering the same lilac branch. Then they talk, and hope for happiness appears in Ilya's soul. He confesses to Olga that "the color of life has fallen." And she again plucks a branch of lilac and gives it to him, designating with it the “color of life” and her annoyance. Trust and understanding appear in their relationship - Oblomov is happy. And Goncharov compares his condition with a person's impression of an evening landscape. “Oblomov was in that state when a person had just watched the setting summer sun with his eyes and enjoyed its ruddy traces, not taking his eyes off the dawn, not looking back where the night comes from, thinking only about the return of warmth and light for tomorrow.”

Love sharpens all the feelings of the characters. Both Ilya Ilyich and Olga become especially sensitive to natural phenomena, life opens up to them with its new, unexplored sides. So, Oblomov notices that, despite the external silence and peace, everything in nature is boiling, moving, bustling. “Meanwhile, in the grass everything was moving, crawling, fussing. There are ants running in different directions so troublesome and fussy, they collide, scatter, hurry ... Here is a bumblebee buzzing near a flower and crawling into its cup; here flies are clustered in a heap near a drop of juice that has come out on a crack in a linden tree; here a bird somewhere in the thicket has been repeating the same sound for a long time, maybe calling another. Here are two butterflies, spinning around each other in the air, headlong, as in a waltz, rush around the tree trunks. The grass smells strongly; an incessant crack is heard from it ... ". In the same way, Olga discovers the hitherto unnoticed secret life of nature. “The same trees in the forest, but a special meaning appeared in their noise: living harmony reigned between them and her. Birds do not just chirp and chirp, but all say something to each other; and everything speaks around, everything corresponds to her mood; the flower blossoms, and she hears as if his breath.

When Oblomov begins to have doubts about the truth of Olga's feelings, this novel seems to him a monstrous mistake. And again the writer compares Ilya's feelings with natural phenomena. “What wind suddenly blew on Oblomov? What clouds did he inflict?<…>He must have had supper or lay on his back, and the poetic mood gave way to some kind of horror. It often happens to fall asleep in the summer on a quiet, cloudless evening, with twinkling stars, and think how beautiful the field will be tomorrow with bright morning colors! How fun it is to go deep into the thicket of the forest and hide from the heat!.. And suddenly you wake up from the sound of rain, from gray sad clouds; cold, damp ... "Oblomov's experiences may be far-fetched, he still loves Olga, but subconsciously begins to realize the impossibility of this union, to foresee the end of the relationship. And Olga begins to understand the same thing with her unmistakable female intuition. She notices that "the lilacs ... moved away, disappeared!". Love ends with summertime.

Autumn pictures of nature intensify the atmosphere of the distance of the characters from each other. They can no longer meet so freely in the forest or parks. And here we note the plot-forming significance of the landscape. Here is one of the autumn landscapes: “The leaves flew around, everything is visible through and through; crows in the trees cry so unpleasantly ... ". Oblomov offers Olga not to rush to announce the news of the wedding. When he finally parted with her, snow falls and thickly covers the fence, wattle fence, ridges in the garden. "The snow fell in flakes and thickly covered the ground." This landscape is also symbolic. The snow here seems to bury the possible happiness of the hero.

At the end of the novel, the author draws pictures of southern nature, depicting the life of Olga and Stolz in the Crimea. These landscapes deepen the character of the characters, at the same time they are given in contrast with Oblomov's Dream in the novel. If the sketches of nature in "Oblomov's Dream" were detailed, and in places poetic, the author allegedly dwelled on characteristic phenomena and details with pleasure, then in the finale Goncharov limited himself only to describing the impressions of the characters. “Often they plunged into silent wonder at the ever new and shining beauty of nature. Their sensitive souls could not get used to this beauty: earth, sky, sea - everything awakened their feeling ... They did not meet the morning indifferently; could not stupidly plunge into the dusk of a warm, starry, southern night. They were awakened by the eternal movement of thought, the eternal irritation of the soul and the need to think together, feel, speak! ..». We see the sensitivity of these heroes to the beauty of nature, but is their life the writer's ideal? The author avoids an open answer.

The landscape is simple and modest, painting a picture of the local cemetery at the end of the novel. Here the motif of the lilac branch reappears, which accompanied the hero at the culminating moments of his life. “What happened to Oblomov? Where is he? Where? - In the nearest cemetery, under a modest urn, his body rests between the bushes, in a lull. Lilac branches, planted by a friendly hand, doze over the grave, and the wormwood smells serenely. It seems that the angel of silence itself guards his sleep.

Thus, the pictures of nature in the novel are picturesque and varied. Through them, the author conveys his attitude to life, love, reveals the inner world and mood of the characters.

The first landscape appears before us in Oblomov's Dream. Pictures of nature here are given in the spirit of a poetic idyll. The main function of these landscapes is psychological, we find out in what conditions the main character grew up, how his character was formed, where he spent his childhood. The Oblomov estate is a “blessed corner”, a “wonderful land”, lost in the outback of Russia. Nature there does not strike us with luxury and pretentiousness - it is modest and unpretentious. There is no sea, high mountains, rocks and abysses, dense forests. The sky there huddles “closer ... to the earth ... like a parent’s reliable roof”, “the sun ... shines brightly and hotly for about six months ...”, the river runs “merrily”: it “spills into a wide pond, then“ strives with a quick thread ”, then barely "Crawls over rocks" The stars there "friendly" and "friendly" blink from heaven, the rain "gush briskly, plentifully, jump merrily, like large and hot tears of a suddenly overjoyed person", thunderstorms "are not terrible, but only beneficial."

In the scenes of love between Oblomov and Olga Ilyinskaya, pictures of nature acquire a symbolic meaning. So, a lilac branch becomes a symbol of this nascent feeling. Here they are on the path. Olga plucks a lilac branch and gives it to Ilya. And in response, he notices that he loves lilies of the valley more, since they are closer to nature. Trust and understanding appear in their relationship - Oblomov is happy. And Goncharov compares his condition with a person's impression of an evening landscape. “Oblomov was in that state when a person had just watched the setting summer sun with his eyes and enjoyed its ruddy traces, not taking his eyes off the dawn, not looking back where the night comes from, thinking only about the return of warmth and light for tomorrow.”

When Oblomov begins to have doubts about the truth of Olga's feelings, this novel seems to him a monstrous mistake. And again the writer compares Ilya's feelings with natural phenomena. “What wind suddenly blew on Oblomov? What clouds did he inflict? Autumn pictures of nature intensify the atmosphere of the distance of the characters from each other. They can no longer meet so freely in the forest or parks. And here we note the plot-forming significance of the landscape. Here is one of the autumn landscapes: “The leaves flew around, everything is visible through and through; crows in the trees cry so unpleasantly ... ". Oblomov offers Olga not to rush to announce the news of the wedding. When he finally parted with her, snow falls and thickly covers the fence, wattle fence, ridges in the garden. "The snow fell in flakes and thickly covered the ground." This landscape is also symbolic. The snow here seems to bury the possible happiness of the hero.

The landscape is simple and modest, painting a picture of the local cemetery at the end of the novel. Here the motif of the lilac branch reappears, which accompanied the hero at the culminating moments of his life. “What happened to Oblomov? Where is he? Where? - In the nearest cemetery, under a modest urn, his body rests between the bushes, in a lull. Lilac branches, planted by a friendly hand, doze over the grave, and the wormwood smells serenely. It seems that the angel of silence itself guards his sleep. Thus, the pictures of nature in the novel are picturesque and varied. Through them, the author conveys his attitude to life, love, reveals the inner world and mood of the characters.

Landscapes in the novel by A. I. Goncharov "Oblomov" have a special role in the plot. Nature reflects the state of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov and the surrounding atmosphere.

So, in the episode of the protagonist's dream, the reader enters the world of serenity. There is no hassle and noise in Oblomovka. This special state of life in the village is reflected in nature. The author calls Oblomovka a corner blessed by God, where everything in nature is predictable, life goes on measuredly, there are never unexpected weather changes or "terrible storms", "destructions", "heavenly signs", "balls of fire", "sudden darkness".

Serene pictures of nature protect the peace and tranquility of the inhabitants of Oblomovka. Landscapes are devoid of romance and grandiosity: "A poet and a dreamer would not be satisfied even with the general appearance of this modest and unpretentious area." This is the most ordinary village with typical weather for Russia, characteristic landscapes: "There you need to look for fresh, dry air, filled - not with lemon and not with laurel, but simply with the smell of wormwood, pine and bird cherry ..." The inhabitants of Oblomovka live in their sleepy world. From childhood, Ilya was under the influence of poor nature and beautiful, kind, but overly caring parents. This, as well as the character of the hero, formed Oblomov's lazy, measured lifestyle. Thus, silence and imperturbable calm always reigned in Oblomovka, which was reflected in the main character.

Landscapes are also important in the relationship between Olga Ilmnskaya and Ilya Oblomov. During the first dates of these heroes, it was the lilac branch that united them, becoming a symbol of love. At the height of summer, Olga and Ilya's feelings become stronger. Love changes the heroes, they begin to notice the singing of birds, the smells of flowers. When Oblomov doubts Olga's feelings, the landscapes change from bright and colorful to gray and dull, even the lilacs fade. In autumn, the heroes move further apart. Nature sinks into hibernation, snow falls, falling asleep with flakes of Ilya Ilyich's happiness, plunging the hero into his usual drowsy state. The love of Olga Ilyinskaya and Ilya Oblomov begins in spring and ends in winter. The change of seasons symbolizes the changes in the relationships between the characters.

No less important is the landscape in the new love of the protagonist. The relationship between Agafya Matveevna and Ilya Oblomov was not tender and refined, like the past affection of the protagonist. Landscapes appear in the narrative much less frequently. Nature here is shown to be boring, non-picturesque, the characters do not even feel the change of seasons, which are equally sluggish and boring. The singing of birds, the fragrance of flowers are not described at all. If the house of Agafia and Ilya mentions animals or plants, then only in terms of food. Such a mundane description of nature at the everyday level speaks of the lack of tender attachment of the characters to each other. They only care about household chores.

At the end of the novel, A. I. Goncharov describes the landscape of the rural cemetery, where Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is buried. A lilac grows on the grave of the protagonist, planted by Andrey Stolz as a sign of friendship. The plant smells of wormwood - the smell of summer in Oblomovka, which is a paradise for Ilya Oblomov.

Thus, we see all the feelings and emotions of Oblomov through the state of nature at the most important moments of his life, so landscapes are of key importance in the novel.

Updated: 2017-11-16

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Finished essay("Oblomov" the role of landscape in the novel)

Goncharov always differed from other writers in that he described the surrounding landscapes with great accuracy and devoted a huge amount of text to this. In this he is comparable to N.V. Gogol. Let us analyze the landscapes in his novel Oblomov.
The role of the landscape in the novel is great, because thanks to the landscape we imagine the place where the action takes place, we can characterize the state of mind of the hero, feel the reigning atmosphere.

We see the first picture in Oblomov's Dream, the role of the landscape here is psychological, it allows us to understand the inner state of the hero, we learn about his childhood, about the formation of his character. The environment in the Oblomov estate is sparse and not luxurious.

The seasons of the year are here compared with the working days of the peasants. Everything in the natural cycle moves smoothly, harmoniously. The most beautiful time in this region is summer. Everything around is green, I want to breathe in the air with a full chest, feeling the smells of grass and flowers.

Silence and peace reign everywhere: in the fields, in villages and towns. At the Oblomov estate, everyone goes to bed after a delicious dinner. People here are quiet and peaceful, like everything around. The people on the estate are busy only with daily activities, which are rarely diversified by a wedding or christening. Oblomovites practically do not work, because work for them is like a punishment.

Here the childhood of the protagonist passed, and his character was shaped by such a life. Ilya loved to run around the meadows with the boys. He was inquisitive and observant, studied the world around him by any available means, but his parents always took care of him and watched him so that he would not get hurt anywhere. So all his aspirations faded. Every year he became lazier, his interest turned into indifference. Oblomov turns into a standard resident of the village: lazy and peaceful. The landscape played an important role in shaping his character.

During the first meeting of Ilya and Olga, nature played a key role. After all, it was the plucked branch of lilac that became the first thing that united them. Oblomov in front of her and on a second date, Ilyinskaya liked it, subsequently a sincere conversation took place between the heroes, in which they felt mutual attraction to each other.

Over time, their feelings grow stronger and grow into love. The heroes become more attentive to the nature around them: they notice new smells, the gentle chirping of birds, watch butterflies soaring silently, and even feel the breath of flowers.

After Oblomov doubted Olga's feelings, nature, having felt the changes in Ilya's internal state, changes with him. It becomes cloudy and windy, the sky is covered with clouds. But the hero, despite his doubts, continues to love Olga, but considers their relationship impossible. Their love ended at the end of the summer.

Autumn brings new colors to nature, the characters move further and further away from each other. After the final parting of Ilya and Olga, the first snow falls on the street, covering everything in the neighborhood with a thick layer. This landscape is symbolic, snow covers the happiness of our hero. Goncharov at the end of the novel describes the journey of Stolz and Olga to the Crimea. But the description is meager, it seems to reflect the inner world of Oblomov, yearning for Olga. Stolz and Olga experienced a lot of emotions caused by local landscapes. Their love blooms, like all nature around.

The cemetery landscape is gloomy and terrible, the lilac branch reappears, which was planted next to the grave of the late Oblomov. The branch symbolizes the climaxes of Ilya's life, but not all of them are beautiful.

Drawing a conclusion, I would like to note that nature can be attributed to the number of main characters. Indeed, with the help of the landscape, Goncharov conveys his attitude to feelings, to life, reveals the inner world and the state of the characters.
