“Sexual intercourse why dream in a dream? If you see sexual intercourse in a dream, what does it mean? Dream interpretation intimate place of a woman.

2. why dream of sexual intercourse? (description by day of the week)
3. why dream of having sexual intercourse with a woman?

6. why dream of having sexual intercourse with your husband?

8. why dream of coitus interruptus?
9. why dream of having sexual intercourse with a loved one?
10. joke in Temko

Dreams about sexual intercourse are unique in nature and are interpreted by a huge number of definitions and opinions. Depending on what you see, the same story is interpreted in different ways. By correctly interpreting the role of dreamed sex, you can understand your feelings towards people around you and avoid ridiculous situations.

Remembering the details of the event and determining the mood from the experienced emotions after waking up, you can formulate the meaning of the dream story as accurately as possible.

It is advisable to treat dreams of this kind lightly and without prejudice.

If pleasant and bright feelings were present during the process, then favorable moments and happy days will come to life. But having experienced dissatisfaction or regret from the action, the dreamer is threatened with a break in current personal relationships or a loss of life.

To avoid bad moments in life, be sure to learn and do it.

Even night dreams with intimate overtones indicate the dreamer's dissatisfaction with sex or its absence altogether. The dream suggests that on a subconscious level, the sleeper has a great desire to surrender to a passionate, loving feeling or to stay close to the object of imitation.

The need of friends or loved ones for care and love prophesies a dream of group sex. Pay more attention to loved ones, removing work matters into the background. There will be an opportunity to build relationships with loved ones, who in turn will help solve pressing problems. All this will allow you to acquire a forgotten peace of mind.

(description by day of the week)

For the most accurate and detailed analysis of a dream about a dream of sexual intercourse, you will need a formulation of the dream by the day of the week.

3. why dream of having sexual intercourse with a woman?

Be ready for unexpected pleasant gifts of fate. Good times will come, and the intended goals and plans will soon be realized with an excellent finale.

A person will appear who will help you reach the cherished heights and find happiness. All changes will lead to a better life path.

You are a person without a sense of composure and who obeys his inner voice and emotional mood. All this is assessed as aggression and irritability.

In the coming days, an event will occur where such behavior will cause embarrassment or discord. But everything can work out if you have patience, learn restraint and listen to the mind, not the heart.

  • Sex with the former suggests that on a subconscious level there is a comparison with his current partner. You have attachment and emotional attraction. The dream suggests analyzing the breakup of past relationships. So you clarify the correctness of the choice and get rid of regrets or doubts.
  • Also, a dream can be a warning about the termination of the current union. Restraint in actions and a heart-to-heart talk with a loved one will help to avoid disintegration.

6. why dream of having sexual intercourse with your husband?

Such an event is considered a good sign of a happy family life and prosperity in love affairs with a partner. If sex in a dream brought discomfort, then it is advisable to talk in a pleasant atmosphere with your soulmate in order to dispel feelings and doubts about mutual understanding.

Such a plot dreams of a close relationship with your loved one. If there is no partner, then in the coming days an acquaintance will happen, which will be distinguished by positive emotions and passionate feelings. It is necessary to get rid of indecision, to throw away the complexes and to release the inner core, completely liberated.

8. why dream of coitus interruptus?

The dream is interpreted as the unwillingness of one of the lovers to have children. This can turn into the inability to secure the family by marriage and the acquisition of a sense of inferiority due to the lack of children.

Such a dream may also indicate an internal protest against the framework, concepts and rules imposed by the surrounding society. From this, a sense of alienation prevails in personal affairs and some issues.

Another interpretation of this event in a dream is the loss of meaning in the current relationship. There comes an understanding of the futility of the time spent on a lover, which will lead to the need for a new relationship for a happy future with the right person.

9. why dream of having sexual intercourse with a loved one?

This message acts as a harbinger of a romantic pastime with your soulmate. If there are disagreements and disputes, then this event will help restore balance in relations and gain reconciliation.

The intimate process also indicates that the beloved will never become a traitor, will always support in sad moments, help overcome difficulties and share only the brightest and most sincere feelings.

I propose to visit the most popular article of the project. I think you will like it and provide important and necessary information.

10. joke in Temko

- Honey, sex only after the wedding!
- Sure, not a problem! Get married, call!

Seeing sexual intercourse with a friend in a dream means that you suspect him of something. Such a plot speaks of hidden distrust, and mutual. Your friend, in turn, also has some claims against you, but has not yet made them. You feel that the relationship between you is no longer the same as before, and the friendship is about to end.

Take courage and dare to have a frank conversation. Perhaps all your suspicions will turn out to be in vain, and the friendship will be saved.

Why dream of sexual intercourse in animals

If you had a sexual intercourse in animals, it means that you are completely satisfied with the current state of affairs. You are not trying to get into a competitive race and are content with your positions, watching how the rest are trying to make their way. This does not mean that you are vulnerable. On the contrary, it is precisely this behavior that indicates self-confidence.

The ability to stop in time is very commendable. In pursuit of material wealth, do not forget about spiritual values.

Why see sexual intercourse with a man in a dream

According to the dream book, sexual intercourse with a man marks the predominance of emotions over reason. Due to your ardor and intemperance, you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation that threatens to lose your reputation and trust. Such a vision warns of the occurrence of all sorts of troubles that will haunt you in the near future.

Try your best to avoid ambiguous situations. Be more restrained and control your emotions.

The meaning of sleep in which sexual intercourse was observed

The plot of the dream, in which it happened to observe sexual intercourse, indicates your modesty, which prevents you from realizing your desires in the intimate sphere. You experience dissatisfaction with intimacy with your partner, but do not dare to tell him about it. Therefore, the subconscious compensates for discontent by creating such images.

Fight your complexes, they prevent you from living a full life. Decide to have a frank conversation with your spouse or lover.

What does oral intercourse mean in a dream book

Seeing oral intercourse in a dream means that as a result of careless statements addressed to management or colleagues, trouble will arise at work. You will have to ask for forgiveness from the person you offended in order to resolve the brewing conflict.

If you yourself were engaged in this kind of intimacy, then you will face a disrespectful attitude from the people with whom you have to work. This may cause a break in business relations with partners or serve as an impetus to start looking for a new job.

Dream interpretation sexual intercourse

Often in dreams we happen to see quite ordinary, unremarkable stories that rarely remain in our memory. But sometimes we dream of spicy images that do not leave us indifferent and make us look for an interpretation in the dream book. Why dream of sexual intercourse? What does the subconscious want to convey to us, what should we expect in the near future? Interpreters readily provide answers to these questions.

What do dream books say?

Well-known seers and psychologists will help you understand what sexual intercourse may mean in a dream. Choose the dream book that you like and find out the answer to the tormenting question.

From the point of view of psychology

Perhaps we should start with what psychologists think about this.

Miller argued that a girl should be wary of new acquaintances if she was raped in a dream. There is a high probability that she will meet a guy who turns out to be a tyrant and despot.

And what do other dream books say?

Interpreter of the psychologist Meneghetti

Dreaming of intimacy

If intimacy has not yet come, but in a dream you are sure that it will happen, then this indicates that you do not know how to bring things to an end. You lack perseverance and patience. Due to the lack of such qualities, you missed many chances bestowed by fate.

If everything happened according to mutual desire, you enjoyed it and generally felt relaxed, then this is a good sign. This means that in life you are a liberated person who does not lose a cheerful mood.

The psychologist claims that if you watched the intercourse of other people, then you have many complexes. Your closeness and suspiciousness interfere with a normal life. It is also a negative sign for men, meaning possible impotence.

Meneghetti considers several atypical scenarios that can be seen in night vision. So, if sexual intercourse was with:

Psychoanalytic dream book

Why dream of sexual intercourse according to this interpreter? The dream interpretation gives many interpretations, which depend on how the plot unfolded in night vision.

In general, this symbol indicates that you tend to dominate relationships, dictate your own rules. But at the same time, you sometimes get tired of this role.


There are many complexes and contradictions hidden in you. Deep down, you are not satisfied with your partner, but you yourself do not take any steps to normalize the situation. You should talk with your chosen one honestly and openly, tell about your desires.

Such dreams mean your desire and desire for power. This is manifested in all areas of life, whether it is work or family relationships. As a result of this, you do not hear your partner and do not listen to his opinion, desire. You should change your behavior pattern.

Homosexual intimacy in night dreams

If during intercourse you did not see the face of your partner, then you are full of worries and doubts. In this period of time, you need a person who will help you calm down, who will be able to direct you on the right path.

Opinions of other predictors

To date, there are many dream books, so you should not dwell on the interpretations of psychologists alone. Find out what sexual intercourse can mean in a dream, according to magicians, sorcerers and other seers.

Chinese dream book

This source considered this symbol in two ways. It all depends on who has had such an interesting dream:

  • for a man - there is a dark life streak ahead, you should stock up on patience and endurance;
  • for a woman - life will sparkle with new colors, positive changes are coming.

The Chinese interpreter claims that sexual intercourse with a nun promises ruin, serious financial problems.

The dream interpretation gives another interpretation. Such visions can be visited when you are not satisfied with your partner, sexual life in general.

Seeing yourself in a dream in bed with your father or mother

Egyptian dream book

Had a sexual intercourse with a woman? This is not a very good sign, meaning that trouble awaits in the future. However, difficulties will only temper you and ultimately bring good.

The dream interpretation gives some more interesting predictions. So, mating with a bird means that you are one step away from success, you should put in a little more effort. At the same time, the Egyptian interpreter warns that enemies will appear who will try to interfere with your happiness.

Oddly enough, but intimacy with the mother is a positive change. This is a sign that family relations will improve, harmony will reign in the house, all negativity will be forgotten.

If in a dream you experienced disgust, hostility, any other negative emotions, then you should pay attention to your actions. Are they harming other people? The dream interpretation claims that relatives are probably uncomfortable with your actions.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Akulina

The healer does not give optimistic forecasts and claims that sexual intercourse in a dream is a harbinger of various kinds of troubles. First of all, they will relate to working moments. Be prepared for unreasonable nit-picking by the authorities, fines, lower wages.

Seeing closeness in a dream

You also need to take care of your own health. Now your body is most vulnerable to all kinds of diseases. The healer claims that it is necessary to undergo an examination with a doctor as soon as possible so that, in the presence of an existing disease, he prescribes the correct treatment.

General value

Any, even the most insignificant details are important for interpretation. Remember who you were in night vision. Did you have to observe the action from the side, or was it different?


If you have ever watched sexual intercourse only from the side, then this is an indicator that you are too shy person. It prevents you from moving forward, limits your freedom of action. The intimate side of life has become a real problem for you, because you cannot be liberated and often experience shame. The dream interpretation claims that such a model of behavior can lead to the fact that you will be left alone in the end, alone with your complexes. Try to trust your partner, do what you really want.


Active participation in intimacy in dreams

Most often, people dream that they not only observe sexual intercourse from the outside, but are also involved in it themselves.

According to the dream book, sexual intercourse with a man is an indicator that you are too impulsive a person, often succumb to your emotions, ignoring the arguments of reason. Soon, because of your behavior, you will find yourself in a very awkward situation, but thanks to your charisma, everything will work out. In the future, try to communicate more discreetly with people, avoid rash purchases.

Sexual intercourse with a woman is a good sign. Be prepared for unexpected, but very pleasant surprises. The dream book also notes that now is a good time for change. Try to implement everything that you planned, put off indefinitely.

This story has another interpretation. You will probably have to leave your hometown soon. However, this forced trip will not drag on for a long time. Moreover, you will meet a person who will completely change your worldview.
According to Freud, the more strange and illogical the events of the night seem to us, the more hidden meaning they have.
Have you copulated with an animal? Such an unpleasant occupation characterizes you as a conservative person.

In your life, change is a rare visitor, but you do not experience discomfort from this. You are confident in yourself, you know which direction to move in, and you will know happiness in your own way.

Have you been intimate with a friend? This is an indicator that you suspect him of something. It is worth saying that a friend feels the same distrust towards you. You both understand that your friendship is coming to an end, everything is no longer the same as it was before. But don't give up. Perhaps friendships can be restored if you decide to have a frank conversation and really want to change the situation for the better.

Why dream of sexual intercourse

Freud's dream book

Very often, the image of sexual intercourse in a dream does not need a symbolic interpretation. Such dreams are characteristic of puberty or with prolonged abstinence. In many cases, such a dream is an expression of regret about missed opportunities, about desirable, but not taken place sexual contacts.

If the picture of sexual intercourse is somewhat blurred, it symbolizes your sexual dreams and fantasies.

Why dream of sexual intercourse

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Sexual intercourse - dissatisfaction with intimate life.

Sexual perversion - acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex, who, as it turns out, will be a person of your gender; sexual attraction to people of the same sex.

Why dream of sexual intercourse

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Coition of a girl with a man is a disappointment in love.

For a woman - this dream portends everything good and significant.

For a girl or woman to see that she was raped - to achieve her goal.

Coition with your father is an honor, you will be the chosen one of fate.

With a brother - get good help from relatives.

The intercourse of a man in a dream with a beautiful woman is a great success.

With a wife - discord in marriage.

With a married woman - the fulfillment of desires, but associated with some danger.

With a friend always means - a successful business that you undertake in secret, a mysterious enterprise.

With a stranger - success in business that you do not hide.

With a corrupt woman - happiness that will be destroyed by illness.

With a sister - a doubling of strength.

With an unmarried daughter - her wedding.

With a married woman - her divorce.

With mother - union with the forces of the earth, affirmation of one's personality / union with the forces of hell, a dark path with external success in life.

Coition of a man with an outside woman - portends the death of your partner in intercourse, if he lives close, or his return from afar.

Women with a woman - participation in the secret of the one you love.

With an animal - wealth, the benefits of those qualities that this animal symbolizes; but if it:

Covers you - harm from him.

With a corpse - the acquisition of valuable property.

Why dream of sexual intercourse

Astrological dream book

Interpretation of sleep in a dream book: Sexual intercourse - sometimes to a delay and trouble. Also a symbol of unsatisfied, sexual desire.

Why dream of sexual intercourse

Christian dream book

Sexual intercourse - To illness or trouble at work. To work out this dream, you need a general meditation, for example, like this. Imagine the general's house in every detail, try to see the general in full dress uniform. Be careful on this day.

Why dream of sexual intercourse

Psychotherapeutic dream book

Sexual intercourse (sex) - Positive sexual experiences. The desire to take over, to lower. Be dependent on the object of desire. The symbol of the unification of Anima and Animus. Much depends on the position of intercourse. The specific human pose face to face allows us to talk about the symbolism of the unification of male and female without the expressed subordination of one to the other. The position of a man from behind implies the submission of a woman, the position of a woman from above - the submission of a man by a woman, but if in this position the woman's face is not visible, this means that the true sexual partner is hidden or anonymous. Group sexual intercourse refers to the period of adolescent initiation or ritual sexual intercourse characteristic of a number of archaic and modern societies. Sexual intercourse can be seen as a means of proving power, appeasing or relieving anxiety, it is also a symbolic union of the own tendencies of male and female consciousness. Erotic transfer. Someone who performs heterosexual intercourse. Parents. Projection of one's own desires for possession. Someone who performs homosexual intercourse. Projection of the desire for power.

Why dream of sexual intercourse

Italian dream book Meneghetti

If seen in full in all real details (bodies are naked, there is genital intercourse and orgasm), then it symbolizes positivity;

if you dream of scenes of an expected, alleged sexual intercourse - which happens most often - this indicates uncertainty, indecision, unfulfillment or impotence of a person;

in other cases, it can mean a strong desire to seduce with the aim of vampiric capture, psychic plagiarism with a destructive ending;

in general, a mature person never sees sexual intercourse in a dream as it actually happens, since he has the opportunity to live it in real life. If this happens, then, most likely, it indicates the presence in the environment of the subject of someone who, under the guise of friendliness, is plotting his vampiric capture;

sexual intercourse with the father is an ambivalent image; sexual intercourse with the mother is always negative;

erotic relationships with animals always symbolize psychic regression, black vaginismus or the "wormy attitude";

the positively transforming sexual act indicates the striving of the individual Ying-se to the universal Ying-se.

Why dream of sexual intercourse

Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Sexual intercourse in any case - means positivity if it is presented completely in all real aspects, if the bodies are naked, there is genital intercourse and orgasm at the same time.

Most often, if a person sees the expected, intended scenes of sexual intercourse, this indicates insecurity, insecurity, non-realization, or a situation of impotence.

Sexual intercourse - can denote a desire to take possession, lure, vampirically capture, the so-called. "lowering" moral restrictions with a destructive ending.

In general, a mature man never sees sexual intercourse - available in reality. If this happens, then this is an excellent indicator that he lives, despite external well-being, under vampiric capture, which is currently in the incubation period.

Hugs with the father are an ambivalent image, hugs with the mother are always a negative image.

Embracing animals or eroticism with animals (or sexual intercourse with them) - always denotes mental regression, "black vaginismus", or "wormy position" (eating another).

The image of the transformed (unfolding) sexual intercourse indicates the aspiration of the individual "in sho" to the universal law of being.

Why dream of sexual intercourse

Online dream book

Seeing sexual intercourse means subconsciously being dissatisfied with your personal life.

Dream about sexual perversion - says that you have a latent attraction to homosexual relationships.

Why dream of sexual intercourse

Egyptian dream book of the pharaohs

If a person sees himself in a dream copulating with a woman, it is bad, it means sadness.

If a person sees himself in a dream copulating with his mother, flowing moisture, - well, he will be reunited with his relatives.

If a person sees himself in a dream copulating with a hedger, it is bad, it means that there will be a judgment against him.

If a person sees himself in a dream copulating with a bird of prey, it’s bad, it means that something can be torn right out of his hands.

If a man sees himself in a dream copulating with his wife in daylight, it is bad, it means that his crimes will be visible to his god.

Why dream of sexual intercourse

Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

You have sexual intercourse with a man - portends a loss of well-being.

You have sexual intercourse with your wife - speaks of the existence of otherworldly influences, charms, delusions.

Why dream of sexual intercourse

Psychoanalytic dream book of V. Samokhvalov

Sexual intercourse - positive sexual experiences. The desire to seize, "lower". Be dependent on the object of desire. The symbol of the unification of Anima and Animus. Much depends on the position of intercourse. The specific human pose face to face allows us to talk about the symbolism of the unification of male and female without the expressed subordination of one to the other. The position of a man from behind implies the submission of a woman, the position of a woman from above implies the submission of a woman to a man, but if in this position the woman's face is not visible, this means that the true sexual partner is hidden or anonymous.

Group sexual intercourse - refers to the period of adolescent initiation or ritual sexual intercourse, characteristic of a number of archaic and modern societies.

Sexual intercourse - can be seen as a means of proving power, appeasement or anxiety relief, it is also a symbolic union of the own tendencies of male and female consciousness. Erotic transfer.

Someone who performs heterosexual intercourse is a projection of their own desires for possession.

Someone who performs homosexual intercourse is a projection of a desire for power.

Why dream of sexual intercourse

Erotic dream book Danilova

Multiple sexual intercourse - such a manifestation of sexuality in real life could be regarded only on the positive side. A completely different matter is a dream in which ordinary experiences are sometimes transformed beyond recognition. Such a case also seems to us to be a dream in which repeated sexual intercourse takes place. Your attention is now focused on something that you think is extremely important. Some thought constantly worries you and does not allow you to transfer your attention to other objects and affairs. The problem posed does not lead in the direction that you define for yourself. At the same time, it determines your consciousness in such a way that your life is built in the form of strictly repeating cycles. When you stop at a certain stage, you start all over again, making a second attempt to succeed. The cyclicity of life is reflected in dreams, indicating unresolved problems that lead the psyche into a state of dissonance. As a result, you stop paying attention to the objects around you, which also deserve to be dealt with. In the end, concentration can turn into quite significant complications: the neglect of other urgent issues will sooner or later make itself felt. Therefore, it is necessary to switch to something else, because, imperceptibly for you, there are a lot of other important things, in addition to what you are currently doing.

The dream of interrupted sexual intercourse - can be interpreted, based on the traditions of modern erotic culture, as the desire of partners to avoid fertilization.

More broadly, it can mean the impossibility of marriage, the inability to be full members of society due to the absence of children. Perhaps this is a symbol of refusal to obey generally recognized sexual norms, a subconscious protest. If a man sees such a dream, his interpretation is as follows: unwillingness to marry, protest against criticism of others (for example, against the mother’s demands to start a family or against the partner’s desire to marry him). This may be the inability to achieve the desired by generally accepted methods, the search for an option with the least losses and the lack of understanding that this can lead to serious losses.

For a woman, a dream about interrupted intercourse symbolizes her unwillingness to have children or the decision that the number of children she has is enough for her and she will not give birth anymore. Another option is the loss of meaning in her relationship with this man, understanding their meaninglessness, a waste of time and the need to look for a more suitable partner.

A dream of prolonged sexual intercourse can be interpreted as a symbolic reflection of the dreamer's thoughts. In the first case, such a dream will mean: for a man, the desire to prolong what he is doing now, to do it for as long as possible. For a woman, this dream can mean a similar desire, the occurrence of which is associated either with the inability to have time to finish the job on time, or with the unwillingness to finish it at all. In addition, for a man to dream of prolonged sexual intercourse, it can mean the onset of a successful period in life, which, according to his desire, should never end. For For women, prolonged sexual intercourse seen in a dream is a sign of a favorable period in life, good luck, long-awaited acquisition and success, happiness in personal life, children's health and all the best.

Realization and meaning of dreams

Sleep from Monday to Tuesday

An unpleasant dream seen warns of problems: deprivation, failed trips, demotion. Calm pictures indicate imminent success and the need to move on to decisive action. The meaning of sleep is realized on the coming Thursday or Friday.

22 lunar day

A dream can reveal important information for the sleeping person: the answer to a burning question, a hint in a difficult choice, an indication of possible mistakes and ways to prevent them. Treat it more responsibly in order to make the most of the chance to improve your life.

Waning moon

A dream on a waning moon belongs to the category of cleansing: it indicates that it will soon lose its value in real life. Only dreams with negative content are embodied: they carry a good meaning.

February 26

Dreams on this day of the month are rarely filled with negative meaning. A joyful dream predicts the dreamer success in business, happiness and a surge of emotions after a successful vacation, which are just around the corner.

The genitals of a person in a dream can be quite interesting symbols that will tell about the dreamer's subconscious desires, aspirations and plans. In order to accurately interpret the meaning of the dream and find out what the penis is dreaming of, one should take into account many of the details seen in the dream. It is necessary to consider who had a dream, what size the penis was, whether it was erect, whether it was covered with hair, whether there are any diseases.

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    Key values

    Quite often, both men and women see dreams related to the intimate life of a person, among which are dreams about the male reproductive organ.

    Such night visions are directly related to how satisfied the dreamer is with the sexual activity of his partner and the established relationship.

    Such dreams can warn the dreamer about the possibility of developing a particular ailment, about the betrayal of loved ones, about the dreamer's hidden inner potential.

    For the correct interpretation of a dream, it is of great importance who had a dream. If a guy happened to see a male organ in a dream, then this indicates his complete dissatisfaction with his personal life. Such a vision warns that soon a person’s reputation may suffer due to the machinations of ill-wishers and enemies. You should carefully monitor your words and actions. If a man dreamed of his penis in a state of erection, then this symbolizes the coldness in his relationship with his partner. We need to spend more time together. This will help prevent possible separation and breakup.

    If an unmarried girl saw a penis in a dream, then this indicates problems in relations with the opposite sex. For a married lady, such a night vision promises a break in relations due to sexual incompatibility.

    For a married couple, the presence of an unusual phallus in a dream is a warning that one of the lovers may soon have an affair on the side. If you dreamed of several reproductive organs, then this portends major troubles, the solution of which will take a lot of time and effort.

    A naked man with an erect penis - to a new romantic acquaintance. Another meaning of sleep is household chores associated with the arrival of distant relatives.

    If female genital organs are also present in a dream, then in the near future the dreamer will receive a profitable business offer.

    Why dream of a big manhood?

    A large penis is the object of desire for many women and the dream of almost all representatives of the male part of the population, however, in order to understand the meaning of what you saw in a dream, you need to remember the dream in all its details and look into the interpreters of dreams:

    1. 1. According to the book of interpretation of dreams by Gustav Miller, a huge penis symbolizes the dreamer's secret dreams of making his intimate life more diverse.
    2. 2. According to the dream interpreter of the Chinese people, a huge penis is a symbol of the dreamer's high social status.
    3. 3. If a girl dreamed of a male penis in a state of erection, then this indicates that the dreamer is a purposeful and strong-willed person.
    4. 4. According to the erotic dream book, if a woman saw a very large manhood in her nightly dreams, then this indicates a lack of care and attention from a loved one. If the penis was erect, then the dream portends a long period of sexual pleasures with different partners.
    5. 5. According to the Ukrainian dream book, if a lady saw a naked boy whose penis was disproportionately large, it promises a lot of minor troubles.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    What does a dream about a small penis portend?

    Dream interpreter Tsvetkova says that erection problems can symbolize the dreamer's fear of failure. This may be related to the intimate life of a man or financial issues. According to Aesop's book of interpretation of dreams, if a lady had such a dream, then this means disappointment and unfulfilled hopes.

    To see how manhood has drastically decreased in size symbolizes that the dreamer is not entirely sure of his sexual strength, although in fact there are no reasons for doubt.

    If you dreamed of a thin penis, then this is a warning sign that soon one of the dreamer's best friends may get sick. The interpreter of dreams of the inhabitants of France interprets the dream more positively: he says that the subtle male dignity portends a quick trip that will be fun and carefree.

    The psychoanalytic dream book suggests that a small manhood is a sign of the dreamer's increased anxiety. He lost confidence in himself and in his abilities. Such a moral attitude is really detrimental to the sexual sphere of a man.

    Problems with male dignity in a dream

    Blood on the male penis - to news from distant relatives. Another interpretation of sleep is health problems, the onset of a chronic illness. For women, such a dream indicates that the dreamer is experiencing severe psychological trauma.

    According to the Muslim dream book, if a man dreamed that his reproductive organ was cut off, then in real life this promises a demotion or dismissal. If you happen to do it with your own hands, then this promises humiliation and insults to the dreamer.

    If it seemed that the penis suddenly fell off, then this may be a warning symbol about problems with the human reproductive system.

    To dream of a penis covered with an allergic rash is a sign of serious health problems. The dreamer should conduct a comprehensive diagnosis of the whole organism.

    If you dreamed that the penis was frozen, then this symbolizes the strong physical and moral fatigue of the dreamer. You need to take a vacation and take a break from everything. Otherwise, the possibility of developing a psychosomatic illness is not excluded. Deep wounds on the penis promise problems with the immune system. There is a possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted disease.

    Feel a strong blow to the intimate area - to the betrayal of the second half. If a woman dreamed that she was beating a man in the groin area, then this promises a big family scandal.

    Actions with the sexual organ

    In order for the interpretation of sleep to be correct, one should analyze the actions that the dreamer performs.

    If a person dreamed that he was touching the penis, then this foreshadows an intimate relationship that will only bring disappointment. Looking at the genitals of a man, but not touching them - to deceived hopes.

    Washing the genitals - to get rid of the old problem that has long bothered the dreamer, kissing - to danger and extreme situations.

    A snake bite in the reproductive organ of a man is an unfavorable sign. It foreshadows the betrayal of a friend or the betrayal of the second half.

    If the dreamer dreamed that he was putting a condom on his genitals, this indicates his self-confidence and inflated self-esteem. Ejaculation portends the fulfillment of a cherished desire.

    Putting nozzles on the penis during intercourse - to the emergence of a situation with one of the dreamer's friends, in which his help will be needed.

    Other interpretations

    A dream in which a girl dreamed that her manhood had grown portends an early pregnancy. If a girl in reality is already preparing to become a mother, then the birth of a child will be easy.

    If a man saw his genitals in a dream, then this suggests that he is too worried about his reputation. Seeing in a dream the reproductive organ of another young man is a big financial loss. You should not enter into contracts or sign deals with unreliable partners.

    A dream in which a person dreamed of ejaculation portends the end of some important business.

    A man's testicles are a symbol of sexual activity. If a man dreamed of their absence, then this is a sign that the dreamer is not satisfied with his sexual life with his partner. In addition, testicles can represent material well-being and prosperity. The larger the size of this organ, the larger the profit the dreamer should expect in the near future.

    Dr. Freud's dream book claims that the presence of hair in the intimate zone of a man speaks of the dreamer's hot temperament and increased sensitivity. If you had a chance to shave them off, then this promises an acquaintance with a new sexual partner. However, the interpreter of dreams warns: before starting a new romance, it is necessary to end the previous relationship. Another meaning of sleep says that a person should think about how to get rid of bad habits.

    Seeing a man's genitals soiled in mud - to gossip and intrigues of ill-wishers.

    A penis made of wood promises a meeting with a person who will become a good friend. If you dreamed of a penis made of straw, you should be more economical and spend money only on the most necessary things.
