Invented fairy tales about animals by schoolchildren. Short stories Bedtime story about a wolf

Everyone in the forest knew that the wolf was an angry and rude animal. He chased hares, offended squirrels, took mushrooms from hedgehogs. The wolf often robbed fishermen who were fishing in an ice hole or scared children walking through the field and picking flowers. The tale about the wolf tells how Tanya managed to change the evil beast with the help of an ordinary mandarin duck.

Read a tale about a wolf

One day in winter, a small but smart girl Tanya went ice skating on a frozen lake in the forest. Tanya's parents forbade her to go into the forest alone. But the girl really wanted to learn how to skate like figure skaters and then compete at the Olympic Games. The lake was completely frozen, there was no one on it, you could ride all day. Tanya told her parents that she would be with a friend. And she honed her skills on the ice.
Sitting down to rest after a long workout, Tanya drank hot tea and ate a tangerine. Suddenly she heard someone sneak up on her. Tanya looked around and saw a wolf:
- Ha ha, gotcha, girl! - said the wolf and howled loudly throughout the forest.
But Tanya was not afraid and did not run away. Although, of course, her heart sank and it was very creepy. But she understood that the wolf would not do anything to her. If I wanted to do it, I would have already done it. Otherwise, he most likely just decided to scare her. But why?

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A fairy tale is an excellent assistant in the education of schoolchildren and adults. Anyone can awaken their imagination and come up with their own story. The main thing is to awaken your creative spirit a little. This can be done in the process of communication, asking each other questions. It is always interesting to compose your own fairy tale - after all, this is a story in which the author chooses the events and characters himself.

Below are examples of fairy tales invented by schoolchildren about animals.

The story of the Wolf who stopped eating sheep

Let's consider an invented fairy tale about animals about a Wolf who became kind. Once upon a time there was a very hungry year in the forest. The poor Wolf had nothing to eat. He hunted day and night, and ran around all the gardens and gardens - nowhere did he get food. Even last year’s apples in the garden behind the lake were all eaten by the emaciated Elk. There was a village nearby, and the Wolf got into the habit of eating sheep. The villagers could not do anything about the starving Wolf, and decided to destroy him.

And the Wolf had a little friend - the Arctic fox, who always gladly helped him in exchange for prey. One evening the Arctic fox hid under the table in the house of one of the villagers and began to listen. The invented tale about animals continues with the peasants holding a meeting and discussing how they will destroy the Wolf. It was decided to organize a raid with dogs and hunt down the hungry forest dweller.

Help from a friend

The Arctic fox found out about the hunters' plans and reported to the Wolf. The wolf says to him: “It’s good that you told me this news. Now I have to hide from angry hunters. Here you go, here’s part of my spoils today for your help to the poor Wolf.” The Arctic fox took a piece of the sheep's leg that the Wolf offered and went home. This small animal was independent and wise.

Wolf Problem

An invented fairy tale about animals introduces the reader to further events. Poor Wolf felt sad. He didn’t want to leave his native land, but what could he do if the offended peasants decided so? He sat near the cold pond. The winter sun was already approaching its zenith. The Wolf became hungry - the gray one ate the remains of the prey last night. But he decided not to go to the village - the peasants would instantly catch him there. The Wolf thought his heavy thoughts and wandered around the lake. And then he sees a dog’s skin lying on the frozen shore. He put it on and headed to the village to get some fresh lamb for lunch.

The Wolf approached the village. No one noticed that a hungry predator was running down the street with its tail between its legs. Here the gray one makes his way into the sheepfold. Before he had time to catch even one sheep, the mistress came out and threw a bowl of porridge to the Wolf, mistaking him for a dog. The wolf ate the porridge and found it very tasty.

This fictional tale about animals ended well. The next time, the cunning neighbor's goats snuck into this yard and began to pluck the cabbage. The wolf decided to thank the inhabitants of the house and drove the goats away. Only while he was driving them away did the dog's skin fall off of him. But no one began to reproach him. And from then on the Wolf moved from the forest to the house, stopped eating sheep and switched to porridge. And when his friend the Arctic Fox came to visit him, he treated him to his lunch.

Tale of the Fox

A fairy tale about animals invented by children is always a good story. Let's look at another example of a story that will serve as inspiration. Once upon a time there lived a lonely Fox in the forest near a lake. Nobody wanted to marry her. She was very cunning and sneaky, and all the animals knew about it. They matched her with the Wolf, the Hare, and even the Bear. Nobody wanted to take such a bride. After all, she would have taken over the entire household and left nothing for anyone.

The Fox realized that she would remain a girl. Only she had no idea why all the noble suitors were avoiding her. Then she went to the wise Owl to ask for advice. “Uh-uh, uh-uh!” - the Owl screamed on the branch. “Hey, wise mother! - The Fox turned to her in a humble, thin voice. “I wanted to ask you for advice on how I, the red Fox, can avoid being lonely.” “Okay, gossip, I’ll give you some instructions now. If you follow my advice, you will forget about sadness and melancholy and you will find yourself a groom in an instant.” “Okay, Sovushka, I’m listening to you carefully!” - answered the Fox. The interlocutor answers her: “Go, Fox, to the distant lake, to the forest, to the neighboring village. There you will see a bast hut, decorated with paints and flowers. Knock on it three times, and when the occupant of the hut comes out, ask him to spend the night. And if you’re smart enough, then sell the chicken you caught the other day, and at a higher price. This is how you will understand whether others want to do business with you.”

The redhead hits the road

A fairy tale about animals, invented by children, should also have an instructive component. The Fox was surprised by Owl's advice. I thought about it and decided to obey: who wants to while away their life in girls! So she packed her knapsack, combed her fluffy red fur coat, put on her morocco boots and set off for distant lands. She walked past a distant lake, a forest, and a neighboring village. Behind that village the forest was completely dark. She sees a bast hut standing on the edge of the forest, decorated with paints and flowers. She knocked on the door - no one answered. Then the redhead began to knock even louder, until a voice was heard from the hut: “Who is bothering me there with their noise?” - “It’s me, the red-haired gossip, coming from distant lands, looking for shelter for the night. Whoever lets me in for the night, I will sell him a good product, a rare one - a chicken of a special breed.”

How the Fox was fooled

Then the gate opened, and the owner of the bast hut, the Fox, came out. “Why, redhead, are you lost in the forest? Why didn’t you spend the night at home?” The fox answers: “I went hunting, but I hesitated in catching a purebred guinea fowl. Now it’s too late for me to return home. If you let me into the yard, I’ll sell you my loot at a good price.” “And what will your price be, gossip?” “For ten gold pieces I’ll give you the whole thing, plus a cabbage leaf,” answered the Fox. “Okay, then come in,” answered the Fox. The redhead went into the bast hut, where the stove was just flooded. And she was so exhausted that she fell asleep right there on the bench.

In the morning the Fox woke up, and meanwhile the Fox was taking care of the housework and getting ready to hunt. “What is the owl science here?” - the redhead began to think. And the Fox says to her: “Well, if you’ve had enough sleep, godfather, then drink milk from the jug to the bottom. And pack your knapsack and leave the hut - it’s time for me to go hunting.” “What about the chicken?” - asked the Fox. “And keep your prey for yourself, you see, I am a noble Fox, always ready to shelter a wanderer.”

The fox went home. Look along the road - there is no guinea fowl in her knapsack. There are no morocco boots either - she has birch bark sandals on her feet. The deceived gossip said to herself: “Why did I have to deal with this Fox?” It was then that she remembered the words of the wise Owl, and the Fox began to work on correcting her character.

The story of the Raccoon

Let's look at another short fictional tale about animals. The hero of this story is Raccoon. A snowy, cold winter has come to the forest. The animals began to prepare for the New Year. The fox took out her luxurious fiery red shawl. The hare became completely brave and began to sing New Year's songs to everyone. The fussy Wolf ran through the forest in search of a fluffy Christmas tree, but could not find it, and there was already so little time... The beavers tried to patch up their dam before the holiday. Little Mouse collected the remains of dried cheese to bake a fragrant pie for the New Year.

It is not easy to come up with a fairy tale about animals. But this task helps awaken the little writer’s imagination. All the animals, of course, loved this holiday very much and prepared gifts for each other. But there was another resident in the forest - the striped Raccoon. This December he was just visiting Aunt Enotikha and had to be in time for the festive table with his friends in time for the New Year. His aunt accompanied him for a long time, trying to feed him better, give him something to drink, and comb his striped tail properly. “It’s no good walking around with such a disheveled tail!” - the aunt said reproachfully. The raccoon knew that his aunt loved him very much, and therefore he also tried to tuck his tail properly. “Okay, Auntie, it’s time for me to go,” said the Raccoon. - Otherwise I’ll be late for the New Year’s feast. Without me, who will entertain everyone with festive ditties?” “Go, nephew,” answered the Raccoon. “I congratulate you on the upcoming New Year!”

The raccoon gave up

You can quickly come up with a children's fairy tale about animals if you give its characters the qualities of people. The main character of this fairy tale has characteristics inherent to a person. After all, people also love to celebrate the New Year. The raccoon went on the road. But while he and his aunt were combing his tail, a dark night fell. “It seems like we need to turn here...” the Raccoon thought. “Or maybe not here, but there...” The road seemed completely confusing to him. Moreover, the Moon hid behind the clouds - darkness in the forest set in, even if you gouge out your eyes.

Poor Raccoon got completely lost. There are only a few hours left until the New Year. He ran and ran and fell into an icy ditch. “That’s it,” thinks the Raccoon. “I won’t be able to make it in time for the holiday.” He lay down at the bottom of the hole and decided to go to bed. But as soon as he closed his eyes, a little Mouse ran across him. “Stop waking me up! - said the Raccoon. “Don’t you see, I’m sleeping.” “So you’ll probably sleep through the whole holiday,” answered the Mouse in a squeaky voice. “And I’m not going to the holiday. I don't need him, okay? Don't you see, I'm sleeping. Leave me alone". “I would leave you alone,” says the Mouse, “but I’m collecting the remains of cheese for a New Year’s pie in my underground passages, and you’re lying right across my road.” She said - and ducked into the hole.

The end of the fairy tale about the Raccoon

A short fairy tale about animals, invented by children, should contain an instructive moment - after all, with the help of a fairy tale, a child learns to distinguish between good and evil, good and bad. In this tale, the main character learns his lesson at the end of the story. The Raccoon was left alone again. “I don’t need this New Year,” he began to grumble. - I’m fine without your holidays. I’ll sit here in the pit and warm myself. And then, you see, enough snow will fall for me to get out. And there are a lot of branches here to make a shelter for the night.” But, of course, the Raccoon didn’t like to miss the New Year’s celebration. He argued and argued with himself for half an hour, and finally decided to ask the Mouse for help.

It is better if fairy tales about animals invented by schoolchildren (5th grade) have a good ending. He approached the earthen mouse passage and began to call: “Mouse! Mouse! I changed my mind. I would still really like to go to New Year’s.” The mouse appeared right then and there and said: “Will you sing funny ditties at the holiday, or will you start grumbling again?” “No, of course,” answered the striped Raccoon. “I will entertain my friends and rejoice myself, I just want to get to the feast!” Then the Mouse called her goddaughters - ten little mice, and ordered them to go upstairs through the underground passages and grab a strong twine. The goddaughters got up, lowered the rope to the Raccoon and quickly got the poor fellow out of the hole. Of course, they eat delicious Swiss cheese, and it gives them a lot of strength!

The Raccoon climbed to the surface and began to help the Mouse bake a pie. Together they managed to bake such a huge cake for the festival that they managed to feed all the animals. And the Raccoon realized that he needed to be kinder.

Algorithm for creating history

Usually the time when children are asked to come up with a fairy tale about animals is 5th grade. You can compose a fairy tale using a special template. It consists of the following points.

  1. Time of action. For example, “a long time ago”, “in 3035”.
  2. Place of events.“In the Far Far Away Kingdom”, “on the Moon”.
  3. Description of the main character. Since the task is to come up with a fairy tale about animals (literature, 5th grade is a subject for which students receive it at home), the main characters here should be representatives of the animal world.
  4. The person who opposes the hero. These could be evil forces or enemies.
  5. The main event that happened to the character. What happened for the main character and his opponent to come face to face?
  6. Actions of the main character's assistants.
  7. The final event of the tale.

Fairy tales invented by schoolchildren (5th grade) are one of the best literature homework assignments that children will enjoy. The talent of a storyteller is not born on its own. We need to work on its development. That is why students receive such homework assignments, with the help of which they can develop their imagination.

There are wolves in the world. They like the gray shades of the world, which is why wolves are sometimes simply called "grays." In general, wolves are creatures with which you need to keep your ears open. Fairytale wolves are made from a special test. It happens that they are better than wolves from real life.

Listen to a fairy tale (5min1sec)

Bedtime story about the wolf Pawn
Author of the story: Iris Review

Once upon a time there was a wolf and his name was Pawn. He differed from other wolves in that he loved to have tea in the evening, look at the moon, and count stars. The wolf Pawn had no friends.

And then one day Pawn felt so sad that he could even howl like a wolf. He had already run up the slopes, chased hares and taken a nap under the tree.

“I need to go to work,” thought the wolf. - Maybe I should get a job as a shepherd? So people say that a pig is not a gardener, and a wolf is not a shepherd. It would be nice if I became a shepherd. Sit back, count the sheep, and play hide and seek with the lambs.

And the wolf went to the village. He walks through the forest, and the bear Boulder meets him.

- How far have you gone, Your Gray Majesty? – the bear asked sarcastically.

- I went to hire myself as a shepherd.

“Hee-hee-hee,” chuckled the bear. - A sheep is no friend to a wolf.

“Yes, I’m kind,” said the wolf Pawn.

“Hee-hee-hee, good one,” the bear laughed. -Who will believe you? Everyone knows about your sharp teeth. Everyone is afraid of you. As soon as they wake up, they think, where is the wolf? Early in the morning, out of fear, they mistake the stump for a wolf!

“You think, little bear, they won’t let me become a shepherd?”

- Of course not! - said the bear Boulder. “There’s no point in going to the village.”

- But I am bored! - the wolf screamed.

- Make a friend!

- Who will be friends with me if everyone is afraid of me? – the wolf was upset.

“Someone will come along,” said the bear Boulder and ran off about his business.

And the wolf Pawn saw the hedgehog Thorn and began to ask him to become his friend.

“What are you, gray,” said the hedgehog. – Didn’t get enough sleep, or what? You will get hungry and eat me, your friend. Find someone else.

“Hey, woodpecker,” the wolf shouted to the strong-nosed woodpecker sitting on the tree, “let’s make friends!”

- What are you, wolf, have you lost your mind? – the woodpecker was surprised. - Where have you seen a wolf and a bird being friends? To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf.

And then this story happened. Someone got into the habit of going to the wolf's house. He will come, wreak havoc in the house and disappear. The wolf will go hunting, then come home, and there will be a broom lying around, dishes overturned, felt boots thrown off the stove.

- Who's doing the bully stuff here? – the wolf was perplexed. - This ugly guy is clearly not afraid of me! Otherwise he wouldn’t have played tricks in my house!

And then an ordinary gray mouse caught the wolf’s eye.

“I’m not afraid of you, wolf,” she said. - Firstly, because I’ll hide under the floor - and you won’t do anything with me. And secondly, your name is Pawn, and this is funny and not the least bit scary!

“Well, since you are so brave,” said the wolf, “let’s be friends with you!” Only when my ravenous appetite awakens, it’s better not to catch my eye! If I have food in my corner, it will be more fun for me. And keep order in my house! There's no point in throwing things around here!

So the wolf Pawn and the mouse became friends. Only they don’t tell anyone about this friendship!

If you need a friend, you will definitely find him!

A happy day is running away
The dark-eyed night is on the threshold,
Go to sleep quickly, my friend,
Let's send worries and anxieties away.

The wolf caught the lamb. While he was carrying it, a lion met him and took the prey. Having lost the lamb, the wolf said in a low voice: “It’s very strange that you take what I took.” “Don’t be sorry to part with the loot,” the lion answered him. Goods acquired by robbery do not remain with the robber for long. Often the robber himself becomes a victim of robbery.

A hungry wolf came across a horse in a meadow, and he decided to eat it. The horse humbly says: “Yes, apparently, the lord of animals and birds, Azhveipsh, wants me to become your victim. But I ask you, first spare me the wild pain. The thorn dug into the flesh above the pastern of the hind leg. The thorn may prick you too when you eat my thigh.” The wolf thought and...

A hunter with a bow and arrow went hunting, killed a goat, put it on his shoulders and carried it. On the way he saw a wild boar. The hunter threw down the goat, shot at the boar and wounded it. The boar rushed at the hunter, whipped him to death, and died right away. The wolf smelled blood and came to the place where the goat, the boar, the man and his bow lay. The wolf was happy and thought: -...

Once upon a time there lived a goat with kids. The goat went into the forest to eat silk grass and drink cold water. As soon as he leaves, the little goats will lock the hut and will not go out themselves. The goat comes back, knocks on the door and sings: “Little goats, kids! Open up, open up! Your mother has come and brought milk; Milk is running through...

The hungry wolf was looking for prey. At the edge of the village he heard a boy crying in a hut, and an old woman saying: “If you don’t stop crying, I’ll give you to the wolf.” The wolf did not go further and began to wait for the boy to be given to him. Now the night has come; He waits and hears - the old woman says again: - Don’t cry, child, I won’t give you to the wolf. Just come...

The hungry wolf prowled in search of prey. He approached one hut and heard a child crying, and an old woman threatening him: “Stop it, or I’ll throw you out to the wolf!” The wolf thought that she had told the truth and began to wait. Evening came, but the old woman still did not fulfill her promise; and the wolf left with these words: “In this house people say one thing, but do it...

The wolf at night, thinking of getting into the sheepfold, ended up in the kennel. Suddenly the whole kennel yard rose up - Smelling the gray so close to the bully, The dogs poured into the stables and were eager to fight; The hounds shout: “Wow, guys, thief!” And instantly the gates are locked; In a minute the kennel became hell. They run: some with a club, others with a gun. “Fire!” they shout, “fire!” They came with fire.

Whether it happened or not, one day the tiger, the ruler of animals, fell ill. Runny nose! It is known that people do not die from this disease. But the mood of the ruler has deteriorated - and this is mortally dangerous for his subjects. Therefore, all the animals, as one, came to the tiger to testify to their devotion to him. And only the fox did not appear. The tiger, who that day did not want to see anything further...

One day the fox climbed into the chicken coop, ate to his heart's content and quickly ran away before the owner noticed anything. But then the fox felt very thirsty; she began to look for somewhere to drink, but could not find a drop of water anywhere. Almost dying of thirst, she wandered everywhere until she finally came across a well. Without hesitation, the fox jumped into the bucket tied to him...

The wolves found a sheep skin at the bottom of the river. They decided that it was a live ram, and began to think about how to get to it. They thought and thought and decided to drink the river and then eat the sheep. And a man who was nearby said to them: “You would rather burst than drink all the water from this river.” The moral is clear: you should not undertake something that is not feasible.

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife. When they were young, they lived well, amicably, and never quarreled. But then old age came, and they began to argue with each other more and more often. The old man will say a word to the old woman, and she will say two to him, he will say two to her, and she will say five to him, he will say five, and she will say ten. And such a quarrel begins between them that you might as well run away from the hut.

Once I stood in the yard and looked at a nest of swallows under the roof. Both swallows flew away in front of me, and the nest was left empty. While they were away, a sparrow flew from the roof, jumped onto the nest, looked around, flapped its wings and darted into the nest; then he stuck his head out and chirped. Soon after that, a swallow flew to the nest. She...

A sparrow and a mouse lived next door: the sparrow was under the eaves, and the mouse was in a hole in the underground. They fed on what was left over from their owners. In the summer it’s still like that, you can grab something in the field or in the garden. And in winter, at least cry: the owner sets a snare for a sparrow, and a mousetrap for a mouse.

The raven made a nest for himself on the island, and when the crows hatched, he began to carry them from the island to the ground. First, he took one crow in his claws and flew with it across the sea. When the old raven flew out into the middle of the sea, he became exhausted, began to flap his wings less often and thought: now I am strong, and he is weak, I will carry him across the sea; and when he becomes great and strong, and I...

The raven took out a piece of meat and sat on a tree. The fox saw this and wanted meat. She came up and said: - Eh, raven, when I look at you - you are so beautiful that you can only be a king. And it’s true that he would be a king if he could also sing. The raven opened his mouth and screamed with all his might. The meat fell, the fox picked it up and said: “Ah, raven...

The raven took away a piece of meat and sat down on a tree. The fox saw it and wanted to get this meat. She stood in front of the raven and began to praise him: he was great and handsome, and could have become a king over the birds better than others, and, of course, he would have, if he also had a voice. The Raven wanted to show her that he had a voice; He released the meat and croaked loudly...

Once a raven saw an eagle carrying a lamb away from the herd. And the raven wanted to become like an eagle. Noticing a fat ram, the raven fell on him like a stone and dug his claws into its fur. But the raven was not only unable to lift the ram into the air, but could not even remove its claws from its fur. The feathered predator was overtaken by a shepherd, hit with a stick and killed. Fable...

How many times have they told the world that flattery is vile and harmful; but everything is not for the future, And the flatterer will always find a corner in the heart. Somewhere God sent a piece of cheese to a crow; Crow perched on a spruce tree, she was just about ready to have breakfast, she was lost in thought, and she had the cheese in her mouth. To that misfortune, the Fox ran quickly; Suddenly the cheese spirit Lisu...

My restless son really loves it when one of us tells him fairy tales. And they must begin
“Once upon a time there was a wolf!” It’s impossible without a wolf, otherwise he doesn’t need such a fairy tale. Well, how many fairy tales about the wolf do we remember? And yet the time has come and we began to invent our own fairy tales.

The first fairy tale.

Once upon a time there lived a wolf!
He lived in a deep forest in a small rickety house. He was a good wolf and the fairy tales told to children about how evil and bloodthirsty wolves were very upsetting to him. Our wolf was completely different. He loved animals, picked berries and dried mushrooms for the winter. He also had a small garden at his house, where he grew cabbage, potatoes and other vegetables.
One day, late in the evening, a wolf was sitting and listening to a cricket sing. Suddenly he hears someone crying. The wolf was surprised. “Did it seem like it to the old man?” he thought.
I listened again, someone was crying again.
The wolf came out onto the porch and shouted loudly:
-Hey, who's crying there?
Silence, can't hear anyone. He had already decided to go home, but they started sobbing again very close by.
“Well, tell me, who’s there?” he said menacingly.
A girl about six years old came out and looked at the wolf with her eyes wide open in fear.
“How did you get here?” the wolf asked the girl.
“I..I got lost,” she answered stuttering and cried bitterly.
The wolf scratched his head and said,
-Well, stop crying, come in then, you’ll be my guest...
The girl backed away.
“I’m afraid of you, you’re a wolf, you’ll eat me,” and she sobbed even louder.
“There’s nothing to be afraid of me, I won’t eat you, I have nothing to do,” he said indignantly, “they told the children all sorts of stupid things,” the wolf muttered, and shouted loudly to the girl:
-Aren’t you afraid in the forest alone?
“I’m afraid,” the girl answered in a thin voice.
“Well, you come in, otherwise the house is completely frozen, the cold has come in,” he grumbled and went into the house.
The girl timidly squeezed through the door and quietly closed it.
“Are you going to eat?” muttered the wolf.
“Yes,” she answered in a trembling voice.
-What’s your name?
“Masha,” the girl answered quietly.
“It’s a good name,” the owner of the house said, smiling.
-How did you get here in such a wilderness?
“Yes, the guys and I wanted to collect mushrooms and berries, but I fell behind them, but I can’t find my way back, I’m still little!” and Masha began to cry again.
-Okay, okay, tears won’t help here, go ahead and eat, here you have cabbage and mushrooms and berries. And I will think about how I can help you.
The girl was hungry and she gladly pounced on the treat. Having eaten, she looked around. An old stove, neatly stacked firewood. There was a flower in a pot on the window, which greatly surprised Masha. But in general, she liked it here. The wood crackled in the stove and her eyes gradually began to close from fatigue.
“Thank you, uncle wolf, everything was delicious,” Masha thanked the wolf, yawning.
“Okay, good luck,” he said, embarrassed.
- Well, Mashunya, go climb onto the stove, and tomorrow morning we’ll go look for your house.
Masha didn’t need much persuasion; she quickly climbed onto the stove and immediately fell fast asleep.
As soon as the sun rose, the wolf began to wake up Masha.
-Get up Mashunya, let’s go already, the road is long, your people are already off their feet, they’re probably looking for you.
Masha rubbed her eyes, jumped up and quickly got dressed. Now she wasn’t the least bit scared, and the wolf was very sweet and kind.
They packed food for the road and set off.
The paths in the forest were confusing and the wolf's instincts helped them find the right path. Late in the evening the road led them to the village where Masha lived. They reached the edge of the forest and the wolf said -
- That’s it Masha, you’ll get further alone! I can’t go there, you understand!
Masha couldn’t wait to leave, but it was a pity to part with the wolf. Over the long journey they managed to become friends. Masha approached the wolf and hugged him with her small arms.
“Thank you for everything!” she whispered in his ear.
“Come on, you’re welcome,” the wolf became shy.
“Well, run and don’t get lost again,” he muttered.
Masha, satisfied, ran along the path to her house. And the wolf looked after her for a long time, following her with his gaze. Already from quite a distance, Masha turned and waved her hand to the wolf. He smiled and turned around and slowly trudged back to his home.
