Morphological features of the verb, spelling of the personal endings of the verb. Verb endings

71. Spelling verbs.

Spelling verb endings.

1. Depending on the personal endings, verbs are divided into two large groups: verbs of I and II conjugations.

The II conjugation includes:

  • verbs in -it (except for the verbs shave, lay, build, which belong to the first conjugation),
  • 7 verbs in -et (twist, see, depend, hate, offend, watch, endure),
  • 4 verbs ending in -at (to melt, breathe, hold, hear).
All other verbs belong to the I conjugation.

Personal endings of verbs in the present or future past tense:

2. There are several differently conjugated verbs that do not belong to either of the two conjugations: want, run, eat, create, give.

1st person read, take
2nd person read, take
The third person reads, takes

1st person read, take
2nd person read, take
3rd person read, take

want wants

we want
want to

I'm running
you're running

let's run
are running


eat eat eat

I'll create
you will create
will create

let's create let's create will create

give it
will give

let's give they'll give

3. If a verb with the prefix obez- (obes-) is transitive, then it is conjugated according to the II conjugation, and if intransitive, then according to the I conjugation (for example, compare the conjugation of the verbs to weaken (someone) and to weaken (yourself).

4. In verbs of the first conjugation in the form of the future tense the ending is written -“ those, and in the form of the imperative mood - the ending - ite (cf.: You will send this letter tomorrow. - Send this document urgently.)

b (soft sign) in verb forms.

1. b (soft sign) is written:

  • in the infinitive (to write, to wish, to want, to wash),
  • in the endings of the 2nd person singular of the present or simple future tense (choose, wash, do, wash),
  • in the imperative mood (correct, hide), BUT lie down, lie down,
  • in a reflexive particle that comes after a vowel (bent, turned, will return);

2. b (soft sign) is not written:

  • in the form of the 3rd person singular present or simple future tense (washes, does).

Spelling verb suffixes

1. If in the 1st person of the present or simple future tense the verb ends in -yu(-yu), then the suffixes -ova-, -eva- are written in the infinitive and in the past tense (manage - manage, was in charge, war - fight, fought );

if in the 1st person of the present or simple future tense the verb ends in -yu, -ivayu, then the suffixes -ыва-, -iva- (I impose - impose, imposed) are written in the infinitive and in the past tense.

2. Verbs ending in -five, -vayu have the same vowel before the suffix -va- as in the infinitive without this suffix (extend - prolong).

Tasks and tests on the topic "Spelling verbs."

  • Spelling of verbs - Verb 5th grade
  • Spelling vowels in verb suffixes - Verb 6th grade

    Lessons: 1 Assignments: 7 Tests: 1

Spelling of personal endings of verbs is a rule tested during the state final certification in the ninth and eleventh grade. Despite the large number of hours allocated by the school curriculum to study this topic, many students continue to make annoying mistakes in writing. It is difficult to explain this phenomenon, since the topic can hardly be considered complex.

A little theory about verbs

Words of this part of speech are usually divided into two large groups: conjugated and non-conjugated. The first group consists of verbs that change according to tenses, persons and moods. They have another name - personal. The second group includes the infinitive, participle, and gerund, since they do not have the grammatical category of person or mood.

Personal endings of verbs included in the first group can be unstressed or stressed. The choice of vowels in endings that are under stress does not cause difficulties. The rule says that you should write the letter that you hear. For example, they scream, weave, talk, burn. Unstressed personal endings of verbs should be written based on the infinitive.

In order not to make mistakes in spelling, you need to know what verb conjugation is. The personal endings of verbs depend precisely on this constant morphological feature.

Correct spelling algorithm

To avoid mistakes, you should proceed according to the following plan:

  1. Put the word in its initial form. It is imperative to ensure that the word and its dictionary form belong to the same type: perfect or imperfect.
  2. Determine the conjugation at the end of the infinitive.
  3. Choose the ending depending on the person and number.

Sample reasoning

1. In the sentence “The man is hiding ... behind the curtain at the far window,” a vowel is missing at the end of the predicate. The second syllable -va- is stressed, so the choice of the missing letter must be made based on the conjugation.

2. The person (what is he doing?) is hiding.. This is an imperfect verb, which in an indefinite form will answer the question “what to do?”. The initial form is to hide.

3. The word ends in -аt and is not one of the exceptions, therefore “to hide” is a verb of the first conjugation.

4. Personal endings of verbs of this group are written with a vowel e. In the 3rd person singular form, this word will have the ending -et: A man is hiding behind a curtain at the far window.


There are two conjugations in the Russian language.

The first conjugation includes words ending in -at, -et, -yat, -ot, -ut. For example, drown, bargain, darken, stab, fight, pick, tickle, hang, rush, shoot, weed, blacken.

The second conjugation includes all verbs ending in -it. For example, to stain, demolish, wound, paint, argue, spoil, cut.

However, as is often the case in the Russian language, there are exceptions to the rule. There are thirteen such words, and you need to remember them.

On a note

It is important to remember that words that are formed by prefixes from exceptions will have the same constant morphological feature as their non-prefixed forms. For example, shave, shave, lay, lay will belong to the first conjugation, and endure, consider, hold, drive - to the second.

Very often, students incorrectly determine the conjugation of verbs with the prefix you-, which leads to the wrong spelling of the ending. The reason for this phenomenon may be that the prefix pulls the accent towards itself, which automatically makes the ending unstressed. In order to correctly write the personal endings of verbs, the conjugation must be determined by their prefixless form.

Verbs with the postfix -sya have the same constant morphological feature as their verbs. For example, shave - shave, cut - cut, dig - dig, chase - chase, look - look, throw away - throw away.

Some words can have both conjugations. The word “honor,” for example, has 2 forms in the 3rd person plural: honor and honor.

Comparative table of verb conjugations with and without the prefix you-
pickpick outraisegrow
1 picking, pickingI pick it out, I pick it outgrowing, growingI'll grow, I'll grow
2 you pick, you pickyou pick it out, you pick it outgrow, growgrow up, grow up
3 picking, pickingpicks out, picks outraises, raiseswill grow, will grow

Writing vowels

Vowels in the personal endings of verbs that are in an unstressed position depend on the conjugation. Words of the first conjugation end with a vowel e, words of the second conjugation - with a vowel And.

Difficulties can arise with differently conjugated verbs. Unstressed personal endings of verbs of this category can have endings of both conjugations. This group is formed by words want, run, honor. Verbs give, There is and their derivatives do not belong to this group, but also have different endings when changing according to persons and numbers.

Spelling personal endings of verbs does not require students to memorize large amounts of theoretical information. You should place the emphasis correctly, remembering several nuances (conjugation, the phenomenon of heteroconjugation, algorithm for choosing a vowel), and be guided by them when writing.

If the accent falls on the ending of the verb, then in writing we write the letter we hear without any difficulty. We put the verb in the 3rd person singular. numbers swim - he swims, bloom - it blooms, these are verbs I spr, but: fly - he flies, they fly, talk - he speaks, they say- these are verbs of the second conjugation. We are talking about conjugation, since the spelling of personal endings of verbs depends precisely on what conjugation the verb belongs to, that is, what endings it has in the forms of different persons.

If a verb has an unstressed personal ending, then its conjugation is determined by the initial form, that is, the infinitive.

-at,-ot,-there are etc. (except for verbs in -it and exceptions), refer to the I conjugation: nap (you're dozing, dozing, dozing, dozing), fight (you're struggling, fights, we are fighting, are struggling, are fighting), sway, babble, adore, cry, whisper, trample, sprinkle, hesitate, retire and so on.

Verbs that end in infinitive -it, belong to the II conjugation: believe (you believe, believes, we believe, believe, believe), sting (you sting, stings, we sting, sting, sting), praise, pray, dry, ride, remember, prepare, disturb, drag and so on.

As we can see, it’s easier to remember which verbs belong to the II conjugation, let’s repeat it again ! :

these are all verbs –it(except verbs shave , lay , which belong to the I conjugation, so we write he shaves, she lays). Also, 7 verbs starting from – eat (twirl , see , depend , hate , offend , look , tolerate ) and 4 verbs starting with – at (drive , breathe , hold , hear ).

All other verbs belong to the I conjugation.

Exceptions are easy to remember with the help of a simple rhyme:



and also Twist, endure,


There are a few points to make regarding complex spellings.

1. Firstly, exceptions include verbs with prefixes that are formed from the above

Verbs shave , lay and their derivatives: shave, shave And lay out, cover, lay down, remake etc. - have personal endings I sp.: He chose no temple. Let him go ut head. Winter is laid out no white carpet. The hostess changed the bed no bed.

2. Secondly, many verbs have a prefix YOU- takes on the stress, resulting in difficulty in writing. In these cases, it is recommended to check the dubious ending with an unprefixed word: fly out - fly, reprimand - they say (reprimand - speak), get enough sleep - sleep (sleep - sleep), you cut it - you cut it (cut - cut).

3. Thirdly, if you are in doubt which suffix is ​​in the infinitive, then remember that in addition to the verb GLUE with suffix - AND- all others end in - YAT: sow, winnow, soar, melt, smell, bark, repent, toil, hope, cherish, start, which means they belong to the first conjugation. For example: peasant no , wind ve e T, dogs chu ut , people hope ut Xia.

4. Fourthly, you should pay attention to the fact that similar sounding forms of the 2nd person plural differ. numbers of the imperative mood and forms of the 2nd person plural. numbers of the present or future (for verbs of the perfect form) time of the indicative mood such as knock and knock.

The imperative mood is formed using the suffix -I- (2nd letter, singular) and the ending -TE (plural): sit, write, jump. Forms of the imperative mood are easy to check if you discard TE (send them out!)

In the indicative mood, the verb has an ending depending on the conjugation: -ETE or -ITE.

Therefore, verbs I sp. the specified forms vary; cf.: Please write more carefully! (imperative mood) and you write carefully, so it’s easy to check your dictation! (indicative).

And for verbs II sp. such forms are the same in spelling; cf.: Hold your pen correctly! (imperative mood) and If you hold your pen correctly, you will not get tired while writing a dictation (indicative mood).

In addition, there are two differently conjugated verbs that do not belong to either of the two conjugations: want And run. Different forms of these verbs can have different conjugation endings.

Table of personal verb endings

NumberFaceEndings of the I conjugationEndings of II conjugation
The only thing1st
(I) -у(-у)
(You) -eat (-eat)
(he she it) -et (-et)
(We) -eat (-eat)
(You) -et (-et)
(They) -ut(s)

Stressed personal endings of verbs

Stressed personal endings of verbs of the present and future simple tense are written in accordance with the pronunciation, for example: you are flying, flying, flying; you scream, they shout(II conjugation); you carry, carry, carry; bring it, bring it, bring it(I conjugation).

After sibilants, the letter is written under stress her) , For example: guard e sew, guard e t, guard e m, guard e those.

Unstressed personal endings of verbs

When writing verbs with unstressed personal endings, you should rely on the indefinite form.

Of the verbs with unstressed personal endings, conjugation II includes:

  1. verbs with infinitive form -it , For example: ask - ask, ask, ask; buy - buy, buy, buy ( except the verb shave - shave, shave, shave);
  2. eleven following verbs: look, see, hate, offend, depend, endure, turn; hear, breathe, hold, drive, as well as verbs formed from them with prefixes or suffixes -xia (see, see, look, turn etc.).

In verb lay - lay personal endings are used only depending on the form lay(i.e. I conjugation), for example: steles eat, stele no, stele ut .

Personal plural endings

It is necessary to distinguish between the forms of the 2nd person plural of verbs of the first conjugation indicative And imperative :

  • V indicative inclination is written - you know ;
  • V imperative -ite .

For example: What are you writing? yeah? (indicative) - Pish ite a little bit faster(imperative mood); When choose yeah (indicative) the necessary material, you can prepare abstracts. - Choose carefully ite (Imperative mood) examples necessary for illustration.

In verbs of the second conjugation, both in the imperative and indicative moods, it is written -ite , For example: Breathe ite (imperative mood) deeper! - Are you breathing ite (indicative) restless; Turn off ite (imperative mood) gas! — When you turn it off ite (indicative), open the windows.

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63. At the end of the 2nd person singular verbs it is written -sh: teach sew , teach sew Xia.

64. Personal endings of verbs of the first conjugation: -u(-y), -eat, -et, -eat, -e, -ut(-yut); II conjugation: -u(-yu), -ish, -it, -im, -ite, -at(-yat) .

When personal endings are stressed, then it becomes clear what to write: -eat or -hey , -ut or -at etc. In order not to make mistakes in the spelling of verbs with unstressed personal endings, you need to remember that among such verbs there are endings of the second conjugation: 1) verbs ending in the indefinite form with -it ; 2) eleven of the following verbs: drive, hold, breathe, hear, turn, see, depend, hate, offend, watch, endure, as well as derivatives from them. The remaining verbs have I conjugation endings.

Exception. Verb shave- I conjugation, although it ends in -it: you shave, shave.

Note 1. It is useful to remember: they are rut I t, holding A t, breathe A t, hear A t, vert I t, view I t, stuck I t, hate I t, insult I t, look I t, terp I T.

Verb want in the singular - I conjugation, and in the plural. part - II conjugation: want, want, wants, want, want, want.

Note 2. About how to write unstressed endings in a verb with a prefix You- , must be judged by the unprefixed verb: vysp And shya - sp And sew, drink e sh - drink e sew.

Note 3: Along with the form lay (spread out, spread out etc.) there is a colloquial form lay (lay down, spread out etc.) Personal endings are used only from the form lay, i.e. I conjugation: you lay it down (make your bed, make your bed), stem (spread, spread), ... lay (will lay down, spread out).

65. In the personal endings of verbs of the first conjugation after sibilants, under stress instead O is written her): attracts e T, LJ e T.

66. Infinitive endings for verbs: -t, -whose, -ti, -tsya, -tsya, -tsya.

Distinguish indefinite endings -tsya from 3rd person endings -tsya questions help: the indefinite form answers the question what to do? (or do?), and the 3rd person - to the questions what is he doing? (or will they? will they?) what is being done?

For example: Comrade wants(what to do?) study. He thinks(what to do?) do math. He(what will it do?) will do math.

67. In the imperative mood it is written after consonants b: sit down b , cut off b , eat b . Letter b remains in plural. h.: sit down b those, cut off b those, eat b those, and also - before -xia: throw b throw b Xia, namaz b namaz b Xia.

Exception. From the verb lie down imperative mood l I G, l I where.

68. Indefinite and past tense suffixes -ova-, -eva- are written when the 1st person verb ends in -yu, -yu: conversations O chat (talk), mountains e grieve (grief), in e fight (fight); if the 1st person ends in -I am, -I am no emphasis on A, then in an indefinite form and in the past tense it is written s, and: story s vayu - to tell, review And vayu - to consider; when stressed on A is written -evayu, -evayu: overcome e vat - overcome e vayu, over e vat - over e vayu and so on.
