What happened to the chili group. Why does the soloist of the Chi-li group sing in a male voice? I did crazy things for love

Irina Zabiyaka, soloist of the famous musical group "Chi-Li", is a talented singer with extraordinary vocal abilities. The creative path to fame was not easy, but Irina still managed to become famous.


Irina Zabiyaka was born in the city of Kirovograd on December 20, 1982. Ukrainian by nationality, the girl was born and raised in the absence of her own father. Irina's mother went to sea, and therefore Zabiyaka grew up in Kaliningrad with her grandmother.

Once, Ira asked her mother for information about her father, to which she, not wanting to tell the truth and injure the child's psyche, replied that he was a Chilean revolutionary. Little Bully believed what she heard and proudly told her friends that her dad was from Chile. So the girl got her unusual, at first glance, nickname.

From early childhood, Irina Zabiyaka (Chile became her middle name) mostly communicated with boys and was a rather difficult child. At first, Zabiyaka's voice did not differ much from the voices of other girls. However, in adolescence, he began to break down, like a boy. The result is a contralto.

happy meeting

Irina Zabiyaka met the arranger and composer at a student concert. As Sergei recalls, on that day he performed in new ones that seemed unusually cool to him, and then a girl came up to the stage and began to pull on the trouser leg. Karpov regarded such an action as a hint of an acquaintance, and a very close one, which significantly increased his self-esteem as a novice musician. In fact, as Zabiyaka later tells, she approached Sergey just out of curiosity - to find out if it was genuine leather.

A few days later, Irina and Sergey, future members of the musical tandem, met again. The meeting place turned out to be the hall of the university, where the KVN team was rehearsing on the site, with which Zabiyaka was good friends, and behind the scenes Karpov was preparing for the exit. Hearing the voice of the girl, Sergei, without hesitation, made her an offer to be his backing vocalist, to which Irina agreed. And so their collaboration began.

On the road to glory

Initially, the main role in the created duet was assigned to Sergey, who was also an arranger, composer and frontman. Irina Zabiyaka, whose biography as a creative person began to develop, so far was content with only minor parties.

In 2002, the Chi-Li team, whose name Zabiyaka came up with, took a box of discs with them and set off to storm the Moscow show business. But the first visit to the capital, despite dozens of successful club concerts, does not bring significant victories - radio stations and record labels do not react in any way to the demo recording.

First successes

Returning home, the duet, which by that time had achieved popularity in their native Kaliningrad region, received an invitation to go on tour to Poland. Throughout the summer, the guys successfully perform at various festivals and in small clubs. However, this is not enough for Irina and Sergey, because their task was to conquer Moscow.

Purposeful by nature, they began to distribute CDs in various companies. Despite the fact that many directors did not hesitate to speak in rather rude terms about their work, Zabiyaka and Karpov did not lose faith. Realizing that it was necessary to add some zest to his own tracks, Sergey suggested bringing Irina to the fore.

This idea was so original and successful that the songs of "Chi-Li" hit the Polish radio. In the chart on one of the popular FM stations in Warsaw, the band managed to climb to third place and stay in the charts for 20 weeks, ahead of the Russian star group t.A.T.u.

Peak of popularity

Having achieved popularity in Poland, "Chi-Li" again storms the capital. Thanks to an acquaintance, the band's demo got to Yaznur Garipov, a well-known sound producer, who, sensing the huge potential in the recording, invited the artists to record the material.

On June 2, 2005, the long-awaited recording began, for which the musicians carefully prepared: out of more than a hundred composed songs, Irina Zabiyaka and Sergey Karpov selected 12 best tracks for their new album. In the autumn of the same year, the song "Chi-Li" "Crime" is in the rotation of "Russian Radio". In just 1 month, the extraordinary unique voice of Zabiyaka sounded on the radio in Russia, Ukraine and Belarus.

The first single was soon followed by the dramatic track New Year in Bed, which cemented the group's success. Over the years of its existence, the Chi-Li team has achieved national recognition, as evidenced by numerous prizes and awards: the Golden Gramophone in the capital, the Golden Gramophone in St. Petersburg, Alma-Ata and other cities.

When the Chi-Li group first appeared, for a long time many listeners could not understand who still performs the songs: a man or a woman. Bully Irina, whose photo soon began to show off on the covers of magazines, dispelled the doubts of her fans.

Personal life

Zabiyaka Irina is not only a well-established successful woman, but also a loving wife and caring mother. The singer for a long time tried to keep her personal life secret from journalists and hid her common-law husband Vyacheslav Boyko, the leader of the Mama Band team.

January 8, 2013 30-year-old Zabiyaka Irina became a mother. In one of the Moscow clinics, a beautiful baby was born by caesarean section. Irina Zabiyaka, whose child's height at birth was 54 cm, and weight 3 kg 900 g, is immensely happy. The baby was called the beautiful name Matvey. As the singer admitted in a recent interview, the baby pleases his parents every day with his small new victories.

By nature, the singer Zabiyaka is a very impulsive, positively restless, temperamental person. Because of her great love for cats, she got a tattoo on her shoulder in the form of an image of this animal.

Irina has been kickboxing for two years and still tries to visit the gym at every opportunity. The singer loves to read mysticism, and her favorite authors are Ann Wright, Dan Siemens, Stephen King.

Zabiyaka spends a significant part of his fee on the purchase of musical instruments. Irina believes that the equipment should be the best, because the material performed by the popular band "Chi-Li" is written on it.

Irina Zabiyaka is an extraordinary creative person, whose biography is full of colorful and bright moments.

) - Russian pop singer, soloist of the Chi-Li (CHI-LLI), which she herself founded in 2005 together with composer Sergey Karpov.

Encyclopedic YouTube

    1 / 3

    ✪ Irina Zabiyaka from Chi-li lives in Shatunov's apartment

    ✪ Chi-Li - Heart

    ✪ Interview with Irina Zabiyaka soloist of the group "CHILI" Bryansk-2018



Irina's road to popularity was not paved with yellow bricks. Everything was prosaic. Her musical career would not have taken place without a significant meeting, which grew into friendship, and then into a creative union with Sergey Karpov. The first meeting took place in absentia at one of the student concerts of the group, in which Sergey was at that time, and which Irina came to listen to. A few days later, fate again brought the guys together in the rehearsal room, and a few hours later Irina was part of Sergei's musical group as a backing vocalist. From that moment, Irina Zabiyaka and Sergey Karpov began to work on the overall result.

At the very beginning, Sergey was the composer, arranger and frontman in the group, and Irina was only a secondary link. Later, the guys had the opportunity to record their own disc, with which they decided to try their luck with the capital's music producers. In Moscow, as a reaction to their songs, they heard only a categorical "no".

During the first month in Moscow, spent in search of a musical patron for the group, the guys had to be content with only a dozen concerts in clubs, but this could not bring enough income, and they decided to go on a musical tour of Poland, which was a huge success. So Irina became a full-fledged soloist of the group. And only after that, the music producers reacted positively to the guys and gave them the green light. From that moment on, Irina became the leader of the Chi-Li group.

Today, Irina, as part of the group, has five albums on her account: "Crime", "Summer Crime", "Made in Chile", "Time to Sing", "Wind in the Head". Her songs, to the authorship of which she is also directly related, were kept in the top-leading radio stations in Poland, Russia, Belarus, Ukraine for several weeks. The Chi-Li group has repeatedly received the Golden Gramophone and Russian Radio awards.

The soloist of the Chi-Li group, popular in the mid-2000s, Irina Zabiyaka first became a mother in 2013. The red-haired singer with a low voice tried to talk as little as possible about her child, and recently she has completely stopped appearing at social events and parties. The artist devoted herself to the family and raising her son, but did not abandon her work. Despite the fact that now her songs are not often played on radio stations, she continues to be creative - she releases songs and writes albums, though not with the same intensity as before. Her son Matvey is also growing up as a creative child, but so far he is showing his talent in acting.

“He goes to sambo, and sometimes takes part in theatrical performances. True, he is very picky: in the production of Alice in Wonderland, he agreed only to the role of the Cheshire Cat, in The Snow Queen he refused to participate at all, in Dunno he was the artist Tube. He loves music, but refuses to learn to play any instrument, ”said Irina.

The singer noted that she listens to the desires and aspirations of her son, and if he doesn’t like something, she doesn’t insist on continuing classes. Until the age of four, Zabiyaka was very worried about the child - she noticed that it was not easy for him to make friends with his peers. But at a certain moment everything changed - now the boy is happy to go to kindergarten even in summer.

According to his mother, Matvey loves airplanes. The singer said that they often go on vacation with the whole family to other countries. Last year, he made his first flight - Irina and her husband, musician Vyacheslav Boykov, went to her husband's homeland in Kyrgyzstan. He visited Lake Issyk-Kul, where he traveled by plane.

“On takeoff, he laughed, but did not look out the window - he was frightened. The whole flight was in such delight that he refused even to sleep, although the flight was at night. I watched cartoons and was glad that we were flying high in the sky, ”admitted Zabiyaka.

Despite the fact that many famous mothers try not to slow down with the advent of a child, Irina chose a different path for herself. She understands that Matvey's childhood will fly by very quickly, and therefore the artist tries to spend as much time with the child as possible. The soloist of the Chi-Li group said in an interview with Telenedelya that she was trying to find a balance between family and creativity.

“At some point, work became my whole life. She was both at home and on vacation. My brain was constantly working - day and night. And then I realized that it was time to get out of this circle in order to realize what my life is. I moved out of town, into the forest, into silence, where there are few people, no fuss and no cars. And I looked at the world differently, ”the artist recalled.

Nickname "Chile" Irina received in childhood, when friends learned the story of her father - a Chilean revolutionary.

After the real threat of the rotation of the track "Crime" more than 50 times a day hung over the air, the DJs began to refuse callers. It was not even strange that a group that had never appeared on TV screens or in the press sounded on the waves of the highest-rated Russian FM station, but that no one could determine with certainty the gender of the person to whom this unique voice could belong.


The voice was truly unique - the contralto, rare for pop performers, was woven into the modern rhythms of dance arrangements. It was not difficult to understand the confusion of radio listeners - classical composers often wrote parts of teenage boys and young men for this register, for example: Vanya in Glinka's opera Ivan Susanin or Siebel in Gounod's Faust. In the world of pop music today, only the eternally young Cher has such vocals. The name of the soloist (and this is really a girl) of the Kaliningrad group "Chili" is Irina.

As soon as you see a fiery red-haired girl with huge green eyes and a strong, deep voice in front of you, there is no doubt about her explosiveness. Such expectations are fully justified - Irina's character is as changeable as her inner energy is strong. She leaves no doubt that in front of you is a real star. This plasma flow is capable of creating new songs in a matter of moments, bringing thousands of people into ecstasy or destroying everything in its path. It happens that household electrical appliances burn out in Irina right in her hands, guitar strings break due to an unsuccessfully taken chord, and a flat joke can cost the wit serious bodily harm.


Nickname "Chile" Irina received in childhood, when friends learned a story about her father - a Chilean revolutionary, which was told to the girl by her mother, who went on a long voyage on a merchant ship. Whether this was true or just a desire to console her daughter, Irina never found out, but since then, by name or surname, she was listed only in official documents.

The singer met another member of the group, composer and arranger Sergei, at one of his student concerts. “It was the most extreme acquaintance,” says the musician, “I was in new leather pants, which seemed very cool to me. And then a beautiful girl comes up to the stage and pulls my leg. It seemed to me that this was a frank hint of a close acquaintance, and I felt like a megastar. However, as it turned out later, without further ado, she decided to check whether it was genuine leather.

A few days later, the future members of the musical tandem met again in the hall of the university, where Sergey was rehearsing behind the scenes, and on the site - the KVN team, whose players were friends with Irina. “She said only a few phrases, and I immediately offered her to sing backing vocals,” says the musician. “She agreed, and that was the start of our collaboration.”

Kaliningrad – Moscow - Warsaw

At first, Sergey played a key role in the duet, who was a composer, arranger and frontman all rolled into one. Irina got only minor parties. By 2002, the first album was recorded, and the guys with a box of discs set off to storm the capital

show business. Despite a dozen successful club concerts, the month spent in Moscow does not bring strategic victories - record labels and radio stations do not react in any way to the demo recording. Upon returning home, the duet, which by that time had reached local popularity in the Kaliningrad region, was invited on tour to nearby Poland. For three summer months, the musicians tour local venues. They also perform in small clubs and at festivals, the audience of which at times amounted to forty thousand people.

“Listening to our recording, we felt that it was somehow neutral,” says Sergey, “the drive either appeared or disappeared again somewhere. Then the idea came to castling, to push Irina to the fore. The idea was so successful that the track of the Russian group, named after the "second name" of the new soloist, hit the Polish radio. In the chart of one of the top FM stations in Warsaw, "Chili" climbed to the third place and stayed in the TOP 20 for several weeks, ahead of even the star compatriots t.A.T.u., who only reached the fifth line.

"Omut" radio

Having become popular guest performers in Poland, a year after the first visit to the capital, "Chile" again storms Moscow. This time, the guys are stocking up on a list of showbiz people who need to personally deliver a demo with a new voice. But the wall does not give in - the entertainment industry is in no hurry to answer. By a chance coincidence, the most insignificant contact works - through a friend who works at one of the recording studios, the demo gets to the well-known sound producer Yaznur Garipov, who felt the remarkable potential in the recording and invited the musicians to record material in the capital.

On June 2, 2005, the recording began, for which the musicians managed to adequately prepare - 12 tracks for the new album were selected from more than a hundred songs composed by Irina and Sergey over the past few years. In the same autumn, the first single "Crime" gets to the program director of "Russian Radio" Marcel Gonzalez, who instantly understands the huge potential of new stars and the song is in rotation. Regional FM stations in Russia and the CIS immediately picked up the wave - in just a month, Irina's unique voice sounded on the radio in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine. The first track was followed by the dramatic song "New Year in Bed", which cemented the success of "Chili".

Opening the veil

On New Year's Eve November, the shooting of the debut video clip for the third single "Chili" "New Year in Bed" took place, but the secret of the owner of the voice was never revealed to the general public. According to the script, Irina and Sergey play producers at the casting, where the words of the song are "performed" by applicants of different types, genders and races. Disguised as sharks of show business, the musicians do not reveal their incognito until the very end of the video.

Also on the air is a video for the song "Omut" with an intriguing gangster-prison drama and a hippie-style beach video filmed for the track "Summer".

Now Chili, in collaboration with sound producer Yaznur Garipov, is finishing recording their debut album and planning to shoot a new video. The release of the album is scheduled for autumn 2006.
