Irina Dorofeeva personal biography. Irina Dorofeeva: “I broke off relations with the powers that be” - Salidarnasts

The famous Belarusian singer and politician Irina Dorofeeva was born on July 6, 1977 in the city of Mogilev. Already at the age of twelve, the girl was a soloist in the famous ensemble "Rainbow". In 1989, she won the competition for young performers and Vasily Rainchik invited her to work in the Verasy ensemble. It was a good push to start a professional career. The children of Irina Dorofeeva so far occupy a prominent place only in her plans. The woman says that she intends to give birth only after 35 years, because she was not ready for this before.

Rina was able to make not only a successful career as a singer, but also try herself in acting roles, as well as in political activities. Since 2012, she has also been the head of the department at one of the most prestigious universities in Belarus - the State University of Culture and Arts. In addition, Dorofeeva is actively involved in charity work, often taking part in charity concerts. It seemed that this girl simply had boundless vitality. Everything she does is a success. Although the famous critic Sergei Sosedov once expressed the opinion that as a musician a girl would not be successful anywhere, she had no musical future.

Singer's personal life.

The family and personal life of Irina Dorofeeva are still only in her dreams. She calls her family the musical group in which she now works. They developed such warm and friendly relations that one might really think that this is one whole family. They are completely devoted to work. Nevertheless, Irina hopes that soon she will be able to create her own hearth and give birth to children. The singer claims that she is not going to stop at one child. The question of finding a dad remains open, since the girl has not yet met her soul mate.

Family, husband of Irina Dorofeeva.

Previously, Irina did not even think about tying the knot with someone. She dealt only with career issues, she was formed not only as a person, but also as a professional in her field. It was just too early to think about the personal, because the family requires a certain dedication and a lot of free time. And this young girl could not afford. Meanwhile, she repeatedly emphasized that she was completely unadapted to everyday life and did not know how to run a household. Dorofeeva is looking for a person who will be her complete like-minded person, who can be respected and loved.

Irina's biography has developed in such a way that she now has a lot of fans. With the majority, she has developed almost friendly relations, she has not yet met crazy fans on her creative path. Thanks to this, the girl continues to work tirelessly and bring joy to people.

Do Irina Dorofeeva have children?

As already noted, Irina planned to create a real family by the age of 35. But now the singer has already turned 40. As far as the media know, she never met the man with whom she would be ready to spend the rest of her life to the end. The girl also has no children. Perhaps she just carefully hides some facts from her biography, but nothing is known to the public about this yet.

As before, Dorofeeva remains a very cheerful and cheerful person, tuned only to the positive. She continues to make plans for the future and loves children very much. The singer still does not lose hope that she will be able to have her own child and will be engaged in his upbringing. In her career, she has already achieved tremendous success: she tours throughout the CIS and collaborates with world-famous composers and songwriters.

Irina Dorofeeva was born on Kupalle - July 6, 1977 in Mogilev. Irina began her professional musical career at the age of 12, becoming a soloist of the Mogilev vocal and instrumental ensemble "Rainbow" under the direction of Nelly Bordunova, who was an assistant and teacher on the way to success on the stage.

And the first achievements were not long in coming. In 1989, Irina won the First Republican Competition for Young Performers. Participation in the competition of young performers of the festival of Belarusian song and poetry "Molodechno-94" brought her not only the title of laureate, but also the invitation of Vasily Rainchik to become a soloist of the legendary ensemble "Verasy". While working at Verasy, the first songs written especially for her appeared in Irina's repertoire.

From 1997 to May 1999, Irina Dorofeeva worked as a soloist with the State Concert Orchestra of Belarus conducted by Mikhail Finberg. With her new songs, Irina, together with the orchestra, participated in numerous concerts and festivals, the most significant of which she considers the orchestra's anniversary concert at the International Festival of Arts "Slavianski Bazaar-97", performances on Red Square in honor of the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, the celebration of the days the city of Minsk, author's evenings of the People's Artist of the USSR composer Yevgeny Glebov, the People's Poet of Belarus Rygor Borodulin, composers Oleg Eliseenkov and Vladimir Sorokin.

With great interest, Irina Dorofeeva participated in the project “Belarusian Song Workshop” by Leonid Pronchak. The purpose of this action was to revive interest in the Belarusian language and Belarusian song. During this period, Irina's repertoire palette was replenished with a jazz program. In 1998, together with the jazz trio Arkady Eskin, Irina could be heard at the V International Jazz Music Festival "Minsk-98" and in the jazz panorama at the "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk-98".

From 1996 to the present, Irina Dorofeeva has been working with producer Yuri Savosh - he is the artistic director and main organizer of the creative process in preparing solo projects and tours of the singer. Yuri Savosh is the author of many songs from the singer's repertoire ("The Secret of the Greshnaga Spatkannya" and "Sooner or Later", "Puls Makhilin" and "It Happens", "Geta Noch" and many others). To date, Yuri Savosh and Irina Dorofeeva have released albums: “Redki Gost” (1998), “Sooner or Later” (2000), “Kakhanachka” (recording, 2003), “Pulse of the Whilst” (2003), “Like the first time” (recording, 2003 - 2006), “I want to be a dream” (2007), and also released an MP-3 album, which included more than 100 songs by the singer, including previously unreleased.

Irina Dorofeeva has repeatedly participated in international competitions and festivals, successfully representing the Belarusian musical culture. In 1998 - 1999, Irina became the winner of five music competitions - "Golden Hit-98", "Vilnius-99", "Discovery-99" in Bulgaria, "Vitebsk-99" at the festival "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk", "Ukrainian pop songs named after V. Ivasyuk" in Kiev. And according to Irina's performances outside the homeland, the foreign audience, perhaps, imagined Belarus, got acquainted with its song heritage and traditions.

Irina Dorofeeva is one of the most touring performers in Belarus, the singer often gave concerts outside of Belarus. In 2001 - 2002, the collective under the direction of Yuri Savosh "Irina Dorofeeva's Song Theater" organized a social and humanitarian action "The Energy of the New Generation of Young Belarus in the New Millennium". For two years, Irina traveled all over Belarus with concerts: literally at every venue in every district, even in large villages, where there were halls from 250 seats, concerts were given. In total, 435 concerts were held throughout the country during the action, which were attended by about 1.5 million people. Of all the performances, more than 165 concerts were charitable. Irina tried to come with a concert to everyone. Charitable performances were held for children left without parental care, for the disabled, military personnel, residents of villages who suffered from the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

At the same time, the tour did not become an obstacle to replenishing the repertoire. On the contrary, during the two years of the action “Energy of the New Generation of Young Belarus in the New Millennium”, the concert program of Irina Dorofeeva was almost completely updated several times, new songs appeared. At the same time, spectacular concert performances were staged with the State Dance Ensemble of Belarus and the project of Evgenia Pavlina "Stars of Gymnastics".

Best of the day

In 2004, 2005, Irina Dorofeeva, as a soloist and host of concert programs, took part in the tours of the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus. Concerts were held in 25 cities of the country with constant success. In 2005 - 2006, Irina performed in tour concerts accompanied by the DALI group. In January 2007, another musical project by Irina Dorofeeva, the concert "Christmas with Friends", was staged on stage, which is planned to be held regularly in the future.

Since 2004, the "Irina Dorofeeva Song Theater" has been annually implementing an unprecedented action - the tour "Under the Peaceful Sky". During the harvest period, the team performs directly in the field, on any open areas. As a rule, two or three concerts are held a day - in the afternoon for village workers, for those who work on the ground, in between stubble in the field, at grain streams (here Irina performs on any impromptu stage) and in the evening on the central square of the city with large staged concerts and invariably "live" sound. In general, about 50 such outdoor concerts are held a year, and the action ends at the republican holiday "Dozhinki".

Irina Dorofeeva, with her creative achievements and active concert and touring activities, proved her ability to carry out any musical project, showed that Belarusian music occupies an equal place in European musical culture. Irina sincerely loves her people and her language: the basis of her repertoire is songs in the Belarusian language, and Irina always performs them with pleasure. She seeks to develop the interest of young people in the traditional song art of Belarus.

Irina presented large staged solo programs of the national level in October 1999 at the Minsk Concert Hall - My Love, and in November 2003 at the Palace of the Republic - Kakhanachka. The best creative forces of the country took part in the creation and holding of the concert "My Love" - ​​the State Concert Orchestra of Belarus conducted by Mikhail Finberg, the State Dance Ensemble of Belarus, the vocal group "Camerata", musicians Arkady Eskin and Nikolai Neronsky.

The folk-modern show program "Kakhanachka" marked the 10th anniversary of the creative activity of Irina Dorofeeva, and even in its title emphasized the "Belarusian" singer and her attitude to life and love. The concert was accompanied by the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus and the leaders of the Belarusian choreography - the State Dance Ensemble of Belarus, a dance group conducted by Svetlana Gutkovskaya, the show group "Pops Foundations", the ballet "Eos". The whole concert was recorded on digital media, an audio and video version of the program was published under the same name - "Kakhanachka".

On June 24, at the walls of the Mir Castle, an unpredictable show “Kupalye of Irina Dorofeeva: Festival of the Elements” was shown, in which more than 400 artists of various genres took part, helping the singer to recreate the picture of the ancient Slavic holiday. The concert was truly European scale. It was attended by the Head of State and over 120,000 spectators.

Irina Dorofeeva successfully participates in television projects and television filming: she worked as a TV presenter in the Big Breakfast and Entertainment Planet programs, and currently hosts the Soyuz TV magazine, which airs at 13:15 on the ONT TV channel in Belarus and on the TNT TV channel in Russia ; shoots clips for his songs. The latest video works to date have been clips for the songs “I Want to Be a Dream” (directed by Alena Adamchik) and “The Heart of My Land” (directed by Vladimir Yankovsky), “The Girl on the Shore” (directed by Albert Khamitov). A documentary musical film "Instant" (directed by Anastasia Sukhanova) was shot about Irina. And according to the results of the tour “Energy of the New Generation of Young Belarus in the New Millennium”, cameraman Alla Tkachenko and director Irina Tomashevskaya created the film “Roads of Irina Dorofeeva”, which told about the unprecedented action of the singer and showed the hospitality and openness of Belarusians, the beauty of the Belarusian land, in December 2007 A documentary film about the tour of Irina Dorofeeva and her Theater "Songs under a Peaceful Sky" was released (director Alexander Vavilov, cameraman Alla Tkachenko). In total, the singer shot 17 clips. In addition, video versions of the My Love and Kakhanachka concerts were released. It is also planned to publish on CD and DVD the concert “Kupalye of Irina Dorofeeva”.

Irina Dorofeeva also works as a vocal teacher at the Belarusian State University of Culture and a leading stage master at the Irina Dorofeeva Song Theatre. Since 2007, she has been playing one of the main roles in the play based on the play by Andrei Kureichik “Beware, Women of Paris!” at the Mogilev Regional Theater of Drama and Comedy named after Dunin-Martinkevich in the city of Bobruisk, where performances are held with a constant full house.

Irina Dorofeeva plans to continue to promote and promote the Belarusian song and Belarusian culture. Currently, Irina is actively collaborating with pop artists from foreign countries. Irina maintains long-standing friendly relations with the Honored Artist of Ukraine Alexander Ponomarev, who has repeatedly been recognized as the best singer of the year in Ukraine. He is the author of many melodic songs that Irina Dorofeeva and Alexander Ponomarev perform with pleasure in a duet at festivals where they participate together.

Irina successfully collaborates with the Russian composer Kim Breitburg, who has already written 8 songs for her, including the romantic “Girl on the Shore”, a lyrical song about Belarus “The Heart of My Land” (performed in a duet with Ruslan Alekhno), as well as modern “ format" songs for listeners of different ages "Little Winter", "A Few Beautiful Words", "My Angel", "I Know Little About Love", "It's Inevitable". Irina also works with the Serbian singer and composer Zeljko Joksimovich (grand prix winner of the Golden Hit-98, Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk-99, 2nd place at Eurovision 2004). Zeljko Joksimovic's songs are highly appreciated by the performers themselves and are well received by the public.

By Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated July 5, 2007 No. 309, Irina Dorofeeva was awarded the honorary title of Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus.

She began her professional musical career at the age of 12, becoming a soloist of the Mogilev vocal and instrumental ensemble "Rainbow" under the direction of Nelly Bordunova, who was an assistant and teacher on the way to success on the stage.

Participation in the project "Belarusian Song Workshop" by Leonid Pronchak (the purpose of the action is to revive interest in the Belarusian language and Belarusian song).

Expansion of the repertoire with a jazz program: performance in 1998, together with the jazz trio of Arkady Eskin, at the V International Jazz Music Festival "Minsk-98" and in a jazz panorama at the "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk-98".

From 1996 to the present - work with producer Yuri Savosh (he is the artistic director and main organizer of the creative process in the preparation of solo projects and tours of the singer).

In 1998 - 1999 she became a laureate of five music competitions - "Golden Hit-98", "Vilnius-99", "Discovery-99" in Bulgaria, "Vitebsk-99" at the festival "Slavianski Bazaar in Vitebsk", "Ukrainian pop song named after V. Ivasyuk" in Kiev.

2008 - won the Grand Prix at the 1st Russian Song Festival in Zielona Gora (Western Poland).

2001 - 2002 - spectacular concert performances were staged with the State Dance Ensemble of Belarus and the project of Evgenia Pavlina "Stars of Gymnastics".

2004, 2005 - participation as a soloist and presenter of concert programs in tours of the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus. Concerts were held in 25 cities of the country with constant success.

2005 - 2006 - performance in touring concerts, accompanied by the DALI group.

January 2007 - the appearance of another musical project by Irina Dorofeeva - the concert "Christmas with Friends", which is planned to be held regularly in the future.


  • 1991 - 1993
  1. Gulliver
  2. Frau-Burda
  3. Wind. Alexey Yegudin
  4. Train. A. Yegudin
  5. My phone. A. Yegudin
  6. Wind kahannya. O. Eliseenkov
  • 1994 - 1996
  1. Write me a letter. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. S. Rainchik
  2. I smile. sl. V. Tushnova, music. I. Tsvetkova
  3. I'm married. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. V. Rainchik
  4. Blue eyes. G. Lurie
  5. Hawaii. sl. Y. Rybchinsky, music. V. Rainchik
  6. Singer. sl. Y. Rybchinsky, music. I. Tsvetkova
  7. Romance (“No, these tears are not mine…”). sl. V. Neklyaev, music. M. Tariverdiev
  8. Mountain after mountain. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. V. Rainchik
  9. Kryshtaleva temple. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. S. Rainchik
  10. I know. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. S. Rainchik
  11. Apple. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. S. Rainchik
  12., lyrics A.Safronov
  13. Oh, A.Novikov, lyrics L.Oshanin
  14., lyrics.Shvedov
  15. Carnival. V. Rainchik, lyrics V. Niklyaev
  16. Music for everyone. V. Rainchik, V. Niklyaev
  17. Caravan. V. Rainchik, lyrics V. Niklyaev
  18. Kalykhanka. sl. G. Buravkin, music. V. Rainchik
  19. Belaya Rus (duet with I. Afanasyeva). V. Rainchik, lyrics V. Niklyaev
  20. Farewell ball for love. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. V. Rainchik
  • Fall 1996 - May 1998
  1. Draniki. sl.L. Pronchak, music. O. Molchan
  2. Mom and Dad. sl.L. Pronchak, music. O. Molchan
  3. Skul you budzesh (duet). sl.L. Pronchak, music. T. Maisuradze
  4. Verasnyova dazhdzhi (duet). sl.L. Pronchak, music. L. Zakhlevny
  5. Sanata. sl.L. Pronchak, music. V. Ivanov
  6. Cavalier. sl.L. Pronchak, music. E. Hanok
  7. Rare guest. sl. L. Pronchak, music.I. Polivoda
  8. My city. sl.L. Pronchak, music. L. Zakhlevny
  9. Parasons. sl.L. Pronchak, music L. Kalinovsky
  10. Prabach and grant. sl.L. Pronchak, music.I. Polivoda
  11. Night without trouble. sl.L. Pronchak, music. L. Zakhlevny
  12. Nechakan. sl.L. Pronchak, music. I. Polivoda
  13. Firebird. sl.L. Pronchak, music.A. Lyakh
  14. On the white forests. sl.L. Pronchak, music L. Kalinovsky
  15. Pabudzі meane. sl.L. Pronchak, music. Yu. Savos
  16. Temple. T. Maisuradze
  17. Lullaby (opera "Porgy and Bess"). J. Gershwin
  18. Woman in love (from the repertoire of B. Streisand)
  • May 1998 - June 1999 (with M. Finberg Orchestra)
  1. I will live. sl. A. Legchilov, music. L. Kalinovsky
  2. Moscow windows. lyrics by M. Matusovsky, music by T. Khrennikov
  3. top top
  4. Cancer kahanna. sl. V. Petyukevich, music. D. Dolgalev
  5. Elada. sl. L. Dranko-Maysyuk, music. P. Eremenko
  6. I live in a protected area. sl. M. Tanich, music. E. Glebov
  7. Parisian tango (from the repertoire of M. Mathieu)
  8. Waterloo (from the repertoire of the ABBA group)
  9. Relatives Minsk. I. Luchenok
  10. Samara town. Russian folk song
  11. Balada. sl. V. Petyukevich, music. D. Dolgalev
  12. Rechanka. sl. V. Petyukevich, music. P. Eremenko
  13. Old rock and roll. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. L. Shirin
  14. Doll Madonna. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. V. Rainchik
  15. There is only a moment. sl. L. Derbenev, music. A. Zatsepin
  16. Fortune teller. sl. L. Derbenev, music. A. Zatsepin
  17. Mr Paganini. S. Koslow
  18. love paris
  19. Cheek to cheek. from the movie "The English Patient"
  20. In memory of Chopin. M. Tariverdiev
  21. Old kazka. sl. A. Legchilov, music. V. Tkachenko
  22. Song about BelAZ. E. Hanok
  23. I believe and I am small. sl.A. Legchilov, music. L. Shirin
  24. Sea samba. sl. Y. Savosh, music. G. Litvak
  25. Captain. sl. Y. Savosh, music. G. Litvak
  26. free way. sl. Y. Savosh, music. G. Litvak
  27. Venus. from the repertoire of the Shokin Blue group
  28. Remedium. sl. M. Czapinska, music. S. Krajewski
  29. The mountain is not bad. sl.A. Legchilov, music. L. Shirin
  30. My love. sl. Y. Savosh, music. L. Shirin
  31. Night at Christmas. sl. Y. Savosh, music. L. Shirin
  32. New day. sl. L. Volsky, music. L. Shirin
  33. Hello world. sl. L. Derbenev, music. A. Zatsepin
  34. "My Rabinzon" music. G. Litvak, sl. V. Mazgo
  35. Save the song. sl. O. Zhurov, music. D. Dolgalev
  36. Aria from the opera Artyom. sl. M. Bogdanovich, music. I. Polivoda
  37. I hear your name. sl. And muz. Y. Savosh
  38. So be it. from the repertoire of the Beatles (soloists of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia)
  39. I'd like to check out. sl. V. Polikanina, music. A. Zubrich
  40. White city of love. sl. Y. Savosh, music. G. Litvak
  41. Vacations of love. sl. L. Derbenev, music. A. Miyagawa
  • July 1999 - 2002
  1. In the dark. sl. V. Vysotsky, music. A. Zubrich
  2. Sooner or later. sl. Y. Savosh, music. A. Nesterovich
  3. Calendar. sl. S. Ioseliani, music. E. Hanok
  4. Loaf. sl. V. Polikanina, music. N. Neronsky
  5. Music of the night. sl. A. Legchilov, music. Y. Savosh
  6. Age of rock and roll. sl. A. Legchilov, music. G. Litvak
  7. Fly away. sl. Yu. Kruchenok, music. Y. Lukashevich
  8. Last salvos. Sl. A. Tvardovsky, music. V. Mulyavin
  9. Azyartso. sl. V. Petyukevich, music. D. Dolgalev
  10. Say Samshing. I. Kozan
  11. Nadakuchyla. sl.A. Yakovlev, music. V. Sorokin
  12. Night is tender. sl. Y. Savosh, music. I. Melnikov
  13. Young Cossack. sl. M. Shabovich, music. V. Sorokin
  14. I love you. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. I. Polivoda
  15. Dove with dove. sl. V. Petyukevich, music. D. Dolgalev
  16. Fire. sl.Yu. Savosh, music. A. Ponomarev
  17. Wings. sl.Yu. Savosh, music. A. Ponomarev
  18. The secret of greshnaga spatkannya. sl. A. Legchilov, music. Y. Savosh
  19. Minae day. sl.Yu. Savosh, music. N. Mozgovoy
  20. Chauvin. sl.Yu. Savosh, music. A. Ponomarev
  21. From morning to night. sl.Yu. Savosh, music. A. Ponomarev
  22. San Pedro. sl. Y. Savosh, music. L. Cicone
  23. Day after day. sl.Yu. Savosh, music. V. Shevchenko
  24. Young shukae yae. sl. Y. Savosh, music. S. Vakarchuk
  25. Fashion model. V. Sorokin
  26. Chervona rue. sl. and music. V. Ivasyuk
  27. My gala night. sl. A. Akhmatova, music. gr. Prokl Harum
  28. My pulse is weak. sl. Y. Savosh, music. N. Neronsky
  29. We'll be at times.
  30. Zorachka. sl.Yu. Savosh, music. A. Ponomarev
  31. Birth of the day. A. Dementiev, music. V. Ivasyuk
  32. Only once blossom love. sl. and music. V. Ivasyuk
  • 2003
  1. The wind of loneliness sl. Y. Savosh, music. Greek folk
  2. Nyastrymna. sl. Y. Savosh, music. V. Ivasyuk
  3. Dream. sl. Yu. Bykov, music. E. Oleinik
  4. Burn, burn. sl. Yu. Bykov, music. E. Oleinik
  5. I drew. sl. and music. S. Kovalev
  6. If you want. sl. Yu. Bykov, music. E. Oleinik
  7. Simple story. sl. A. Zotov, music. Y. Solomenko
  8. May the day keep you. sl. E. Glebov
  9. Christmas time. sl. Lee Mendelson, music Vince Guaraloli, Russian text by Y. Savosh
  • 2004
  1. For the first time. sl. Yu. Bykov, music. E. Oleinik
  2. "How the Motherland Begins" muses. V. Basner, lyrics M. Matusovsky
  3. My city. sl. Yu. Bykov, music. E. Oleinik
  4. You are the best. sl. P. Baranovsky, music. E. Oleinik
  5. Where are you now. sl. Yu. Bykov, music. E. Oleinik
  6. Slutsk weavers. sl. M. Bogdanovich, music. V. Mulyavin
  7. Kavalek. Belarusian folk song
  8. Kalyadnaya. Belarusian folk song
  9. Fly away (remake). sl. Yu. Kruchenok, music. Y. Lukashevich
  • 2005 year
  1. What's in your eyes. sl. and music. O. Averin
  2., music.K.Listov
  3. So it happens sl.Yu.Savosh, music. D. Dolgolev
  4. Lullaby. sl. O. Zhukov, music. I. Kaplanov
  5. On mass graves ... cl. V. Vysotsky, music. E. Glebov
  6. Chatyr's sons. I. Kuznetsov
  7. Your hands. sl.I. Sipakov, music. A. Petrenko
  8. Shadow at midnight. sl. Yu. Bykov, music. E. Oleinik
  9. Embroidered shirt. sl. V. Polikanina, music. S. Tolkunov
  • 2006
  1. Vishanka. sl.N.Solodkaya, music. I.Kaplanov
  2. Little willow. sl. V. Morudov, music. M. Zelenkevich
  3. Shadow play. music V. Sorokin, lyrics by A. Yakovlev
  4. I want to be your dream. music. S. Tolkunov lyrics L. Volkov
  5. When we are together muses. K.Norman, sl. Y. Savosh
  6. The dream of your dreams, music by I. Volodko
  7. Aegean holidays music by I.Volodko
  8. Spadchyna sl. J. Kupala music. I. Luchenok
  9. In parallel, sl. S. Sashin, music. K. Breitburg
  10. La bamba
  1. Something will happen. sl. and music. S. Sukhomlin
  2. Belarus is strong. sl. and music. S. Sukhomlin
  3. Kupalinka. sl. and music. folk
  4. Thursdays and Fridays. sl. and music. L. Shirin
  5. Oh yes, yes. sl. folk, music O. Averin
  6. The heart of my land. sl. E. Melnik, music. K. Breitburg
  7. Two elements. sl. A. Lebedeva, music. R. Platkov
  8. Behind the rains, behind the fogs. sl. Yu.Bykova, music. E. Oleinik
  9. I'm so coughing chiabe. sl. Y. Savosh, music. A.Ponomarev
  10. Oh my betrothed. sl. A. Vavilov, music. S. Tolkunov
  11. Free wind. music and sl. I.Voron
  12. Geta night. sl. Yu.Bykova, music. E. Oleinik
  13. Girl on the beach. sl. S. Sashin, music. K. Breitburg
  14. Kupala. sl. T. Tolkachev, music. I.Kaplanov
  15. My White Rus'. sl. T. Tolkachev, music. I.Kaplanov
  16. I don't know much about love. M. Tanich, music. K. Breitburg
  17. Love and joy - Belarus. sl. N. Dobronravov, music. A. Pakhmutova
  18. A few nice words. sl.S. Sashin, music. K. Breitburg
  19. Little winter. sl. K. Kavaleryan, music. K. Breitburg
  20. "Way-track front" music. B.Mokrousov, sl.N.Labkovsky.
  21. "A cup for the road" music by A. Bolotnik, lyrics by A. Legchilov.
  22. Tenderness. sl. N. Dobronravov, music. A. Pakhmutova
  23. "Thin mountain ash" folk music, lyrics I. Surikov.
  24. We depend on love. lyrics V. Kharitonov, music. A. Dneprov
  25. "The man left the house" music. S. Pozhlakov, lyrics A. Olgin
  26. "It's just that I work as a magician" music by E. Kolmanovsky, lyrics by L. Oshanin.
  27. Friendship. sl. N. Dobronravov, music. A. Pakhmutova
  28. Belovezhskaya Pushcha. sl. N. Dobronravov, music. A. Pakhmutova
  29. Heroic strength. sl. N. Dobronravov, music. A. Pakhmutova
  30. At a quiet harbor. sl. and music. Yu.Frolov
  31. Caracas, caracas. sl. and music. Venezuelan authors, Russian text by Y. Savosh
  32. Venezuela. sl. and music. Venezuelan authors.
  33. My angel. sl. S. Sashin, music. K. Breitburg
  34. It's unavoidable. sl. E. Muravyov, music. K. Breitburg
  • 2008
  1. "33 heroes" - music. K. Breitburg, lyrics E. Muravyov
  2. Merry Christmas, Belarus! music. O. Molchan - lyrics by I. Evdokimova
  3. We walked along the rainbows of music. K. Breitburg - lyrics S. Sashin, E. Melnik
  4. - Hello, Motherland! Music.S.Tolkunov - lyrics.Yu.Sologub
  5. "Come a couple" music. E. Oleinik - lyrics by Y. Savosh
  6. "Beads" music.J. Joksimovich, lyrics by A. Vavilov.
  7. "Dirty lads". music E. Oleinik, sl. Yu.Bykova.
  8. "This is Belarus, my country." music.I. Kaplanova, sl. T. Tolkacheva
  9. "We are a long echo of each other" muses. E. Ptichkin, St. R. Rozhdestvensky.
  10. "Kalykhanka" (Belarusian version) music. I. Kaplanova lyrics O. Zhukov
  11. "Old maple" music. A. Pakhmutova, sl. N. Dobronravov
  12. "On the edge of the clouds" music by R. Platkov, lyrics by A. Lebedev
  13. "Kasiu Yas Kanyushyn" Bel. folk song
  14. "New Day" music. K. Breitburg, lyrics by V. Solovyov
  15. "I hear your name" muses and words. Y. Savosha (new version)
  16. "Do not rush to leave" music. V. Sorokina, sl. A. Lebedeva.
  17. "Children of one love" (with the group "New Jerusalem") muses and lyrics V. Kalatsey.
  18. "On the edge of the clouds" muses. R. Platkov, sl. A. Lebedeva.
  19. "Five Minutes" (from the film "Carnival Night") music by A. Lepin lyrics by V. Livshits


For 2009, Yuri Savosh and Irina Dorofeeva published albums: "Redki Gost" (1998), "Sooner or Later" (2000), "Kakhanachka" (recording, 2003), "Pulse of Mach Hvilin" (2003), “Like the first time” (recording, 2003 - 2006), “I want to be a dream” (2007), and also released an MP-3 album, which included more than 100 songs by the singer, including previously unreleased.

There are 21 tracks performed by Irina Dorofeeva and 21 professional backing tracks for lovers of good songs.

TV projects and TV shootings

Work as a TV presenter in the Big Breakfast and Entertainment Planet (STV) programs, since September 2007 she has been the host of the Soyuz TV magazine, which is broadcast weekly on the ONT channel (Belarus) and the Russian channels TRO and Ren-TV.

Song Theater

2001 - 2002 - a team led by Yuri Savosh "Irina Dorofeeva's Song Theater" organized a social and humanitarian action "The Energy of the New Generation of Young Belarus in the New Millennium". For two years, Irina traveled all over Belarus with concerts: literally at every venue in every district, even in large villages, where there were halls from 250 seats, concerts were given. In total, 435 concerts were held throughout the country during the action, which were attended by about 1.5 million people. Of all the performances, more than 165 concerts were charitable. Irina tried to come with a concert to everyone. Charitable performances were held for children left without parental care, for the disabled, military personnel, residents of villages who suffered from the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Since 2004, the "Irina Dorofeeva Song Theater" has been annually implementing the "Under the Peaceful Sky" tour. During the harvest period, the team performs directly in the field, on any open areas. As a rule, two or three concerts are held a day - in the afternoon for village workers, for those who work on the ground, in between stubble in the field, at grain streams (here Irina performs on any impromptu stage) and in the evening on the central square of the city with large staged concerts and invariably "live" sound. In general, about 50 such outdoor concerts are held a year, and the action ends at the republican holiday "Dozhinki".

Group "Force Minor"

Currently, Irina Dorofeeva is working with the Force Minor group (Dmitry Penkrat, Valery Bashkov, Dmitry Parfenov, Dmitry Bronovitsky), which includes singers Inga, Ekaterina Muratova, Elena Berezina as soloists. Over the past 2 years, Irina Dorofeeva with her team has repeatedly represented Belarus in Venezuela, Poland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania. Her new concert program, which included songs written by Russian authors K. Breitburg, M. Tanich, A. Pakhmutova, N. Dobronravov, K. Kavaleryan, S. Sashin, E. Muravyov, E. Melnik, as well as the Serbian composer J. Joksimovich, the singer in her Belarus showed about 300 times.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

She began her professional musical career at the age of 12, becoming a soloist of the Mogilev vocal and instrumental ensemble "Rainbow" under the direction of Nelli Bordunova, who was an assistant and teacher on the way to success on the stage.


  • 1991-1993
  1. Gulliver
  2. Frau-Burda
  3. Wind. Alexey Yegudin
  4. Train. A. Yegudin
  5. My phone. A. Yegudin
  6. Wind kahannya. O. Eliseenkov
  • 1994-1996
  1. Write me a letter. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. S. Rainchik
  2. I smile. sl. V. Tushnova, music. I. Tsvetkova
  3. I'm married. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. V. Rainchik
  4. Blue eyes. G. Lurie
  5. Hawaii. sl. Y. Rybchinsky, music. V. Rainchik
  6. Singer. sl. Y. Rybchinsky, music. I. Tsvetkova
  7. Romance (“No, these tears are not mine…”). sl. V. Neklyaev, music. M. Tariverdiev
  8. Mountain after mountain. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. V. Rainchik
  9. Kryshtaleva temple. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. S. Rainchik
  10. I know. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. S. Rainchik
  11. Apple. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. S. Rainchik
  12. Y. Milyutin, sl. A. Safronov
  13. Eh, A. Novikov, sl. L. Oshanin
  14. A. Novikov, sl. Swedes
  15. Carnival. V. Rainchik, sl. V. Neklyaev
  16. Music for everyone. V. Rainchik, V. Neklyaev
  17. Caravan. V. Rainchik, sl. V. Neklyaev
  18. Kalykhanka. sl. G. Buravkin, music. V. Rainchik
  19. Belaya Rus (duet with I. Afanasyeva). V. Rainchik, sl. V.Niklyaev
  20. Farewell ball for love. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. V. Rainchik
  • Fall 1996 - May 1998
  1. Draniki. sl. L. Pronchak, music. O. Molchan
  2. Mom and Dad. sl. L. Pronchak, music. O. Molchan
  3. Skul you budzesh (duet). sl. L. Pronchak, music. T. Maisuradze
  4. Verasnyova dazhdzhi (duet). sl. L. Pronchak, music. L. Zakhlevny
  5. Sanata. sl. L. Pronchak, music. V. Ivanov
  6. Cavalier. sl. L. Pronchak, music. E. Hanok
  7. Rare guest. sl. L. Pronchak, music. I. Polivoda
  8. My city. sl. L. Pronchak, music. L. Zakhlevny
  9. Parasons. sl. L. Pronchak, music. L. Kalinovsky
  10. Prabach and grant. sl. L. Pronchak, music. I. Polivoda
  11. Night without trouble. sl. L. Pronchak, music. L. Zakhlevny
  12. Nechakan. sl. L. Pronchak, music. I. Polivoda
  13. Firebird. sl. L. Pronchak, music. A. Lyakh
  14. On the white forests. sl. L. Pronchak, music. L. Kalinovsky
  15. Pabudzі meane. sl. L. Pronchak, music. Y. Savosh
  16. Temple. T. Maisuradze
  17. Lullaby (opera "Porgy and Bess"). J. Gershwin
  18. Woman in love (from the repertoire of B. Streisand)
  • May 1998 - June 1999 (with the orchestra of M. Finberg)
  1. I will live. sl. A. Legchilov, music. L. Kalinovsky
  2. Moscow windows. M. Matusovsky, music. T. Khrennikov
  3. top top
  4. Cancer kahanna. sl. V. Petyukevich, music. D. Dolgalev
  5. Elada. sl. L. Dranko-Maysyuk, music. P. Eremenko
  6. I live in a protected area. sl. M. Tanich, music. E. Glebov
  7. Parisian tango (from the repertoire of M. Mathieu)
  8. Waterloo (from the repertoire of the ABBA group)
  9. Relatives Minsk. I. Luchenok
  10. Samara town. Russian folk song
  11. Balada. sl. V. Petyukevich, music. D. Dolgalev
  12. Rechanka. sl. V. Petyukevich, music. P. Eremenko
  13. Old rock and roll. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. L. Shirin
  14. Doll Madonna. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. V. Rainchik
  15. There is only a moment. sl. L. Derbenev, music. A. Zatsepin
  16. Fortune teller. sl. L. Derbenev, music. A. Zatsepin
  17. Mr Paganini. S. Koslow
  18. love paris
  19. Cheek to cheek. from the movie "The English Patient"
  20. In memory of Chopin. M. Tariverdiev
  21. Old kazka. sl. A. Legchilov, music. V. Tkachenko
  22. Song about BelAZ. E. Hanok
  23. I believe and I am small. sl. A. Legchilov, music. L. Shirin
  24. Sea samba. sl. Y. Savosh, music. G. Litvak
  25. Captain. sl. Y. Savosh, music. G. Litvak
  26. free way. sl. Y. Savosh, music. G. Litvak
  27. Venus. from the repertoire of the Shokin Blue group
  28. Remedium. sl. M. Czapinska, music. S. Krajewski
  29. The mountain is not bad. sl. A. Legchilov, music. L. Shirin
  30. My love. sl. Y. Savosh, music. L. Shirin
  31. Night at Christmas. sl. Y. Savosh, music. L. Shirin
  32. New day. sl. L. Volsky, music. L. Shirin
  33. Hello world. sl. L. Derbenev, music. A. Zatsepin
  34. "My Rabinzon" music. G. Litvak, sl. V. Mazgo
  35. Save the song. sl. O. Zhurov, music. D. Dolgalev
  36. Aria from the opera Artyom. sl. M. Bogdanovich, music. I. Polivoda
  37. I hear your name. sl. And muz. Y. Savosh
  38. So be it. from the repertoire of the Beatles (soloists of the Bolshoi Theater of Russia)
  39. I'd like to check out. sl. V. Polikanina, music. A. Zubrich
  40. White city of love. sl. Y. Savosh, music. G. Litvak
  41. Vacations of love. sl. L. Derbenev, music. A. Miyagawa
  • July 1999-2002
  1. In the dark. sl. V. Vysotsky, music. A. Zubrich
  2. Sooner or later. sl. Y. Savosh, music. A. Nesterovich
  3. Calendar. sl. S. Ioseliani, music. E. Hanok
  4. Loaf. sl. V. Polikanina, music. N. Neronsky
  5. Music of the night. sl. A. Legchilov, music. Y. Savosh
  6. Age of rock and roll. sl. A. Legchilov, music. G. Litvak
  7. Fly away. sl. Yu. Kruchenok, music. Y. Lukashevich
  8. Last salvos. Sl. A. Tvardovsky, music. V. Mulyavin
  9. Azyartso. sl. V. Petyukevich, music. D. Dolgalev
  10. Say Samshing. I. Kozan
  11. Nadakuchyla. sl. A. Yakovlev, music. V. Sorokin
  12. Night is tender. sl. Y. Savosh, music. I. Melnikov
  13. Young Cossack. sl. M. Shabovich, music. V. Sorokin
  14. I love you. sl. V. Neklyaev, music. I. Polivoda
  15. Dove with dove. sl. V. Petyukevich, music. D. Dolgalev
  16. Fire. sl. Y. Savosh, music. A. Ponomarev
  17. Wings. sl. Y. Savosh, music. A. Ponomarev
  18. The secret of greshnaga spatkannya. sl. A. Legchilov, music. Y. Savosh
  19. Minae day. sl. Y. Savosh, music. Nikolai Mozgovoy
  20. Chauvin. sl. Y. Savosh, music. A. Ponomarev
  21. From morning to night. sl. Y. Savosh, music. A. Ponomarev
  22. San Pedro. sl. Y. Savosh, music. L. Cicone
  23. Day after day. sl. Y. Savosh, music. V. Shevchenko
  24. Young shukae yae. sl. Y. Savosh, music. S. Vakarchuk
  25. Fashion model. V. Sorokin
  26. Chervona rue. sl. and music. V. Ivasyuk
  27. My gala night. sl. A. Akhmatova, music. gr. Prokl Harum
  28. My pulse is weak. sl. Y. Savosh, music. N. Neronsky
  29. We'll be at times.
  30. Zorachka. sl. Y. Savosh, music. A. Ponomarev
  31. Birth of the day. A. Dementiev, music. V. Ivasyuk
  32. Only once the flower of love. sl. and music. V. Ivasyuk
  • 2003
  1. The wind of loneliness sl. Y. Savosh, music. Greek folk
  2. Nyastrymna. sl. Y. Savosh, music. V. Ivasyuk
  3. Dream. sl. Yu. Bykova, music. E. Oleinik
  4. Burn, burn. sl. Yu. Bykova, music. E. Oleinik
  5. I drew. sl. and music. S. Kovalev
  6. If you want. sl. Yu. Bykova, music. E. Oleinik
  7. Simple story. sl. A. Zotov, music. Y. Solomenko
  8. May the day keep you. sl. E. Glebov
  9. Christmas time. sl. Lee Mendelson, music Vince Guaraloli, Russian text by Y. Savosh
  • 2004
  1. For the first time. sl. Yu. Bykova, music. E. Oleinik
  2. "Where does the Motherland begin" muses. V. Basner, sl. M. Matusovsky
  3. My city. sl. Yu. Bykova, music. E. Oleinik
  4. You are the best. sl. P. Baranovsky, music. E. Oleinik
  5. Where are you now. sl. Yu. Bykova, music. E. Oleinik
  6. Slutsk weavers. sl. M. Bogdanovich, music. V. Mulyavin
  7. Kavalek. Belarusian folk song
  8. Kalyadnaya. Belarusian folk song
  9. Fly away (remake). sl. Yu. Kruchenok, music. Y. Lukashevich
  • 2005 year
  1. What's in your eyes. sl. and music. O. Averin
  2. M. Ruderman, music. K. Sheets
  3. This is how it happens. Y. Savosh, music. D.Dolgalev
  4. Lullaby. sl. O. Zhukov, music. I. Kaplanov
  5. On mass graves ... cl. V. Vysotsky, music. E. Glebov
  6. Chatyr's sons. I. Kuznetsov
  7. Your hands. sl. Ya. Sipakov, music. A. Petrenko
  8. Shadow at midnight. sl. Yu. Bykova, music. E. Oleinik
  9. Embroidered shirt. sl. V. Polikanina, music. S. Tolkunov
  • 2006
  1. Vishanka. sl. N. Solodkaya, music. I.Kaplanov
  2. Little willow. sl. V. Morudov, music. M. Zelenkevich
  3. Shadow play. music V. Sorokin, sl. A. Yakovlev
  4. I want to be your dream. music S. Tolkunov sl. L.Volkov
  5. When we are together muses. K.Norman, sl. Y. Savosh
  6. The dream of your dream music. I.Volodko
  7. Aegean holidays music. I.Volodko
  8. Spadchyna sl. J. Kupala music. I. Luchenok
  9. In parallel, sl. S. Sashin, music. K. Breitburg
  10. La bamba
  1. Something will happen. sl. and music. S. Sukhomlin
  2. Belarus is strong. sl. and music. S. Sukhomlin
  3. Kupalinka. sl. and music. folk
  4. Thursdays and Fridays. sl. and music. L. Shirin
  5. Oh yes, yes. sl. folk, music O. Averin
  6. The heart of my land. sl. E. Melnik, music. K. Breitburg
  7. Two elements. sl. A. Lebedeva, music. R. Platkov
  8. Behind the rains, behind the fogs. sl. Yu. Bykova, music. E. Oleinik
  9. I'm so coughing chiabe. sl. Y. Savosh, music. A.Ponomarev
  10. Oh my betrothed. sl. A. Vavilov, music. S. Tolkunov
  11. Free wind. music and sl. I.Voron
  12. Geta night. sl. Yu. Bykova, music. E. Oleinik
  13. Girl on the beach. sl. S. Sashin, music. K. Breitburg
  14. Kupala. sl. T. Tolkacheva, music. I.Kaplanov
  15. My White Rus'. sl. T. Tolkacheva, music. I.Kaplanov
  16. I don't know much about love. M. Tanich, music. K. Breitburg
  17. Love and joy - Belarus. sl. N. Dobronravov, music. A. Pakhmutova
  18. A few nice words. sl. S. Sashin, music. K. Breitburg
  19. Little winter. sl. K. Kavaleryan, music. K. Breitburg
  20. "Path-path front" music. B. Mokrousov, sl. N. Labkovsky.
  21. "A cup on the road" music. A. Bolotnik, sl. A. Legchilova.
  22. Tenderness. sl. N. Dobronravov, music. A. Pakhmutova
  23. "Thin rowan" musical folk, lyrics. I. Surikov.
  24. We depend on love. V. Kharitonov, music. A.Dneprov
  25. "The man left the house" muses. S. Pozhlakov, sl. A. Olgin
  26. “I just work as a magician” muses. E. Kolmanovsky, sl. L. Oshanin.
  27. Friendship. sl. N. Dobronravov, music. A. Pakhmutova
  28. Belovezhskaya Pushcha. sl. N. Dobronravov, music. A. Pakhmutova
  29. Heroic strength. sl. N. Dobronravov, music. A. Pakhmutova
  30. At a quiet harbor. sl. and music. Yu.Frolov
  31. Caracas, caracas. sl. and music. Venezuelan authors, Russian text by Y. Savosh
  32. Venezuela. sl. and music. Venezuelan authors.
  33. My angel. sl. S. Sashin, music. K. Breitburg
  34. It's unavoidable. sl. E. Muravyov, music. K. Breitburg
  • 2008
  1. "33 heroes" - music. K. Breitburg, sl. E. Muravyov
  2. Merry Christmas, Belarus! music O. Molchan - sl. I. Evdokimova
  3. We walked on rainbows of muses. K. Breitburg - sl. S. Sashin, E. Melnik
  4. - Hello, Motherland! Muses. S. Tolkunov - sl. Yu.Sologub
  5. "Come a couple" music. E. Oleinik - sl. Y.Savosha
  6. "Beads" music. J. Joksimovich, sl. A. Vavilov.
  7. "Bad boys". music E. Oleinik, sl. Yu. Bykov.
  8. "This is Belarus, my country." music I. Kaplanova, sl. T. Tolkacheva
  9. "We are a long echo of each other" muses. E. Ptichkin, art. R. Rozhdestvensky.
  10. "Kalykhanka" (Belarusian version) music. I. Kaplanova sl. O. Zhukov
  11. "Old maple" music. A. Pakhmutova, sl. N. Dobronravov
  12. "On the edge of the clouds" mus. R. Platkov, sl. A.Lebedeva
  13. "Kasiu Yas Kanyushyn" Bel. folk song
  14. "New Day" music. K. Breitburg, sl. V.Soloviev
  15. “I hear your name” muses and words. Y. Savosha (new version)
  16. "Do not rush to leave" music. V. Sorokina, sl. A. Lebedeva.
  17. “Children of one love” (with the group “New Jerusalem”) muses and lyrics V. Kalatsey.
  18. "On the edge of the clouds" music. R. Platkov, sl. A. Lebedeva.
  19. "Five Minutes" (from the film "Carnival Night") music by A. Lepin lyrics by V. Livshits


For 2009, Yuri Savosh and Irina Dorofeeva published albums: "Rare Guest" (1998), "Sooner or Later" (2000), "Kakhanachka" (recording, 2003), "Pulse of the air" (2003), “Like the first time” (recording, 2003-2006), “I want to be a dream” (2007), and also released an MP-3 album, which included more than 100 songs by the singer, including previously unreleased.

Includes 21 tracks performed by Irina Dorofeeva and 21 professional backing tracks for lovers of good songs.

TV projects and TV shootings

Work as a TV presenter in the Big Breakfast and Entertainment Planet (STV) programs, since September 2007 she has been the host of the Soyuz TV magazine, which is broadcast weekly on the ONT channel (Belarus) and the Russian channels TRO and Ren-TV.

Song Theater

2001-2002 - a group led by Yuri Savosh "Irina Dorofeeva's Song Theater" organized a social and humanitarian action "The Energy of the New Generation of Young Belarus in the New Millennium". For two years, Irina traveled all over Belarus with concerts: literally at every venue in every district, even in large villages, where there were halls from 250 seats, concerts were given. In total, 435 concerts were held throughout the country during the action, which were attended by about 1.5 million people. Of all the performances, more than 165 concerts were charitable. Irina tried to come with a concert to everyone. Charitable performances were held for children left without parental care, for the disabled, military personnel, residents of villages who suffered from the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Since 2004, the "Irina Dorofeeva Song Theater" has been annually implementing the "Under the Peaceful Sky" tour. During the harvest period, the team performs directly in the field, on any open areas. As a rule, two or three concerts are held a day - during the day for village workers, for those who work on the land, in between stubble in the field, at grain streams (here Irina performs on any impromptu stage) and in the evening on the central square of the city with large staged concerts and invariably "live" sound. In general, about 50 such outdoor concerts are held a year, and the action ends at the republican holiday "Dozhinki".

Group "Force Minor"

Currently, Irina Dorofeeva is working with the Force Minor group (Dmitry Penkrat, Valery Bashkov, Dmitry Parfenov, Dmitry Bronovitsky), which includes singers Inga, Ekaterina Muratova, Elena Berezina as soloists. Over the past 2 years, Irina Dorofeeva with her team has repeatedly represented Belarus in Venezuela, Poland, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Ukraine, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania. His new concert program, which included songs written by Russian authors K. Breitburg, M. Tanich, A. Pakhmutova, N. Dobronravov, K. Kavaleryan, S. Sashin, E. Muravyov, E. Melnik, as well as Serbian composer Zh Joksimovich, the singer in her Belarus showed about 300 times.

group "Fors-Minor" line-up since June 2009: Dmitry Penkrat - vocals, keyboards, Dmitry Parfenov - guitar, Valery Bashkov - bass, Svyatoslav Chernukho - drums (from June 2009 to January 2011), Ales Sobol - drums (from April 2011) ,

Group "Fors Minor" winner of the festival "Golden Hit" in 2009.

Solo programs

Irina presented large staged solo programs of the national level in October 1999 at the Minsk Concert Hall - My Love, and in November 2003 at the Palace of the Republic - Kakhanachka.

"My love"

The State Concert Orchestra of Belarus conducted by Mikhail Finberg, the State Dance Ensemble of Belarus, the vocal group Camerata, musicians Arkady Eskin and Nikolai Neronsky took part in the creation and holding of the concert "My Love".


The folk-modern show program "Kakhanachka" marked the 10th anniversary of the creative activity of Irina Dorofeeva. The concert was accompanied by the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus and the leaders of Belarusian choreography - the State Dance Ensemble of Belarus, a dance group conducted by Svetlana Gutkovskaya, the Pops Foundations show group, the ballet Eos. The whole concert was recorded on digital media, an audio and video version of the program was published under the same name - "Kakhanachka".

On June 24, 2007, an unprecedented show "Irina Dorofeeva's Kupalle: Festival of the Elements" was shown near the walls of the Mir Castle, in which more than 400 artists of various genres took part, helping the singer to recreate the picture of the ancient Slavic holiday. The concert was truly European scale. It was attended by the Head of State and more than 120,000 spectators. The concert was attended by: the Presidential Orchestra of the Republic of Belarus, the Honored Group of the State Dance Ensemble of the Republic of Belarus, the ballet under the direction of Svetlana Gutkovskaya, the show group POPS FOUNDATION, the ballet "TAD", the school-college of arts in Bobruisk, laureates of international competitions Petr Elfimov, Georgy Witch. Guests of honor of the concert: Kim Breitburg (Russia), Alexander Ponomarev (Ukraine), Ruslan Alekhno (Russia-Belarus).

A flight over Aikumenai On November 17, 2011, a grandiose concert-presentation of the new program of the Honored Artist of the Republic of Belarus Irina Dorofeeva “Flight over the Ecumene” was held at the Minsk Concert Hall in Minsk, which was timed to coincide with the release of the first MP3 disc of the same name in the history of Belarus, which includes more than 130 songs recorded Irina Dorofeeva in different years (including about 50) previously unpublished.

In the concert, which was held in the "live sound" format, accompanied by the Force Minor group, many premieres were presented, their choreographic performances were presented: the show ballet "Tequila", "Pops Foundation", "Fatality", in duets with the Honored Artist The Republic of Belarus was sung by Vitaly Gordey, Yevgeny Slutsky and Dmitry Penkrat.
