Kyiv Theological Seminary. Kyiv Theological Academy

Russian Orthodox Church.

Ob-ra-zo-va-on 28.09 (10.10.) 1819 in connection with the re-or-ha-ni-for-qi-her du-hov-no-go about-ra-zo-va-nia in the Russian Empire on the basis of the Ki-ev-sky du-hov-noy se-mi-na-rii (until 1817, Kie-vo-Mo-gi-lyan-sky aka-de-miya). In 1819-1869 it was the center of the Kyiv spiritual and educational district, which included 17 dioceses. Initially, the staff consisted of the rector (in the rank of archimandrite), 6 professors and other teachers. In 1917, 20 professors, 16 associate professors, 2 lecturers taught at the KDA.

The course of study lasted 4 years. During the whole time, the Holy Scriptures were studied, as well as classical (Latin, Greek and Hebrew) and modern (German or French) languages. Among the subjects studied in the first two years were philosophy, literature, general and Russian history. Theology, church history, church literature, geography and other subjects were read at senior courses. Every year, from 30 to 75 people graduated from KDA (in 1823 - 39 people, in 1867 - 53, in 1884 - 74, in 1889 - 40, in 1905 - 48 people). The Academy trained primarily teachers for theological seminaries.

In the 1830s, theology and philosophy at the KDA began to be taught not in Latin, but in Russian. The level of teaching dogmatic theology was high [Archimandrite (since 1885 Bishop) Sylvester (Malevansky) introduced a historical approach in his presentation], literature and go-mi-le-ti-ki (Y. K. Amfiteatrov, priest N. S. Grossu ), as well as items directly related to pastoral activities [archimandrite (since 1858 bishop, since 1867 archbishop) Anthony (Amfiteatrov), V. F. Pevnitsky and others]. M. N. Ska-bal-la-no-vich and A. A. Dmit-ri-ev-sky worked in the field of liturgical god-word.

A special role belonged to the philosophical school of the KDA. Its founder is considered to be Professor I. M. Skvortsov (1795-1863), who taught the history of philosophy, logic, psychology, metaphysics and moral philosophy. His successor was Archimandrite Feofan (Avsenev) - an adherent of classical German idealism, who already took monastic vows as a professor. P. D. Yurkevich is considered their best student. The pupils of the philosophical school of the KDA were also professor of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy V. N. Karpov, known for his translations of Plato, O. M. Novitsky, who was the first to teach the history of ancient philosophy in Russian, S. S. Go-gotsky, M. M. Tro-its-cue.

The basis for the development of historical science in the KDA was laid by Metropolitan Evgeny (Bolkhovitinov), who encouraged the study of antiquities among students and established a prize for the best historical essay in 1827. The first head of the department of church history in 1841-1842 was Macarius (Bulgakov); later it was occupied by: I. I. Malyshevsky, F. G. Lebedintsev, F. A. Ternovsky, N. I. Petrov, S. T. Golubev, F. I. Titov. Representatives of the historical science of the KDA paid special attention to the study of the history of the Kyiv Metropolis of the late 16th-18th centuries, publishing a corpus of documents on this topic.

Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary is the central spiritual educational institution of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. For many centuries, the teaching staff of Kyiv theological schools has been educating future pastors and theologians of the Church of Christ.

Results of the 2006-2007 academic year

In the 2006-2007 academic year, on May 27, on the day of the Holy Trinity, the XII graduation of the academy and the XVI graduation of the seminary took place. In the assembly hall of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the results of the state of theological schools for the past academic year were summed up. According to the results of the final exams, 23 people graduated from the Kyiv Theological Academy. Of these, 18 were awarded the degree of candidate of theology, two defended their theses, three received certificates of completion. There were 8 graduates in the holy order (3 deacons and 5 priests).

40 graduates received a diploma of graduation from the Kyiv Theological Seminary. Among them, 6 pupils in all academic disciplines were rated "excellent" ("5"), 23 graduates graduated in the 1st category, 8 - in the 2nd category, 3 - without a category. Among the graduates of the seminary, there was one deacon in holy orders.

As for the correspondence sector, as of May 23, 2007, 175 graduates received diplomas of graduation from the Kyiv Theological Seminary of the correspondence department.

The total number of pupils of KDS of correspondence form of education is 769 people, KDA - 854 people, which in total is 1623 pupils and students.

During the 2006-2007 academic year, within the walls of the Kyiv Theological Academy, applicants defended 1 master's thesis and 60 candidate dissertations. The number of defended theses is 148.

For 18 years of existence after the revival within the walls of KDAiS, 4 doctors of theology, 3 masters, 296 candidates, 839 graduates with diploma theses defended. During this period, 1476 people graduated from the Theological Academy, 4071 from the Theological Seminary.

In the new academic year - with reforms

By the decision of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of May 31, 2007, Bishop Anthony of Boryspil (Pakanich), vicar of the Kiev Metropolis, was appointed rector of the Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary.

In fulfillment of the blessing of the Holy Synod of January 24, 2007 regarding the reform of spiritual education in the KDAiS, the new 2007-2008 academic year began with some changes. In particular, the following subjects were introduced into the curriculum: English (Seminary Grade 1), Pastoral Psychiatry (Seminary Grade 4). From the new academic year, pupils and students have the opportunity to optionally study the Modern Greek language.

For a more effective implementation of the planned reform of spiritual education, the number of teaching staff of Kyiv theological schools was increased by a third. Now the level of theological education in the capital's theological educational institution is being raised by joint efforts by 54 teachers. To replenish the teaching staff, former graduates of the Kiev and Moscow Theological Academies, the University of Patras (Greece), the St. Sergius Theological Institute in Paris, the Higher Practical School in the Sorbonne, the Kiev National Taras Shevchenko University and other higher educational institutions were invited. To teach subjects bordering on secular sciences, teachers from other higher educational institutions were invited to Kyiv theological schools.

To date, the library of the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary is equipped with modern computers and other necessary equipment. Active preparation of a computer class with Internet access is underway, which will help in writing theses and master's theses.

To implement the reform of spiritual education in KDAiS, monthly meetings of the Academic Council are held, at which urgent issues are resolved and ways to solve them are determined.

Interaction with other educational institutions. Participation in theological forums

To expand the horizons of the academic family, meetings are held between teachers and students of Kyiv theological schools with representatives of the teaching staff and students of other educational institutions. On November 1, one of these meetings took place at the residence of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church under the leadership of His Beatitude Metropolitan Volodymyr. The guests of KDAiS were teachers and students of the philosophical department of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy.

Shortly before that, on October 25, a meeting was held between the rector of KDAiS, Bishop Anthony of Boryspil, and the youth club at the Holy Trinity Ioninsky Monastery.

Teachers of the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary take an active part in international scientific and practical theological conferences. So, on September 16-19, the XV International Conference "The Transfiguration of the Lord in the Orthodox Spiritual Tradition" dedicated to Russian spirituality was held at the Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery in Bosa (Italy). The delegation of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church was headed by the rector of the KDAiS Bishop Anthony of Boryspil. The delegation included teachers from Kyiv theological schools: Archpriest Vladimir Savelyev, priest Sergei Govorun and A. Romanov.

On October 3-4, the Glukhov State Pedagogical University hosted the International Scientific and Practical Conference "Acts of St. Demetrius of Rostov", dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the canonization of the saint. From the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary, the conference was attended by a teacher of the KDS, head of the office of the KDAiS Vladimir Kotsaba, who made a report on the topic: "The preaching activity of St. Demetrius of Rostov."

With the blessing of His Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, on October 7, in the assembly hall of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, under the chairmanship of the rector of the KDAiS, Bishop Anthony, an internal academic scientific conference was held dedicated to the 250th anniversary of the canonization of St. After Vladyka Anthony’s opening speech, in which he emphasized the importance of the saint’s scientific work in the history of the Orthodox Church in Rus' and in the formation of the Christian worldview, teachers and students of Kiev theological schools read out reports that comprehensively examined the biography, preaching activity and historical significance of the deeds of Saint Demetrius.

On October 11, celebrations were held in Moscow dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the resumption of the patriarchate in the Russian Orthodox Church. As part of the celebrations in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, a scientific conference "Patriarchate in the Russian Orthodox Church" was held, in which the rector of KDAiS Bishop Anthony of Boryspil took part. Vladyka read out a report on the topic “Local Churches and Church Unity. A few words about the nature of ecclesiastical autocephaly.

On November 13-14, the 5th All-Ukrainian Philosophical and Theological Readings "Orthodoxy in World Culture" were held in Dnepropetrovsk, at which Kyiv theological schools were represented by Archpriest Vasily Zaev, Associate Professor of the KDA.

From November 13 to 16, the International Theological Conference "Orthodox Teaching on Church Sacraments" continued its work in Moscow. The Ukrainian Orthodox Church was represented by the rector of KDAiS, His Grace Anthony. As part of the work of the Sacrament of the Priesthood section, Vladyka Rector made a presentation on the Patristic Foundations of the Sacrament of the Priesthood. In total, more than 100 speakers from 15 countries of the world took part in the conference.

Pupils and students represent KDAiS at internal church and international scientific conferences. One of these was the International Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Science and Religion", held on November 2-3 in Minsk at the Institute of Theology named after Saints Methodius and Cyril of the Belarusian State University. With the blessing of the rector of KDAiS, Bishop Anthony of Boryspil, the forum was attended by KDA students Viktor Ivashchuk (4th year, report on the topic “On Discord and General Provisions in Evolutionism and Creationism”) and Sergey Savenkov (2nd year, the topic of the speech was “Comprehension of the Phenomenon of Clinical Death” in Modern Science and Christian Anthropology).

Guests of Kyiv theological schools are well-known ecclesiastical and secular figures of our time

On October 2, the rector of KDAiS, Bishop Anthony of Boryspil, received the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Hellenic Republic to Ukraine, Dimitra Charalampos, and on October 5, the famous Greek singer Annie Aleksopoulou visited the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary.

A historic event for the capital's theological schools was the arrival of Patriarch Theodore II of Alexandria. On October 15, all the fullness of KDAiS, headed by the rector, communicated with His Beatitude. By the decision of the Academic Council of the KDA of October 15, 2007 (Journal No. 63), His Beatitude Pope and Patriarch of the great city of Alexandria, Libya, Pentapolis, Ethiopia, all Egypt and all Africa Theodore II was elected an Honorary Member of the Kiev Theological Academy. The diploma of election to the Patriarch was presented by the rector of KDAiS Bishop Anthony. In a letter of thanks dated October 18, 2007 addressed to His Grace Anthony, His Beatitude the Pope and Patriarch wrote: “We express our patriarchal gratitude and satisfaction with the high honor that you bestowed upon us by awarding us the title of honorary member of your Theological Academy.”

In order to expand the practical perception of theological disciplines, at the initiative of teachers, students and pupils of KDAiS visit educational institutions of other religious denominations. In particular, on November 5, students of the IV course of the KDA visited the church of St. Catherine of the German Evangelical Lutheran community in Kyiv. The purpose of the visit was to study the history, doctrine and liturgy of Lutheranism within the boundaries of the course of the history of the Reformation. Pastor Peter Zahi, who has been serving in St. Catherine's Church for 7 years, answered the students' questions.

On November 16, students of the third year of the KDA made a trip to the Catholic Theological Seminary, which is in the city of Gorodok, Khmelnytsky region. Our students got acquainted with the life and life of the seminary, with its scientific and theological process, attended the celebration of the Roman Rite Mass, which was led by Bishop Leon of Kamyanets-Podilskyi, listened to lectures by professors of the seminary, and also had a lively theological dialogue with local students on the topic of historical and religious events in Western Europe during the Middle Ages.

In order to improve the horizons of pupils and students, well-known church leaders and workers in various branches of industry are invited to meet with them. So, on November 1, in the assembly hall of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, the teacher of the Ugresh Theological Seminary, Candidate of Theology Vladimir Pitko, gave a lecture on the topic: "The History and Development of Islam."

Deacon Andrey Kuraev, a well-known contemporary missionary and teacher at St. Tikhon's Theological Institute, repeatedly became a guest of Kyiv theological schools. The captivating orator constantly gathers around him many seminarians and academicians, with whom he communicates on various theological topics, answering the questions posed in his original style.

Assembly day

November 9 - the memory of the Monk Nestor the Chronicler - the annual Assembly Day of the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary. This year it was especially festive: the celebrations were attended by representatives of all the theological seminaries of the UOC, as well as the rector of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy and Seminary, Archimandrite Leonid, and a representative of Moscow theological schools. During the service on that day, a number of teachers were awarded the high awards of His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir.

The solemn part of the celebration in the assembly hall of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra was opened by the rector of KDAiS, Bishop Anthony, after which His Beatitude Metropolitan Vladimir addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. After the report for the 2006-2007 academic year of the vice-rector for educational work, Archdeacon Sergiy Kosovsky, KDA professor Archpriest Georgy Somenok read out a report on the topic: "The Baptism of the Rus in the Church-Cultural Context of Greek-Slavic Relations."

The greetings from the guests were warm. And the teaching staff of Kyiv theological schools on this day was replenished with 3 associate professors. They were: Bishop of Nezhinsky and Baturinsky Iriney (Semko), Archpriests Dimitry Denisenko and Vladimir Savelyev. Diplomas of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church were awarded to students and pupils of KDAiS, who worked on the creation of a new edition of the Law of God. At the end of the festive evening, the choir of Kyiv theological schools, led by Hieromonk Roman (Podlubnyak), gave a festive concert.

Cultural life of KDAiS

As part of cultural and educational activities, the leadership of Kyiv theological schools, in cooperation with other state institutions of culture and arts, organizes visits to theaters and operettas for students. Pupils of theological schools make excursions to museums (in particular, the Museum of the Great Patriotic War), visit city libraries (the Vernadsky National Library), and so on.

On the basis of the Kyiv Theological Academy there are catechism courses, a Sunday school for children and adults, and Orthodox pedagogical courses.

Home Improvement

Much attention in KDAiS is paid to creating comfort in the daily life of students and pupils. During the summer period, a major overhaul of the administrative and academic buildings was carried out, new furniture and necessary equipment were purchased. At present, one of the buildings is under restoration, which in the future will become a student hostel.

In Kyiv theological schools there is a medical office, where doctors monitor the health of pupils. Qualitative medical examination is very important for a normal educational process. Through the efforts of the chief physician of the Kiev Clinical Ophthalmological Hospital "Eye Microsurgery Center", the chief ophthalmologist of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of Ukraine Sergey Rykov, a cardiograph has recently appeared in the medical office - a device for conducting a cardiogram of the heart. In the future, it is planned to fully provide the necessary medical equipment. If necessary, city hospitals respond to the requests of the administration of theological schools and provide medical assistance to pupils and students of KDAiS.

With the blessing of the Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Volodymyr, today Kyiv theological schools are fulfilling their main mission with inspiration and devotion - they educate future clergy to preach the Gospel of Christ.

In the middle of the XVII century.

Kyiv Theological Academy
Kyiv Theological Academy
international name Kiev Theological Academy
Former names

Kiev fraternal school (1615-1631)
Kiev-Mohyla Collegium (1631-1701)

Kiev-Mohyla Academy (1659-1817)
Year of foundation
Closing year
Type closed confessional educational institution
Location Kyiv
Media files at Wikimedia Commons

Academic Church of the Kyiv Theological Academy


Kiev fraternal school (1615-1631)

Kiev-Mohyla Collegium (1631-1701)

In its basic character, the collegium resembled foreign collegiums and academies, in which Mohyla himself studied. The following were taught here: languages ​​(Slavonic, Greek and Latin), singing and elementary music theory (following the European model), catechism, arithmetic, poetry, rhetoric, philosophy and theology; students were divided into eight classes: analogy, or fara, infima, grammar, syntax, piitika, rhetoric, philosophy and theology. In addition to studying these subjects, the pupils practiced debates every Saturday. The authorities were: rector, prefect (inspector and housekeeper) and superintendent (overseer of the deanery of pupils); among the figures of this college are the most famous: Innokenty Gizel, Joasaf Krokovsky, Lazar Baranovich, Ioanniky Golyatovsky, Anthony Radzivilovskiy, Gabriel Dometsky, Varlaam Yasinsky, St. Demetrius (Tuptalo), Stefan Yavorsky, Theophylact Lopatinsky, Feofan Prokopovich, St. Innokenty Kulchinsky and Gavriil Buyaninsky.

Kiev-Mohyla Academy (1701-1817)

In 1701, the collegium was renamed into an academy, and the circle of sciences was expanded: the languages ​​French, German and Jewish, natural history, geography, and mathematics were introduced; for some time, architecture and painting, higher eloquence, rural and domestic economy, medicine and Russian rhetoric were also taught.

The number of teachers by the end of the 18th century reached 20 or more; the academic library had over 10,000 books. Since 1759, theology was taught according to the system of Feofan Prokopovich, rhetoric - according to the guide to Lomonosov's eloquence, other subjects, mainly - according to foreign guides.

The external well-being of the Academy at first was unenviable. Students, whose number reached 500, were partly supported by monastic funds, partly they themselves collected donations of money, food and firewood around the city; dispersed to the cities and villages of the Kyiv and Chernigov provinces to collect alms, and sang sacred verses in front of the windows of houses. Before the holidays of the Nativity of Christ and Easter, they went with a star, a nativity scene and a district. In the summer, they gathered in traveling groups and dispersed in different areas in order to get their livelihood by singing cants, performing dramas, tragedies and comedies, reciting poems and speeches, and attending services in parish churches. Donations from the Court, clergy, nobles and hetmans somewhat alleviated the plight of the poor. From the end of the XVIII century. the government began to allocate special sums for the maintenance of the academy. The Kiev Academy is of great importance in the history of Russian education in the 18th century.

A significant number of figures came out of her in various fields of public service: her pupils became teachers at the Moscow Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, the St. Petersburg Alexander Nevsky Seminary and the Kazan Academy; they re-established many seminaries.

Kyiv Theological Academy (1819-1919)

The Kiev Theological Academy was opened "in its new structure" on September 28, 1819 at its historical place, in the Fraternal Epiphany School Monastery.

The activities of the Kyiv Theological Academy and outstanding historians, professors of the KDA, who lived on Andriivsky Descent: Afanasy Bulgakov, Stepan Golubev, Petr Kudryavtsev, Fyodor Titov, Alexander Glagolev and others are dedicated to several museum showcases of the Kiev One Street Museum.

There are disputes in the scientific community about whether the Kiev Theological Academy can be considered the successor of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy, since after the reform of 1819 the educational process completely changed and only one person was left from among the old teaching staff.

Modern life

From May 31, 2007 to December 21, 2017, the rector of the academy was Anthony (Pakanich), Metropolitan of Brovary, manager of the affairs of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

On December 21, 2017, Sylvester (Stoychev), Bishop of Belogorod, was appointed rector of the Kyiv Theological Academy and Seminary.

The current rector of the academy is Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine Epiphanius (Dumenko). From July 6, 2000 to July 27, 2010, Metropolitan Dimitry (Rudyuk) was the rector.





  • Askochensky V.I. Kyiv with its oldest school academy. - K., 1856. - Part 1, 2.
  • Askochensky V.I. History of the Kyiv Theological Academy after its transformation in 1819. - St. Petersburg. , 1863.

On the history of the emergence of the KDA - Archimandrite Sylvester Stoichev,senior assistant to the rector of the KDA for educational and methodological work, to the 400th anniversary of the Kyiv theological schools.

Kiev-Bratsky Monastery and Kiev Theological Academy

This year, the Kiev Theological Academy, or rather the Kyiv Theological Schools, is celebrating 400 years since its founding. Who initiated its occurrence?

It was 400 years ago that the Kiev Theological School appeared, which introduced a systematic teaching of theological sciences. First of all, it was the result of St. Petra Mohyla. Yes, there are other well-known theological schools, but they all arose later than the KDA and were organized on the model of the Kiev Theological Academy (at that time - the "Kiev-Mohyla Collegium", our theological school changed its name several times).

Drawing of St. Peter Mohyla. Perhaps, the design of the building of the Kyiv Collegium. 1630s

As you know, cadres decide everything, and, of course, in order to open any school, especially theological one, educated people are needed.

At that time, Ukraine was under the strong influence of powers of a different religion, as a result, Orthodox education in the country was not very developed. The very decision to open a theological school, a center for spiritual education and enlightenment was extremely important. The theological school produced specialists who, thanks to the knowledge gained, could open other theological schools, in the image of their alma mater. Very many graduates of the Kiev-Mohyla Collegium became educators, the first teachers, and organizers of systematic theological education in other parts of the Orthodox world. First of all - in the same Moscow, where a huge number of famous theologians, educators, "book people", as it was customary to say then, were graduates of the Kiev-Mohyla Theological College or their students.

Metropolitan of Kyiv Petro Mohyla

- What are the challenges facing spiritual education?

Spiritual education helps to solve the problems eternally facing the Church. The first task is to instruct those who have already believed in the faith, and the second is to conduct missionary activities outside the Church, working with those who doubt or criticize the Orthodox Church. To carry out these tasks requires serious theological education and training. The absence of these badly affected the position of Orthodoxy and the Orthodox in Ukraine at that time. Representatives of other faiths were well educated and prepared, especially in the field of polemics. And therefore it was necessary not only to possess theological knowledge, but also to be able to present this knowledge, to be able to prove the correctness and correctness of Orthodoxy. So the Kiev-Mohyla Theological College is not only a center of education, but also a center for the defense of the Orthodox faith. It seems to me that the second task is even more important than the first.

Of course, sometimes there are critical reviews about the Kyiv-Mohyla Theological College and its founder, Metropolitan Petro Mohyla of Kyiv. But, as shown in many studies, these critical reviews (even if they are not unfounded) do not detract from the positive that Metropolitan Peter did for the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, for the Kiev-Mohyla Theological College in particular, and in general for our entire Church.

The main building of the Kiev-Mohyla collegium in the XVII century

- Tell us, please, about the connection of the Kyiv theological schools with foreign theological educational institutions.

Historically, the Kiev Theological Academy has always maintained contact with foreign educational institutions. Many KDA teachers were educated in the West. There was such a tendency at that time - to get an education abroad, sometimes in Catholic educational institutions, but to return back and use the knowledge gained to defend Orthodoxy. Therefore, there was a connection in the form of acquaintance with the traditions and trends in the education of the best universities in Europe.

In addition, as has already been said, many graduates of the Kiev-Mohyla Theological College worked sometimes as founders, sometimes as outstanding figures in other theological schools. And that too is connections. We can say that the Kiev-Mohyla Theological College created a whole family of theological schools, a family of people who came from it.

Students of the Kiev-Mohyla Academy. Fragment of an engraving. 1739

At a certain stage in its history, the Kiev Theological Academy itself became a center of education for foreign students. And above all - for students from Orthodox countries that were under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. During the XIX-XX centuries, many Serbs, Bulgarians, Romanians, Arabs studied at the Kyiv Theological Academy. There were even a few Japanese. In this regard, our Church, through the CDA, helped other Orthodox peoples to preserve the level of education from decline and maintain a worthy level of pastoral ministry. When the possibility of creating national theological schools arose in the new historical conditions, it was the graduates of the KDA who took up this task.

One of the halls of the Church-Archaeological Museum. 1910s

Traditionally, the Kiev Theological Academy had scientific ties with many research centers. Many students traveled to Europe to work in libraries and listen to lectures by famous professors. Thank God, today this tradition is being revived. Over the past 7 years, KDA has signed cooperation agreements with educational institutions in Serbia, Italy, Switzerland, Romania. It is planned to sign such agreements in Slovakia, Poland and the USA. It is even difficult now to immediately list all those universities with which the KDA has signed a similar agreement.

The front facade of the new educational building of the Kyiv Theological Academy. Photo from the beginning of the 20th century

- Do foreign students study at the Academy today?

And now many people want to study at KDA. We have students from Serbia, a Greek clergyman, and there were students from Poland. I hope that the number of foreign students will grow, this is necessary to maintain educational and spiritual ties with other local Orthodox Churches.

Kyiv Theological Seminary and Academy. Modern look

- Can we say that the level of the Academy is not lower, or even head and shoulders above a secular university?

I am absolutely sure of this for the simple reason that we require and teach disciplines that are mandatory for the humanities. These are languages, and philosophy, and the history of philosophy, and logic. In our magistracy there are subjects that deeply study various philosophical currents. There are subjects related to the study of languages. We study English, Latin, Ancient Greek and Hebrew. Also - theological subjects, which are a priority for us. Therefore, a student of our educational institution has the opportunity to receive a good liberal arts education in the field of languages ​​and general subjects such as history and history of philosophy, as well as to master theological disciplines.
