Difference between Chinese and Japanese. What is the difference between the Chinese and the Japanese: learning external differences Japanese facial features

It's not easy to distinguish between Asians. In fact, there were cases when the Chinese spoke in their native language with Koreans or other representatives of the Mongoloid race, mistaking them for their own people.

Anthropologists have examined a number of features specific to each of these three nationalities in order to identify their distinctive features from each other.

Phenotype difference

Only enhanced practice will help to distinguish between Koreans, Chinese and Japanese.

China is considered a multi-ethnic state. About fifty-six different nationalities live inside the country. It turns out that some of them do not look like typical Chinese. For example, the Uighurs in their appearance resemble Tajiks.

Historical facts testify that a transformation took place in the Japanese ethnos associated with the migration of Koreans and Chinese at different times.

But anthropologists still managed to identify some differences in their phenotypes.

For example, the Japanese face has the shape of an elongated oval, a pronounced nose and large eyes with a fairly wide slit. The modern Japanese has a larger head than the Korean and Chinese.

Japanese women always strive to whiten their skin, so they keep special bleaching products in their cosmetic bag. But even without makeup, Japanese women and men have the whitest skin of any Asian. Chinese women do not use cosmetics as often as their Japanese neighbors.

The Chinese have the darkest skin among these three nationalities. For this reason, they try not to tan so that their skin does not become darker.

The Chinese have a round face shape and wide cheekbones.

Koreans have flat faces with high, square-shaped cheekbones. Typical Koreans have thinner noses than their Chinese and Japanese neighbors.

Quite often, the gaze of the Japanese expresses arrogance or friendliness.

Many Europeans compare the Japanese with fish, as they have big, slightly bulging eyes. And the Chinese look very much like kittens.

Among the Japanese, Chinese and Koreans, the latter have the smallest hand sizes.


Among the representatives of these three nationalities, striking differences in behavior are highlighted. The Chinese are considered the most noisy and impulsive among them. They shout loudly in the streets without any embarrassment and backlash, they are not afraid to express their emotions in public, and they may also behave not quite culturally in public places. Residents of Japan are always very restrained, patient and polite. It is for this reason that in the land of the rising sun, public places pleasantly amaze with their silence.

plastic surgery

Korean women and men are big fans of plastic surgery. They love the doll-like appearance and often perfect themselves with the help of a plastic surgeon.

Statistics show that South Korea occupies a leading position in the world in plastic surgery among both sexes. If you notice an unnaturally handsome Asian, then most likely it is a Korean.


The Japanese, Koreans and Chinese have a number of distinctive features in their clothing style. For example, the Japanese are endowed with a brilliant taste. They often wear clothes from famous world designers. The Chinese are not always dressed to the nines. They have their own style, which allows them to be unique among these three peoples.

Quite often, a Chinese woman is able to put on night pajamas in the evening and go outside in it. No Japanese woman would dare to show herself in such an unsightly light.

Chinese men are comfortable walking around in cheap tracksuits, which distinguishes them from the Japanese, who prefer expensive suits.

If the Japanese wear sportswear, then usually these are things from expensive boutiques.

Koreans in their style adhere to the golden mean. They are taller than the Chinese, but so far they have not been able to catch up with the Japanese.

Language differences

There are many dialect forms in Chinese. But even despite this feature, their language is considered tonal. At the end of Korean phrases, sound notes of politeness are noticeable. There are no tones and stresses in Japanese. Their language is considered monotonous. Usually the Japanese talk to each other in a slightly hushed tone.

When planning a trip to Asia, you can’t just dismiss this question, they say, they all look the same. Firstly, for some reason they are offended if they are confused, and secondly, there are still differences, and now we will try to figure out what they are.

Residents of Western countries, to which we reckon ourselves, are accustomed to consider all "narrow-eyed" Chinese by default. Probably because there are more of them, and not only in China, but in almost all countries. Sometimes this leads to incidents, and even scandals, as happened, for example, with the film "Memoirs of a Geisha", where Chinese actresses were invited to play the roles of Japanese women.

We will not deny, at first glance, the differences between the Chinese, Japanese and Koreans are insignificant. However, delving into their culture, you will be surprised that even within one country (especially in the case of China) there are many regions whose inhabitants differ in appearance from others.

The Japanese are generally shorter than other Asians. Their skin is lighter, the shape of the face is more elongated, the size of the mouth is smaller, and the noses, on the contrary, are larger. The eyes are slightly protruding, and the distance between them and the eyebrows is minimal. A Japanese with a mustache is very rare, they simply do not grow with them.

The Chinese are taller than the Japanese and have the darkest skin tone. The faces are almost round, with pronounced cheekbones. More arched eyebrows give their eyes an almond shape.

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Koreans are distinguished by coarser facial features, with almost square cheekbones and the narrowest eyes. Against this background, their small and thin noses clearly stand out. They also have small hands. The catch is that right now South Korea is going through a “plastic boom” and a lot of women are making baby doll faces for themselves, which makes them look more like Japanese women.

Psychological features

The Chinese can be distinguished by the noise they make. They speak loudly and laugh even louder. No wonder Mandarin is considered the most "voiced" of all Asian languages.
The Japanese are a more "quiet" nation. These are modest quiet people, not prone to violent manifestations of feelings. When they eat, you never know if they like the dish served. A feature of Korean pronunciation is the rise in tone at the end of a phrase, which makes it possible to distinguish them even without knowing the language.

External signs

Fashion and make-up is another factor that helps distinguish a Chinese from a Japanese and a Korean. Residents of the Land of the Rising Sun are the most conservative in terms of clothing. They prefer a restrained style, take care of themselves. Japanese women even use make-up at home, often whiten their skin and love false eyelashes.

The Chinese dress more in the western style. It doesn't always work out well, but they don't really care. Women here almost never use cosmetics, and men prefer locally produced tracksuits.

Korean women do not abuse makeup, preferring natural looks. Koreans love practical clothes, jeans and sneakers - almost like a local uniform.

This is how things work in theory. But in practice, you can learn to accurately distinguish a Chinese from a Japanese or Korean only by traveling through these countries.

The topic of the difference between the Chinese and the Japanese is very delicate, like everything intercultural and international, but it is simply absurd for the people of Asia, for whom the differences between the Chinese and the Japanese are obvious.

First of all, Chinese- These are the inhabitants of China, an incredibly numerous Asian nation. Japanese- Residents of the island nation of Japan. Despite the fact that the representatives of these countries are similar in appearance (short stature, thin build, anatomical features of the structure of the eyes, hair color), the Chinese are very different from the Japanese. Historically, they even fought with each other, and even now the relationship between these two nations is not the easiest. Naturally, these two nationalities differ from each other in culture, language, traditions.

Modern anthropologists note that the average Japanese is still taller than the Chinese, and by ten centimeters, and this trend will intensify, but this was not the case even in the recent past. Chinese men have thicker hair than the Japanese, so they are more likely to have mustaches. It is believed that the skin of the Japanese is lighter, this is especially obvious when comparing a Japanese woman and a Chinese woman. The gait of the Japanese is more noble and straight. Some differences can be observed in the structure of the face. So, the Japanese face is on average more elongated, has a more regular oval shape, their nose is wider, and their eyes are larger. At the same time, inside China, as a country, the external signs of the inhabitants are much less uniform than in the case of Japan, which can make your “diagnosis” difficult. As far as modernity is concerned, the everyday clothing style of Japanese youth is much more quirky and flamboyant than that of young people from China. If you often visit countries with developed tourism, then take a closer look at the tourist guests. If the group is noisy, they are most likely Chinese. If the group is quieter, then it is Japanese - the difference in loudness here is due to differences in language. Regarding personal characteristics, which can be very controversial, it is believed that the Chinese are more scrupulous about money than the Japanese. Oriental experts also note that the facial expression of the Chinese is usually more "simple", and the Japanese - always with some dominant feature, for example, cheerfulness or arrogance.

It is worth remembering that the above differences are not strict and often do not correspond to reality due to the mixing of nations, population migration, as well as the inexperience of the European view in Asian affairs, but still here some differences that may be useful when meeting a Japanese or Chinese:

  1. The Japanese face is lighter, more regular in shape, with a pronounced predominant emotion, with less "vegetation"
  2. The Japanese sound quieter and walk straighter and more sedate.
  3. Today's Japanese are on average taller than Chinese.
  4. The clothing style of modern Japanese is much more unusual (sometimes in a positive, sometimes in a negative sense) than the Chinese way of dressing.
  5. The Chinese and Japanese have different history, culture, cuisine and language.

Hello, dear readers - seekers of knowledge and truth!

Many of us are convinced that the Chinese and the Japanese are the same person, and the chances of distinguishing one from the other are like winning the lottery. Undoubtedly, they are similar in appearance, they are united by Eastern culture with its modesty, diligence and respect for elders, and the hieroglyphs are almost identical at all.

It seems that comparing China and Japan is like comparing, if not the sky with the earth, then one planet with another. We invite you to play the game: find the differences between China and Japan. We found at least a dozen. And you?

The development of any country is influenced by its geography and history. This is what makes up the distinctive features of people who have been living on these lands for centuries, passing on their traditions to generations. The Chinese and Japanese states are no exception.

China is spread out on the expanses of mainland Asia, while Japan huddles on the islands of the Yellow Sea (and it doesn't matter that there are more than six thousand of these islands). The Japanese are used to crowding in small apartments, now and then experiencing the jokes of nature in the form of disasters: earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions.

At the same time, no one has a question where more people live: China has long been ahead of the rest of the planet in terms of population, which will soon become one and a half billion. Japan, on this indicator, ranks only tenth.

China has a rich history of three and a half millennia. During this time, she changed several powerful imperial dynasties and gave the world the greatest inventions: gunpowder, paper, tea.

The whole world reckoned with the interests of China, and in the 18-19th century Mongolia and Tibet were subordinate to it, Asian countries paid tribute to it, among which were Myanmar, Siam, Vietnam, Nepal.

Mentions of Japan date back to years much later - 3-5 centuries of our era. Despite this, it opened its borders to strangers only 150 years ago, still remaining a little isolated and closed.


The study of Asian culture in the face of the Chinese and Japanese reveals some similarities between them. Both peoples do not suffer from inflated conceit, they put the public good above their own interests, in communication they strive to find a compromise. Truth presents them with a mountain peak, which can be reached by any, even roundabout ways, so everyone can have their own way to it.

The guests of Japan, however, revealed the original features inherent in the locals:

  • self-control;
  • strict adherence to prescribed rules of conduct;
  • punctuality;
  • industriousness, reaching to the extreme;
  • conservatism;
  • incredible courtesy;
  • love for nature and beauty, the desire for purity, the cult of contemplation of beauty.

The Chinese are called more open, and sometimes even shameless. They are more smiling and sociable. But there are legends about their habits, which many people, especially Westerners, will call “uncivilization”, they say, everywhere they are dirty, they sneeze, champ, blow their nose and spit everywhere.

Probably, compared to the Japanese, the Chinese really behave more freely. The Japanese, on the other hand, carefully monitor the cleanliness of the streets, and even clean their pets regularly, using special detergents on the roads.


In the Land of the Rising Sun, shoes are of great importance. People change their shoes before entering any room: an apartment, a cafe, a clinic, an office. Even in the toilet there are special shoes that can only be worn there.

Also, the Japanese like to sit on the floor or low pillows, and it doesn’t matter if it’s a tea ceremony, meditation or just gatherings with friends in a bar. Another custom is to greet and say goodbye with a bow, which shows a respectful attitude towards the interlocutor.

The Chinese honor their ancient traditions less zealously, so you don’t have to worry about not knowing any rules when visiting them.

Religious views

The main religions in the PRC are Buddhism, Taoism and the teachings of Confucius, in the Japanese state -. Curiously, in both countries it is considered absolutely normal to be an adherent of several religions at once, they are tolerant of any confessions.

Buddhism surprisingly unites the spiritual thought of the two peoples, although there were some differences here as well.

In the early 90s of the last century, there was a conflict between the Chinese authorities and Tibetan Buddhism, which they wanted to suppress by engaging in the "patriotic education" of the monks. Today, state structures tightly control the activities of religious organizations, including Buddhist ones.

It covers most of the inhabitants, but it is divided into a huge number of directions and currents. Some of them took Buddhist philosophy as a basis, the second - the reading of mantras, and the third - meditative practices.

Intertwined with each other, they formed more and more new schools that are successful among different segments of the population. All of them can be conditionally divided into two groups: classical schools and neo-Buddhism.

home and family

The family in the Eastern way of thinking as a whole is the main value of a person.

The institution of the family in the Celestial Empire is tightly controlled by demographic policy due to the overpopulation of the state. To marry, a man and a woman who are already 24 and 22 years old, respectively, need to undergo a medical examination and apply to the house committee to obtain permission to marry. The same permit can be obtained for one child.

To create a Japanese unit of society does not need to go through any special procedures. Typically, a couple has two or three children.


Both Chinese and Japanese employers can only be envied - they have perhaps the most diligent workers in the world. They work tirelessly, often up to 16 hours a day. Having entered the service in their youth, most often employees work in the company until their retirement.

Sometimes zealous diligence plays a cruel joke - clerks simply fall asleep at the workplace. However, this is only encouraged by the authorities: it means that the person worked so hard that he fell asleep.

But there are more serious consequences. In Japan, they even came up with a word for this phenomenon - “karoshi”, which means it is death in the workplace from overwork. Unfortunately, in recent years, cases of karoshi have become more frequent.

To relieve fatigue, both of them do not rush home after a tiring day at work, but go to restaurants, bars or friends, where they relieve stress often with the help of alcohol, smoking and gambling.

In pursuit of hard-earned money, people are ready to lose sleep and ruin their health. At the same time, the average Chinese worker earns $ 700 a month, and the Japanese - over 3 thousand.


Japan is a country of advanced developments and, as it were, a different, high-tech world of the future, inhabited by robots and newfangled gadgets. Moreover, the quality of goods: electronics, technology, cars - is considered one of the best in the world.

China is also striving to reach a new level of technological development, although it is still difficult for it to break out of the image of a country of fakes, imitations, copies, where the main advantage is cheap labor.

Gastronomic preferences

Chinese and Japanese cuisines cannot be compared in the “better/worse” format - the dishes are completely different.

Chinese gastronomy is something exotic, enchanting, spicy, sometimes incongruous, flavored with a lot of sauces and spices. Snake meat - please, turtle soup - please, a hundred-year-old egg - yes to health.

The food of the Japanese, like themselves, is more traditional, restrained: sushi, sashimi, rolls and a hundred more microscopic raw fish dishes combined with rice.

Attitude towards foreigners

The influence of the outside world on the PRC was much stronger than on Japan. Therefore, at the sight of foreigners, the Chinese are ready to smile, kiss, hug, make friends and almost marry.

The Japanese, although they will be extremely polite and friendly, will not have extraordinary trust and love for new acquaintances.


What could be a better indicator of life than a state of inner happiness? According to independent surveys, 60% of Chinese residents admitted that they are happy, while in the Land of the Rising Sun this figure reaches 85%.


If you are reading these lines, then, no doubt, you will no longer confuse these two beautiful, but so different countries. And to consolidate the assimilation of the material, go on a journey yourself and replenish our list of differences between them.

Thank you very much for your attention, dear readers! If you liked the article, share it on social networks, and we will search for the truth together.

Hello, dear readers - seekers of knowledge and truth!

Most Europeans often have difficulty in correctly determining the national identity of an Asian. Chinese, Japanese , Koreans, Thais, Vietnamese - it seems that they are all almost "on the same face."

But this is only at first glance. If you look closely, they are very different. We have already written about. And today we will find out together how the Chinese differ from the Koreans. The article below will tell us about their differences in appearance, style, language and manners, and hopefully it will help not to confuse the Chinese Lee with the Korean Kim)


China is a multinational country with more than fifty different ethnic groups. All of them are considered Chinese, but outwardly they can be very different from each other. This is the main difficulty in our difficult business. But still, it is possible to single out common features that are inherent in representatives of different countries.

The Chinese are the owners of a round face shape with wide cheekbones and a slightly flattened nose. Their eyes are larger than those of Koreans, slightly rounded and seem to bulge. Other Asians even sometimes compare them to fish because of the structure of their eyes.

The lips are not voluminous, but the lower lip is usually fuller. The hair is straight, and in hairstyles preference is given to simplicity and conservatism.

Koreans have a more “square” face, flat, with the same “square” cheekbones, which are quite clearly defined and are high. Their noses are thinner, and their eyes narrower. They are more likely to have a hanging eyelid.

The lips of Koreans are thinner than those of the Chinese. Often you can meet among them happy owners of slightly wavy hair, which are not so many among Asian residents.

If you see an Asian in front of you with a reference appearance, as if he had stepped off the cover of a magazine, then there are 9 out of 10 chances that this is a Korean.

People in Korea are downright "obsessed" with their appearance, they are so willing to meet international beauty standards that they are even ready to go under the surgeon's knife, and more than once.

Korea breaks records in the number of plastic surgeries. Eyelid surgery here is the most desired gift from parents for coming of age, graduation, graduation. There were cases when the appearance of young people and girls changed so much that they became completely different from the photographs in the documents.

You can also distinguish Chinese from Koreans by skin color - among the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, it is darker. That is why the Chinese do not sunbathe, but in stores they sweep whitening creams off the shelves, and they appear on the beach in swimsuits that even cover their faces.

However, all Asians have a cult of whiteness, therefore, on the basis of skin color, only a person who distinguishes shades very well can distinguish them.

It is believed that Koreans are distinguished by their tall stature and small hands.

For convenience, you can list the external features that one and the other possess.


  • round face;
  • Round eyes;
  • wide cheekbones;
  • wide nose;
  • plump lower lip;
  • darker skin tone.


  • "square face";
  • "square" high cheekbones;
  • narrow eyes;
  • narrow nose;
  • thin lips;
  • bright skin;
  • possible "plastic";
  • high growth.


The Chinese can also be distinguished from the Koreans by their clothes. The former do not attach much importance to how they look and what they are wearing. Or their sense of style fails.

It is often said that the Chinese are careless in their clothes, they can appear on the street in home clothes, and wardrobe items sometimes do not match at all in color and style. Also, according to our personal observations, the Chinese dress more colorfully compared to the Japanese and Koreans. It is easy to recognize by clothes that this is a mass-market product or simply consumer goods.

Even Chinese fashionistas don't pay much attention to style. They often choose comfortable casual clothes with a claim to the classics: trousers, shirts, jackets. Moreover, not always from one suit.

Koreans, on the other hand, are more selective in clothing and love to flaunt new outfits. They choose products of more famous and expensive brands.

Residents of Korea are not afraid to stand out from the crowd, although the whole crowd mostly looks stylish and tasteful. Girls dress quite catchy: extreme mini, heels, bright colors of the last season.

Young people prefer monochrome colors but bold cuts: tight jeans and T-shirts, trousers and shirts. They are not afraid to buy ultra-modern things - it only gives them courage and originality.

In both Korea and China, it is considered completely normal to wear short shorts or skirts. But at the same time, the top should always be closed - a frank neckline is considered the height of indecency.


Another way to distinguish a Korean from a Chinese is to listen to their speech. By one of its tonality, one can determine belonging to the country.

Chinese speech is literally filled with different tones: neutral, ascending, descending, ascending-descending. In addition, their speech seems to be abrupt, because it consists of short syllables in any dialect.

Koreans, on the other hand, speak more buoyantly, softly. Each phrase ends with a polite address. And the vowels seem to envelop the entire space around the speaker.


Habits and manners in society also betray people with their heads. So, for example, the Chinese are famous for their impulsiveness, sometimes even turning into loudness.

Arriving in China, you can find that it is very noisy here: not just because there are a lot of people on the streets, but because they themselves are quite noisy - they talk loudly, champ, smack their lips, spit, laugh. At the same time, they are very open even towards strangers, and are not afraid of tactile contacts.

Residents of Korea are more calm and modest in behavior. They are not so loud, they keep their distance from others. Strangers or foreigners may be hugged or shaken by the hand if required by the rules.

In other cases, they confine themselves to greeting, waving their hands or slightly tilting their heads. They speak quietly, try to wear headphones when using gadgets, do not answer calls in crowded places.


It turns out that the people of Korea and China are not so similar, are they? And they are surprised that we confuse them. However, we are also surprised when we find out that we are the same person for them)

You can also learn more about the inhabitants and traditions of South Korea.

And you can get to know the customs of the Chinese better at. Thank you very much for your attention, dear readers! We hope you enjoyed our article. Share the link to it with your friends on social networks!

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