The Return of the Prodigal Parrot is a summary for the reader. Return of the Prodigal Parrot: Betrayal and Reeducation

The prodigal parrot Kesha is a special hero. Just like the Wolf from “Well, wait a minute!”, And “a man in the prime of life” Carlson, he has an absurd, and sometimes, frankly, disgusting character. Kesha is an independent, irresponsible and selfish bird to the limit. In a word, the hero is what you need.

The well-known and loved by the audience parrot was invented by the writer Alexander Kurlyandsky, who is also the author of the series “Well, wait a minute”, a living classic of animation. The graphic design of Kesha is due to the animator Anatoly Savchenko, from whose pen Carlson, who lives on the roof, also came out.

The director was Valentin Karavaev, who started the animated series Return of the Prodigal Parrot. It is to Karavaev that Kesha owes much to the popularity that has fallen on him. The second series of the epic about the adventures of Kesha was filmed by Alexander Davydov. For nothing, that it was she who won Nika: Kurlyandsky argued with the director to the point of hoarseness, mentioning in an interview that he would probably never have such human relations as he had with Valentin Karavaev.

Over the course of three episodes, Kesha either runs away from his friend Vovka, or, overcoming obstacles and enduring hardship, returns to his home. The parrot dreams of travels and adventures, howling at the sirens, watching action-packed detective stories and dreaming of becoming a hero. What is this care of the faithful and boring Vovka to him! There, outside the window, is a real world full of undiscovered treasures and imperfect feats.

The history of literature is full of reports of attempts to get rid of the annoying presence in the lives of the heroes of the so-called "relatives". The story of Kesha's parrot is just one of those. All these adventures and cravings for detectives are actually a convenient excuse for liberation from a controlling and all-seeing society. Kesha can be safely accused of self-centeredness and hypertrophied craving for independence. In short, he does whatever he wants.

Not surprisingly, The Return of the Prodigal Parrot is much more appreciated by adults than by children. All my conscious childhood I hated Kesha. despised. Neither the brilliant idea of ​​the author, nor the amusing misadventures could bring this disgusting parrot closer to me. The amazing expressions put into the mouth of Kesha by the unique Gennady Khazanov were not heard to the end. At the sight of the company of the main character - a fat cat in jeans with suspenders and a crow in beads - the cartoon was instantly replaced by some other program. Kesha is a hero with character. And so it happened that the main audience of the cartoon is the parents who are thrilled with delight in front of the TV screens.

The author of The Return of the Prodigal Parrot does not forget his offspring. Kurlyandsky admits: “Children have certainly changed. In the age of computers, a colossal amount of information falls upon them. But I do not notice significant differences between generations. A child is like a musical instrument: how you tune it is how it plays. Nowadays, the animated series has received a second life, just in the name of today's children. Last year, the parrot Innokenty became the hero of a computer game - the quest "Free the parrots!". The protagonist of the animated series did not lose his cool temper and, having collected a suitcase, went to rescue parrots in Brazil.

But that is not all. Alexander Kurlyandsky came up with a developing textbook for elementary school students. It was a shame for the writer that in foreign textbooks, the heroes of the Disney cartoons fuel interest in learning. Why are our Hare, Wolf and prodigal parrot Kesha worse than Mickey Mouse? Through the efforts of Kurlyandsky, the attention of schoolchildren in the new textbook is kept by familiar characters and a twisted plot that makes them read the book to the end. Now, together with the Lomonosov School, the author plans to create a whole series of 22 books on all basic subjects from the first to the seventh grade. From now on, Kesha is immortalized in history and plays an important social role - he actively participates in the educational process, no more, no less.

Daria Pechorina

"Return of the Prodigal Parrot"


Return I

The popular eighties animated trilogy Return of the Prodigal Parrot features funny stories about a wayward parrot named Kesha.

The first part, created at the dawn of perestroika in 1984, made a splash. Soviet animation has not yet known such cartoons - comedic, multifaceted, with an actual parodic socio-political note: a capricious parrot, a fugitive and a returnee.

Formally aimed at a children's audience, The Return was wildly popular with the older generation. The cartoon was taken apart for quotes. The notorious animation "for adults" - drawn "Wicks", denouncing drunkenness, then parasitism - faded next to "Return of the Prodigal Parrot". The labor morality that set the teeth on edge lost out to the subtext, the existence of which the creators hardly guessed - director Valentin Alexandrovich Karavaev and screenwriter Alexander Efimovich Kurlyandsky.

But why didn't you think of it? If Karavaev and Kurlyandsky had limited themselves to one issue of The Return, then one could speak of unintentional luck and stray subtext. But over the course of several years, two more parts were created by these same people, so consistent and deep that it is not necessary to speak of “accidents”.

Kurlyandsky and Karavaev certainly understood how close the little capricious parrot was to the Soviet audience, how recognizable it was. After all, it was the image, harmoniously voiced by Gennady Khazanov, and the dramaturgy that ensured the success of the cartoon, and not the hackneyed visual technique (the boy Vovka, the owner of Kesha's parrot, is like two drops like the Kid from Carlson).

Yuri Norshtein was an innovator, back in 1975 he released the philosophical "Hedgehog in the Fog". Karavaev and Kurlyandsky were able to rise to the level of ideology.

By 1984, the censorship apparatus of the Soviet Union was already weakened, but not so much as to overlook how ambiguous The Return was. But the fact of the matter is that this second meaning suited the official ideology. The cartoon wittily branded the eternal fifth column - the dissident community and its national flavor.

Therefore, the clearly provocative title "Return of the Prodigal ..." was left. The parodic context immediately began to work on the "image".

From the first glance at Kesha, it became clear that the nationality of the parrot was "biblical": the eastern type - that's what the "parrot" is for, round bulging eyes, a Semitic nose-beak. Parrots are known to be long-lived. Kesha was supposed to be perceived as Ahasuerus, a kind of eternal Parrot.

Kesha's speech is a media "organ", a brainless warehouse of television and radio quotes for all occasions. Kesha is dominated not by the mind, but by the temper. And pretty bad. The cartoon shows in every possible way that the owner of Kesha - the boy Vovka (read, power) - does not have a soul in a parrot (Jew), and Kesha is always dissatisfied with everything.

The first "flight" of the parrot parodies the so-called "internal emigration". The plot develops as follows: Vovka refuses Kesha to take "spiritual food" - the parrot watches a crime drama on TV - something like "Petrovka, 38", with chases and shooting.

The boy Vovka does not watch an empty film, but diligently does his homework. And he asks the parrot to make the sound quieter. The parrot perceives these requests as an infringement of its rights and freedoms. The switched off TV puts an end to the relationship between Vovka and Kesha. The parrot jumps from the balcony. This blatant simulation of suicide is meant to highlight the gap. Vovka personifies the state and power, with which Kesha can no longer have any relationship. He kind of died for them.

At first, the clownish flight scares Kesha. He understands that he was Vovka's favorite. In fact, his act is nothing more than hysterical acting. But it's impossible to return home. Kesha is lost and cannot find his window.

The dissident parrot is saved by the public, the inhabitants of the yard: a fat cat, a crow, sparrows. Kesha "acts" - reproduces all the verbal garbage that has settled in his head after listening to "voices". This is ridiculous, inside-out information that amuses both the cat and the crow.

“I’m flying to Tahiti somehow ... Have you been to Tahiti?” - this is how Kesha begins his speeches. "Tahiti" should sound like "the promised land" - the historical homeland of Keshi, an exotic place.

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Parrot Kesha

The main character of the cartoon.

Egocentric, requiring increased attention, capricious and wayward. In all habits and external color, it most of all resembles a parrot of the macaw family.

The plumage is bright. Raspberry head. There are large white circles around the eyes. Lush green tuft. On the neck is a white "collar", resembling a jabot. The wings are green at the base, with a purple stripe. Pink feathers at the ends in many cases serve as fingers. The body is pink. Paws are yellow, with three fingers (two in front, one behind). The tail consists of three green feathers with pink tips.

Often wears clothes:

  • In Issue 2, in the new owner's apartment, he wears a blue Mickey Mouse T-shirt.
  • At the beginning of the third issue, he appears in Vovka's white T-shirt. Then he changes into striped shorts with suspenders, a T-shirt and beach goggles. Further, in several episodes, he walks in Vasily's sweatshirt and his cap.

Favorite pastime: watching television films and programs - judging by the vocabulary, completely different topics - from crime series to concert programs:

  • the phrases “She robbed the savings bank”, “Shurik, be careful, the criminal is armed”, “Major Tomin tells me” - perhaps a reference to the series “Investigation conducted ZnatoKi”;)
  • the mention of "Mrs. Monica" is a clear reference to the TV show "Zucchini " 13 "chairs"";
  • the phrase “I am a pitiful, insignificant person” is a reference to the replica of the character of the story by I. Ilf and E. Petrov “The Golden Calf” - Panikovsky (in the original “You are a pitiful, insignificant person”);
  • in addition, in monologues, the parrot talks about the “kalinary technical school” (a famous miniature performed by Gennady Khazanov), quotes Mikhail Zhvanetsky’s feuilleton “Figure in the Museum” (“In the Greek hall, in the Greek hall ... a white mouse”), sports reports by Nikolai Ozerov, weather forecast (“fog in the region”), mentions the names of some television and radio programs (“Village hour”, “Up to 16 and older”, “Before and after midnight”, “Good morning”, etc.).

Quotes popular songs.


Kesha's owner.

Boy of school age. Constantly learning lessons. Often sick.

In the first issue of the cartoon, he is dressed in a yellow turtleneck and a blue school uniform. In the second and third issues, he appears in a yellow T-shirt, at the end - in a blue sweatshirt.

Other characters

  • Fat red cat Vasily (as it is called in the books) - lazy, imposing, swaggering, with arrogance. Lives with rich owners in the attic. His motto is: We are well fed here too!» Principle of life: « Rested - in! Sour cream - in!» Doesn't believe in Kesha's stories.
  • Crow Clara (as it is called in the books) - infantile, phlegmatic. Forced to constantly poking around in the garbage in search of food. Everything is optimistic. Favorite phrase: " Pretty! Simply lovely!»
  • Puppy



Valentin Karavaev once saw a parrot in winter, which, obviously, flew out through the window and now did not know how to return. Began to think: why flew out? Offended, quarreled with the boy. Why? Probably, he behaved impudently, mimicked everyone ... And gradually the image of a kind of bird Khlestakov arose - a talker, a dreamer, a braggart.


Critics unanimously admit that Kesha is not a simple cartoon character. His character is detailed and initially conceived in such a way as to win the sympathy of the audience. At the same time, the cartoon is more loved and appreciated by adults than by children.

  • Genre: Children's
  • Publisher: Akella
  • Russian language

Parrot Kesha - mathematician

  • Developer Studio "Sail"
  • Publisher Akella
  • For children from 6 to 12 years old

Parrot Kesha learns the alphabet

  • The game is addressed to children 6-7 years old
  • Developer: Parus
  • Publisher: Akella
  • Game released: 08/27/2008
  • Genre: Family, For Kids

Kesha in the world of fairy tales

  • Release year: 2006
  • Style - Children's quest.
  • Publisher: Akella
  • Developer: Origames Studio
  • Interface language: Russian.

Parrot Kesha. Freedom for parrots!

  • Issue - 2006
  • Style - Children's quest.
  • Publisher: Akella
  • Developer: Origames Studio
  • Interface language: Russian.
  • The task is to save Brazilian parrots from complete extinction.

Minimum system requirements: Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP; Pentium III 500MHz; 128 MB RAM; 32 MB DirectX8 compatible 3D video card; DirectX-compatible sound card; 800 MB. hard disk space; 24x CD-ROM; Keyboard; Mouse.


Parrot Kesha: Have you been to Tahiti?

  • Plot: Together with the pot-bellied cat Vasily, the parrot set off on a journey.
  • Genres: Arcade
  • Interface Language: Russian
  • Release year: 2006
  • Developer: Burut CT
  • Publisher in Russia: Akella

Minimum System Requirements: System: Win 98/2000/ME/XP Processor: Pentium III 500 MHz Memory: 128 MB RAM Video Card: 32 MB DirectX 9 compatible 3D graphics card Audio Card: DirectX compatible sound card Hard Drive: 800 MB of free hard disk space

see also

Everyone has summer, sea, sun, air and water!

I am alone in the realm of hot concrete and stuffy asphalt.

What is this life?

Kesha, honestly - we'll go too.

Return of the Prodigal Parrot

"Return of the Prodigal Parrot"- a popular Soviet animated film, a star project by A. Kurlyandsky and V. Karavaev.


Parrot Kesha

The main character of the cartoon.

Egocentric, requiring increased attention, capricious and wayward. In all habits and external color, it most of all resembles a parrot of the macaw family.

The plumage is bright. Raspberry head. There are large white circles around the eyes. Lush green tuft. On the neck is a white "collar", resembling a jabot. The wings are green at the base, with a pink stripe. The purple feathers at the ends serve as fingers in many cases. The body is pink. Paws are yellow, with three fingers (two in front, one behind). The tail consists of three green feathers with pink tips.

Often wears clothes:

  • In the first issue, only at the very beginning: he sits in a chair in sneakers.
  • In Issue 2, in the new owner's apartment, he wears a blue Mickey Mouse T-shirt.
  • At the beginning of the third issue, he appears in Vovka's white T-shirt. Then he changes into striped shorts with suspenders, a peaked cap and beach goggles. Further, in several episodes, he walks in Vasily's sweatshirt and his cap.

Favorite hobby: watching TV movies and programs. Judging by the vocabulary, absolutely different topics - from criminal chronicles to lyrical concert programs.

Speech is sometimes incoherent, reminiscent of a set of quotes from watched programs and heard songs.


Kesha's owner.

Boy of school age. Constantly learning lessons. Often sick.

In the first two issues of the cartoon, he is dressed in a yellow turtleneck and a blue school uniform. In the third issue, he appears in the beginning in a yellow T-shirt, at the end in a blue sweatshirt.

Patient with a capricious parrot. Takes care of him, worries. In every possible way tries to show Kesha his love. He is calm about Kesha's antics, easily forgives them and takes Kesha back every time.

Other characters

  • Fat red cat- lazy, imposing, swaggering, with arrogance. Lives with wealthy owners. Life Principle: "Rested - in! Sour cream - in! Fish - in!
  • Crow- infantile, phlegmatic. Forced to constantly poking around in the garbage in search of food. Everything is optimistic. Favorite phrase: "Awesome! Just lovely!”
  • Puppy- first appears in the first issue, after the return of Kesha. Does not play a key role in the cartoon. Sublimates Vovka's love for the parrot.


Continuation of the series

In the 2000s, after the death of V. Karavaev, A. Kurlyandsky made an attempt to reanimate the main character of the series. Work is underway with director A. Davydov. The rest of the creative composition changes almost completely.

All cartoons have original titles. Only the phrase "Kesha's parrot" remains the key.

In 2002, the cartoon “Morning of the Parrot Kesha” was released. Then other series followed: “The New Adventures of the Parrot Kesha” in 2005, “Kidnapping of the Parrot Kesha”, “Parrot Kesha and the Beast” in 2006.

The cartoons were released at the Soyuzmultfilm film studio.

Valentin Karavaev once saw a parrot in winter, which, obviously, flew out through the window and now did not know how to return. Began to think: why flew out? Offended, quarreled with the boy. Why? Probably, he behaved impudently, mimicked everyone ... And gradually the image of a kind of bird Khlestakov arose - a talker, a dreamer, a braggart.


Critics unanimously admit that Kesha is not a simple cartoon character. His character is detailed and initially conceived in such a way as to win the sympathy of the audience. At the same time, the cartoon is more loved and appreciated by adults than by children.

Kurlyandsky is called "a man of amazing imagination", and the cartoon "Return of the Prodigal Parrot" is a creation "with ageless Soviet humor and irony", a film that "worthy of being reviewed more than a dozen times".

  • Genre: Children's
  • Publisher: Akella
  • Russian language

System requirements: Windows XP SP2 (pyc), Pentium III 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 64 MB DirectX 9-compatible 3D video card (GeForce 4 or higher, except for integrated video cards and MX-series), DirectX 9-compatible sound card, 800 MB free hard disk space, 24x CD-ROM, DiretcX 9.0c keyboard, mouse.

Parrot Kesha - mathematician

Parrot Kesha goes to a tropical island to have a good rest and find new friends.

  • Developer Studio "Sail"
  • Publisher Akella
  • For children from 6 to 12 years old

System requirements: Operating system Windows XP SP2 Processor Pentium III 1 GHz RAM 512 MB RAM Video DirectX 9-compatible. 3D w.c. ur. GeForce 4 and above Sound DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card CD-ROM drive Control keyboard, mouse

Parrot Kesha learns the alphabet

  • Plot: A parrot goes to a tropical island, meets natives and learns the alphabet.
  • The game is addressed to children 6-7 years old
  • Developer: Parus
  • Publisher: Akella
  • Game released: 08/27/2008
  • Genre: Family, For Kids

System requirements: P3-1.0, 512 MB RAM, 64 MB 3D Card

Kesha in the world of fairy tales

  • Plot: Kesha took a book with fairy tales to read.
  • Release year: 2006
  • Style - Children's quest.
  • Publisher: Akella
  • Developer: Origames Studio
  • Interface language: Russian.

System requirements: Win 98/2000/ME/XP (rus); Pentium III 500 MHz; 128 MB RAM; 32 MB DirectX8 compatible 3D graphics card; DirectX-compatible sound card; 800 MB hard disk space; CD-ROM 24x; Keyboard; Mouse.

Parrot Kesha

The main character of the cartoon.

Egocentric, requiring increased attention, capricious and wayward. In all habits and external color, it most of all resembles a parrot of the macaw family.

The plumage is bright. Raspberry head. There are large white circles around the eyes. Lush green tuft. On the neck is a white "collar" resembling a jabot. The wings are green at the base, with a pink stripe. The purple feathers at the ends serve as fingers in many cases. The body is pink. Paws are yellow, with three fingers (two in front, one behind). The tail consists of three green feathers with pink tips.

Often wears clothes:

  • In the first issue, only at the very beginning: he sits in a chair in sneakers.
  • In the second issue, in the new owner's apartment, he wears a blue Mickey Mouse T-shirt.
  • At the beginning of the third issue, he appears in Vovka's white T-shirt. Then he changes into striped shorts with suspenders, a peaked cap and beach goggles. Further, in several episodes, he walks in Vasily's sweatshirt and his cap.

Favorite hobby: watching TV movies and programs. Judging by the vocabulary, absolutely different topics - from criminal chronicles to lyrical concert programs.

Speech is sometimes incoherent, reminiscent of a set of quotes from watched programs and heard songs.


Kesha's owner.

Boy of school age. Constantly learning lessons. Often sick.

In the first two issues of the cartoon, he is dressed in a yellow turtleneck and a blue school uniform. In the third issue, he appears in the beginning in a yellow T-shirt, at the end in a blue sweatshirt.

Patient with a capricious parrot. Takes care of him, worries. In every possible way tries to show Kesha his love. He is calm about Kesha's antics, easily forgives them and takes Kesha back every time.

Other characters

  • Fat red cat- lazy, imposing, swaggering, with arrogance. Lives with wealthy owners. Life Principle: "Rested - in! Sour cream - in! Fish - in!
  • Crow- infantile, phlegmatic. Forced to constantly poking around in the garbage in search of food. Everything is optimistic. Favorite phrase: "Awesome! Just lovely!”
  • Puppy- first appears in the first issue, after the return of Kesha. Does not play a key role in the cartoon. Sublimates Vovka's love for the parrot.


Continuation of the series

In the 2000s, after the death of V. Karavaev, A. Kurlyandsky made an attempt to reanimate the main character of the series. Work is underway with the director A. Davydov. The rest of the creative composition changes almost completely.

All cartoons have original titles. Only the phrase "Kesha's parrot" remains the key.

In 2002, the cartoon "Morning of Kesha's Parrot" was released. Then other series followed: "The New Adventures of Kesha's Parrot" in 2005, "The Kidnapping of Kesha's Parrot", "Kesha's Parrot and the Beast" in 2006.

The cartoons were released at the Soyuzmultfilm film studio.

Valentin Karavaev once saw a parrot in winter, which, obviously, flew out through the window and now did not know how to return. Began to think: why flew out? Offended, quarreled with the boy. Why? Probably, he behaved impudently, mimicked everyone ... And gradually the image of a kind of bird Khlestakov arose - a talker, a dreamer, a braggart.


Critics unanimously admit that Kesha is not a simple cartoon character. His character is detailed and initially conceived in such a way as to win the sympathy of the audience. At the same time, the cartoon is more loved and appreciated by adults than by children.

Kurlyandsky is called "a man of amazing imagination", and the cartoon "Return of the Prodigal Parrot" is a creation "with ageless Soviet humor and irony", a film that "worthy of being reviewed more than a dozen times".

  • Genre: Children's
  • Publisher: Akella
  • Russian language

System requirements: Windows XP SP2 (pyc), Pentium III 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 64 MB DirectX 9-compatible 3D video card (GeForce 4 or higher, except for integrated video cards and MX-series), DirectX 9-compatible sound card, 800 MB free hard disk space, 24x CD-ROM, DiretcX 9.0c keyboard, mouse.

Parrot Kesha - mathematician

Parrot Kesha goes to a tropical island to have a good rest and find new friends.

  • Developer Studio "Sail"
  • Publisher Akella
  • For children from 6 to 12 years old

System requirements: Operating system Windows XP SP2 Processor Pentium III 1 GHz RAM 512 MB RAM Video DirectX 9-compatible. 3D w.c. ur. GeForce 4 and above Sound DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card CD-ROM drive Control keyboard, mouse

Parrot Kesha learns the alphabet

  • Plot: A parrot goes to a tropical island, meets natives and learns the alphabet.
  • The game is addressed to children 6-7 years old
  • Developer: Parus
  • Publisher: Akella
  • Game released: 08/27/2008
  • Genre: Family, For Kids

System requirements: P3-1.0, 512 MB RAM, 64 MB 3D Card

Kesha in the world of fairy tales

  • Plot: Kesha took a book with fairy tales to read.
  • Release year: 2006
  • Style - Children's quest.
  • Publisher: Akella
  • Developer: Origames Studio
  • Interface language: Russian.

System requirements: Win 98/2000/ME/XP (rus); Pentium III 500 MHz; 128 MB RAM; 32 MB DirectX8 compatible 3D graphics card; DirectX-compatible sound card; 800 MB hard disk space; CD-ROM 24x; Keyboard; Mouse.

Parrot Kesha. Freedom for parrots!

  • Issue - 2006
  • Style - Children's quest.
  • Publisher: Akella
  • Developer: Origames Studio
  • Interface language: Russian.
  • The task is to save Brazilian parrots from complete extinction.

Minimum system requirements: Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP; Pentium III 500MHz; 128 MB RAM; 32 MB DirectX8 compatible 3D video card; DirectX-compatible sound card; 800 MB. hard disk space; 24x CD-ROM; Keyboard; Mouse.

Parrot Kesha: Have you been to Tahiti?

  • Plot: Together with the pot-bellied cat Vasily, the parrot set off on a journey.
  • Genres: Arcade
  • Interface Language: Russian
  • Release year: 2006
  • Developer: Burut CT
  • Publisher in Russia: Akella

Minimum System Requirements: System: Win 98/2000/ME/XP Processor: Pentium III 500 MHz Memory: 128 MB RAM Video Card: 32 MB DirectX 9 compatible 3D graphics card Audio Card: DirectX compatible sound card Hard Drive: 800 MB of free hard disk space



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Parrot Kesha

The main character of the cartoon.

Egocentric, requiring increased attention, capricious and wayward. In all habits and external color, it most of all resembles a parrot of the macaw family.

The plumage is bright. Raspberry head. There are large white circles around the eyes. Lush green tuft. On the neck is a white "collar" resembling a jabot. The wings are green at the base, with a pink stripe. The purple feathers at the ends serve as fingers in many cases. The body is pink. Paws are yellow, with three fingers (two in front, one behind). The tail consists of three green feathers with pink tips.

Often wears clothes:

  • In the first issue, only at the very beginning: he sits in a chair in sneakers.
  • In the second issue, in the new owner's apartment, he wears a blue Mickey Mouse T-shirt.
  • At the beginning of the third issue, he appears in Vovka's white T-shirt. Then he changes into striped shorts with suspenders, a peaked cap and beach goggles. Further, in several episodes, he walks in Vasily's sweatshirt and his cap.

Favorite hobby: watching TV movies and programs. Judging by the vocabulary, absolutely different topics - from criminal chronicles to lyrical concert programs.

Speech is sometimes incoherent, reminiscent of a set of quotes from watched programs and heard songs.


Kesha's owner.

Boy of school age. Constantly learning lessons. Often sick.

In the first two issues of the cartoon, he is dressed in a yellow turtleneck and a blue school uniform. In the third issue, he appears in the beginning in a yellow T-shirt, at the end in a blue sweatshirt.

Patient with a capricious parrot. Takes care of him, worries. In every possible way tries to show Kesha his love. He is calm about Kesha's antics, easily forgives them and takes Kesha back every time.

Other characters

  • Fat red cat- lazy, imposing, swaggering, with arrogance. Lives with wealthy owners. Life Principle: "Rested - in! Sour cream - in! Fish - in!
  • Crow- infantile, phlegmatic. Forced to constantly poking around in the garbage in search of food. Everything is optimistic. Favorite phrase: "Awesome! Just lovely!”
  • Puppy- first appears in the first issue, after the return of Kesha. Does not play a key role in the cartoon. Sublimates Vovka's love for the parrot.


Continuation of the series

In the 2000s, after the death of V. Karavaev, A. Kurlyandsky made an attempt to reanimate the main character of the series. Work is underway with the director A. Davydov. The rest of the creative composition changes almost completely.

All cartoons have original titles. Only the phrase "Kesha's parrot" remains the key.

In 2002, the cartoon "Morning of Kesha's Parrot" was released. Then other series followed: "The New Adventures of Kesha's Parrot" in 2005, "The Kidnapping of Kesha's Parrot", "Kesha's Parrot and the Beast" in 2006.

The cartoons were released at the Soyuzmultfilm film studio.

Valentin Karavaev once saw a parrot in winter, which, obviously, flew out through the window and now did not know how to return. Began to think: why flew out? Offended, quarreled with the boy. Why? Probably, he behaved impudently, mimicked everyone ... And gradually the image of a kind of bird Khlestakov arose - a talker, a dreamer, a braggart.


Critics unanimously admit that Kesha is not a simple cartoon character. His character is detailed and initially conceived in such a way as to win the sympathy of the audience. At the same time, the cartoon is more loved and appreciated by adults than by children.

Kurlyandsky is called "a man of amazing imagination", and the cartoon "Return of the Prodigal Parrot" is a creation "with ageless Soviet humor and irony", a film that "worthy of being reviewed more than a dozen times".

  • Genre: Children's
  • Publisher: Akella
  • Russian language

System requirements: Windows XP SP2 (pyc), Pentium III 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 64 MB DirectX 9-compatible 3D video card (GeForce 4 or higher, except for integrated video cards and MX-series), DirectX 9-compatible sound card, 800 MB free hard disk space, 24x CD-ROM, DiretcX 9.0c keyboard, mouse.

Parrot Kesha - mathematician

Parrot Kesha goes to a tropical island to have a good rest and find new friends.

  • Developer Studio "Sail"
  • Publisher Akella
  • For children from 6 to 12 years old

System requirements: Operating system Windows XP SP2 Processor Pentium III 1 GHz RAM 512 MB RAM Video DirectX 9-compatible. 3D w.c. ur. GeForce 4 and above Sound DirectX 9.0 compatible sound card CD-ROM drive Control keyboard, mouse

Parrot Kesha learns the alphabet

  • Plot: A parrot goes to a tropical island, meets natives and learns the alphabet.
  • The game is addressed to children 6-7 years old
  • Developer: Parus
  • Publisher: Akella
  • Game released: 08/27/2008
  • Genre: Family, For Kids

System requirements: P3-1.0, 512 MB RAM, 64 MB 3D Card

Kesha in the world of fairy tales

  • Plot: Kesha took a book with fairy tales to read.
  • Release year: 2006
  • Style - Children's quest.
  • Publisher: Akella
  • Developer: Origames Studio
  • Interface language: Russian.

System requirements: Win 98/2000/ME/XP (rus); Pentium III 500 MHz; 128 MB RAM; 32 MB DirectX8 compatible 3D graphics card; DirectX-compatible sound card; 800 MB hard disk space; CD-ROM 24x; Keyboard; Mouse.

Parrot Kesha. Freedom for parrots!

  • Issue - 2006
  • Style - Children's quest.
  • Publisher: Akella
  • Developer: Origames Studio
  • Interface language: Russian.
  • The task is to save Brazilian parrots from complete extinction.

Minimum system requirements: Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP; Pentium III 500MHz; 128 MB RAM; 32 MB DirectX8 compatible 3D video card; DirectX-compatible sound card; 800 MB. hard disk space; 24x CD-ROM; Keyboard; Mouse.

Parrot Kesha: Have you been to Tahiti?

  • Plot: Together with the pot-bellied cat Vasily, the parrot set off on a journey.
  • Genres: Arcade
  • Interface Language: Russian
  • Release year: 2006
  • Developer: Burut CT
  • Publisher in Russia: Akella

Minimum System Requirements: System: Win 98/2000/ME/XP Processor: Pentium III 500 MHz Memory: 128 MB RAM Video Card: 32 MB DirectX 9 compatible 3D graphics card Audio Card: DirectX compatible sound card Hard Drive: 800 MB of free hard disk space



Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

Genre: literary fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "The Return of the Prodigal Parrot" and their characteristics

  1. Kesha. Parrot. Egoist and selfish. Naive and stupid.
  2. Vovka. Smart, diligent boy.
Plan for retelling the tale "The Return of the Prodigal Parrot"
  1. Kesha and Vovka
  2. Turned off TV
  3. Fall from the balcony
  4. Night in the yard
  5. First applause
  6. Last applause
  7. Hungry autumn
  8. familiar balcony
  9. Everything is the same
The shortest content of the tale "The Return of the Prodigal Parrot" for the reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. Kesha liked to turn on the TV at full volume, and interfered with Vovka.
  2. Vovka turned off the TV, and Kesha jumped off the balcony.
  3. Kesha got lost and spent the night on the street.
  4. He sang sadly, and the sparrows, the crow and the cat applauded him.
  5. But success passed quickly, and Kesha began to starve again.
  6. He found a familiar balcony, and Vovka was delighted with his old friend.
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tale "The Return of the Prodigal Parrot"
You can not think only about yourself, and do as soon as it is convenient for you.

What does the fairy tale "Return of the Prodigal Parrot" teach?
The fairy tale teaches not to be selfish and selfish, not to think only about yourself, not to interfere with others, especially on purpose. Teaches loyalty and love for pets. Teaches the transience of worldly glory. It teaches you to value your home, your family, those who really love you, and not offend them.

Review of the fairy tale "The Return of the Prodigal Parrot"
I liked this tale, despite the fact that Kesha acted very badly. He was a terrible egoist who did not care about the opinions of others. And he deservedly suffered. It is a pity that Kesha did not draw any conclusions from what happened, but that's why he is a parrot.

Proverbs to the tale "The Return of the Prodigal Parrot"
Self-lover loves no one.
Every toad praises itself.
Glory comes in spools, and leaves in pounds.
After us, at least a flood.
Its cute, albeit rotten.

Read the summary, a brief retelling of the tale "The Return of the Prodigal Parrot"
That evening, Vovka was preparing his lessons, and some detective was watching Kesha on TV. The loud sound of the TV prevented Vovka from concentrating. He tried to put a hat with earflaps on his head, but the mischievous Kesha added a sound.
Vovka walked over to the TV and lowered the volume. Kesha added. Vovka turned off the TV, saying that he had a test tomorrow.
Kesha became indignant and fainted. He moaned that he was ill and asked for water. Vovka filled his mouth with water and splashed Kesha.
This finally pissed off the parrot, and he jumped off the balcony upside down.
Having flown so several floors, Kesha spread his wings and made a circle. He looked around. All around were identical houses with hundreds of identical windows. The parrot had absolutely no idea from which balcony he had fallen and how to find his way back.
Meanwhile the night had come. Kesha was sitting on a branch frowning and lonely.
In the morning the yard began to come to life. A fat cat came out of the entrance, sparrows jumped near him, a crow fashionista admired her reflection.
Hungry Kesha, homesick, began to sing the song "Parental House". He did a very soulful, and when he finished, there was applause. Pieces of biscuits and fruit fell at Kesha's feet.
Kesha perked up and began to tell funny monologues.
But time passed, autumn approached. Kesha's monotonous performances soon got tired of the inhabitants of the yard, and the parrot had to find it more and more difficult to get his own food. The fat cat openly laughed at Tahiti, saying that he was well fed here too.
Hunger set in, followed by cold. The yard was covered with snow.
Kesha with a small sparrow hid under a straw hat, the two of them were warmer.
Once, Kesha snooped around the balconies in search of food and suddenly saw Vovka in one of the windows. He sat at the table and did his homework. And a puppy was sitting next to him.
The puppy saw Kesha and rushed to the window barking. Vovka looked around, and soon Kesha flew into the open window and fell into the boy's warm embrace.
And after a while, Kesha again watched TV loudly, and did not listen to Vovka's objections. He was incorrigible.
