How to lap dance for your husband. The stripper performed a private dance for the birthday boy in front of relatives and children

How often have you thought about what would be nice to master? Almost everything now offers stripper training. dance studios and schools. But until now, many girls think that organizing an unforgettable evening for a beloved man does not necessarily involve resorting to the help of instructors. Indeed, now there are many videos that can help, but some nuances remain behind the scenes, and if you do not take them into account, then the evening can be irretrievably ruined.

What should be considered in preparation?

Learning private dance helps to clearly understand the entire structure of the dance composition: from the choice of music and costume to a clear sequence of movements. Even the most insignificant gestures, made at the wrong time, can spoil the whole impression, and then all the mystery and eroticism can turn into a farce or a parody.

There are no unimportant trifles in a private dance, everything must be taken into account to the smallest detail: light, smell, size of the space, location of the man, comfort and appropriateness of clothing. All these components are very important and play an important role. If you don't have dance experience, you'd better contact an instructor to give you smooth and precise movements, otherwise abrupt and inept gestures will look comical or even lead to injury.

Separately, it is worth touching on the topic of heels. Those girls who easily walk in Everyday life wearing high heels, can pick up a dance using them. But if you prefer ballet flats or sneakers, additional preparation is simply necessary for you. Or dance completely barefoot, men also like this option.

What is a private dance?

Remember that you should not immediately get close and start physical contact. At first, create some kind of mystery, evoke some pleasant memories with the help of music or objects, try to create an atmosphere of relaxation and intrigue at the same time.

Then rapprochement is possible - movements on the knees, stroking the arms, shoulders, neck. Do it slowly, erotically, gradually exciting your partner.

After that, move on to movements in the stalls, on the floor, where you gradually finish the performance. Follow the music and be sure to leave at the end to make it look more complete and professional.

These are not all the nuances that you should know about. And only you decide whether you need to go to private dance training in Moscow. There are the most different variants training - group classes, individual, in studios, sports clubs and fitness centers. Our offers individual sessions in a pleasant environment with a personal instructor, including professional dance production in an accelerated mode. We love to give beauty!

Private dance not so simple - in order to turn a man's head and bring him to insanity, you will have to follow all the "rules of the game" and provide for many subtleties of an erotic dance. But ... the result is worth it!

Many women know that a lap dance for a husband can strengthen family relationships and make them more sensual, romantic. But how to prepare such a gift for your loved one?

Lap Dance or Lap Dance- this is in most cases stripplasty on the partner's lap. This is an element of strip plastics, one of its varieties. And to learn this is not difficult, but rather interesting and exciting! In addition, for the benefit of their own health and body.


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When passion attacks you and your beloved, then, of course, you rip off each other's clothes and indulge in love right on a dog rug or some other unsightly place. But how is it all ordinary, just to the point of nausea. Why not diversify the noble impulses of passion? Why not give your husband a lap dance? And you won't have to buy any poles. You can get by with simple improvised cheap means. But for starters...

Without internal emancipation, a private dance will turn into a pitiful awkward clowning. Of course, alcohol can help here, but if you are cold to him, then you will have to do self-hypnosis - stand in front of the mirror, stroke yourself and suggest that you are the goddess of body movements, true queen bacchanalia.

Create the right atmosphere

Without the atmosphere, the dance will not find a proper response in you or in the beloved.

Location selection

Start with the room. Which one to choose? It's hard to say, but definitely more spacious. All unnecessary from the room will have to be removed.


You will need a couple of chairs, naturally with a high back. One, of course, for her husband - you will defile around him, right? You can’t do without a chair either - it will help you not to fall off when you slowly undress.


Declare a temporary war on Ilyich's light bulbs and all energy-saving technologies, and proclaim the world to romantic candles and the mysterious play of light and shadow. You can also hang a shawl with a scarf on table and wall lamps - this will add romance, a charming twilight will reign in the room. Floor lamps and garlands will also perfectly fit into the exciting atmosphere of temptation.


They should also be special, so don't feel sorry for your favorite perfume and fumigate the room with aromatic incense.


She loosens up a lot. Without beautiful music it will surely be difficult for you. Pick something to match the lap dance. It can be, for example, Kylie Minogue's relatively simple song "Chocolate" or Madonna's full of passion and very exciting composition "Justify my love". If you don’t want to rack your brains, then just turn on the classics of the genre - Joe Cocker’s song “You can leave your hat on”. The choice is yours. The main thing is to catch the rhythm, become one with it.

Have you decided on the atmosphere? Well done. Now dress up. You can put on a nightgown that is usual for home conditions or create a unique image of a teacher or student girl. In any case, the choice is yours. You can also put on work overalls - the main thing is that you feel comfortable in it, and your husband gets such an “outfit”.

Easy-to-remove outfit

Pick up clothes that are easy to get rid of - dance is a dynamic thing, you have to take everything off deftly and quickly. Men's shirts or a jacket are considered classics for intimate movements. So don't use the same jeans. Although a button-down shirt and a pencil skirt are fine, they are much easier to take off quickly.

Choice of underwear

The most important element of strip clothing is, of course, underwear. Try to create a "composition" so that the bra matches the panties, creating a whole image. By the way, panties "tanga" and tights for such an "event" fit almost perfectly. High-heeled shoes are another classic of the strip genre. But if you're not sure you can keep your balance in them, don't wear them.


When you’re too lazy to create something like that, then at least don’t be too lazy to make a “mess” on your head - tousle your hair so that it looks like after a rough sex or a sound sleep. It would also be nice if the head was wet and shiny, and the guy wanted to stroke you.

Pick up teasing accessories

You have a wide choice here:

    For example, you can take a scarf, a ribbon, or (for especially riotous) handcuffs to tie your husband's hands, and he would not be tempted to drag you into bed before the end of the dance or try to masturbate. There is a time for everything - let him suffer, deserve the main prize with his long-suffering.

    You can also take a pen (they sell them in bulk in a sex shop) to tickle your lover or move it around your body while sitting on a chair.

    A tie is another excellent accessory. “Clamp” him with it, drag him towards you, pierce him with a passionate look and let go sharply.

    If you like to satisfy yourself, then, of course, a "dildo" will also come in handy.

You are the forbidden fruit. The one that is sweet. The husband should be excited, but not to receive discharge! That's the whole point, after all, to bring his excitement to the limit, to wake up a real beast in him!

    Immediately explain to him - you look at me, you get inflamed, but touch - no, no! By the way, you also need to touch him in moderation, and you certainly don’t need to pull your beloved’s cock.

    Gently stroke, pinch and smack him on the cheek or neck, whisper something in his ear and run your hand through his hair, but nothing more.

And be sure to throw seductive playful glances towards your man. Try not to lose eye contact with him.

By the way, it does not hurt to get acquainted with that.

Pretend you're a model and defeel like you're on the runway. Place your hands on your hips and walk with your head held high, back straight and chest forward. As you do so, swing your hips, place one leg as straight as possible in front of the other, and try to exude confidence.

How to undress

    Do not take off more than one piece of clothing at a time. Start at the top and work your way down: first you take off your glasses (if you are a teacher) and let your hair down, then you start pulling off your skirt, then your bra, tights, panties, in that order.

    Do not forget - the purpose of a private dance is to tease, so you should not just take off your clothes, but first hint that you are going to do it - for example, unfasten one button, or zipper, and not just take everything off right away. Run your hand over your dress, and only then begin to pull it off. Pull the panties a couple of times, lower them down and only then take them off completely.

    Try to make the clothes fall freely on the floor at the end, and you can just get off without bending over.

Basic steps during the dance

You don’t need to learn any complicated choreographic figures at all, but you still need to know the most elementary rules of beautiful and seductive body movements, their sequence:

    At the beginning of the "warm up" just move your hips and dance.

    After removing each item of clothing, approach your husband with a defiling step, but immediately move away from him.

    A couple of times you can gently lower yourself to the floor and bend forward on your knees like a cat.

Suppose you have already passed the first “simple” stage of the dance, took off your outer clothing and proceeded to the main “dish” - taking off underwear. So:

    Grasp the back of a chair, lean forward very slowly so that your seductive ass is in the field of view of your beloved.

    Put your foot on a chair and slowly lower one stocking, and then the second.

    Without getting up from the chair, finally get rid of the stockings.

    Turn your back on your husband and unfasten your bra, lower his straps.

    Turn to your beloved face. Keep your hands on the bra, as if not letting it fall.

    Start moving your hips before letting go of the bra.

    Stand with your back to your husband again, spread your legs wide and start taking off your panties.

    Turn sharply so that the panties fall to the ankles.

    Lift one leg and free it from the panties, and the other toss them to the side.

During the dance, constantly move your hands, passionately move them over your body - as if it were not you, but your loved one.

It’s better to go to a specific private on your “knees” when you have almost completely undressed, left in your panties. Before that, just sit on your beloved for a couple of moments, rub your ass, but immediately get up and return to your chair:

    Come to your beloved, “saddle”, wrap your arms around his head, and lower your hair over your face.

    Pull sharply towards you so that he buries his face into your chest. Let him kiss her, but don't let him touch her.

    Rub on your beloved, jump on him, cuddle him - in general, do whatever you want, but don’t let him touch you too much.

Actually, this is where the dance ends. “Cherry on the cake” for your loved one can be oral sex - in the “bar” striptease, they usually dance and decorate it. But in the "home" version, the scope for imagination is much wider.

How long does the dance go on

Not long - 10 minutes maximum. It is better to limit yourself to 7-8 minutes. Do not forget that you have passionate sex ahead of you. If the dance is too long, then your man can “burn out”, get too excited and “cool down” prematurely.

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A birthday surprise will be remembered for a long time. Relatives gave young man striptease, which the dancer performed in front of the children for 3,000 rubles. Video with a private dance posted on the Web by the customers themselves. "Adult" dance gave Jan to her 20-year-old brother Dmitry Puklitsky.

Be strong as a bulldozer and healthy as a free lion. And take fate as a trump card, having overcome all obstacles. Be smiling like a luminary, but serious like a minister. Be pleasant, kind, sweet, in a word - sharp, in action - fast, - wrote Yana Puklitskaya, attaching a video with a stripper.

Netizens were attracted by an unusual story. A traitor sits in the center of the room, a stripper dressed as a police officer dances next to him, and small children run around. The girl strips down to her underwear, and relatives advise the young man not to be shy. The dancer, gradually undressing, sits on her knees to the birthday man and undresses him to his underwear, reports "".

The scandal around the video erupted in the group of the social network "VKontakte" Kursk beau monde". Community members were outraged by the fact that adults allowed a striptease in front of a child. Concerned citizens offered to send the video to the guardianship authorities.

Anton / VKontakte:

It's just beyond my understanding. Why didn't they order a prostitute? And under the enthusiastic cries of the family, under the light of the lights of the mother's phone, sitting on a chair, admiring the gift, the guy with the prostitute would light it up. Then the whole family would definitely become guests of some talk show. What happened to us all?

Olga / VKontakte:

Idiots… there was enough money for a stripper, but not for separate apartments. The presence of a child with all this, immoralism, speaks of the mental health of adults in this family. Sadly…

Elina / VKontakte:

Everything is in the best scattered traditions - a cluttered interior, a colorful carpet, a fat woman in slippers and a dressing gown, a miserable striptease among children's toys and a child running around the apartment watching all this trash. It was a wonderful family holiday))

Anna / VKontakte:

Well, in the sense that Nizhny Novgorod we can’t beat the sound of Nirvana (if you know what I mean), which means that Kursk still has to work and work in this direction so that each of us can proudly say “yeah, this is my city!”.

In principle, it seemed strange to me that the dance would be in the apartment. I always warn customers that my shows are for people over 18. And parents themselves decide whether to remove children or not. This, however, is the first time in my practice. I am a guest artist and these people are unfamiliar to me, - the stripper tells Media city.

Meanwhile, law enforcement officers have already become interested in the video. An investigation has been organized,
