Colleagues! In this forum we discuss and offer interactive methods in museum pedagogy! Excursion to the school museum "a suitcase of memory" The museum in a suitcase is the history of the appearance of the epistolary genre.

Scenario uh excursions

"Museum in a suitcase"

Completed by: Ivanova Margarita Petrovna,

Chuvash language teacher

MBOU "Secondary School No. 57", Cheboksary

Table of contents

I. Introduction ……………………………………………………………………….. page 2

II. Main body ……………………………………………………………… page 3-8

1. Development of the excursion "Museum in a Suitcase"

III. Conclusion …………………………………………………………………… page 9

IV. References ………………………………………………………….. page 10

V. Annex ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


Recently, improving work with exhibits and sightseers, museums are actively using a variety of innovative technologies, attracting the participation of visitors (theatrical performances, intellectual and role-playing games, immersion in the historical atmosphere, integrated lessons, museum holidays, etc.)

But the usual exhibits in the racks do not arouse due interest among the guys, so we faced the question, something needs to be changed?One of the interactive forms of working with museum objects, documents and materials is the "museum in a suitcase", which today has begun to be actively introduced into practice.The council of the museum of our school also settled on the development of the Museum in a Suitcase project:"Let's not forget the past." SuchThe museum offers a new form of acquaintance with the history of the native land. The guide invites you to look into the "magic suitcase" and learn about the riches of our region.Why are we doing this? We have set ourselves such goals and objectives.

Purpose of the event: expand, enrich, systematize and consolidate children's knowledge about their native land, its history,instill in students an interest in household items of their people; cultivate a sense of pride in their people.

Tasks: to introduce the life and household items of the Chuvash people, to expand and deepen the knowledge of children about the history of their native land, the Chuvash people;

develop logical thinking, curiosity, the ability to conduct a comparative analysis;

to cultivate love for the native land, respect for our ancestors, pride in their people;

to involve pupils of kindergartens, pupils of schools in activity of a museum.

Also"Museum in a suitcase", as a portable or mobile, due to its mobility is actively used for organizing traveling exhibitions, conducting classes in remote areas, educational institutions.

    Main part

Excursion "Museum in a suitcase"

(script of a theatrical tour for children aged 5-11)

Characters: grandmother - Keeper, granddaughter, brownie Fuka (manager Hukka).

Equipment: a computer, a projector, a projection screen, speakers, a mock-up made of cardboard “Village stove”.

Items:a suitcase, an iron, a rubel and a roll, bast shoes, a pot, a cast-iron pot, a tong, a frying pan, a paper roll with the inscription: “Sit next to the bench. I am sitting with you, I will guess riddles for you, whoever I see is smarter.

The course of the excursion

(Grandmother - Keeper and granddaughter enter).

Keeper: Good afternoon, dear guys, my granddaughter and I are glad to see you. Today we have an unusual meeting, we came to you from the school ethnographic museum and with unusual surprises. Guess my riddle:

Puzat grandfather Alendey

Swallowed things.

What is this? (slide 2 ).

Look, please, what is it? Where did you see such an item? This is the item in our museum.(points to suitcase).

Guys, this suitcase is magical! Magic items are stored there.

Do you want to know what is hidden in this suitcase today?(children's answers).

Keeper: This suitcase is not easy, it is magical, it was given to me by my grandmother, and to her by her grandmother. A suitcase is a portable bag that has a rectangular shape, used for storing and transporting various things.

Today it contains things that “got lost” in the hut, accidentally got into a suitcase and now they don’t know who they are and why people need them.

From distant antiquity

These things have come to us.

If you take them in your hands

And look, you'll understand

What are they needed for.

How useful and important

Man used to be

What a service they did.

Can you help me put things back in their place? (Answers of children).

That's good, that's fine. If you open the suitcase, things will talk about themselves. But someone who knows how old Cheboksary will be in 2019 will be able to open it.

Granddaughter: I know that the city of Cheboksary was founded in 1469, so the city will be 550 years old in 2019. (slide 4) (music intro of the Chuvash song "Ilemlĕ, ilemlĕ").

Oh, With look at the suitcase, it invites you to come... I see some kind of bundle here, let's unfold it (unfolds the bundle) (slide 5).

Keeper: Well, what did the suitcase intend to surprise us with? ? Read it, granddaughter, I have already become blind, I can’t make out - the letters are floating ...

Granddaughter: Okay grandma... (reads the note).

"To find out what I'm hiding, you will need to solve riddles..." (shakes head in surprise) ) Yeah...

Keeper: Hmm ... Well, a suitcase, well, a sly one!

Granddaughter: Shall we guess? (asks the children) Okay, listen ... (slide 6).

In a linen country;

On the river sheet

The steamboat is sailing

Back, then forward

And behind him such a smooth surface,

Not a wrinkle to be seen.

(listens, coughing, sneezing)

Guys, do you hear someone puffing, sneezing, coughing ...?

Oh guys, hush, hush...

I hear someone's steps here!

I hear the music is playing

Someone is in a hurry to visit us.

(Everyone listens. The fairy-tale hero Brownie Fuka crawls out from behind the stove ( Administration of Hukka )

Keeper: Guys, do you know who this is?

Hukka: I'm a brownie, my name is Hukka. And the riddle is simple: the iron is (pulls iron out of suitcase) (slide 7-8).

Granddaughter: Yes, Hukka, that's right... iron. Wait, what are you doing behind the stove?

Hukka: What, what... I collect coal.

Granddaughter: What do you need coal for, Hukka?

Hukka: Laughs. What kind of people went, they do not understand at all what coal is for.

Keeper: Guys, do you know what coal is for?

Keeper: Hukka, tell us what you need coal for.

Hukka: Well, how! You came to visit me, in the hut. I wanted to give you a present. Give you a handkerchief. But the handkerchief did not have time to stroke. Now I'll pick up the coals, put them in the iron and iron them. Note that the top of the iron can be opened.

(Hukka demonstrates how to lay and iron…)

Keeper: Hukka, can the guys and I look at your iron?

Hukka: Of course you can. Just don't drop it, it's very heavy for me.

( Children carefully examine the object, try to pick it up, etc.)

“When I was younger, I had a different iron. Sheer torment ... It used to be that you wash clothes, dry them a little, and then wrap them around this stick and iron them with a rubel ... ”(slide 9).

In the old days, an iron was not cheap and was often not just a household appliance, but also a sign of wealth, family well-being, an element of luxury. The iron in the house was placed in a prominent place, on an embroidered or lace napkin next to the samovar, and was proudly shown to all guests. With this in mind, the craftsmen tried to make irons elegant and beautiful, decorating them with figures of animals, birds, and floral ornaments. Irons were inherited from mother to daughter, and sometimes served as a strong argument in matchmaking. “Go marry him, daughter, don’t be stubborn, because there is an iron in this house,” the mother instructed her daughter ...

Hukka: Listen to another one of my riddles:

“A leaky trough is twisted from a linden,

Closed during the day and open at night.

He goes to the forest - he lays cages,

From the forest comes - shifts "

What is this?

Granddaughter: This is the same bast. Bast shoes are everyday shoes of peasants made of bast.

(slide 10).

Hukka: That's right, it's bast shoes. And how exactly it is noticed that they are similar - then they are in the trough! In ingenuity and observation you will not refuse our ancestors! The sole of the bast shoes was called the back, the front part - the head, the ears were called the ropes holding the bast shoes on the leg. During the day, bast shoes on a person’s feet, which means they are locked. At night they were taken off their feet - so they are open. The trace of bast shoes is similar to cells. In the forest, the cells are directed in one direction, and from the forest in the opposite direction. These amazing shoes were worn by our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers in the old days. You could buy it at the fair, but in every family, men had to be able to weave bast shoes, and boys were taught this craft from the age of 6. And they wove bast shoes from bast. Lyko are strips of linden or birch bark. these are the loops in which they were threaded ... "And next to it lies kalăp (Appendix 5), form for bast shoes. They used it when weaving bast shoes.

Granddaughter: Listen to another riddle.

"I was dug, I was trampled,

Was at the fire, was at the market.

How much strength he had, he fed the whole family.

He endured - did not eat anything.

He became old, began to swaddle.

And as he fell, so he disappeared.

They threw it out the window, and the dogs don’t need it ... ”(slide 11).

Granddaughter:"And what were the pots made of?" (children's answers).

Hukka:“That’s right, clay. First, the clay had to be dug up, then kneaded. Clay was crushed or trampled underfoot, and then a pot was made on a potter's wheel - kruzhal, fired in a kiln, then sold at the bazaar. For the family, the pot was an essential item. Shchi, porridge, and any other tasty dish were cooked in it. Right in the pot, the dish was served on the table ... When the pot became old and gave the first cracks, it was wrapped with birch bark strips, and it continued to serve people (slide 12). True, it was no longer put in the oven. Well, if it fell and broke, then the shards were thrown out the window .

Keeper:And you know, granddaughter the pot has a twin brother who has never fought.

Narrow at the bottom, wide at the top

not a saucepan...

Was at the market

found himself in a fire.

Not afraid of fire

porridge languishes in it (slide 13-14).

Granddaughter: I don't know. Maybe the children will help (children's answers).

Hukka:I can tell it's cast iron.

Keeper: Yes. This is a cast iron. It, like the pot, was indispensable in the household, but it is heavier in weight, because it is made of cast iron, a special type of metal that did not break andwithstand even the highest temperatures. In himovens cooked both cabbage soup and porridge.

Granddaughter: But how did they get it out of the oven with bare hands?

Keeper: You can't go into the oven with your bare hands. There were special oven tools for this. This is a grip or a horn.(slide 14).The hostess put both a pot and a cast-iron in the oven. The object is named according to its function: literally - “that with which they grasp, take.If cast irons were placed in the oven and lifted with a stag grip, then frying pans - with a special hook on a long handle - a frying pan.


This is how things lived - were

And they served their masters.

And now they're in the museum

For us to look at them

And proud of the old

Just like me and you and me...



But now it's time to part.

Goodbye, goodbye!


In the course of the project work, we learned a lot of interesting things about our native land, got acquainted with the life and household items of the Chuvash people. The mini-museum "We do not forget the antiquity" plays an important role in the education of students, it teaches them to love their native land, to remember their ancestors. We can all proudly say that there is no future without a past.

We also conducted this tour with the guides in front of primary school students. They enjoyed the tour very much. I think that the goals and objectives have been met.

References and Internet resources

1. "Riddles about household items".


Annex 1

Presentation "Museum in a suitcase": "We do not forget the antiquity."

Annex 2


1. In what year was our city of Cheboksary mentioned for the first time?


2. Why was a suitcase used in everyday life?

( A suitcase is a portable bag that has a rectangular shape, used for storing and transporting various things.)

3. Why were irons called coal?

(coals were laid for heating)

4. What items were used for ironing clothes before the advent of irons?

(valek and rubel)

5. Since how many years have boys been taught to weave bast shoes?

(from 6 years old)

6. What is the difference between pots and cast iron?

(production material)

7. What is the grip for?

(for moving pots and cast irons in the furnace)

"The need for inventions is cunning." This proverb is more than ever suitable for teachers whose ardor and desire to work “to the fullest” do not diverge from the case. So it happened in our secondary school named after Alexander Nevsky. Despite the fact that the school has had a wonderful museum "Sons of the Fatherland" for 20 years, consisting of two halls - Alexander and Kavalersky, creative and extraordinary teachers managed to realize the old dream of creating a mobile museum - "Museum in a Suitcase". The difference between such a museum and a stationary one is that the exhibits can not only be looked at, but also touched, and even tried on. This increases the interest of students, especially elementary school students in the subjects studied. The idea is to be able to quickly deploy a mobile exhibition in which you can manipulate museum objects, which is very important for children, as they explore the world actively and practically.

Such a suitcase ended up on the mezzanine of one of our teachers. The special value of this suitcase turned out to be that it was produced in 1978 at the Ust-Plywood Plant, next to which our school is located. Here is the story for you! And then the work began to boil! The first thing that came to mind was the creation of an exposition dedicated to the Second World War and to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. By common efforts, they collected items, one way or another connected with the soldier's combat everyday life. This is an army bowler hat with a flask, a soldier's duffel bag, a vest and a jacket, a cap and a soldier's letter - a triangle. On such an excursion-project, the children also learned about what military songs helped people not only survive, but also win.



"The need for inventions is cunning." This proverb is more than ever suitable for teachers whose ardor and desire to work “to the fullest” do not diverge from the case. So it happened in our secondary school named after Alexander Nevsky. Despite the fact that the school has had a wonderful museum "Sons of the Fatherland" for 20 years, consisting of two halls - Alexander and Kavalersky, creative and extraordinary teachers managed to realize the old dream of creating a mobile museum - "Museum in a Suitcase". The difference between such a museum and a stationary one is that the exhibits can not only be looked at, but also touched, and even tried on. This increases the interest of students, especially elementary school students in the subjects studied. The idea is to be able to quickly deploy a mobile exhibition in which you can manipulate museum objects, which is very important for children, as they explore the world actively and practically.It all started with a wonderful poem by Tatyana Lavrova "Ode on an old suitcase"

Somewhere in the far corner of the mezzanine

Leatherette, covered with dust,

Suitcase shabby, forgotten.

It contains fragments of stories.

Such a suitcase ended up on the mezzanine of one of our teachers. The special value of this suitcase turned out to be that it was produced in 1978 at the Ust-Plywood Plant, next to which our school is located. Here is the story for you! And then the work began to boil! The first thing that came to mind was the creation of an exposition dedicated to the Second World War and to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory. By common efforts, they collected items, one way or another connected with the soldier's combat everyday life. This is an army bowler hat with a flask, a soldier's duffel bag, a vest and a jacket, a cap and a soldier's letter - a triangle. On such an excursion-project, the children also learned about what military songs helped people not only survive, but also win.

Considering this new form of museum work, it should be noted that the “Museum in a suitcase” can be used in two versions: “Museum in a suitcase” from a museum (when the objects of a museum are taken out of its borders); "Museum in a suitcase" for a museum (when rare items are collected in suitcases for a particular museum, organizing exhibitions and then returning them to their owners). "Museum in a suitcase", as a portable or mobile, due to its mobility can be used to organize outdoor exhibitions, conduct classes in remote areas, different cities, educational institutions, kindergartens and is available to the widest segments of the population. This form of museum work allows solving a number of research, educational and socially significant tasks facing modern museums.

Project "Museum in a Suitcase",

dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory

The goals of the project are to assist in the civil-patriotic and moral education of students.

Lesson progress:

I Org. moment

II Motivation of educational activity of students.

An unusual project called "Museum in a Suitcase" starts today. This is an unusual mobile museum, which we will not only look into, but also get acquainted with its exhibits. The peculiarity of our museum is that it will move from class to class, and its exhibits can be touched and even tried on. Today's exposition is dedicated to the Second World War.

III Actualization of knowledge.

  1. Army duffel bagwith which once the soldiers went through more than one combat battle - a very simple, but at the same time very functional piece of ammunition. In appearance, the duffel bag resembles a shapeless backpack made of dense khaki fabric. The design of the duffel bag was developed for the imperial army of Russia, and to this day its model has not changed, it is the same as it was in 1800-1917. Later it was used by soldiers and officers of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War. The simplicity and speed of manufacturing this duffel bag made it possible to fully equip the army. The neck of the bag closes with straps.
  2. Considering the uniform of the sailors of different fleets, you notice that they all have one common detail - a striped vest . How did she appear in the Navy and why is she striped? The word "vest" comes from the word "vest", an undershirt for a "naked" body. The history of the vest is fascinating. The blue-and-white striped robe became part of the uniform of the English military sailors in the middle of the 18th century, when the fleet was still sailing. The sailor climbing the mast was perfectly seen by other members of the crew, but the enemy approaching from afar barely distinguished him - the sailor merged with the white sail and the blue sky. By the way, Russian sailors have been wearing vests since 1860.
  3. The decoration of the shirt of the naval suit is a large collar blue with three white stripes around the edge. The history of its origin is very curious. In the old days, sailors were required to wear powdered wigs and oiled horsehair braids. Pigtails soiled the robe, and the sailors were punished for this, so they came up with the idea of ​​hanging a flap under the pigtail. Pigtails are no longer worn in the Navy, and the flap has turned into a blue collar, reminding us of the old days. The function of the stripes: it is widely believed that they were introduced in memory of three victories of the Russian fleet: at Gangut in 1714, Chesma in 1770 and Sinop in 1853. But it turns out that this is nothing more than a beautiful and highly patriotic legend. Actually, this is the story. Peter I had three squadrons in the fleet. The first squadron had one white stripe on the collars. The second has two, and the third, especially close to Peter, has three strips. Thus, the three stripes began to mean a special proximity to Peter of the fleet guards. A shaped collar is also called a guis.
  4. Ceremonial officer cap -the word cap comes from the word "pilot" and previously belonged to the pilots. Similar caps were worn by pilots during aircraft maintenance. They protected the heads from falling dirt and oil. Later caps became an integral part of the sailors' uniform.
  5. Army bowler hat- convenient, lightweight, oval shape, which allows you to compactly place the bowler hat in a duffel bag. The soldier's bowler hat is used for cooking on fire, as well as for its storage and transportation. It is a container with an oval bottom profile, concave on one side. The lid can be used as a frying pan for heating food in it and as a plate or mug. The kettle is equipped with a handle for hanging and carrying on a belt or backpack, the lid closes with a latch. Made of food aluminum and painted in khaki color. When distributing food in the field (cooked in a field kitchen), the cook pours the first dish into the pot itself, and puts the second dish and a ration of bread into the lid.
  6. The next exhibit of our museum is unusual. This is a gas mask. He defended the war against chemical toxic substances used during hostilities. Mass chemical weapons were not used during World War II. Researchers speak only of a couple of small episodes. There are many reasons for this. Poisonous substances were not used because the use of gases was not highly effective: at that time there were a lot of means of protection against chemical attack, since the mass production of gas masks began in 1941. Filling the same bombs and shells with OM, and in large quantities, the troops lowered their combat power.During the release of poisonous gases, there must be favorable weather conditions.And this, in turn, can cause difficulties, because the attack must be carried out at a certain time and in a certain direction, and not when the necessary weather conditions are created. The combat use of OM could not disable military equipment, but only killed people.Other weapons were also capable of disabling equipment, and were effective against people, i.e. was universal compared to chemical.In addition, the main goal of the battle is not to kill as many people as possible, but to submit to the will of the enemy. Chemical weapons "did not work" in this direction. After the release of toxic substances, the advancement of own troops becomes difficult, and the territory is polluted. But later the Germans were going to populate the conquered territories. especially did not want to poison their native land.
  7. Today, in our exposition, we remember not only those who died on the battlefields, but also those who lived and survived in the besieged city. These are the children of besieged Leningrad. From my memories ... I remember how my mother, when she was still walking, putting three slices of bread on the table, cut each of them into three parts and said: "This is breakfast, this is lunch, this is dinner." The pieces were small, and when they were divided into three parts, they became quite tiny. Mom taught me that bread should not be bitten off, it should be pinched off crumbs, put in the mouth and not swallowed right away, but sucked. Now I think that she thought that this was how she felt full. Breakfast, lunch and dinner took place at a strictly defined time, the expectation of which, probably, was the meaning of my entire childhood life. From this habit - to pinch off pieces and put them in my mouth, and not bite off bread - I could not wean for a very long time, for many years. And even now, in my opinion, I have not got rid of it completely. Sometimes, when I have bread in my hands, and I suddenly think deeply about something, I catch myself pinching off tiny pieces, mechanically putting them in my mouth and sucking ... "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad" is awarded to those who lived for at least four months in Leningrad during the periodblockade (With 8 September 1941 By January 27 1944 ). Round brass medal with a diameter of 27.0 mm; on the front side - an image of a broken ring against the background of the Main Admiralty, a tongue of flame, a laurel branch and the inscription "900 days - 900 nights"; on the back -hammer and sickle and the inscription "Inhabitant of besieged Leningrad". Rectangular metal block, enameled in the color of the ribbonmedals "For the Defense of Leningrad" .
  8. During the war, there was a field mail for the transfer of "soldier's triangles" to their relatives, and it was free for everyone. Field letters were written, as a rule, in moments of calm on sheets of paper from an ordinary notebook, most often with an indelible pencil moistened with saliva, on their knees, on a stump, in the light of a torch or moon. The text was written from the heart and with the news that the soldier is all right, that he is alive. Written letters were folded according to a simple scheme into a "soldier's triangle", they indicated the destination address, instead of the return address - the number of the military unit, or the number of the field mail. Further, all letters in canvas bags were sent on a passing transport to the rear. All field letters were read by military censors, so it was forbidden to seal them. Letters did not always reach the addressee, so they were written very often. According to statistics, only one out of ten letters written by soldiers per day reached their relatives. To receive a soldier's "triangle" was a great happiness. But people from the front were afraid to receive letters in envelopes, since they sent funerals or notices that someone was missing. There were few people who wanted to work as postmen, because it was necessary to bring people both good and bad news in envelopes. Field letters during the Great Patriotic War inspired hope for victory, for a long-awaited meeting with loved ones. In many families, such front-line triangles are still kept and re-read many times.
  9. And we end our exposition with such a simple, but very symbolic object - a blue handkerchief. Can you guess what this subject has to do with the Second World War? “Already from the first days of the war, it became clear that next to the forged lines “There is a people’s war, a holy war” in the soldier’s heart, the quiet lyrical words of the song “A modest blue handkerchief” glimmer. And so it was. Moreover, in the soldiers' trenches and dugouts, in short moments of rest, they sang not only the former pre-war version of the Blue Handkerchief. (video use)

Little blue handkerchief

Fell from slumped shoulders.

You said,

What you won't forget

Affectionate, joyful meetings.

Sometimes nocturnal

We said goodbye to you.

No previous nights

Where are you, handkerchief,

Dear, desirable, dear? ..

And at the front, Claudia Shulzhenko sang amazingly sincerely about the blue handkerchief. But more and more often she was tormented by a feeling: not those words ... At the beginning of April forty-two, in the last days of the existence of the Road of Life (cars were already moving on melt water), the singer and her musicians came from besieged Leningrad to Volkhov. After the concert, she met Lieutenant Mikhail Maksimov, an employee of the newspaper of the 54th Army of the Volkhov Front "Into the Decisive Battle". Upon learning that her interlocutor was writing poetry, she asked: “Maybe add up the new words of the Blue Handkerchief? The song is very popular among the people, but today other verses are required - about our battle with fascism. And here is the combat mission: to write new words to an old melody. The poems were born on the night of April 8-9, and on the 12th Klavdiya Shulzhenko sang for the first time in the railway depot of the Volkhov station:

I remember how on a memorable evening

Your handkerchief fell from your shoulders,

How did you see off

And promised

Save the blue handkerchief.

And let me

Today there is no beloved, dear,

I know with love

You to the head

Hiding a handkerchief dear.

The success exceeded all expectations: both the singer and the poet were awarded an unheard-of gift at that time - a piece of cake and a glass of cranberries.

Soon the text of the song was published by many front-line newspapers. "The Blue Handkerchief" appeared on a postcard, sounded from a gramophone record. Not a single performance of Shulzhenko could do without him ...

receiving your letters,

And between the lines

blue scarf

Stands in front of me again.

And often in battle

Your image guides me.

I feel close

Loving look

You are always with me.

Somehow, after a concert in the 4th Guards Fighter Regiment of the Air Force of the Red Banner Baltic Fleet, the pilot, Guards Captain Vasily Golubev, said to the singer: “Bow for your art, for soulful songs ... Your Blue Handkerchief, Klavdia Ivanovna, will be with us in all battles, and we will dedicate the very first "Junkers" or "Messer" shot down by us to you. The artist did not have to wait long: the next day, Golubev set fire to a fascist vulture. And again, a van with a front-line concert brigade, which had seen a lot, arrived at the location of the aviation unit, and the “Blue Handkerchief” sounded again, as many as five times!

How many cherished handkerchiefs

We carry in overcoats with us ...

tender words,

girlish shoulders

We remember in the battlefield.

For them, relatives,

Desired, beloved such,

Scribbling machine gunner -

For a blue handkerchief

What was on the shoulders of dear ones!

IV Initial check of understanding

And now I will ask a few questions and check how carefully you listened to the tour.

1. Were gas masks used during the Second World War and why?

2. What is the name of a sailor's undershirt? Why is she striped?

3. Why was the soldier's letter not sealed in an envelope?

4.What is guis? Remember the history of its appearance.

Scenario of the excursion to the school museum. "Suitcase of memory" Purpose: Expansion of schoolchildren's knowledge of the history of the Fatherland through poetry and museum work. Tasks: to acquaint children with the items of soldier's life; educate patriotism and respect for the older generation; to develop the aesthetic education of children through the emotional perception of the presented objects and events. Equipment: an old suitcase, a soldier's flask, a bowler hat, a copy of the triangle letter from the front, a soldier's belt. Teacher Poem "SUITCASE" Simonov K. M. How much a shabby suitcase can Tell us about its owner, Where he has been and how he lives his life, Is he heavy or easy to lift! We went on the road in our youth, Our suitcase is barely a third full, But as soon as we get a little older, It begins to swell little by little. We protect it more and more tenderly, We are overgrown with the second and third, We have no time to look out the window for a long time, We just need to keep track of the luggage. Pillars whistle, years and dates fly by. Alien faces, with a badge on their chests, Groaning, they drag behind us behind us Our belongings, which once weighed so little. Poems by Tatyana Lavrova "Ode on an old suitcase" Somewhere in the far corner of the mezzanine Leatherette, covered with dust, A shabby, forgotten suitcase. It contains fragments of stories. Today we will try to imagine the life of a simple soldier. And an old, shabby, but not a simple suitcase, but a “memory suitcase” will help us in this. The teacher asks a leading question so that the children understand what subject will be discussed: “Every soldier and officer had this item, they couldn’t do without it, but sometimes they used it only once a day and very rarely as it should be - three times a day” . What is this? In case the guys did not guess correctly, we give a second hint: “Using this item, the soldier gained strength, ate his fill”

The students are the bowler hat. Teacher The army bowler hat is comfortable, lightweight, oval in shape, which allows you to compactly place the bowler hat in a duffel bag. The soldier's bowler hat is used for cooking on fire, as well as for its storage and transportation. It is a container with an oval bottom profile, concave on one side. The lid can be used as a frying pan for heating food in it and as a plate or mug. The kettle is equipped with a handle for hanging and carrying on a belt or backpack, the lid closes with a latch. Made of food aluminum and painted in khaki color. When distributing food in the field (cooked in a field kitchen), the cook pours the first dish into the pot itself, and puts the second dish and a ration of bread into the lid. Student - reads a poem about a soldier's bowler hat. The inscription on a soldier's bowler hat You were in the Kuban with me and in the Crimea, In the mountains and valleys of Europe - And you were sooty in the marching smoke, Wrinkled in the attacks, in the trenches. All the years of the war inseparably with me You passed through the walls of the conflagrations. You gave the soldier water to drink with living water, My companion, my faithful comrade! And I do not clean off the front-line soot - Your biography of the battle ... Stay in the end, comrade, with me, Stay in the end with me. 1984 V. Kuznetsov Teacher Let's look again into our suitcase. This item saved from thirst, it is a mandatory attribute of a soldier, there were many cases when "she" saved the soldiers' lives. What is this? STUDENTS This is a flask for water. Teacher Army flask Army flask (soldier's) of 1935, made of food-grade aluminum and has an oval shape. The volume of the flask is 0.7 liters, it is covered with a protective color paint, but there are also unpainted ones. The nose of the flask in a canvas cover, the coloring of which is quite diverse. When worn in a case on the belt, it is not very convenient while running, it hits the body noticeably. So that the liquid does not heat up, the cover can be wetted, the flask must be cooled by evaporation of the liquid from the fabric. Army flask plastic This flask was designed for soldiers serving in places with a hot climate. Each was given two flasks of 1.5 liters. The flask was attached to the belt on

belt in a canvas case. The flask was completed with a plastic cup, which covered the neck during transportation. Mainly used in Afghanistan and Tajikistan. A poem about a front-line flask Life rolls inexorably! Scars from scars leaving in someone's souls. And those who used to live, and all those who live now Sekund rustle makes you listen. And only the family album is full, From time to time there the photo turned yellow, Our dear eyes will allow us to remember, And the hands, those that warmed us all in childhood. And the photo, where Grandfather is in military uniform, Stands with medals and a flask on his belt, Will not let you forget, once again he will remind you that he fought and was wounded in the war. And that flask, my Grandfather left to his son, And my Father once gave it to me. And let centuries, years, moments freeze In military letters, in lines of faded ink! And this flask, a Russian soldier, I so wanted to pass on to my son ... But life turned out differently, so I need to live for everyone and remember Grandfather ... Teacher Who is this? He scoops up porridge And sends it into his mouth A poem about a soldier's spoon On a halt, on a lawn Slowly poison stories To have a little rest, Have a hot sip of cabbage soup. A hand reaches quietly to the top of the boot. She takes out a spoon, And the whole platoon has lunch. This peaceful unit is happy to feed a soldier. Let the bogatyrs eat, They always need strength, Protect Mother Russia, It is necessary to possess strength. Our homeland is one We have been given for all ages! In order to hold a weapon, one must possess strength!

The spoon fills with strength. With a gun on a par Serves a spoon to the country! A poem by Klimova N.V. At the front, each soldier or officer had his own spoon, usually taken from home, in memory of his family. A soldier at the front without a spoon is a hungry soldier, and a hungry soldier is not a fighter. Therefore, they always kept a spoon with them behind the top of their boots, behind their belts. In order not to be confused with someone else's, the Red Army marked their spoons with initials, they could even scribble a surname. There was a belief - if you fill the insert of a death medallion, then you will die in the next battle. The soldiers were more willing to sign personal belongings - bowlers, mugs, sapper shovels, belts, caps, cigarette cases. Maybe they believed that later they would be able to identify them by these initials. We often hear that youth search parties are now finding many such spoons at burial sites, and thanks to this, nameless remains are given a name. An aluminum spoon, how beautiful, how simple, But this spoon is very very dear to a soldier! A soldier does not part with her On a halt and in battle. An aluminum spoon helps him live. After all, without a spoon and without cabbage soup Our soldier will be weaker! And he can't get weaker The whole country is behind him, The whole of Russia is behind the soldier And he needs so much strength! With a machine gun on a par, the Spoon serves the whole country! A poem by Klimova N.V. Teacher Guys in this poem a soldier's belt is mentioned, we also have such an attribute - we take it out of the suitcase and show the old front-line belt. The monologue of a soldier's belt I sparkle with a badge at the parade, those who wear me are proud of me. In a valiant formation, and even in an ambush, everyone will consider me an honor. Yes, taking care of me is very difficult. So that I always sparkle on you, you need to clean the buckle with GOI paste *. And you don't need mirrors. I am designed so for the belt so that the uniform does not bulge, but believe me, without any lubrication, you can reason with a bully. I'm sometimes thick-skinned

but I will always come to your aid and I will easily clean the faces of my enemies, and I will imprint a star there. I am an essential item for everyone, like thick armor for a tank. After all, the country cannot be invincible without me a soldier's belt! Viktor Boikov Teacher And now we will work with a triangle, what do you think? Students - assume that this is a letter. Teacher During the war, there was a field mail for the transfer of "soldier's triangles" to their relatives and it was free for everyone. Field letters were written, as a rule, in moments of calm on sheets of paper from an ordinary notebook, most often with an indelible pencil moistened with saliva, on their knees, on a stump, in the light of a torch or moon. The text was written from the heart and with the news that the soldier is all right, that he is alive. Written letters were folded according to a simple scheme into a “soldier's triangle”, they indicated the destination address, instead of the return address, the number of the military unit, or the number of the field mail. Further, all letters in canvas bags were sent on a passing transport to the rear. All field letters were read by military censors, so it was forbidden to seal them. Letters did not always reach the addressee, so they were written very often. According to statistics, only one out of ten letters written by soldiers per day reached their relatives. To receive a soldier's "triangle" was a great happiness. But people from the front were afraid to receive letters in envelopes, since they sent funerals or notices that someone was missing. There were few people who wanted to work as postmen, because it was necessary to bring people both good and bad news in envelopes. Field letters during the Great Patriotic War inspired hope for victory, for a long-awaited meeting with loved ones. In many families, such front-line triangles are still kept and re-read many times. A poem about a soldier's letter No, not a rocket, But a soldier's letter, Everything that a wounded chest breathed, Written, sent once, It flies, and the path is endless. Forgive me, mother, that I did not return from the war, I am writing to you, mother, with my eyes on a cloud The last letter in my life. A red poppy bloomed over my head, How I would like to give you this flower. But after all, there are no such forces - to reach him. What's his name? Surname? He has hundreds of names, thousands of surnames. He has blonde or black hair, White or dark skin. Wide-open gray or brown eyes.

He is 17, 20, maybe 30… Maybe he stepped right from behind the school desk. He is in a different rank, this soldier. He is different, he has many faces, names and ranks And at the same time he is one in all faces, Our unknown valiant soldier. An army duffel bag with which once soldiers went through more than one combat battle is a very simple, but at the same time very functional item of ammunition. In appearance, the duffel bag resembles a shapeless backpack made of dense khaki fabric. The design of the duffel bag was developed for the imperial army of Russia, and to this day its model has not changed, it is the same as it was in 1800-1917. Later it was used by soldiers and officers of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War. The simplicity and speed of manufacturing this duffel bag made it possible to fully equip the army. The neck of the bag closes with straps. Teacher Guys, there is one item left in my suitcase. It is well known to everyone, today we use it if necessary, it is in every home, this thing is a symbol of memory, sacrifice. What is this? STUDENTS Is this a candle? Teacher Indeed, this is an ordinary candle. We distribute candles to all participants of the event, light them... The war is over. And the wounds heal, And on Victory Day across the rapturous land, Shining with awards, veterans march, Front-line soldiers, heroes, the conscience of our days The war is over. But every year the glorious relatives of the Guards are thinning, And all the flowers of spring weave into a wreath And bow with it at the Eternal Flame!

Mukhina Irina
Report on the competition "Museum in a Suitcase"

Idea « Museum in a suitcase» It was very interesting for me, I found a lot of useful things in it.

Our « museum in a suitcase» small in size, but it has a lot virtues:

It can be moved

Accessibility for children to play with

Ability to change theme

Accumulation of material on various topics and use as file cabinets in various activities

Does not require material costs in the manufacture (you can do it yourself from old postcards, cards, illustrations)

The possibility of involving parents to assist in the collection of material

The ability for children to choose any theme for the game in the future

Exhibits-cards are convenient to store, they do not take up much space.

We named our « Museum in a suitcase» - "Conversations about Karelia".

And they called it that because the concept is very voluminous, wide, it contains many different topics. You can talk and tell the children about the sights of Karelia, and about the city of Petrozavodsk, about animals, birds, insects, the flora of Karelia, the Red Book of Karelia, war monuments, etc.

The exposition we presented is called "Animals of the Karelian forest". With this exposition as an example, we want to show how "works" our museum in a suitcase.

We have made exhibit cards depicting animals living in the Karelian forest. Mine suitcase turned into a forest animals were placed there.

We also made cards with the sights of the city of Petrozavodsk and cards with the main sights of the Republic of Karelia (Waterfall Kivach, Kizhi, Valaam, etc.). We got mini-models of the city of Petrozavodsk and Karelia.

The children were happy to help me make the cards. They were interested in examining them, holding them in their hands and placing them in museum.

The kids had fun, and that's the most important thing. Therefore, we will be happy to use this idea in our activities in the future.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

Mikhaleninskaya basic school

Museum of History and Local Lore



Museum asset

Scientific director :

Sigaeva Elena Valentinovna,

museum director




606763 Nizhny Novgorod region

Varnavinsky district

Mikhalenino village, Shkolnaya st., 2

Sigaeva Elena Valentinovna (head of the school museum), asset of the museum

Who carries out the project

The senior group of the children's association for local history "Memory"

Financial support of the project

will not be required, because Exhibits necessary for excursions are stored in the school museum.

Who is this project for?

Any age group

Target project :

involvement in the activities of the museum through access to society.

Project objectives:

    Contribute to the formation of a sense of the presence of the past in the present and future through communication with the exhibits.

    Conduct excursions for those who cannot come to us (elderly residents of the village, the disabled).

    Contribute to the involvement of a wide range of children and adults in the preservation of historical memory.

Main idea of ​​the project

    From passive listeners, they will move into active ones, as the project contributes to the development of a dialogue with the head of the museum, a guide, a museum exhibit, to be active, to take part in research themselves. A prerequisite is also a collective creative nature together with peers in an informal setting.


Our school is 5 km. from the regional center. Not all residents of nearby villages have the opportunity to travel, and even more so to visit museums and theaters. School is the connecting link of rural society. Moreover, our school has a wonderful museum. Many exhibits of our museum are exhibited at the holiday of our settlement - Tikhonov's Year, at the holiday of the village of Varnavino - Varnavin's Year.

Residents cannot be frequent guests in our museum, since it is located in the building of the Teremok Mikhaleninsky kindergarten. To get into it, you need to go through the entire kindergarten, which is undesirable - it is forbidden by SANPIN.

But the asset of the museum, members of the children's association for local history "Memory", participating in the activities of the museum, conduct excursions for schoolchildren, kindergarten children, village residents and guests. Over the years of the museum's activity, all the exhibits have been studied and reviewed. The familiar exhibits in the windows do not arouse due interest among the children, they cannot be touched, thereby understanding what it was intended for, creating an image.

So the question is, what needs to be changed? The museum's assets focused on the creation of the Museum in a Suitcase project.

Why are we doing this?

    Involve villagers in the activities of the museum.

    Bring in novelty.

    To enable the project participants to feel the presence of the past in the present and future through its communication with cultural heritage.

OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT : involvement in the activities of the museum through access to society.


    Contribute to the formation of a sense of the presence of the past in the present and future through communication with the exhibits.

    Conduct excursions for those who cannot come to us (elderly residents of the village, the disabled).

    Contribute to the involvement of a wide range of children and adults in the preservation of historical memory.


As a result of the project implementation, it is expected that:

    From passive listeners, they will move into active ones, as the project contributes to the development of a dialogue with the head of the museum, a guide, a museum exhibit, to be active, to take part in research themselves. A prerequisite is also a collective creative nature together with peers in an informal setting.

    The project is based on the development of students' cognitive skills, critical and creative thinking, the ability to independently construct their knowledge, navigate the information space, study cultural heritage, student interaction with material objects of the school museum, etc.

    The number of people wishing to visit the school museum will increase;

During the implementation of the project, excursions will be held for all students of the school, children and employees of the kindergarten, the local population, guests of the school. An outbound option is also possible. But first, it is necessary to advertise an outing excursion to visit the elderly residents of the village and the disabled. In general, during the project we can reach a large number of people.


For the implementation of the project, we have most of the resources, namely:


    Tour material

    Tour guides (experienced in conducting excursions).

We need additional human resources to train guides and additional content for excursions. Therefore, we turn for help to the school and village librarian, to the Varnavinsky Regional Museum of History and Art.

To design an information folder-album, we turn to the teacher-organizer. We also need a suitcase in which we will carry the exhibits. The school will provide us with a digital camera. Photos are printed by the school administration.


The evaluation of the project will be carried out on the basis of the analysis of the survey, feedback from the audience, and monitoring of publications in the media.

UNIQUENESS OF THE PROJECT the fact that now the museum itself comes to visit, our exhibits can be touched, learn new things about them, come up with a fairy tale or story about it, explore it.

Get a "Field Book of Reviews", which you need to take with you. At the end of the tour, those who wish can write a review in it.



Development of planned excursions:

    This must not be forgotten!

    The Great Patriotic War;

    Lapshang region is 400 years old!

    Road to nowhere...

March 2017

Collecting material for creating the text of excursions. An element of communication with the audience (questions, practical tasks) has been introduced.

Selection of exhibits necessary for excursions, search for a suitcase.

March 2017

E.V. Sigaeva head of the museum, museum asset

Selected exhibits stored in the museum for excursions. Suitcase found.

Preparation of excursions

April 2017

E.V. Sigaeva head of the museum, museum asset

Work has been done in preparation

Tour guides on the topics of excursions.

Departure to the regional historical and art museum to work with guides.

April 2017

E.V. Sigaeva, head of the museum, museum guides.

Conducted a master class for guides

Guided tours



E.V. Sigaeva, head of the museum, guides.

Guided tours 1

Media coverage of the project implementation

During project activities

E.V. Sigayeva head of the museum, museum asset, public

Creation of an album, a stand about the activities of the project

As the project progresses

E.V. Sigaeva head of the museum, museum asset

Creation of photo albums, stands on each topic of excursions.

Conducting a survey on the work done

December 2017

School museum asset

Project evaluation

Application No. 1

Questionnaire to find out the need for the project:

1. Do you think our museum needs new forms of work?

    Yes, they are needed. Time moves forward, everything changes, the museum must also change.


    I would like something new...

2. What tour topics would you like to hear

Most popular answers:

    About the famous people of the village, the region, the more we have someone to be proud of ....

    About fellow countrymen - front-line soldiers, so that the modern generation does not forget

    About us who lived, lives and will raise the village

    About the traditions of the villagers
