Advising consumers on the quality, consumer properties of goods, safety requirements for their operation (for each product group). Customer service and advice

Under To consulting , As can be seen from the definition itself, the provision of consultations is implied so that the buyer does not make a mistake when choosing a product, or in order to help the buyer navigate a particular product.

Usually, the promo mechanics of customer service is that in the place of display or presentation of goods there is a girl (boy) consultant, whose task is to answer the questions of the buyer, demonstrating and opening best performance and properties of the promoted product, determining in advance the choice that the buyer will make in favor of this product.

Statistics show that holding an event increases sales from 20 to 200%. This includes including buyers who purchased this product for the first time. Buyer makes conscious choice in favor of certain goods, which, together with loyalty, ensures a positive sales trend.

Our BTL agency develops the mechanics of the promotion as detailed as possible and in accordance with the overall strategy for promoting the customer’s product or brand, so that the buyer perceives the actions taking place as an assistance in buying, and not as a sale of goods related to the consultant.

Historically, consulting has been most in demand for everyday products from beauty products to dairy products. In these product categories, among the buyers of a particular store, there are the best dynamics of sales growth. However, consulting is also very much in demand in the sale of, for example, household appliances, building materials and similar products. In these departments of the store, the help of a consultant in 90% of cases determines the choice of the buyer and the outcome of the purchase.

Customer service, as a rule, is carried out according to the standard scheme of working with the buyer, but options are also possible using various additional promotional activities: distributing samples, filling out questionnaires, tasting - everything that buyers respond positively to.

Often, when counseling use other promotional mechanics, providing maximum coverage target audience, increase its awareness so that the buyer once again returns to the store and re-purchases the product.

STATION "Pharmaceutical consulting of consumers"

A visitor with a severe cough turned to the pharmacy with a request to sell him broncholithin syrup without a prescription in the amount of 10 bottles.



1. The drug is dispensed by prescription. It is dispensed according to the prescription form 107-1 / y.

2. Pharmacological group - a combined antitussive drug with a bronchodilatory effect.

Glaucine hydrobromide suppresses the cough center without causing respiratory depression, constipation and drug dependence.
Ephedrine dilates the bronchi, stimulates breathing and, due to its vasoconstrictive action, eliminates swelling of the bronchial mucosa.
Basil oil has a slight sedative, antimicrobial and antispasmodic effect.

3. Without a prescription I can not release. I can offer over-the-counter drugs.

4. Find out for whom the drug is being purchased (adult/child). Contraindications childhood up to 3 years; I trimester of pregnancy; breast-feeding.

5. Bluecode.

Ephedrine, which is part of the drug, weakens the effect of opioid analgesics and hypnotics.
When ephedrine is used simultaneously with cardiac glycosides, quinidine, tricyclic antidepressants, the risk of developing arrhythmias increases.
With the simultaneous use of ephedrine with reserpine and MAO inhibitors, a sharp increase in blood pressure is possible.
With the simultaneous use of ephedrine with non-selective beta-blockers, a decrease in bronchodilator action is possible.

7. Method of application: Syrup (measured with a measuring cap): children from 3 to 6 years old - 5 ml 3 times a day, 6-12 years old - 10 ml 3 times a day, 12 years and older - 15 ml 3 times per day; adults - 15 ml 4 times a day. The measuring cap should be washed and dried after each use. If the cough persists for more than 7 days, you should consult a doctor

8. Inside, before eating.

9. At a temperature not higher than 30 °C.

10. When using the drug Sinekod® rarely (≥1 / 10000,<1/1000) наблюдаются следующие побочные эффекты.

From the side of the central nervous system: drowsiness, dizziness.

From the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, diarrhea.

On the part of the skin: exanthema.

Other: rarely - the development of allergic reactions is possible.

A visitor approached a pharmacy with a request to sell him cough syrup for a 3-year-old child.

Explain to the buyer the procedure for dispensing the specified drug


Provide pharmaceutical counseling.

3. Offer the buyer a possible OTC drug option for these symptoms.


1. Treatment of a cough in a 2 or 3 year old child should begin with understanding its causes and eliminating them. If you have a cold cough, you need to find out if it is wet or dry. The duration of this cough. The presence of additional deterioration in the health of the child.

2. Depending on the pathogen that caused the disease, in some cases the cough is dry, obsessive, in others it is wet with sputum discharge. With a wet cough, it is necessary in every possible way to promote coughing from the respiratory tract. A wet cough occurs when sputum accumulates in the child's airways. Sputum is a collection of mucus, pus, formed in the process of inflammation. Sputum contains microbes, and if the child does not cough it up in a timely manner, then the flow of sputum into the deeper sections of the respiratory tract leads to the spread of infection.

Most of the "cough" remedies help to cough up sputum and only in this way ultimately contribute to the cessation of coughing, that is, they are intended "for coughing."

3.. You can offer the visitor Libeksin, Ambrobene, as well as advise hot (about 40 C) foot baths, bathing with decoctions of medicinal herbs (instead of inhalations) and massage of the chest and feet with warming balms (Doctor Mom, Siberian Health and etc.). Patting and tapping very well helps in the fight against sputum. You need to know that vaping and bathing children with a high temperature is not recommended!

4. Find out the presence of the simultaneous prescription of other drugs and inform about the interaction with them of the purchased drug. Do not combine several expectorants.

5. Children aged 2 to 6 years should take 1/2 measuring cup (2.5 ml syrup) 3 times / day (22.5 mg ambroxol / day).

6. The duration of treatment is selected individually depending on the course of the disease. It is not recommended to take Ambrobene without a doctor's prescription for more than 4-5 days. The effect of the drug is manifested when taking a large amount of liquid. Therefore, during treatment, it is recommended to drink plenty of water.

7. The drug should be stored out of the reach of children at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Shelf life - 5 years.

After opening the vial, the drug is suitable for use within 1 year.

8. Allergic reactions: rarely (from ≥0.1% to<1%) - крапивница, кожная сыпь, ангионевротический отек лица, одышка, зуд); очень редко (<0.01%) - анафилактические реакции, в т.ч. анафилактический шок.

From the digestive system: rarely (from ≥0.1% to<1%) - тошнота, боли в животе, рвота, диарея, запоры.

General disorders: rare (≥0.1% to<1%) - лихорадка, слабость, головная боль.

Others: rarely (from ≥0.1% to<1%) - сухость слизистой оболочки полости рта и дыхательных путей, экзантемы, ринорея, дизурия.

188. A visitor addressed a pharmacy with complaints of headache and a request to sell him a tablet. Kaffetin. 1. Explain to the buyer the procedure for dispensing the specified medicinal



1. Caffetin is dispensed by prescription. Codeine-containing drug, dispensed according to the prescription form 148-1 / y-88.

2. Pharmacological group - Combined analgesic (antitussive opioid + NSAIDs + non-narcotic analgesic + psychostimulant)

3. Combined drug, the action of which is determined by the components that make up its composition.

Paracetamol has an antipyretic, analgesic effect.

Caffeine stimulates the psychomotor centers of the brain, has an analeptic effect, enhances the effect of analgesics, reduces drowsiness and fatigue, increases mental and physical performance, increases heart rate, and increases blood pressure in arterial hypotension. Caffeine improves the absorption of other active ingredients of the combined analgesic drug.

Codeine has a central antitussive effect (by suppressing the excitability of the cough center), as well as an analgesic effect due to the excitation of opiate receptors in various parts of the central nervous system and peripheral tissues, leading to stimulation of the antinociceptive system and a change in the emotional perception of pain.

Propyphenazone has an analgesic and antipyretic effect. The analgesic effect of the drug is achieved within 30-60 minutes, and the duration of anesthesia is 4-8 hours.

4. Find out for whom the drug is being purchased (adult/child). Contraindications children's age up to 18 years; pregnancy; breast-feeding.

6. Find out the presence of the simultaneous prescription of other drugs and inform about the interaction with them of the purchased drug.

With the combined use of caffeine and barbiturates, anticonvulsant drugs, it is possible to increase metabolism and increase the clearance of caffeine; cimetidine, oral contraceptive drugs, disulfiram, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin - a decrease in caffeine metabolism in the liver. Reduces the effect of narcotic and hypnotic drugs.

The combined use of caffeine with beta-blockers can lead to mutual suppression of therapeutic effects; with adrenergic bronchodilator drugs - to additional stimulation of the central nervous system and other additive toxic effects. Caffeine accelerates the absorption of ergotamine.

MAO inhibitors - large doses of caffeine can cause the development of dangerous cardiac arrhythmias or a pronounced increase in blood pressure.

Caffeine may decrease the clearance of theophylline and possibly other xanthines, increasing the possibility of additive pharmacodynamic and toxic effects.

With the simultaneous use of ethanol, muscle relaxants, as well as drugs that depress the central nervous system, it is possible to increase the sedative effect, suppress the respiratory center and suppress the central nervous system.

Drugs with anticholinergic activity, antidiarrheal drugs (including loperamide) increase the risk of constipation. Reduces the effect of metoclopramide.


Inducers of microsomal oxidation in the liver (anticonvulsants, barbiturates, rifampicin, phenylbutazone, tricyclic antidepressants), ethanol and hepatotoxic drugs increase the production of hydroxylated active metabolites, which makes it possible to develop severe intoxications even with a slight overdose.

The concomitant use of high doses of paracetamol may enhance the effect of indirect anticoagulants (dicoumarin derivatives).

Reduces the effectiveness of uricosuric drugs.

Myelotoxic drugs increase the manifestations of hematotoxicity of the drug.

Under the influence of paracetamol, T1 / 2 of chloramphenicol increases 5 times.

Metoclopramide accelerates the absorption of paracetamol.

7. Adults - 1 table. 3 times a day. The maximum daily dose is 3 tablets. The duration of treatment is not more than 3 days as an antipyretic and not more than 5 days as an anesthetic.

8. Inside, after eating.

9. At a temperature not higher than 25 °C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

From the nervous system: dizziness, sleep disturbances, anxiety, depression.

From the CCC: tachycardia, increased blood pressure, heart failure.

From the respiratory system: shortness of breath, bronchospasm.

From the gastrointestinal tract: abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, heartburn, loss of appetite, diarrhea or constipation, flatulence, ulceration of the gum mucosa, aphthous stomatitis, pancreatitis.

From the senses: hearing impairment, ringing or noise in the ears, visual disturbances, blurred vision or diplopia, dryness and irritation of the eyes.

From the urinary system: acute renal failure, nephrotic syndrome, polyuria, cystitis.

Allergic reactions: skin rash, pruritus, allergic rhinitis, angioedema, erythema multiforme exudative (including Stevens-Johnson syndrome), toxic epdermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome).

On the part of the hematopoietic organs: anemia, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytopenic purpura, agranulocytosis, leukopenia, eosinophilia.

With prolonged use in high doses - hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic (hepatitis, interstitial nephritis and papillary necrosis) action; hemolytic anemia, aplastic anemia, methemoglobinemia, pancytopenia.


1. Eucalyptus lozenges are sold without a doctor's prescription.

2. Name the pharmacotherapeutic group, characterize the main mechanism of action.

Clinico-pharmacological group: Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drug for local use in ENT practice. Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antiseptic agent of plant origin.

The composition includes levomenthol and eucalyptus oil. Eucalyptus oil has an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, wound healing, expectorant effect. Eucalyptus oil has a stimulating effect on the receptors of the mucous membranes, and also has a weak local activity.

When applied to mucous membranes, menthol causes irritation of nerve endings, accompanied by a feeling of cold, slight burning and tingling, has a slight local anesthetic effect, and also has antiseptic properties. The analgesic effect of the drug occurs 15-30 minutes after ingestion.

3. Determine the problems that the visitor addressed to the pharmacy.

Find out what other symptoms accompany a sore throat. Does she have a dry cough, runny nose, hoarse voice, fever. Then we can talk about a viral infection. Throat sprays, over-the-counter antivirals can be offered. If the temperature is high and there is a very severe pain in the throat, then you should be advised to consult a doctor. It is imperative to call a doctor if the throat is very sore and the temperature does not subside after two days of self-medication, it is very difficult to swallow or it hurts to open your mouth if a rash appears on the skin. If the sore throat is not severe, but does not go away within a week, you should also consult a doctor.

4. Find out for whom the drug is being purchased (adult/child) – for a child. Inform that this drug is not used for the treatment of children under 8 years of age. If the child is younger than 8 years of age, then offer a drug suitable for the age, for example, Strepsils lozenges for children from 6 years old, Ajisept for children, used from 5 years old, Kameton aerosols from 5 years old, inhalipt from 3 x years.

5.Find out the presence of the simultaneous prescription of other drugs and inform about the interaction with them of the purchased drug.

With the simultaneous use of eucalyptus and antidiabetic drugs, a decrease in blood glucose levels and the appearance of symptoms of hypoglycemia may occur.

Eucalyptus can increase the toxicity of plants containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids, which can damage the liver. Joint use should be avoided.

6. Inform about the time of admission, the duration of the drug intake and compliance.

Dosing regimen. Tablets should be dissolved in the mouth without chewing. Children from 8 years old: 1-2 tablets / day. The duration of treatment should not exceed 5 days.

7. Inform about the interaction of drugs with food. Take between meals.

8. Inform about the storage conditions of the medicinal product at home. In a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding 25°C. Keep out of the reach of children.

9. Inform about the adverse reactions of the medicinal product and the actions of the consumer in case of unexpected adverse reactions (which do not correspond to the information on the drug) in the process of taking the drug. Allergic reactions, in rare cases - dyspepsia.


1. Explain to the visitor that: Pentalgin plus is dispensed by prescription. Pentalgin plus is included in the list of drugs subject to quantitative accounting and is dispensed according to the prescription form 148-1 / y-88.

2. Name the pharmacotherapeutic group, characterize the main mechanism of action. Pentalgin plus is a combination drug that has analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effects. Paracetamol and propyphenazone are antipyretic analgesics, have analgesic and antipyretic effects.

Caffeine is a psychostimulant that has a general tonic effect: it reduces drowsiness and fatigue, increases mental and physical performance, increases heart rate, and increases blood pressure in arterial hypotension.

Codeine is an opioid receptor agonist that has analgesic effects and improves pain tolerance.

Phenobarbital is a barbiturate that has a sedative and antispasmodic effect.

3. Determine the problems that the visitor addressed to the pharmacy.

Over-the-counter drugs can be offered to relieve pain, but you need to know the nature of the headache (paroxysmal, intense, throbbing, etc.), localization (temporal, nape, unilateral, etc.), pain duration. If there are such indications as: nausea, vomiting, high blood pressure, dizziness, decreased concentration, etc.), it is necessary to refer the visitor to a doctor.

4. Find out for whom the drug is being purchased (adult/child)-child.

Indicate that most over-the-counter NSAIDs and non-narcotic analgesics are not recommended for use in children under 7-10 years of age (with the exception of pediatric dosage forms). These drugs are either contraindicated or used with caution during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

5. Offer the visitor over-the-counter drugs.

For example: with the indicated symptoms (for relief of HDN and migraine), NSAIDs can be offered, for example, Aspirin, Nurofen, etc., or non-narcotic analgesics: paracetamol tablets, combined preparations Solpadeinfast, Kaffetincold, Next, Sedalgin plus. If the child is less than 10-12 years old, then offer Nurofen children's suspension, suppositories, cefecon D suppositories, panadol suspension from 3 months.

6. Find out the presence of the simultaneous prescription of other drugs and inform about the interaction with them of the purchased drug.

Multiple NSAIDs should not be combined. Patients with arterial hypertension should not be offered combined preparations containing caffeine.

7. Inform about the time of admission, the duration of the drug intake and compliance using the example of Sedalgin plus. The drug is taken orally after meals, 1 tab. 2-3 times in the morning.

Adults and adolescents aged 16 years and older: the maximum single dose is 2 tablets, the maximum daily dose is 6 tablets. within no more than 1-2 days. Children aged 12 to 16 years: 1/2 tab. or 1 tab. 2-3 times / day. The maximum daily dose is 4 tab.

Duration of admission - no more than 5 days when prescribed as an anesthetic and 3 days as an antipyretic.

Dosage forms for young children are dosed taking into account the body weight of the child.

If the symptoms of the disease continue or worsen, you should consult a doctor.

8. Inform about the interaction of drugs with food. Excessive consumption of caffeinated products (coffee, tea) during treatment with combined drugs containing caffeine can cause overdose symptoms (nausea, vomiting, gastralgia, tachycardia, arrhythmias, respiratory depression).

9. Inform about the conditions for storing the medicinal product at home. Store in a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding + 25°C and out of the reach of children.

10. Inform about adverse reactions of the medicinal product and the actions of the consumer in case of unexpected adverse reactions (which do not correspond to the information on the medicinal product) in the process of taking the medicinal product.

For example: when taking drugs, dyspeptic disorders (nausea, vomiting, constipation), skin allergic reactions (rash, itching, urticaria), epigastric pain, palpitations and other side effects indicated in the instructions are possible.

Warn that in the event of unexpected adverse reactions associated with the use of medicinal products, it is necessary to report this either to Roszdravnadzor, or to the manufacturer, or to the pharmacy organization. In the latter case, the pharmaceutical worker records information about the HP of the drug, finds out all the details and circumstances, sends the information to Roszdravnadzor within no more than 15 calendar days by entering information into an automated electronic database or by filling out and sending a notification card of the established form.


1. Determine the problems that the visitor addressed to the pharmacy.

Find out from the visitor: the nature of the pain (acute, cutting, stabbing, pulling, constant, episodic); the place of localization of pain (where it is felt most strongly); the time of manifestation of unpleasant sensations (morning, afternoon or evening); processes that stimulate unpleasant sensations (physical activity, food intake, etc.).

2.Find out for whom the drug is being purchased (adult/child).

Indicate that most drugs for pain in the stomach of various etiologies are contraindicated in pregnant women, during lactation and breastfeeding, or they are used with caution.

3. Offer the visitor over-the-counter drugs.

With increased acidity, artificial blockers should be used. These include such well-known tools as Maalox or Rennie. Heaviness in the stomach is a symptom of a lack of stomach acid. To eliminate it, you can use the drugs "Mezim" or "Pancreatin". With bloating, it can be recommended to take the Motilium remedy, and in case of poisoning, the Smecta medication will help. It is possible to eliminate a spasm of an unknown nature that has suddenly appeared with the help of the No-shpa drug.

4. Find out the presence of the simultaneous prescription of other drugs and inform about the interaction with them of the purchased drug.

Rennie: The change in gastric acidity caused by taking antacids can lead to a decrease in the rate and extent of absorption of other drugs taken at the same time, so drugs should be taken 1-2 hours before or after taking antacids.

With the simultaneous use of antacids reduce the absorption of tetracycline antibiotics, fluoroquinolones, cardiac glycosides, levothyroxine, iron preparations, phosphates, fluorides.

Mezim: With the simultaneous use of pancreatin with iron preparations, a decrease in the absorption of the latter is possible. The simultaneous use of antacids containing calcium carbonate and / or magnesium hydroxide can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of pancreatin.

With the simultaneous use of Smecta, it can reduce the rate and extent of absorption of other drugs. It is not recommended to take the drug simultaneously with other drugs.

When prescribing the drug No-shpa simultaneously with levodopa, it is possible to increase rigidity and tremor. With the simultaneous use of drotaverine with other antispasmodics, including m-anticholinergics, there is a mutual enhancement of the antispasmodic effect.

5. Inform about the time of admission, the duration of the drug intake and compliance.

Rennie: Adults and children over the age of 12 with the onset of symptoms 1-2 tab. should be chewed (or kept in the mouth until completely dissolved). If necessary, you can repeat the drug after 2 hours. The maximum daily dose is 11 tab.

Mezim: The dose is determined individually depending on the degree of indigestion.

Adults: 1-2 tab. before meals, without chewing and drinking water. If necessary, take another 1-4 tablets during meals. In children, the drug is used as directed by a doctor. The duration of treatment can vary from a few days to several months or years.

Motilium: The duration of continuous use of the drug without a doctor's recommendation should not exceed 28 days.

Adults and children over 12 years old and weighing ≥35 kg - 10-20 mg (1-2 tablets) 3-4 times / day. The maximum daily dose is 80 mg (8 tablets).

Children aged 5 to 12 years and weighing ≥35 kg - 10 mg (1 tab.) 3-4 times / day.

The maximum daily dose is not more than 80 mg (8 tablets).

Smecta: Adults are prescribed 3 sachets / day.

Children under the age of 1 year - 1 sachet / day, aged 1-2 years - 1-2 sachets / day; older than 2 years - 2-3 sachets / day.

But shpa: Adults are prescribed 1-2 tab. at one time 2-3 times / day. The maximum daily dose is 6 tab. (corresponding to 240 mg).

Clinical studies with the use of drotaverine in children have not been conducted.

In the case of the appointment of the drug No-shpa® for children aged 6 to 12 years - 40 mg (1 tab.) 1-2 times / day, for children over the age of 12 years - 4 mg (1 tab.) 1 -4 times / day or 80 mg (2 tablets) 1-2 times / day. The maximum daily dose - 160 mg (4 tab.)

When taking the drug without consulting a doctor, the recommended duration of taking the drug is usually 1-2 days. In cases where drotaverine is used as adjuvant therapy, the duration of treatment without consulting a doctor may be longer (2-3 days).

If the symptoms of the disease continue or worsen, you should consult a doctor.

Mezim is taken before meals, without chewing, if necessary and during meals.

7. Inform about the conditions for storing the medicinal product at home. Store in a dry, dark place at a temperature not exceeding + 25°C and out of the reach of children.

8. Inform about the adverse reactions of the medicinal product and the actions of the consumer in case of unexpected adverse reactions (which do not correspond to the information on the medicinal product) in the process of taking the medicinal product.

Rennie: Allergic reactions: possible rash, angioedema, anaphylactic reactions.

But shpa: From the side of the nervous system: rarely - headache, dizziness, insomnia.

From the side of the cardiovascular system: rarely - a feeling of palpitations, a decrease in blood pressure.

From the digestive system: rarely - nausea, constipation.

From the immune system: rarely - allergic reactions (angioneurotic edema, urticaria, itching, rash).

Smecta: On the part of the digestive system: in clinical studies, rarely - constipation (weakly expressed, passed after dose adjustment of the drug).

Allergic reactions: in routine practice, very rarely - urticaria, rash, itching, Quincke's edema.

Motilium: From the immune system: very rarely - anaphylactic reactions, including anaphylactic shock.

On the part of the psyche: very rarely - agitation, nervousness (mainly in newborns and children).

From the nervous system: very rarely - extrapyramidal disorders, convulsions (mainly in newborns and children).

From the side of the cardiovascular system: very rarely - prolongation of the QT interval, ventricular arrhythmia *, sudden coronary death *.

On the part of the skin and subcutaneous tissues: very rarely - Quincke's edema, urticaria.

From the side of the kidneys and urinary tract: very rarely - urinary retention.

Mezim: Allergic reactions, diarrhea or constipation, nausea, discomfort in the epigastric region. With prolonged use in high doses, hyperuricosuria may develop, an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood plasma.

Warn that in the event of unexpected adverse reactions associated with the use of medicinal products, it is necessary to report this either to Roszdravnadzor, or to the manufacturer, or to the pharmacy organization. In the latter case, the pharmaceutical worker records information about the HP of the drug, finds out all the details and circumstances, sends the information to Roszdravnadzor within no more than 15 calendar days by entering information into an automated electronic database or by filling out and sending a notification card of the established form.


1. Determine the problems that the visitor addressed to the pharmacy: the nature of the pain (acute, cutting, stabbing, pulling, constant, episodic), the location of the pain (where it is felt most strongly); how long after eating did the discomfort appear. If there is pain in the stomach after eating, frequent belching of air or pieces of food, nausea and vomiting (vomiting, especially repeated), bloating and flatulence, an overly rapid feeling of fullness, then such reasons may be reasons to visit a doctor. It is also important to explain to the visitor that stomach pain can be confused with such serious diseases that can lead to death, such as acute myocardial infarction.

2. Find out for whom the drug is purchased (adult / child).

Indicate that most drugs for stomach discomfort are contraindicated in pregnant women, during lactation and breastfeeding, or they are used with caution.

3. Offer the visitor over-the-counter drugs.

If discomfort in the stomach is accompanied by heaviness - digestive enzymes: mezim, pangrol, creon.

If heaviness along with bloating - Unienzyme

Nausea - motilak, motilium. (improve gastric motility)

If only bloating and gas formation - Espumizan.

4. Find out the presence of the simultaneous appointment of other drugs and inform about the interaction with them of the purchased drug.

With the simultaneous use of pancreatin (Mezim) with iron preparations, a decrease in the absorption of the latter is possible. The simultaneous use of antacids containing calcium carbonate and / or magnesium hydroxide can lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of pancreatin.

Anticholinergic drugs can neutralize the action of Motilium. The bioavailability of Motilium when taken orally decreases after a previous intake of cimetidine or sodium bicarbonate. You should not take antacids and antisecretory drugs at the same time as Motilium, because. they reduce its bioavailability.

5. Inform about the time of admission, the duration of the drug intake and compliance

Mezim - Adults: 1-2 tab. before meals, without chewing and drinking water. If necessary, take another 1-4 tablets during meals. . In children, the drug is used as directed by a doctor. The duration of treatment can vary from a few days to several months or years.

Pangrol - adults are recommended to take 2-4 caps. during each meal, swallowing the capsules whole (do not chew), washing down with a sufficient amount of liquid. For children, the dosage regimen and duration of treatment are set by the doctor, depending on the severity of the disease and the composition of the food at the rate of 500-1000 lipase units. /kg of body weight of the child for each meal. The duration of the course of treatment is set by the doctor and depends on the course of the disease.

Creon - The drug is taken orally, it is recommended to take 1/2 or 1/3 of a single dose at the beginning of a meal, and the rest with meals. The dose is determined individually, depending on the severity of the disease and the composition of the diet. Capsules or minimicrospheres should be swallowed whole, without breaking them or chewing them, drinking plenty of water.

Unienzym - The drug is prescribed orally 1 tab. 1-2 times / day after meals. The duration of the course is not specified.

Motilak - appoint 1 tab. (10 mg) 3 times during the day and, if necessary, additionally at bedtime.

Children over 5 years of age are prescribed 5 mg per 10 kg of body weight 3-4 times a day and, if necessary, additionally at bedtime.

Motilium - Inside, 15-30 minutes before meals and at bedtime (if necessary) for adults - 20 mg (table 2) 3-4 times a day (maximum daily dose - 80 mg). The maximum daily dose is 2.4 mg / kg, but not more than 80 mg. The duration of continuous use of the drug without a doctor's recommendation should not exceed 28 days.

Espumizan - For complaints associated with excessive gas formation, adults and children over 6 years of age are prescribed 2 caps. 3-5 times / day, with a small amount of liquid, after each meal and, if necessary, at bedtime. If necessary, the drug Espumizan can be used for a long period of time.

6. Inform about the interaction of drugs with food.

Always carefully monitor your diet, refuse to overeat, control those foods that are eaten so that there are no spoiled ones among them. Do not drink food with cold water, sugary drinks. Arrange a “fasting day” once a week to cleanse the intestines and stimulate the work of all digestive organs. Don't eat regularly before bed.

7. Inform about the storage conditions of the medicinal product at home.

Mezim - At a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Pangrol- The drug should be stored out of the steppe place for children at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Creon - At a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Unienzyme - In a place protected from moisture, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Motilak - In a dry, dark place, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Motilium - At a temperature of 15-30 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

Espumizan - At a temperature not exceeding 30 ° C. Keep out of the reach of children.

8. Inform about the adverse reactions of the medicinal product and the actions of the consumer in case of unexpected adverse reactions (which do not correspond to information about the medicinal product) in the process of taking the medicinal product.

Mezim - Allergic reactions, diarrhea or constipation, nausea, discomfort in the epigastric region. With prolonged use in high doses, hyperuricosuria may develop, an increase in the level of uric acid in the blood plasma.

Pangrol- From the gastrointestinal tract: often - nausea, vomiting and bloating. Gastrointestinal disorders are associated mainly with the underlying disease. The frequency of occurrence of the following adverse reactions was lower or similar to those with placebo: very often - pain in the abdomen; often - diarrhea.

From the skin and subcutaneous tissues: rarely - rash; there is not enough data to estimate the frequency of cases - itching, urticaria.

Creon - Allergic reactions, rarely - diarrhea, constipation, discomfort in the stomach, nausea.

Unienzyme - Allergic reactions, skin redness.

Motilak - Side effects are rare. Exceptional cases of transient intestinal spasms have been reported. Rare allergic reactions such as rash and urticaria have been reported.

Motilium - (according to studies): Adverse reactions observed in ≥1% of patients taking Motilium: depression, anxiety, decreased or absent libido, headache, drowsiness, akathisia, dry mouth, diarrhea, rash, itching, gynecomastia / increase mammary glands, sensitivity of the mammary glands, galactorrhea, amenorrhea, pain in the mammary glands, menstrual disorders, lactation disorders, asthenia.

Adverse reactions observed in<1% пациентов, принимавших Мотилиум: гиперчувствительность, крапивница, набухание молочных желез, выделения из молочных желез.

Espumizan - In some cases, allergic reactions to the components of the drug.

Warn that in the event of unexpected adverse reactions associated with the use of medicinal products, it is necessary to report this either to Roszdravnadzor, or to the manufacturer, or to the pharmacy organization. In the latter case, the pharmacist records information about the HP of the drug, finds out all the details and circumstances, sends the information to the

Consulting consumers on the quality, consumer properties of goods, safety requirements for their operation (for each product group)

Textile sales technology

Textile goods include fabrics and products made from them (pillows, mattresses).

Fabric is a textile product of relatively large length and small width, obtained by interlacing two systems of threads (warp and weft).

Natural fibers (natural) can be:

  • Plant origin (cotton, linen, hemp);
  • Animal origin (wool, natural silk);
  • Mineral origin (asbestos)

According to the raw materials of the fabric are:

  • - homogeneous;
  • - mixed raw materials.

The width of the fabric can be from narrow 30-50cm to wide 150-200cm.

Acceptance of fabrics is carried out at the warehouse by a materially responsible person by continuous 100% measurement according to the accompanying documents (TTN), invoices and documents confirming the quality of the goods. In the section along the hazov ends.

Features of preparing fabrics for sale.

Upon receipt at the store, the fabrics are unpacked and transferred from the factory packaging to the commercial one (rolling pieces of double fold and knurling on planks).

Ways to display fabrics

On the showcase, on the counter, demonstrate in action.

Measuring methods.

By imposing a meter on the fabric (for expensive fabrics) and folding.

Major defects in textile products.

  • 1. Defects in threads (yarn) - knots, loops, uneven thickness, oily thread, flagella.
  • 2. Defects in weaving - close (breakage of 1-2 warp threads)
  • 3. Finishing defects - uneven coloring, pattern distortion, serifs (not dyed folds)

exchange rules.

Measured goods are NOT subject to exchange!!!

Fabric marking

Marked with a stamp or labels. The brand is applied with indelible paint from the wrong side (manufacturer's name and OTK number and on the upper piece - the length of the fabric in the piece). On the label - the name and trademark of the manufacturer, the nominal width of the fabric, the percentage of fibers, grade, piece number, date of issue and inspector number.

Goods storage

Stored in dry rooms at t + 15 + 18º C and humidity 60-65%. Pack fabrics on pallets in stacks no higher than 2m, unpacked - on racks in groups, articles, drawings. Must be protected from direct sunlight, moths and dust.

Technology of selling garments.

By appointment:

  • outerwear (coats, short coats, raincoats, jackets, overalls);
  • suit products (trousers, jackets, suits, shorts)
  • dress products (dresses, blouses, skirts, vests, sundresses, gowns, aprons)
  • underwear and blankets (men's and boys' top shirts, men's and boys' shirts, women's, men's and children's underwear, bed linen, pajamas, bathing suits, sets of underwear for adults and newborns, blankets, quilted children's toilet items)
  • uniforms (coats, raincoats, overcoats, pea jackets, uniform suits)
  • hats (caps, caps, caps, hats, panamas, berets, skullcaps, bonnets, hats)
  • Products for workers and special purposes (sportswear)
  • Other garments (sleeping bags, sleeping bag liners, covers, artificial fur collars)

Size indicators of shirts:

  • 1) neck girth;
  • 2) chest circumference;
  • 3) height in cm.

Dimensional indicators of men's trousers: 176-100-88 (176 - product height, 100 - hips, 88 - waist circumference).

Marking of garments is carried out by means of a product label, a tape with the image of a trademark (brand) and a control tape.

The product label must contain the following details:

  • image of the trademark of the manufacturer;
  • legal address of the manufacturer;
  • designation of the standard or TU;
  • · vendor code;
  • model number;
  • the size of the product;
  • its grade and release date;

Knitwear is recommended to be stored in clean, well-ventilated dry rooms at a temperature not lower than 5ºC and not higher than 40ºC, RH 65%. At higher humidity, mold may form on the products and microorganisms may develop, as a result of which discoloration or spots may appear. At low humidity, the products become brittle, hard, overdried. Knitwear should be protected from direct sunlight and from moths.

Control Tape - Mandatory for all garments of outerwear, knitwear, men's and teenage shirts, lingerie, nightgowns, and combinations. It indicates the size of the product.

The stigma is used for marking hats and personal protective equipment.

Technology of sale of knitted goods.

By appointment:

  • top:
    • - jacket - a product with a cut to the end of the camp, the sleeves are sewn-in, they end with cuffs, wristlets, sometimes they are folded inward. Can be single-breasted or double-breasted.
    • - vest - sleeveless product with a slit along the entire length of the front.
    • - jumper (pullover) - has a fastener of limited length or without it, a collar of various designs or without a collar.
    • - sweater - a product with a high collar, single or double, with long sleeves.
  • linen
  • hosiery
  • glove
  • · hats

By raw material:

  • - from natural fibers;
  • - from a mixture of different fibers.

According to the method of manufacture, the products are divided into:

  • - regular;
  • - semi-regular;
  • - cut;
  • - combined.

Linen knitwear is divided into:

  • - household
  • - sports

By sex and age are divided into:

  • - men's underwear (overshirts, jerseys, underpants, T-shirts, shorts);
  • - lingerie (day and night shirts, combinations, pantaloons, headsets, peignoirs, petticoats);
  • - children's underwear (overalls, undershirts, shirts, sliders, envelopes, caps, booties).

Hosiery: women's and children's stockings, half-stockings, socks, tights, foot pads, sports hosiery, medical stockings.

Hats - berets, scarves, hats, caps, berets.

Glove products.

  • - according to the season - winter, summer, demi-season.
  • - according to the method of production - knitted, sewn.
  • - by size.

Quantitative Acceptance

It is carried out by a materially responsible person or / and members of the team by recalculating each commodity unit. If there are no discrepancies, then the financially responsible person puts a seal and signature on the accompanying documents and accepts the goods. If there is any discrepancy, the supplier's representative is called.

Quality acceptance.

It is carried out at the warehouse by a merchandiser using the continuous check method. The product must comply with GOST, standards, specifications, have a certificate of quality (compliance), hygiene certificates. If the product does not meet the quality, then call the representative of the supplier.

The layout is made according to articles, types, sizes, styles, models, color, season, firms.

If the product does not fit the buyer in size, style, color, it can be changed within 14 days, not counting the day of purchase, if there is a sales receipt, marking and preservation of the presentation.

If a defect is found, the buyer goes to the store, writes a statement in 2 copies, endorses in a trade organization, the goods are accepted for examination. Examination must be carried out within 20 days in the presence of the buyer. From the 21st day, if the examination is not carried out, the buyer has the right to file a claim for the recovery of 1% of the value of the goods for each overdue day.

Linen and hosiery jersey cannot be exchanged!

Assignment to all sections of topic 4.2:

  • 1. Compile and fill in a table of 10 product names for each product group.
  • 2. Attach the labeling of the goods and decipher the dimensional indicators.

To study the technology of selling textile and clothing and knitwear products.

Make and fill out a table of 10 items of goods.

Promotions with the "Consulting" mechanics are gaining more and more popularity. This type of promotion is used both for advertising new products and for advertising established brands.

What are promotions with the "Consulting" mechanic?

It looks quite simple: in the department (or store) where your products are sold, there is a promoter who advises consumers on your product.

The task of the promoter is to switch the attention of the consumer from the products of competitors to your product. Very often, the work of a promoter-consultant is perceived by customers as the work of an ordinary store employee, and they are very willing to listen to his opinion (especially if the consultant knows information not only about your product, but also about competitors' products, and can competently operate with all available data)

Many buyers decide to buy a product of a particular brand directly in the store. It is at the moment when the buyer doubts, or does not have enough information to choose a product, that a promoter (consultant) comes to his aid, who can answer all questions regarding a particular product. In addition, the consultant will be able to emphasize the advantages of your product in relation to competitors, give the information that the consumer will not be able to get when choosing a product on his own.

When is it appropriate to use "Counseling" promotions?

Consulting is relevant when working with a group of products that have a large amount of characteristics. Most often, counseling is used for cosmetics, household chemicals, personal hygiene products. It is also very popular to use promoter-consultants in the sales of household appliances, audio and video equipment, tools, as well as all those products that require special skills and knowledge (when buying such products, consumers rely more often on the opinion of professional consultants). Consulting is also relevant when introducing new or specific goods and services to the market that were not previously known to the consumer.

Benefits of holding a promotional campaign "Consulting"

Consulting is a type of promotion that can increase the attention of potential buyers at points of sale to a focus product, emphasize the advantages of a given product or service against the background of its main competitors, thereby increasing sales and brand awareness.

Consulting at a point of sale helps the target audience to learn about a product or service in an expanded form from a promotional consultant, with their demonstration and a full description of the characteristics. Consultations give a potential buyer the opportunity to compare products and make a choice.

Consulting is an effective and inexpensive type of advertising that gives a long-term effect. As a result of the promotion, consumers learn more about the brand, more often buy it. Consulting at a point of sale is an opportunity to get a permanent customer.

The consultant-promoter communicates with consumers in a friendly and polite manner, which contributes to the client's disposition towards the brand. Explaining the benefits of a particular brand (product) and stimulating its purchase by consultants working directly at the product display increase sales efficiency by several times compared to other marketing methods.

Solve the problem of increasing sales You can, by ordering the Marketing Center "TOOLS" service for organization of consultations at points of sale. A professional approach in the selection and training of promotional personnel who can easily communicate with the target audience directly at the shelves with goods is the key to effective financial investment and high profitability of the project.

Our qualified consultants, having the necessary theoretical knowledge and practical skills, will be able to unobtrusively switch the consumer's attention to your product.

Our capabilities

The organization and conduct of promotional consultations at retail outlets includes several important aspects that we can easily solve for you:

  • we will provide qualified personnel that meets your requirements;
  • we will conduct training sessions for consultants;
  • we will develop an effective marketing message - "promo text";
  • we will offer the optimal targeted program and schedule for the BTL campaign;
  • we will help to carry out an agreement on holding promotional consultations with retail outlets;
  • we will develop and produce promotional clothing, related handouts and souvenirs;
  • we will provide you with a detailed report and a photo report

Marketing Center "TOOLS" consultants are guaranteed to attract the attention of the target audience to your product!

Our company has a lot of successful promotional consultations. We know how to hold a successful event, avoiding large financial investments.

Marketing Center "TOOLS" offers you organization and consultation in such cities as: Voronezh, Lipetsk, Tambov, Belgorod, Kursk, Orel, Bryansk, Vladimir, Stary Oskol, Yelets, Tula, Ryazan, Smolensk, Kaluga, Yaroslavl, Rybinsk and others cities of Russia.

Municipal deputies and consumer protection

On September 10, 2017, elections of deputies to the Councils of Deputies of Municipalities were held in Moscow. We - Muscovites - have elected municipal deputies to the representative bodies of local self-government, who should be familiar with our - residents of the capital - problems and concerns.
What are the main problems? That is, what should municipal deputies do? What issues can be included in the new agenda at the district level of Moscow?
Such issues are close to everyone and have "consumer signs", these are the quality of housing and communal services and the conscientiousness of management companies, the arrangement of courtyards and our streets, the culture of service in stores and the safety of products, the opportunity to engage in physical education and sports in your area, and others related to convenience and security in our daily lives. In one phrase, these are, first of all, the issues of the well-being of our life in the place of our permanent residence.
Here, these are the issues of local importance, which are dealt with by municipal deputies. And the role of municipal deputies in the life of citizens is no less than the role of deputies of the State Duma.
The election campaign is over. Real life has begun. Now, after the elections, the question arises - what to do? Moreover, not only for those who received the mandate of a municipal deputy, but also for those who did not become a local deputy, but are going to continue public activities without such a status.
And when answering the question - what to do? - it is necessary to take into account the following - objectively, dynamic transformations are taking place in Moscow in almost all its spheres, which are carried out by the city legislative and executive authorities. As a result, the responsibility of local self-government bodies for the prosperous life of Muscovites, into which such transformations in any case intrude, increases. The representative function of the local deputy in this regard is increasing. A local deputy today is already in the full sense a municipal politician, a representative and defender of the interests of residents, their “parliamentor” in relations with the city authorities, and not some kind of “junior in rank” or “subordinate person”. To become an independent local politician, and not just have a “deputy mandate”, you need to be aware of the main problems of the residents of your district, district, city. But for such inclusion, it is useful to enter a public organization, for example, a consumer association. It is this opportunity - to open a local (district) branch - that the Association of Consumers of Russia provides to all active people. We are already creating a community of consumer advocates, both from municipal deputies and social activists who are interested in the topic of consumer protection as the content of their activities. The basis for this approach for us is the Law of the city of Moscow "On the organization of local self-government in the city of Moscow", in the eighth article of which it is said that issues of local importance of the municipal district include, among other things, consideration of consumer complaints, advising them on protection issues consumer rights. It is obvious that today there are practically no consumer advocates among the elected local deputies. We want to correct this situation. Since such “specialization” is extremely necessary for solving the everyday issues of residents. This means that representatives of consumer societies and associations should become deputies. And we are ready to work in the interests of Muscovites! Everyone who shares my position can contact me personally on the issue of participation in the activities of the Russian Consumers Association in Moscow and the opening of our local branch in their area. Write: [email protected]
It should be good where we live now, which depends on us.
