“I need to buy myself a second brain and a second pair of eyes. Garik Martirosyan and Artur Dzhanibekyan: “Swearing at the Comedy Club is the same as scolding life Where did the gum martirosyan go?

Which is not in any social network, he changed himself: he opened a working account on Instagram and launched the Insta Battle project on its platform. Every day, the showman asks subscribers one question, and then selects the funniest answer, for which the author is paid from a hundred to a thousand euros. The awards are issued by the MEM Media agency, with which Martirosyan works. The showman told why he needed it, why he disappeared from television, does not register on social networks and never watches the performances of venerable American comedians.

Lenta.ru: Why do you need this project?

Martirosyan: I really like to do something in an unexplored field, where no one has done anything before me. "Insta battle" was invented by me, and I embody it myself. Unlike television projects that have specific goals, economics, and so on, we do not set such goals. We want to cheer ourselves up, Instagram users and all Russian-speaking people with a sense of humor, especially in such a sad time when autumn has come and winter is ahead.

That is, you do not have the task of discovering new stars?

If new stars emerge from this competition, I will be very happy. Probably, among those who write to us, you can find screenwriters who can give out good jokes. But I do not flatter myself with hopes of discovering new talents. It's just an entertainment platform for anyone who thinks they have a sense of humor.

Have you tagged any of the users?

Of course, there are guys who joke a lot and consistently well and witty. But here I behave strictly professionally: I don’t fall in love with anyone in a creative sense on purpose. I don't take note of anyone. This is a habit developed by years of sitting on the Comedy Battle jury. Here, after all, the main thing is wit, and not the person herself.

Who jokes funnier: Instagram users or newcomers who try out on TNT?

There are no special differences. Yes, of course, those who are professionally engaged in humor have more precise wording, their heads work faster, their brains are more efficient. But I assure you: completely ordinary people come and work at TNT. However, there is a problem. In Russia, unfortunately, there are no humorous universities and special courses where a person can hone his sense of humor.

There is, of course, a large KVN school. People can create their own teams, go to festivals - the scheme has been tested a long time ago. But this is the only way in Russia to develop a sense of humor. If you are lucky, if you have enough talent and creative strength, they will get into the major league of KVN, and then into the television arena. I can’t give people this perspective in the Insta Battle. We do not have an educational page, but just an entertaining one.

Social networks, as the name implies, are created primarily for a person to socialize. I met new people, made friends, expressed myself. Someone is interested in the information flows that run there, news, videos. But I have such a busy life, so many people surround me, that sometimes I don’t have time to communicate with the people who work with me. The Comedy Club office is a social network in itself. Well, imagine: five thousand people work in it. And if I also sit on social networks, I will go crazy. I need to stay awake, buy myself a second brain and a second pair of eyes.

Never in my life! I don't watch anything for the sake of coming up with brilliant ideas. I'm afraid of brilliant ideas. I'm afraid of American shows, I'm afraid of American stand-up artists, I'm afraid of those who work in the same genre as me, because their understanding then gives wrong shoots. Everything I have done in my life is dictated by my personal creative fantasies. I never take anything from anyone, I'm just not interested.

Do you follow what is written about you on the Internet?

I don't follow. If possible, write that it's enough to write something about me on the Internet, because I simply don't follow it.

This was the only story I followed. I had to react when already the twentieth person turned to me about some kind of baldness ointment. This is an absolute fake. We have long ago found those who advertised this remedy on my behalf, and the trial will soon take place. The company representing my interests on TNT will sue them.

A year has passed since this story.

It took time to find these people. If you think that this is some kind of open company that sits in an office on the Garden Ring, then no, it is not. The problem is that Internet users, like, in fact, all other viewers, are very gullible. Anything is written in my name. Seeing my photo cut out and pasted into some article, people don’t think that I couldn’t say that in principle.

In the near future, if all goes well, you may even see Internet comedy programs created exclusively for YouTube, RuTube, Facebook and other Internet platforms. I believe that the Internet is a terrible force.

On September 12, the Vdud channel aired an interview with Garik Martirosyan, a famous Russian and Armenian showman, co-producer and resident of the Comedy Club show, producer of many television projects such as Our Russia and Laughter Without Rules. We decided to select the most interesting phrases of Garik Martirosyan from an hour-long interview in order to save you time.

YURI DUD: “What is the new seasonComedyClub is different from the previous ones?

Garik claims that "each new season of the Comedy Club is different from previous seasons" since their creative credo is not to stagnate in one place. Garik confirms his words by the fact that if you compare the show of 2005 and the releases of 2016-2017, you can see a huge difference in both form and content. Further, the showman says that he often hears criticism of modern Comedy, supposedly it used to be funnier. But he explains this by saying that "the first comedy clubs were more like raunchy student skits, where miniatures had no endings, and now we have a more thoughtful finished show." So the format of the show has changed.

YURI DUD: “Why doesn’t Martirosyan go on stage in gum?”

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: I am a doctor. You know, there are times when the heart beats, but the brain is already dead? In a creative sense. I believe that you can not continue your work if you have nothing to say. At some point, I realized that within the framework of the Comedy Club I had nothing to say to the viewer. However, the humorist does not exclude the possibility that he can enter the Comedy stage if he has something new.

YURI DUD: “The departure of the resident, which was the hardest for you?”

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: Everything. For example, Molochny with Lyrnik, a duet named after Chekhov. These are very cool guys who had their own handwriting. Garik says that the most important thing in creativity is to be unique, and not to be the best.

YURI DUD: “How is a joke created? Tell me the technology of inventing humor using the example of this cabinet.

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: There is a group of authors, these people are very few. They can be called by name: Alexei Lyaporov, Alexei Poimanov, Radik Bigulaev, Sergei Bessmertny, who used to perform on stage and others. They are all linguists who graduated from Pyatigorsk Foreign Language.” Garik says that the most important thing for a comedian is the ability to deal with his native language.

YURI DUD: "And what are they doing?"

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: They gather in their offices, open the Internet, communicate on the topic of what is happening now in the world. For example, the topic of the nuclear program in North Korea is being actively discussed now. Someone suggests “Oh, let Kharlamov play Kem Chen Yn.” We remove the “first layer of humor” and look like it or not. Then we add drama, since conflicts are at the heart of any action. This also applies to humor. Then the author's group works on jokes and gradually "the skeleton is overgrown with meat." Then there is a creative discussion, where everyone expresses their opinion frankly.

YURI DUD: “I heard you often look at the computer at this moment?”

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: I play chess against the clock. And when the guys come in, I start playing. Their task is to tear me away from chess. If they succeed, then the audience will be hooked.

YURI DUD: "Do you avoid political topics in humor?"

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: No. We joke about whatever we want. Clumsy things that people want to hear from us, we do not say. Very often, humor borders on rudeness, we try not to cross this border.

YURI DUD:« Why are you allowed to joke about Putin?”

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: Because we do it with talent.

YURI DUD: “I heard that gum residents are allowed to use drugs. This is true?"

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: Drugs destroy the brain, - I say as a doctor. - “This is the second question that we are constantly asked. It is impossible to come up with jokes in an inadequate state. Although there are Russian directors who make their films in this state,” jokes Martirosyan.

YURI DUD: “What kind of party did Medvedev have?”

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: It wasn't a party, it was a very nice, warm event. Dmitry Anatolyevich is a graduate of the law faculty of the Leningrad State University. It was the evening of the meeting of graduates, we were invited to perform there.

YURI DUD: “Did you host this event?”

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: Of course not. If Medvedev invites you, will you take the money? Dmitry Anatolyevich is a big fan of the Comedy Club.

YURI DUD:Watched "He is not Dimon to you"?

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: No, I don't know about him. I don't believe in anything that hasn't been proven.

YURI DUD: “Explain why the ProjectorParisHilton went down?”

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: This is what you think. How can I explain it? Fine. Because you still have a nostalgic aftertaste from those releases. In fact, the world is changing, the news is changing. The Internet is on its heels, eating up the latest news. And then comes the Saturday "perishilton", which is trying to rewind, trying to joke. Sometimes it succeeds. We understand that the spotlight has many problems. But we will prove to you that we are cool.

YURI DUD:“Your annual income is more than 1 million euros, right?”

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: This is wrong. If I agreed to all the offers, then I would earn so much.

YURI DUD: « Forbes estimated your net worth at $3 million."

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: I love Forbes for giving out unverified information. They wrote to Batrutdinov with an income of $2.8 million. We are laughing at this, because at this moment he does not have an apartment and he drives an ordinary foreign car.

YURI DUD: "Why don't you host your own show?"

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: A very limited circle of people who can be invited to the show. In Russia, people really want to be beautiful, they don't want to be laughed at.

YURI DUD: "Oksimiron or Purulent?"

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: I have a negative attitude towards the Russian turnip. It simply cannot be. Rap is a social protest.

YURI DUD: "TV or the Internet?"

GARIK MARTIROSYAN: Of course, TV. And if we talk about the future, then the Internet.



    Garik Martirosyan is already a successful person, it seems that he decided to give in to other residents, in particular, Batrudinov - let him study.

    And Martirosyan himself does not lose his grip - he is the creative producer of this show and is now in full swing transforming it from a conversational genre into a humorous performance with actions.

    I think the main reason for this is that Garik Martirosyan does not consider it necessary for himself at the moment. But he is present on the show, he can also be said to be the master of the Comedy Club show. Yes, and there are other projects where he manifests himself. Such an exceptionally developed personality in every sense as Garik Martirosyan is fatal to be limited to this show.

    Even Martirosyan does not appear on the stage, this does not mean that he is not there.

    If you notice, then he gives cues to various stories and is in the program, simply invisible to the audience. And this is because he has risen in this program and is its producer or something else. And he does not have to stand on stage now.

    They are gradually refreshing this program and in it we see in the latest releases new faces who have become residents and left the Comedy Battle and other programs.

    And recently he was asked such a question in one of the interviews, to which he replied that

    he is more of a screenwriter, and writes scripts, as well as a show organizer, not an artist.

    Indeed, many have noticed that Comedy club resident Garik Matirosyan does not enter the comedy stage and is increasingly moving away from this show, this is because Garik has outgrown the Comedy club because he has long been an adult and is more involved in conducting concerts and events.

    Charismatic and sparkling Garik Martirosyan is still in the Comedy Club. But he really stopped going on stage as a performer. In fact, this means that in the career of a showman and comedian, he moved to a new step, becoming not just a performer, but a screenwriter, artistic director and even a co-producer of the program. So, of course, one can be glad for Garik Yuryevich. But personally, I miss him on stage.

    The life of Garik Martirosyan is not fixated on the Comedy club show. He created this project with friends and continues to be present in it and other projects from the Comedy club as a producer. But at the same time, he constantly hosts some shows, Main Stage, Dancing with the Stars. At the same time, Garik, as he himself says, spends all his free time with his family. He is often also present at the Comedy club show, but as a spectator. Sometimes his remarks are heard in the hall, but as a resident he does not speak.

    Garik Martirosyan is one of the founders of the Comedy Club. And since he is a co-producer, artistic director and resident of the Comedy Club show, it is likely that he decided to move away from performing on stage for a while. In addition, Garik takes part in several more successful and successful projects on different channels and it is possible that he does not have enough time for everything.

    Garik Martirosyan takes the honorable place of the creative producer of the Comedy Club project.

    Garik, as a rule, can add some jokes, and also introduces the residents before they go on stage.

    Garik Martirosyan is a bird of higher rank than just a resident, which is why he looks at this show in a complex for improvement, and not in particular the development of his personal number.

    Well, it’s just that Garik Martirosyan, in my opinion, compares favorably with the so-called residents of the Comedy-horseradish-club. He has, as it were, grown out of this swamp, it would be time for him to get some fresh air and feel free. And the current Comedy Club has long outlived itself - the pursuit of loot has never made HUMOR HUMOR.

    Because Garik Martirosyan at this stage of his life has other projects and lack of time for Comedy. He is still a Comedy producer and it also takes time. He leads various events, concerts, writes scripts. Many project residents are gradually leaving the projects and will experience new opportunities and projects.

Tonight, April 15, the 475th issue of the Comedy Club will be aired on TNT, which means that very soon we will see the 500th: the show is approaching its anniversary. Over the 11 years of its existence, a huge number of comedians has grown, and the program itself has become the undisputed leader of the humorous genre in Russia. After many years of dominance on TV by "Full House" and "Crooked Mirror" it turned out that there are people in the country who not only love to joke, but also know how.

Garik Martirosyan, Pavel Volya, Garik Kharlamov, Alexander Revva, Timur Batrutdinov and other Comedy Club residents are super popular today. But, despite the impressive fees and "all-Union" recognition, they are in no hurry to rest on their laurels and continue to make shows on TNT. Another paradox of Comedy is that after so many years on the screens, the ratings of the program have not only not fallen, they are constantly growing. The jokes did not become flat, and the banter became redundant. Stars of the first magnitude (including guests from other countries) come to the shooting of the show, while they are sincerely glad when Pavel Volya or any of the other residents "pass through" them.

At the same time, the Comedy Club perfectly exists in the off-air space. For the third year in a row, the big festival "Week of High Humor" with the Comedy Club, which gathers a large party of stars and eminent guests, takes place in the summer. In addition, the Comedy Club is included in the official cultural program of Formula 1 races in Sochi for the second year in a row (this year, special concerts as part of the event will be held on April 29, 30 and May 1), and last year it was part of the cultural program of the World Championship in water sports in Kazan.

15 interesting facts about the Comedy Club:

1 . The idea to create a Comedy Club project was born in 2003 by Artak Gasparyan, Artur Janibekyan, Artashes Sargsyan, former KVN players from the New Armenians team.

2 . At that time, Artak Gasparyan lived with Tash Sargsyan, and Tash and Garik Martirosyan, together with Artur Dzhanibekyan, worked on the radio.

3 . Dzhanibekyan was offered to lead the new project - as a person who had cash in the amount of 600 dollars. This money became the first capital that was invested in the Comedy Club.

4 . The show premiered on TNT on April 23, 2005.
Actor Til Schweiger and Garik Kharlamov on the set of the program

5 . The stage program of Pavel Volya, during which he discusses the guests in the hall, was formed thanks to Philip Kirkorov, who became the guest of the first issue. Then, going on stage and realizing who the main star of the evening was in the hall, Volya decided to comment on Philip's arrival with humor. And so it happened.

6 . The first residents of the Comedy Club were people from KVN, but now anyone can become a member of the program. New residents are also selected thanks to the show "Comedy Battle", in which anyone can pass the casting.

7 . During performances, the artists use pre-prepared scripts and jokes, but they very often improvise.

8 . The residents of the show are humorists by vocation, and if the Comedy Club project had not become popular, it is likely that one of them would have worked in the profession received at the institute: Garik Martirosyan as a psychotherapist, Pavel Volya as a teacher of Russian language and literature , Timur Batrutdinov - an economist, Alexander Revva and Garik Kharlamov - HR managers. Now it is hard to believe that Vadim Galygin graduated from a military school, and Mikhail Galustyan graduated from the Sochi State University of Tourism and Resort Business. No, but we believe in it.

9 . The stand up comedy genre appeared 200 years ago in Great Britain and was very popular in the USA in the middle of the 20th century.

10 . A total of 160 people work on each issue of Comedy Club.

11 . On April 23, 2010, the format of the show "New Comedy Club" appeared with new scenery, residents and host - Garik Martirosyan (previously Tash Sargsyan was the host).

12 . Several residents of the Comedy Club left the project, setting off on a solo voyage, only to return to TNT later. At different times, Vadim Galygin, Alexander A. Revva and even Garik Kharlamov left and returned to the Comedy Club, without whom it is simply impossible to imagine the current Comedy Club.
Timur Batrutdinov, Alexander Revva, Garik Kharlamov and Mikhail Galustyan

13 . Currently, Garik Martirosyan does not appear on the Comedy Club stage, but we always hear his voice. Moreover, the guests in the hall, unlike TNT viewers, not only hear Garik, but also have the opportunity to watch him. He is located in the immediate vicinity of the auditorium, approximately in the 9th-10th row area and, sitting on a high bar stool with a microphone in his hands, from time to time he lets out witty remarks. A life hack for those who plan to visit Comedy shootings: the best places are right next to it. As a rule, they are bought by young, pretty girls who always sit half-turned and, without blinking, look at Garik, only occasionally glancing at the stage.

14 . Before the filming process, the residents of the Comedy Club have a regular working week. Every day - and most often even without days off - they come to the Comedy Club production office and rehearse their numbers from morning to evening. The apparent ease with which the residents show the numbers on stage is actually achieved by daily rehearsals. Some of the most complex and massive numbers take up to three weeks.

15 . For the second year in a row, the show's stylist brings about 100 "collected bows" for each day of shooting, plus 20 spare ones - in case of force majeure. Example: the participants of the "Trio SPB" in their rooms very often spoil their costumes with all sorts of paraphernalia.

Duet named after Chekhov

Marina Kravets is the only woman among Comedy residents
