A real teacher is an argument from life. On the problem of the influence of the teacher on the students; about the problem of the existence of real teachers; teacher personality assessments

The composition of the exam in the text: “I think I was in the fifth grade when we had several new young teachers just out of university. One of the first to appear was Vladimir Vasilyevich Ignatovich, a chemistry teacher…” (according to V.G. Korolenko).
(I.P. Tsybulko, 36th option, task 25)

We all go to school, go through this important life period. What influence does the teacher have on us, on the formation of our characters? How are conflicts between teacher and students resolved? It is this problem that the Russian writer V. G. Korolenko raises in his article. There was a conflict between the teacher and the student in the class. The teacher was so able to put himself in this situation that the student Zarutsky realized his mistake and apologized to the teacher.

The position of the author is clearly expressed in the article. A respectful attitude on the part of the teacher creates conditions for the formation of the best qualities in the character of students: the ability to commit an honest act not under external pressure, but at the behest of one's own conscience. The teacher influences the formation of the character of students by his behavior, personal example, manner of speech, attitude towards children.

I fully agree with the author of the article. Teachers should treat students with respect in order to build self-respect in their characters. The disrespectful attitude of the teacher leads to conflict situations that can be very difficult to resolve.

One can recall works from fiction, where this problem is revealed. M. Kazakova in her book "It's hard with you, Andrei" talks about a boy who was uncontrollable. He was rude to teachers, often ran away from lessons, and completely defied education. But the young teacher of Russian language and literature was able to see in this boy a kind and sympathetic young man who is capable of a heroic deed. The main thing is to see in a person his good qualities, to reveal them, not to let the door slam shut, which is often knocked on.

Or take Rasputin's story "French Lessons". The teacher Lidia Mikhailovna, having learned that the student is in poverty, tries to help him. The boy is very proud and cannot accept help from the teacher. Then the teacher turns study into a game, and gambling. The principal of the school decides that this is a crime, and the teacher loses her job. She leaves for the Kuban in her native village. And even from there he sends parcels with fruit, trying to support him.

Yes, teacher-student relationships are often dangerous. But the most important thing here is a sensitive attitude towards children. Only then will the child open up and not withdraw into himself.

Option 36

I think I was in the fifth grade when we had several new young teachers just out of university. One of the first to appear was Vladimir Vasilyevich Ignatovich, a chemistry teacher.

At the initial stage of a person's maturation, it is important that there is a wise, kind, sympathetic, understanding person nearby who is able to wisely convey his life experience. In this text, V.G. Korolenko raises the problem of the teacher's influence on students.

Referring to the topic, the narrator gives an example of a story from his school life, in which a young teacher, who had recently graduated from the university, played an important role. The author emphasizes that from the very beginning of his practice, Ignatovich treated his students politely, diligently did his job, showing disregard for marks and, in general, for the usual structure of conducting lessons, which, of course, aroused the indignation of the students - they were accustomed to rudeness and exactingness. The narrator draws our attention to the fact that at first, in response to such an attitude “the class almost stopped learning”, the lessons were noisy and, despite the tact and politeness of the new teacher, there were conflicts between students and the teacher, which, to the surprise of many, did not went outside the classroom. The author cites one of these conflicts as an example, drawing our attention to the fact that children began to get used to politeness, sensitivity and respect and began to show such an attitude towards people themselves. Zarutsky, having unfairly slandered Ignatovich and received a well-deserved reproach from the whole class, publicly apologized to the teacher, which formed a new stage in relations between students and teachers.

V.G. Korolenko believes that a respectful attitude on the part of the teacher creates conditions for the formation of the best qualities in the character of students. These include the ability to objectively assess one's behavior in relation to society, and the need for honest, conscientious actions that do not depend on external pressure. The teacher, by his very personality, manner of behavior and speech, is able to influence the formation of the character of the students.

I fully agree with the author's opinion and also believe that a teacher plays a very important role in shaping a person's personality. By his example, his behavior, his worldview, he is able to change the worldview of students and program them for honesty, decency, the desire for self-development, self-education, for the natural need to do good and respect people.

In Ch. Aitmatov's story "The First Teacher" we get acquainted with the story of a girl whose teacher played a key role in the formation of her personality. Altynai describes his first teacher, Duishen, as a semi-literate person, but able to give children something more than standard knowledge - indispensable support, love and care. Duishen gave his class, who had never been outside the village, a vision of another world, carried children through the icy river in the cold, and once even managed to catch and punish the rapist Altynai. There was no formality in this teacher - he gave all of himself, all his life experience, all his knowledge for the benefit of the future generation, and this paid off. At the end of the work, Altynai, who has already matured, returns to Kurkureu to invite people to name the new boarding school after Duishen.

In the story of V.G. Rasputin's "French Lessons" also raises the problem of the teacher's influence on children. Lidia Mikhailovna, a French teacher, having learned that Volodya is suffering financial difficulties, invites him to additional French lessons, in which she tries to help the boy. Faced with Volodya's pride, Lydia Mikhailovna, forgetting about pedagogical ethics, sits down to play with a student for money with one goal - to lose for good, for which she later suffers a dismissal and leaves for the Kuban. But even after that, the woman continues to help her student by sending him parcels with food. Volodya did not forget this irreplaceable support and care even after a long time. Lidia Mikhailovna played a key role in shaping his personality, investing in the boy not only the idea of ​​the harmfulness of gambling, but also the ability to be a kind, decent and sympathetic person.

Thus, we can conclude that the teacher lays in his students the foundation of personality, the necessary basis, which is a kind of impetus to a new, interesting, worthy life. Therefore, it is important to appreciate and respect your teachers even after graduation from school.

The problem of the relationship between teacher and students arguments

Arguments on the topic "Teacher" for the composition of the USE 2017. Problems: the role of a teacher and mentor in human life, the relationship between teachers and students, heroism.

13 books about teachers. About the role a teacher or mentor plays in a person's life, about a difficult profession, heroism and true vocation.

1) V. Bykov "Obelisk"

The story "Obelisk" is a tribute to the memory of all the unknown heroes of the Great Patriotic War, who gave their lives for the Victory. The film "A Minute of Silence", based on this work, successfully went around the screens not only in our country, but also in Western Europe. The cruel reality of events and at the same time immense love and sympathy for the characters are the two main distinguishing features of all the works of Vasil Bykov.
The story of a Soviet teacher who, like Janusz Korczak, is ready to die along with his students. A selfless gesture, a feat of a teacher who does not want to back down, hide and stand aside when his children are led to death. The feat of a teacher lies not in the extermination of the enemy, not in undermining the bridge, but in devotion to children. And this story describes a heroic deed, which few people were capable of, and its accomplishment requires much more fortitude and determination than to kill an enemy.

2) Ch. Aitmatov "Plakha"

After being expelled from the seminary, Obadiah gets a job at the editorial office of a local newspaper and travels to the Moyunkum desert to write an article to describe the drug trade developed there. Already on the way, he meets his "fellow travelers" - Petrukha and Lyonka. He tries to reason with them, to become their spiritual mentor.
Finding himself among a semi-declassed element - people with a very vague past and a very dubious present, Obadiah again makes speeches about repentance - he could not stand the killing of many animals "for the plan" - he tries to prevent the slaughter, and drunken employers crucify him on saxaul.

Jake Epping, a thirty-five-year-old high school English teacher in Lisbon Falls, Maine who is teaching extracurricular GCSE classes to earn money, receives a horror essay from a student. In a short story, we are talking about an incident that happened about 50 years ago. That night, the father of a certain Harry Dunning, in a state of intoxication, came home and killed his wife, two sons and crippled his 7-year-old daughter with a hammer. The hero has the opportunity to fix everything. Only in the past, Jake finds himself in the profession, guides the children, becomes their friend, changes their destinies, just because he believes in them. Well, along the way trying to save Kennedy.

4) Gene Webster "Dear Enemy"

A touching story about a girl who had to lead an orphanage. At first, she was burdened by this duty, and then she felt that the children became part of her life and even helped her find personal happiness.

5) F. Iskander "13 feat of Hercules"

A story about how you can treat your profession outside the box and “harden the hearts of children” with laughter.

6) L.Sashar "I don't believe in monsters"

The widely known and most significant work of the Soviet teacher and writer A. S. Makarenko. It tells about the re-education of juvenile offenders in a children's labor colony, the creator and leader of which in the 20s of the XX century was the author. The book is addressed to a wide range of readers.

9) V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons"

One of the best stories of the famous Russian writer Valentin Grigoryevich Rasputin, which has become a classic of Russian literature.
1948 Difficult post-war period, devastation, famine. Children had to grow up early, take on adult responsibilities. The hero of the story, an eleven-year-old boy, cut off from home, is faced with a need, he is starving. He alone fights for his existence, not accepting alms and help from others.
Thanks to a young French teacher, Lidia Mikhailovna, the boy discovers a new world where people can trust each other, support and help, share sorrow and joy, relieve loneliness. French lessons turn out to be lessons of kindness and charity.

10) B. Kaufman "Up the stairs leading down"

The heroine of the book, a young teacher Sylvia Barrett, comes to the school hoping to interest students in her subject - English literature, but quickly discovers that the students are mostly indifferent, most of the colleagues are completely indifferent to school life, and the very course of this life is subject to meaningless bureaucratic norms. Gradually, however, she realizes that this is where she has the opportunity to really influence the minds and hearts of her students. The novel is given dynamism by the form chosen by the writer: it almost entirely consists of notes, documents, school essays, and letters.
The book is based on real events from the writer's life.

11) Ch. Aitmatov "First teacher"

A well-known story by the people's writer of Kyrgyzstan about a Komsomol member of the twenties who organized the first school in a remote Kyrgyz village. This is a small story about a big man. About the Teacher with a capital letter, even if it may sound trite.
The topic raised in the story by the wise writer and philosopher Ch.T. Aitmatov, - the education of children growing up in remote villages, or rather, its absence. In the hero Duishen, the author creates an ideal image of a people's teacher (or a teacher from the people) - kind, selfless, honest. It is not difficult to imagine what schools were like in Kyrgyzstan at the beginning of the 20th century. The common people were completely illiterate. The first attempts to teach children the elementary skills of writing and counting often failed even at the stage of collecting children for school, because the parents did not understand why their child should study. Therefore, the exploits of all the Duyshens - the first teachers of Kyrgyz children - are real, not fictional.
Is it a joke to teach children whose grandfathers and great-grandfathers were illiterate up to the seventh generation?
In addition, I would like to note other topics raised by the author in this short story - the theme of first love, the theme of a small Motherland, the theme of respect for people who selflessly stood up to protect our country from the fascist infection. Chingiz Torekulovich Aitmatov, as always with his characteristic gift for writing, did an excellent job with his task.

12) "Rabbit Gaze" by Kenjiro Haitani.

Haitani has written several children's books, among them The Eye of a Rabbit, a novel that has received recognition far beyond Japan. The heroine of the novel is a young teacher, Fumi Kotani, who has to find a common language with the elementary school students of an ordinary school in an industrial district. Among them, the orphan Tetsuzo delivers the most trouble - silent and unfriendly, who can easily crush frogs and is not interested in anything but flies. And the title of the book does not indicate the presence of a rabbit in it at all, but an old Japanese proverb: "You don't need to be a Buddha to look into the eyes of a rabbit and see the world through his eyes."

13) Vardges Petrosyan "The Last Teacher"

Most of the heroes of the story "The Last Teacher" (1979) are tenth-graders of one of the Yerevan schools. Despite their age, they are much more mature than the characters in the previous stories. The new generation of Petrosyan's heroes looks at life more closely and more practically, and most importantly, they have learned to fight for their love, for friends, for their beliefs.
The students of the tenth "B" grade are outraged by the dismissive attitude of some teachers towards them. And in fact, the headmaster sees in each of them only something “arithmetic mean”, and the teacher of mathematics declares in the teacher's room: “Not a generation, but an equation with ten unknowns. However, I have already decided it for myself. The answer is zero. Zero!" Naturally, the sympathy of the children is won by the teacher of literature Mamyan, who respects human individuality. and in his conflict with the administration, they come together in his defense, and this helps him in his righteous struggle.

A significant role in the formation of their characters was played by the teacher of literature Mamyan. The appearance of this important character in the work of Petrosyan is very significant. It is with his help that the writer proceeds to a really deep development of the problem of communication and continuity of generations.

His new hero first of all sincerely loves his students. He knows that they want to see not only a teacher in him, but first of all a person. Its main task is not to give them a certain amount of information, but to teach them to think, feel, and act independently. Mamyan believes in his pupils. Behind the ostentatious shell of their audacity, he guesses the confusion of the soul and the thirst for independence. He understands that the failed striptease attempt made by Mari Melikyan in the chemical laboratory of the school is actually due not to promiscuity, but to the tragedy of a girl whose father abandoned her family. Now she "avenges all men for her mother", including her classmate Vaan, who loves her, tries to seem worse than she is. Let us recall that already Arthur in “Ani's Pharmacy” guessed about the hidden spring of such actions: “Suddenly it occurs to me that we are not at all such vulgar people, but rather we are trying to seem vulgar.”

The ability to penetrate into the depths of the consciousness of his younger friends, the readiness to act in practice, in a very specific situation, to defend them ensured Mamyan's moral victory over the class that met him indifferently.

Creating a portrait of the modern Don Quixote - let's mention this name in its main, humanistic sound - Petrosyan set himself a not easy goal. The image of Mamyan is in many ways a successful attempt to combine in one character rich imagination and efficiency, breadth of thinking and depth of special knowledge, civic courage and tenderness for people. Thanks to these qualities, Mamyan manages to overcome the barrier of alienation, which often exists between insufficiently thoughtful and humane teachers and their pupils. The problem of "fathers and children" for him, in fact, is not present, he sometimes seems younger than his students.

The problem of the influence of the teacher on the student. Arguments from literature and life

Even in peacetime there are heroes. What is it worth to teach the younger generation to the mind and set on the right path?! A teacher is also a hero in his own way, on whom the future of the country depends. The problem of the teacher's influence on the student, the arguments of which will be presented in the article, will show how much the teacher's work can change people's lives.

In a distant village

Speaking about such a concept as the problem of the influence of a teacher on a student, arguments that it will be well described can be found in works of literature. For example, in the story "The First Teacher" Chingiz Aitmatov tells about one person who, having no education and hardly reading syllables, decides to go against the system and creates a school in the village. One of his students was a girl named Altynai. After the death of her parents, she lived with relatives, from whom it was rarely possible to hear a kind word that would be addressed to her. From her teacher, she first learned what kindness is. Later, a former student said that he did the impossible - he opened the whole world to the children who had not seen anything in life. Thanks to this person, Altynai was able to study at a boarding school, enter the university and become a doctor of philosophical sciences.

All for the benefit of the children

In this example, the problem of the teacher's influence on the student is quite accurately indicated. Arguments from the literature often focus on the fact that teachers change children's lives for the better. Contrary to the rules, they are allowed to play for money so that the child has something to live on (Valentin Rasputin “French Lessons”). They sacrifice their lives for the sake of their students (Vasily Bykov "Obelisk"). In simple words, praise instills confidence in one's strength, which opens up a great future for students (A.I. Kuprin "Taper").

It is not easy to consider such a question as the problem of the influence of the teacher on the students. Arguments on this issue always look like two sides of the coin. On the one hand, the teacher gives knowledge and opens the door to a brighter future, but on the other hand, he can bring up negative qualities of character in the student.

Recall at least Pushkin's lines from "Eugene Onegin", which tells about the French teacher of the protagonist. He was not particularly strict, gave only superficial knowledge so that the child would not bother much, took the boy for a walk in the garden and from time to time said what was good and what was bad. As a result, he taught me to treat life carelessly and consumerly, to take everything from the world, but not to strain to find my place in life.

You can find many examples in novels and books, but no less stories can be heard from real life.

Life Stories

In reality, especially today, teachers, in particular strict ones, are more often hated and criticized by children than they listen to their advice. Of course, one can cite examples of teachers who neglect their duties. However, most of the teachers are good.

So, the problem of the influence of the teacher on the student. Arguments from life can be represented by a story that Viktor Astafiev once told. In one of his publications, he wrote about his Russian teacher, Rozhdestvensky Ignat Dmitrievich.

Victor Astafiev recalls how the teacher introduced them to the Russian language, telling funny and memorable stories. But he was very strict in everything related to grades. Victor says that for the first time, when the teacher praised him for his composition, he had a desire to create and write even better. Praise from such a strict person meant a lot to the students. If someone instead of the usual, teacher's "Undergrowth" heard "Well done!", It said that he really did a good job and all his efforts were not in vain.

relationship problem

When the problem of teacher influence on the student is considered, arguments can tell a lot. However, they do not always reflect the difficulties of the relationship. It is not uncommon to encounter a situation where some teachers are forgotten immediately after leaving school, while others are remembered all their lives. It all depends on the dedication of the teacher to his work. If he loves his subject, tells not only the meager school curriculum, but also many other interesting facts from real life, encourages students and tries to convey his knowledge to everyone, regardless of personal preferences and prejudices, then the students will respect him, and the lessons will be remembered for a long time.

But in a situation where a teacher is a profession, not a vocation and passion, then the students will neglect his lessons. And the mentor himself will become for them just another faceless shadow of the school past.

The problem of the teacher's influence on the student, the arguments of which are presented in the publication, will be relevant at any time. After all, a teacher is the one who introduces a new person by the hand into the world where he will have to live. And it depends only on his influence and upbringing what this new person will later turn out to be: whether he will become the next Onegin or turn into an outstanding scientist. It all depends on the work of the teacher.

Arguments on the topic: TEACHER

In the materials of literary arguments, we include a summary of the work, the minimum characterization of the characters and citations.

If you are not satisfied with the excessive volume of arguments, we advise you to shorten them, excluding, in accordance with your conclusions, unnecessary points.

In A. Platonov's story "The Sandy Teacher", the reader learns about the life of Maria Naryshkina, who was appointed as a teacher in the distant village of Khoshutovo - "on the border with the dead Central Asian desert." Platonov writes that the desert became her homeland. Seeing the miserable Khoshutovo, covered with snowdrifts of sand, knowing the "hard and almost unnecessary work" of people trying to clear sandy blockages, Maria decides to start fighting the desert.
Three years later, Khoschutovo was transformed. Landings turned green. The school "was full not only of children, but also of adults who listened to the teacher's reading about the wisdom of living in the sandy steppe."
Once the nomads trampled down all the plantings and emptied the wells. In response to the threat of a young teacher to complain, the leader of the nomads says: “Our steppe, young lady. He who is hungry and eats the grass of his homeland is not a criminal.” In the district, they explain to her that Khoshutovo will now manage without her, because people here have learned to fight the sands, that another village is waiting for her, where nomads who are moving to settled life live. They must be taught the culture of the sands. Knowing the difficult life of the desert tribes, she understood the whole hopeless fate of the two peoples, squeezed into the dunes, and agreed.
The story ends with meaningful words closed: “You, Maria Nikiforovna, could manage a whole people, not a school ...”
The writer A. Platonov gives the image of a teacher who belongs to a generation of honest, purposeful people who believe in a bright future, real enthusiasts of their work. Such people strive to transform the world and devote themselves to building a new life, new relationships between people, between peoples in the era of the eradication of illiteracy.

From the memoirs of the writer Viktor Astafiev.
When the writer V. Astafiev was a fifth grader, Ignatiy Dmitrievich Rozhdestvensky, a Siberian poet, taught Russian language and literature at their school.
At literature lessons, the teacher forced all the children in a row to read aloud from Dubrovsky and Borodin and was very dissatisfied with the fact that they read poorly. Once, at a Russian language lesson, the teacher talked about the word "yar" for an hour. Astafyev, a fifth-grader, “was struck then that one short word can hide so much meaning and meaning that everything can be comprehended with the help of words and the person who knows it, who owns it, is a big and rich person.”
When the interest in literature awakened among the fifth-graders, Ignatiy Dmitrievich began to bring fresh magazines, books, postcards to the lessons, and he always read aloud for ten to fifteen minutes, and the guys more and more often sat through the changes, listening to him.
The students were very fond of creative work. Once they wrote about who spent their summer holidays and how. As a schoolboy, V. Astafiev “got lost in the taiga, stayed in it for several days, was mortally frightened at first, then came to his senses, kept on skillfully, steadfastly in the taiga, remained alive.” Never before had he tried so hard at school, never had paperwork captured him with such force. With secret excitement I waited for the distribution of notebooks. The teacher scolded many compositions for the lack of his own words and thoughts. V. Astafiev forever remembered the rare and therefore especially expensive word quietly said to him: “Well done!”
When V. Astafiev's first book of stories came out, he gave the first autograph in his life to a man who instilled in him respect for the word, aroused a thirst for creativity.

In the story "The Last Bow" V. Astafiev tells a story that happened to the teacher.
Once the guys went to the mountain for flowers and seedlings for the school yard. Soon they sat down on the stones to rest and suddenly saw a snake. The schoolchildren also “didn’t have time to think anything, as the teacher pushed them away, and he grabbed a stick and began to thrash the snake.”
“Don't hit over your shoulder!” the schoolchildren shouted, but the teacher did not hear.
He beat and beat the snake, then turned around, and the guys saw that he was trembling.
When they returned, he followed the children and kept looking back, ready to defend them again and again. The teacher was very surprised that a snake could be thrown around the neck with a stick. It turns out that he grew up in a place where there were no snakes. The guys were amazed.
Years have passed. V. Astafiev remembers the village teacher like this - "with a slightly guilty smile, polite, shy, but always ready to rush forward and defend his students, help them in trouble, facilitate and improve people's lives."
The writer V. Astafiev believes that “the name of the teacher can be forgotten, it is important that the word “teacher” remains.

The events of Valentin Rasputin's autobiographical story "French Lessons" take place after the end of the Great Patriotic War.
The independent life of the protagonist began at the age of 11, because he studied far from home. He is lonely, starving, he can hardly speak French. The boy plays for money to buy food. The French teacher Lidia Mikhailovna comes to his aid. The protagonist refuses help, he is ashamed to accept food from the teacher. Lidia Mikhailovna plays a game of chance with him - "zameryashki", and the boy buys milk with the money won. This allowed him to survive in the hungry post-war period. The director dismisses Lidia Mikhailovna, calling her act immoral. After some time, the teacher sent the boy pasta and hematogen in the first package, and apples in the second.
The teacher Lidia Mikhailovna is a kind, sympathetic person. She is sensitive, as she noticed that the boy is starving, and is ready to take risks to save him.
V. Rasputin reveals to the reader the image of a teacher as a symbol of human responsiveness. And French lessons are lessons of kindness. The teacher educates her student by her own example. Showing kindness to him, she opens a new world for him, where people can trust each other, share grief, relieve loneliness, where there is goodness and love.

Let the events you read about worthy people help you think about the life around you.

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School is an important stage for every individual. It is during this period that children become attached to spiritual values, acquire life guidelines. Each teacher always influences the worldview of a teenager in his own way, so the result of the impact is different for everyone.

  • V. Rasputin, "French Lessons". Lidia Mikhailovna became for a poor eleven-year-old boy the embodiment of kindness, disinterestedness. She taught him the most valuable lessons - humanity. The student tried to get money for food by any means, so he got involved in card games for money. Since the proud hero never accepted help from the teacher (she offered him help), she found a different way out of the situation. Lidia Mikhailovna began to gamble with him and deliberately lost in order to somehow help. Soon the director of the school found out about her "crime", and the woman was fired. However, even at a distance, she supported the boy - she sent him anonymous parcels with apples. Lidia Mikhailovna taught the hero the most important thing in life - humanity.
  • V. Bykov, "Obelisk". Frost became a role model for his students. He combined the best features of human character - kindness, mercy, courage, a sense of responsibility for his followers. Even during the war years, he continued to zealously teach children, he wanted to educate in them "not obedient crammers, but above all people." One day, Frost bought new shoes for the little twin girls so that their mother would let them go to school when it got cold outside. For the sake of his students, he was ready for anything. Even to death. To save at least one of the six guys captured by the Germans, he sacrificed his life. Pavel Miklashevich was seriously wounded, but survived. All his life he defended the honest name of his teacher.

The negative influence of the teacher

  • A. S. Pushkin, "Eugene Onegin". French teachers in a nobleman's house are a common occurrence. However, “European” education was not always of high quality. So, in the novel in verse, the author treats Onegin's education with irony. The "wretched" Frenchman did not take the boy seriously, but "taught him everything jokingly." He encouraged the child's leprosy, sometimes even indulged them. Such upbringing can be considered one of the reasons for the immoral lifestyle that has developed in the hero. He does not feel thirst for knowledge, no activity brings him pleasure. Eugene Onegin grew up as a selfish, eternally bored young man. Sometimes the teacher does more harm than good with his "classes".
  • A. S. Pushkin, "The Captain's Daughter". At the age of 11, Petr Grinev was hired by the Frenchman Beaupre, who was supposed to teach the boy "in French, German and all sciences." But he did not carry out his direct duties. The Frenchman used to work as a hairdresser, then as a soldier, so he was far from his "profession" in Russia. Beaupre drank a lot, led a dissolute life, and slept in class. This influenced the education of Peter - he never received knowledge from the tutor. However, later the hero did not take over from his "teacher" the bad qualities of character. Pyotr Grinev remained true to himself and his beloved. He did not swear allegiance to Pugachev, keeping an honest name. All this happened because Peter's family properly followed his formation and were able to correct the consequences of poor education in time.

The importance of a teacher in a person's life

  • A. I. Kuprin, Taper. In the work of A. I. Kuprin "The Taper", the teacher played an important role in the life of the unknown fourteen-year-old pianist Yuri Agazarov. At one evening, the wealthy noble family of the Rudnevs had the chance to play the piano during the dance. This wonderful performance was noticed by a real musical legend - Anton Grigorievich Rubinstein. They left the Rudnevs' house together. The composer began to teach Yura his skills, helped him develop his talent. The boy in the "shabby uniform" is now known throughout Russia. He reached considerable heights: he became a great composer, like his teacher. Rubinstein helped the pupil to succeed in his element. Thus, thanks to the teacher, we do not forget about our talents, but contribute to their improvement.
  • V. G. Korolenko, "The history of my contemporary". Korolenko in his text addresses the problem of the significance of the teacher. A young man who recently graduated from the institute comes to a new class. Sitting in front of him are fifth-graders, already "tempered" by the rude treatment of their teachers. For them, it is customary when humiliation and insults fly at them. But something is “wrong” with the new teacher. He departs from the school system, treats children politely. Ignatovich seeks not to force them to learn by force and rudeness, but to bring up real personalities in them. This attitude does not pass without a trace: after one of the students was rude to him, he soon realizes his mistake and apologizes to Vladimir Vasilyevich. Ignatovich brought up kindness in children, taught them to respect other people.

Influence of a teacher on professional self-determination of a teenager

  • D. K. Orlov, "The place of appearance is a steel room." In his book "The Place of Appearance - Steel Room", the writer gives an example of how a teacher can influence the professional choice of his follower. San Sanych Titov instilled in children a love of literature. He always gave his students interesting books, many of which were not included in the school curriculum. Titov helped pupils to reveal their potential and develop talents. So, one of the students wrote an essay in verse, and later "headed the poetry department in the Youth magazine." San Sanych always found his own approach to each child. It was important for him to help schoolchildren find their place in the sun, to acquaint them with different aspects of immense literature so that they better understand life.
  • E. V. Grishkovets, "Darwin". Unfortunately, sometimes a teacher can shatter a person's dreams of a future profession. This happened to the hero of the work of E. V. Grishkovets "Darwin". The boy came to the open day of the Faculty of Biology. But his expectations, which he carried through all his childhood, all his teenage years, collapsed in one moment. The "lady in the white coat" (apparently a teacher at the institute) gave a dry, "indifferent" tour. She led the guys through the laboratories, showed scientific activities. But nothing touched the hearts of future students. The hero saw the image of a scientist in a different way, which discouraged him from any desire to enter the biological faculty. He was disappointed in the faculty, which he dreamed of for so long.

The wise Litrecon wishes you success in the exam and reminds you that you should write about all the shortcomings of the work in the comments.

The answer to this question interested me when reading V. Korolenko's text. It raises, in my opinion, an acute problem of the relationship between teacher and students.

The author discusses this topic, gives life examples. The writer recalls how the young teacher Ignatovich treated his students "politely, taught diligently, rarely asked the assignment." The publicist notes that the result of such training was the disobedience of schoolchildren. The journalist with grief tells about the conflict that happened in the class. The teenager, who said impudence to the teacher, caused confusion and bewilderment of Vladimir Vasilyevich. Communication between the class and the teacher in the future turned out to be painful and tense. However, the writer is glad that the guys "did not take advantage of this young man's weakness", were able to subsequently come to reconciliation, which began to sympathize with the teacher for the students.

In the story of V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons" raises this problem of the relationship between teacher and students. Lidia Mikhailovna, having learned that the student Volodya needs money, invites him to additional French lessons, where she wants to help him. But the boy has a sense of pride, he resolutely refuses help. Then Lidia Mikhailovna begins to play with Volodya for money. She was subsequently fired for immoral behavior and had to leave. Volodya did not forget the act of the teacher, she remained in his memory as a merciful, kind and sympathetic person.

In Ch. Aitmatov's story "The First Teacher" we get acquainted with the story of a girl whose teacher played a huge role in the development of Altynai's personality. She describes her teacher, Duishen, as a semi-literate person, but his ability to give children more than standard knowledge deserves respect. The teacher tells his children about other countries they haven't been to. He dedicated his life to his students. When Altynai grew up, she opened a boarding school under the name of Duishen. He became for her the ideal of a teacher, a generous person.

Thus, we can conclude that it is not always possible to come to an understanding between the teacher and students, to establish contact between them. However, this is the basis of the entire educational process, and without respect and trust it is impossible to live peacefully in society.

Write an essay on the text below. The volume is not less than 150 words.

Formulate one of the problems posed by the author of the text.

Comment on the formulated problem. Include in the comment two illustration examples from the read text that you think are important for understanding the problem in the source text (avoid over-quoting).

Formulate the position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author of the read text. Explain why. Give at least two arguments, relying primarily on reading experience, as well as on knowledge and life observations.

Original text

(1) I think I was in the fifth grade when we had several new young teachers who had just graduated from the university. (2) One of the first to appear was Vladimir Vasilievich Ignatovich - a chemistry teacher. (3) This was a fashionable man, just from the university bench, with a slightly noticeable mustache, short in stature, with plump rosy cheeks, wearing gold glasses. (4) He spoke in a voice that sounded thin, as if childish, notes. (5) In class, he was somewhat shy, and his face was often flooded with a shy blush. (6) The new teacher treated us politely, taught diligently, rarely asked the assignment, showed disdain for grades, explained the lessons like a professor giving a lecture.

(7) The first result of his system was that the class almost stopped learning. (8) The second is that sometimes they began to be slightly rude to him. (9) The poor young man, who came to us with ideal expectations, was forced to pay for the general system, which introduced rudeness and cynicism. (10) However, it was not for long. (11) Once, when the class was noisy and Ignatovich in vain strained his soft voice, it seemed to one of us that he was calling us a flock of sheep. (12) Other teachers very often called us a flock of sheep, and sometimes even worse. (13) But those were others. (14) They were habitually rude, and we are habitually submissive. (15) Gnatovich himself encouraged us to another appeal.

(16) One of the students, Zarutsky, very good, in fact, small, but easily succumbing to moods, stood in the midst of a noisy class.

- (17) Mr. teacher, - he said loudly, all red and impudent. - (18) You seem to have said that we are a herd of sheep. (19) Let me answer that ... in that case ...

(20) The class suddenly fell silent so that you could hear a flying fly.

- (21) What in that case ... You yourself are a sheep ...

(22) The glass cone, which Ignatovich held in his hands, clinked on the retort. (23) He blushed all over, his face somehow helplessly trembled with resentment and anger. (24) At first he was confused, but then answered in a stronger voice:

I didn’t say that ... (25) You were mistaken ...

(26) A simple answer puzzled. (27) A murmur arose in the class, the meaning of which was immediately difficult to make out, and at the same moment the bell rang. (28) The teacher left; Zarutsky was surrounded. (29) He stood among his comrades, stubbornly looking down and feeling that the mood of the class was not for him. (30) To say insolence to the teacher, generally speaking, was considered a feat, and if he had also directly called one of the “old ones” a ram, the council would have expelled him, and the students would have seen him with ardent sympathy. (31) Now the mood was perplexedly heavy, unpleasant ...

- (32) Disgusting, brother! someone said.

- (33) Let him complain to the council, - Zarutsky answered sullenly.

(34) For him, this complaint was a kind of moral way out: this would immediately put the new teacher on a par with the old teachers and would justify a rude trick.

- (35) And complain! someone said.

-(36) Of course! (37) Do you think it will let you down?

(38) This question became the center of the ensuing clash. (39) Two days passed, nothing was heard about the complaint. (40) The day of the council passed ... (41) There were no signs of a complaint.

(42) At the next chemistry lesson, Ignatovich appeared somewhat excited; his face was serious, his eyes were more often downcast, and his voice broke. (43) It was evident that he was trying to master the situation and was not quite sure that he would succeed. (44) Through the seriousness of the teacher, the resentment of the young man was visible, the lesson was in the midst of painful tension. (45) Ten minutes later, Zarutsky, with a darkened face, got up from his seat. (46) It seemed that at the same time he was lifting a weight on his shoulders, the pressure of which was felt by the whole class.

- (47) Mr. teacher ... - he uttered with an effort among the general silence. (48) The young teacher's eyelids quivered under his glasses, his face turned red. (49) The tension in the classroom has reached its highest limit.

- (50) I ... last time ... - Zarutsky began muffledly. (51) Then, with sudden harshness, he finished:

I'm sorry

(52) And he sat down with such a look, as if he said a new insolence. (53) Ignatovich's face brightened, although the paint flooded him to the very ears. (54) He said simply and freely:

I already said, gentlemen, that I didn’t call anyone sheep

(55) The incident was over. (56) For the first time such a collision was resolved in this way. (57) The "new" teacher passed the test. (58) We were pleased with him and - almost unconsciously - with ourselves, because also for the first time we did not take advantage of the weakness of this young man, as we took advantage of the weakness of one of the "old ones". (59) The episode itself was soon erased from memory, but some kind of thread of a kind of sympathy that ensued int. new teacher and class, remained.
(According to V. G. Korolenko)


In his text, the Russian writer Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko raises the problem of the influence of the teacher on the students.
The author reveals the problem on the example of one case from the life of fifth grade students. Chemistry teacher Vladimir Vasilyevich Ignatovich came to school. The students treated him disrespectfully, as he had just left the university bench. The class did not accept the teacher, feeling insecure in him. But, contrary to expectations, in response to Zarutsky's rudeness, Ignatovich did not write a complaint, as other teachers would have done, did not respond with an insult, but continued to teach lessons. Such a reaction of the teacher led the children to bewilderment, and the rude student, feeling guilty, asked for forgiveness.
The author believes that the teacher can have a serious impact on the behavior, actions and even the character of the students. A respectful, kind attitude towards students can make them think about their behavior and evaluate their actions.
One cannot but agree with the author's opinion that a teacher plays a very important role in shaping a person's personality.
Russian writers have repeatedly spoken about this in their works. Recall the story of V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons". The hero of the story, an eleven-year-old boy, torn from home, is faced with poverty, starving. Lidia Mikhailovna, a French teacher, having learned that Volodya is suffering financial difficulties, invites him to additional French lessons, in which she tries to help the boy. She, forgetting about pedagogical ethics, sits down to play with a student for money with one goal - to lose for good, for which she later suffers a dismissal and leaves for the Kuban. Thanks to a young French teacher, Lidia Mikhailovna, the boy discovers a new world where people can trust each other, support and help, share sorrow and joy, relieve loneliness.
The same theme is revealed in the novel by A.S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin". The work says how the negligent attitude of the teacher brings up negative qualities in the student. Let's remember the main character's French teacher. He was not particularly strict, gave only superficial knowledge so that the child would not bother much, took the boy for a walk in the garden and from time to time said what was good and what was bad. As a result, he taught me to treat life carelessly and consumerly, to take everything from the world, but not to strain to find my place in life.
In conclusion, I would like to say that the teacher lays in his students the foundations that are characteristic of the individual. This knowledge is the impetus for the introduction of a decent, interesting life.

Problem types

The role of the teacher in the life of the younger generation


V. Astafiev "A photograph in which I am not."“The sowers of the reasonable, the good, the eternal,” they say about teachers. From them - all the best in a person. In Russian literature, more than once, writers have revealed the image of a teacher, noted his important role in the life of the younger generation. “A photograph in which I am not” is a chapter from Viktor Astafyev’s story “The Last Bow”.
In it, the author draws the events of the distant thirties, recalls a fragment of his own life, in which he describes the life of ordinary people in a distant Siberian village, which is excited by an important event - the arrival of a photographer. Thanks to the teacher, students of a rural school were lucky to be immortalized. Unfortunately, Vitka did not manage to "shoot" due to illness in his legs. For more than a week the boy had to stay at home under the care of his grandmother. Once a school teacher visited the boy - he brought a finished photograph. In this work, we see how much respect and love this friendly person enjoyed in the village. And it was for what! The teacher selflessly brought culture and education to the remote village, was the ringleader in the village club, ordered furniture for the school with his own money, organized the collection of "scrap materials", as a result of which pencils, notebooks, and paints appeared in the school. The teacher never refused a request to draw up papers. He was very polite and friendly to everyone. People thanked for this: they helped with firewood, simple village food, looked after the child. And the boy also remembers a heroic deed for the teacher: a duel with a viper. And so this man remained in the memory of the child - ready to rush forward and defend his students. It does not matter that the children did not know the names of the teachers. For them, the word "Teacher" is already a proper name itself. It is important that a teacher is a person who seeks to facilitate and improve people's lives. And although there is no author in the old photo, it is dear to him with memories of his distant childhood, of his dear people, whose life makes up the history of our people.

V. Rasputin "French Lessons". Every day we go to school, we meet the same teachers. We love some of them, others not so much, we respect some, we are afraid of others. But it is unlikely that any of us before V. V. Rasputin's story "French Lessons" thought about the influence of the personality of a certain teacher on our future life. The main character of the story was very lucky: he got a smart, sympathetic woman as a class teacher. Seeing the boy's plight and at the same time his craving for knowledge, she constantly tries to help him. Either Lidia Mikhailovna tries to seat her student at the table and feed him to the full, then she sends him parcels with food. But all her tricks and efforts are in vain, because the modesty and self-esteem of the protagonist do not allow him not only to admit his problems, but also to accept gifts. Lidia Mikhailovna does not insist - she respects pride, but she is constantly looking for new ways to help the boy. In the end, having a prestigious job that not only feeds her well, but also provides her with housing, the French teacher decides on a “sin” - she draws the student into a game for money so that he can earn bread and milk on his own. Unfortunately, the "crime" is revealed, and Lidia Mikhailovna has to leave the city. And yet, the attention, benevolent attitude, the sacrifice made by the teacher for the sake of helping his pupil, the boy will never be able to forget, and through his whole life he will be grateful for the best lessons - the lessons of humanity and kindness.

A. Aleksin "Third in the fifth row." Teacher Vera Matveevna, reflecting on the methods of education, is forced to admit that she was wrong, trying to educate all her students in the same way: “You cannot suppress a person. Everyone should do good in their own way ... The dissimilarity of characters should hardly be taken for incompatibility.

A. Aleksin "Mad Evdokia". The teacher Evdokia Vasilievna was convinced that the greatest talent in her students was the talent of kindness, the desire to help in difficult times, and it was these character traits that she brought up in them.

A. de Saint-Exupery "The Little Prince". The Old Fox taught the Little Prince to comprehend the wisdom of human relationships. To understand a person, one must learn to peer into him, to forgive minor flaws. After all, the most important thing is always hidden inside, and you can’t see it right away.

A.I. Kuprin "Taper". Anton Rubinstein, a great composer, having heard the talented piano playing of an unknown young pianist Yuri Azagarov, helped him become a famous musician.

A. Likhanov "Dramatic Pedagogy".“The worst thing that can be in the world is an educator who does not recognize, does not see, does not want to see his mistakes. A teacher who never once said to his students, their parents, to himself: “Sorry, I made a mistake” or: “I failed.”

A.S. Pushkin and the poet Zhukovsky. There are many cases in history when a teacher had a huge impact on a student, which subsequently led the latter to success. A.S. Pushkin always considered his teacher the Russian poet Zhukovsky, who was one of the first to note the outstanding creative abilities of the beginning poet. And Zhukovsky signed the portrait for Pushkin with the following words: "To the winner - to the student from the defeated teacher."
