Olya Agibalova on Instagram - her official page, fresh photos and videos. Wedding of Ilya Gazhienko and Olga Agibalova Insta Agibalova Olga

For a long time Elena struggled with a serious illness. The death of the girl was announced by the finalist of the 8th season of the show "Battle of Psychics" Dilaram Saparova, who is the wife of Elena's other brother - Alexey. The exact diagnosis of Elena Gazhienko is unknown. According to Saparova, all relatives, except Elena's father, knew about her illness. Ilya and his wife Olga were also aware, but they never visited a relative in intensive care.

“Ilya and Olya know perfectly well that Lena was in intensive care! But Lena not only does not want to see her brother, but, unfortunately, she does not want to know - she herself has spoken and written about this more than once! Why? Those who have been following us for a long time will understand everything, there is no desire to tell all this again. But with all this, he has not yet arrived, but only demanded a report on what and how. We told him: “If you think it is necessary, fly in, they will meet you!” And what, where is he, this brother? - Dilaram wrote on Instagram a few days ago (the spelling and punctuation of the authors are given hereinafter unchanged. - Note. ed.).

Elena Gazhienko with her brother Alexei and his wife Dilaram Saparova

Hearing Dilaram's version, Olga Gazhienko was unpleasantly surprised. According to her, everything was completely wrong. She did not want to bring up such a personal subject in in social networks, but when curses fell on their family, she was forced to comment on what happened in her microblog. “I will no longer allow my husband to be slandered. I know he'll be mad at me for this post. But I feel I should write at least the bare facts,” she began. - Ilya and his sister have not talked for a long time. There are reasons for this, but we did not understand them. Most, once close, believe that she fell under a bad influence. And I am one of them. But back to the facts. We didn't know about her illness, neither did her dad. None of the relatives knew. Nobody told us. We learned that she was in the hospital from strangers who saw the information on social networks.”

According to Olga, Ilya immediately contacted Alexei, but received an answer only the next day. The brother spoke to him dryly, did not name his sister's diagnosis and did not give the address of the hospital. Ilya and his father were ready to immediately fly to Kazakhstan, but did not know the exact coordinates. “The only thing that Ilya was told by his brother at the location of his sister was that she was in Astana. And also that Lena does not want to see any of us. Ilya did not believe it, because none of us did anything bad to Lena, ”said Olga. Unfortunately, the embassy could not help them either. Upon learning that Elena felt better, Ilya and Olga calmed down. “The day before yesterday, Ilya again wrote to his brother, inquired about Lena’s condition. But, as always, the answer is silence. And only yesterday morning he wrote that Lena was gone, ”Olga finished her story. She added a screenshot of the correspondence between Ilya and Alexei to her post.

Olga Agibalova explained why her husband Ilya Gazhienko did not say goodbye to his dying sister ( photo gallery: swipe right)

Olga's mother Irina Agibalova expressed her opinion on what was happening. According to the ex-participant of "House-2", the brother and sister of her son-in-law themselves stopped communicating, falling under the influence of Dilaram. “They are trying to protect Father Ilya. According to the recommendations of the doctors who treated him after the stroke, he is given special sedatives to break the news. Because they themselves do not know where the body is, when it will be in Krasnodar. Ilya did not communicate with his sister and brother, this was not the initiative of his son-in-law. Why, no one knows. There is a version that there is a sect. It looks like they cut ties with everyone. “Lena stopped looking like herself,” her classmates said. According to their friends, Ilya's relatives began to respond in monosyllables to messages and rarely, ”Irina Aleksandrovna told StarHit. According to Agibalova, she worries about her daughter and son-in-law, who are being insulted and cursed.

Olga Agibalova with her husband and son

Olga Agibalova came to the Dom-2 show several times in search of her happiness, but only her third attempt was successful. Here she met her future husband, gave birth to a son and, having fulfilled the main goal of the project, left him.

Olga's biography

Olya was born on November 25, 1986. She was a versatile child. Olya was engaged in music school, went to dances, took part in a drama circle. But most of the time the girl devoted to rhythmic gymnastics. Olga even received the title of "Master of Sports", but was not ready for the ascetic lifestyle of athletes.

After school, the girl entered the Russian State Social University, choosing the specialty "psychology". Her character traits advised her chosen profession. Olya restrained and calm person who knows how to listen to a person and give sensitive advice.

Olga and Dom-2

In the last courses, the girl wanted to change her life. She decided to try her luck at the popular Dom-2 project. November 1, 2007 Olya became a member of the TV show. She liked the former military Andrey Cherkasov. The guy reciprocated her, and they began to meet. The girl even introduced Andrei to her family, but this turned out to be a fatal mistake. Cherkasov fell in love with Olya's younger sister Rita at first sight. Disappointed in the guy, Olga left the project.

On July 26, 2009, she again appeared on the television set at the invitation of participant Gleb Zhemchugov. But their relationship lasted only a few weeks, and then they broke up due to mutual claims. For some time, Rustam Solntsev courted Olga, but their communication did not develop into something more. The girl considered her further participation in the project meaningless and left him.

The third arrival at Dom-2 turned out to be fateful for Olga. On June 22, 2010, she came to the project to the handsome Maxim Lebedev, but soon became disillusioned with the guy. Then Olga had an affair with Andrei Kadetov. They constantly quarreled, even diverged several times, but the girl in love was not ready for the final break. The news that Andrei was married put an end to their relationship. He had to leave the project.

Olya was looked after by Sergey Ermakov and Zhenya Pynzar, but she did not give any of them a chance. In November 2010, rapper Ilya Gazhienko came to the project, who managed to win her heart. In July 2011, the guy proposed to Olga, and 2 months later, on September 21, they had a magnificent wedding.

On April 14, 2013, Olya and Ilya had a son, Kirill. In June, the couple announced that they wanted to raise the baby away from television cameras and left Dom-2 forever.

Life after TV

After leaving the project, the young family lived with Olga's parents in Pavlovsky Posad, and over time they saved up for own apartment. Currently, Olya Gazhienko is a housewife who is raising her little son. Her husband Ilya initially worked in one of the car dealerships, and then moved to a company operating in the aircraft industry.

In the future, the young mother plans to realize her creative potential. She has a desire to try herself as a TV presenter, open her own school rhythmic gymnastics continue to take photographs. And, of course, plans for the birth of a second child.

Olga's social networks

Olya Gazhienko has several pages on social networks. The most active young mother on Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/olgagajienko/). She regularly posts her own photos, with little Kirill, with her big family Agibalovs and close friends. Olga Gazhienko's Instagram is read by 488 thousand subscribers.

Olya is also registered in the popular network Vkontakte (https://vk.com/id7246677). Here she also indulges subscribers with touching family photos and periodically posts promotional posts. Olya has only 44 friends, among whom there are former members"House-2". Almost 42 thousand subscribers read her Vkontakte page.

The Gazhienko family has a shared account on Twitter (https://twitter.com/familygajienko), as well as the channel on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKMLGdODqLQqut3IcWTB6tw). Olya occasionally uploads travel videos on YouTube and family events shares beauty secrets.

Anyone who believes in love will surely find it. Olya Agibalova was burned many times in relationships and was disappointed in the guys, but in the end she met her fate. She and Ilya have already celebrated their 5th wedding anniversary and are ready to move on through life together.

Participant of "House-2" Date of birth November 25 (Sagittarius) 1986 (32) Place of birth Pavlovsky Posad Instagram @olgagajienko

Olga Agibalova is a participant in the scandalous television project Dom-2. She is not only the idol of those who like to savor someone else's life, but even an almost successful gymnast. IN rich biography the girl had everything - from serious successes to painful falls, from absolute happiness to unpleasant family troubles.

Biography of Olga Agibalova

Olga Gazhienko (surname at birth) was born in Pavlovsky Posad near Moscow. After her, the Gazhienko couple had two more children: a boy and a girl. The activity and vitality of the eldest convinced her parents to enroll her in gymnastics, and not to anyone, but to Irina Viner herself.

However, all efforts were in vain - the girl decided to abandon physical exercise and follow the path of science. To this end, she entered the university at the Faculty of Psychology. According to Olga herself, education allows her to quickly establish contact with people and feel comfortable in any company.

The TV star does not hesitate to call herself a talented and extremely versatile person. She has good physical data - a consequence of her passion for gymnastics, she knows how to sew, and embroider, and sing, and play the keys, and shine on stage, and dance ballet. And all this thanks to the mother, who tirelessly rushed around with her daughter in all kinds of circles and sections.

In 2007, the girl decided to turn her life around and passed the casting for Dom-2, beloved by gossips and hated by moralists. There she met with Andrey Cherkasov. After some time, the project participant became interested in Olga's younger sister Margarita, and then completely left for her. Olga then had to leave the project in frustrated feelings.

Three years later, Olga's loud return to the project took place, she perked up and even helped her sister build relationships with her ex. However, this did not help - Margarita became pregnant from another man from "House-2" and urgently married him. She is now married to Pavel Marceau and has two children.

The intensity of passions began when the mother of the girls, Irina Agibalova, was invited to understand the intricacies of love. At the "frontal place" she often had to fight off attacks on her girls. Most of the time, mom looked after her little grandson. The behavior of the female trio of the Agibalovs caused a lot of gossip, rumors and heated discussions.

Personal life of Olga Agibalova

After Cherkasov, Olga had other "halves" with whom she built love on the screen. For example, Andrei Kadetov, who died while in another city, and Yevgeny Pynzar, brother of Daria Pynzar. After him, Ilya Gazhienko became the betrothed of the beauty. The couple stood on the verge of a break many times, but the man managed to overcome scandals and the violent temper of his partner with gentleness and calmness.

The main motive for jealousy was the guy's relationship with Evgenia Feofilaktova. However, past romances and completely opposite characters of the couple did not prevent them from getting married in 2011. The couple spent their honeymoon in the Maldives. After a while, their son Cyril was born. Love for children for Olga Agibalova and Ilya Gazhienko is a very good reason not to stop there.

Agibalova Olga (after marriage Olga Gazhienko) grew up in the small town of Pavlovsky Posad near Moscow. Born in 1986. Olya was born first in a young, but strong family, and therefore from childhood I got used to give younger sister nke Rita first parental attention and toys, and then - young people.

Olya devoted all her childhood and youth to rhythmic gymnastics at the school of Irina Viner, who also coached Alina Kabaeva. The girl even earned the title of master of sports, but she did not develop further in this area.

Probably, the corresponding situation in Olga's family contributed to the choice future profession- after graduating from secondary school, she entered the RSSU at the Faculty of Psychology. The girl received a certificate of higher psychological education in 2009, entering adulthood a fully formed personality who knows how to understand people, get along well with the team.

In search of a soulmate, Olga Gazhienko twice came to the scandalous television set "House 2". The first attempt took place in 2007. Then at the Execution Ground she expressed sympathy and remained in the perimeter in order to win the heart of a brave officer. But beautiful story love did not work out - the loving "Pearl" quickly turned his attention to Olga's younger sister. Disappointed and humiliated, the girl decided to leave the project.

The second time Olga Agibalova appeared in the perimeter of "House 2" in the summer of 2010. She came to help her younger sister build love with Andrey Cherkasov. However, quite unexpectedly for everyone, it became known that Margarita was pregnant from Evgeny Kuzin. Therefore, the future parents had to rush to register the marriage.

I visited the air of a reality show and the mother of beauties - Agibalova Irina Aleksandrovna. For some time she helped Margarita take care of the newborn Mitenka, but later she received the status of a full-fledged member of House 2.

It is not known why, but the Agibalov family has always been surrounded by incredible and sometimes absurd rumors. So, in one of the publications, information appeared that at the age of thirteen Olga gave birth to a child, who was subsequently adopted by her mother. Irina Alexandrovna is indeed a mother of many children, but all the children, including eighth grader Oleg, were born to her.

Olya herself tries not to take seriously such antics of people who are not indifferent to her family, attributing their actions to serious personal problems. And the critical attitude of the public towards her mother, who, being at a fairly respectable age, decided to take part in a scandalous TV show, explains the bad manners and limitations of people who are not able to adequately respond to something new.

Olga Gazhienko tried with all her might to build relationships on a popular TV project. She reciprocated the advances of many young people. But she could only truly fall in love with. Because of the guy's previous relationship with other project girls, the temperamental Olya was constantly jealous of her young man and threw tantrums. However, Ilya, endowed with common sense and an accommodating character, never allowed the conflict to flare up to critical proportions.

In the fall of 2011, a solemn marriage ceremony took place. The couple decided to spend their honeymoon in the Maldives, after which they again returned to the perimeter of "House 2".

For some time, the couple lived on a TV project, and a year after the wedding, when it became known about Olga's pregnancy, they decided to leave the set.

Olga Agibalova is an ex-participant of the mega popular TV show "Dom-2". Olga was born on November 25, 1986 (30 years old) in Pavlovsky Posad. Agibalova's height is 170 cm, and her weight ranges between 60-65 kg.

Olga is the eldest child in the family. From childhood, the baby was different strong character and purposefulness. Thus, the parents decide to send little Olga to rhythmic gymnastics.
Her coach at that time was Irina Viner. But, unfortunately, despite her success in this sport, Olga decides to quit gymnastics and devote her life to something else.

After graduating from school, Olga enters the university at the Faculty of Psychology. According to the ex-participant, thanks to this education, she can feel much more confident.

Life on the project

2007 is the debut year for Olga, since it is in this year that she decides to visit place of execution on the project "Dom-2". Agibalova came in order to win the heart of the hottest, at that time, macho Alexei Cherkasov. But life played bad joke and her beloved is taken away by her own sister, Margarita Agibalova. It is for this reason that Olga leaves the project, but not forever.
In 2010, she returns again and tries to help her sister with relationships, but in the meantime she becomes pregnant from another participant in the television project and gives birth to her son Mitya.

After such news, their mother, Irina Aleksandrova, rushes to the project. She helps to raise her grandson and eventually becomes a full member of "House-2". Olga could not find a mate for herself for a long time, until she pays attention to Ilya Gazhienko. After some time, they decide to legalize their relationship and organize a wedding on September 21, 2011.

Family life

After a noisy ceremony, the newlyweds decide to spend their Honeymoon in the Maldives. After a while, Olga's son Cyril is born. In an interview, Olga admitted that she would not refuse to have a second child.
Olga Gazhienko plans to open her own rhythmic gymnastics school, in which her husband is very supportive. Despite the departure of the couple from the TV project, they are still the favorites of many fans of this show.

In 2016, the most sensational news about them was the quarrel between my sister (finalist of the "battle of psychics" Dilaram Saparova) Ilya and Olga. The reason for the conflict was family disassembly. In this conflict, the fans took the side of Olga, because they did not understand why it was necessary to exhibit family problems for public viewing.
