Beautiful stories about life with meaning. The shortest stories in the world with meaning

For many years I have been collecting wise, beautiful, cautionary tales. Surprisingly, the authors of most of these masterpieces are unknown. Probably the depth inner beauty these miniatures turns them into contemporary folklore transmitted from mouth to mouth. I present to you ten the best parables about the meaning of life and that important thing that allows you to compare life guidelines, to distinguish true greatness and spiritual wealth from the limited world of everyday bustle, although sometimes it looks solemn and magnificent. Chose to your taste, of course.

Full bank.

The professor of philosophy, standing in front of his audience, took a five-liter glass jar and filled it with stones, each at least three centimeters in diameter.
- Is the jar full? the professor asked the students.
- Yes, full, - answered the students.
Then he opened the package with peas and poured out its contents into a large jar, shaking it a little. Peas took a free place between the stones.
- Is the jar full? - once again the professor asked the students.

“Yes, full,” they replied.
Then he took a box filled with sand and poured it into a jar. Naturally, the sand occupied a completely existing free space and closed everything.
Once again, the professor asked the students, is the jar full? They answered: yes, and this time definitely, it is full.
Then from under the table he took a mug of water and poured it into a jar until last drop, soaking the sand.
The students laughed.
- And now I want you to understand that the bank is your life. Stones are the most important things in your life: family, health, friends, your children - everything that is necessary for your life to still remain complete even if everything else is lost. Peas are things that have become important for you personally: work, home, car. Sand is everything else, little things.
If you first fill the jar with sand, there will be no room left for peas and stones. And also in your life, if you spend all your time and all your energy on the little things, there is no room for the most important things. Do what makes you happy: play with your children, spend time with your spouse, meet friends. There will always be time to work, clean the house, fix and wash the car. First of all, take care of stones, that is, the most important things in life; determine your priorities: the rest is just sand.
Then the student raised her hand and asked the professor, what is the significance of water?
The professor smiled.
I'm glad you asked me about it. I did this simply to prove to you that no matter how busy your life is, there is always a little room for idle idleness.

Most valuable

One person in childhood was very friendly with an old neighbor.
But as time went on, college and hobbies appeared, then work and personal life. Every minute the young man was busy, and he did not have time to remember the past, or even to be with loved ones.
Once he learned that a neighbor had died - and suddenly remembered: the old man taught him a lot, trying to replace the boy dead father. Feeling guilty, he came to the funeral.
In the evening, after the burial, the man entered the empty house of the deceased. Everything was the same as many years ago ...
Here are just a small golden box, in which, according to the old man, was kept the most valuable thing for him, disappeared from the table. Thinking that one of her few relatives had taken her, the man left the house.
However, two weeks later he received the package. Seeing the neighbor's name on it, the man shuddered and opened the box.
Inside was the same golden box. It contained a gold pocket watch engraved with "Thank you for the time you spent with me."
And he realized that the most valuable thing for the old man was the time spent with his little friend.
Since then, the man tried to devote as much time as possible to his wife and son.

Life is not measured by the number of breaths. It is measured by the number of moments that make us hold our breath.Time is slipping away from us every second. And it needs to be spent right now.

footprints in the sand(Christian parable).

One day a man had a dream. He dreamed that he was walking along a sandy shore, and next to him was the Lord. Pictures from his life flashed in the sky, and after each of them he noticed two chains of footprints in the sand: one from his feet, the other from the feet of the Lord.
When flashed before him last picture of his life, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. And saw that often along it life path there was only one line of footprints. He also noticed that these were the most difficult and unhappy times in his life.
He became very sad and began to ask the Lord:
“Didn’t You tell me: if I follow Your path, You will not leave me. But I noticed that at the very hard times of my life, only one chain of footprints stretched across the sand. Why did You leave me when I needed You the most?The Lord answered:
“My sweet, sweet child. I love you and will never leave you. When there were sorrows and trials in your life, only one chain of footprints stretched along the road. Because in those days I carried you in my arms.


While flying the plane on one of the routes, the pilot turned to his friend-partner:
“Look down at this beautiful lake. I was born not far from him, over there is my village.
He pointed to a small village, which, like a perch, nestled in the hills near the lake, and remarked:
- I was born there. As a child, I often sat by the lake and fished. Fishing was my favorite pastime. But when I was a kid fishing in the lake, there were always airplanes in the sky. They flew over my head, and I dreamed of the day when I could become a pilot myself and fly a plane. This was my only dream. Now she is fulfilled.
And now every time I look down at this lake and dream of the time when I retire and go fishing again. Because my lake is so beautiful ...

Lame kitten.

The seller of one small shop attached an announcement “Kittens for sale” at the entrance. This inscription attracted the attention of the kids, and a few minutes later a boy entered the store. Having greeted the seller, he timidly asked about the price of the kittens.
- From 30 to 50 rubles, - the seller answered.
Sighing, the child reached into his pocket, took out his wallet and began to count the change.
“I have only 20 rubles now,” he said sadly. "Please, can I at least look at them," he asked the salesman hopefully.
The seller smiled and took the kittens out of the big box.
Once in the wild, the kittens meowed contentedly and rushed to run. Only one of them, for some reason, clearly lagged behind everyone. And somehow strangely pulled up the hind leg.
- Tell me, what about this kitten? the boy asked.
The seller replied that this kitten had a congenital foot defect. “It’s for life,” the vet said. - added the man.
Then the boy for some reason became very agitated.
- That's what I would like to buy.
- Are you laughing, boy? This is a defective animal. Why do you need it? However, if you are so merciful, then take it for free, I will give it to you anyway,” said the seller.
Here, to the seller's surprise, the boy's face fell.
“No, I don’t want to take it for free,” the child said in a tense voice.
- This kitten costs exactly the same as the others. And I'm willing to pay full price. I will bring you money he added firmly.
Looking at the child in amazement, the salesman's heart trembled.
- Son, you just do not understand everything. This poor thing will never be able to run, play and jump like other kittens.
At these words, the boy began to wrap the trouser leg of his left leg. And then the amazed seller saw that the boy's leg was terribly twisted and supported by metal hoops.
The child looked at the seller.
- I will never be able to run and jump either. And this kitten needs someone who would understand how hard it is for him, and who would support him, - the boy said in a trembling voice.
The man behind the counter began to bite his lips. Tears welled up in his eyes… After a short silence, he forced himself to smile.
- Son, I will pray that all kittens would have such wonderful warm-hearted owners as you.

… It really doesn't matter who you are, but the fact that there is SOMEONE who will truly appreciate you for who you are, who will accept and love you without any reservations. After all, the one who comes to you at that time how the whole world goes FROM you, and there is a real Friend.

Cups of coffee.

A group of graduates of a prestigious university, successful, having made a wonderful career, came to visit their old professor. During the visit, the conversation turned to work: graduates complained about numerous difficulties and life problems.
Having offered coffee to his guests, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a coffee pot and a tray filled with a variety of cups: porcelain, glass, plastic, crystal. Some were simple, others expensive.
When the graduates took apart the cups, the professor said:
- Please note that all the beautiful cups were dismantled, while the simple and cheap ones remained. And although it is normal for you to want only the best for yourself, but this is the source of your problems and stress. Realize that the cup alone does not make the coffee better. Most often, it is simply more expensive, but sometimes it even hides what we drink. In reality, all you wanted was just coffee, not a cup. But you deliberately chose the best cups, and then looked at who got which cup.
Now think: life is coffee, and work, money, position, society are cups. They are just tools for maintaining and maintaining Life. What cup we have does not determine or change the quality of our Life. Sometimes, concentrating only on the cup, we forget to enjoy the taste of the coffee itself.

Most happy people are not those who have all the best, but those who extract all the best from what they have.

your cross(Christian parable).

One person seemed to have a very hard life. And one day he went to God, told about his misfortunes and asked him:
“May I choose a different cross for myself?”
God looked at the man with a smile, led him into the vault, where there were crosses, and said:
- Choose.
A man entered the vault, looked and was surprised: “There are so many crosses here - small, and large, and medium, and heavy, and light.” For a long time a man walked around the vault, looking for the smallest and lightest cross, and, finally, he found a small, small, light, light cross, approached God and said:
“God, can I have this one?”
"Yes," God replied. - This is your own and is.

Glass in outstretched hand.

The professor began his lesson by taking a glass with a small amount of water in his hand. He held it up so that everyone could see it and asked the students:
How much do you think this glass weighs?
- 50 grams, 100 grams, 125 grams, - the students answered.
"I really won't know until I weigh it," said the professor, "but my question is: what would happen if I held it, as I do now, for a few minutes?"
“Nothing,” the students said.
- Well, what would happen if I held it like now, for an hour? the professor asked.
“Your arm would start to hurt,” said one of the students.
"You're right, but what would happen if I held it all day?"
“Your hand would go numb, you would have a severe muscular disorder and paralysis, and you would have to go to the hospital just in case.
- Very good. But while we were discussing here, has the weight of the glass changed? the professor asked.
- No.
- And what makes the arm hurt and causes muscle breakdown?
The students were puzzled.
What do I need to do to fix this? the professor asked again.
“Put down the glass,” one of the students said.
- Exactly! the professor said. - WITH life problems always so. Just think about them for a few minutes and they are with you. Think about them a little longer and they start to itch. If you think even longer, they will paralyze you. You can't do anything.
It is important to think about the problems in life, but it is even more important to be able to put them off: at the end of the working day, the next day. So you do not get tired, wake up every day fresh and strong. And you can manage any problem, any kind of challenge that comes with you along the way.

All in your hands(eastern parable)

Long time ago in ancient city the Master lived, surrounded by disciples. The most capable of them once thought: "Is there a question that our Master could not answer?" He went to a flowering meadow, caught the most beautiful butterfly and hid it between his palms. Butterfly paws clung to his hands, and the student was ticklish. Smiling, he approached the Master and asked:
- Tell me, which butterfly is in my hands: alive or dead?
He firmly held the butterfly in his closed palms and was ready at any moment to squeeze them for the sake of his truth.
Without looking at the student's hands, the Master replied:
- All in your hands.

fragile gifts(parable from M. Shirochkina).

Somehow he came to one village and stayed to live the old a wise man. He loved children and spent a lot of time with them. He also liked to give them gifts, but he gave only fragile things. No matter how hard the children tried to be neat, their new toys often broke. The children were upset and wept bitterly. Some time passed, the sage again gave them toys, but even more fragile ones.
One day, the parents could not stand it and came to him:
“You are wise and wish only the best for our children. But why do you give them such gifts? They try their best, but the toys still break and the children cry. But the toys are so beautiful that it is impossible not to play with them.
“Very few years will pass,” the old man smiled, “and someone will give them his heart. Maybe this will teach them to handle this priceless gift a little more carefully?

Anything can happen in life and often the situation turns out in a way that I would never have imagined. And it happens that ignorance simple truths costing you a career. I bring to your attention a set of six pretty funny stories who, nevertheless, have a very serious morality. Read them carefully, compare them with the facts of your life and I am sure that you will be able to draw some parallels.

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Lesson 1: Naked Wife

The man went to shower as soon as his wife got out. Unexpectedly from front door the bell rang, and the overheated woman, wrapped in a towel, went to see who was brought there. Neighbor Bob was on the threshold. Before the lady could even say a word, Bobby exclaimed, "If you drop that towel, I'll give you 800 bucks." After a little thought, the woman decided to show her beautiful body to her neighbor and did what he asked, appearing completely naked in front of him. After admiring for a few seconds, the neighbor gave 800 dollars and retreated.

Throwing on the towel again, a little embarrassed, but pleased, the lady returned home. “Who was it?” the husband asked. "Our neighbor Bob," replied the unsuspecting "stripper." "Great! Did he accidentally remember about the $800 he owes me?” the man asked.

Moral of the story: do not hide important information from people who are “in the same boat” with you, and then you can avoid undesirable consequences. And secondly, there are no miracles and there are no “honest” too good offers either.

Lesson 2: The Boss and the Genie

The secretary, the manager, and their boss were all walking together for lunch. Unexpectedly, an old oil lamp was found on the way. After rubbing it in an attempt to examine the drawing, they accidentally called the genie, who invited everyone to fulfill one wish. The secretary volunteered first. “I want to be in the Bahamas, ride there on a speedboat and not think about any worries!”. No sooner said than done, the secretary took off forever to rest on the islands. “I wish to be in Hawaii, relax in the company of a personal masseuse and have an endless supply of cocktails!” The manager exclaimed and also went on vacation. "Well, now it's your turn," the genie turned to the boss. After thinking for a moment, he replied: “Let those two idlers be back in the office after lunchtime is over.”

Moral of the story: Always let the boss speak first.

Lesson 3: The Priest and Psalm 129

Heading home, the priest saw a nun on the side of the road, stopped and offered her a ride. She agreed. Sitting in the car, the woman crossed her legs so that the dress rose, revealing pretty slender legs. During the trip, the priest could not take his eyes off her feet, as a result of which he almost got into an accident. Having somehow managed to control, he casually put his hand on the nun's leg. She looked at the priest and said: "Father - do you remember Psalm 129?". The priest, embarrassed, withdrew his hand.

After some time, the lustful clergyman again attached himself to the nun's leg. “So you remember Psalm 129?” she asked again. “I beg your pardon, sister, but the flesh is so weak,” the priest tried to justify himself, removed his hand, and was no longer naughty until the end of the trip. Soon they arrived at their destination, the nun got out of the car, and looking coquettishly at the priest, went about her business. When he reached the church, the clergyman decided to refresh his memory and take a look at this psalm 129. It said: "Go ahead and seek, only in this way will you find glory."

Moral of the story: If you are not well informed about your work, you may be missing out on great opportunities.

Lesson 4: Lazy Bunny

One crow sat on a tree and did nothing all day. A hare ran past, saw a serene crow, he liked the picture, and he asked: “Can I sit like this all day, relax and mess around?” “Of course, why not?” replied the bird. Then the hare blissfully fell apart under a tree, closed his eyes and forgot about all the troubles. Suddenly, a fox jumped out from behind the bushes, saw a relaxed hare and ate it.

Moral of the story: In order to sit and do nothing, you have to be very, very high.

Lesson 5: Crazy Turkey

A turkey is talking to a buffalo: “I want to climb this tree, but I don’t have enough strength.” "Don't worry," says the buffalo. “Here, peck at my manure, there are a lot of useful substances, you will gain strength and energy.” The turkey followed the advice, pecked at the poop and managed to climb onto the lower branches of the tree. The next day, repeating the process, energy drinks, the bird jumped already in the middle of the tree. In the end, after four days, the turkey, fairly sagging from manure, managed to climb to the very top. Seeing a crazy bird on top of a tree, the farmer knocked it out with a well-aimed shot from a gun.

Moral of the story: All kinds of rubbish and trashy actions can push you to the very top, but they will not keep you there.

Lesson 6: Bird in the dung

The little bird flew to warmer climes, but winter overtook her. The poor creature froze and fell down in the middle of the field. A cow passing by accidentally piled a whole pile of manure on top of the bird. Being under this heap, the bird unexpectedly found that it warmed up, it became warm and good. She even burst into tears from pleasure. A passing cat heard the chirping and decided to find out where it came from. Finding a “chirping” cow cake, the cat tore it open, pulled out the bird and ate it.

Moral of the story:

1. Not everyone who puts a heap on you is an enemy.

2. Not everyone who gets you out of the dung is a friend.

3. If you're buried up to your ears in poop, sit there and keep your mouth shut.

Some writers manage to convey a lot in a few words.

1. Hemingway once bet that he would write a short story, consisting of only a few words, capable of moving any reader.

He won the argument:

"Children's shoes for sale. New»

2. Frederick Brown composed the shortest scary story ever written:

“The last man on Earth was sitting in a room. There was a knock on the door…”

3. O. Henry won the competition for the shortest story, which has all the components of a traditional story - a plot, a climax and a denouement:

“The driver lit a cigarette and bent over the gas tank to see if there was a lot of gasoline left. The deceased was twenty-three years old.

4. The British also organized a competition for the most short story. But according to the terms of the competition, the queen, God, sex, mystery should be mentioned in it.
The first place was awarded to the author of the following story:

“Oh, God,” the queen exclaimed, “I am pregnant and I don’t know from whom!”

5. The competition for the shortest autobiography was won by an elderly French woman who wrote:

“I used to have a smooth face and wrinkled skirt, but now it’s the other way around.”

Here are a few of the most short stories in the world, up to 55 words. Read for health.

Jane Orvis


Ever since Rita was brutally murdered, Carter has been sitting by the window.
No TV, reading, correspondence. His life is what is seen through the curtains.
He doesn't care who brings the food, pays the bills, he doesn't leave the room.
His life is running athletes, the change of seasons, passing cars, the ghost of Rita.
Carter doesn't realize that the felt-lined wards don't have windows.

Larisa Kirkland


Starlight Night. The most suitable time. Romantic dinner. Cozy Italian restaurant. Little black dress. Gorgeous hair, sparkling eyes, silvery laugh. We've been together for two years now. Great time! Real love, best friend, no one else. Champagne! I offer my hand and heart. On one knee. Are people watching? Well, let! A wonderful diamond ring. Blush on cheeks, charming smile.
How, no?!

Charles Enright


As soon as this happened, I hurried home to tell my wife the sad news. But she didn't seem to listen to me at all. She didn't notice me at all. She looked right through me and poured herself a drink. Turned on the TV.
At this moment there was phone call. She walked over and picked up the phone.
I saw how her face wrinkled. She wept bitterly.

Andrew E. Hunt


The woolen blanket he'd recently been given from a charitable foundation hugged his shoulders comfortably, and the boots he'd found in the dumpster today didn't sting at all.
Street lights so pleasantly warmed the soul after all this chilling darkness ...
The curve of the park bench felt so familiar to his weary old back.
Thank you, God, he thought, life is amazing!

Brian Newell

What does the devil want

The two boys stood and watched as Satan slowly walked away. The glint of his hypnotic eyes still clouded their heads.
- Listen, what did he want from you?
- My soul. And from you?
- A coin for a pay phone. He urgently needed to call.
- Do you want to go eat?
- I want to, but now I have no money at all.
- It's OK. I have full.

Alan E. Mayer

Bad luck

I woke up with severe pain all over my body. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse standing by my bed.
“Mr. Fujima,” she said, “you are lucky to have survived the bombing of Hiroshima two days ago. But now you are in the hospital, you are no longer in danger.
A little alive with weakness, I asked:
- Where I am?
"Nagasaki," she replied.

Jay Rip


There was only one way out, for our lives were intertwined in a knot of anger and bliss too tangled to solve everything in any other way. Let's trust the lot: heads - and we will get married, tails - and we will part forever.
The coin was flipped. She chimed, spun, and stopped. Eagle.
We stared at her in bewilderment.
Then, with one voice, we said, "Maybe one more time?"

Robert Tompkins

In Search of Truth

Finally, in this remote, secluded village, his search was over. Truth sat by the fire in a dilapidated hut.
He had never seen an older and uglier woman.
- You - Really?
The old, shriveled hag nodded solemnly.
- Tell me, what should I tell the world? What message to convey?
The old woman spat into the fire and answered:
- Tell them I'm young and beautiful!

August Salemi

modern medicine

Blinding headlights, deafening grinding, piercing pain, absolute pain, then a warm, inviting, clear blue light. John felt amazingly happy, young, free, he moved towards the radiant radiance.
The pain and darkness slowly returned. John slowly, with difficulty, opened his swollen eyes. Bandages, some tubes, plaster. Both legs were missing. Crying wife.
You have been saved, dear!

Hemingway once bet that he would compose a six-word story (in the original language) that would be the most touching of all previously written. And he won the argument.
1. “Children's shoes for sale. Not worn.”
("For sale: baby shoes, never used.")
2. The winner of the competition for the shortest story that has a plot, a climax and a denouement. (O.Henry)
“The driver lit a cigarette and bent over the gas tank to see how much gasoline was left. The deceased was twenty-three years old.
3. Frederick Brown. The shortest scary tale ever written.
“The last man on Earth was sitting in a room. There was a knock on the door."
4. In the UK, a competition was held for the shortest story.
The parameters were as follows:
- God must be mentioned,
- Queen,
- Must have some sex
and attend some mystery.
Story Winner:
- God! - cried the queen, - I am pregnant, and it is not known from
5. In the competition for the shortest autobiography, an elderly French woman won, who wrote:
"I used to have a smooth face and wrinkled skirt, but now it's the other way around."

Jane Orvis. Window.

Ever since Rita was brutally murdered, Carter has been sitting by the window.
No TV, reading, correspondence. His life is what is seen through the curtains.
He doesn't care who brings the food, pays the bills, he doesn't leave the room.
His life is running athletes, the change of seasons, passing cars, the ghost of Rita.
Carter doesn't realize that the felt-lined wards don't have windows.

Larissa Kirkland. Offer.

Starlight Night. The most suitable time. Romantic dinner. Cozy Italian restaurant. Little black dress. Gorgeous hair, sparkling eyes, silvery laugh. We've been together for two years now. Great time! True love, best friend, no one else. Champagne! I offer my hand and heart. On one knee. Are people watching? Well, let! A wonderful diamond ring. Blush on cheeks, charming smile.
How, no?!

Charles Enright. Ghost.

As soon as this happened, I hurried home to tell my wife the sad news. But she didn't seem to listen to me at all. She didn't notice me at all. She looked right through me and poured herself a drink. Turned on the TV.

At that moment the phone rang. She walked over and picked up the phone.
I saw how her face wrinkled. She wept bitterly.

Andrew E. Hunt. Gratitude.

The woolen blanket he'd recently been given from a charitable foundation hugged his shoulders comfortably, and the boots he'd found in the dumpster today didn't sting at all.
Street lights so pleasantly warmed the soul after all this chilling darkness ...
The curve of the park bench felt so familiar to his weary old back.
“Thank you, God,” he thought, “life is amazing!”

Brian Newell. What the devil wants.

The two boys stood and watched as Satan slowly walked away. The glint of his hypnotic eyes still clouded their heads.
Listen, what did he want from you?
- My soul. And from you?
- A coin for a pay phone. He urgently needed to call.
- Do you want to go eat?
- I want to, but now I have no money at all.
- It's OK. I have full.

Alan E. Mayer. Bad luck.

I woke up with severe pain all over my body. I opened my eyes and saw a nurse standing by my bed.
“Mr. Fujima,” she said, “you are lucky to have survived the bombing of Hiroshima two days ago. But now you are in the hospital, you are no longer in danger.
A little alive with weakness, I asked:
- Where I am?
“Nagasaki,” she replied.

Jay Rip. Fate.

There was only one way out, for our lives were intertwined in a knot of anger and bliss too tangled to solve everything in any other way. Let's trust the lot: heads - and we will get married, tails - and we will part forever.
The coin was flipped. She chimed, spun, and stopped. Eagle.
We stared at her in bewilderment.
Then, with one voice, we said, “Maybe one more time?”

Robert Tompkins. In Search of Truth.

Finally, in this remote, secluded village, his search was over. Truth sat by the fire in a dilapidated hut.
He had never seen an older and uglier woman.
- Are you true?
The old, shriveled hag nodded solemnly.
“Tell me, what should I tell the world?” What message to convey?
The old woman spat into the fire and answered:
“Tell them that I am young and beautiful!”

August Salemi. Modern medicine.

Blinding headlights, deafening grinding, piercing pain, absolute pain, then a warm, inviting, clear blue light. John felt amazingly happy, young, free, he moved towards the radiant radiance.
The pain and darkness slowly returned. John slowly, with difficulty, opened his swollen eyes. Bandages, some tubes, plaster. Both legs were missing. Crying wife.
You have been saved, dear!
