Diet 1 menu. Allowed foods and dishes

This is a physiologically complete diet with a sufficient content of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, as well as limiting substances that increase secretion and irritate the mucous membrane, and foods with cell membranes.

  • Diet - fractional, 5-6 times a day.
  • Allowed culinary processing of dishes is steaming and boiling.
  • Food temperature: hot dishes – 60℃, cold – 15℃.

Salt is limited to 5-8 g per day; in addition, patients are shown vitamins of group B, as well as C and A.

Daily nutritional value of the standard diet of medical table No. 1:

  • Proteins – 100 g;
  • Carbohydrates – 400-450 g;
  • Fats – 100 g, of which 1/3 are vegetable;
  • Free liquid – 1.5 l;
  • Energy value – 3000-3200 kcal.

Types of therapeutic diet number one

There are varieties of diet No. 1 - tables No. 1a and No. 1b.

Table No. 1a

Designed for maximum chemical and mechanical sparing of the stomach. All dishes must be pureed, mushy or liquid in consistency. Products can be either boiled or steamed. Diet: 5-6 times a day; you need to stick to this diet for several days.

Main indications:

  • exacerbation of chronic gastritis with the addition of pain syndrome;
  • severe exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers;
  • after gastrointestinal bleeding.

Recommended products and dishes: slimy cereal soups, milk, thin porridges, milk soups with butter, steam omelettes, soft-boiled eggs, cream, olive oil, butter without salt, steam souffles from lean meat and fish, juices - carrot, non-acidic fruit, rosehip decoction, weak tea with milk.

Table No. 1b

A less gentle dietary table that allows meatballs, cutlets, steamed meat and fish dishes, soufflés, quenelles, sour cream or milk sauces, butter, white bread crackers. Prescribed for a smooth transition from a strict gentle diet to a regular (basic) diet. The main indication for table No. 1b is the subacute stage of ulcers and exacerbation of gastritis.

Features of table number 1b:

  • diet – 4-5 times a day;
  • cooking food in puree form with the addition of white bread crackers in the amount of 75-100 g;
  • pureed milk porridges are more often served;
  • soups – cereal, milk.

Features of diet No. 1 for children

Treatment menu number 1 is also prescribed for children, but their body is not yet fully formed, so a simplified version is compiled. For example, only spicy, fried, smoked foods are prohibited. It all depends on the stage of the disease and the doctor’s testimony. Products that are not suitable for a child due to age or due to individual intolerance are excluded from the menu.

Indications for diet No. 1

Table No. 1 is prescribed for a number of diseases of the stomach and duodenum. Let's take a closer look at the main indications.

Chronic gastritis with preserved and increased acidity

For chronic gastritis in the acute stage, table No. 1b is prescribed with a gradual transition to table No. 1. Anything that has an irritating effect is excluded from the diet. Dishes are served in jelly-like or semi-liquid form; meat and potatoes are not fried. Diet: 4-5 times a day with limited salt intake.

The diet includes whole milk, milk or mucous soups (with pearl barley, oatmeal or buckwheat) with the addition of 1 tbsp wheat bran. l. per day, meat soufflé, soft-boiled eggs, quenelles, cottage cheese, butter, cutlets from lean meat or fish, cheese, curdled milk, processed berries and fruits, vegetable stew.

When remission occurs, the diet is gradually expanded to get closer to a normal balanced diet without chemical irritants to the gastric mucosa and substances that increase secretory function.

Stomach ulcer

The diet accompanies drug treatment at the stage of subsiding exacerbation and remission. Duration – 6-12 months. Table No. 1 minimizes thermal, mechanical, and chemical effects, that is, it provides gentle treatment.

Food should activate healing and regeneration processes, reduce inflammation, improve motility and gastric secretion. Dishes can be boiled, baked and steamed. It is necessary to completely remove skin, cartilage, bones, veins, fat, and tendons from meat and fish.

Patients benefit from protein foods - low-fat turkey, rabbit, chicken, beef, veal, soft-boiled eggs, scrambled eggs, lean marine fish.

The diet should be enriched with fats, the main source of which is unsalted butter; vegetable oils are also added to ready-made dishes.

Desserts include natural marshmallows, jelly, mousses, puree of soft and sweet berries and fruits, baked fruits, marmalade, marshmallows, jam, jam.

Honey reduces pain and inflammation, helps neutralize acids. Milk is also useful - it coats the stomach walls and protects the mucous membrane.

Fermented milk products are included in the diet with caution; they should not contain vegetable fats.

The healthiest drinks are decoctions of rosehip, chamomile, mint, weak tea, jelly, compotes, sweet juices (diluted with water), fruit drinks, plain water at room temperature.

At different stages of the disease, different subtypes of table No. 1 are shown. Indications depend on the patient’s well-being and the severity of symptoms. In case of a sharp exacerbation, diet No. 1a is indicated as more strict; it is prescribed for the intensive course of the disease, acute pain and bed rest.

When the ulcer begins to scar, they switch to gentle diet options No. 1 - table No. 1. The purpose of this subtype of table No. 1 is to speed up the restoration of the mucous membrane and ensure its protection. The diet is expanding, the method of preparation is changing - completely liquid, pureed food and dishes with small pieces are allowed.


This disease affects the stomach and duodenum. Table No. 1 is indicated if the disease comes directly from the intestines - this is primary duodenitis, not provoked by diseases of the gallbladder, pancreas, or biliary tract.

The nutrition plan involves a strict restriction of carbohydrates (honey, sugar) and fats, the allowed amount of salt is 5-6 g per day, foods that chemically, thermally or mechanically irritate the mucous membrane are excluded.

You should also not eat foods that cause fermentation processes in the intestines. These are cabbage, legumes, turnips, radishes, radishes, baked goods, yeast breads, alcoholic and carbonated drinks.

  • The food temperature should be comfortable; very cold and very hot dishes are prohibited.
  • Small meals - 5-6 times a day.
  • Cooking methods: puree, steam, boil.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

You need to follow diet No. 1 during the initial detection of the disease and during periods of exacerbation. The duration of diet therapy is usually 1 week.

The menu contains dishes that are gentle on the mucous membrane of the esophagus, promoting rapid healing and closure of ulcers.

  • Allowed cooking methods are steaming and boiling.
  • Served in liquid or pureed form.
  • The temperature is comfortable, food should be warm, not hot or cold.
  • Diet: every 3 hours in small portions.
  • Patients are recommended to eat porridges, soups, jelly, and steam omelettes.

If gastritis with high acidity develops against the background of GERD, then a gentle nutrition plan is needed. Strictly prohibited foods include spices, sugar and sweets, spicy and fatty foods, and carbonated drinks.

If GERD is complicated by esophagitis, then only pureed foods are allowed. They are indicated because patients experience pain when swallowing and food gets stuck in the throat. Recommended cereals, kefir, warm tea, mashed potatoes, boiled vegetables, and pureed soups.

Products allowed on diet No. 1

We offer a table in which you can see what is possible with the 1st diet, what vegetables, fruits, cereals and other dishes allowed and recommended patients.

Product group Products and dishes
Flour products and bread Dry biscuit, yesterday's wheat bread, limited - buns and pies, 1-2 times a week - dry biscuits
Soups Mashed vegetables, mashed milk cereals, milk with mashed vegetables, except cabbage, with noodles and vermicelli
Fish and meat dishes Lean varieties of meat without fat and tendons, steamed or boiled, pureed, lump meat - soft and lean, weak jelly; lean fish – boiled, steamed, grated or in pieces, fish aspic
Eggs Omelettes, soft-boiled, in dishes – 2 per day
Dairy Natural and whipped cream, condensed and whole milk, cottage cheese (non-acidic pureed in the form of curd mass, soufflé, etc.), one-day yogurt, limited sour cream
Vegetables and greens Various varieties in boiled and mashed form
Sweet dishes and fruits Non-acidic ripe berries and fruits in raw, steamed, baked form, jam, honey, sugar, jelly, mousses, jelly
Pasta and cereal products Any cereals in the form of porridges, purees, puddings, soufflés, steamed and boiled in water, pureed; vermicelli, homemade noodles, finely chopped pasta, bean curd, green peas
Snacks Mild grated cheese, lean, lean ham finely chopped, a small amount of caviar
Fats Vegetable oil (not for frying, but for adding to prepared dishes), unsalted butter
Beverages Weak coffee and cocoa with milk or cream, tea with milk or cream, sweet berry and fruit juices, rosehip decoction
Spices and sauces Dairy, sour cream with milk and cereal broth, sweet fruit sauces; any spices are excluded, flour for sauces is not sautéed

Prohibited Products

We offer you a table of what it is forbidden eat on diet number 1.

Also prohibited are fried, salted, spicy, smoked dishes and foods, canned food, and refractory fats (for example, lamb).

Sample menu for the week

At first it is difficult to figure out what to cook and how - dexterity comes with experience. Therefore, we offer you a weekly menu option that will help you navigate the cooking methods and possible dishes.

Day of the week Eating Diet
Monday First breakfast Mashed potatoes, meat balls, tea - plain or with milk
Lunch Kissel or milk
Dinner Rice soup with milk, potato casserole, compote
Afternoon snack Rose hip decoction
Dinner Curd soufflé, buckwheat, cooked in the usual way, jelly
For the night Milk
Tuesday First breakfast Cottage cheese, semolina porridge with water or milk, tea with milk
Lunch Baked apple without sugar, milk
Dinner Barley milk soup, meat cutlets, beet puree, jelly
Afternoon snack Rose hip decoction and toast
Dinner Rice pudding, milk jelly, one egg
Wednesday First breakfast Buckwheat, cooked in the usual way, one egg, tea without sugar
Lunch Baked apple without sugar, milk
Dinner Vegetable soup with vegetable broth, rice or meat pudding, apple jelly
Afternoon snack Rose hip decoction
Dinner Krupenik from cottage cheese and buckwheat, milk
Thursday First breakfast Curd soufflé, rice porridge, tea
Lunch Kissel
Dinner Milk soup with rice, steamed meat cutlets, carrot puree
Afternoon snack Compote
Dinner Milk
Friday First breakfast Carrot puree, jellied tongue, weak coffee with milk
Lunch Compote
Dinner Milk soup with oatmeal, fish balls, mashed potatoes
Afternoon snack Kissel and toast
Dinner Steamed chicken cutlets, carrot puree, compote
Saturday First breakfast Steamed fish cutlets, mashed potatoes, milk
Lunch Baked apple without sugar, tea with milk
Dinner Milk soup, compote, vermicelli
Afternoon snack Kissel and two toasts
Dinner Steamed meat balls, milk jelly
For the night Kefir
Sunday First breakfast Oatmeal, steamed with boiling water, tea
Lunch Milk
Dinner Vegetable soup with croutons and potatoes, milk jelly
Afternoon snack Milk
Dinner Meatloaf with potatoes or rice, jelly

Diet No. 1 (table No. 1)- a therapeutic nutrition system designed for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract such as, and.

This diet has sufficient energy value and a harmonious ratio of essential nutrients. Table No. 1 excludes chemical and thermal food irritants, as well as strong stimulants of gastric secretion.

Read also:, diet No. 1b.

Chemical composition of diet No. 1:

  • proteins 100 g (60% animal origin, 40% vegetable);
  • fats up to 100 g (20-30% vegetable, 70-80% animal origin);
  • carbohydrates 400-450 g;
  • salt 12 g;
  • liquid 1.5-2 l.

Weight of daily ration: 2.5-3 kg.

Daily intake of diet No. 1: 2900-3100 kcal.

Diet: 5-6 times a day.

Indications for use of diet No. 1:

  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the stage of fading exacerbation;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers during the period of recovery and remission;
  • acute gastritis during the recovery period and in the convalescence phase;
  • chronic gastritis with secretory insufficiency in the acute phase;
  • chronic gastritis with normal and increased secretion;
  • esophagitis;
  • gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).

Diet No. 1 (Table No. 1). Food

What can you eat on diet number 1:

Soups: vegetable (from permitted pureed vegetables) in carrot or potato broth, dairy from pureed or well-cooked cereals, pureed soups (from pre-cooked permitted meat). You can season soups with butter, cream or egg-milk mixture.

Cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, semolina. Cook porridge in water or milk, semi-viscous and pureed. You can also steam soufflés, puddings and cutlets from ground cereals. Boiled pasta, finely chopped.

Vegetables, greens: potatoes, beets, carrots, cauliflower, early pumpkin and zucchini. Green peas limited. Vegetables can be steamed or boiled in water. Ready to grind (mashed potatoes, puddings, soufflés). finely chop and add to soups. The consumption of ripe non-acidic tomatoes is also allowed, but not more than 100 g.

Meat fish: low-fat varieties, without tendons, fascia and skin from poultry and fish. Boiled and steamed dishes from veal, beef, young lean lamb, chicken, chicken, turkey, tongue and liver. Boiled meat and fish can be baked in the oven.

Eggs: 2-3 eggs per day (soft-boiled or steamed omelet).

Fresh fruits and berries: sweet fruits and berries pureed, boiled and baked.

Dairy products: milk, cream, non-acidic kefir and yogurt, fresh and non-acidic sour cream and pureed cottage cheese. Hard cheese is mild and grated. Sour cream in limited quantities.

Sweets: fruit purees, jelly, jellies, mousses, meringues, butter cream, milk jelly, non-sour jam, marshmallows and marshmallows.

Flour products: wheat bread made from premium and 1st grade flour (dried or yesterday), dry biscuit, dry cookies. 1-2 times a week, well-baked savory buns, baked pies with apples, cottage cheese, jam, boiled meat, fish, eggs.

Fats: butter, cow's ghee (highest grade), refined vegetable oils in dishes.

Beverages: weak tea, tea with milk or cream, weak coffee with milk, weak cocoa, fruit compotes, freshly squeezed juices from sweet fruits and berries, rose hip decoction.

What not to eat on diet number 1:

  • any broths and sauces based on them (meat, fish, mushroom), strong vegetable broths, okroshka, cabbage soup, borscht;
  • fatty meats, poultry and fish, stringy varieties, duck, goose, salted fish, smoked meats, canned food;
  • white cabbage, turnips, radishes, rutabaga, sorrel, spinach, onions, cucumbers, mushrooms, salted, pickled and pickled vegetables, canned vegetables;
  • fresh bread, rye, butter and puff pastry;
  • legumes, whole pasta, pearl barley, barley and corn, millet;
  • dairy products with high acidity, salty and sharp hard cheeses, limited use of sour cream;
  • sour, not fully ripe, fiber-rich fruits and berries, unprocessed dried fruits, ice cream, chocolate;
  • black coffee, all carbonated drinks, kvass;
  • tomato sauces, mustard, pepper, horseradish.

Diet No. 1 (table No. 1): menu for the week

Diet No. 1 is varied and healthy. Below is a sample menu for the week.

Food must be cooked in crushed or pureed form, boiled in water, steamed or baked. The food consumed must be warm (very hot and cold are excluded).


Breakfast: steam omelette, milk semolina porridge, tea with cream.
Lunch: decoction.
Lunch: potato soup, chicken fillet, boiled carrots.
Afternoon snack: cottage cheese with fruit.
Dinner: mashed potatoes and milk, steamed fish, green tea.
Before bed: milk.


Lunch: sweet fruits.
Lunch: cauliflower soup, boiled carrot salad, compote.
Afternoon snack: jelly.
Dinner: pasta with grated cheese and boiled beef with cream sauce, tea with milk.
At night: grated peach with cream.


Breakfast: soft-boiled eggs, rice milk porridge (ground), weak coffee with cream.
Lunch: fruit salad with cream and jam.
Lunch: vegetable milk soup, boiled fish with vegetables, compote.
Afternoon snack: pastila.
Dinner: buckwheat porridge, boiled turkey meatballs, boiled vegetables, tea with milk.


Breakfast: milkshake with banana, muesli with milk.
Lunch: milk jelly.
Lunch: potato soup with oatmeal, steamed fish, vegetable juice.
Afternoon snack: mannik.
Dinner: grated rice porridge with milk, steamed chicken fillet, boiled vegetables.
At night: warm milk with honey.


Breakfast: cheesecake with cottage cheese, milk soup with small pasta.
Lunch: steamed curd soufflé.
Lunch: potato soup with boiled beef meatballs, boiled vegetable salad, compote.
Afternoon snack: apple-peach puree.
Dinner: grated rice with milk, steamed cutlets, yogurt.
At night: milk.


Breakfast: semolina pudding, cottage cheese with fruit.
Lunch: fruit puree.
Lunch: vegetable soup with croutons, boiled meat, compote.
Afternoon snack: jelly.
Dinner: meat soufflé, boiled vegetable salad, vegetable juice.
At night: green tea with milk.


Breakfast: pumpkin porridge with milk, weak cocoa.
Lunch: pastila.
Lunch: potato casserole with vegetables, steamed fish cutlets, compote.
Afternoon snack: mannik.
Dinner: mashed potatoes, boiled carrot-beet salad, meatballs.
At night: mashed banana with cream.

Health, peace and goodness to everyone!

Table 1 is a medical diet developed by Soviet nutritionist M.I. Pevzner. To fully restore the functioning of the digestive system, it is recommended to adhere to diet table 1 for six months to a year.

Gastroenterologists prescribe this therapeutic diet for the following pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract:

  • stomach ulcer during the period of remission and after exacerbation;
  • gastritis with high acidity (acute and chronic);
  • rehabilitation period after gastric surgery;
  • burns of the esophagus.

The foundation of the diet for gastritis, table 1, is based on the basic principles of treating this pathology: providing adequate nutrition, a balanced diet, thermal, chemical and mechanical sparing of the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, avoidance of foods that cause increased production of hydrochloric acid, that is, gastric juice.

Diet No. 1 was introduced in hospitals, and is also provided for in sanatorium-resort treatment of patients with the listed problems. A wide selection of products and simple cooking principles make it easy to follow a diet at home over a long period of time.

Main characteristics of diet table No. 1

The amount of proteins – up to 100 g, lipids – up to 100 g, carbohydrates – up to 400 g. The daily norm of free liquid is 1.5-1.6 l, table salt – up to 12 g.

The total calorie content of the daily menu is up to 3000 kcal. Eating in small portions - 5-6 times a day, the entire volume of food is distributed evenly, so that the total weight of a single meal does not exceed 350 grams.

Treatment of gastritis and peptic ulcers requires strict adherence to the diet. Overeating is strictly contraindicated, especially at night, since during sleep the gastrointestinal tract must be provided with proper rest.

Last meal no later than 2.5 hours before going to bed.

It is useful, after consultation with your gastroenterologist, to consume medicinal mineral waters daily with the following indicators: mineralization level from 2 to 6 grams per liter, high content of carbonates and sulfates.

Drinking mineral and medicinal table waters, especially in a sanatorium where the springs are located in close proximity to the establishment, leads to a natural decrease in the secretion of gastric juice.

Based on these indicators, as well as taking into account the permitted products, experienced nutritionists create an approximate diet for the day, week, month, etc.

Diet 1 table - food table

What can you eat What not to eat
Dishes from lean meats and fish - ground, steamed or boiled (cutlets, meatballs, meatballs, dumplings, rolls, minced meat casseroles, purees, soufflés). 1. Dishes made from fatty, stringy meat and fish, smoked meats, canned food, pickled and dried dishes. Poultry skin and subcutaneous fat must be removed.
Dairy soups with cereals (oatmeal, semolina, rice, buckwheat, egg) or pasta, including homemade noodles. 2. Pearl barley, millet, legumes, whole corn, egg noodles. These foods are slowly digested and poorly absorbed by the body.
Slimy cereal soups with water. 3. Uncooked cereals.
Vegetable soups (without cabbage) - pureed, with the addition of root vegetables, seasoned with butter or a milk-egg mixture.
Steam omelettes - protein, water, with the addition of milk, eggs, soft-boiled or “in a bag”. 4. Meat, fish, strong vegetable broths and soups based on them. All hot dishes with the addition of ungrated fruits and cabbage (cabbage soup, borscht, okroshka).
Dishes of vegetables and fruits in baked, grated, pureed form after heat treatment, except those prohibited. Especially useful: pumpkin, beets, carrots, potatoes, zucchini. It is acceptable to eat cauliflower and broccoli. 5. Scrambled eggs, hard-boiled eggs, any fried foods.
Dairy products: whole milk, cream, fresh or calcined cottage cheese, cottage cheese dishes (casserole, steamed cheesecakes, dumplings), sour cream, butter (up to 10 grams per day).
It is permissible to use milk (bechamel), creamy, fruit sauces. Salt, cinnamon and vanillin are allowed to be consumed in limited quantities. 6. Cabbage (all types except cauliflower and broccoli), sorrel, spinach, onions, garlic, cucumbers, sour unripe fruits, sour berries and fruits. Use dill and parsley sparingly. Mushrooms are strictly contraindicated. It is unacceptable to introduce salted, pickled and canned vegetables and mushrooms into the diet.
Desserts: marshmallows, marmalade, preserves, confiture, jam, marshmallows, honey, jelly and mousses of sweet berries and fruits. 7. Hard cheeses, fermented milk drinks, margarine.
Drinks: still mineral water, wheat bran decoction, oatmeal jelly, rosehip infusion with honey, fruit compotes and jelly, sweet fruit and berry juices, freshly squeezed vegetable juices (except cabbage), weak tea with cream or milk, chicory root powder drink , herbal teas.
Rusks from white varieties of bread, day-old bread or slices, dried in a toaster, biscuits, savory dough in the form of pies, pies (limited). 8. Broth-based sauces, all hot spices, sour sauces.
8. Broth-based sauces, all hot spices, sour sauces.
9. Cocoa, chocolate, ice cream, cakes and cream pies, butter and puff pastry, biscuits, margarine-based cookies.
10. Lemonades and any carbonated drinks, coffee, strong tea, alcohol, energy drinks, sour drinks, kvass, brine.
11. Fresh bread, black bread (rye).

It is convenient to print out the table of what you can and cannot eat while on diet table 1 and hang it in the kitchen, then the list of products will always be at hand. Below is a menu for the week, which you can easily make varied thanks to options for every day.

Table 1 diet - menu for the week

(compiled from the options below for each meal)


  • Steam omelette on water and oatmeal porridge on skim milk with a teaspoon of butter, mate tea (weak).
  • Soft-boiled egg and rice milk porridge mashed through a sieve, chicory drink.
  • Curd and banana puree, grated beet salad dressed with corn oil, a slice of toasted white bread with butter, green tea.
  • Buckwheat porridge with water, egg white omelette, chicory drink with milk.
  • Potato and carrot puree, milk omelet, chamomile tea with bee honey.


  • Apple baked with honey.
  • Pear-mango puree.
  • Banana mashed with a fork and drizzled with rosehip syrup.
  • Creamy jelly with milk.
  • 150 grams of cottage cheese with raspberries grated with sugar.


First course:

  • Puree potato soup with grated cauliflower and zucchini.
  • Carrot-zucchini paste on water with white bread croutons.
  • A slimy barley soup with a whipped cream and egg dressing.
  • Soup made from pureed oatmeal with potatoes and cream.
  • Buckwheat soup with grated carrots.

Second course:

  • Zucchini and potato puree with boiled pike perch meatballs.
  • Liquid mashed potatoes with turkey fillet soufflé.
  • Boiled wheat porridge with vegetable oil, chicken dumplings.
  • Mashed rice porridge and steamed lean veal cutlets.
  • Buckwheat porridge, grated with butter, and boiled hake fillet with carrots.


  • Compote of prunes and raisins.
  • Compote of dried apples and pears.
  • Raspberry jelly.
  • Rose hip decoction.
  • Melissa tea with honey.

Afternoon snack:

  • A glass of baked milk.
  • Fruit mousse (peaches, plums, apricots, persimmons).
  • Freshly squeezed juice from sweet apples and grapes.
  • Galette cookies with weak sweet tea.
  • Curd cream with blueberries.


  • Vermicelli casserole, fish quenelle.
  • Pasta with cottage cheese and butter, fish casserole with egg.
  • Stewed pollock with carrots and beets (ground vegetables).
  • Mashed potatoes with meatballs.
  • Steamed chicken zrazy with grated buckwheat porridge.

Before bedtime: a glass of whole or baked milk.

Following the table 1 diet after surgery allows the patient to recover as soon as possible and normalize the functioning of all internal organs.

A balanced diet, varied and tasty, provides the body with all the bionutrients necessary to maintain the health of all systems. Sticking to this diet is not difficult.

The main thing is not to be lazy and use a variety of products and their combinations every day. Thus, even for children, table 1 will not be a burden.

Be healthy and enjoy your meals!

Diet number 1 is prescribed to patients suffering from gastric and duodenal ulcers. This diet allows you to reduce pain, normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate the healing of ulcers and reduce inflammation of the mucous membranes of both the intestines and stomach.

To achieve the best results, you should completely adhere to the list of approved products.

Basic rules of diet No. 1

In order to reduce discomfort in the stomach and intestines, you should not only take antibiotics and potent medications, but also follow a diet. The first dietary table is, first of all, a list of permitted/prohibited foods.

So what's included?

Authorized Products

It is allowed in this diet, but only dried. Dry biscuits, shortbread cookies, and baked pies are also acceptable.

They are permissible only in vegetable broths (mash the vegetables, boil the cereals and pasta in the soup to the maximum).

Boiled or steamed. Veal and white poultry meat are acceptable.

Only in boiled form and exclusively light varieties (cutlets, soufflé).

    • Side dishes

Boiled vegetables, pasta (do not overuse), buckwheat, rice are preferable.

Almost all species are allowed, provided they are on the water. Salt/sugar - to a minimum.

    • Milk, cream, light kefir, cottage cheese (low-fat), yogurt, cheese (with minimal salt content)

Soft-boiled, steam omelette.

    • Snacks

Salads (boiled vegetables), beef tongue, aspic, herring (soaked in milk), liver pate.

    • Sweet dishes

Compote, slightly dried marshmallows, meringue, jam and jelly, puree (fruit) with jelly.

    • Beverages

Cocoa and milk, tea, freshly squeezed juices, rose hip and jelly decoction, compotes.

What foods are contraindicated on diet 1?

Prohibited products:

  • Strong tea/coffee, all soda. All alcoholic drinks are also prohibited.
  • Strong/fatty fish/meat broths.
  • Cereals. It is forbidden to eat coarse cereals (millet, pearl barley, corn and barley).
  • Bread. You cannot eat fresh bread or any fresh baked goods during your diet. All cakes, pies and other baked goods should be postponed until better times.
  • Vegetables. Onions, cucumbers, cabbage, spinach with turnips, tomatoes, radishes, and radishes are strictly prohibited.
  • Dairy products. Sour kefir, fatty cottage cheese and high-fat milk, and sharp cheeses are prohibited.
  • Mushrooms. Mushrooms are prohibited in any form.

How to create a menu for the week?

When creating a menu, you should use the above lists of products. So, how to properly create a menu for table No. 1 for the week?

Monday :

Breakfast 1st. Meat balls, potatoes (mashed), tea (with milk).
Breakfast 2nd. Milk or jelly.
Dinner. Milk soup (rice), casserole (potatoes), compote.
Afternoon snack. Rose hip decoction.
Dinner. Soufflé (cottage cheese), buckwheat, jelly.
For the night. Milk.

Tuesday :

1st breakfast. Cottage cheese, semolina (can be made with milk), tea with milk.
2nd breakfast. Baked unsweetened apple, milk.
Dinner. Milk soup (barley), meat cutlets, mashed potatoes (), jelly for dessert.
Afternoon snack. Rose hip decoction, toast.
Dinner. Pudding (rice), egg, milk jelly.

Wednesday :

1st breakfast. Buckwheat, egg and unsweetened tea.
2nd breakfast. Baked apple, milk.
Dinner. Soup (vegetable broth, vegetables), pudding (rice, meat), apple jelly.
Afternoon snack. Rose hip decoction.
Dinner. Krupenik (cottage cheese, buckwheat), milk.

Thursday :

1st breakfast. Cottage cheese (soufflé), rice porridge, tea.
2nd breakfast. Kissel.
Dinner. Rice milk soup, steamed meat cutlets, puree (carrots), compote.
Afternoon snack. Compote.
Dinner. Milk.

Friday :

1st breakfast
. Tongue aspic, puree (carrots), weak coffee with milk.
2nd breakfast. Compote.
Dinner. Milk soup (oatmeal); fish balls; mashed potatoes (potatoes).
Afternoon snack. Toast, jelly.
Dinner. For dinner you can cook steamed chicken cutlets, puree (carrots) and compote.

Saturday :

1st breakfast. Steamed fish cutlets, mashed potatoes (potatoes), milk.
2nd breakfast. Baked apple, tea with milk.
Dinner. Milk soup, vermicelli and compote.
Afternoon snack. Kissel and 2 toasts.
Dinner. Meat balls (steamed), milk jelly.
For the night- kefir.

Sunday :

1st breakfast. Oatmeal steamed with boiling water, tea.
2nd breakfast. Milk.
Dinner. Vegetable soup (potatoes, croutons), milk jelly.
Afternoon snack. Milk.
Dinner. For dinner, make meatloaf with rice or potatoes. You can also drink jelly.

When is surgical diet #1 prescribed?

After operations on the gastrointestinal tract This diet is used with extreme care and precision.

You cannot eat foods that are not on the list of permitted foods.

Dietary table No. 1 implies a transition to liquid nutrition, while excluding solid foods that lead to injury to the gastrointestinal tract.

This diet helps prevent bloating, painful sensations in the stomach and allows the body to get the amount of calories it needs.
