Musical works about nature: a selection of good music with a story about it. “Images of nature in music Works by Russian composers about Russian nature

A. Vivaldi "Seasons"

Perhaps one of the most popular pieces of music in the world is a cycle of 4 concerts - "The Seasons", which the composer wrote in 1723 for the soloist violins and the orchestra. They are unique in their own way, in each work brilliant virtuosity and enchanting cantilena miraculously merged. Vivaldi accompanied the concertos with sonnets, but, alas, today we don’t hear them during performance, they are almost never read. Who the author of these words is still a mystery. It is assumed that the sonnets were written by the composer himself.

Concert history of Antonio Vivaldi Seasons» and a lot of interesting facts about these works, read on our page.

History of creation

The year 1725 was marked by the publication of one of the most significant collections of the composer - the eighth opus, which he entitled as "The Experience of Harmony and Invention". It included 12 virtuoso violin concertos, the first four of which are called "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn" and "Winter". Today's performing practice has united these compositions into the cycle "Seasons", but in the original version this title is not present.

It is believed that the idea to embody various states of nature in music came from A. Vivaldi during his trip to Italy. He made his first big trip in 1713, when he was appointed chief composer of the Orphanage for Girls. The maestro took a month's leave and went to Vicenza to stage his opera Ottone in the Villa. This event was the starting point for his creative biography - since that time he plunged into work on operatic works and gladly accepted many orders for performances, not forgetting to visit various cities of his native country. He traveled on post stagecoaches popular at the time. It was then, according to biographers, watching the world of wildlife from the window and listening to the clatter of hooves and the sound of wheels, that he decided to create his brilliant violin concertos.

That's just over date of creation of "Seasons" are still being debated. Some historians believe that the concertos were written in 1723, while others call 1725 more likely - it is he who appears in many authoritative reference publications. But the art historian A. Maykapar insists that they were created in 1720. In his statements, he refers to the work of the Vivaldian heritage researcher Paul Everett. This scholar, analyzing the surviving authentic versions of these concertos, came to the conclusion that a copy already existed in 1720 and was even sent to Amsterdam. However, for unknown reasons, it was published only five years later under the direction of Michel Le Zenet. In 1739, a Paris edition appeared, issued by Le Clerc.

Interestingly, these first editions have survived to this day and forced many musicologists to “break” the head. And this happened because in the last century in Manchester, researchers discovered another manuscript of the Seasons. It differed markedly from the Amsterdam and Paris editions, in which the musical text was similar. In the version found, however, there were very detailed solo parts for individual instruments unfamiliar to the performers - for example, a beautiful solo for cello was written for the middle part of the concert “Winter”. Why such parties were absent in the first printed music, nevertheless, it was possible to unravel.

Historians have come to the conclusion that initially, for convenience, they were written and printed on separate sheets, but after a while they simply got lost and soon everyone forgot about them. But scientists were interested in the main question - what score was the primary source? They were also embarrassed by the fact that the Manchester notes were not written by Vivaldi, but by two other people and on two types of paper, which the composer had never used before, and besides, there was no date on all the sheets. Historians had to conduct a real investigation. They were helped to find the answer to the question by information from the life of the owner of this musical collection, the Italian curial cardinal Pietro Ottoboni. His Eminence visited Venice in 1726, where he first heard the music of Vivaldi - one of his cantatas. Most likely, historians summarized, Vivaldi, in honor of his acquaintance, decided to present him with the “Seasons” as a gift. He prepared in advance for this meeting, and therefore prudently ordered a copy of the notes from the scribes. One of them, according to biographers, was his father Giovanni Battista Vivaldi. This gave reason to believe that the primary source is still the Amsterdam edition - the same one that had lain in non-existence for five years.

Interesting Facts

  • The researchers drew attention to the fact that the found manuscripts of Vivaldi are significantly different from the printed editions. After carefully studying them, they came to the conclusion that these differences were made by the composer himself. The thing is that he himself personally prepared all the works for publication, but he never copied them exactly. Rewriting the text for the publishing house, he made many changes to it, but left his own version the same.
  • Vivaldi once used the music of the Allegro of the first concerto in one of his operas, created in 1726. It was called Dorilla in the Tempi Valley.
  • One of the most passionate admirers of this music was the French king Louis XV. Especially for him, the courtiers even put on a performance to the music of "Spring", wanting to please their ruler.
  • The Four Seasons is sometimes called the Four Act violin opera." And all because the composer built his cycle very logically and coherently, moreover, he united everything not only with the plot and title, but also with a through symphonic development.
  • Fragments of The Four Seasons are often heard on large screens today. So, they can be heard in the series "Grey's Anatomy", "The Big Bang Theory", the films "Philosophy of the Boudoir of the Marquis de Sade", "1 + 1", "In the Footsteps of Vivaldi", "Tomorrow Was War" and the cartoon "The Simpsons".
  • The music of these concerts was repeatedly used for their productions by choreographers - Roland Petit, Angelin Preljocaj, James Koudelka, Mauro Bigonzetti.
  • The 1989 recordings of these works by Nigel Kennedy and the English Chamber Orchestra broke all sales records - more than two million were bought.
  • Stéphane Lambiel won the 2006 World Figure Skating Championships with his free skate to the music from The Four Seasons.
  • "Spring" was included in the Windows 3.0 Music Samples.

The Four Seasons by A. Vivaldi are considered the standard of program music. Each concert is preceded by a sonnet - a kind of literary program that sets the listener in the right mood. Who is the writer of these poetic lines is still not known for certain. It is assumed that it was Vivaldi himself. Curiously, all the sonnets correspond very clearly to the form of the concertos. This fact has led to some confusion for many researchers. Having carefully compared the poetic lines and the musical fabric, they came to the conclusion that music was originally written, and the poems were already written directly on it.

In all four Baroque concertos the composer reaches the heights of representation. So, in "Spring" a grandiose picture of jubilation unfolds before the listeners, which is caused by the arrival of warmth and the awakening of nature. The music is easily guessed by the singing of birds, the murmur of a stream, the peals of thunder, the rustling of leaves and even the barking of a dog. In "Summer" Vivaldi also brilliantly manages to embody those states that are so well known to every person who is languishing from the heat - laziness and languor. But soon they are replaced by numbness and fear arising from icy gusts of wind and a raging thunderstorm. In “Autumn”, the maestro invites everyone to the harvest festival and skillfully recreates everything that happens there: the violinist-soloist “poured” wine into glasses with his passages, after which the drunken peasants with an unsteady gait and slightly stuttering go home. The village falls into a dream, and in the morning everyone goes hunting - the music picturesquely “draws” a picture of a race, playing on hunting horns and well-aimed shots. The characterization of the winter season in the last concert is very clearly given. In it you can hear the chatter of teeth from the cold, and the howl of a blizzard, and the clatter of feet, helping to warm up in severe frost.

Interestingly, the researchers do not limit the content of all parts to only a natural plot. These four concerts are associated with four phases of human life - childhood, youth, maturity and old age. This interpretation is also supported by the fact that in "Winter" the composer left a hint of the last circle of hell, described by Dante Alighieri in "The Divine Comedy". In addition, the “Seasons” are also correlated with four regions of Italy, located on the cardinal points - Venice corresponds to sunrise, Naples to noon, Rome to evening, and Bologna to midnight. However, there is still an opinion that these are not all the subtexts that can be found in music. Only contemporary listeners could fully understand them.

Arrangements and modern arrangements

1. In 1765, the first vocal arrangement of the Spring concert appeared in Paris - it was a motet.

2. At the end of the 60s. In the 20th century, the outstanding Argentinean Astora Piazzolla created a kind of imitation of this work - a cycle of four tangos called "The Four Seasons in Buenos Aires". Subsequently, the Russian composer Leonid Desyatnikov, a graduate of the Leningrad Conservatory, became interested in this work. On this material he created a transcription for violin with string orchestra accompaniment. With all her freedom and virtuosity, he tried to maximize the connection with the original creation of Vivaldi, and therefore added several quotes to it.

3. In 2016, the first arrangement of these baroque symphonic metal concertos appeared. And it belongs to Vivaldi's compatriot, Giuseppe Yampieri. More than a hundred classical and rock musicians worked on the creation of this album "The Four Seasons".

4. Flutist Mo Kofman recorded in 1972 a jazz album from A. Vivaldi's The Seasons. (listen)

5. Patrick Gleason in 1982 made the first computer recording (synthesizer) of concerts.

6. French musician Jean-Pierre Rampal made the flute arrangement for all four concertos. (listen)

7. Violinist David Garrett, along with the classical version, in 2010 recorded his modern arrangement of "Thunderstorm". (listen)

9. The Japanese group "Aura" sang "a cappella" all 4 concerts.

10. Chamber choir from France "Accentus" recorded "Winter" in choral performance.

11. New Zealand singer Hayley Westenra adapted "Winter" into a song called "River of Dreams". (listen)

12. The American symphonic rock band "Trans-Siberian Orchestra" recorded the song "Dreams of Fireflies (On A Christmas Night)" in 2012, making a modern arrangement of "January". (listen)

  • "Spring" can be heard in the films: "Beginners" (2010), "Calendar" (1993), "Flubber" (1997), "Billiard Brothers" (2016), "Close to the Heart" (1996), "Miami Rhapsody" (1995) , Spy Games (2001), A View to a Kill (1985), Hologram for a King (2016) and Garth Jennings' new musical cartoon Sing (2016).
  • "Summer" sounds in the films: "The Tenant" (1990) and "The Story of the Necklace" (2001).
  • Music from "Autumn" can be found in the films: Exit to Paradise (1994), The Banger Sisters (2002) and A View to a Kill (1985).
  • "Winter" found in films: "Billiard Brothers" (2016), "Hologram for the King" (2016), "Tin Cup" (1996), "The Other Sister" (1999) and the thriller "Salem's Lot" (2004).

"Seasons"- real paintings, which capture the entire palette of natural colors only with the sounds of an orchestra. Listen closely and you will be able to discern the babbling of a stream, the singing of birds, peals of thunder, the rustle of leaves, a riot of snow whirlwinds and many other natural phenomena. They are so visible that many performers have a desire to translate everything they hear into reality. Is it possible? And how! We bring to your attention one of the successful experiments in this area, produced by the duo "ThePianoGuys".

And the musicians are experimenting on the fourth part of the cycle, which is called "Winter". If you suddenly forgot how this concerto from The Four Seasons sounds in the original, watch its performance with soloist Yulia Fischer. Something like this piece sounded several centuries ago, lacking only ancient instruments, luxurious costumes and powdered wigs.

Video: listen to "The Four Seasons" by A. Vivaldi

And here " Winter"performed by a duet" ThePianoGuys' is hardly recognizable. Can you find Vivaldi notes in their performance? Or maybe something else, inspired by the images of Disney cartoons? To your attention - an impressive improvisation, a modern processing that combines two winter stories separated by hundreds of years. Their action takes place, as it should be, in a real snowy kingdom, where all living things are shackled in an icy embrace. Everything except talented musicians and their technical swift fingers.

Listen to "The Four Seasons" in modern processing

Municipal budgetary educational institution

secondary school №5


abstract of a music lesson on the topic

"Seasons in Music".

3rd grade

Teacher: Kim Elena Enchurievna

Abstract of a music lesson on the topic "Seasons in music." 3rd grade

The purpose of the lesson : to summarize the knowledge of children about the unity of the musical speech of composers from different countries.


    Learn to identify the mood of the music you hear.

    Expand your musical horizons, strengthen vocal intonation, develop rhythmic ear.

    Continue to cultivate tolerant feelings, develop a love for music.


Music terms

Paintings by Shishkin, Yuon "Winter"

Cards (green, red)

    Introductory word of the teacher

We spent the whole quarter talking about musical speech, about the fact that music has its own means of musical language, its own intonations, melody, rhythm, character.

What can music represent? (human character, the flight of a bumblebee, the sound of wheels, the sound of water)

And also music can paint pictures of nature, seasons.

Today we will continue the theme "Seasons".

I'll read you riddles, when does that happen?

    Snow on the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking

When does it happen? (winter)

    Snowball melts

The meadow came to life

The day is coming

When does it happen? (spring)

    The sun bakes

Linden blossoms

Rye is ripening

When does it happen? (in summer)

    Empty fields

Wet ground

The rain is pouring down

When does it happen? (in autumn)

For a long time, music has been associated with pictures of nature. In the sound of musical instruments, one can hear the winter cold, the singing of birds, the water element, the rustle of leaves.

Today we will listen to the music of foreign composers Antonio Vivaldi and Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky from the cycle "The Seasons" and compare them.

    Lesson topic: "Seasons in music"

Brief information about the composer P.I. Tchaikovsky

Children's messages

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky was born in 1840 in Votkinsk, a small factory town in the Urals. From early childhood, the boy was drawn to the piano, at which he spent his free time. At the age of seven, Tchaikovsky was already recording his childhood impressions. The parents of the future composer were musical and often held amateur concerts. Peasant songs sounded all around. Since childhood, he was imbued with the beauty of Russian folk music. This was later reflected in his work. The album by P.I. Tchaikovsky "The Seasons" was created in 1876 in St. Petersburg. It was 135 years ago.

The music album is composed of 12 pieces.

Do you know what a play is?

A play is a short piece of music (read by a child)

Why 12 pieces? (how many months in a year - by the number of months)

Listen to Tchaikovsky's music. What season do you hear in music? The music is performed by a symphony orchestra conducted by Evgeny Svetlanov.

Tchaikovsky "October"

What is the nature of the music? (mournful, sad, sad)

Now we will listen to the musical picture "Autumn" from the cycle "The Seasons" by the Italian composer Antonio Vivaldi.

What is the nature of the music? (sad, it's raining, the leaves are falling, the birds are flying away)

Children's messages

Brief information about the composer Antonio Vivaldi.

Antonio Vivaldi was born on March 4, 1678 in Venice. There is little information about the youthful years of the composer and his musical education. Most likely, it was his father who became his first musical mentor. He taught him to play the violin. From the age of ten, Antonio began to play the violin, replacing his father in the chapel of St. Mark's Cathedral due to his frequent absences from Venice.

Vivaldi is the largest representative of the Italian violin art of the 17th century. He created the genre of solo concerto, influenced the development of virtuoso violin technique.

Even during his lifetime, he became known as a composer, capable of creating an opera in five days and composing many variations on one theme. He became famous throughout Europe as a virtuoso violinist.

The musical heritage of Antonio Vivaldi was little known in the 18-19th century, was in oblivion for almost 200 years, and only in the 20s of the 20th century was the collection of the composer's manuscripts discovered by an Italian musicologist.

    Listening to the work "November, on the troika"

November, although the month of autumn, but winter is already coming. They sat down like a sleigh in a troika through the winter forest.

Close your eyes, listen to the sound and try to imagine. What the composer draws in his music, what feelings he expresses in music.

Have you noticed how the character of the music changes? (listen to half, present the picture, listen to the end)

The play begins with a wide melody, reminiscent of a free Russian folk song. Following her, echoes of sad thoughts begin to be heard. But then, closer and closer, the bells attached to the trio of horses begin to sound. A cheerful chime for a while drowns out a sad mood. But then the first melody returns again - the song of the coachman.

Nature is painted by artists. Maybe it was after listening to this play that the artist Nikolai Sverchkov came up with this work.

How nice in the winter forest! There is snow on the branches, huge snowdrifts. A wide road leads into the distance. Sleighs drawn by a trio of horses rush with a cheerful chime.

    Tchaikovsky "February"

Vivaldi "Winter"

What is the nature of the music?

What was presented? (wind, blizzard, when sweeping)

What did you notice? (feelings are the same, emotions are the same)

    Listening to Vivaldi's "Spring"

Vivaldi himself gave a description of spring: birds greet with their singing, streams run. The sky is covered with dark clouds. Lightning and thunder herald spring. A shepherd boy on a flowering lawn.

Listening to Tchaikovsky's "March"

The music of the first month of spring is called the Lark. She is gentle and resonant. Very similar to the trills of larks, the fresh scent of spring.

The Russian artist Levitan "March". How surprisingly similar are Tchaikovsky's musical play and Levitan's painting. The artist tried to convey the coldness of the March air, but the sun's rays are already warming, the snow is melting. All nature is waiting for a real spring.

    Fizminutka "Smile"

The sun shone in our souls, there was spring in our souls, joy, smiles.

    At all times, music has not only entertained people, but also comforted, helped to cope with spiritual experiences. Tchaikovsky dreamed that people loved nature, each other, and strived for good. Tchaikovsky's music is always alive in the hearts of people, no matter how many years have passed. Because she is eternal.

A monument to the Russian composer has been erected in Moscow. May 7 - 170th anniversary.

    Lesson summary

The Italian composer Vivaldi and the Russian composer Tchaikovsky lived at different times and in different countries. Vivaldi in 17th century Italy. Tchaikovsky in 19th century Russia. And the feelings and mood experienced the same.

Conclusion: the language of music is understandable for people of all countries. Music has no boundaries.


What is the difference between Vivaldi's music and Tchaikovsky's music? (Vivaldi - violin, Tchaikovsky - symphony orchestra - violin, cello, trumpet, horn)


How do you distinguish Vivaldi's music from Tchaikovsky's? (I turn on excerpts of music, if Vivaldi is playing - show a red signal card, and if Tchaikovsky's music is playing - blue)

Why do you think so?

    Let's continue the theme "Seasons in music"

Modern song about winter (song learning)

Who is coming to visit us? (bear)

What do you know about the bear? (sleeping in winter)

Find out why the bear sleeps in winter.

1 couplet. Once in a frosty winter. (1 row)

2 couplet. The fox raised a cry (2 row)

3 verse. Since then, the bear has decided. (3rd row)

    With the advent of winter, everything changes. Many artists tried to convey winter in their creations.

    Yuon, Shishkin, "Winter"

What do you see in the picture? What feeling? (joy, peace)

I think that Tchaikovsky's work inspired you to be creative.

Creative task: you will draw winter to the music.

    Lesson summary:

Music can convey feelings, moods. The language of music is understandable to all people. Music has no boundaries. The language of music is understandable for adults and children.

Kreknina Olga

The work is devoted to the use of images of nature in music. The theme of ecology is partially spent



Republican scientific and practical conference of students

"Youth - science and technology"

"Images of nature in music"

(research work)

Student 8 "B" class

MOU "Gymnasium No. 83"

Kreknina Olga Alexandrovna

Scientific adviser:

Teacher of additional education

First qualifying category

MOU "Gymnasium No. 83"

Pribilshchikova Svetlana Alexandrovna

Izhevsk 2011


CHAPTER 1. Theoretical substantiation of the problem "nature and music"

1.1. Definition of the main concepts of the study: "music",


1.2. Images of nature in literature and painting…………………………………6

1.3. Images of nature in music………………………………………………..10

1.4. Images of nature in music for relaxation……………………………………………………14

CHAPTER 2 Practical substantiation of the problem

2.1. Problems of ecology in contemporary art………………………....18

2.2 Musical images of nature in the works of schoolchildren………………….23

CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………..35

BIBLIOGRAPHY …………………………………………………………….36



We live in the 21st century. This is the age of crazy speeds, general mechanization and industrialization. Stressful situations await us at every step. Probably, humanity has never been so far from unity with nature, which man constantly "conquers" and "adjusts" to suit himself.

The theme of nature is very relevant. In the last decade, ecology has experienced an unprecedented flourishing, becoming an increasingly important science, closely interacting with biology, natural history, and geography. Now the word "ecology" is found in all the media. And for more than a decade, the problems of interaction between nature and human society have been of concern not only to scientists, but also to writers, artists, and composers.

The unique beauty of native nature at all times encouraged people of art to new creative searches.

In their works, they not only admire, but also make you think, warn about what an unreasonable consumer attitude towards nature can lead to.

Nature in the works of composers is a reflection of its real sound, the expression of specific images. At the same time, the sounds of nature themselves create a certain sound and influence in one way or another. The study of musical works from different eras will allow us to trace how the consciousness of man, his attitude to the eternal world of nature has changed. In our age of industrialization and urbanization, the issues of preserving the environment, the interaction between man and nature are especially acute. A person, in my opinion, cannot determine his place in the world in any way: who is he - the king of nature or just a small part of a great whole?

Target – to prove that music can convey to the listener the images of nature, influence the consciousness of a person in relation to ecology. And the problems of ecology are an important part of the life of society and each of its members individually.


1. Study musical works of different eras.

2. Consider the images of nature in the works of painting, literature, music.

3. To prove the influence of the music of nature on human consciousness.

4. Create a multimedia presentation on the topic "Nature and Music".

Object of study- images of nature in music.

Methods studies were used both theoretical and empirical:

  1. study, analysis and generalization of literature,
  2. surveillance,
  3. experiment.

My work consists of a theoretical part and a practical part.

CHAPTER 1 Theoretical substantiation of the problem "nature and music"

  1. Definition of the main concepts of the study: "music", "nature"

What is music?Many definitions can be given for this. Music is a kind of art, the artistic material of which is sound, organized in a special way in time (

Music is an art form that combines tones into harmonious groups of sounds. Music is a kind of art that embodies the ideological and emotional content in sound artistic images. Music is an art, the subject of which is sound that changes over time (

But one general extended concept can be given, music - a form of art. The means of conveying mood and feeling in music are specially organized sounds. The main elements and expressive means of music are: melody, rhythm, meter, tempo, dynamics, timbre, harmony, instrumentation and others. Music is a very good means of educating a child's artistic taste, it can influence mood, and there is even a special music therapy in psychiatry. With the help of music, you can even influence a person's health: when a person hears fast music, his pulse quickens, his blood pressure rises, he begins to move and think faster. Music is usually divided into genres and types. Musical works of each genre and type are usually easy to distinguish from each other due to the specific musical properties of each (

What is nature?An interesting and exciting question. At school in elementary grades, we once studied such a subject - natural history. Nature is a living organism that is born, develops, creates and creates, and then dies, and what it has created over millions of years either flourishes further in other conditions or dies with it (

Nature is the outer world in which we live; this world is subject to the laws unchanged for millions of years. Nature primary, it cannot be created by man and we must take it for granted. In a narrower sense, the wordnature means the essence of something nature feelings, for example

Ecology - the science of the relationship of living organisms and their communities with each other and with the environment (

  1. 2.Images of nature in literature and painting

The legacy of Russian literature is great. The works of the classics reflect the characteristic features of the interaction between nature and man, inherent in the past era. It is difficult to imagine the poetry of Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov, the novels and stories of Turgenev, Gogol, Tolstoy, Chekhov without describing the pictures of Russian nature. The works of these and other authors reveal the diversity of the nature of their native land, help to find in it the beautiful sides of the human soul.

So, in the work of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev himself, nature is the soul of Russia. In the works of this writer, the unity of man and the natural world is traced, whether it be an animal, forest, river or steppe.

Tyutchev's nature is diverse, many-sided, full of sounds, colors, smells. Tyutchev's lyrics are imbued with delight before the grandeur and beauty of nature:

I love the storm in early May,

When spring, the first thunder,

As if frolicking and playing,

Rumbles in the blue sky.

The young peals are thundering,

Here the rain splashed, the dust flies,

Rain pearls hung.

And the sun gilds the threads.

Every Russian person knows the name of the poet Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin. All his life, Yesenin worships the nature of his native land. “My lyrics are alive with one great love, love for the motherland. The feeling of the motherland is the main thing in my work,” Yesenin said. All people, animals and plants in Yesenin are children of one mother - nature. Man is a part of nature, but nature is also endowed with human traits. An example is the poem "Green hairstyle ...". In it, a person is likened to a birch, and she is like a person. This is so interpenetrating that the reader will never know who this poem is about - about a tree or about a girl.

No wonder Mikhail Prishvin is called the "singer of nature." This master of the artistic word was a fine connoisseur of nature, perfectly understood and highly appreciated its beauty and wealth. In his works, he teaches to love and understand nature, to be responsible to it for its use, and not always reasonable. The problem of relations between man and nature is covered from different angles.

This is far from being said about all the works that touch on the issue of the relationship between man and nature. Nature for writers is not just a habitat, it is a source of kindness and beauty. In their ideas, nature is associated with true humanity (which is inseparable from the consciousness of its connection with nature). It is impossible to stop scientific and technological progress, but it is very important to think about the values ​​of humanity.

All writers, as convinced connoisseurs of true beauty, prove that the influence of man on nature should not be detrimental to her, because every meeting with nature is a meeting with beauty, a touch of mystery. To love nature means not only to enjoy it, but also to take good care of it.

Images of animals and people made in the era of primitive society on the walls of caves have survived to our times. Since then, many millennia have passed, but painting has always remained an invariable companion of the spiritual life of man. In recent centuries, it is undoubtedly the most popular of all types of fine art.

Russian nature has always had a great influence on Russian artists. It can even be said that it was the nature of our country, its landscape, climatic conditions, colors, that shaped the national character, and, consequently, gave rise to all the features of Russian national culture, including painting.

However, landscape painting itself in Russia began to develop only in the 18th century. along with the development of secular painting. When they began to build magnificent palaces, lay out luxurious gardens, when, as if by magic, new cities began to grow, there was a need to perpetuate all this. Under Peter I, the first views of St. Petersburg, made by Russian artists, appeared.

The first Russian landscape painters drew inspiration from abroad. Fedor Matveev is a prominent representative of classicism in Russian landscape painting. “View in the environs of Bern” is an image of the city contemporary to the artist, but the real landscape is presented by the artist as ideally sublime.

Italian nature is reflected on Shchedrin's canvases. In his paintings, nature was revealed in all its natural beauty. He showed not only the external appearance of nature, but her breath, movement, life. However, already in the works of Venetsianov we see an appeal to the pictures of native nature. Benois wrote about the work of Venetsianov: “Who in the whole of Russian painting managed to convey such a truly summer mood as the one that is embedded in his painting “Summer”! The same amazing thing is the picture "Spring" paired with her, where "all the quiet, modest charm of the Russian spring is expressed in the landscape."

Contemporaries believed that Shishkin's work resonates with photographicity, and this is precisely the merit of the master.

In 1871, Savrasov's famous painting "The Rooks Have Arrived" appeared at the exhibition. This work was a revelation, so unexpected and strange that then, despite the success, not a single imitator was found for her.

Speaking of Russian landscape painters, one cannot fail to mention V.D. Polenov, his touching landscapes "Grandmother's Garden", "First Snow", "Moscow Yard".

Savrasov was a teacher, and Polenov was a friend of the famous Russian landscape painter Levitan. Levitan's paintings are a new word in Russian landscape painting. These are not views of localities, not reference documents, but Russian nature itself with its inexplicably subtle charm.Levitan is called the discoverer of the beauties of our Russian land, those beauties that lie next to us and are available to our perception every day and hour. His paintings give not only pleasure to the eye, they help to understand and study our Earth, its nature.

In Russian painting of the last century, two sides of the landscape as a type of painting are revealed: the objective, that is, the image, the view of certain localities and cities, and the subjective, the expression in images of the nature of human feelings and experiences. The landscape is a reflection of the reality that is outside of a person and is transformed by him. On the other hand, it also reflects the growth of personal and social self-awareness.

1.3. Images of nature in music

The sounds of nature served as the basis for the creation of many musical works. Nature is powerful in music. Music was already with ancient people. Primitive people sought to study the sounds of the world around them, they helped them navigate, learn about danger, and hunt. Observing the objects and phenomena of nature, they created the first musical instruments - a drum, a harp, a flute. Musicians have always learned from nature. Even the sounds of the bell, which are heard on church holidays, sound due to the fact that the bell was created in the likeness of a bell flower.

Great musicians also learned from nature: Tchaikovsky did not leave the forest when he wrote children's songs about nature and the cycle “The Seasons”. The forest suggested to him the mood and motives of the piece of music.

The list of musical works about nature is long and varied. Here are just a few works on the theme of spring:

I. Haydn. Seasons, part 1

F. Schubert. Spring Dream

J. Bizet. Pastoral

G. Sviridov. Spring cantata

A. Vivaldi "Spring" from the cycle "The Seasons"

W. A. ​​Mozart "The Coming of Spring" (song)

R. Schumann "Spring" symphony

E. Grieg "In the Spring" (piano piece)

N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov "The Snow Maiden" (spring tale)

P. I. Tchaikovsky "That was in early spring"

S. V. Rachmaninov "Spring Waters"

I. O. Dunayevsky "Rumbling streams"

Astor Piazzolla. "Spring" (from "The Four Seasons in Buenos Aires")

I. Strauss. Spring (Frühling)

I. Stravinsky "The Rite of Spring"

G. Sviridov "Spring and the sorcerer"

D. Kabalevsky. Symphonic poem "Spring".

S. V. Rakhmaninov. "Spring" - cantata for baritone, choir and orchestra.

And so it can go on for a long time.

It should be noted that the composers perceived and reflected the images of nature in their works in different ways:

b) Pantheistic perception of nature - N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, G. Mahler;

c) Romantic perception of nature as a reflection of the inner world of man;

Consider the "spring" plays from the cycle "The Seasons" by P. I. Tchaikovsky.

"Seasons" Tchaikovsky is a kind of musical diary of the composer, capturing episodes of life, meetings and pictures of nature dear to his heart. This cycle of 12 characteristic paintings for piano can be called an encyclopedia of Russian estate life of the 19th century, of the St. Petersburg city landscape. In his images Tchaikovsky captures the endless Russian expanses, and rural life, and paintings of St. Petersburg city landscapes, and scenes from the domestic musical life of Russian people of that time.

"Song of the Lark". March(see Attachment). The lark is a field bird, which in Russia is revered as a spring songbird. Her singing is traditionally associated with the arrival of spring, the awakening of all nature from hibernation, the beginning of a new life. The picture of the spring Russian landscape is drawn with very simple, but expressive means. The whole music is based on two themes: a melodic lyrical melody with a modest chordal accompaniment, and a second, related to it, but with big ups and wide breathing. In the organic interweaving of these two themes and various shades of mood - dreamy-sad and light - lies the endearing charm of the whole play. Both themes have elements that are reminiscent of the trills of the lark's spring song. The first theme creates a kind of frame for a more detailed second theme. The piece is concluded by the fading trills of the lark.

"Snowdrop" April(see Attachment) . Snowdrop - the so-called plants that appear immediately after the winter snow melts. Touching after the winter cold, dead, lifeless pores, small blue or white flowers appear immediately after the winter snow melts. Snowdrop is very loved in Russia. He is revered as a symbol of the new emerging life. Poems of many Russian poets are dedicated to him. The play "Snowdrop" is built on a waltz-like rhythm, all imbued with a rush, a surge of emotions. It penetratingly conveys the excitement that arises when contemplating spring nature, and the joyful, hidden in the depths of the soul, a sense of hope for the future and hidden expectation. The play has three sections. The first and third repeat each other. But in the middle section there is no bright figurative contrast; rather, there is some change of moods, shades of the same feeling. The emotional outburst in the final section persists until the very end.

"White Nights". May (see Appendix).

White nights - this is the name of the nights in May in northern Russia, when it is as light at night as it is during the day. White nights in St. Petersburg, the capital of Russia, have always been marked by romantic nightly festivities and singing. The image of the white nights of St. Petersburg is captured in the canvases of Russian artists and poems by Russian poets. That is exactly what - "White Nights" - is the name of the story of the great Russian writer F. Dostoevsky.

The music of the play conveys the change of conflicting moods: sorrowful reflections are replaced by sweet fading of the soul overflowing with delights against the backdrop of a romantic and completely extraordinary landscape of the White Nights period. The play consists of two large sections, introduction and conclusion, which are unchanged and form the frame of the whole play. The introduction and conclusion are a musical landscape, an image of white nights. The first section is based on short melodies - sighs. They seem to remind of the silence of the white night on the streets of St. Petersburg, of loneliness, of dreams of happiness. The second section is impetuous and even passionate in mood. The excitement of the soul increases so much that it acquires an enthusiastic and joyful character. After it there is a gradual transition to the conclusion (framing) of the whole play. Everything calms down, and again before the listener is a picture of the northern, white, bright night in the majestic and strict in its unchanging beauty of St. Petersburg.

We also listened to several pieces of music on the theme of spring: P. I. Tchaikovsky “April. Snowdrop”, G. Sviridov “Spring”, A. Vivaldi “Spring”. We found out that all the plays have similar features. Each play has a gentle, dreamy, affectionate, soft, friendly character. All these works are united by common means of musical expression. The predominant mode is major; register - high, medium; melody - cantilena, tempo - moderate; dynamics - mf. Sviridov and Vivaldi use sound-pictorial moments: imitation of birdsong is imitated by a flute and a violin in a high register.

1.4. Images of nature in music for relaxation

Natural sounds of nature, as you know, help a person achieve a state of harmony with the surrounding reality, come to terms with his inner world, get rid of anxieties and tension, and for some time get rid of everyday worries.

Music therapy is one of the oldest means of group psychotherapy, using the specific features of the emotional and psychological impact of music (playing music) on a person ( therapy/)

The luminaries of ancient civilization Pythagoras, Aristotle, Plato drew the attention of contemporaries to the healing power of the influence of music, which, in their opinion, establishes a proportional order and harmony in the entire Universe, including disturbed harmony in the human body. An outstanding physician of all times and peoples, Avicenna, a thousand years ago, treated patients with nervous and mental illnesses with music. In Europe, the mention of this dates back to the beginning of the 19th century, when the French psychiatrist Esquirol began to introduce music therapy into psychiatric institutions. Characteristically, the use of music in medicine was predominantly empirical. In the 20th century, especially in the second half of it, music therapy as an independent discipline began to be widely practiced in various countries of Europe. Modern research in the field of music therapy is developing in several directions. The study of artistic and aesthetic patterns of musical perception is carried out in aesthetic and musical-theoretical works.

First of all, listening to music affects our emotional and sensory perception, which gives a powerful impetus to all other existing human systems. In a calmer state, a person already thinks soberly, understands the events around him more subtly, and unconsciously turns on his intuition. All this significantly affects the qualitative characteristics of the physical body. In some incredible way, a person becomes better, he becomes more cheerful, smarter and more fun, which is now necessary for each of us.

Now people are increasingly engaged in self-knowledge and self-improvement. Each of us is aimed at inner work, with the help of which new facets of personality are recognized. Healingancient shamans and Tibetan monks effectively influence the discovery of internal resources, with the help of which we become more healthy, insightful and balanced.

Relaxation is the best way to relax, it is music for relaxation that can properly affect the body and contribute to the maximum relaxation of all muscles. Sometimes not only a melody, but also the sounds of nature can have a beneficial effect on the mental and physical state of an organism exhausted by stress.

What exactly can be called relaxation music? Experts refer melodic tracks with ethnic music, New Age, noise, sometimes some modern electronic music, sounds of nature, oriental meditative songs, traditional Chinese chants and much, much more to this direction. What, then, relates to the sounds of nature? As a rule, when recording such songs, birdsong, the sound of waves, the rustle of leaves are used ... In the city it is impossible to hear the roar of falling water of a waterfall or the steady sound of the surf. To this end, the most famous sounds were recorded on media, arranged, and later called "music of nature." Oddly enough, the same “music” includes the singing of blue whales, thunder, the chirping of cicadas and crickets, the howl of a wolf. The sounds of nature are those sounds that you may never meet in wildlife, but which help create the right atmosphere for being in the mountains or by the sea.

The main goal of relaxation music is the correct harmonious effect on a person in order to completely relax all tense muscles and, as a result, relieve stress. Oddly enough, music for relaxation can also be used for work. It can serve as a pleasant background during intense intellectual work, while not distracting a person from an important matter at all, but creating a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere.

To create the desired effect, relaxation music performers sometimes use the repetition of the same tone several times, a kind of concentration of the composition around one or more tones, which helps to induce a state of light trance and relaxation. A similar technique is used in Goa trance, but in the music of nature there is no such clear rhythm. For the performance of relaxation music, there is no specific set of musical instruments. If we talk about relaxing oriental melodies, then the main instruments are traditional Chinese or Vietnamese carillons and stone plates, horizontal harps, zithers (multi-stringed instruments), bamboo flutes, sheng and yu (made from gourd), xun, zheng, guqin, xiao and di , pipa, etc. Traditional Chinese music is one of the most popular types of music for relaxation. It is often used for Wu-Shu relaxation. To create the right atmosphere and the right mood, you need to listen to music of a certain melody. If music harmoniously combines the sounds of nature and smooth transitions from one key to another, then this is definitely relaxation music (see the APPENDIX for ethnic musical instruments).

The most interesting trend that is actively developing in the West is Indian ethnic music for relaxation. Traditional Indian motifs and images are becoming more and more popular every day, not only in America, but also in Europe. The songs are performed with the pimak (North American Indian flute) and drums. There is also a growing interest in traditional African music. Instruments - drums Udu, shaker and calabash. In Russia, relaxation music is represented by the sounds of Baikal, Buryat chants, traditional music of the small peoples of the north.

CHAPTER "Practical substantiation of the problem"

2.1. Problems of ecology in contemporary art

Music of the waves, music of the wind… Music of nature. A person, contemplating the beauties of the surrounding world, understands that this is an art that cannot be compared with anything. Therefore, only having originated as a concept, ecology has become inextricably linked with creativity. The sea, forests, rocks, flowers, birds - all this becomes a source of inspiration. This is how the genres of ecological art were formed. And the ecological song occupied one of the most significant niches.

The environmental movement of modernity is a strong and influential organization. The result of the consumer attitude of man to the planet is visible today to the naked eye. The air is polluted, forests have been cut down, rivers have been poisoned, animals have been killed. There is no escape from this, no matter where we live. The consequences of our barbaric attitude towards our native home, the Earth, can be felt in every corner of it. Therefore, today the "green" movement is more relevant than ever.

To draw public attention to environmental problems, environmentalists use what she gave them - talents. There was such a direction in eco-art as ecological art photography. Photo expositions are held in the largest cities of the world, gathering crowds of people. In the pictures, people see what man has done with the environment, as well as the miraculously preserved beauties of nature, which are extremely important to protect. There is also ecological cinema and ecological painting. Ecology burst even into fashion. The floral design of clothes made from natural fabrics is very popular.

However, the most soulful aspect of eco-art is the music. Today, many show business stars around the world are promoting a "green" lifestyle. They create multi-million dollar funds to save the planet. Artists collect entire stadiums. They are trying to overcome the indifference of people, awaken in them a love for nature and a desire to preserve its unique beauty.

The first appeared"green" people. Not always it was scientists and ecologists. For a person who loves nature, the profession is not important. That's what they say about bards.

The ecological direction of the verses of bard songs is undeniable. The lines tell us not only about the beauty of nature, but also about what we have done with it. When you sit in the flickering light of dying charcoal, you notice how the owl hoots in the dark, the wind rustles the leaves, the river flows, and the man, hugging the guitar, sings to you about the soul of the forest, with all your heart you wish to protect it from intrigues, from axes and conflagrations. After all, this is our home.

"I invite you to the woods"

I will lead you along the path

She will take away your fatigue,

And we'll be young again

We are on about it

In the evening the pines will sing,

Branches sway overhead.

And we will seem weak

Our strong urban comfort.

(A. Yakusheva)

Of course, bard songs cannot be called propaganda for the protection of nature. Many authors did not set themselves this goal. They just sang about forests, seas, mountains. Deep respect is what the bardic song verses call for. Every person initially has a careful attitude to the gifts of the planet, and the vanity and rigidity of the current civilization makes us forget about the craving for harmony with nature. The song of the bard naturally awakens this. The creativity of bards today is rightly equated with environmental education. And its initiators are Soviet bards. Songs have already become folklore - environmental protection. Unfortunately, the author's song did not reach the big stage. But the charm and relevance of this is not lost. And she has a future.

Bard music, alas, is not clear to everyone. After all, in order to feel it, you need to renounce the bustle of the world for a few minutes, otherwise we will see something out of date and boring.

But there is also more mass ecological music, popular, variety. Mainly foreign. For example,Michael Jackson's environmental anthem "Eath Song" ("Song of the Earth").Despite the fact that this is pop, the song is extremely deep, meaningful, sensual. She is able to wake up many hearts and open eyes. We live in a dying world (see APPENDIX for lyrics).

Here is an excerpt from the lyrics of this song:

The sky is falling down, I can't even breathe.

What about the bleeding Earth, do we feel her wounds?

What about nature itself, this is the bosom of our planet.

What about animals? We have turned kingdoms to dust.

What's with the elephants, have we lost their trust?

What about screaming whales? We have devastated the seas.

What about the rainforests burned despite our prayers?

What about the holy land, torn apart by different creeds?

In Russia, the so-calledenvironmental rock. Was created project "Rock of Pure Water".The leader and author of the idea is none other than Shakhrin himself from Chaif. This organization includes about 30 rock bands. Russian rockers also want to change the world for the better, save the planet.

The very idea of ​​creating the "Rock of Pure Water" project originated in Sverdlovsk in the 90s of the 20th century. It was initiated by the musicians of the rock club headed by the leader of the Chaif ​​group Vladimir Shakhrin. The idea of ​​a grandiose project - "Volga-90" was born. The "Rock of Pure Water" headed for the Volga... The legendary motor ship "Kapitan Rachkov", which has seen a lot in its thirty years of service, has never been able to become a haven for such a diverse audience for 18 days.

In addition to numerous musicians inspired by the opportunity to bring pain to the youth for the dying river, more than seventy environmental scientists, sociologists, activists of the Volga Save Committee and journalists joined the joint work. Throughout the entire route (Gorky - Kazan - Tolyatti - Saratov - Astrakhan - Volgograd - Kuibyshev - Ulyanovsk - Cheboksary - Yaroslavl - Moscow) a unique symbiosis of environmental scientists and rock musicians began to emerge. Ecologists examined the state of the Volga, took water samples and analyzed them in a special ship laboratory, and the musicians enjoyed the harmony between the sky, the river, colleagues and spectators.

More than twenty rock bands supported the charity event: TV, Auction and Nesterov's Loop from Leningrad, Chaif, Nastya, April March and Reflection from Sverdlovsk, SV from Moscow, Te from Irkutsk, HRONOP from the Pilgrim Theatre, Gorky Park, Judas Golovlev from Saratov, Mission anticyclone from Magadan, natives WEEKEND ET WAIKIKI and Ernst Langhout from Holland...

The participants of the action "Rock of Pure Water" called on all those who are not indifferent to the fate of the great Russian river to fight against the construction of environmentally hazardous facilities in the Volga basin, the disposal of radioactive waste and pesticides, the construction of the Volga-Don-2 canal ...

A lot of musicians in rock go vegan. There are hundreds of vegan rock bands. They do not want to harm animals, the environment. They want to live in peace and harmony with the environment. To be a part of nature, and not its master, able to take from her everything that is possible and give nothing in return. Of course, many consider vegans to be extreme communities. Not everyone considers it normal to refuse even woolen clothing, since it is of animal origin.

There are composers of ecological songs who prefer to arrange their creations in a special way. They actively use the sounds of nature: the splashing of waves, the singing of birds, the voice of a dolphin, the rustling of forest leaves, the wind, etc. They perfectly help to convey the musical image and a special attitude - harmony with mother nature.

Among these musicians is the American Paul Winter, an eco-jazzman. He is a Grammy Award winner. Critics call his music "truly live", "ecological jazz", "boundary texture of sounds". Winter's jazz has everything: folk, classical, ethno, etc. But what makes it alive, ecological and unique is the cries of mountain eagles, the howl of northern wolves, etc.

Rock, rap, jazz, folk, ska, etc. The theme of ecology is reflected in almost all areas of music. Every time a common misfortune happened in the world, it always settled in the works of art. And now, when we are on the verge of terrible environmental disasters, music picks up our anxieties, worries and - HOPE. The mere fact that the concept of ecological music has appeared indicates that there are people who are not indifferent. And that means a chance.

2.2. Musical images of nature in the works of schoolchildren

Acquainted with the cycle of A. Vivaldi "The Seasons"we decided to find out how schoolchildren can display the images of nature in musical works in their work.

Our study involved 3 groups of second-graders (see the APPENDIX for fragments of the work). Each group listened to and drew a certain piece of music: “Summer. Storm", "Winter", "Autumn" (see the APPENDIX for children's creative work).

Here are the results we got.


All works are full of positive and joyful emotions. The guys use mostly warm, pastel colors. Predominant colors: green, turquoise, blue, beige, yellow.

I will briefly describe the plots of the work. In her work, Nastya drew a house, flowers, a birch and the sun, which smiles at everyone. Arina painted trees, a bright sun, a girl swinging on a swing and arriving rooks. On the other, a tree is depicted, a clearing along which a stream flows. Anya painted flowers growing in a clearing, a stream, the sun, clouds, trees on which birds sit. Sonya drew clouds and birch trees on which birds sit. Darina drew a tree growing in a clearing, the sun and a bird that flies in the air and sings.

Summer. Storm.

Works based on the play "Summer" have a completely different content. In all works one can feel swift, flying emotions. In almost all works, we can see a multi-colored whirlwind circling the sea with huge waves, and a strong wind blows around. Many guys use blue and all bright and dark colors.

I will briefly describe the plots of the work.

In their work, Darina and Sonya drew large waves that, twisting, fall on a small island in the ocean, it rains, lightning flashes.

In another work, two multi-colored whirlwinds, clouds and rain are drawn. This work is full of impressive, impetuous and formidable emotions.

In her work, Anya painted a strong wind, a raging sea and a ship lost in the waves.

In her work, Arina drew a clearing on which a tree grows and a house blown away by a hurricane. Her drawing evokes mixed feelings. This unexpected hurricane in the middle of a beautiful meadow... Arina painted the whole picture with light colors, only the hurricane is drawn in dark colors.

Everything else is mixed. The hurricane almost merges with everything else: the wind, the sea, a steamer that can be seen somewhere, which helps to convey the real atmosphere of a thunderstorm and a storm. Most of the colors were used in this work.


Let us turn to the drawings based on the play "Winter". In all the drawings, the guys use soft, pastel colors. Blue, pink, lilac, purple colors predominate.

In her work, Varya painted snowdrifts. In her work, one feels joy and at the same time cold weather. Diana drew snowdrifts on which a boy is rolling on a sled. Her work evokes joyful emotions. Dima drew a tree, snow falling from the sky and a house.

Sasha's work depicts snow falling from the sky and a lonely house. His work causes melancholy and loneliness.

As we can see, what is common in all these works is the mood and emotions of the drawings on a particular topic, but each draws the plot in different ways.


All writers, composers, artists, as convinced connoisseurs of true beauty, prove that the influence of man on nature should not be detrimental to her, because every meeting with nature is a meeting with beauty, a touch of mystery.

To love nature means not only to enjoy it, but also to take good care of it.Man is one with nature. He cannot exist without her. The main task of man is to preserve and increase its wealth. And at the moment, nature is in great need of care, so environmental problems are very important in our time. They apply to each of us. By embodying nature, music can make a person think about her fate. Listening to such music, we think about nature and its ecology.

Composers and musicians - performers in their works not only admire, but also make you think, warn about what an unreasonable consumer attitude towards nature can lead to.

Nature in the works of composers is a reflection of its real sound, the expression of specific images. In our time, the issues of preserving the environment, the interaction between man and nature are particularly acute.

Composers are separated by two and a half centuries, but creatively they are united by bright innovation and violent passion.

The Four Seasons by Antonio Vivaldi is one of the most popular works of all time. For many, the very name "Vivaldi" is synonymous with the "Seasons" and vice versa. The four concerts perfectly reflect the mood and feeling of each month of the year.
Vivaldi masterfully conveys in music the wind, calm, rain, unbearable heat, the discomfort of winter cold, the fading of nature.

Unlike Vivaldi, the Piazzolla cycle does not begin with "Spring", but with "Autumn", because in the southern hemisphere, where Argentina is located, the opposite is true: when it is spring in Italy, it is autumn in Buenos Aires ...

Astor Piazzolla did not make a transcription of Vivaldi's favorite work, but created its analogue. His "Seasons in Buenos Aires" are four tangos: "Autumn", "Winter", "Spring", "Summer". This music has long been elevated to the category of such hits, which people come to for the sake of the name itself. The composer boldly combines Latin American and jazz motifs with classical music.

"Man has been a part of the world around him since ancient times. Nature itself endowed him with the concept of "Seasons". This eternal poetic theme has always inspired creators to create brilliant works.
The great Italian A. Vivaldi has an amazing story, or rather "musical landscapes" that come to life in music, understandable and dear to the blessed listener.

From the 18th century A. Vivaldi, we find ourselves in the 20th century with the help of the famous Argentinean composer Astor Piazzolla. You won't get bored with the weather in Buenos Aires. The seasons here are mirror-symmetrical. Piercing energetic music, where let's say autumn - as our eternal time of renewal, like the whole cycle, introduces us to the world of dreams, dreams, musical improvisations, Latin American temperament.
The seasons are so different, like human life, they pass before us, leaving wonderful music in our souls that will sound today and forever." | O. Oistrakh

Nature is surprisingly diverse in colors and shapes. And how much beauty is in the forest, in the meadow, in the middle of the field, by the river, by the lake! And how many sounds in nature, the whole polyphony of choirs of insects, birds, and other animals!

Nature is a real temple of beauty, and it is no coincidence that all poets, artists, musicians drew their ideas by observing them surrounded by nature.
Music and poetry are that beautiful thing without which a person cannot live. Many composers and poets composed wonderful works about the beauty of nature. There is a soul in nature, there is a language in it, and it is given to everyone to hear this language, to understand it. Many talented people, poets, musicians managed to understand the language of nature and love it with all their hearts, therefore, they created many beautiful works.
The sounds of nature served as the basis for the creation of many musical works. Nature is powerful in music. Music was already with ancient people. Primitive people sought to study the sounds of the world around them, they helped them navigate, learn about danger, and hunt. Observing the objects and phenomena of nature, they created the first musical instruments - a drum, a harp, a flute. Musicians have always learned from nature. Even the sounds of the bell, which are heard on church holidays, sound due to the fact that the bell was created in the likeness of a bell flower.
In 1500, a copper flower was made in Italy, it was accidentally hit, and a melodious ringing sounded, the servants of the religious cult became interested in the bell, and now it sounds, delighting the parishioners with its ringing. Great musicians also learned from nature: Tchaikovsky did not leave the forest when he wrote children's songs about nature and the cycle “The Seasons”. The forest suggested to him the mood and motives of the piece of music.

A special place in our repertoire was occupied by romances by Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninov.

He is distinguished by sensitivity to the poetic text, which gave birth to a melody full of lively "breathing" phrasing.
One of the best romances by Rachmaninov to the words of F. Tyutchev is "Spring Waters", full of the exciting power of awakening nature, youth, joy and optimism.

Snow is still whitening in the fields,
And the waters are noisy in spring.
They run and wake up the sleepy shore,
Run and shine and say ..
They say all over the place:
Spring is coming, spring is coming!
We are messengers of young spring,
She sent us ahead!"

Rakhmaninov. "Spring Waters"

Rakhmaninov. Romance "Spring Waters".

The poems of the great Russian poet Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev have been known to all Russian people since childhood. Having not yet learned to read and write, we remember his heartfelt lines by heart.

I love the storm in early May,
When spring, the first thunder,
As if frolicking and playing,
Rumbles in the blue sky.

Love and nature occupy a special place in the poet's life.

. I. Tyutchev is usually called the singer of love and nature. He was really a master of poetic landscapes, but his inspired poems are completely devoid of empty and thoughtless admiration, they are deeply philosophical. For Tyutchev, nature is identified with man, nature for him is a rational being, endowed with the ability to love, suffer, hate, admire and admire:

Fedor Tyutchev. Poems.

The theme of nature sounded for the first time with such force and pathos in Tchaikovsky's lyrics. This romance is one of Tchaikovsky's most perfect creations. It is one of the comparatively few pages of his music filled with inner harmony and fullness of happiness.

.P. Tchaikovsky was under the spell of the lyricism of A. Tolstoy's poems, their bright open emotionality. These artistic qualities helped Tchaikovsky to create a series of masterpieces of vocal lyrics based on A. Tolstoy's poems - 11 lyrical romances and 2 duets, which absorbed a whole range of human feelings, the romance "I bless you, forests" became an expression of the composer's own thoughts about nature and the universe.

I bless you forests
Valleys, fields, mountains, waters,
I bless freedom
And blue skies.
And I bless my staff
And this poor bag
And the steppe from edge to edge,
And the sun is light, and the night is darkness,
And a lonely path
Which way, beggar, I go,
And in the field every blade of grass,
And every star in the sky.
Oh, if I could mix my whole life,
To merge my whole soul with you;
Oh, if you could in my arms
I am you, enemies, friends and brothers,
And enclose all nature!

Chaikovsky. Romance "I bless you forests".

The Russian composer Rimsky-Korsakov knew firsthand about the sea. As a midshipman, and then as a midshipman on the Almaz clipper ship, he made a long journey to the North American coast. His favorite marine images appear in many of his creations.
Such, for example, is the theme of the “blue ocean-sea” in the opera Sadko. Literally in a few sounds, the author conveys the hidden power of the ocean, and this motif pervades the entire opera.

Rimsky-Korsakov. Introduction to the opera "Sadko".

Another favorite theme of musical works about nature is sunrise. Here, two of the most famous morning themes immediately come to mind, something in common with each other. Each in its own way accurately conveys the awakening of nature. These are the romantic "Morning" by E. Grieg and the solemn "Dawn on the Moscow River" by M. P. Mussorgsky.
Mussorgsky's dawn begins with a shepherd's melody, the ringing of bells seems to be woven into the growing orchestral sound, and the sun rises higher and higher above the river, covering the water with golden ripples.

Mussorgsky. "Dawn on the Moscow River".

Among the musical works about nature, Saint-Saens' "great zoological fantasy" for a chamber ensemble stands apart. The frivolity of the idea determined the fate of the work: "Carnival", the score of which Saint-Saens even forbade to publish during his lifetime, was fully performed only in the circle of the composer's friends. The only number of the cycle published and performed publicly during the life of Saint-Saens is the famous "Swan", which in 1907 became a masterpiece of ballet art performed by the great Anna Pavlova.

Saint-Saens. "Swan"

Haydn, like his predecessor, makes extensive use of the possibilities of various instruments to convey the sounds of nature, such as a summer thunderstorm, the chirping of grasshoppers and a frog choir. Haydn's musical works about nature are associated with people's lives - they are almost always present in his "pictures". So, for example, in the finale of the 103rd symphony, we seem to be in the forest and hear the signals of the hunters, for the image of which the composer resorts to a well-known means - the golden move of the horns. Listen:

Haydn. Symphony No. 103, finale.

The text is compiled from various sources.
