The value of theater in human life. Theater for the Soul

For many of us, modern realities bring a lot of disappointments and sorrows, which is why their “full flow” must sometimes be stopped by joyful, positive and bright events, for example, going to the theater. For a modern person, as well as for his ancestors, the theater is not only an exciting art form, the theater is the strongest antidepressant that gives a huge amount of positive emotions that give rise to a good mood, lightness and incredible joy in the soul.

At least occasionally visiting theatrical performances, you can easily get rid of depression. So let's see why tickets to the Bolshoi Theater and other large and small temples of Melpomene act on the human body like strong antidepressants.

The secret lies in the fact that in the theater, during a performance, a person receives a lot of positive emotions, which in turn stimulate a decrease in the level of the stress hormone in the blood and increase the production of a substance that is responsible for a good mood - serotonin. This substance for the human body is a kind of drug that brings positive, joy and a feeling of natural bliss. With the production of an insufficient amount of serotonin in the body or the cessation of production altogether, a person falls into a depressive state.

As a rule, during depression, people turn to medical specialists who, after examination, prescribe a lot of medications, the main task of which is to stimulate the appearance of joy hormones in the body. That's just all, without exception, antidepressant drugs act in the same way as all other pharmacological drugs - they positively affect one organ, and negatively affect all the others. And is it worth it to have a negative effect on the body with the help of various pills, when you can get rid of depression with a regular visit to the theater? A theatrical performance will not bring side effects, and a ticket to the theater costs less than the medicines prescribed by the doctor. At the same time, regular trips to the temple of art give the opportunity to develop as a person, provide food for the mind, stimulate the knowledge of something new and unknown. That is, the theater is the strongest platform for spiritual self-improvement.

According to statistics, going to the theater has recently become more and more popular among today's youth. This means that there is reason to believe that theater, as an art, will never die out. And even vice versa, new steps in technological progress give the theater industry new opportunities, so even those people who considered them a relic of the past begin to attend theatrical premieres.

Theater is the art that first of all teaches to be a person, to feel and empathize. Nothing like the theater has a strong emotional impact on people. And only the theater can give an interested person a living perception of reality. He endows his viewers with true sensations and emotions.

But they visit theaters less and less and more and more often the rows of cinema halls and people who do not get off the couch are filled. Most prefer the theater to simply watch movies and TV shows. And they forget about visiting theaters, and theater posters are of little interest to anyone.

Theater as a source of knowledge and moral values

Theatrical art gives a person, first of all, development and striving for perfection in working on himself, his weaknesses and habits. How and why does theater affect a person?

The scientific approach to the interpretation of the concept of culture proceeds primarily from the fact that culture is all an infinite number of ingenious creations of the human spirit and talent, which are reflected primarily in the highest spiritual values ​​formulated by man.

The theater structures the audience and the public, which is already attached to the culture. Today, a new structure of values ​​is already being modeled, which will lead to the loss of demand for educational values, according to which culture should deliver aesthetic pleasure, and not just base. As a result, directing begins to function as a closed system. From this current situation, there is a need to form close interaction and information links between the theatrical public and theater groups.

Theatrical art incorporates various arts that perfectly complement themselves. Why and the purpose of the visit of the majority of viewers can be different compulsions. The need to attend a performance can be due to both aesthetic and social orientation.

It can be traced that theatrical creativity has an impact on the formation of the socio-cultural situation. It is necessary all the time to expand, supplement the repertoires and productions that today's viewers need. It is especially important to pay attention to a new viewer and do everything to attract him to the theater.

Theatrical art, like any real art, should contribute to the moral education of the personality of each spectator. Each spectator who comes to the performance should be enriched spiritually with every second. The theater should help the audience to consider all life's problems from all sides, thereby showing all possible ways out of the situation.

The theater is one of the most powerful tools affecting the perception of feelings, because coming to the theater, the viewer empathizes with the actors, situations, at the same time, the theater is able to make a person humane, contributes to the formation of such qualities as humanity and kindness. Theatrical art educates in dialogue.

All this can be achieved by observing the following requirements when visiting the theater:

Inclusion in reality in the present moment;
. Suddenness - the possibility of free expression of feelings;
. Intimacy that generates liberation - freedom from shackling thoughts;
. To do this, you need to resurrect faith in miracles and a certain naivety and be children.

The theater heals a person from the inside, placing before him all possible situations in life, directing him to solve the problem. Catharsis is a shock of feelings. As with any release, it is about reincarnating it into originality. In this case, through catharsis, a new beginning of the disclosure of creativity is possible.

The healing effect of such co-creation during the performance is primarily due to the fact that the psychological state of the participants in the action begins for them in a situation of protection from all disappointments and emotional stress, accompanied by an experience of joy in the game. All these qualities, it seems to me, stimulate a person to correct his life.

Everyone participates in the art of the theater - both the actor and the director. In a creative atmosphere where work is underway on the production of a play, an atmosphere of creativity, mutual assistance and understanding should reign.

Modern reality sometimes brings a lot of disappointments. The flow of unpleasant emotions and routine experiences must be stopped. Something positive and bright. For example, going to the theatre.

This type of art awakens deep feelings in everyone, makes it possible to experience someone's joys and sorrows, empathize with the heroes of performances, condemn villains and sympathize with "good" characters.

Like literature and painting, theater educates virtue. Artistic creativity affects a person in the field of visual perception, music pleases the ear, but the theater affects all the senses and gives the most vivid impressions.

Each performance raises dilemmas of morality and morality. Theatrical science is rightfully considered the main means of aesthetic and spiritual education of the individual. Stage action artificially pulls out of the everyday life in which a person lives. The spectacle conveys to the viewer the thoughts, feelings and emotions of the author. Therefore, theater is an art that teaches empathy. Only theatrical action can give people a living perception of reality.

For contemporaries, theater is a forgotten but effective antidepressant. A person receives a lot of positive emotions that cheer up, give a feeling of lightness and benevolence.

Some especially inquisitive minds are interested in how and why trips to the temples of Melpomene have such a positive effect on the average individual.

The secret lies in the fact that during the performance the viewer receives joyful emotions that lower the level of the stress hormone in the blood and increase the synthesis of the element responsible for a good mood. This substance is an emotional drug that brings bliss without harming the body.

In addition, regular visits to the house of art provide an opportunity to develop as a person. Performances give food for thought and provoke the search for something unknown. In other words, the theater acts as a platform for spiritual self-improvement.

According to statistics, in recent years, attending performances has become an increasingly fashionable pastime among young people. New directorial discoveries, stage solutions and technical progress open up fundamentally different opportunities for the theater industry. Today, premieres are popular even among those who until recently considered the theater a relic of the past.

Today, repertoires and productions are expanding with those stories that are of interest to the current audience. The theater should and does help the audience to visualize life's problems from various angles, demonstrating all the possible ways out of the situation.

By making visits to the theater regular, one can be convinced from personal experience that new colors will appear in life, interesting and impressive things will open up. With each visit, faith in justice and miracles is resurrected, creativity and a creative streak are revealed.

Today humanity does not appreciate real art enough. The routine of everyday life, the incredibly high speed of life, the complication of emerging life issues keeps a person in constant tension. The illusion of a free evening is dispelled as soon as you turn on the TV. From the screen you are advised how to live, they tell you about the most terrible events of the last 24 hours and undermine your already emotional state. What is life and what we should have time to learn when we come into this world.

Theatrical art contains the Saami best aspects of cinema, literature and painting. When visiting the theater, you plunge into a completely different world, the real one, where there are no artificial mechanisms that help speed up the pace of life. The theater makes you see yourself from the outside, awakens the highest feelings, develops the best sides of your personality, introduces you to the beautiful. Sitting in a comfortable theater chair, you plunge into the magical world of feelings and human relationships. Any spectator always takes with him after theatrical productions answers to questions that have long been of concern. Initiation to the beautiful awakens dormant abilities in a person. Real art makes a person wake up and take a fresh look at the world and people.

Facts from the history of the theater

The history of theater is very ancient. People from ancient times staged performances in which they tried to show human life in miniature. For example, the first theatrical production on a biblical theme lasted continuously for about ten hours. Theatrical plots were originally staged only for rich people. This usually took place at the court of an emperor or king. Gradually, special buildings began to be built for productions, where future actors from different cities began to gather. This is how talented acting groups were formed.

Today the theater building is a beautiful architectural palace with all modern infrastructure. The theater is equipped with parking lots, cafes. A good theater always maintains a comfortable temperature and fresh air. Comfortable armchairs in the lobby are conducive to casual conversation during the intermission. The modern theater is a place where people can afford to take a break from the endless race called "life" for a while and feel the real value of real life.

The live play of talented actors, energy contact with all participants in the performance allows you to acutely feel all the emotions experienced by the artists on stage and become a kind of participant in these events. Living through different situations, we grow spiritually. And the younger generation needs to be taught this.
