Relevance of the research topic of the project. Substantiation of the theme of the master's thesis 1 present the rationale for the choice of the topic of your research

The topics of the WRC are developed by teachers of the graduating department of Pedagogy and Teaching Methods. Be sure to take into account the content of the studied pedagogical disciplines, students' own research interests, provided that they can justify the expediency of the topic proposed by them, the possibility of continuity of the final qualification work.

Topics of bachelor's work should be relevant, correspond to the current state of domestic and foreign pedagogical science, as well as the social order of the regional education system. They are formulated and approved at a meeting of the department and brought to the attention of students. The specific subject of the WRC meets the following requirements:

Compliance with the tasks of training specialists;

Accounting for the direction and problems of modern scientific and pedagogical research;

Introducing students to work on problems that are being investigated by individual teachers and the staff of the department as a whole;

Taking into account the interests of students in the field of pedagogical theory and practice, as well as the results of their work in the scientific student society;

Development of topical problems of upbringing and education of children.

The independent choice of a topic by a student is the result of his own reflections and ideas that have arisen on the basis of personal observations of experience, the study of theory and reading periodicals. At the same time, the choice of the topic of the WRC is based on the scientific interests of teachers, the main directions of the scientific work of the department.

Research by teachers of the Department of Pedagogy and Teaching Methods is carried out in five main scientific areas:

Problems of formation of musical and aesthetic culture of schoolchildren;

Development of theoretical and practical foundations of art and aesthetic education;

Research of the spiritual foundations of the pedagogical tradition of national education;

Educational activities of a teacher in the field of general, additional and professional education;

Continuous training of a professional teacher.

When substantiating the relevance of the WRC topic, one can follow the scheme proposed by V.V. Kraevsky:

1. Justification of the relevance of the direction: show the significance of the identified problem and the need to resolve it.

2. Justification of the practical relevance of the topic: show the shortcomings in the education and upbringing of younger students, which should be eliminated.

3. Substantiation of the scientific relevance of the topic: show the degree of development of the selected problem in theory, point out insufficiently studied aspects.

To strengthen the rationale for the relevance of the study helps highlight the contradictions encountered in the area under study.

After the choice of topic is justified, the research problem and its main idea are formulated.

Already in the introduction, the student must clearly formulate the object and subject of his research.

The object of research determines the area, the direction in which the research is carried out.

The subject of the study specifies the place in the designated area that the researcher occupies.

If possible, having accurately defined the subject of research, it is necessary to formulate its purpose and objectives.

Tasks specify the goal and are actually a work plan. The more informally, more detailed and clearly they are defined, and the more strictly they are carried out, the faster and more reliably the goal will be achieved, the more logical the study will be.

The research hypothesis is also formulated in the introduction, representing the researcher's vision of the final product of the pedagogical process being studied. When formulating a hypothesis (scientific proposal), it is possible to use the turnover: “If ..., then we should expect that ...”. A hypothesis is somewhat like a formula of invention. Formulate the research hypothesis briefly and concisely in one sentence.

Examples of phrases used in the formulation of hypotheses:

● The above idea was concretized by us with the help of provisions formulated as a research hypothesis.

● The effectiveness of learning … in high school, their role in reinforcing …, in developing … and … can be enhanced if:

- ... be treated as;

Clearly highlight ...;

Use ….

● The indicated objective contradiction, the stated problem, the purpose and objectives of the study determine the formulation of the hypothesis: effective preparation of high school students for implementation .... Possible if:

A program for such training has been developed with ...;

Formed ....;


Organized relationship and coordinated;


● The study is based on the following hypothesis: it is possible to improve the quality of … through the use of … in the course. Such an organization of the educational process will make it possible to activate ..., more effectively than with traditional training, to form ..., develop ..., in the field of ....

Theoretical foundations that serve as the basis for explaining scientific and pedagogical facts, the methods of explanation used form the theoretical basis of the study , which must be declared in the work.

At the same time, of course, one must understand the essence of the stated positions, strictly adhere to these positions, be able to explain and illustrate how and where the specifically stated theoretical basis is used in the study. It is important when determining the theoretical basis of the study to avoid clichés and formally treat this item. Usually, the paper also indicates the research methods used in its implementation. It is necessary to bypass the use of templates, not just list the methods, many of which are used by almost all researchers, but explain why this or that method was used in this work.

The following are examples of formulations of research methods.

Option 1. Research methods: study of scientific and methodological literature on the problems of the content and technologies of primary education, pedagogical experiment, questioning, observation, conversations, modeling, testing, statistical processing of the obtained data.

Option 2. To solve the tasks set, a set of research methods was used:

At the stage of studying the problem of research - a theoretical analysis of philosophical and pedagogical literature on the problem of research; analysis and generalization of pedagogical experience; survey methods: questioning, conversation; observation; pedagogical experiment; methods of self-assessment and peer review; method of studying the products of students' activities;

When summarizing research data - analysis and systematization of data; statistical methods for processing the results of the experiment.

Option 3. To solve the tasks, the following research methods were used:

Analysis of philosophical, psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature related to the object of study, in order to develop methodological tasks and build their system.

Observation and study of the practical activities of elementary school teachers, analysis of their own work experience at school, the Institute for the Improvement of Teachers, the university in the aspect of the process under study.

Modeling a system of methodological tasks and methods of their use in the educational process in order to identify the functions of the developed tasks and establish links between the elements of the system.

Questioning of schoolchildren, teachers, teachers of pedagogical institutes in order to determine the degree of interest, significance, difficulty of methodological tasks used in the classroom in elementary school.

A pedagogical experiment in its various varieties (stating, forming, control) in order to test the effectiveness of using the developed system of methodological work.

Since research work of any level cannot be purely abstract in nature, it must contain at least an element of novelty, be useful at least in some way and to someone, and it is necessary to explicitly formulate the practical significance of the research performed.

In the introduction, the researcher reveals the content of the paragraph: the reliability and validity of the research results.

Before submitting the completed work for defense, the researcher must test it and tell about where and how it took place.

(The term "approbation" is often misunderstood. According to the explanatory dictionary - approbation - approval, approval based on verification, testing).

· The relevance of research.

· Contradictions.

· Problem.

· An object.

· Item.

· Hypothesis.

· Tasks.

· Theoretical basis.

· Research methods.

· Practical significance.

Validity and credibility.

· Approbation.

If possible, in the work it is necessary to present all the named positions. However, sometimes theoretical significance can be identified and noted in student work.

It should be added that in the introduction it is necessary not to answer the questions posed in the form of chopped phrases, but to build a logically and linguistically coherent text that reveals the content of the named points.

Introduction examples

Example 1

"Formation of legal ideas in children of primary school age by means of the game"


The most important achievement of the Russian education system over the past decade is its reorientation to the principles of humanization, the upbringing of the younger generation in the spirit of universal values ​​and ideals of the world.

The changes taking place in society and in domestic education pose fundamentally new tasks for school education. Students should actively master the phenomena of social life, be able to successfully interact in the system of normative relations, be able to take responsibility in legal behavior.

Analyzing the current state of the problem of legal education, it should be noted that in the conditions of humanization and democratization of our society, the main reason for the relevance of legal education is the increased interest in individuality, personality. Today it has become obvious that society needs a socially mature, free person with legal knowledge.

The deterioration of the situation of children, the decline in health and well-being, the growth of social maladjustment of children, manifested in violations of moral standards and illegal actions of early alcoholism and drug addiction, criminalized consciousness and behavior of a significant part of the growing generation, require the activity of state policy in the interests of children. The new ethics is to recognize childhood as a full-fledged stage, a natural period in the life of each child.

The studies of scientists (N.A. Alekseeva, V.A. Karakovsky, I.S. Yakimanskaya and others) confirm that the elementary school forms in the child not only primary functional literacy, but also lays the foundations for his personal self-development, including its legal culture (I.S. Maryenko, E.I. Monoszon, A.F. Nikitin, Z.K. Schneckendorf, etc.).

The task can be solved by changing approaches to educational activities, rejecting authoritarianism in education, which in turn involves building the whole process through multilateral activities based on interaction, cooperation, respect, trust in the child through creating conditions for his self-realization, as social subject. Such changes are directly related to increased attention to the realization of the rights of the child (V.I. Slobodchikov, V.A. Petrovsky, G.I. Vergeles, N.F. Golovanova, A.I. Raev, etc.).

A significant contribution to the development of the theory, methodology and practice of legal education, the formation of the legal culture of various social groups of society was made by philosophers, lawyers, teachers-practitioners, teachers-practitioners.

In different periods of the development of Russian education, the problems of legal education were considered in the works of N.P. Verbitsky, I.F. Ryabko, E.V. Tatarintseva, V.V. Tishenko.

Social and pedagogical foundations of legal education, range of legal knowledge, forms of extracurricular and out-of-school work, conditions for the effective functioning of the system of legal education (G.P. Davydov, A.F. Nikitin, Z.K. Schneckendorf, etc.);

Characteristics of the stages of legal education at school (N.I. Eliasberg);

Methodology for measuring the effectiveness of the legal education of schoolchildren (VV Golovchenko).

At the same time, the analysis of scientific and pedagogical literature and practice shows that, despite the existence of a fairly extensive literature on the problems of legal education, not all of its theoretical aspects have been developed to the same extent.

The need from an early age to form in a child a sense of faith in himself, in his rights and obligations, is associated with the positive influence of these personality traits on his self-attitude, self-acceptance, self-awareness. Attention to oneself, a gradual awareness of one's rights contributes to the fact that the child learns to be more free, learns to respect himself and other people, understand their feelings, experiences, actions, thoughts (S.A. Kozlova).

E.K. Suslova believes that the legal education of children involves familiarizing them with the content of some adapted articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In order for the knowledge of articles “simplified” in relation to children to be better understood by them, colored with feelings, experiences, and contributes to the formation of attitudes towards human rights, the child, they must be passed through different types of children's activities.

The leading type of children's activity is the game. Many researchers (L.S. Vygotsky, D.B. Elkonin, A.V. Zaporozhets, K.D. Ushinsky, E.I. Tikheeva and others) considered the game as a valuable means of comprehensive development.

V.G. Podzolkov, N.F. Golovanova, Z.K. Schneckendorf recommend using a game, a fairy tale, fiction as a means of legal education of school-age children. The game situation creates emotional experiences in primary school age, anticipating the comprehension of this or that fact, the phenomenon of reality. The gradual accumulation of experience in the subjective attitude to the norms of law, the emergence of reflection, the awareness of one’s “I” in the social and legal space occurs in younger schoolchildren, as V.V. Zenkovsky, on the basis of "repetition of other people's movements and getting used to the game role through fantasy" . The feeling that arises in the game is the motive and driving force that encourages the child to look for ways to clarify and formalize legal ideas.

In recent years, the issue of teaching legal knowledge to younger students has been the subject of scientific discussions and experimental work of scientists, teachers, and educators. Researchers see a solution to this problem, most often, in expanding the main content of courses in the field of science and science, creating new programs, introducing additional subject disciplines into the educational process (N.I. Vorozheykina, K.S. Gadzhiev, E.G. Kashirtseva, N. P. Lukina, V. O. Mushinsky, M. Yu. Novitskaya, G. V. Tereshonok, N. Ya. Chutko, E. S. Shabelnik, N. I. Eliasberg, etc.). However, finding ways to build legal education in elementary school has not yet taken shape in a generally accepted research concept.

Authors such as N.P. Lukin, A.F. Nikitin, N.I. Eliasberg, refer in their works to pedagogical analysis and substantiation of the goals, objectives and content of teaching legal knowledge to primary school students. But most of the publications are debatable, posing problems rather than offering ways to solve them, and the legal material included in the content of primary education is implemented at the didactic level, through a system of separate lessons, and is assessed by teachers in the same way as knowledge of the native language, mathematics, natural history, etc. d.

Target of our research: to theoretically substantiate and experimentally test the conditions for the formation of legal ideas in children of primary school age by means of the game.

object research is the legal education of younger students.

Subject research is the process of formation of legal ideas in younger students by means of gaming activities.

In accordance with the problem, subject, object and purpose of the study, the following tasks:

Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, reveal the mechanisms for the formation of legal ideas of younger students;

To study the level of formation of the foundations of legal ideas in children of primary school age;

To develop the content of a methodology that effectively influences the formation of ideas about the rights of the child among first-graders;

Select games and game situations aimed at forming the foundations of legal ideas among younger students.

The study was based on the following hypothesis: the formation of legal ideas in children of primary school age will be effective if:

To deepen knowledge about the rights of children and their responsibilities, to achieve understanding and acceptance of the rights of the child as a necessary form of his life;

Provide the educational process with games and game situations of social and legal interaction;

In the process of educational work in extracurricular activities, accumulate experience in legal behavior based on the expansion of knowledge of universal values.

Methods research:

Theoretical analysis of pedagogical and psychological literature on the research problem;

Experimental work (stating, forming, control experiments);

Conversation, problem situations, testing, observation;

Methods of mathematical processing of research data.

Research Base: Kindergarten №______.

Work structure.

Example 2

Final qualifying work on the topic: "The development of imagination in younger students in working with natural material in the classroom

Mug "Nature and fantasy"


The current stage of development of psychological and pedagogical theory and practice is determined by the search for ways to move from the traditional, information and technical understanding of childhood problems to a humanistic one, characterized by an orientation towards the values ​​of self-development, self-determination of the individual. One of the fundamental conditions for the comprehensive development of the child is the orientation of educational technologies to the formation of the creative abilities of the child, the basis of which is a high level of development of the imagination. However, the ways to achieve this goal are not limited to narrowly pedagogical or narrowly psychological means. We are talking about the design and implementation of the foundations of the child's life, the organization of the subject and social environment, the regime, various types of activities, including educational, adequate to his psychological and physiological needs and age-related developmental characteristics. In the light of this provision, a special place is occupied by the problem of the formation of the child's reflective abilities, on which the strategy of figurative thinking and imagination is based.

The figurative sphere of personality, largely supplanted in science in the 1950s-1970s. to the background, for a long time it was treated as a "second-rate", low form of generalization in comparison with the verbal-logical one. However, in recent years, a significant number of works have been published confirming that the figurative forms of reflection of the world are not a simplified "directly sensual picture" (AN Leontiev). Based on the unity of perceptual images with mental ones, the figurative reflection of the world is not only not "more primitive" than the conceptual one, but is also primary, fundamental in relation to it.

Despite the active discussion of this problem in the psychological and pedagogical literature, most researchers point to the lack of a holistic concept for the development of figurative thinking and imagination of preschoolers and schoolchildren, as well as scientifically based technologies aimed at its formation, which significantly impoverishes the development of the spiritual and mental sphere of the child's personality. (I.S. Yakimanskaya, V.S. Stoletov, M.K. Kabardov).

Practice and scientific research in the field of pedagogy and psychology indicate that insufficient use of the figurative sphere prevents the disclosure of the creative powers of the individual, his spiritual and psychophysiological potential, which ultimately negatively affects the mental and physical well-being of the child (V.S. Rotenberg, M. K. Kabardov, M. A. Matova, V. I. Garbuzov).

Many authors rightly point to imagination as the basis of human creativity, link the development of imagination with the overall mental development of the child, and believe that imagination is an indispensable condition for the psychological preparation of children for school (L.S. Vygotsky, V.V. Kirillova, E.E. Sapogova, Yu.A. Poluyanov and others). The researchers obtained convincing data, according to which the level of development of the symbolic function and imagination determines the degree of internal readiness for school. If the level of development of this neoplasm has not reached that which is sufficient for the transition of the child to schooling, then placing the child in the conditions of educational activity is premature.

L.S. Vygotsky noted that a developed imagination sets a social situation of development for the child, which “determines wholly and completely the forms for you and the path, following which the child acquires new and new personality traits, drawing them from social reality as the main source of development, that path according to which the social becomes the individual.

V.V. Davydov emphasized that it is in the child's intention that one of the important features of the imagination is found - the ability to "see" the whole before the parts. “The idea is some general integrity that needs to be revealed through many parts. Such disclosure is carried out in the process of implementation and implementation of the plan.

Psychologists and educators recognize that it is imagination that is the basis of creative activity, and creativity is one of the indicators of personality development, one of its essential characteristics. In artistic activity and in the game, first of all, the development of children's creativity and imagination takes place. It manifests itself in inventing, and then in the implementation of the plan.

The fundamental functions of the imagination are described by various authors: gnostic-heuristic (L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein), contributing to the solution of the problem by transforming its visual content; prognostic (A.V. Petrovsky, A.V. Zaporozhets). Within the framework of this function, according to R.G. Natadze, imagination determines human activity through a setting action; communicative (V.S. Mukhina, N.P. Sakulina, V.A. Levin); protective (Z. Freud, K. Horney, R. Griffiths).

In developmental and educational psychology, the main psychological neoplasms of primary school age are considered to be arbitrariness, an internal plan of action, and reflection. Based on this provision, O.V. Fadeeva believes that the main line of development of the imagination lies in its gradual subordination to conscious intentions, the implementation of certain plans, which becomes possible at primary school age due to the formation of these psychological neoplasms. The arbitrariness of the imagination is manifested in the ability of a younger student to consciously set goals for action, to deliberately seek and find effective means and methods for achieving them.

The following circumstance is significant: in primary school age, along with learning and play, artistic activity, design, elements of labor, which are realized by means of artistic, mental and moral education of children, play an important role in the development of the imagination. They are interconnected and aimed at the performance of various actions by children, which are commonly called creative (for example, designing, working with natural material, modeling, dancing, etc.).

One of the conditions for the development of the imagination is learning as a process organized by an adult for the transfer and active appropriation by a child of artistic and creative activity as a whole (motives, methods of action of the entire complex system of relations that characterize it).

Despite the rich experience in the field of methodology and technology of teaching natural science in elementary school (A.A. Vakhrusheva, N.F. Vinogradova, N.Ya. Dmitrieva, G.G. Ivchenkova, A.N. Kazakova, Z.A. Klepinina , A. A. Pleshakova, I. V. Potapova, I. P. Tovpinets, E. V. Chudinova, etc.), the method of working with natural material, is the least developed area of ​​science and practice, while the research of scientists is sometimes local character. There is no comprehensive system of lessons that take into account the relationship and features of different materials. Researchers often do not use the interaction of materials and techniques to create expressive composition and develop the imagination of children.

This leads to widespread mistakes in working with children. In the practice of elementary school education, work with natural material is sometimes uninteresting, teachers experience difficulties in organizing them. Often crafts made by the hands of schoolchildren look unaesthetic, the quality of work is very low. The possibilities of younger schoolchildren are underestimated or overestimated, which negatively affects the development of children's imagination. Children are focused on creating object plane images from natural material according to the model. They do not develop creative skills, imagination. Such a restriction leads to repetitions and a decrease in children's interest in this type of productive activity. The methods of teaching and developing imagination and creativity used by teachers are monotonous; the creation of a game situation in the classroom is rarely used. In organizing work with natural materials, teachers rarely use a collective form of creative activity. This leads to an impoverishment of the content and a decrease in the artistic value of children's works. The possibilities of integrated classes for the formation of children's creative abilities and imagination are poorly used, which negatively affects the formation of personally significant motives for activity and reduces interest in it. Compositions and crafts created by children are rarely used to decorate a classroom, school, children's parties and leisure activities.

Based on the foregoing, in this study, we were given the following target: to identify and experimentally test the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for the development of imagination in younger students when working with natural material in the classes of the "Nature and Fantasy" circle.

An object: extracurricular activities focused on the creative development of children of primary school age.

Item: pedagogical conditions for the development of imagination in younger students through work with natural material in the classroom "Nature and Fantasy".

Hypothesis: the imagination of younger students when working with natural material will develop successfully if:

Develop an integrated program of classes within the circle "Nature and Fantasy", which involves the organization of the creative activity of children;

To form in first graders ideas about the expressive possibilities of natural material and ways to transform it;

To develop the subjective position of the child in the search for an artistic concept and the phased implementation of the artistic image in the creative activity of creating crafts.

To solve the presented purpose of the study and the hypothesis put forward, the following were formulated. tasks:

1) to characterize the main positions of the development of imagination in children of primary school age in artistic and creative activity based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature;

2) identify pedagogical conditions and develop a program of classes that effectively influence the development of the imagination of younger students when working with natural material;

3) to determine the evaluation criteria and levels of development of imagination in children of 7 years old;

4) experimentally - experimentally to prove the effectiveness of the pedagogical conditions for the development of imagination that we have identified in working with natural material in the classes of the "Nature and Fantasy" circle.

To prove the hypothesis and solve the research problems, we used research methods:

Analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the research problem;

Observation and analysis of the creative activity of younger students;

Pedagogical experiment (stating, forming and control stages);

Methods for generalizing experimental data.

Research Base: Kindergarten №______

Work structure. The work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion, bibliography, 14 appendices.

Example 3

Final qualifying work on the topic: " Formation of color perception in children of primary school age through the application "


In a modern general education school, much attention is paid to the issues of social adaptation of children in the process of their education. In this regard, the problem of the formation of color perception in younger students becomes relevant, since children who are a heterogeneous group study in elementary school. Among them there are schoolchildren with a lack of development of color perception abilities, as well as with psychophysiological features of vision and color reproduction. The priority of the interests of the individual for this contingent of students involves the formation, formation, development of color perception as one of the important conditions for their social adaptation, which can be fully carried out by means of artistic and aesthetic activities, including appliqué classes.

Visual practice, everyday experience constantly enrich our perception of color, turning it into a powerful artistic means of understanding life. The child does not yet have a versatile experience of color perception, color impressions, which he receives later in his life practice. However, by the age of 6-8, children already have the necessary prerequisites for the development of an aesthetic sense of color. The child perceives color directly, sincerely, enthusiastically. This is a very valuable quality that must not only be preserved, but also supported and developed in the learning process, since it is a condition for the formation of color perception.

Color is one of the objective properties of the surrounding reality. Color exists independently of our consciousness and is reflected in it through visual sensations.

The variety of color harmonies observed in nature always implies not one color, but a complex of color combinations. This also applies to the field of art. The color scheme of a work of art (for example, fine art) enhances the emotional perception of its content, participates in the disclosure of its images.

The problem of the formation of color perception is an important issue in the theory and practice of artistic pedagogy. In this regard, the issues of pedagogical management of the processes of visual activity of younger schoolchildren and, above all, the problem of the formation of color perception abilities become relevant. The relevance of the issue, its pedagogical significance is confirmed by the fact that in some foreign countries (in Poland, Bulgaria, France, Japan, etc.) a program to familiarize children with color and its aesthetics is included in the system of teaching children of preschool and school age.

This problem is of particular relevance due to the insufficient development of issues aimed at determining the pedagogical conditions, methods, methods for the effective formation of color perception in children studying in elementary school.

Primary school age is a crucial period in the development of children. This is the time of active formation of ideas about the surrounding world, in which color is given great importance as an important feature of objects and phenomena.

Teachers working with younger students often find it difficult to organize the process of teaching fine arts to children with individual psychological characteristics of color perception. These difficulties are associated with the low representation of practical methods for the formation of color perception in younger students, the lack of a pedagogically correct assessment of children's work performed by students with color perception disorders. These and related issues have not yet received adequate coverage.

The solution of this problem is of particular importance in the context of the development of the child's personality by means of artistic and aesthetic activity, which performs social-adaptive and communicative, artistic-figurative, emotional and other functions.

Most teachers believe that the use of applications in order to form color perception in children is necessary. Teachers express a desire to work in this direction, but experience difficulties, i.e. do not have guidelines for this issue.

Color as an object of study has always attracted the attention of scientists, psychologists, art historians, teachers, naturalists.

Of undoubted value for our study are the works of scientists physiologists S.S. Alekseeva, S.V. Kravkov, who studied the process of color perception by the human eye and revealed the individual characteristics of human color perception.

Works of scientists L.A. Wenger, L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, B.C. Kuzina, M. Luscher, S.L. Rubinshtein are devoted to research in the field of psychology of color perception.

In domestic and foreign psychology and pedagogy, the work of E. Meimak, N.I. Krasnogorsky, G. Valentine, I.M. Shinn, A.S. Sulina. Scientists solved the problem of the emergence of color vision and determined the periods when for the first time a child begins to distinguish colors. Z.I. Istomin, Zh.I. Shif studied the features of color perception and naming by children of preschool and primary school age. The authors note that color differentiation in children aged 6-9 develops first in relation to the color tones themselves, and then in relation to lightness.

Ya.A. Kamensky, F. Frebel, M. Montessori paid great attention to the formation of color perception in children and believed that the ability to distinguish, name and use different colors and their combinations is of great importance for the development of an artistically gifted and developed personality. Developed color perception implies a well-formed ability to differentiate and group colors based on their similarity, contrast and beauty of combinations. This skill undoubtedly plays a significant role in children's fine arts.

As a result of research on sensory education and decorative creativity (B.V. Maksimov, N.P. Sakulina, I. Sheitakova), the content and methods for the development of color perception of children, the features of their assimilation of color standards - the spectrum, the assimilation of knowledge about colors and shades and ways to obtain them, training in the transfer of


Rationale for the choice of topic. In the current post-reform society, a rather complicated, but interesting situation in the media has developed for various researchers. Starting to consider the designated topic, it is worth understanding the following. Changes in the social relations of society are reflected in the concept of "marginalization", that is, "instability", "intermediateness", "transitivity". The main sign of marginalization is the breaking of social ties. In the classical case, both economic and social, as well as spiritual ties are torn. Spiritual ties are restored the slowest of all, because they depend on the well-known "revaluation of values". In order for this revaluation to occur, some time and external influence are needed.

General instability, the destruction of the former way of life, the rejection of the usual system of values, the collapse of the USSR objectively lead to increased marginalization.1

The current situation in Russian society can be called “marginal”, because it is based on a borderline, intermediate, transitional position in which society and all its elements found themselves as a result of the destruction of one and attempts to form another social system. In connection with the indicated social processes, the problem of marginality acquires special significance and relevance.

The term "marginality" arose in the first third of the 20th century and was supposed to explain one of the hitherto rare ways of human life - on the "border" of cultural worlds. The phenomenon of marginality, in particular in relation to the media, must be considered in the context of the modern cultural background2.

It is culture that most sharply reacts to the beginning processes of marginalization. It is a kind of indicator and catalyst for such processes. That is why in this work the youth press will be considered precisely from the point of view of its coverage of culture and art.

The theme of culture has always occupied a large place in the spiritual life of society due to the fact that culture itself is the bearer of spirituality, and, to be more precise, the very spirit of society as a whole and of man in particular. The question of culture began to rise especially sharply in the twentieth century in connection with a surge of spiritual activity and the emergence of new types and forms of manifestation of human cultural activity. The intensified and accelerated development of the mass media has spurred these processes. It can be said that it was the mass media that were the catalyst for the manifestation of new spiritual activity and the conductor between culture, cultural phenomena and the individual, provided feedback between them.

The topic of cultural impact on a person looks particularly acute in the context of the general problems of modern Russian society that have emerged with the beginning of protracted reforms. Against the background of rather noticeable achievements in the economy and foreign policy, the spiritual crisis of society is especially noticeable. This topic was raised more than once by Academician D.S. Likhachev in his articles. In particular, he said that at present there is a backwardness and a catastrophic decline in culture3. Confirmation of these words can be easily found with the most superficial look at what is happening in the spiritual life of Russia. The term "lack of spirituality" is not an excessive exaggeration. The problem of the lack of culture among modern Russians and, in particular, among young people, seems to be a really serious and almost global problem. Steps towards resolving this situation should be taken at all levels not only by the Russian government, but, first of all, by the Russian mass media.

To overcome the dangerous tendencies of mass marginalization, it is necessary to regulate the processes of socialization of the individual. Purposeful inculturation is required, that is, the introduction of an individual into the system of cultural norms of social coexistence and interaction accepted in society4. Here it is necessary to touch upon the social functions of journalism.

The direct duty of journalism historically goes back to the established function of the media to education and socialization. Any mass media should influence the human soul creatively. In this situation, special requirements must be presented precisely to those media, the main recipients of which are representatives of the youth. The press can be considered a participant in spiritual production. It brings moral, ethical and aesthetic values ​​into the consciousness of a person. This concerns the formation of ideals and ideas, not only political, but also religious, scientific and cultural, aesthetic5. Professor of St. Petersburg State University S. G. Korkonosenko, in particular, says the following: “In accordance with the humanistic understanding of the goals of social development, the activity of journalism in the spiritual and ideological sphere, the manifestation of the creative inclinations of a person in it and the satisfaction of his needs for knowledge , education, values ​​of world culture6.

The development of journalism shows the presence of another of its functions, formed historically. This is an educational function. The informational function emphasizes its objective roots in journalism, while the enlightening one carries factors that are determined by the activities of the creator-enlightener7.

The life of an individual is impossible without demonstrating patterns of behavior. The press takes on a leading role, which consists in arguing the need to comply with certain social norms8. The media can teach compassion.

However, modern society demonstrates an example of complete indifference to spirituality and compassion, attention to the beautiful, deliberately focusing on the ugly and vile. There has been a reassessment of values, and everything that was once considered negative, uncultured is raised to a pedestal and considered fashionable, while traditional values ​​recede into the background and cease to play a significant role in ennobling society.

The media, in particular the youth media, are following a path that could be called the path of marginalization. This term is more correlated with social groups and their position in society, but the main idea of ​​the concept is the process of disintegration, the breaking of traditional ties between people9. Instead of fulfilling their traditional functions of socialization, the media propagate distorted values ​​and distorted morality from their pages. The norms and values ​​they preach are contradictory and sometimes go beyond normal understanding. In the second chapter of this work, the above will be confirmed in the process of analyzing selected youth periodicals.

In a broader sense, marginality is "borderline", the intermediate position of an individual or social group in the social structure of society. Individual marginality is characterized by the incomplete entry of the individual into a group that does not fully accept him, and his alienation from the group of origin, which rejects him as an apostate. The individual turns out to be a "cultural hybrid" (R. Park), sharing the life and traditions of two different groups10.

The main sign of marginalization is the rupture of social ties, the immersion of the individual "to the bottom". The state of modern media quite clearly demonstrates to us the process of alienation from traditional culture. The general instability in the country, the destruction of the former way of life, the rejection of the usual system of values ​​- these are just some of the reasons for this situation.

Depending on the context, marginality refers to specific behavioral phenomena (subcultures). Marginality is always associated with a violation of the social regulation of behavior11. In this situation, the media as a mirror of society is given special attention. As an intermediary between society and individuals, the media must ennoble their reader, listener, viewer. This can happen in different ways.

The media convey culture to a person as a kind of "archive" of knowledge and ideas accumulated by a person through art. Art is a mirror of culture. It is the self-awareness of culture, according to Kagan12. The creator, the artist, through the works of art he creates, no matter what kind of art they belong to, conveys his inner world to a person, at the same time reflecting in his work the views and attitudes that correspond to the culture of his era and people. He is an exponent of cultural paradigms13. Each work of art reveals to us some features of the world of culture. It can be said that art is the main "tool" of culture, the very instrument with which it affects our consciousness, but, first of all, our souls. Art, first of all, is focused on the human soul. As Nietzsche wrote, “... the voice of beauty speaks quietly: it creeps only into the most sensitive souls.”14 One must learn to understand art, therefore, in this situation, an accessible approach to its illumination is needed. The mass media can provide such an accessible approach. It is them that we have the right to call popularizers of culture, making allowances for the accessibility and intelligibility of journalistic language.

Modern media prefer to follow the path of least resistance and not to educate their audience, but in every possible way to indulge them not to the highest demands. This is what we call the marginalization of the media. Art develops a person in many ways, it evenly affects all his senses, imagination, tastes, thoughts, self-awareness, which is especially important in the process of a person growing up and becoming a person 15.

There are positive examples in society of the use of art and its creative power. For example, a feature of the education system in Finland is the focus on passing on to children, along with factual knowledge of socio-ethical and aesthetic education. At the lower level of education, much attention is paid to the teaching of music and drawing. On this basis, a person's ability to aesthetic perception and experience, his aesthetic taste and idea of ​​the ideal are formed and developed.

The role of the media in any society is enormous. The media are called upon to fulfill educational purposes; to cover public life, most importantly - to appeal to a mass audience. One of the Western concepts of journalism is the theory of cultural and social norms of behavior accepted in society17.

Young people often have no idea even about their native culture. In particular, D.S. Likhachev admitted this, mentioning in one of his works that "... even many Leningraders do not know what the Pillar of Alexandria is." . We are talking about an information product - a living embodiment of the inextricable bonds of knowledge and creativity19. Modern media show little or no interest in art as a manifestation of culture, specializing exclusively in "fried" sensations. Such marginal manifestations began to be perceived almost organically.

A person masters culture, assimilating norms, knowledge, developing his worldview. The media, which understand the importance and necessity of culture for a person and society, lay the prerequisites for the creation of value orientations, the assimilation of human norms, and contribute to the general and professional specialization of a person, the mastery of culture in all its diversity20. The media immerse a person in the world of modern society with all its moral, ethical, legal, ideological, cultural and political norms.

The information and educational role of the media in our time seems especially attractive in the light of the development of communications. Television, round-the-clock radio, high-quality printing in newspapers, the Internet - all this contributes to a better performance by the media of its cultural and educational function21. The connection between technology and culture in the development of the media, which create an opportunity to introduce a person to culture and art, is obvious, however, all modern achievements in science and technology are currently being used, rather, to the detriment. Suffice it to recall and cite as an example the dominance of porn sites available to each user on the Internet. According to the portal, porn sites are three times more popular than search engines. Their content attracts about 18.8% of web users22.

Young people often have no idea even about their native culture. In particular, D.S. Likhachev admitted this, mentioning in one of his works that “... even many Leningraders do not know what the Pillar of Alexandria is”23. These are shortcomings of upbringing in the family and school, but they can have profound consequences when a person matures and fully enters society.

Putting the phrase “youth press” in the title of the topic, the author relied on the age periodization given in the work of the researcher L. I. Mikhailova. The age periodization adopted by psychologists defines the boundaries of youth age from 16 to 29-30 years, including adolescence, youth and the first period of middle age24. This paper considers the media focused on adolescence (senior school, 13-16 years old (boys); 12-15 years old (girls)) and youthful (16-21 years old (boys); 16-20 years old (girls)).

Relevance of the topic. The relevance of the research topic is due to the need to study those radical processes of marginalization that are characteristic of Russia in the recent period. This topic is relevant due to the fact that in recent years, at various levels, the problem of youth lack of spirituality has begun to be mentioned directly or indirectly, and talk about the moral death of the younger generation has begun to arise. In particular, this topic has been raised more than once in the pages of newspapers25. The theme of a teenager and culture is covered on the pages of educational publications on sociology and cultural studies.

The object of the study is the youth press selected for analysis and its activities.

The subject of the study is the problem of marginalization to which the youth press is subject, the degree of susceptibility to marginalization of individual media.

Research methods - included unstructured systematic observation, comparative analysis, content analysis. Quantitative units of content analysis - each publication in selected youth media on the topic of culture.

The purpose of the study is to determine the state of youth publications in terms of coverage of cultural topics on their pages and to demonstrate the decline in the spiritual level of these publications as a general consequence of marginalization; identification of the main factors influencing the marginalization of these publications.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks are solved in the work:

- show the classification of teenage publications as a carrier of information for people of a specified age;

– to show passion for journalism with marginal stylistics;

– to study the nature of the internal tension of the youth press;

- show the difference between editions and their fundamental difference;

– to show the increasing marginality in the design of publications and through the use of slang.

Theoretical base of the research. At the moment, there are no direct developments on the topic under study, therefore, works on related topics in cultural studies, sociology, psychology, philosophy, and journalism were taken as a theoretical basis. These are the works of such authors as T. Adorno26, M. McLuhan27, J. Ortega y Gasset28, M. S. Kagan29, S. N. Ikonnikova30, F. Rice31, S. G. Korkonosenko32, G. S. Melnik, A N. Teplyashina33. A number of textbooks on cultural studies34, sociology35, psychology36, journalism37, fine arts38, music39, literary theory40 were also used.

empirical base. Materials of the youth press were used, mainly related to culture and art. These are the magazines YES, Molotok, Cool, OOPS, Rovesnik, Bravo, and the newspaper Gaudeamus. Materials published in this press, one way or another related to culture, were also widely used. For comparison with the above publications, a brief analysis of the magazine "Your" was used.

Chronological scope of the study: 2005 - early 2006. This choice is motivated by the fact that it was at this time, in our opinion, that the marginalization of the youth media reached its peak. At this time, significant marginalized changes appeared in the materials of selected youth publications. The desire to test this assumption led to the beginning of the study. In this work, the author made an attempt to confirm this assumption.

Scientific novelty of the research. A meaningful description of marginal formations in modern Russian society and the youth press is given.

Work structure. The work consists of two chapters, introduction, conclusion, bibliography. The first chapter contains theoretical material on the topic of culture, mass culture, their history and their interaction with the media. The second chapter analyzes the modern and most popular youth publications, which are considered from the point of view of marginalization processes.

^ Chapter one. The theme of culture in modern mass media: features of the work of a journalist, specificity of genres, audience

1. 1. Definition of culture and media

The beginning of the nineties of the XX century was marked by a rapid growth in reader activity. As you know, if there is demand, then there will be supply, so the Russian print media market quickly filled with a wide range of publications of various kinds. All these newspapers and magazines had their target audience. This is the peculiarity of the press of the nineties: with a large number of narrowly focused publications in the pre-reform and pre-perestroika times, a real surge in differentiation occurred precisely in the period from 1991 to 199541.

Orientation to target groups implies the allocation of a special characteristic that determines the type of publication. Thus, various types of press appear: women's, youth, business, opposition, liberal. This is the so-called basic characteristic, which is usually not enough to describe the audience. Journalistic works are addressed to the reader depending on their social status.

The social characteristics of the audience can be divided into several groups. The first is socio-demographic, which includes gender, age, place of residence, nationality, language. It is demographic characteristics that serve as the basis for singling out such a type of media as youth media42.

The founders of youth publications usually focus not only on these characteristics, but also on characteristics that are called socio-cultural. These characteristics mean education, forms of leisure activities.

The topics of culture on the pages of newspapers and magazines, regardless of what audience they are aimed at, are always of an organizing nature. Art is what a person finds himself in. Unfortunately, art in the new Russia has ceased to fulfill its most important social function - to maintain the standard of civic morality and everyday culture43.

The reasons for this lie in the decline of Russian culture as a whole, the political and economic crisis, and the government's inattention to seemingly obvious problems.

Before proceeding to the description of the state of Russian culture as a whole and its reflection in the media, it is necessary to formulate a definition of traditional culture, which will be considered in this context.

The concept of "culture" carries a wide range of meanings. In the scientific understanding, culture is a complex factor of human existence. On the one hand, it is a means of elevating a person, improving the spiritual life and morality of people, correcting the vices of society44.

On the other hand, culture is a way of life of people, due to the achieved level of development of the human mind, science, art, upbringing, education. Each historical epoch has its own culture, its own cultural formation. This is due to the constant, continuous change in the way of life of people, their views on life aspects and approach to solving various problems. Certain people also have their own culture. Starting a conversation about such phenomena, it is necessary to take into account the fact that in addition to positive effects, in a single culture there is something that not only elevates a person and contributes to his spiritual development, but also acts in a diametrically opposite way. Any real culture carries both positive and negative manifestations of human activity, for example, religious strife, wars, and more. Speaking about the current state of society, it is also necessary to take into account such negative remnants of culture as drug addiction and nationalist organizations.

There are two approaches to interpreting the content of the concept of culture: axiological and anthropological. In this paper, the concept of culture will be considered in the anthropological sense.

The anthropological understanding of culture assumes that culture embraces everything that distinguishes the life of human society from the life of nature, all aspects of human existence; it is social information that is stored and accumulated in society with the help of symbolic means created by people45.

Culture in its current understanding is not something frozen and bone. It not only changes, but also has the ability to influence the world around it. That is, in fact, culture is not only a phenomenon created by man, but also the creator itself.

In the process of studying the impact of culture on a person, several of its functions were identified: adaptive, informational, communicative, integrative, and the function of socialization46.

Socialization is understood as the assimilation by an individual of social experience, knowledge, values, norms of behavior corresponding to a given society, social group, social role47.

It is the function of socialization in this context that seems to be very important and necessary, because socialization, in other words, is the familiarization of a person with society, introduction to society, the formation of personality. Personality is the "social face" of the individual, in the words of Professor Kagan48. Only society makes a person out of a person in the moral sense of the word, turns a creature with a certain set of genes into a higher being. A child, a young man who has just come into this world, does not yet have attitudes towards life, does not yet understand anything and cannot orient himself correctly. The main guidelines for him should be the family and social institutions, the leading of which should be the media. It is the mass media that are able to put certain ideals of a person into the consciousness at the initial stage of its formation. When this does not happen, the results are difficult to predict. Each person in the process of interacting with these social institutions should have an idea of ​​what is right and what is not. Theodor Adorno wrote the following on a similar topic: “The idea of ​​a correct life, correct activity boils down to the fact that by organizing his life and activity correctly, a person, as it were, re-creates what is already present”49.

As you know, the active formation of personality occurs in adolescence, during which the child becomes a full-fledged member of society. American researchers have singled out the term "teenager". Only those who are from 13 to 1950 fall under the definition of a teenager. A specific feature of the adolescent period is that it represents the further development of the personality in the presence of a significant restructuring of the body. This age enters the “era of ascent to social maturity.”51 This age is characterized as a time of status and role uncertainty of a person, ambivalence of feelings, instability of the self-concept, and the simultaneous presence of multidirectional tendencies in social behavior. The first step towards the formation of the self-concept is the realization that a person is an individual52. The psychological content of this period is determined by the situation of multiple social choices in which the adolescent finds himself. Thus, the main task of all social institutions is precisely the task of socialization of a person experiencing a given period53. Here comes the conversation about the cultural impact of the media on the individual.

With any approach, the essence remains the same: the audience of the publication, like the audience in general, implies a set of people united by some interests. When considering the audience as a set of individuals, we inevitably come across the concept of mass character and, as a consequence, mass culture. It can be said that when the media strive to expand the number of readers as much as possible, they are guided by a mass audience, therefore, and the phenomenon should be analyzed through the prism of mass culture.

Marginalization is the process of pushing social actors to the bottom of the public under the direct influence of the phenomena of mass culture54. It is necessary to understand how the media function under the dominance of mass culture, what role they play in this, and how mass culture modifies the main functions of the media. Precisely because mass culture has an impact on the work of the media, a detailed analysis of this phenomenon is necessary with a search for the origins and a description of its current state.

Before starting to consider the phenomenon of mass culture and its interaction with the media, which takes place in modern society, it is logical to briefly turn to the history of Russian culture and its features, since familiarization with the cultural process of Russia will help to better understand the current state of affairs not only in the cultural field, but also in related areas. Periodicals just belong to a related field, as they function under certain conditions, are not cut off from society, but, on the contrary, are integrated with it. In science, there are such concepts and categories that can be substantiated and understood only based on historical retrospective. Only then does it begin to become obvious how the given concept developed, the system in which it manifested itself. The marginalization of the media, in particular, did not arise from scratch, but was prepared by a number of events in the spiritual life of the country. It should not be surprising that in order to understand the result, it is necessary to look through the thickness of centuries. Marginalization as falling out of the cultural context was historically predetermined even when such an issue was not even remotely on the agenda. Therefore, although invisibly, but the connection of the current state of the media, in particular youth, can be traced in the cultural retrospective given below.

Pessimistic researchers believe that Russia is currently experiencing a complex polysystemic crisis, and the spiritual sphere, including the journalism sector, is most deeply affected. This crisis is largely due to the process of Russia's passage through the stage of "change of milestones".

The cultural situation in Russia, starting from the adoption of Christianity, has always been complex and deserves more attention than this problem can be given in this work. Let us dwell only briefly on the most basic stages of chronology, which can shed light on the current situation in Russian society. This is a combination of the European mentality with the Asian55, special moments of passing through the Renaissance, the adoption of Christianity by Russia as isolation from the Catholic world of Europe, the Tatar-Mongol yoke, the reign of Peter the Great and his “Europeanization” of “Asian” Russia, the cultural decadence of the Silver Age, the period of totalitarian rule and cultural "stagnation", "restlessness" of the era of perestroika with its enthusiasm for the West, and, finally, the era of Yeltsin's reforms, which "gave" the country mass culture as a way of life. The phenomenon of marginalization is based on the ingress of social subjects into a certain space between cultures, contradictions in spiritual life.

Even a short glance at the history of Russian culture is enough to understand that the country had all the prerequisites for the emergence of the phenomenon of marginalization. After the fall of the communist system and, as a result, the withering away of the Soviet ideology, Russia needed new guidelines and a new ideology. It is in the development of new ideas, the restoration of the system of spiritual values ​​and traditions, moral contradictions that the way out of the current situation is seen56.

^ 1. 2. Mass culture as a manifestation of marginalization, its origins and features

Mass culture in the modern world is a type of production of cultural values, designed for mass consumption. This is the generally accepted definition of mass culture. In fact, it is much broader and more complex. Mass culture in modern society is not only a type of production of cultural values, but also a type of thinking, a style of behavior, a lifestyle, and also a very well-sold product57.

Goods sell well when there is an interested buyer. It is the mass audience that we can call the consumer of mass culture as a product. Without it, there would be no mass culture itself as such. The buyer-seller relationship is the basis of market relations. The economy is included in the cultural sphere. Speaking about the essence of market relations between an information product and a consumer, we assume that society is in a situation where there are masses of people who can, want and must buy an information product58.

Canadian researcher Marshall McLuhan wrote that the concept of "mass audience" has replaced the definition of "public". The mass audience also consists of individuals, but these individuals are involved in the creative process of perception and creation of art. He places a great deal of responsibility for the dissemination of art in an age of mass audiences on the media. It is the dominance of the media that determines the nature of the relationship between art and the public.

The “massification” of culture is largely caused by mass communication, which has become a breeding ground for this kind of phenomenon. The media are busy spreading this type of culture in connection with their increasing power over the feelings of the masses. And if the modern general reader hardly follows the newspaper's call to vote for one party or another because of total disappointment in politics, then the same reader will consume scandalous information from the life of Russian public figures with great pleasure.

The media convey to the consumer patterns of behavior in a distorted form. This is one of the features of mass culture. Theodor Adorno notes the inevitability of the appearance and existence of low-level works of art, which he unites under the concept of “hack”, and in his view, mass culture itself looks like profit-driven production, leading to the degradation of art60.

Such an opinion can be considered too categorical. Cultural patterns are developed in the depths of highly specialized areas of social practice. They are understood and assimilated by the relevant specialists, while for the bulk of the population the language of a specialized culture is practically inaccessible61. Thus, the appearance of the media as a popularizer of culture is quite natural. In fact, mass culture is the same culture, but greatly simplified for a better understanding by the masses, and, as a result, it is sufficiently deformed. Theodor Adorno calls such a phenomenon a “false copy of a miracle”, which is offered as a consolation for the absence of a miracle, humiliates art and deforms it62.

An opposite view of the coexistence of mass and elite culture is offered by Marshall McLuhan. He believes that mass culture adapts the elite, absorbing it; the spheres of elite and mass art are steadily converging63.

The structure of being in mass culture is given to a person as a set of more or less standard situations, which greatly facilitates the orientation in the social space for a person loaded with modern worries.

An additional "guide" is needed not only by an adult and mature person, but also by a young person, and he needs it to a greater extent. Therefore, it is the youth media that can be called the main representatives of mass culture carriers. This is their nature from the very beginning: they must guide a person and lead him through life. Another question is that it is not always easy to choose the right direction and find out whether it leads to harmonization and ennoblement of the individual, as required by the aesthetic function of culture. The question arises: can mass culture be considered ennobling and harmonizing? Has it lost these properties, being oriented towards the masses, towards the stream consciousness? After all, in the process of functioning of the mass leisure industry, mass artistic culture achieves an effect through a special aestheticization of the vulgar, ugly, brutal, physiological. In this regard, a rather one-sided idea has developed in society about mass culture as purely commercial, tasteless and immoral. This is largely due to the fact that in everyday life a person more often has to deal with the phenomena of mass culture in its most commercialized manifestations - pop music, low genres of cinema and literature, low-quality programs and publications64.

A negative assessment of the role of mass culture is given for lack of spirituality, a simplified view of life, playing along with the base passions of the crowd. At the same time, examples are given that refer it to marginal manifestations65. The marginalization of Russian culture arose as a result of the loosening of the system of norms and values. This happened under the influence of the so-called intercultural contacts, especially intensified in the early to mid-nineties. This includes the expansion of American culture with its characteristic individualism.

In fact, the main feature of the culture of the end of the past century was mass character. Researchers consider the term "mass culture" not entirely accurate because of its dual meaning. What is mass culture - the culture of the masses or what is used as a culture of the masses? Does it mean only the popularity of this or that type of art or work? After all, under the modern definition of "mass culture" does not fit in any way. Chapter two. Review of modern youth press

^ 2. 1. The state of the modern Russian youth media market

As discussed in the previous chapter, the intensive development of market relations in the country in the early 1990s and in the sphere of the media themselves became a catalyst for the commercialization of journalism and the beginning of a period of rapid growth of the new press. The development of democracy and, albeit weak, but the functioning of the law on the media are also important factors in the development of the press. This also includes the process of globalization taking place in the world as a whole and in Russia in particular.

Globalization is usually presented as a process of standardization in the economy and the social sphere, caused by the emergence of new technologies and the increase in the volume and intensity of transnational flows of capital, services and human resources99. Not only consumer products, but also information became export goods. Information in general has always been considered and continues to be considered a profitable commodity. The presentation of information acquired under the dominance of mass culture, which was discussed in the first chapter. Dissemination of information cn

How to substantiate a topic

It is an obligatory stage of work on the dissertation. It will allow you to understand the depth of the topic, realize its importance and develop directions for writing a master's thesis.

Master's is a special type of final qualifying work and is carried out under the supervision of a supervisor with subsequent defense before the examination committee.

A master's thesis differs from a bachelor's final qualification work by a thorough theoretical study of the problem, from a specialist's thesis by a scientific focus of the research.

IN substantiation of the topic of master's work the following should be displayed:

  1. Relevance of the research topic,
  2. object and subject of research,
  3. target,
  4. tasks,
  5. supposed scientific novelty,
  6. theoretical and practical significance,
  7. base for approbation and implementation of research results,
  8. the structure of the master's
  9. master's theses.

Before proceeding to substantiate the topic of the master's thesis, it is necessary to choose and correctly formulate the topic of research. When choosing a master's topic, it is necessary to think in advance about the relevance and usefulness of the results of the upcoming research.

Then you should turn to the scientific literature related to your chosen master's topic. It is necessary to thoroughly study all available literature on the subject of your research. Separately, the importance of information retrieval on the topic should be highlighted. It will allow you to more accurately determine the degree of connection of the research topic with previous scientific research and previously defended works.

After formulating the topic and studying the literature, you need to clearly formulate relevance.

An important stage is the reflection in the substantiation of the theme of master's work the degree of knowledge of the research topic.

After that, it is formed the purpose of the master's study. From the formulated goal, tasks should be formulated that will reflect the essence of the work and its structure.

An important step in substantiating the theme of master's work is the reflection of research methods. Methodological basis of the study is based on a system of general scientific and particular scientific methods.

Then, the empirical basis of the master's thesis, the information base of the study and the theoretical base are reflected in the substantiation of the master's topic.

After that, in the substantiation of the topic of the master's thesis, they reflect which the results are expected to be based on the results of a practical study. This description should reflect novelty or elements of scientific novelty.

Then, in the substantiation of the master's topic, the structure of the study is fixed. It is important to remember that the structure of the study is determined by its goals and objectives. The dissertation work consists of an introduction, a number of chapters and paragraphs determined by the work plan, a conclusion and a list of sources and applications used.

The structure of the substantiation of the topic of the master's thesis

The structure of the substantiation of the master's topic based on the key stages of its creation. Let's look at each section in detail below.

The text of substantiation of the master's topic begins with wording of the relevance of the work. In this section, it is necessary to show the relevance of the scientific problem being solved, not only in practical terms, but, most importantly, the need for scientific study of the formulated research topic. For this purpose, scientific research works over the past 3-5 years on related topics are indicated in relevance, the issues resolved in these works are briefly characterized, and based on their critical analysis, issues that need to be resolved are identified. The rationale for relevance should relate only to the research topic under consideration, and not describe all the problems in this scientific direction.

The next step is to consider the degree of knowledge of the topic. In this section, it is necessary to clearly and clearly characterize the state of the problem: in the form of an unresolved issue or situation, clarification of a theoretical or practical goal, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to list the key specialists who addressed a particular problem related to the topic of the master's thesis.

After, we formulate goals and objectives of master's work. The achievement of the goal of the study is facilitated by clearly formulated research objectives, which, in essence, are the decomposition of the goal into a number of particular subgoals. If the goal determines the research strategy, then the tasks define the research tactics. There are usually three to four tasks that need to be solved to achieve the goal of the study.

Then we turn to the formulation of the subject and object of research. The object and subject of research as categories of the scientific process are related to each other as general and particular.

An object research is always broader than its subject. An object is the area of ​​activity item is the process under study within the framework of the object of study.

In the object, that part of it is singled out, which serves as the subject of research. The mastery of determining the subject of research depends on how close the undergraduate is to the sphere of the most relevant states of the object and the area of ​​significant connections and elements, the change of which affects the entire system of the organization of the object.

An important section of the substantiation of the theme of master's work is list of research methods. The characteristic of the methodological part in substantiating the topic of the master's work involves a description of the methods for collecting scientific and practical information and its processing.

Methodology - a sequence of solving particular problems based on the chosen research method, a system of conditions, requirements and limitations of the study.

Research methods and techniques serve as tools in solving the research goal.

An equally important section of the substantiation of the topic of the master's thesis is the description of the empirical basis, the information base of the study and the theoretical base. The theoretical basis of the dissertation research make up the works of domestic and foreign experts on the topic of master's. Information base of the master's compile statistical data of the Federal State Statistics Service, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts, etc. and so on.

Section reflective theoretical and practical significance and novelty of the master's is based on a detailed analysis of existing problems and trends within the research topic.

The structure of the study is determined by its goals and objectives. In the final part of the substantiation of the master's theme, it is necessary to briefly provide information about the structure of the work.

Work on any dissertation begins with the definition of topics. The task is not difficult.

It is necessary to determine the scope of one's own scientific interests, compare it with the already available abstracts of scientists and find some unique subject of research, or give a new sound to the problems already disclosed by other authors.

The chosen topic should be discussed with the supervisor, and the importance and necessity of the issue under study should be justified at a meeting of the leading department.

What is the substantiation of the dissertation topic

Substantiation of the subject of the candidate's thesis is a document that is the basic basis for the entire qualifying work. It is from this moment that work on the study begins. A formal approach to justification will not lead to the desired result.

But careful preparation of the substantiation of the topic will allow the researcher to better understand the issue under study, as well as predict the results of his work.

This document is mandatory for admission to graduate school. The topic of the scientific work of an already enrolled graduate student must be approved by the leading department, and then by the Academic Council of the university. The corresponding mark of the Academic Council will appear in the individual curriculum of the postgraduate student.

How to substantiate the topic of the dissertation

It is worth working on the main issue of the candidate only together with the head. It is he who will tell you which issues will sound more advantageous in defense, from what angle it is worth considering this or that scientific issue.

Before meeting with the curator, try to study existing scientific research.

Pay attention not only to Russian sources, but also foreign ones. Find weaknesses in the study of the selected issue, think of something new you can say on this topic. All these points should be reflected in the substantiation of the dissertation work.

Stages of substantiation of the dissertation topic

The subject of scientific work should be substantiated according to a certain template. This document should contain the following parameters: wording of the topic,

  • its relevance,
  • goals and objectives of the study,
  • alleged novelty
  • and practical significance.

Theme wording

The success of future qualifying work depends on a competent formulation. It cannot be expressed in a free form, it must meet the requirements of the Passport of specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission and clearly display the perspective content of the candidate's thesis. The initial wording of the topic may be changed during the research process.

Relevance of the topic

The topic should be not only clearly formulated, but also relevant, meeting the needs of the time. In other words, the applicant must clearly understand whether the scientific study of the problems proposed by him is in demand. Thus, it is imperative to emphasize the relevance of the issue under study.

An example of topic relevance

Definition of the purpose and objectives of the study

The document should also reflect the purpose and objectives of the study. There can be only one goal, and it must follow from the subject and relevance. The definition of the goal contains an answer to the question: how exactly will the problem of qualifying research be solved? Objectives are specific steps that will help you achieve a specified goal.

An example of goals and objectives in a PhD thesis

Suggested novelty of the study

Another important parameter is scientific novelty. At this stage, you need to state what unique results the author plans to achieve and with the help of what non-standard methods.

An example of novelty in the Ph.D.

Assumed practical significance

In practical terms, it is necessary to justify what applied problems this research can solve, how it can be useful in the real activities of enterprises and institutions. This block in the document should show that the Ph.D. is not exclusively theorized.

An example of practical significance in a dissertation

Sample substantiation of the topic of a Ph.D. thesis

There are several examples of substantiation of qualifying works. Most of them will be built according to the standard template.
The sample is filled in by the applicant, signed by him and the curator. Then the main question of the research is submitted to the meeting of the department, to which the future candidate of science is attached.

After discussion in the teaching staff, the topic may be subject to adjustment and changes are made to the rationale.

The finished document is submitted for approval to the rector of the educational institution. The given example is not universal, it is best to prepare a document according to the template that exists at the applicant's department.

Sample “Substantiation of the topic of a Ph.D. thesis” SibGUFK

Substantiation of the topic of the Ph.D. thesis "_____________________________________"

topic name

Speciality: __.__.__ - ___________________________________________. (example: 13.00.

08 "Theory and Methods of Vocational Education") Performed by: postgraduate student/applicant __ year of full-time/correspondence education __________________________________________________________________. (FULL NAME.

(in full) Supervisor: _____________________________________________.

(academic degree, title, full name)

The relevance of research:

Research problem:

Object of study:

Subject of study:

Research hypothesis:

Purpose of the study:

Research objectives:

Methodological basis of the study:

Research methods:

Organization of the study:

Scientific novelty of the research:

Theoretical significance of the study:

Practical significance of the study:

Artist's signature:

Supervisor's signature:

An example of substantiating the topic of a doctoral dissertation

For a doctoral thesis, the subject is substantiated according to a similar example, as for a candidate's thesis. The template can also include such parameters as the object and subject of research, methods and stages of work, as well as planned publications.

Doctoral Dissertation Topic Justification Template


Rationale for the choice of the topic of the dissertation

Lecture Search


General Postgraduate Curriculum


Scientific adviser ___________________________

Head of Department ____________________________________

Date of completion of the plan ______________________ 20___

Work plan for the 1st year of preparation

Training period from ______ to _________

PhD student: ___________________________

Scientific adviser ___________________________

Date of completion of the plan ______________________ 20

Head department _______________“ ___ ” ____________ 20 ___

Work plan for the 2nd year of preparation

(to be filled in and agreed with the supervisor after positive attestation for the first academic year)

Preparation period from ________ to ___________

PhD student: ___________________________

Scientific adviser ___________________________

Feedback from the supervisor on the work of a graduate student


Supervisor: _______________“ ___ ” ____________ 20 ___

The attestation was approved by the Academic Council of the faculty ________________ Protocol No. _______________

From “___” ________________ 20 ___

APPROVED: Dean of the Faculty ____________________________________

Work plan for the 3rd year of preparation

(to be completed at the end of the second year of training)

Preparation period from ________ to ________

PhD student: ___________________________

Scientific adviser ___________________________

Date of completion of the plan ______________________ 20___

Feedback from the supervisor on the work of a graduate student


Supervisor: _______________“ ___ ” ____________ 20 ___

Head of Department _______________“ ___ ” ____________ 20 ___

The attestation was approved by the Academic Council of the faculty ________________ Protocol No. _______________

From “___” ________________ 20 ___

APPROVED: Dean of the Faculty ____________________________________

Work plan of the 4th year of preparation (for part-time students)

(to be completed at the end of the third year of training)

Preparation period from __________ to ______________20____year

PhD student: ___________________________

Scientific adviser ___________________________

Date of completion of the plan ______________________ 20___

Feedback from the supervisor on the work of a graduate student


Supervisor: _______________“ ___ ” ____________ 20 ___

Head of Department _______________“ ___ ” ____________ 20 ___

The attestation was approved by the Academic Council of the faculty ________________ Protocol No. _______________

From “___” ________________ 20 ___

APPROVED: Dean of the Faculty ____________________________________

After the introduction of second-generation standards into the domestic education system, project activity has become an indispensable element in any academic discipline. Let's consider its features on the example of technology.


It involves the substantiation of the theme of the project on technology. The problem considered by the child should be useful not only to the author himself, but also to other people.

Substantiation of the topic of the project on technology significantly increases its significance, allows you to apply the results in practice.

An example of the project "Sunflowers outside the window"

We often hear that those items that are made by hand bring warmth and harmony to the house. In order to achieve such a result, it is not necessary to spend material resources. Want to freshen up your room? We offer to create a panel of sunflowers, which will give the space a special touch. That is why such a topic for collective work was chosen.

Project "Breath of Flowers"

The choice and justification of the topic of the project on technology can be formalized as follows. We live in a unique country that is proud of its historical roots and natural resources. The unique plant world amazed the greatest writers, poets and artists with its versatility. We admire the flowers in the summer, we watch with interest how the leaves of the trees turn yellow in autumn. I want to enjoy the beauty and warmth of nature and cold winters. That is why the theme “Breath of Flowers” ​​was chosen for the work. Such an ecological substantiation of the project in terms of technology indicates the meta-subjectivity of this work.

Work "Swan-transformer"

How to justify the project on technology? A vase-transformer is a wonderful gift for friends and family. The finished product can be used to arrange fruit, as a hot stand and even as a cutting board. A vase can also be considered as an independent element of decor in a city apartment. The product is compact, it can be stored assembled, and if necessary, give it "combat readiness".

Environmental justification of the project by technology:

  • safety;
  • availability of materials;
  • originality of forms;
  • minimum labor intensity;
  • strength;
  • manufacturability;
  • reproducibility.

Such a substantiation of the problem of the project on technology confirms the relevance of the work. The finished product will decorate any interior.

Work from batik

How to make a choice and justification of a technology project? Masters call batik a unique and inimitable material used in artistic creation. Why is there a growing interest in working with him in our time? The reason is that the materials and tools needed to work with batik have become available to the general public.

People are increasingly turning to postmodernism associated with the era, trying to create unusual products and compositions with their own hands. Such justification of a creative project on technology fully confirms its relevance.
Given that working with batik does not involve complex technological operations, the project is available to everyone who wants to touch this kind of artistic creativity. We were attracted by the combination in the batik technique of the practicality of the resulting products with artistic significance.

Such a substantiation of the project in terms of technology will become the main idea of ​​the creative work.

DIY gift

Ahead of the New Year holidays, during which it is customary to give gifts. Of course, you can buy a finished product in the store, but it will not convey the feelings that you have for the one for whom the gift is intended. If you arm yourself with creative imagination, pick up materials, you can create a unique picture. Such a substantiation of the technology project associated with the use of batik painting on fabrics fully explains the choice of the author.

Goals and objectives

In the age of computer technology, the demand for hand-made products is increasing. The choice and justification of the technology project is complemented by the purpose of the work. It can be formulated as follows: to create a gift for the New Year holidays using the batik technique.

  • to study the literature on the chosen topic;
  • develop an algorithm of actions;
  • create a gift with your own hands;
  • analyze the finished product.

The justification of the project according to the technology is done, you can start thinking through the stages of work. First you need to conduct a survey, the purpose of which will be to identify the attitude of classmates to gifts made by themselves. Respondents are asked to answer the following questions:

  • do you give gifts;
  • do you make them with your own hands;
  • What is the best gift to receive?

The finished product should be beautiful, bright, practical, inexpensive, safe. What gift to give friends for the New Year? For example, you can create an original potholder, an original toy or a three-dimensional decoration for the interior, or make a New Year's card.

In order for the finished product to please the one to whom it is intended, it is important to think through all the details of the work.

Gzhel project

The birthplace of this painting is the Moscow region. The first mention of Gzhel appeared in 1320, they were made in the message of Prince Ivan Kalita to his eldest son. These porcelain items have a characteristic blue-white color. In the eighteenth century, such dishes were created from clay, then covered with white enamel, and multi-color painting was applied to it. In the 19th century, Gzhel craftsmen created new material, improved technologies, and began producing semi-faience and porcelain.

At the beginning of the last century, this unique painting was practically lost. And only in 1972 this folk craft began to revive. On the basis of six small industries, the Gzhel association was created, and the lost folk traditions began to be restored. The Russian land is rich in talents.

Gzhel painting is done with cobalt. A double firing of high-quality white clay, previously placed in certain molds, is carried out. Roasting is carried out in furnaces at temperatures above 1350 degrees.

During the review of the literature on the project, we managed to find out that the painting is carried out with cobalt. This mineral at elevated temperature acquires an unusual blue color of different shades. They appear just after the firing is completed; in its original form, the pattern has an unsightly black-gray color. The theme was chosen for work precisely because the products created in this technique are distinguished by unique aesthetic characteristics.


Currently, special attention is paid to project activities in the Russian education system. There are special requirements that apply to the work of schoolchildren. In each academic discipline, a certain time is allocated for the intellectual and creative development of the younger generation.

In order for the project to meet the requirements, it must be interesting and relevant not only for the author himself, but also for other people. A project is considered realistic when it can be replicated.

Before proceeding to the practical part, the author thinks through the purpose of his activity, sets himself specific research tasks.

The next stage is the development of an action plan, the result of which will be a review of the scientific literature on the research problem, the selection of methods and means of carrying out the work. At the main stage in technology, the main activities are carried out.

For example, material is selected, details are determined, direct actions are performed. The final stage of the work is summing up the results of the project, its submission to the competition.
