Due to the resemblance, many believe that the TV presenter Yana Churikova is the daughter or at least a relative of the actress Inna Churikova. Actress Inna Churikova: biography, family and path to success Yana Star Factory Lead

Personal life of TV presenter Yana Churikova (Yana Churikova) - today

Learn all about Yana Churikova now Russian TV presenter, journalist, actress Date of birth: November 6, 1978 Zodiac Sign: Scorpio, Place of birth: Moscow

How tall and weight is Yana Churikova?

Weight: 64 kg Height: 175 cm

First husband of Yana Churikova, according to some sources, was an official, and according to some sources, a civil spouse. However, the relationship with director Ivan Tsybin lasted about three years. According to Churikova, her mother introduced them. The potential gentleman did not make any impression on the TV presenter.

But a little later, the couple had to work on one project and Yana somehow noticed that Ivan was a good professional. From that moment, the director turned his attention to the girl.

For all the time of these relations, the press has repeatedly made the TV presenter pregnant. But the couple did not have a common child. Yana is generally a closed person when it comes to her family and relationships. Therefore, no one knows whether she lived well with Tsybin. But we think that not especially, once three years later, Churikova plunged headlong into a stormy romance with businessman Denis Lazarev.

By the way, he is the second husband of Yana Churikova. It turned out that Denis is a co-owner of the magazine, which was entrusted to Yana. In order to avoid gossip and other troubles, Churikova kept her novel in the strictest confidence. But being an honest girl, she broke off relations with Ivan.

A year later, Denis and Yana had a daughter, Taisiya. And a year later, the couple formalized their relationship. At what they just walked past the registry office, decided to go in to see what was happening, showed their daughter's birth certificate and signed. It's so quiet, peaceful and without noise.

And if earlier Yana carefully protected her beloved men from the press, now she proudly poses with her husband at almost all events. They say that the businessman was present at the birth and behaved more than courageously. But Churikova does not want to hear about the second child yet. She just got back in shape and got her life back on track.

The well-known TV presenter and journalist Yana Churikova has been trying out a new role as a wife and mother for several years now. Remembering her "single" interviews, where she spoke about the absolute incompatibility of working in television and motherhood, it is gratifying to see how she corrected her mistakes of her younger years with her own life. Now Yana Churikova clearly understands that every woman faces a choice in her life - family or work, and choosing only the latter - she may well be left with nothing. For herself, the journalist chose the third way - combination, and so far she has succeeded in everything. Unlike many domestic stars, she does not like PR based on the family, so if any information about marriage, pregnancy appears in the press, children of Yana Churikova, then it certainly does not come from the star itself. The TV presenter herself carefully guards her personal life.

Yana Churikova became a mother 6 years ago, on May 26, 2009. On that day, she gave birth to a girl (and not a boy, as the overly hasty paparazzi wrote, who did not bother to check the information given to people!). The parents picked the old Russian name Taisia ​​for their daughter in advance. By the way, it was on the birthday of their daughter that the happy parents decided exactly two years later they legalized their relationship. Taisiya's father is a businessman, professionally associated with television and journalism. To the questions of journalists about the second child, Yana Churikova evasively answers that she is not ready to work in two shifts yet.

Yana Churikova and Denis Lazarev

As for the character, upbringing and special talents of the baby, the TV presenter in these matters stands out against the general background of all mothers, and not just stellar ones. Yana Churikova believes that your child is only yours, and it is not at all necessary for the whole world to know when he said the first word. In addition, according to the journalist, giving such interviews is a big responsibility, because later the child may think that his birth was somehow speculated, increasing personal professional demand. In order to avoid even a hint of such a situation, Yana Churikova does not comment on her daughter in the press and does not publish her photographs.

Yana Churikova - photo

For those who consider such reticence to be a simple inattention to their baby, we add that in many of her interviews the journalist emphasized that Taisia's small successes for her are now higher than her own high-profile victories. Being a mother is quite difficult, which is why it is too early to have a second child, Yana Churikova believes. Who knows when she'll change her mind?

Yana Churikova daughter of Inna Churikova or not?

Yana Churikova and Inna Churikova. Fans have long been sure that Yana Churikova is the daughter of the famous actress Inna Churikova. However, doubts disappeared when a photograph of a journalist with a real mother appeared in one of the magazines. However, Yana says that she is familiar with her "invented" mother. Yana Churikova in the video “Once we actually talked with her about how good relatives we are. The office received a press release about the ceremony of laying the handprints of Inna Churikova and Georgy Daneliya on the Walk of Fame near Mosfilm. I went there specifically to meet her. To be honest, I was very nervous. But when she appeared, very beautiful, in a black hat, I relaxed. I came up and said: “Hello, Inna Mikhailovna! Everyone says I'm your daughter." And then we played an amazing scene. I shouted to her: “Mom!”, And she told me: “My daughter”!”, - says Yana Churikova.

Personal life of actor Yana Churikova (Yana Churikova ) is now


Films with actor Yana Churikova - Wikipedia
Filmography - film roles

2006-2010 - TV series "Happy Together" - cameo
2006 - "Flush off!" — Rita Malone (Russian dub)

In May 2015, she voiced the names of the stations of the Kaluzhsko-Rizhskaya line of the Moscow Metro.

A television
Since 1996, she worked as an ATV correspondent in the Vremechko program.

From 1998 to 2002, she worked at MTV Russia, was the host of the Big Cinema, 12 Evil Spectators programs, and the producer of some programs.

Since April 2002, she worked on Channel One. She made her debut on the channel as the host of the youth entertainment program "Lens". Then she consistently hosted such television programs as Good Morning, Star Factory, Golden Gramophone, Song History, Cruel Intentions, etc. She repeatedly commented on broadcasts from the Eurovision Song Contest from the Russian side, announced the results voting of Russian TV viewers following the results of the competition. But Churikova gained wide popularity thanks to the TV project "Star Factory".

In the period from 2002 to 2007 she worked at VID TV Company.

In 2007, she moved to Red Square together with Larisa Sinelshchikova and Alexander Kessel.

Since 2009, he has been the artistic director of the EKTV School-Studio.

From November 2011 to November 2012 - the host of the Red Star music hit parade on Channel One.

From June 23 to August 25, 2013 - the host of the musical television project "Universal Artist" on Channel One.

From October 1, 2013 to the present, he has been the General Director of the updated MTV Russia TV channel. In February 2014, she was appointed head of Viacom's youth and music TV channels in Russia (MTV Russia, MTV Live HD, MTV Rocks, MTV Hits, MTV Dance, VH1 and VH1 Classic)

Since April 14, 2017, she has been the host of the updated program “12 Angry Spectators” on the MTV Russia cable channel.

Participation in other projects
On April 1, 2005, she played as part of the Channel One host team in the anniversary series of games “What? Where? When?, dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the game. In the spring of 2007, she took part in the Channel One project Circus with Stars.

In 2013, she was the host at the opening of the Anji Arena stadium together with Andrey Malakhov. She was also the presenter at the Opening Ceremony of the 2013 Summer Universiade in Kazan, at the shows leading up to the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

In 2015 she became the winner of the show "Together with Dolphins".

He is a commentator on the semi-finals and finals of Eurovision on Channel One.

Yana Churikova from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Yana Churikova was born in Moscow on November 6, 1978. She attended a Hungarian school because her Air Force father was sent there to serve. It is the years spent in Hungary that Yana remembers as the happiest in her childhood. Returning back, they found the collapse of the Union, and felt the change in the values ​​of the guidelines of society.

Upon arrival, Yana was sent to a gymnasium and a music school, which, by the way, she graduated with honors.

As a child, she dreamed of becoming a paleontologist, but then the famous singer Montserat Caballe attracted her, and Yana decided to also become an opera singer. Therefore, the girl was actively engaged in vocals and music.

But Yana was attracted to too many different things. She liked biology, medicine, she even wanted to leave to work in the far north. But then she realized that paleontology, physics, medicine, biology and other sciences can be studied only by becoming a journalist and nothing else. Therefore, Yana began to attend classes at the School of the Young Journalist. In 1992, she began working for the local newspaper Glagol as a journalist. It was there that she learned to write articles and notes correctly. In 1994, she took second place in Moscow in the Literary Olympiad.

In 1995, the girl decided to enter the Faculty of Television and Radio Broadcasting at Moscow State University. In 2000, she graduated from the institute and entered graduate school to write a scientific dissertation on the topic "The influence of television on the process of socialization of the youth audience."

And in 1996, after the first year of Yana, she began working at the ATB television company, where she independently filmed stories for television and gained real work experience.

A year later, she moved to Biz TV, where she worked as a TV presenter and editor. When applying for a job, Yana Churikova deceived her superiors by adding three years and more experience in the field of journalism. The deception was later revealed, and Yana, with her conscientious work, earned the forgiveness of her superiors.

In 1998, she became a producer, editor, host of the popular MTV channel, because the Biz TV channel was renamed. In an interview, Yana said that she had a time when the channel had just been transformed, that she spent the night at work, because there was no time to rest. She worked in almost all television specialties, but only the producer, editor and TV presenter were official.

Yana became popular after the release of the Twelve Evil Spectators program. This show became incredibly popular and was noticed on Channel One. And in 2002, she was invited to make her Reaktiv program for youth, but she did not go on the air for too long. Yana's next project is the Star Factory show, which lasted for as many as six seasons, which were all hosted by Churikova. In order to become a host, Yana went through an incredibly tough casting. She took into account previous experience and set aside time to rest, because her appearance is important for the presenter, and only healthy sleep helps to look good.

Yana Churikova participated in the show "Two Stars", where she sang along with Prokhor Chaliapin. And in the television project "The First Channel of Russian Television" "Circus with the Stars", she showed herself to be a good animal trainer.

Everyone considered Yana the daughter of actress Inna Churikova, but all rumors were dispelled after the appearance of the presenter along with her mother on the set of a popular magazine. By the way, Inna and Yana know each other very well and are friends.

“Once, Inna and I were talking about the fact that we are considered relatives. A fax came to our office about laying the imprint of Inna Churikova's hands on our Moscow Walk of Fame. I went to this ceremony especially to get acquainted with Inna. And I was very worried about this. But when Inna came, all beautiful, I felt better. I went up to her and said hello, and said that everyone said that I was your daughter. We even acted out a scene, shouting “Daughter” and “Mom” to each other.

Yana Churikov's zodiac sign is Scorpio. Yana always says about this: “I really am a scorpion. But I pity only myself, and there is no strength left for the rest. As a child, I realized how to cool my ardor, only music helps me. Moreover, good music, when you listen to it, you understand that all your problems are simply insignificant compared to the whole Universe. I really like Vivaldi, Bach, Verdi."

Yana divides all sports into those that can be practiced and those that are better to just watch. She is constantly fond of fitness and swimming. Constantly follows the football world. It can often be found at the championships of different countries.

Now Yana Churikova is actively interested in documentaries. She creates a project for the First Channel "Song History", in which she talks about the whole process of recording popular Soviet songs.

Personal life of Yana Churikova:

Yana was introduced to her first husband Ivan Tsybin by her mother. But love at first sight did not work out. Seeing Tsybin at one presentation, the TV presenter considered him not worthy of her attention. But then everything changed. During the filming of the program "Idols + Idols", Yana and Ivan worked together.

In an interview, Yana said: “I like professionals who clearly know their business. I told Ivan that he was doing a good job.” Tsybin was flattered by this. But Yana did not think about the relationship between them, she had a common-law husband at that time. But then they broke up with him, and Ivan began to look after her. So they began an office romance that ended in a wedding.

Yana and Ivan lived together for four years. All this time, rumors about the pregnancy of the TV personality were constantly printed in the press. Then Yana repeatedly admitted that she was surprised to read this. Invented pregnancies constantly spoiled her mood.

A year ago, Churikova divorced, the reason for the divorce was Yana's romance with the head of one of the PR services, Denis Lazarev. They met while Churikova worked for VIVA magazine. Now Yana and Denis live in his apartment.

Now rumors about Yana's pregnancy are also leaking into the press. Churikova was supposed to host the Eurovision Song Contest in Moscow, but Alsou was the host instead. Therefore, it is not yet known whether this is really another rumor or the truth.

TV presenter Yana Churikova is called a holiday person. When it appears, it really becomes as if a little lighter and sunnier. And few people know what is hidden behind this shining facade - after all, Yana's personal life, which she carefully hides from prying eyes, is not going well ...

This spring, literally all the media were marked by "sensational" news: Yana Churikova divorced her husband. In fact, everything turned out not quite so. Yes, indeed, the famous TV presenter is now in the status of a lonely lady. However, the separation from her husband did not happen yesterday or even a month ago. It turns out that the couple have not lived together for more than a year. Just for the time being they managed to keep this information secret. Even to close friends and colleagues, Yana did not tell what was really going on in her family ...


Yana Churikova met her husband Denis Lazarev, a PR specialist, eight years ago. Their love story from the outside looked somewhat exotic. Indeed, at the time of meeting Denis, Yana was married.

With her first husband, producer and director Ivan Tsybin, Churikova met thanks to her mother. She persistently advised her daughter to pay attention to a pleasant young man (they worked together in the editorial office of music programs). However, at first Ivan was not very impressed with Yana. And only when they began to work together on the program "Idols + Idols", directed by Tsybin, after looking closely, I suddenly saw a bunch of positive qualities.

The couple lived together for a little over three years. Periodically, the press assured that Yana was finally pregnant and would soon become a mother. But it soon turned out that these were just rumors. Until the spring of 2009, Churikova's colleagues did not confirm: yes, indeed, this time Yana is definitely expecting a baby.

When journalists rushed to congratulate the TV presenter and her husband on such a long-awaited event in their life together, an unexpected juicy detail suddenly emerged: Yana is really pregnant, only the father of her unborn child is not Ivan at all, but a completely different man.


So Denis Lazarev entered the arena, the details of acquaintance with whom we managed to find out pretty soon. A fateful meeting happened when Yana was offered the post of editor-in-chief of VIVA magazine. Denis was on the board of directors of this publication, and almost immediately they began an office romance. But since Yana was married, and Denis - formally - was her boss, the lovers hid their relationship very carefully. Until it became clear: Churikova is expecting a baby. It was then that I had to “open the cards”: Yana left the apartment she shared with Ivan and moved in with Denis.

Their daughter Taisiya was born in May 2009. Two years later, on the girl's birthday, Churikova and Lazarev officially legalized their relationship. All these years that have passed since their meeting, the couple looked like a very harmonious couple. Only close families noticed that as Yana Churikova climbed the career ladder (now she is not only a popular TV presenter, but also a big boss - the general director of the MTV channel), the more tense the situation in the family became. Yes, and Yana, as a not stupid girl, understood that sometimes she went too far.

Sometimes I come home and start to be in charge. And it’s absolutely terrible,” she said. - And if a couple of years ago I was clever that I was such a strong woman, I leave the “boss” outside the threshold, but now I understand: it doesn’t work out. What can you do, somehow we agree with the family. Marital balance is the same field in order to show flexibility somewhere, to put pressure somewhere. With my daughter, by the way, it’s easier for me in this regard: with Tasya, I turn off the boss almost immediately.


About a couple of years ago, family relations deteriorated so much that it became noticeable even from the outside. Although Yana continued to make a "good face on a bad game." Soon, even unfamiliar, but familiar to party circles, people began to say that something was not working out in Churikova's personal life. Too often she appeared at various events completely alone, referring to the fact that her husband has a lot of work. However, when Yana came to the shooting of the First Channel show “Without Insurance” without a wedding ring, they began to talk about serious problems in the family quite loudly.

Only when the secret became clear, Churikova's husband decided to give at least some comments - in order to finally dot the i's. He confirmed that he and Yana broke up. And it happened a year ago, when he packed his things and left home. Since then, the couple have been living separately, meeting only when necessary. Denis did not expand on the reasons for the breakup. He also refused to disclose any details - according to him, he "sees no point in commenting on the obvious."

But what about Yana? She still remains silent, pretending that all this hype has nothing to do with her personally. While journalists are trying to “talk” to her husband, Churikova publishes photos from her vacation at a ski resort in Sochi in her microblog. And in each picture, as usual, we see a cheerful girl with a wide smile and burning eyes...

Photo by V. Goryachev,

A. Lomokhov.

Yana Churikova was the host of such TV programs as Cruel Intentions, Good Morning, Song History, Lens, Big Cinema, Red Star, Universal Artist, Golden Gramophone, Together with dolphins”, music festivals “Heat”, “Christmas on Rosa Khutor” and many others.

The rise of Yana's popularity began when, having passed the most severe selection, she began to lead the Star Factory project. Talent and charisma allowed her not only to stay at the head of the project for nine seasons, but also to make it one of the most rated.

Yana Churikova worked as the chief editor of many programs. In 2013, Yana headed the legendary TV channel MTV Russia, in 2014 she was appointed head of youth and music TV channels Viacom in Russia.

Thanks to his incredible erudition, sense of humor and charm, he easily captivates the audience, both small chamber halls and thousands of concert venues. That is why the event, hosted by Yana Churikova, automatically acquires the status of a star.

YANA CHURIKOVA – the brightest star on Russian television and one of the most popular TV presenters in the country.

Yana Churikova has been the host of many programs such as “Cruel Games”, Good Morning”, Song Story”, “Objective”, Big Cinema”, Red Star, “The Universal Actor”, “Golden Gramophone”, “Together with Dolphins ”, music festivals “Heats” and “Christmas on the Rosa Khutor” and many more.

Yana's popularity peaked when she was cast for the “Star Factory” show. Her talent and charisma saw her lead the project for 9 season and make it one of the most popular shows on Russian TV at that time.

Russian viewers will associate Yana’s voice with the live broadcasts on Channel 1 of the “Eurovision Song Contest” where she is a commentator as well as with other famous music shows.

Yana’s career has seen her work as the chief editor of many programs, she also headed the Russian publication of “Viva!” magazine.

In 2013 she became the chief of the legendary channel “MTV Russia” and in 2014 Yana was appointed Head of Youth and Music Television Channels for Viacom in Russia.

Thanks to her incredible erudition, sense of humor and charm, Yana easily captivates the audience attention whether in a small chamber hall or huge concert venues. That is why an event which is hosted by Yana Churikova automatically acquires “star” status.


Fans have long been sure that Yana Churikova, a famous TV presenter, is the daughter of the famous actress Inna Churikova.

Doubts disappeared only when a photograph of a journalist with a real mother appeared in one of the magazines. However, Yana says that she is familiar with her "invented" mother.

Inna Churikova and Yana Churikova, who are they to each other: how did they meet?

“Once we actually talked with her about how good relatives we are. The office received a press release about the ceremony of laying the handprints of Inna Churikova and Georgy Daneliya on the Walk of Fame near Mosfilm. I went there specifically to meet her. To be honest, I was very nervous. But when she appeared, very beautiful, in a black hat, I relaxed. I came up and said: “Hello, Inna Mikhailovna! Everyone says I'm your daughter." And then we played an amazing scene. I shouted to her: “Mom!”, And she told me: “My daughter!”, ”said Yana Churikova.

Inna Churikova and Yana Churikova, who are they to each other: relatives or not?

Due to the resemblance, many believe that TV presenter Yana Churikova is the daughter or at least a relative of actress Inna Churikova. However, this is not so, they are only namesakes, as they themselves have repeatedly stated in interviews.

“I was always asked: “Yana, and who is the actress Inna Churikova to you?” - said Yana Churikova, - And I always answered that she was not my mother, and people were sincerely surprised. It seems to me that I did the right thing by not becoming an actress, otherwise no one would have any doubts that Inna Mikhailovna and I are related by blood. I would be constantly compared with “mother”, and conversations like “daughter didn’t finish it, there is no “mother’s” depth in her!” would be unavoidable."

The surname Churikova is not so common that she met at every step like Sidorov or Petrov, which is why the appearance of Yana Churikova on blue screens was identified with Inna Mikhailovna Churikova - they say, the daughter of the famous actress decided to make a career as a presenter.

As you know, Inna Churikova has only one child, but he is a boy. Then everyone began to look for kinship between these women, finding outward similarities, as well as various blood ties. But, as it turned out, Yana and Inna Churikov are not even relatives to each other. They saw each other a couple of times.

Yana was born in a military family and grew up in Hungary. Yana admits that since childhood she was compared with Inna Mikhailovna, they asked her to say hello to her mother when they heard the girl's name.

Undoubtedly, the resemblance strikes even themselves, not to mention those around them. During the employment, Yana did not hide the fact that she had nothing to do with the famous actress. Over time, she had to get used to the reaction of the yellow press and journalists.

As it turned out, she was not the only one who had to get used to it - Inna Mikhailovna admits that she once met Yana. They talked, complained about fate.

Inna Churikova says that the most important thing is that they themselves know that they are not relatives, but others are bombarding them with numerous questions.

There is even an opinion that Yana Churikova is the wife of Ivan Panfilov, but for some reason no one thinks about how Yana got the name of not her husband, but her mother-in-law.

Recently, the mother of Yana Churikova began to be invited to many shows, the interest and curiosity of the public subsided when everyone saw the real mother of the famous TV presenter.

Inna Mikhailovna herself did not watch "Star Factory", she does not like those programs that transform ordinary normal people into unnatural artificial dolls.

In fact, Yana Churikova's mother's name is Elena, she is an economist by profession.

Actress Inna Churikova has no daughters, but has a son, Ivan, from her marriage to Gleb Panfilov. Ivan Panfilov is an international lawyer by education. He acted as a screenwriter in the film “The Romanovs. Crowned family." He played several roles in films.

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