Puppet theater from disks. plywood stage

"Fairy tale on the table" or table theater

I. Flat theater.

Characters and scenery - pictures. Characters appear in the course of action, which creates an element of surprise, arouses the interest of children. We bought ready-made albums, cut out characters and scenery. Made a desktop screen - a box.

II. Theater from waste material.(from tea boxes, disposable cups...) Develops imagination, ability to work with various materials.

III. cone theater. This type of theater is made of cardboard. It is bright, interesting for children. Easy to manipulate.

IV. Theater made of wooden models.("The Fox and the Crane"). Very practical. Doesn't beat. Does not wrinkle, easy to store.

V. Clothespin theater. It is good because it develops fine motor skills of the fingers.

VI. Plasticine theatre.

VII. Toy theater. . Industrial-made toys (plastic, soft, rubber) or hand-made (knitted, sewn from scraps) are grouped according to fairy tales. Such a theater is very close to children, as they play with similar toys every day. It can be played not only at the table, but also lying on the carpet.

They are stable on the table and do not interfere with movement. The child completely controls the movement of the doll, accompanies the character with a word. And the ability to see the face of the figurine allows a novice artist to better master the techniques of puppetry. table theater: the child does not look at the other side of the doll, plays "for himself"; this technique helps the artists interact with each other without being distracted by the audience.

Stand theater:

1. Shadow theater. It requires a screen of translucent paper, black planar figures and a light source behind them. The image can also be obtained with the help of fingers. The display is accompanied by the corresponding sound.

2. Theater of pictures on flannelgraph. Pictures for display can be drawn by yourself (these are plots or characters from fairy tales, stories), or you can cut them out of old books that are no longer subject to restoration. They are glued onto thin cardboard, and with reverse side also stick flannel. Although today the theater on magnets is more relevant and practical.

Theater on hand.

1. Finger theater. These are dolls sewn from fabric, glued from paper or knitted from wool and thread, foam rubber. Figures can be made in the form of cones, cylinders, rings. The pattern follows the contour of the child's outstretched finger. The puppet must be put on freely on any finger of the puppeteer's hand. The character's face can be embroidered, glued or sewn on using buttons, beads, threads, ropes, pieces of wool, colored paper, textile. Such toys can be made independently by older children. You can play behind the screen or with direct contact. The presence of this type of puppet theater allows you to solve problems for the development fine motor skills hands, coordination of finger movements. At the same time, this work is the foundation for a smooth transition to learning the puppetry techniques of the puppet theater with mittens.

riding puppets

1. Theater of spoons and spatulas. The easiest and most affordable for children puppet show spoons. It is necessary to take into account the level of development of the muscle mass of the hand, forearm, shoulder, because. the organization of the game involves the use of a floor screen. At the beginning of work with these types of puppet theater, a floor screen with a curtain of 70-80 cm is used, child artists sit on chairs.

2. Theater of paper dolls on a stick. Children cut out figurines from coloring books and glue ice cream sticks to them.

3. origami theater- figurines folded from paper fairy tale characters. For the convenience of puppeteering, we attached them to sticks.

4. Theater on discs.

5. Puppets on gapite or rod puppet. The simplest gapite is just a stick inserted into the toy - one or two. It should not be too thick and heavy, otherwise the child will not be able to comfortably take it in his hand. The gapit should not be too short, but not too long. They are very useful for the development of fine motor skills, which contributes to the development of speech in children. These dolls also develop the flexibility of the fingers, hand and wrist. Working with children younger age I use dolls on one stem. I teach to hold the doll with all fingers (in the fist). The doll moves due to the movements of the brush. Older children control puppets on two rods. To manipulate such dolls, you need to teach children to hold the sticks only with their fingertips.

Live Puppet Theater

Scarf dolls convenient in that they allow the puppeteer to move and dance freely.

Puppet theater plays a big role in shaping the personality of a child. It brings a lot of joy, attracts with its brightness, colorfulness, dynamics, affects the audience. It early begins to attract the attention of children and is fraught with great opportunities for their comprehensive development.

The puppet theater has a whole range of means: artistic images-characters, design, word and music - all this taken together, by virtue of the figurative-concrete thinking of the child, helps the child to understand the content of a literary work easier, brighter and more correctly, affects the development of his artistic taste. A doll playing on stage does not live conditionally for a child, it is a reality, a fairy tale come to life.

Unlike television programs and animated films, it is really visible in three-dimensional space and materially perceptible, present nearby, you can touch it.

Preschoolers are very impressionable and quickly give in to emotional influence. They are actively involved in the action, answer the questions asked by the puppets, willingly carry out their instructions.

The significance of the puppet theater was emphasized and studied in the studies of T. N. Karamanenko, Yu. G. Karamanenko, A. P. Usova, D. V. Mendzheritskaya, and U. A. Karamzina.

An emotionally experienced performance helps to determine the attitude of children to what is happening, to actors and their actions, causes a desire to imitate the positive characters and be different from the negative ones.

Puppet theater has been around for a very long time. Ancient peoples believed that different gods, evil and good spirits, supernatural beings live in heaven, on earth, underground, in water. To pray to them, people made images of large and small dolls from stone, clay, bone or wood. They danced around such dolls, carried them on a stretcher, drove them on chariots, on the backs of elephants, arranged cunning devices for opening their eyes, nodding their heads, baring their teeth at the dolls. Gradually, such spectacles began to look more like theatrical performances. For a thousand years in all countries of the world, with the help of dolls, legends about gods, demons, genies, angels were played out, human vices were ridiculed: stupidity, greed, cowardice, cruelty. in Russia in the 17th century. The most popular puppet theater was the Petrushka Theatre. Parsley is a favorite character from the buffoons who gave a performance for the audience. This is a daring daredevil and a bully, who in any situation retained a sense of humor and optimism. In the XVIII century. Petrushka appeared in Russia - a glove puppet, which was controlled by a wandering puppeteer.

Puppet theater, a type of theatrical performance in which puppets (volumetric and flat) act, set in motion by puppeteers, most often hidden from the audience by a screen. Many forms of performances are determined by the difference in the types of puppets, their control systems: puppets (puppets on strings), the so-called riding puppets (glove puppets), cane puppets, mechanical ones, etc. Sometimes puppets are replaced by a conditional object (cube, ball, wand, etc.), metaphorically depicting a living being. Dolls range in size from a few centimeters to double human height.

There are several classifications of puppet theater games for preschool children.

For example, teachers L.V. Kutsakova, S.I. Merzlyakov consider:

Desktop puppet theater: planar (figures made of cardboard, thick paper, plywood), sewn (from pieces of fabric, fur, leather, foam rubber), knitted (crocheted or on knitting needles from various types of yarn, so that they keep their shape, they are put on plastic bottles or children's skittles), stucco (made of clay like a Dymkovo toy), carved wood (like a Bogorodsk toy), polystyrene foam, boxes, natural material, conical, papier-mâché, and also a table doll can be based on a cylinder, cube, pyramid .

    poster theater (flanelegraph, shadow, magnetic poster, stand-book);

    theater on the arm (finger, pictures on the arm, mitten, glove, shadow theater);

    puppet theater (made of papier-mâché, foam rubber, polystyrene foam, fabric, fur according to the principle soft toys), are set in motion with the help of a vaga - a cross, to which a doll is attached with the help of threads;

    puppet theater with a “live hand”. These puppets have bright, expressive abilities, they can perform actions that are unusual for puppets of other systems. They consist of a head, a freely hanging cloak, into the cuffs of which the child inserts his hands.

    cane dolls (the basis of such a doll is gapit - a wooden rod on which the doll is attached. Gapit is the “spine” of the doll. A shoulder frame is installed on it. The doll’s hands are set in motion with the help of canes attached to the doll’s hands.

    puppets of the “people-puppets” system. The child puts on a costume: a huge head - a mask, large palms, hefty shoes and turns into living doll. The head, palms, boots are made of foam rubber and covered with fabric. Puppet people have vivid stage capabilities. The control of such dolls gives children great joy.

G.V. Genov classifies the types of theaters for preschoolers as follows: cardboard; magnetic; desktop; five fingers; masks; hand shadows; "living shadows"; finger shadow; theater book; puppet theater for one performer.

To organize theatrical activities, the teachers of our preschool institution use toys and dolls produced by the industry (table theaters, bibabo). But toys made by the children themselves have the greatest educational value, which develops visual skills, manual skills, and creative abilities. Table theater toys for paper, foam cardboard, boxes, wire, natural material, etc. Further, we offer you theaters made by the hands of teachers and children.

For younger preschoolers 3-4 years old, the most accessible type of theater is the puppet theater. Playing with dolls has an indirect and imperceptible comprehensive curative and educational effect and helps to gain a sense of success in the very area in which the child feels most vulnerable. Playing with a doll gives children the opportunity to fully reveal their individual characteristics. In the game - the words of the child should revive the dolls and give them a mood, character. Playing with dolls, the child reveals his hidden feelings not only verbally, but also through facial expressions and gestures.

sock dolls

It is at this age that an interest in theatrical games is formed, which develops in the process of watching small puppet shows that teachers show, taking as a basis the content of nursery rhymes, poems or fairy tales familiar to the child. In order to maintain interest in theatrical activities, we use different types of puppet theater. For example:

Knitted finger theater “Kolobok”

Theater of Spoons “Three Bears”

By the age of 4-5, there is a gradual transition of the child from the theatrical production of an adult to independent play activities. Children master different types of table theater: soft toys, knitted theater, cone theater, theater folk toys and plane figures. And also made by teachers: theater on disks, theater on clothespins.

Theater on disks “Kolobok in a new way”

Theater on clothespins “Under the mushroom”

At older preschool age, children are freed from complexes and actively participate in theatrical games. The puppetry skills acquired by children over the course of three years make it possible to combine several types of puppetry in one theatrical game. theatrical puppets various systems.

Theater of pom-poms “Zayushkina hut”

Sponge Theater “Repka”

In the preparatory group, theatrical games are distinguished by the more multifaceted characteristics of the characters, the mise-en-scenes that are difficult to stage, and the most difficult puppets to control act in them. Children are very interested in making dolls, masks, decorations, posters and other attributes.

Making masks for the fairy tale “The Fox and the Rooster”

Making the bas-relief theater "Kolobok"

Working with preschool children in theater, we set ourselves the goal of making the life of our pupils interesting and meaningful, filling it with vivid impressions, interesting things, and the joy of creativity.


1. Karamanenko T.N., Karamanenko Yu.G. Puppet theater - for preschoolers. M.: Education, 1982.

2. Sorokina N.F. We play puppet theatre. M.: ARKTI, 1999.

3. Tarasenko S. Funny crochet and knitting crafts. M.: Enlightenment, 1992.

Do-it-yourself puppet theater is a favorite fun for all kids. For them, communication with dolls is as important as the relationship with living people.

Meeting children with theatrical characters made by their own hands helps them relax, relieve tension, and create a joyful atmosphere.



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Slides captions:

MBDOU kindergarten"Chechek" p. Torgalygsky Master class "Puppet theater from disks" Educator: KHOVALYG DOLAANA VALEREVNA 2015

Do-it-yourself puppet theater is a favorite fun for all kids. For them, communication with dolls is as important as the relationship with living people. Meeting children with theatrical characters made by their own hands helps them relax, relieve tension, and create a joyful atmosphere. Relevance:

PURPOSE: development of speech in children, communicative, artistic and aesthetic qualities, as well as musical and creative abilities.

For example, we will make the hero of fairy tales BUNNY-RUN. For manufacturing, we need: colored cardboard, glue sticks, wooden sticks, adhesive tape, scissors and CDs.

Glue the wooden stick to the disk.

We take white cardboard and cut the bunny's face and make cuts for the antennae

We make ears from gray cardboard, and a tongue from red.

We make a nose out of brown cardboard.

And alternately glue all the details onto the disk, starting with the eyes, nose, ears and mouth.

Our bunny is ready.

Fairy tale "Kolobok"

Participating in theatrical games, children get acquainted with the world around them, through images of paint, sounds. The great and versatile influence of theatrical games on the personality of the child makes it possible to use them as a strong, but unobtrusive pedagogical tool, because the child feels relaxed and free during the game. In order for children to be creative, I try to enrich them life experience bright artistic impressions, to give the necessary knowledge and skills. The richer the experience of children, the brighter will be creative manifestations.

Thanks a lot!!!

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

Master class "Theater from disposable spoons"

Board game for children from 3 to 7 years old. Develops the child's speech, imagination, attention, memory. Children play with pleasure and come up with their own fairy tale....

Master class "Salt Dough Theatre"



Master class for children "Puppet theater from disks" within the framework of the program "Gifted children"

A hand turns into a kitten and a puppy. To make a hand an artist, you need very, very little. Special gloves, intelligence, talent - and everything is in order!...

The ability to spread their creativity for the entertainment of young viewers is not given to everyone. Along with acting, the skills of decorating the stage and the characters of the play are also valued. How nice it would be to entertain the children in their usual surroundings, arranging a little theatrical magic. And the most valuable thing will be the creation of not only your own script, but also the design of a puppet theater for it with your own hands.

Materials to create

The foundation of the puppet theater is the stage on which all the action will take place. The stage and screen can be made in several ways. The simplest scene is made of fabric. The doorway is hung with a large piece of fabric, a horizontal slit is made in the fabric, into which the puppets will look out during the performance.

It is also easy to build a stage out of chairs or stools. Two chairs are placed with their backs apart, the seats are hung to the floor with a cloth, and along the far edges of the backs a fabric is stretched on a string or elastic band - the back of the stage, from under which the puppets will peek out. From stools, such a design is formed as follows: three stools in a row, two on the sides in this row. The fabric is laid in the same way.

The cardboard scene is made using boxes. You can either glue it from several boxes, or make it from one. Several boxes suggest laying out of them, like bricks, a full-fledged theater frame with a window, which is later hung with fabric and curtains. One large box should be removed from the hinged parts and two walls to get a piece of cardboard with U-shaped folds. A rectangular hole should be made in the bottom of the box, and the remaining walls should be fixed in an angular position so that the box can stand by folding and gluing at the folds of small square cylinders that will prevent the box from folding. Such a scene is easy to decorate with colored paper or wallpaper.

A puppet theater in a kindergarten requires a more decent look, so it's best to make it out of plywood.

plywood stage

To create this kind of puppet scene with a screen, you will need skills with a saw and threaded screws.

In general, the following materials and tools are needed:

  • plywood or two sheets measuring 750 × 500 cm and 500 × 400 cm, or one sheet measuring 750 × 900 cm;
  • small saw;
  • 4 hinges for doors, the corresponding number of screws for them, a screwdriver or a screwdriver;
  • hammer and some nails;
  • fabric, elastic or lace, needle and thread.

Plywood must be drawn and sawn into the parts shown in the diagram:

If necessary, the details can be painted or wallpapered. After that, they need to be assembled by connecting with hinges for the doors. From the fabric we make two rectangular segments according to the size of the window, from which we cling to an elastic band or lace and sheathe the curtain. We nail the edges of the rope onto the screen with nails and a hammer. The screen is ready.

Theater characters

Paper puppets are most often used in finger puppet theater or mounted on skewers. Taurus for finger theater are made from fragments of paper glued into cones, and flat dolls from applique on cardboard are attached to skewers. The following are templates for paper characters of the fairy tale "Teremok":

For staging with the characters of the cartoon "Smeshariki" in the puppet theater, homemade products from disks are suitable. For one smeshariki you need a disk, a plastic stopper from sweet water, plasticine, skewer, template, felt-tip pens or pencils, glue. The character templates are below:

If it is not possible to print on a color printer, you will need to colorize the templates. Next, you should glue them on the disk, which sits in a special cut on top of the cork, inside which plasticine is placed. A skewer is attached to this cork from below, and the doll is ready.

You should pay attention to the fact that it is better to glue individual parts of the templates, such as ears, horns, tails, onto cardboard, and only then onto a disk.

Dolls can also be made of fabric, without even resorting to a pattern of their parts. For sock dolls, it is better to choose bright unnecessary socks made of thick fabric. You will also need two cotton balls, thin gauze or bandage, two black beads or buttons, a knitting thread bubo, an oval piece of fabric, needles and threads.

We wrap cotton balls in gauze, twist at the end and tie with a knot or thread. On them, in the opposite side of the knot, we sew on buttons. This will make the eyes for the doll. We cut the end of the sock along the seam, where, in the turned-out state, we sew a round piece of fabric. So it turns out the body of the doll and the mouth. Above the mouth we sew eyes, the nodules of which are covered with a sewn bubo, which plays the role of hair. You can also add other decorative elements.

Actors from gloves - moving to more professional theater. For such a doll, you need a pair of gloves, scissors, buttons, a bubo or fluffy pompom, thread with a needle in the color of the gloves, embroidery thread or other contrasting gloves, cotton wool or other stuffed material. A very common doll made of gloves in the form of a hare. From one glove we make a head, cutting off such “fingers” as the little finger, ring finger and thumb. The rest will be the ears. We form the part round, sew it on the inside out, and then stuff it with cotton wool. In the second glove, leave the little finger and thumb outside, and thread the remaining three into the head detail and sew together. After that, we sew on the hare's eyes, a forelock from a bubo, we embroider a mouth, and a doll should turn out, as in the photo.

Theater is a means of emotional and aesthetic education of children in kindergarten. Theatrical activity allows you to form the experience of social behavior skills due to the fact that each fairy tale or literary work for children preschool age always have a moral orientation (kindness, courage, friendship, etc.). Thanks to the theater, the child learns the world not only with his mind, but also with his heart and expresses his own attitude towards good and evil.
Theatrical activity helps the child overcome shyness, self-doubt, shyness. Theater in kindergarten will teach the child to see the beautiful in life and in people, it will give rise to the desire to bring beauty and kindness into life. Thus, the theater helps the child to develop comprehensively.
Our group room has space for a theater corner. The theater corner is equipped with aids industrial production, but we do something with our own hands.

Old discs - once seemed almost magical. To some extent, they remain magical, but in a completely different sense - now you need to pay attention to them and a little skill in order to turn them into various elements of a table puppet theater.

From the age of two, a child can retell a fairy tale or part of a dialogue known to him. He is very involved in the game and arouses his interest, at the same time the hero of the fairy tale develops his speech. The child himself speaks for a bunny, for a bug, for a mouse.

This material can be used in group work and in individual work with children on the development of speech, the formation of interest in theatrical activities of preschoolers. Children act as both storytellers and spectators.

The theater is like a sorcerer, a wizard,
With your magic wand,
And here is a child, modest and shy,
Today suddenly plays the king.
