Children's theater "Bambi" invites you to the premiere of the musical. Moscow Children's Professional Theater "Bambi" Performance of Bambi staged by Natalia Bondarchuk

On December 10, the White Hall will host the premiere of the musical "Bambi", which will be shown by the Moscow Children's Professional Theater under the same name - "Bambi". Stage director - Honored Artist of Russia Natalia Bondarchuk. The performance was based on a play in verse People's Artist Russia Nikolai Burlyaev forest fairy tale". Actors from the Bambi Theater and the Film Actors Guild take part in the performance. Start at 12 o'clock.

Moscow Children's Professional Theater "Bambi" was created by Honored Artist of Russia Natalya Bondarchuk in 1987. The name of the new theater was given by the film "Bambi's Childhood", which was staged by the famous actress as a director in 1985. This beautiful tale is about the little deer Bambi, who is just coming into life and begins to understand the mysterious and mysterious world forests, gave the idea to Natalya Sergeevna to create a children's theater group.

The peculiarity of the Bambi Theater is that children of all ages play on the stage along with professional adult actors. In theater performances in different time were busy famous actors theater and cinema: Zhanna Prokhorenko, Maria Vinogradova, Nikolai Burlyaev, Nina Maslova, Vladimir Protasenko, Vladimir Nosik, Mikhail Kislov, Pavel Vinnik, Stanislav Borodkin, Elena Proklova and others. Over the years of its existence, the theater has given thousands of performances and performances, which are enjoyed by both children and adults. "Bambi" is a participant and laureate of many international theater festivals, in particular, art festivals in Greece (Horto - 1995), in Turkey (Istanbul - 2000). Repeated winner of the competition "Talents of Muscovy", winner of the festival "Russian Drama" (Moscow - 2004).

In 2010, the children's group of the theater became a diploma winner theater competition City Arts Festival. In 2013, "Bambi" is a participant in the "Toys come from a book" festival. In the same year, in 2013, the theater was again a member of the jury and at the same time a participant in the 15th anniversary film festival "Fairy Tale". In 2015, the 300th anniversary show of the performance "The Adventures of Pinocchio" was opened children's film festival"Rainbow" in Lipetsk.

Last year, the Bambi Theater took part in XIII International theater forum "Golden Knight", where he received three diplomas of the laureate in the nomination "Theatre-large form", "Golden Diploma" for musical performance"Little Red Riding Hood" and "Special Jury Diploma" for the experimental performance about the fate of people with autism "Others". In 2016, "Bambi" began to cooperate with the French children's theater "Aprelik" under the direction of Lyudmila Drobich. Joint performances of Little Red Riding Hood were staged in Moscow and Paris.

The repertoire of "Bambi" includes performances based on famous fairy tales"Little Red Riding Hood", " The Snow Queen”,“ The Adventures of Pinocchio ”,“ Twelve Months ”and others. The theater tours a lot around the country and abroad, plays not only in school halls, but also on the stages of academic theaters.

The first trip to the theater is either like first love - exciting and sweet memories for life, or like the first disappointment - immediately and forever. So here are the announcements. the best performances for children and shows going on the stages of children's theaters.

What will be the first meeting of your child with the theater - depends on you. Child psychologists recommend starting preparations for this solemn event a few weeks before the performance: read the book that served as the basis for the production, discuss its plot with the child, think over the outfit. Be sure to explain to the child the rules of behavior in the theater and, perhaps, even play theater at home, so that later, with constant pulling, you don’t spoil your mood, but the baby’s holiday.

It is extremely important to choose the right theaters in Moscow and performances for children. For the first time, it is better to choose a chamber children's theater, with a small cozy hall, because little child difficult and scary among too many people. puppet show you can choose if you are firmly convinced that the dolls will not scare the baby. If there is no such confidence, then it is better to go to the nursery Theatre of Drama. The performance should not have too loud and harsh music, bright flashes and frightening special effects.

The scenery should create a feeling of magic, falling into a fairy tale, but also not be too scary. The plot should be exciting, exciting, but in no case frightening. And of course with a happy ending. Then, almost certainly, a small viewer will look forward to the opportunity to once again be in this magical place where fairy tales come to life.

Children school age they enjoy watching performances for teenagers, because the story put on stage based on their favorite books is so easy to understand. Yes, and it is easier for teachers of literature to acquaint teenagers with program works school curriculum taking the students to see the play. You look, and many will be interested, and they will also read the book.

Where to go in Moscow with a girl? The theater for children is not the last in the list of places where you can have a date: sit side by side in the dark, experience funny or scary adventures of the characters together, and after the performance, do not suffer in search of a topic for conversation, because after good performance it will appear by itself.

Well, the poster of theaters works so that you can choose the best repertoire of theaters and not spend a lot of time choosing a place where to go with a child in Moscow.

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Moscow Professional Children's Theater "Bambi"

Honored Artist of Russia, Artistic director Moscow Children's Professional Theater Bambi after the performance "The Snow Queen" in the Moscow Central House of Culture in 2009.

Moscow Professional Children's theater"Bambi"- children's theater under the direction of the Honored Artist of Russia Natalia Bondarchuk in Moscow.


From 2001 to the present, the children's troupe of the theater has been based on the main stage of the Palace of Creativity for Children and Youth "Khoroshevo" (Moscow) and branches in Odintsovo and Aprelevka (Moscow region).

The theater is unique in that on the stage at the same time and together with professional actors children from 3 years old play, which creates an immediate lively atmosphere of a fairy tale and makes the performances very interesting, accessible and understandable for children. At the theater, little actors aged 3-18 are trained in theater studio, which allows children to play in theater performances along with adult actors.

At various times they played in the theater Soviet actors theater and cinema: Zhanna Prokhorenko, Maria Vinogradova, Nikolai Burlyaev, Nina Maslova, Vladimir Protasenko, Vladimir Nosik, Mikhail Kislov, Pavel Vinnik, Stanislav Borodkin.

Since 1989, the theater has led an independent existence, playing performances on different stages.

In 2012, the theater celebrated its 25th anniversary. During its existence, the theater has given more than two thousand performances and performances.

The theater is a participant and laureate of international theater and art festivals in Greece (Khorto - 1995), Turkey (Istanbul - 2000). Multiple winner of the competition Young Talents Muscovy”, winner of the festival “Russian Drama” (Moscow - 2004).

The theater toured in many cities of Russia - in the Urals, Altai, ancient Novgorod, Vologda, Suzdal, Tolyatti, Samara, traveled around the cities of the Golden Ring, repeatedly visited the cities of Ukraine, toured in Greece, France, Turkey, USA, Bulgaria.

Social activity

Participation of the Bambi Theater in the New Year Trees at the Kievsky railway station 2010-2011: a scene from the musical fairy tale "The Snow Queen"

Bambi Theater at the Charitable New Year's Tree 2012-2013 at the Kazan railway station. Scene from the performance "The Nutcracker" 12/17/2012

Since 2010, the theater has been closely cooperating with the charitable foundation social assistance children "Spread your wings!" under the patronage of the President of JSC "Russian railways» V. I. Yakunin. On the eve of the New Year and winter holidays in 2010, 2011 and 2012, unique charitable events were organized at Kazansky and Kievsky railway stations. Christmas trees for orphans, disabled children, seriously ill children, where the theater showed its best performances.



Colorfully decorated original children's theatrical performances with the participation of professional actors-adults and small actors-children (from 3 years old) have expressive musical and plastic design with dance numbers. The roles of CHILDREN are played by CHILDREN!!! All performances are imbued with warm good feeling humor and contribute to the education of children in an optimistic perception of the world.


  • Nutcracker / musical fairy tale in one act based on the tale of Hoffmann. Production: Stage director Alexander Kulyamin; directed by Vladimir Fedorov. Music: Sorochinskaya Svetlana, Kulyamin Alexander./
  • Twelve months / Musical fairy tale in one act. Production: Stage director Alexander Kulyamin; directed by Vladimir Fedorov. Music: Sorochinskaya Svetlana./
  • Snow Queen / Musical fairy tale in two acts. Based on play of the same name E. Schwartz. Staging: Stage director Natalya Bondarchuk. Music: Ivan Burlyaev. Directed by Vladimir Fedorov/
  • The Tale of the Enchanted Snow Maiden / A Musical Tale in One Act. Staging: Stage director and music Alexander Kulyamin. Directed by Vladimir Fedorov./
  • Adventures of Pinocchio / Musical fairy tale in two acts. Production: Stage director Alexander Kulyamin. Directed by Vladimir Fedorov. Music by A. Kulyamin and Y. Kalinin /
  • Little Red Riding Hood / Musical fairy tale in two acts. Staging: Stage director Natalya Bondarchuk. Music: Ivan Burlyaev. Directed by Vladimir Fedorov/
