Definition of damage on maps online. How to use fortune telling to check whether there is damage to a person

If lately everything is not going as we would like: everything is falling out of hand, constant failures, illnesses are haunting you - this may be a sign of damage. Only an accurate diagnosis will help determine whether these are really the consequences of damage.

There is a special fortune-telling performed using tarot cards that will help determine it. If it is not possible to purchase tarot, you can perform the ceremony using playing cards.


Before you start fortune telling, you need to purchase cards, prepare them and choose a time (fortune telling is best done on certain days). The accuracy of the prediction largely depends on this. You can guess at any other time, but then your diagnosis will be inaccurate.

Preparing for fortune telling

  • There are several rules that are recommended to be followed.
  • You should not save money and use one deck for all types of fortune telling. Let you have several of them.
  • You should not use plastic cards. Sometimes it happens that the energy of the cards and yours do not suit each other. If you feel bad after picking up the deck, it is better to abandon them. You cannot use the deck that was played.
  • The cards and you must get used to each other. To do this, you need to pick them up and shuffle them several times, as if filling them with your energy.
  • If you think that these cards have absorbed the energy of others (a store clerk, customers), hold each one over a lit candle.
  • You cannot give your deck to anyone, even temporarily.
  • To begin fortune telling, you need to take the cards in your hands and imagine that you are filled with blue-silver light. Then ask them to tell only the truth.
  • Fortune telling is best done at a table on which a red or green cloth has been laid.
  • Before using playing cards, for fortune telling to be truthful, you need to say:

    “Thirty-six sisters, godfathers and daughters-in-law, brothers and companions. Do me faithful service and unfailing friendship. Thirty-six cards, four suits, tell me the whole truth, what to expect, what to expect, what to fear, what business not to take on. I call on you all, name you and reprimand you: the word is strong and sticks to cards. Amen".

  • You can cleanse and consecrate Tarot cards, but this is a separate topic.

Timing of fortune telling

It is equally important to choose the right time for fortune telling. Here are some tips to help you do everything right.

  • It is not recommended to guess at night. It is best to do this between 7 am and 11 pm. If you do not comply with this condition, there will be unpleasant consequences.
  • The weather on this day should be sunny and clear. If there is rain and fog outside the windows, the prediction may be false.
  • The most accurate fortune telling is on Monday and Friday and the 13th of each month. You cannot schedule on Saturday and Sunday. Otherwise, you will feel bad, you will not be able to sleep, you will worry for no reason.

Diagnosis of damage using cards

There are many ways to determine damage. Diagnostics can be carried out both with tarot cards and with the help of ordinary playing cards. You can also use a simple layout that is accessible even to beginners. Diagnostics is the same fortune-telling, but not for the future, but fortune-telling for the presence of any problems of a magical nature.

Tarot cards indicating damage

You can use any layout to determine damage. But you need to be able to decipher them. Diagnosis is usually carried out using the Shadow Tarot. But you can use both a regular and tarot deck. They indicate that there is damage:

  • moon (especially if the card is upside down);
  • priestess;
  • priest;
  • devil (very strong damage);
  • hermit (old damage);
  • force;
  • hanged;
  • death;
  • tower.

These are the meanings of the Major Arcana. Very often, diagnostics are carried out only with their help. If we take the Minor Arcana, then they say about her:

  • all swords;
  • Five of Wands;
  • nine of wands;
  • ten of wands;
  • nine of cups.

After the layout has been made, clarification is sometimes required. Just pull out an extra card and you can learn a lot of interesting things. If clarification is required, then it could not be damage, but a slight evil eye.

Name of cards Damage Name of cards Damage
Ace of Wands There is a negative 8 of Swords Ritual using volt
Ace of Swords Funeral service in the church 8 of Pentacles Need clarification
Ace of Pentacles Damage to taking away luck and money 9 of Wands Clarification
2 of Wands Damage to love 9 Cups Ancestral curse
2 Cups For love, for wedding 9 of Swords They buried you alive
2 of Swords Curse (possible) 9 of Pentacles Need clarification
2 of Pentacles Sexual impotence, absence of children 10 of Wands There is negativity
3 of Wands Love spell 10 Cups This damage was done at a wedding
3 Cups For love 10 of Swords Talks about a love spell
3 of Swords If it falls on the Moon, damage to the cemetery 10 of Pentacles Presence of damage
3 of Pentacles To remove luck Page of Wands love spell
4 of Wands Blank card Page of Cups Need to clarify
4 Cups Bewitched Page of Swords You were influenced by a sorcerer
4 of Swords There is negativity Page of Pentacles Ritual using volts
4 of Pentacles The crown of celibacy was made Knight of Wands Need to clarify
5 of Wands We need to clarify again Knight of Cups Need to clarify
5 Cups Vampirism Knight of Swords No impact, but the study of a person by someone
5 of Swords Bewitched Knight of Pentacles Blood ritual
5 of Pentacles There was an impact Queen of Wands The magic of plants was used
6 of Wands Related to love, needs clarification Queen of Cups You have suffered household damage
6 Cups Damage Queen of Swords Talks about a love spell
6 of Swords Need clarification Queen of Pentacles The curse touched the house, apartment
6 of Pentacles They wanted to take something away King of Cups For alcoholism and drug addiction
7 of Wands Need clarification King of Swords There was an energetic impact
7 Cups Need clarification King of Pentacles Clarification
7 of Swords Need clarification King of Wands Love spell
7 of Pentacles Personality stops growing
8 of Wands A love spell was cast
8 Cups Ceremony with a candle

Tarot spreads

Beginners who pick up tarot cards for the first time should not complicate their lives by using the layout. You just need to ask the question: “Is there damage?” and pull out a card from the 22 Major Arcana set aside separately. If it is present, then the cards described above will come out. Then you can ask something else:

“Is such and such a woman casting a spell on me?”

“Was a love spell cast?”

If a card comes out again indicating damage, the answer to your question is positive; if not, negative. You can ask no more than 3 questions a day, otherwise the tarot cards will stop telling the truth.

Aura diagnostics

This tarot spread is one of the simplest. The cards are placed in the following sequence:

The first indicates the presence or absence of damage. If there is a negative Arcana, then it is there. This also confirms the presence of the Major Arcana or Aces. The presence of negativity is evidenced by Arcana 18, 16, 13, 9. If Lovers fell out, then a love spell was cast.

The second will show whether there is an evil eye. If this is the Major Arcana or 9 Swords, 10 Wands, then there is an evil eye. If the layout showed that there is damage (according to the first card), then you can find out where it came from.

The third will tell you about other people’s attitude towards you. Sometimes it is the negative thoughts of others that can cause harm. The fourth is about what a person thinks about himself.

Before doing this tarot reading, you need to choose the querent's significator (S), i.e., the card that represents this person. It is advisable to put your photo above it (or the person for whom the layout is being made).

The schedule itself looks like this:

Explanation of the layout:

1,2, 3 will tell you whether there is damage. 10 – who did the damage.

4,5, 6 will tell you if there is an evil eye. 11 – who jinxed.

7,8,9 will reveal whether a love spell was made. 12 will tell about the one who bewitched.

Detecting damage using playing cards

To use tarot cards, you need to have certain knowledge and good intuition. Even if you know the meaning of the cards and how to make the layout, fortune telling may seem too difficult. Then the diagnosis of damage should be carried out using ordinary playing cards.

Fortune telling by chakras

This alignment is a good way to determine whether there is damage to you and what exactly it is aimed at. To understand this, diagnostics are needed. You need to close the door, turn off the phone. Then you need to light a candle and start moving the cards with your fingers, trying to make contact with them.

You need to take the first 15 playing cards and put them aside. When the preparation is completed, you can make the layout: top to bottom, 3 cards, 7 rows. These seven rows represent the 7 chakras of a person. If they contain cards such as Queen of Spades, King of Spades, Ace of Spades or 7 of Spades (especially several at the same time), then there is damage, and precisely in the area for which this chakra is responsible.

If they fall out together, then there is damage. If they are simply spread out according to the layout, there is only negativity. You should also pay attention to the Jack of Spades. If it is in the scenario, the damage is trivial, but if it is not, then it is serious, fatal.

Layout diagram:

7 chakra 1——2——3 no protection from Higher powers, no connection with the Guardian Angel

6th chakra 4——5——6 problems associated with thinking (from depression to madness)

5 chakra 7——8——9 luck and fortune

4 chakra 10 —11—-12 marriage, relationships with relatives, loneliness

3rd chakra 13—-14—-15 money, work, success - everything related to money

2 chakra 16—-17—-18 personal life, intimate life

1 chakra 19 —20—-21 health, physical body

Definition of Negativity

You need to take 36 playing cards and make a simple layout: three cards each: past, present, future. The last one is the result. Then you need to analyze this alignment. If it contains the ace of spades and the nine of spades, then the damage is definitely present, but light. If the 7th peak appears, then it is serious. The Queen of Spades in the same scenario indicates a fatal curse.

If next to the combination of Ace of Spades and 9 of Spades you see 9 or 10 hearts (7.8 hearts), then you have been bewitched or are trying to bewitched. If there are a lot of diamonds next to them, then they have spoiled your money and tried to take away your luck; if there are clubs, someone is trying to zombify you. If they fall in the future, then the alignment warns you of future problems. If they or the queen of spades are the final card, then the damage is very strong.

Damage is a powerful verbal hypnotic message with a wish for harm to a specific person or group of people. A purposeful impact performed by a professional, according to a certain ritual. A negative impact on a person’s biofield. An unconscious energy essence programmed for a specific task. Damage usually has a program of causing damage to the health or physical destruction of the victim, as well as blocking communication functions between higher bodies, which destroys personal life and/or official affairs.

Damage in the house

  • if you find suspicious objects near the door, in the house or in the yard (earth, water, blood, sand, feathers, needles, dead animals or birds);
  • find wheat, corn, tied or stuck together feathers, threads, sharp objects in feather beds or pillows;
  • one or more photographs have been pierced with a needle;
  • find someone else's scissors or knives;
  • a feeling of fear in the family, constant illnesses and scandals;
  • incurable alcoholism;
  • Blessed salt heated in a frying pan crackles and darkens;
  • an unburnt candle, taken from church on Friday, smokes when going around the house;
  • dogs bark and cats try to leave the house;
  • incomprehensible or, on the contrary, very clear drawings appearing on the walls;
  • guests don't like to come.

Signs of damage in humans:

  • if a woman has pigment spots on her face and the tests are good;
  • if a woman cannot get pregnant, but from a medical point of view everything is in order;
  • if a young strong woman does not have menstruation, constant delays or very scanty discharge;
  • if a person quickly loses weight (dries out) or gets fat for no reason;
  • if a girl dates guys but can’t get married;
  • if doctors make different diagnoses, but there are no treatment results;
  • if you don't like looking in the mirror;
  • if one pupil is larger than the other or the pupils run around;
  • if things get bad in church;
  • if the pectoral cross is lost or there is a constant desire to remove it;
  • if there is a long-term loss of strength, there is no desire to move, work or live in general;
  • “black streak” in life;
  • if there are a lot of cockroaches or ants in the house, but the neighbors do not;
  • if during rest or sleep the unclean come;
  • if you don't like pets.

How to find out who caused damage using wax.
To do this, you will need:
A bowl of water, better if it is spring water, at least not chlorinated. The point here is to use natural materials.
Wax. Wax is a must; paraffin should never be used.
Melt the wax in a water bath. Pour into a bowl of water with the words: “I pour out the wax, I pour out the enemy.” You can repeat this several times.
If you see such figures as: flower, moon, month, then this is the work of a woman. And if the figures look like: a bear, a raven, a wolf, a square rhombus, then this is the work of a man. Often, a specific image emerges of the person who caused the damage.
It is also worth saying that there is a method of removing damage using wax casting, it is also similar to this method, but looks a little different. This method is designed specifically to find out who created the negative program.

How to find out who caused damage by calling him to a nail from the cemetery
To implement this method, you need a nail from the cemetery. This could be either a nail found in a cemetery or a nail that was used to hammer the lid of a coffin. Remember to take precautions; do not pick up such a nail with your bare hands.
Next, drive this nail into the threshold, with the words: “Let my enemy come in 3 days, and if he doesn’t come, he will die in six months. Cemetery, coffin, nail, an invited guest is waiting for you.” Soon your enemy will come to you himself. Usually the person who comes is not himself, all nervous and tired. In general, you will immediately understand that this is the right person.

How to remove damage from yourself.

Method 1. At 12 o'clock at night, go to the place where there is spring water. Place your underwear, turned inside out, next to the water, fill your palms full of water three times and wash your face, only from your chin to your forehead.

Throw the last drops of water that remain in your palms into the water and say: “As the last drops of water go away, so will the last drops of my tears go away.”

After this, turn your back to the water, take a little water into your right palm and throw it away over your left shoulder, while saying the words:

"As water flies quickly, so does evil corruption fly away quickly. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen."

Underwear must be worn for 3 days without taking it off.

Method 2. At 12 o'clock at night, you need to put the frying pan on the fire, throw three handfuls of salt onto it with your left hand, and watch how the salt cooks over high heat for 20 minutes.

Say: “There are 77 of you, I will feed you, I will give you something to drink, show, tell, by whom, for what and when was evil done to the servant of God (name), not by beast, not by fish, not by bird, but by man, show, tell, in what way? "

If the salt crackles a lot and turns black (sometimes you can hear a groan), go outside, count 21 stars to your right and say: “Give back the queen stars, return the evil that they brought to me, not as a fish, not as a bird, but as a person. Give it back to him.” , I forgive him."

After this, do not take anything from the house for 24 hours, do not lend anything.

Method 3.

Drink three sips of water, wash the rest. Immediately put aside the coin (for alms). Continue treatment like this for 40 days.

Then order 3 prayers in the church: the healer Panteleimon, the martyr Tryphon and the silverless Kuzma and Demyan, distribute 40 coins in the church to the poor for health.

4. Removing cemetery damage. If you know that damage has been cast on you with the help of cemetery land. Order three masses in a row for health at church. If it is a man, then on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, if it is a woman, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. On the fourth day, give alms in 40 different places. And when you arrive at the cemetery, standing at the gate, read the spell three times:

Just as it is true that Christ is stronger than the forces of hell, so it is true that I delivered the slave (name) from these forces, the slave (name) from these forces. In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

You can take back all the evil they caused you. Take a glass of boiled water. Insist on the new moon.

First, read the Lord's Prayer.

Then say the words: “I will burn out the eyes of an evil man (light a match and throw it into the water. I will fill the eyes of an evil man with salt (throw salt into the water), I will cut an evil man with a knife (cut in the water with a knife), I will mix all the evil and return it to him. Throw out the glass with water to the street.

Method 5. Before reading the plot, place the corrupted person on a chair facing east. Cross the back of his head with a church candle and first read the prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos “The Unbreakable Wall”, and only then the conspiracy. You can draw on the candle with a new needle - “from spoilage.”

Prayer "Unbreakable Wall"

“My Queen, the Most Blessed, My Hope, Mother of God, Friend of the orphaned and strange, Representative of the Sorrowful, Joyful, Offended, Patroness! See my misfortune, see my sorrow. Help me, as I am weak, feed me, as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it, as if you will: for we have no other help, except You, no other intercessor, no good comforter, only You. O Mother of God, may you preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen."

"In the name of God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Blessed be day and night, every hour and now, and my word and my work for success. I will go with the cross, crossing myself and praying, bowing to the Lord God, water, earth and to all four corners of the white light. I will remove the evil spirits with the help of the Savior, John the Baptist, Gabriel the Evangelist, Michael and Gabriel the Archangels, Elijah the Prophet, Mary Magdalene and all the saints. I remove lessons, winners, damage: from spinal bone, violent head, neck part, from quick legs, arms, eyes, mouth, tongue, from a zealous heart, from all veins and veins, from skin and flesh, joints and subjoints, from hot blood, from desire, vision , from talking and singing, from the ear and hearing, from thoughts and thoughts, how to sit and how to eat. So that no one can drink this blood, cloud the mind. Just as you cannot count the frequent stars in the sky, just as you cannot harness the month, just as you cannot hold a red the sun, just as it is impossible to put it in your bosom, just as it is impossible from now on and forever and ever to spoil, feed, drink, harm God’s servant (name) with words and deeds. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

6. A talisman against damage to the family. They read once in the morning and once in the evening, standing at the family icon “Hope, Faith and Love”: “In the sea, in the ocean there is a white fish - a carcass. Just as that fish is sick without water on a dry shore, so let my enemy be sick. So that my family will be strong, strong, intact. Whoever eats that white fish will not sleep for an hour, will not live a day. In the name of God Christ, no one will break my family. Just as the scales adhere to a fish from head to tail, so is my family "Be strong and whole. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

7. From damage to destruction. " King Solomon, the world knows your sermons. They read about you in the Gospel. They honor you for your mercy and wisdom. Remember God's servant (name) for good health and a long, good life. And whoever destroys the servant of God (name), King Solomon will remember him for his repose. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

8. Conspiracy against damage. In calm weather, go outside, raise your eyes to the stars and say:

“My mother, evening dawn, look from the sky for that enemy who ruined me (name), who spoiled my bright soul. I bow to you, evening star. And how you are always pure and bright, so that I too will always be pure and bright, and my damage has come upon my enemy. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

9. Conspiracy against damage. Reading to the first stars in the sky in calm, cloudless weather

“My mother, evening star, look out from the heavens of my enemy. Take away the damage from me, but they found it on the enemy. Amen.”

10. How to reduce damage through a round mirror. On a full moon, light three candles, take a boiled egg in your right hand, sit in front of a round mirror and say three times:

I look in the mirror at my images, from eye to eye, from face to face, from the mirror to the egg. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Then, slowly, gently roll this egg around yourself. Be sure to burn the egg at night; your damage will burn with it.

11. Family protection from damage. This plot must be read on the day when all household members are at home and no one from the family is absent. The plot is read by the youngest in the family (who can already read well).

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Michael the Archangel walked from heaven, carrying the Life-giving Cross on his head, placed this Cross on a stone bridge. This Cross has stood for centuries, the Cross is fenced with iron bayonets, the Cross is closed with thirty-three locks. No one will open these locks , no one will spoil our family either in the morning, or during the day, or at the dawn of the evening, or on the silver moon, and you, damn Satan, get away from me, from my blood people, from adults and children. Damn, Satan, this is no place for you, here is a holy path in a holy, clean place, fenced by the Holy Spirit himself for now and forever. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

12. Prayer from evil and corruption. " Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, protect us with Your holy angels and the prayers of our Most Pure Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary, by the power of the Honest and Life-Giving Cross of the Holy, the glorious Archangel of God Michael and other ethereal heavenly powers, the Holy Prophet and of the Lord, Baptist John the Theologian, Hieromartyr Cyprian and Martyr Justina, St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, Wonderworker, St. Nikita of Novgorod, St. Sergei and Nikon, Abbots of Radonezh, St. Seraphim of Sarov, Wonderworker, Holy Martyrs of Faith , Hope, Love and their mother Sophia, the holy and righteous Fathers of God Joachim and Anna and all Your saints. Help us, unworthy (names), deliver us from all enemy slander, from all evil, witchcraft, sorcery, sorcery and crafty people, so that they may not be able to harm us. Lord, with the light of Your radiance, save us in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and in the coming sleep, and by the power of Your grace, turn away and remove all evil, unclean actions at the instigation of the devil. Whoever thought and did, return their evil back to the underworld. For Thine is the Kingdom and the power and the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen." And then read this:“For the first time, in an honest, holy hour, God’s water flowed from the lynchpin through the city of Jerusalem from the sorcerer, from the heretic, from the witch, from the heretic, from scientists and initiates, from those blessed by the church, baptized in the silver font, ran and tired, stood before the Throne of God ". From the Throne to the royal gates an Angel walked. He cuts out damage with a fiery sword, he protects me, God's servant (name), Mother of God, come and help, free me from evil and damage, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen. And who goes against God's word, he will find his own destruction. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen."

13. How to return damage to the one who created it.

To remove the damage from yourself and return it to the person who did it to you, you need to do this. Go to the forest on the thirteenth of any month and there you will find a lonely dry aspen. Break branches from it and fold these branches into a cross.

Laying the branches crosswise, set them on fire on four sides. When the fire flares up and smoke comes out, look at it and say:

"I, God's servant (name), will stand up, shake myself, and turn to the gray smoke:

- Be you, smoke, at least a matchmaker, at least a brother, at least a father. Wrap me, smoke, in your smoky ring. Take, smoke, all witchcraft is white from my body. Go, smoke, and find the one who is responsible for my grief. Throw off the smoke, put my dryness on him, dress him in my pendulum. Put my damage and destruction in the belly of the culprit. Word, go into word, deed, go into deed, so that nothing hurts in me for centuries. Dym Dymovich, Veter Vetrovich, take the damage from me and take it to the culprit. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen."

14. Amulet: it is also done once a year (best of all - on the day of the Angel). Read it while holding a lit new church candle. I speak to the slave (name) From all the sorcerers, witches, From the sorceresses and witches, from the raven-karkun, From the hermit and the hermit, From the old man and from the old woman. I send everyone from the slave (name) to walk through the forest, take the tolnik from the ground. To confuse your head. As long as the slave (name) is alive, do not spoil her, do not bewitch her, do not make her drunk, do not spoil her. Not in word, not in deed, not in spruce, not in aspen, not with a stake, not with a candle, not on Bathing Night, not on Christmastide, not on a single day that was given for damage. Word and deed. Amen.

15. Amulet for Maslenitsa eve. If you were exaggeratedly praised or envied, or maybe they said something bad, and you are a suspicious person, read this amulet on the eve of Maslenitsa. It will protect you from possible negativity for the whole year. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Theotokos Lady and you, the four evangelists: Luke, Mark, Matthew and John the Theologian. Save and preserve me (name), protect me from dashing thoughts. From the devil's thoughts, From secret destruction, From the evil eye and the blind eye, From the envious eye, Who hears and who does not hear, Who curses out loud and who writes denunciations, The Alatyr stone lies in one place, Does not hear, does not see, not a knock , not a sound, not afraid, not hiding from anyone. So no sound would touch me, no knock or word would touch me. I didn’t stumble over any damage. My words cannot be denied, they cannot be reprimanded. Neither the first in the family, nor the last. Key. Lock. Language. Amen.

17. Protection from fear. There are people who are constantly, or at least often, in fear that they may be jinxed or spoiled. It must be said that partly because of this fear they are actually susceptible to such negative phenomena. If you belong to this category, then when going to a crowded place, especially if your ill-wishers are there, talk about the water and then wash your face with it. God is in heaven, God is on earth, God is everywhere, And my amulet is on me, God’s servant (name). Just as living people do not gnaw a dead bone, so no one’s evil eyes will take me. My words are the key. The key is in the sea, the lock is locked. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

18 . This protective rite is powerful and is performed only a few times a year: January 7, on your birthday or Angel’s Day, on the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary and on Trinity Sunday. You need to prepare the following in advance: holy water, 7 church candles, an icon of Jesus Christ, an icon of the Vladimir Mother of God, Thursday salt, 2 mirrors and matches. Arrange these items on the table like this: mirrors on the left and right, so that both have your reflection and so that they themselves are reflected in each other. Between the mirrors are both icons. There are 4 candles in front of them, and 3 more candles closer to you. On the edge of the table on the right is a vessel with holy water. Around the table and chair on which you will then sit, protection is made in a circle (clockwise), first with holy water, and inside with Thursday salt. Then sit on a chair and read the plot. The candles should burn out completely, the water on the body should dry out on its own. Keep a fast for three days after the ceremony, and the next day after it, visit the church, where you buy 12 candles. Place them in groups of 3 next to the icons of Jesus Christ, the Holy Trinity, the Mother of God, and Panteleimon. Spell: The mirror is dark, the heart is black, Lord, help, sanctify the soul. I light a candle (light all the candles) And in prayer I ask: put it on me. To the Servant of God (name), the Prince of Darkness, the seal of Hell. Repel the fire of Christ, that black seal that evil people have placed on me, the Servant of God (name). Protect, Jesus, with unbearable protection, Lord Jesus Christ, Mother Most Holy Theotokos, I bow three times: for the first time (cross yourself) Do not turn away from me, servant of God (name), For sins, voluntary and involuntary. Amen. For the second time (cross yourself) Grant salvation to my soul, Lord. Amen. For the third time (cross yourself) For the glory of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Protect the servant of God (name) with an unwearable Cover, with an indestructible Protection. Amen Time after time, cross after cross. Close me, Lord, with your finger. I put three crosses with holy water (draw a water cross over the body with water, as one is baptized), In the name of the Lord I close myself with a cross (another similar cross), In the name of Jesus Christ I close myself with a cross (draw a third cross). In the name of the Holy Spirit I close myself with the cross. Amen, (cross, bow).

19. Amulet for daughter It is also read by the mother on the day of the Angel, early in the morning, while she is still sleeping, while she must stand on her feet. O Mother of Christ, O Guardian Angel, you are the intercessors of my daughter. Servants of God (name). The servant of God is like lightning, It cannot be spoiled by an enemy or a sorceress, Nor by an evil enchantress. Protect the servant of God (name) in all matters, in all ways, in the sun and at night. God bless my daughter. I put three crosses: Jesus Christ in front, the Most Holy Theotokos behind, Guardian Angel above my head. Keep your daughter safe.

20. How to remove found (picked) damage. You need to go to a spring or any other place where there is clean water. Given the modern contamination of nature, this can sometimes be difficult, but in your case it is a necessity. As a last resort, go to a neighboring region. Having found a spring, you need to undress naked in front of it (choose a deserted place, not a pilgrimage center) and kneeling in front of the spring, read the spell forty times: “Oh, you, mother water! As you are holy and pure, as you are bright and quick, so wash me, deliver me from all the sorrows and burdens of earth, from corruption, mischief, bending, hysteria, protect me from the crooked sorcerer and from the sorceress. I pray to you, mother water, cleanse my body and my long-suffering soul. My bird heard all the words, heard everything, but understood nothing. So my words are strong forever and ever. Amen". Afterwards, fill the bucket you brought with you in advance and splash yourself with cold spring water. Afterwards, bow three times, get dressed, and leave without drying yourself. Never tell anyone about this. In general, this “no chatting” rule should be applicable to all rituals and will not be repeated again.

Dry the flowers with which you celebrated mass and vespers for Trinity. Place one flower on a dish and pour in holy water (1 glass).
With a lit candle, say the prayers “Our Father”, “Creed”, “Living in Help” (2 times each).
Drink three sips of water, wash the rest.
Immediately put aside the coin (for alms).
Continue treatment like this for 40 days.
Then order 3 prayers in the church: the healer Panteleimon, the martyr Tryphon and the silverless Kuzma and Demyan, distribute 40 coins in the church to the poor for health.

The ritual of removing severe damage, which cannot be gotten rid of by other means, is performed on Trinity (a holiday celebrated fifty days after Easter) and only by the sick person.

Collect a large bouquet containing at least forty different flowers. For example, chamomile, cornflower and other wildflowers. You can also pick garden ones. Go to church with this bouquet for Trinity; you must attend the morning and evening services with it. Then you should begin the ritual, which will last exactly forty days. To do this, take one flower from the bouquet every day (don’t worry when they dry out), put it in a glass and pour holy water on top. When the water flows into the glass, dip your finger in it and wet the top of your head with it three times. Drink the rest of the water. Each time after the end of the ceremony (for all forty days), place a coin in a specially prepared box. You should have forty coins in total.
After forty days, go to church again, order yourself a service for health and listen to the entire prayer service. (They also order and listen to a prayer service on the second and third days.) Then light candles in the church for St. Panteleimon, St. Tryphon, the unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian, and distribute forty coins to the poor.
After removing the damage, drink tea from mint, tricolor violet and fireweed (of course, if you have no contraindications to taking decoctions from these plants). You can add sage, valerian, motherwort, and St. John's wort to tea.
Seven days after the damage is removed, the ritual of returning the Guardian Angel is performed.
For this house you need to read the morning prayer to the Guardian Angel:
Holy Angel, standing before my accursed soul and my passionate life, do not leave me, a sinner, nor depart from me for my intemperance. Do not give room to the evil demon to possess me through the violence of this mortal body; strengthen my poor and thin hand and guide me on the path of salvation. To her, holy Angel of God, guardian and patron of my accursed soul and body, forgive me everything, I have offended you so greatly all the days of my life, and if I sinned this past night, cover me this day and save me from every opposite temptation, Let me not anger God in any sin, and pray for me to the Lord, that He may strengthen me in His passion, and show me worthy as a servant of His goodness. Amen.
After that, go to the church, where you buy two candles. The first candle is placed at the icon of the Mother of God, the second at the icon of Jesus Christ (but not on the eve - be careful!). Candles for the repose are placed on the eve (rectangular candlestick), but you need an oval-shaped candlestick.
Then order yourself a prayer for health.

22. Damage to a lonely beast
They talk about dog food (but not artificial food). Without approaching the stray dog, they feed it scraps from their table. This is done nine times. If it was done on a woman so that she would run away from home, then the food is given to a female dog, if on a man, then it is given to a male dog.
They say this: Remember the dog’s soul of the slave (name). Amen.

23. Diagnosis of negativity

To test, you will need a glass of spring water, a wax candle and a new box of matches. Throw a pinch of salt into a glass of water, saying (the breath touches the water): “Salt and water mix, damage, evil eye, curse, human harm is reflected in matches! Let it be so!" - 5 or 7 times. Take a glass and place it on the head of the person you are diagnosing; if you are testing yourself, you will have to ask someone for help. If necessary, the patient holds the glass (or there should be an assistant). Turn off your thoughts, clear your mind. Ask the question mentally or out loud: “Is there any negativity about this person?” Then light matches from a candle, draw them along the border of the person’s etheric body (at a distance of 3-7 cm from the body) and throw them into the water. You should move the match crosswise three times:
1 match - above the head;
2 matches - behind the back;
3 match - to the left of the patient;
4 match - to the right of the patient;
5 match - in front of the patient.
Carefully remove the glass and place it on the table. Wait about 1-2 minutes and interpret the results. Diagnostic results:
1. If a match goes out at the moment of baptism: above the head - punishment from a Higher Power or the evil eye; behind your back is a negative from the past (past life, ancestral damage, etc.); in front - the negative was sent to the face (during a scandal, during a personal meeting, cursed in the eyes, etc.); on the right - negativity is associated with relatives (family damage or one of the relatives cursed) or with loved ones (close, friend spoiled); on the left - a negative from an unknown person (custom damage thrown into the wind, perhaps they picked up a damaged object, entered the water with a negative, etc.).
2. If the match sinks to the bottom: a severe form of negativity may lead to serious illness, or even death. Contact a specialist!
3. If the match has sunk, but its edge is at the top of the water or just below the surface: similar to the previous one, but your strong energy does not allow negativity to overcome you. Remove negativity, fill yourself with energy.
4. The matches spread under the walls of the glass: vampiric bindings, small negative.
5. The matches were laid out in the shape of the letter “P”: damage taken from someone and passed on to you, or negativity through food. Letter “X”: negative for potency, infertility, for the closure of procreation. Letter “T”: negative for ruin, damage to business. Letter “G”: negative for anxiety, sleep disturbances and well-being, mental disorder. Letter “L”: damage to love, to a quarrel. Letter “K”: cemetery damage, binding of a dead person.
6. The matches are arranged in a cross shape: mortal damage, negative for constant illness, taking away youth and health.
7. All the matches in the pile are chaotic: there is no negativity, a vampiric binding is possible, a slight evil eye that will go away on its own. Remove the bindings, stop communicating with vampires, or create (buy from a specialist) a talisman against vampirism.
8. The matches are in a row: there is no negativity.
9. All matches are under the walls of the glass, and one in the center is the Seal of Loneliness.
10. All the matches are under the walls of the glass, and one in the center has sunk halfway: the Crown of Celibacy. After the diagnosis has been carried out, the candle is extinguished by lowering the wick into water. Water and matches are poured into a vacant lot or into the toilet. It is better to throw the candle out in a vacant lot or at an intersection, or reuse it only for diagnosing a specific person.

Determining the person who caused the damage is done by simple magical rituals. So, you can find out not only the gender of your enemy, but also his name. Don’t be surprised if the offender knocks on the door the next day after the ritual.

In the article:

Why know who did the damage?

If you have become a victim of a black witchcraft ritual, then you need to find out who is having a negative impact. This is no less important than.

  • Some want to know their offender for revenge.
  • Others - to know the enemy by sight and protect yourself from contact with him.

The second reason is the most correct. Taking revenge on a sorcerer who managed to inflict severe damage is not always logical. This may result in another magical attack from him. And if the sorcerer has good magical protection, then all your magic will be reflected from him and come back.

Therefore, the only reason to know your enemy by sight is to protect yourself in every possible way, break contact with this person and avoid the influence of this magician.

Ways to determine who cursed

You can find out who caused damage or the evil eye using four categories of rituals:

  • Rituals that allow you to see a sorcerer in a dream. In this case, you need to be able to correctly tune in to receive information through dreams.
  • Appeal to the Higher Powers. If you can correctly contact the spirits, and they agree to help, then soon the offender will give himself away, or the spirits will point to the enemy.
  • Rituals that involve the use of magical attributes and the performance of special actions with them.
  • Rituals in which the main search tool is a sample of the sorcerer’s own energy. In any case, during magical influence the magician leaves a little of his material, so his energy can be used for searching.

How to find out who caused damage in a dream

This is one of the most common and easiest methods of exposing enemies. It will make it difficult to find out the name of the enemy or general facial features. If everything is done correctly, you will be able to see the full face of your sworn enemy.

Before going to bed, relax and get rid of obsessive thoughts. Do not try to mentally guess the image of the enemy. It will be confusing. Leave all your guesses behind and concentrate on wanting to know who was trying to attack. When you can relax, say quietly:

I walk in rows, I look with my eyes.
Among the ranks of the bright ones there is Saint Samson.
In the name of God, eternal and living,
I say the holy word -
Saint Samson, show me a prophetic dream.
Let Saint Samson show me my enemy,
Through a dream, the prophetic face will show it to me.
Living and Holy Trinity, help,
Lord Jesus Christ, bless my dream,
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

After saying the text, go straight to bed. Rest assured, the image of the offender will appear at night. To avoid forgetting anything in the morning, place a notepad and pen by your bed in advance. As soon as you wake up, do not touch your head (so as not to drive away the memories of the dream) and quickly write down everything you saw.

Appeal to higher powers to identify enemies

You can find out who the enemy really is, and who could cause damage and the evil eye, using both simple and complex methods. The result of the ritual will depend on your capabilities.

Black magic will help you find your enemy

You can identify the person who caused the damage using black magic. This ritual is not very complicated, but quite dangerous. Therefore, it is not recommended for those who are new to the canons of black magic or are just beginning their journey in understanding the world of witchcraft.

To perform the ritual, go to the cemetery and find an old nail. The best thing to do is to pick it up from someone's grave. But remember, it is not advisable to touch the object with your hands. Therefore, prepare in advance a piece of black cloth in which you can wrap the find. Having picked up the nail, take it and drive it under the door at the entrance to the house. During the action, say the text:

Let my enemy come in three days,
and if he doesn’t come, he’ll die in six months.
Cemetery, coffin, nail,
I'm waiting for you, invited guest.

The person who has performed the witchcraft will very soon appear on the doorstep, since with your help you can not only call the offender to you, but also inflict damage on him. If you suspect a specific person and want him to come to you with repentance, then change the text of the spell:

(Name) If you don’t come in three days, you will die in half a year.
Cemetery, coffin, nail.
I'm waiting for you, invited guest.

Help of dark forces in capturing the sorcerer

The dark forces that the magician turns to can help catch the enemy. They can point the victim to the one who dared to send damage or the evil eye to her. Necessary:

  • large container full of boiling water;
  • 7 rusty keys.

Late in the evening, lower the prepared attribute into a container of boiling water and exclaim three times:

Whoever wants to harm the servant of God (name) should bring the devil into his house. There will be no peace for the evil man; the devil will drive him out of his chambers. Amen.

A restless enemy will already be standing outside your door from the very early morning, hoping to talk.

A candle is a magical attribute that will open the veil of secrets

Candle wax is often used in magical rituals to determine the presence of damage, the evil eye, a curse and to identify who could have such a strong influence on the fate of the victim. Fill a bowl with water and arm yourself with a wax candle. The use of candles made of other materials is unacceptable. There will be no effect from the ceremony.

A simple way to identify your enemy yourself

The prepared wax should be heated well so that it melts, then pour it into a container filled with liquid and repeat the text:

I pour wax into the water, I pour out the name of my enemy.

After all the wax has been poured out, let it cool and take a closer look at what happens.

  • Moon, flowers, trees - performed a ritual woman.
  • Wild animals, geometric shapes, birds of prey - caused damage man.

The stronger the damage caused, the more information you can get.

  • Often the wax can show letters, which will symbolize the initials of the one who tried to harm.
  • Numbers will indicate how long ago the ritual was performed.

Sometimes the figures can be quite strange, symbolizing the enemy’s profession or hobby.

How to find out who caused damage using needles and candles

With the help of this ritual, you can tell exactly who is doing the damage. You need to purchase several wax candles from the church. One of them needs to be set on fire, and the other needs to be broken. Melt the broken piece in a container over the fire of a burning candle.

Pour the hot wax into a bowl filled with liquid. Place the second candle nearby and let it burn out. Take a close look at the resulting image. In rare cases, it completely repeats the image of the sorcerer who caused the damage.

If you see an object on wax in front of you, then determine what kind it is. An individual of this sex made a negative impact. After this, take three sharp objects (you can use needles) and stick them into the image. As you insert each needle, repeat the words:

Point into the water! Water - under the canopy! Whoever wishes evil to the Servant of God (name) will come to my doorstep! Don't hesitate, show up! Show yourself to the servant of God (name)! Amen!

The used container is placed near the entrance overnight. It is best to cover it with its former material. The next morning the enemy will make itself known. He may not come to visit, but he will call or meet you on the street.

How to recognize an offender using his energy

The use of this method is reasonable only if it is possible to recognize the different energetic materials. There are many practices that allow you to work with bioenergy. Some of them are quite easy to master.

First you need to learn to accurately determine what kind of energy surrounds you. More precisely - whose. The sorcerer must feel the invasion of foreign energy into his biofield. In order to master this skill, try to learn to recognize your own energy and distinguish it from someone else’s.

It is akin to natural body odor, fingerprint, voice and appearance. All this is unique and individual. The easiest way to get to know yourself better is:

  • meditating a little every evening;
  • relaxing;
  • imagining the energy enveloping you in a dense cocoon.

Gradual visualization of the biofield will make it possible to feel it well, understand its structure, temperature, maybe even color.

When damage is caused, a magical energy strike is sent, which disrupts the structure of the natural protective cocoon. If you can imagine your protective shell and check its integrity, then, soon after the damage is done, you will discover a gap in your protection.

Any witchcraft blow is a powerful energy message (in this case, from a black magician). The pattern of alien energy in the field will differ significantly:

  • by color;
  • density;
  • sensations;
  • temperature.

Usually the affected area (organ) begins to hurt, become inflamed, and on the physical plane it is easy to feel a witchcraft blow. But if you visualize yours again, you will be able to feel the energy of the enemy at the point of impact. Tune in to it, try to grasp all its features. Now there is the main evidence to catch the ill-wisher.

You will need a stone -

In today's time, it is difficult to meet a person who has never been subjected to negative energy influence. Damage is one of such influences that damages the protective shell of a person. Whether there is damage on it, and who caused it, can be calculated using the layout on the cards.

Cards will be able to determine whether there is damage or not

Which deck to use

To determine the presence of damage, you can use any deck of cards, but a new one is best. It shouldn't be playful. Plastic decks should not be used.

The Tarot deck of cards is unique and is used in a wide variety of situations. They are also suitable for diagnosing damage to the Waite Tarot and Tarot of Shadows.

Fortune telling rules

A sharp deterioration in health, the sudden appearance of an illness indicate an adverse effect. To identify it and achieve maximum effect during fortune telling, you must adhere to some rules:

Don't guess on your day off

  1. For fortune telling, you need to choose suitable lunar days.
  2. You cannot give the deck to other people.
  3. Fortune telling for damage is best done at a table with a red or green tablecloth.
  4. Before the start of the session, you should read a special conspiracy that will make the predictions true.
  5. You must treat the deck with care and respect.
  6. It is not recommended to conduct a session on a weekend. This can have a bad effect on the well-being and health of the fortuneteller.
  7. Rain and fog outside the window will prevent you from getting a true result.

Corruption on Tarot cards

A deck of Tarot cards consists of 78 cards. Many magicians prefer to work with it than with any other magical attribute. These cards are limited by symbols and their interpretation is often ambiguous.

Therefore, Tarot fortune telling is a rather complex process and not the best tool for determining the presence of damage.

But an experienced fortune teller can easily determine with the help of Tarot the presence or absence of a curse, damage and other negative programs.

The meaning of Tarot cards and types of damage

There are several layouts that will help identify the magical effect. The following cards will show it:

  • inverted moon, tower - evil eye or household damage from a loved one;
  • death, court - damage is done to death through the cemetery;
  • magician - a young man brought misfortune;
  • high priestess - negativity comes from an elderly woman;
  • high priest - the damage was caused by an elderly man;
  • hermit - negative impact was made a long time ago;
  • devil - a person has powerful damage;
  • Pope, hanged - church damage.

If several cards from this list fall out, the probability of damage is about 90 percent.

Household damage is applied only to a depressed person

Household damage is not inherited; it is left behind by envious people and enemies. It will not harm a cheerful person, because it begins to act only in moments of despair or despondency.

Church corruption leads to serious illness and even death, so it is very dangerous. The customer will also suffer terrible punishment.

Cemetery damage is done through a cemetery or a deceased person and is very dangerous. The customer will suffer no less than the victim. You can bring a similar disaster upon yourself if you bring something from the cemetery.

If the devil appears, it means damage, from which people become addicted to drugs, gambling, and alcohol. This is a serious interference in someone else's life.

Layout "Black Raven"

A layout of 12 cards will help you find out if there is damage. "Black Raven" provides an answer not only to this question. With its help you can find out many circumstances of magical influence. Before you begin, you need to mentally ask the cards to tell the truth and help you find out the answers to your questions.

Before starting the layout, mentally ask the cards to tell only the truth

In the center of the table they place a card symbolizing the questioner, and the deck itself, from which they remove it with their left hand towards themselves.

Then 12 cards are laid out one by one around the significator, which are on top of the second pile. In accordance with their sequence, the answers to the following questions are determined:

  • how the negative impact manifests itself;
  • the presence of destruction of the human energy field;
  • visible manifestations of the disease;
  • the state of the questioner;
  • who caused the damage;
  • how the magical effect was applied;
  • what is the questioner guilty of?
  • purpose of damage;
  • degree of human damage;
  • way out;
  • a way to get rid of adversity;
  • final result.

During analysis, the meanings of inverted and non-inverted drawings must be taken into account. This alignment on the Tarot will reveal the crown of celibacy, love spell, evil eye and other dangerous magical programs.

Effective Tarot spread

Another layout will help you find out what kind of negativity is caused. The tarot is laid out in three rows. The first will be responsible for the presence of damage or the evil eye. If it contains the suit of swords or the Tower of the Major Arcana, this indicates the presence of magical influence.

The second row shows information about who caused the damage, and the third indicates the method of casting. Particular attention should be paid to the first row. The entire fortune telling depends on its correct interpretation.

Pyramid layout

For the next layout, you need to place the cards face down so that you get a pyramid.

Before the ritual it is necessary to light a church candle

Before the session, you should light a large candle purchased in the church. Two cards will be at the very top and represent the one who was affected by black magic. The first is the essence of a person with which he came into this world, the second is what he acquired during his life.

Then lay out the cards below, starting from the left. The first denotes the person's mother, the second - the father. Under the mother's card, two cards of her parents (grandparents) are placed. The same is done under the father's card.

As a result, the layout can consist of either 8 or 16 cards. It depends on how many generations it will take to diagnose in order to decipher the knots of karma in a person’s family.

After the end of the session, you need to collect all the cards and put them in a fan with the pattern facing up, having mixed them in advance. Then they take a candle and pass it around the cards seven times. This must be done counterclockwise and nine times clockwise.

Simple fortune telling

For inexperienced fortune tellers, a simple Tarot card layout is suitable.

You need to ask a question and pull out any card. Examples of questions:

  1. Is there damage on me?
  2. Was a love spell cast?
  3. Who is casting a spell on me?

During the reading, you can ask no more than three questions per day. If all the drawn cards indicate damage, then it exists.

Layout on regular cards

If fortune telling on the Tarot requires certain knowledge and good intuition, then nothing complicated will be needed for the layout on ordinary cards. You need to take a deck of 36 cards and remove three cards three times, which symbolize the past, present and future. If among them there is an ace or nine of spades, then damage is present.

The seven of spades speaks of a severe form of influence, and the queen of spades speaks of a generational curse.

If there is a nine, seven, eight or ten of hearts next to the ace or nine of spades, this means a love spell or an attempt to bewitch a person. Any heart card next to a dark combination speaks of the strong energy of a person of the opposite sex, who can cast a love spell unconsciously.

Figure cards will help you understand who the negativity is coming from. Many cards of the diamond suit speak of damage to money. At the end, they take out the final card. If it is the suit of clubs or queen of spades, very serious damage has been done.

Despite the outcome of fortune telling, you need to remember that you can get rid of any damage. To do this, you need to change your attitude towards life, directing your actions towards good goals. You shouldn’t be afraid of adversity, think about bad things and resort to the help of a card deck every time.

To find evidence of whether you have a curse or not, you can tell fortunes for yourself. The best time for fortune telling is the full moon, since in this phase of the moon the natural psychic abilities that any person possesses are maximally stimulated.

I suggest that you try several ways to test whether you have a curse, since, as stated earlier, your own fears or personal bias may cause you to draw the wrong conclusion. If you see one or more encouraging signs, it's safe to say that you either came up with a curse, or jinxed yourself, or you are simply unlucky. In this case, all negative energies that interfere with your normal life can be eliminated.

Checking for damage using palmistry

In the past, when books on palmistry were available only to a select few, an unscrupulous fortune teller would immediately act horrified upon seeing the star sign on your palm. This sign is formed by the intersection of thin lines and can be located anywhere on the palm. It sometimes resembles an asterisk, pentagram or Star of David. A star sign can really be scary, and for good reason. The star can indicate a strong concentration of energy, possible conflict situations, and even a curse. However, a star in the palm does not always have a fatal meaning or only means bad events. The star at the base of the ring finger can mean fame and fortune, but also the so-called metaphorical curse that can accompany these signs of prosperity. In addition, at some point in life, such a star can appear in the palm of almost every person, then over time, when everyday storms subside, it can completely disappear.

A star in the palm of your hand is a very important sign when looking for evidence of an existing curse. But the presence of this sign on the palm in no way indicates the presence of a curse, but its absence directly indicates that there is no curse.

Carefully examine the most important line on your hand - the line of life, which encircles your thumb in a smooth arc, to make sure that there is no asterisk, Star of David or pentagram consisting of intersecting thin lines.

Another important place on the palm where the presence of a star can indicate a curse is the mount of the Moon located below the little finger, on the side that the karateka uses to throw a punch. Both of these areas relate to the spiritual world, magick and your life energy. Stars that are located in other parts of the palm are likely to indicate normal conflict situations.

Checking the curse with a pendulum

A pendulum, or plumb line, is a small object hanging freely on a string or chain. In fortune telling, such a device can be an obvious continuation of your intuition, i.e. you clearly receive a clear answer - “yes” or “no”. You can buy a ready-made pendulum or make it yourself by hanging a ring on a string.

If you decide to use a pendulum, go to a quiet room, relax and concentrate on your problem. Tense nerves or a mind overloaded with extraneous thoughts can cause your hands to tremble and you will not get the right result. You can resort to so-called grounding. This practice will help you release excess or stagnant energy that is responsible for magic, as well as your emotional and spiritual state. When “grounding,” the excess of this energy goes into the ground without any harm to you, and healthy energy returns to your body, thanks to which you completely relax, while maintaining a clear mind.

Close your eyes and visualize a flow of stagnant energy that is making you feel tired or nervous, preventing you from fully relaxing. You can visualize this energy as a stream of water, light, smoke, and even sap flowing down a tree trunk, or shiny balls, i.e., anything that can be imagined in motion. Notice whether this energy is concentrated in a particular area of ​​your body, how it moves, fast or slow, and whether it appears dark or light to you. Allow this flow of energy to flow through your feet into the ground, and then mentally send fresh energy upward, back into your body, so that it “washes” out of you any feelings of fatigue or nervousness. Concentrate on these sensations until you feel a smooth flow of new energy flowing freely throughout your body.

When you feel ready, grasp the pendulum string with the thumb and index finger of your dominant hand (right or left). Throw the string over the rest of your fingers, slightly lifting your little finger so that the string hangs freely from it.

Wait a little until the pendulum comes to a state of complete rest, but if your hands are shaking, it will still sway a little. Ask the pendulum to show how it answers the question with a positive “yes.” Wait until the pendulum's movements become stable.

The pendulum can make oscillatory movements vertically or horizontally, make circles clockwise or counterclockwise. Thank the pendulum and wait again until it completely calms down. Then ask the pendulum to show how it gives a negative answer “no”. Wait until the movements of the pendulum become clearly defined. The nature of each pendulum is unique and its "yes" and "no" responses may correspond to different movement patterns each time, so a similar check should be carried out before each session of working with any pendulum.

And now comes the moment of truth. Ask your pendulum if you are currently under the influence of harmful magic, such as an evil eye, hex or curse, and wait for the answer. Pay attention to the first movements of the pendulum, since it is in these first moments that you will receive the correct answer to your question, and if you wait a few more minutes, the movement of the thread may change. The pendulum does not move on its own. It is a clear reflection of the work of your subconscious, so as a result you may get the wrong answer.

Determining corruption using Tarot

If you are already familiar with a tarot deck of seventy-eight cards, you will find it much easier to work with them than with other fortune-telling props. However, the symbolism of Tarot cards is somewhat limited, since there is not a single card in the deck depicting your possible enemy, or directly confirming the damage or curse placed on you. In fact, if a fortuneteller had only one chance to draw a “cursed” card from seventy-eight Tarot cards, he would not resort to these cards to obtain an accurate answer due to the ambiguity of their interpretation. Of course, interpreting the symbolism of Tarot cards is quite complex, and some cards have double meanings. But when analyzing the layout of cards, which mostly carry a negative meaning, it is easy to conclude that there are a lot of problems in a person’s life. A layout consisting entirely of negative cards, although quite rare, will indicate that the person is actually suffering from the consequences of a curse or other damage.

In particular, if the layout is dominated by cards related to suits of Swords, which indicate an obvious conflict, this may indicate that the person has been damaged.

For example, Nine of Swords may indicate that a person has lost sleep due to an attempt by an ill-wisher to damage him, or that this enemy is a participant in his dreams.

Ten of Swords may also indicate a state of fatigue and a feeling of helplessness, which is often a consequence of the effects of black magic.

Three of Swords will likely be present in the event that someone's personal life is the subject of curses.

Seven of Swords may be a card confirming the action of harmful magic, which is indicated by other signs.

If the card layout contains Fives of all stripes, this is a sign of instability and loss, which can be the target of most curses.

Pay attention to the twenty-two strongest cards in the deck - major arcana. You won't find these cards in a deck of regular playing cards. Their presence could be the basis for confirming a curse, since they symbolize powerful energies acting on a person, especially when he is at a crossroads in life. Although no card indicates exactly what curse is present, some major arcana cards, especially if they are laid upside down, can say much more than other cards. In particular, moon map associated with change and fear. High Priestess Card talks about connections with magic; Death card indicates parting, farewell, end or loss, but it is also a harbinger of new things, coming changes. Devil Card says that man himself is to blame for his curse, and Lovers card promises deep love experiences, but can also mean that your passions have gotten the better of you. All Tarot cards are worthy of attention.

Thus, there is not a single Tarot card that can directly indicate the curse on you. But if your layout contains all Fives and several cards of the major arcana, and cards of the Swords suit predominate, we can conclude that negative changes in your life may be caused by a curse.

Tarot cards are not the best tool for determining the presence or absence of a curse and, of course, are a mandatory fortune-telling prop. I suggest tarot cards because of their popularity and because you may already have experience with them so it will be easier for you to use them to determine the presence of a curse.

The meaningful symbolism of Tarot cards does not in any way detract from their merits, since they truly are a very powerful tool for predictions.
