Biorhythms online by date of birth. Calculation of biorhythms

From the day of birth, a person is in different biological rhythms: physical, emotional, intellectual, intuitive. At the moment of birth, all curves leave the zero point and change throughout life. As a rule, only three cycles are considered (physical, emotional, intellectual). However, there are opinions that there is also an intuitive cycle. The physical cycle is 23 days. It determines a person’s energy, strength, endurance, and coordination of movements. The emotional cycle is 28 days and determines the state of the nervous system and mood. The intellectual cycle (33 days) determines the creative abilities of the individual. The intuitive cycle (37 days) affects the perception of beauty, creative inspiration, unconscious impulses, i.e. actually intuition.


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biorhythm interpretation

Phase is a characteristic of the sign of the biorhythm sinusoid.

The active phase corresponds to positive values ​​of the sinusoid, the passive phase to negative ones. The specific value of the biorhythm sine wave is displayed in the “Level” column as a percentage of the maximum (+) or minimum value (-). The critical phase corresponds to days when the value of the biorhythm sine wave (level) is close to or equal to zero.

Direction - the current direction of the biorhythm change.

Rising - the sinusoid of the biorhythm is on the rise.

Recession - decline in the sinusoid of the biorhythm. Peak - the maximum value of the biorhythm sinusoid (the level is close to or equal to 100%). Yama - the minimum value of the biorhythm sinusoid (the level is close to or equal to -100%). After the peak, the decline begins, after the hole, the rise begins.

Interpretation of biorhythm phases

Any of the cycles consists of two half-cycles, positive (active) and negative (passive). Biorhythms are usually depicted as a sinusoid. The theory is silent about what the real shape of the biorhythm curve is and how it can be transformed as a result of the action of certain factors. Therefore, it is generally accepted that the active period corresponds to positive values ​​of the sine wave, and the passive period corresponds to negative values.

During the first half of the physical cycle, a person is energetic and achieves better results in his activities; in the second half of the cycle, energy gives way to laziness.

In the first half of the emotional cycle, a person is cheerful, aggressive, optimistic, overestimates his capabilities, in the second half he is irritable, easily excitable, underestimates his capabilities, pessimistic, and critically analyzes everything.

The first half of the intellectual cycle is characterized by creative activity, a person is accompanied by luck and success; in the second half there is a creative decline.

The moment the sinusoid crosses the zero mark of the biorhythm means a critical day: on this day a person is at risk of emotional, physical, intellectual or intuitive “catastrophe”. On the day when all three curves pass through zero, it is better to refrain from working on important projects.

Since only the emotional cycle reaches the “exact” zero value when calculating the sinusoids of biorhythms by day, when calculating the indicators given on the website for other biorhythms, two days are considered critical - when the sinusoid of the biorhythm (level) is closest to zero.

Interpretation of maxima and minima of biorhythms

The sinusoid of the biorhythm in the first days of the cycle increases (rise), reaches a maximum (peak), decreases (decline) down to a minimum (trough) and then increases again (rise).

It is believed that maximums (peaks) give a person the opportunity to realize and realize their abilities and talents. This is a period of hard work. On the contrary, on days when biorhythms reach minimums (holes), a person can make wrong decisions, make mistakes, and suffer all sorts of failures.

Physical maximum: the body is full of energy, work does not tire, sexual activity is high. You can play sports, go to the sauna or indulge in lovemaking.

An emotional maximum gives a feeling of fullness of life, elation, a desire to act, create, and love. Heightened senses react sharply to disharmony and alienation.

Intellectual maximum allows you to solve the most complex issues and even create something new. This time is good for making decisions, negotiating, signing contracts.

The physical minimum leads to a decrease in physical and sexual activity, fatigue, and an increased likelihood of illness. Physical activity and alcohol consumption should be reduced or eliminated.

The intuitive maximum is the best period for communicating with God. Intuition works on the verge of clairvoyance, which allows you to make the right decisions. Heaven gives inspiration to man.

An emotional minimum brings a decline in mental strength, desires, lethargy, apathy, and irritability. This is especially true for women. The worst day for creative people is when there are not enough feelings and emotions to work. This period is also unfavorable for lovers.

The intellectual minimum is characterized by a decrease in mental activity and memory deterioration. On this day it is recommended to perform simple mechanical work or rest. You should not negotiate, sign contracts, or make important decisions. New thoughts and ideas need to be written down and... forgotten.

Intuitive minimum: “separation from God.” Decisions made intuitively may turn out to be wrong. Lack of inspiration, especially for creative work.

Interpretation of combinations of peaks and pits of biorhythms

It is believed that when several minimums coincide, “dark days” occur, and when several maximums (peaks) coincide, “bright” streaks occur when everything works out. There are approximately six days in a year when the initial phases of two cycles coincide - these are difficult days. And about once a year all three cycles are at zero or very close to it - this is also a very bad day.

Three minimums. This period can be called “dark days” or “a streak of bad luck.” Nature requires rest: you need to slow down or even lie low. Important matters are not resolved at this time; at best, they are postponed until better times. It is almost impossible to start a business successfully, to catch and hold on to your chance. True, after a week or two a streak of maximums sets in and everything falls into place.

Three maximums. At this time, it is advisable to take stock of a certain period (six months or a year) or even your entire life. We objectively evaluate ourselves and the world; we best sense hidden reserves. This makes it possible to determine the future and draw up strategic plans. Over time, such tasks may seem unrealistic, but they act as a lighthouse in the troubled sea of ​​life. It is believed that three maximums are the best time to conceive high-quality offspring.

Intellectual maximum and emotional minimum. This situation is stressful for women - the personality seems to split into two: clarity of thought, a clear understanding of certain life phenomena and processes, wonderful plans cannot be realized due to lack of desire and energy.

Emotional maximum and intellectual minimum. The situation is the opposite of the previous one, critical for men. The emotional maximum pushes a person to active actions, a certain pressure in behavior, but the intellectual minimum does not allow him to objectively assess the situation and make the optimal decision, especially in new, non-standard situations.

Funny stories:
Beauty in Turkish
"If you don't understand what we're talking about, then we're talking about your money..."
(American proverb)

It's been a week since I've been vacationing in Turkey. I’m used to the measured, sultry rhythm, I know what, where and at what time I need to do and I do it, a little more and I’ll be offended that I’m far from home swimming in the sea on time, getting towels, participating in competitions, arriving for lunch on time and I don't get a penny for it...
In the mornings, after breakfast, when the whole family goes to the beach, I leave one dollar on my pillow in my room to boost the morale of the invisible Turkish cleaning lady. Not to say that this inspires her much, but after the sea, the room always greets us with fresh linens on made beds and so on every day. What more could you want...?
But today everything happened differently.
Before dawn, my son and I rushed along dangerous serpentines on an excursion to some Dolman-Hrelman, or Khrelman-Dolman, it’s not important, but the important thing is that my wife remained in the room, who, unlike us, slept well and went for a walk around town.
Towards evening, we, tired and hungry after the excursion, came to the beach to pick up our mother, and most importantly, the keys to the room.
We go into the room and don’t believe anything. Judging by the color of the suitcase, the room seems to be ours, but what is it!? Around are various little animals lovingly twisted from terry towels and napkins. There are fish here and... either a goose or a dinosaur, as if today is a national holiday - Noah's Ark Day. Our surprised beds were carefully strewn with rose petals. Flowers are placed everywhere, some living ones mixed with those cut out from napkins. Even on my laptop there is a plate of water in which floats an impudent, healthy flower - an overgrown one.
In a word, according to Turkish standards, one could die from such beauty...
The wife broke the silence:
“It seems to me that the coffin with the body of the deceased was just taken out of here, and we didn’t have time to say hello or goodbye...
Everything possible was laid out in the shape of hearts, even our shoes. Probably, if the invisible cleaning lady had more time, she would have heated the TV remote control over the fire and bent it into the shape of a heart...
A continuation of the inspection awaited us in the bathroom. The flowers in the sink were no longer surprising, but the toilet paper was so skillfully decorated with fringe that using such beauty for its intended purpose would be the height of cynicism.
Only our son was happy, but my wife and I thought... if this is a hidden camera, then it’s not clear why? We agreed that apparently the Turkish Minister of Tourism had come to our hotel for an inspection, but my wife immediately ran to the neighbors and found out that everyone was doing as usual...
Late in the evening, when we had already come to terms with the fact that inexplicable natural phenomena happen in life, my wife suddenly asked:
- It’s strange, I returned from the market this morning, I had fifty bucks left in one piece of paper and I was too lazy to open the safe to hide the money and I put it under your pillow. You didn't take...?

“...The treasure remained, it was preserved and even increased.
You could touch it with your hands, but you couldn’t take it away..."
(I. Ilf and E. Petrov)

I dedicate all of today’s inhuman beauty of our amber room to my beloved father-in-law and my wife’s sister.
It's their birthday today :)

Horoscopes for 2017

There are several options for biorhythmic programs:

- seven-year life cycles, while each cell of the human body is completely renewed in seven years, that is, after seven years, each atom of the human body is replaced by another atom. You could say that every seven years each of us turns into a completely different person. The life graph by date of birth clearly shows in which years you can move mountains, and when you need to reduce your life activity.

- medium-term cycles that take place every month. For women, a clear example is the monthly reproductive cycle.

- short-term (daily) cycles. These are cycles of digestion and sleep, requiring daily work of the nervous, hormonal and other systems distributed over time.

Why count them?

If you know the formula by which you can calculate the beginning of a cycle, its end, its minimum and maximum points, then conscious interaction with your resources will expand your capabilities:

  1. Like horoscopes, calculating biorhythms allows you to think about planning your life for the near future or longer term. All major projects in life need to be planned, and then short-term ones must be drawn up using long-term plans.
  2. The ability to decipher the meaning of biorhythms will allow you to become as focused and productive as possible on days when the biorhythmic schedule is favorable, to seize all the opportunities presented to you without fear of not being able to cope and not being on time.
  3. If the day is “at zero”, a clear awareness of this will allow you to help yourself in time: redistribute your time, leaving only urgent matters, take a walk, meditate, opening the chakras, switch to activities that charge you with energy.

When drawing up a schedule, three types of biorhythms are superimposed on the calendar: physical, emotional and intellectual. Each has its own duration (23 days, 28 and 33 days, respectively) and two phases. In the first phase, the resources of physical strength, emotionality and intelligence grow, reach a peak in the middle of the cycle, then begin to decrease and pass the lowest point of minimum resource activity.

There is a version that each resource is associated with the activity of its own part of the human hormonal system:

- physical strength is associated with the activity of the adrenal glands, adrenaline. The state of this resource needs to be monitored when planning your physical activity and sporting events. Attentive attention to physical health is especially important for people who already have diseases: in this case, the lack of stress on the body leads to faster failure. And at the same time, there is a danger of overloading yourself on days when you should rest. This is where it’s worth doing the math, but it’s easier to calculate your personal training schedule online, taking into account the phase of the cycle.

— the resource of emotional intelligence is linked to sex hormones.

But the influence of hormones is not limited to relationships with the opposite sex, family and sexual spheres, emotionality affects a person’s integration into society, it is the ability to read the reactions of other people, understand their real hierarchy and relationships, and correctly build one’s own relationships in a team and in life.

— intelligence is regulated by the thyroid gland. The resource of intelligence is the ability to think logically, to move from the level of problems to the level of generalizations, conclusions and abstract solutions; it depends on the state of neural connections in the brain. Neural chains are developed throughout life, and the processes of remembering and forgetting are associated with them. Their functioning will also be different on different days.

How to use the calculation results?

In order to create a personal biorhythm chart, just enter your date of birth online into the free service.

— the physical state in the positive phase is characterized by good sleep, appetite, clear coordination of muscles and brain, and consistently good health. In the negative phase, all reactions and metabolism slow down, and chronic diseases worsen. In peak phases, there is risk both at the high peak and at the bottom of the chart. At the peak of well-being, oddly enough, the risks are also high, because a person slightly overestimates his physical capabilities, being under the influence of increased adrenaline. There is a risk of not maintaining your balance and slipping, or getting into an accident due to dangerous driving.

— the emotional state in the growth phase means enthusiasm, pleasure, emotional involvement in the processes occurring in your life. At the peak, which lasts up to two days, a person is prone to emotional swings (spontaneous purchases, rash actions). Understanding that this is just a period and you just need to endure it can save you from stupid things (for example, calling your ex, or an extra piece of cake). In the fading phase there will be emotional detachment, isolation, possibly with elements of depression at the bottom point.

— intellectual state is assessed according to the criteria of attention, perception, thinking and memory. As the graph rises, these indicators improve, and after the peak passes, it becomes more difficult to concentrate, perception (visual, olfactory, auditory, tactile) becomes dull, thinking loses speed, memorization and recall worsen.

Biorhythm calculation services

  1. Calculator as a percentage of each parameter today with a brief interpretation of the result:
  2. A service that online calculates biorhythms for one person or for partners, there is a calculation of partner compatibility: //
  3. A graph with an additional negative scale (intuitive and more visual than a scale from zero up): There is also a calculation of critical days for the year ahead.

A conscious attitude towards your life, planning, helping your body, mind and taking into account your emotional needs is the only way to be a truly happy person. The biorhythm chart is a good helper in this matter.

If you conduct long-term observations of the state of your body and emotions, you will certainly be able to identify little-explained decreases and increases in performance, sensuality, and mental decisions. Some may chalk this up to changes in the current weather. Someone - to changes in the geomagnetic field. However, you have probably heard more than once about the biorhythms of the human body. The cyclicity of biorhythms is observed not simultaneously in all areas of the body’s vital activity, but separately. To calculate the biorhythm calendar schedule, we present the following tool:

We bring to your attention a unique service, which will certainly interest all those who want to create beautiful calendar from your own photographs or collages. Follow just four simple steps where you select a calendar template, calendar grid, background and photo.

Surprise your family, loved ones, friends or work colleagues by giving them a wonderful photo calendar by printing it on a color printer. The size of the resulting calendar allows you to place it on paper A4 or A3. The template gallery is periodically updated, which makes it possible to create an entire photo album designed in the style of beautiful stylish calendars.

Phases of the human body biorhythm calendar

Physical biorhythm

The interpretation of this indicator should be of interest to those who focus on physical activity in any form - both professionally (for example, a bricklayer, massage therapist, welder, dancer, coach, etc.), and, for example, in sports. These people feel the cyclicality of the physical biorhythm most of all. It can be assumed that at the highest point a person feels full of strength, active, resilient, activity does not require excessive energy expenditure, everything works out by itself. You can get good results in sports or training.

Synchronize important sporting events or hard physical work with the highest point of your biorhythm - and you will achieve great results.

Emotional biorhythm

This cycle affects the perception of our feelings and experiences, internal and external sensations, intuition and creativity. This biorhythm is very important for those individuals whose professions involve communication. During the period of recovery, a person feels more dynamic, inclined to perceive only the most positive aspects in life, i.e. he turns into a typical optimist. Being in contact with other members of society and the team, he achieves the highest results, and is also able to do a lot of useful things for the common good.

Do you want to confess to your loved one, but still can’t muster the courage? - Take action! The peak of this rhythm is the best moment... but remember, of course, to check it with your partner's rhythm.

Intellectual biorhythm

First of all, this rhythm affects a person’s ability to work according to an established plan, using all his mental abilities and skills. This concerns logic, learning ability, intelligence, the ability to predict a particular event (professional intuition). School teachers, university professors, politicians, professors and journalists are very aware of the “pendulum” of the intellectual biorhythm. One can very easily imagine what an important effect this cycle has at the highest stage: strengthening of any intellectual and creative activity, excellent “digestion” of educational content and any other information presented. A person is able to fully concentrate on solving a specific task.

For example, if you attend advanced training classes or have exams, then during the rise phase of the intellectual biorhythm these activities will bring much more benefit and the results will be higher than during the decline phase.

We all experience the effects of cycles associated with the movement of planets, although we treat this as something quite ordinary. However, paying attention to our individual biorhythms can have a beneficial effect on our health, make our lives much easier and make our actions more effective.

The Japanese, for example, are big fans of the theory of biorhythms, and in Japanese plants and factories each employee has tables of his biorhythms. On critical days, they wear armbands warning of their temporary increased vulnerability, and until the end of the unfavorable period they are not allowed to work associated with increased risk.

Now you can use special programs to create an individual biorhythm chart, but if you don’t have such a program at hand and want to create a personal schedule, I’ll tell you how to do it the old fashioned way, using arithmetic.
How to calculate your position in a loop

To calculate your biorhythms, you need to carry out certain calculations. First of all, you need to establish your “base number” for today, the very starting point on the basis of which all further calculations are carried out.

1. Multiply your age by 365

Example: 56 x 365 = 20440

2. Look at the table below and count the number of leap years that have passed since the year you were born. Add this number to the resulting product.


Example: year of birth 1956; 14 leap years passed between 1956 and 2013.
20440 + 14 = 20454

3. Calculate the number of days that have passed from your last birthday to the day of calculation (including both the start and end days).

My birthday is September 17th, and today is February 6th. This means I need to add up 16 days of September, 31 days of October, 30 days of November, 31 days of December, 31 days of January and 6 days of February.
16 + 31 + 30 + 31 + 31 + 6 = 145

4. Add this amount to the number obtained in step 2 - this will be your base number.

Example: 20454 + 145 = 20599

5. Now divide this same number by 23 to obtain the physical biorhythm number. Remainder means the day number for your physical cycle. This is what you will plot on the graph.
Then divide the base number by 28, and the resulting value will become the number of your emotional biorhythm. The remainder will indicate the serial number of the day of the emotional cycle.
Dividing the base number by 33, you will get your intellectual biorhythm number, and the remainder, as you might guess, will indicate what day of your intellectual cycle it is.

20599: 23 = 895 (remainder 14) – i.e. Now I am on the 895th cycle, but this information in this case is not important to us, the main thing for us is the remainder, which means that today is the 14th day of my physical cycle. I will explain what this means below.
20599: 28 = 735 (remainder 19) – i.e. today is day 19 of my emotional cycle
20599: 33 = 624 (remainder 7) – i.e. Today is day 7 of my intellectual cycle.
Cycle graphs

If these calculations seemed too complicated to you, then I can reassure you that you need to do them only once to find the beginning of a given cycle, and then just count a certain number of days for each cycle: 23 for physical, 28 for emotional and 33 – for intellectual.

On the graphs, today is marked with a red dot, and knowing what it is in each cycle, I easily calculated the beginning and end of each cycle.



I already foresee the question: “What do these stupid graphs actually mean, what’s the point?” - I'll explain now.
Cycle phases

The physical cycle lasts 23 days. The first half of the cycle - positive - lasts 11.5 days; on the chart this is the area above the horizontal line and is marked with a + sign. At this time, especially in the first 6 days, when the curve on the graph goes up, we experience a surge of energy, are in optimal physical condition, can withstand stress perfectly, have an increased ability to work, and are least susceptible to diseases.

Finding ourselves in a negative phase (in the graph, the area below the horizontal line is marked with a - sign), we seem to restore energy, “charge the batteries.” During this period, on the contrary, we experience physical weakness, are less active, get tired easily, and are more susceptible to illness. The negative phase should not be perceived as something obviously bad. It’s just a period of increased passivity, respite, and gain of strength.

Another thing is the so-called “critical days” - the 1st and 12th, when we move from the negative to the positive phase and vice versa (on the graph - when the curve crosses the horizontal line, denoted C). Our biorhythm on such days is unstable, and increased caution is required.

The emotional cycle lasts 28 days: 14 in the positive and 14 in the negative phase. This cycle is most under our control because it is built on a two-week basis, starting from the day we are born. If you were born, for example, on Thursday, then every second Thursday until the very end of your life will be your critical point emotionally.
The positive two-week phase of each emotional cycle is marked by a positive outlook on the world. We are sociable, friendly, ready for cooperation and creative activity.

If you find yourself in a negative phase, you should be alert. Recharging our emotional batteries can lead to outbursts of bad mood and uncooperative behavior.

The intellectual cycle lasts 33 days, and both the positive and negative phases consist of 16.5 days. Being in the positive phase, we gain acute perception, tenacity of memory, quick ingenuity, and clarity of logical thinking. We are great at absorbing information. Our plans for self-improvement have an excellent chance of bearing fruit as soon as we begin to implement them while in an intellectually positive phase.

The transition to the negative phase is reflected by the extinction of curiosity, the person gets tired easily, becomes lethargic and indifferent. On critical days, it is better not to make important decisions.

Using the above formula, you can always determine which stage of each cycle you are in on any given day.

The following article provides an interpretation of the combination of cycles that will help you quickly determine your condition in terms of biorhythms on any day that interests you.

In our Universe and nature there is continuous movement, everything has its own cycles and rhythms. Man is no exception. He lives in accordance with his internal rhythm, and the cycles of personal biorhythms can be calculated.

Each of us has noticed that not only in different major periods of life, but literally throughout the year, month, week, his physical, intellectual and spiritual tone changes. On some days we can simply move mountains, on others we feel that neither our brain nor our body is under our control, and all our senses have become dull. It seems that all your vital forces have left you, but then it’s as if some kind of energy wave picks you up and carries you up again. What happens to a person? Is he sick? No, it's natural. And you should not be scared or annoyed, but study these states, calculate their rhythm and try to use this knowledge to make each period more productive.

Human biorhythms

The rhythms of physiological processes in the body, like any other recurring phenomena, have a wave-like character. The distance between identical positions of two oscillations is called a period, or biorhythm cycle.

The existence of biorhythms has been proven by science, but, unfortunately, modern medicine is often too categorical to take them into account to eliminate a number of diseases of the nervous system that are functional in nature (for example, neuroses). There is one simple way that allows you to calculate your biological rhythms and find out the days and periods in life when your physical, emotional and intellectual strength is at its peak or, conversely, is in decline. Taking into account your biorhythms, you can maintain your health, improve your well-being, and prevent certain diseases. Calculating biorhythm cycles allows you to partially predict your condition at one time or another, draw up an optimal plan for work and rest, and schedule important meetings and trips for the positive period of the cycle.

As in astrology, calculations are based on the date of birth. Let's try to calculate biorhythms for a person who was born on January 22, 1963. The place and exact time of birth in this case do not play a role, so they are not taken into account.

First of all, we need to determine the number of days that have passed from the date of birth to the date of interest to us. Let's say we want to make a diagram of the three cycles of human biorhythms from our example on July 1, 2000. To do this, you need to count the number of days that have elapsed from the date of his birth until July 1, 2000. We advise you not to rush into calculations and follow the following scheme:

  1. Number of days between January 22, 1963 and December 31, 1963 inclusive: 365 – 22 = 343 days.
  2. Number of days between January 1, 1964 and December 31, 1999 inclusive: from January 1, 1964 to December 31, 1999, a full 36 years passed: 365 × 36 = 13,140 days.

Be careful, for the accuracy of calculations you should take into account the number of leap years. So, we need to find out how many leap years passed between January 1, 1964 and December 31, 1999, because in a leap year in February there are not 28 days, as usual, but 29.

Turning to the ephemeris table, we see that 1964 was a leap year, and every subsequent fourth year was also a leap year. We need to count the number of leap years between 1964 and 1999: 1964, 1968, 1972, 1976, 1980, 1984. 1988, 1992 and 1996, that is, 9 years in total. Thus, the exact number of days that elapsed between the person in our example's birthday and December 31, 1999 inclusive: 13,140 +9 = 13,149 days.

Ephemeris table

It remains to count the number of days between January 1, 2000 and July 1, 2000, that is:
31 (January) + 29 (February) + 31 (March) + 30 (April) + 31 (May) + 30 (June) = 182 days.
Add these 182 days to 13,149 days and get the number of days that this person lived from the moment of his birth until midnight on June 30, 2000:

  • 13,149 + 182 = 13,331 days.
  • So, on July 1, 2000, this person lived 13,331 days.


There are three cycles of biorhythms:

  • The so-called physical cycle, relating to vital energy;
  • Mental, relating to feelings, emotions, mood;
  • Mental, associated with intellectual abilities.


This cycle always lasts 23 days. To find out at what stage of the physical cycle the person in our example is on July 1, 2000, it is enough to divide the number of days lived by 23, that is: 13331: 23 = 579, leaving 14. This figure means that on July 1, 2000 this the person was on day 15 of his physical cycle.


We must act according to the same scheme, but this time we must divide the number of days lived by 28 (that is how many days the mental cycle lasts), that is: 13,331: 28 = 476, leaving 3. So, we know that on On July 1, 2000, this person was on day 4 of his mental cycle.


We again act according to the same scheme, but in this case the number of days lived must be divided by 33, because this is how long this cycle lasts:

  • 13,331: 33 = 403, leaving 32.

This means that the person in our example on July 1, 2000 is on the 33rd and last day of his mental cycle.

Let's compare the data obtained with the standard biorhythm diagrams presented in the table. Now you know at what stage of the physical, mental and mental cycle is the person whose date of birth we took as an example.

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