Interview with the reptilian lasserta. Aliens

(Full version) Introduction

"Letter to Christian Pfeiler"

“I, Ole K. from Sweden, officially certify that this interview is absolutely true information. There's no point in lying to me. I was also skeptical like 99% of ordinary people and also thought that this was fiction and the inventions of my friend, who periodically informed me about his contacts with an alien - also a female one - I simply did not believe him and mocked him. Until December 16, in a city in southern Sweden, in a small house, I saw a truly non-human. It is a fact!

These are portions of the transcript of an interview I conducted with a female reptoloid alien, Lacerta.

She said and showed me so many incredible things during the meeting that I can no longer deny the validity and truth of her words. This is not fiction, although ufologists themselves tend to misinform the public in their so-called transparent and public magazines. I am convinced that this transcript contains the only truth and that is why you should read it.

I spoke with her for over 3 hours, so the following transcript shows that we cut most of the interview because she asked me not to publish everything she said.

If you receive this, please send it to all your friends via email, or make prints and distribute them.

I saw various "unexplainable" abilities of her species like telepathy and telekinesis (including moving and dancing my pencil on the table without touching anything and flying an apple around 40 centimeters in her hands). These miracles were shown to me during these 3 hours of meeting, and I am absolutely sure that these abilities were not tricks.

This is of course difficult to believe and understand for someone who has not experienced it, but I was truly in contact with her, and I am now completely confident that everything she said during the interview is the absolute truth about our world.

Believe it or not, it's up to you!

Transcript of interview with " LASERTOY«

Question: First of all, who are you? Are you an terrestrial species, or are your origins extraterrestrial?

Answer: As you could see with your own eyes, I am not a human (!) like you, and to be completely honest, I am not a mammal - despite my partially mammal-like features of the body organs, which are the result of some kind of evolution. I am a female reptile belonging to a very old race of reptiles (saurians).

We are natural earthlings and we have lived on this planet for millions of years. We are mentioned in your religious texts like your Christian Bible, and some of the ancient human races knew our presence and some worshiped us, such as the Egyptians and Incas and many other old tribes. Your Christian religion has misinterpreted our role in your creation, so that we are referred to as the "evil snake" in the documents of the people.

If you ask me that I am an alien, then I must answer - no. We are natural earthlings. We had and still have some colonies in the solar system, but we come from this planet.

Question: Can you tell me your name? Own?

Answer: It is difficult because your human language is not capable of pronouncing or understanding it. Our language is very different from yours, but to you my name would sound something like “Sssshiaassshakkkasskkhhhshhh...” with a very strong emphasis on the “k” and “sh” sounds.

We have no proper names like you, but only a single one in a special procedure at a young age during a special religious initiation. Please call me "Lasserta", this is my name that I generally use when I am among people and talking with them.

Question: What can you say about your age?

Answer: We do not measure time like you in astronomical years and the sum of the earth's revolutions around the sun, because we usually live below the surface of the planet.

Our measurement of time depends on the periodically rotating cycles in the earth's magnetic field and according to this - and in terms of your time calculation, I have reached my adult stage, and my "age" is 16,337 cycles ago (this is a very important date for us). If you apply your time scale to me, I am about 28 years old.

Question: What is your task? Do you have a “job” like us?

Answer: Yes, in your words: I am a student of social behavior of your species (xenobiology student).

That is why I am here talking to you, that is why I showed my real nature of existence to your friend, and now to you, and that is why I am giving you everything that also concerns secret information and why I will try to answer all questions honestly.

For myself, I will observe how you react, how other individuals of your species react. There are so many crazy people and liars of your kind on this planet who have claimed to know the truth about us, about these phenomena you call UFOs, about aliens and so on, and some of you believe their lies. This is unpleasant even for us - these are scoundrels from our point of view.

I am personally interested in personally seeing how your species reacts if you see the truth, which I will tell you now publicly! I am very sure that each of you will refuse to believe my words, but I hope that you must understand how you will survive the next years.

Question: Can you now give me a short answer: Are UFOs (UFOs) actually flying “objects” controlled by aliens or are they your species?

Answer: Some UFO sightings - as you call them that - belong to us, but most do not. Most of the "mysterious" flying objects in the sky are not technological devices - mostly misinterpretations of natural phenomena - your scientists have no understanding of the similarity of spontaneously arising plasmoids to signal flares in the high atmosphere.

However, some UFOs are real, belonging to your own species, and especially to your military or to another alien species or, finally, to us. For some reason your leaders are deceiving you, this is dishonest.

The fewest module objects you observe actually belong to us, because we are generally very careful with our movements in the atmosphere, and we have special ways of camouflaging our aircraft.

If you are reading a report about the discovery of a metallic, bright gray, cigar-shaped cylindrical object with light lights, at an altitude between 20 and 260 of your meters and if this object made a very deep buzzing sound and if there were 5 bright red lights on the metal surface of the cigar (one at the top, one in the middle, two at the end) - then it is likely that some of you have seen one of our ships.

And that means that it was either partly a defect, or that one of us wasn't careful enough. We also have very small disk-shaped ships, but such “UFOs” usually belong to a foreign variety.

Triangular UFOs are generally owned by your own military corps, but they use alien technology to build them. If you really want to try to see one of our ships, you should study the skies in the Arctic, Antarctic and inland Asian (especially the mountainous) regions.

Question: Do you have a special identification symbol with which we can identify your species?

Answer: We have two main symbols that represent our species.

One (more ancient) symbol is a blue snake with four white wings on a black background (the colors have religious meanings for us).
This symbol was used by some people in my society in the past, but today it is used very rarely. You people copied it very often in your ancient manuscripts.

Another symbol, which is mystical, you would call “Dragon” - in the shape of a circle with seven white stars in the middle. This symbol is much better known today.

If you see one of these symbols on a cylindrical vessel object, I would advise you to get away from there as soon as possible. I'll explain why later.

Question: Those seven stars in the second symbol you mentioned - do they mean the Pleiades?

Answer: Pleiades? These seven stars are planets and moons, and they are a symbol of our former seven colonies in the solar system. The stars are shown against a blue background, and the circle of the dragon signifies the shape of the Earth. The seven white stars mean the Moon, Mars, Venus and the 4 moons of Jupiter and Saturn, we colonized them in the past. Two of the colonies are no longer in use and have been abandoned, so depicting 5 stars would be more accurate.

Question: Since you did not allow me to take photographs - which would be very useful to prove your real existence, and the truth of this story - can you describe yourself in more detail?

Answer: I know it would be helpful to prove the authenticity of this interview if you could take a photo of me. You people are big skeptics. Even if you had such photographs, many of your kind would say that they are fake, that I am only a human woman in disguise or something like that - which would be insulting to me.

You must understand that I cannot give you permission to take photographs of me or my equipment.

This has various reasons, which I do not want to discuss with you further, but one of the reasons is to maintain the mystery of our existence at a high level, another reason has religious significance. However, I allow you to make drawings of my appearance and my equipment, I can show it to you later.

I can also try to describe myself, but I doubt that other members of your species will be able to imagine my real species based on ordinary words, because there is an automatic refutation of the existence of a reptilian species and generally another intellectual species, while your own opinion is part of your programming opinions.

Okay, I'll try to describe myself...
Imagine the body of a normal human woman. Like you, I have a head, two arms, two legs - supports two feet long, and the dimensions of my body are like yours.

Since I am female, I also have two breasts. Despite our reptilian origins, we started giving milk to our babies during development - this happened about 30 million years ago - because it is the best thing.

Evolutionarily, this happened for your species already in the era of dinosaurs and - a little later - also for ours. This does not mean that we are now real mammals, but our breasts are not the same size as those of a human woman, and their size is generally the same for every woman of my species. External organs of reproduction - exist for both sexes, smaller than those of humans, but they are visible, and they have the same function as yours.

My skin is mostly green-beige in color - a paler green - and we have some patterns of brown irregular dots (each dot size 1 - 2 centimeters) on our skin and in our face - the patterns are different for both sexes, but women have more. especially in the lower part of the body and on the face.

You can see them in my case as two lines across my eyebrows, across my forehead, in my cheek and in my chin. My eyes are slightly larger than human eyes - for this reason, we can see better in the dark.

We have outer round ears, but they are smaller and not as curved as yours, but we can hear better because our ears are more sensitive to sounds - we can hear a wider range of sound frequencies.

There is a muscle or “lid” over the ears that can completely cover them – for example, under water.

Our nose is more sensitive and curves between the nostrils, which allowed our ancestors to “sense” temperature.

We have lost much of this ability, but we can still sense temperature much better with this "organ". Our lips are shaped like yours - women's lips are larger than men's, but pale brown in color. Our teeth are very white and strong and are slightly longer and sharper than your mammalian teeth.

We do not have any different hair colors like yours (but there is a tradition to dye hair at different ages) to the original color - like mine - a greenish-brown color. Our hair is thicker and stronger than yours, and it grows very slowly. In fact, the head is the only part of our body where we have hair.

Our body, arms and legs are similar in shape and size to yours, but the color is different - green-beige, like our face.

Our five fingers are slightly longer and thinner than human fingers. Our skin on the palm is simple, so we don't have any lines like you, but the base is a combination of skin texture and brown dots, both genders have dots on the palm, and we don't have any fingerprints like you.

If you touch my skin, you will feel that it is smoother than your hairy skin.

There are small sharp horns on the top of both middle fingers. The nails are gray and generally shorter than yours. You see that my nails are not so long and rounded.

This is because I am female. Men have sharp pointed nails, sometimes 5 or 6 centimeters long.

The following feature is very different from your body and some of our reptilian origins: if you touch the back of my body, you will feel a hard bony line.

This is not my spine, but a very strong shaped outer structure of skin and tissue located on top of our spine from top to bottom.

There are an extremely large number of nerve endings and large blood vessels in this structure and in the plates - this is the reason why we always get problems after sitting on your chairs - like the ones in this house.

The main task of these small plates is simply to regulate our body temperature and if we sit in natural or artificial sunlight, these plates become more blood-active and the vessels become wider. Therefore, the sun can heat our reptilian blood (which circulates through the body and through the plates) to raise skin temperature, which gives us great pleasure.

How else are we different from your species? Oh, we don't have any navel because we were born in a different way to your mammal birth. Other external differences from your appearance are insignificant, and I think I should not mention them all now, because most of them are invisible if we wear clothes.

I hope the description of my body was sufficiently detailed.

Question: What kind of clothes do you make and generally wear? I'm guessing this isn't what you wear usually?

Answer: No, I wear these clothes of yours every day when I am among people.

To be honest, it's not very comfortable for me to wear such tight-fitting things, and it's always a very unusual feeling. If we are in our own underground house or in our large artificial areas of the sun and if we are together - we are usually completely naked.

Is this disgusting to you? When we are in public, and along with many others of my species, we wear very wide and soft clothing made of thin, non-flammable material.

I told you that many parts of our body are very sensitive to touch, mainly the small plates at the back, so we cannot feel completely comfortable in tight clothing because it can injure us. Different families of reptilians wear different types of clothing by color - for distinction.

Question: You said "others are close to your own name." Do you mean your family?

Answer: No, that's not true. You called it "family," but with this word, you mean only those of your species who belong genetically together like father or mother and child.

I said earlier that we have a very difficult and unique name. Part of this concept is “family” - this name is absolutely unique and there is no other analogue with the same name. I have to use the word "family" because you don't have the correct equivalent in your dictionary.

This does not mean that everyone in that group is genetically related, because these groups are usually very large and contain between 40 and 70 of our individuals.

This group generally includes our genetic relationships - except for one of them who decided to leave this group - and your connection with your father and mother is often the strongest. It would be too difficult for me to explain to you now our ancient social system, which is very complex, and we would need many hours just to clarify the primary concepts. Perhaps we can choose another time, and I can give you detailed descriptions of all these concepts.

Question: Do you have a tail like common reptile species?

Answer: Do you see him? No, we don't have any visible tail. If you look at our skeleton, there is just a small rounded bone at the end of our spine behind the pelvis. This is a useless vestige of the tail of our ancestors, but it is invisible from the body.

Oh, our embryos have tails during the first months of development, but those tails disappear before they are born. A tail only makes sense for a primitive species that tries to walk on two legs and needs to balance with the tail, but our skeleton has changed in the process of evolution, and our spine is almost the same shape as yours, so we don't need any what kind of tail to walk on two legs like you.

Question: You said that you were born in a different way from ours. Are you laying eggs?

Answer: Yes, but not like your birds or primitive reptiles. In fact, the embryo grows in the protein fluid inside the mother's uterus, but there is also an oval but very thin chalky hull around this embryo that fills the entire uterus. There is also a cord like your navel cord that is connected to a point hidden behind.

When the baby is about to be born, the whole egg is released through the vagina, coated with a mucous protein substance, and the baby comes out of this soft egg in a few minutes. These two horns on our middle fingers are instinctively used by babies to break through the body of the chalk to produce their first breath.

Our baby is not as big as your babies, when they are born they are between 30 and 35 of your centimeters, the egg is around 40 centimeters (this is because our vagina is smaller than that of a human female) but we grow to a normal size from 1.60 to 1.80 meters.

Question: What about your body temperature? You said that you like to lie in the sun. What effect does this have on your body?

Answer: We are not mammals. Like reptiles, our body temperature depends on the temperature of the surrounding air. If you touch my hand, you may feel that it is colder than yours because our normal body temperature is around 30 and up to 33 degrees Celsius. If we sit in the sun, especially naked, our body temperature can rise by 8 or 9 degrees within a few minutes.

This rise in temperature increases the production of many enzymes and hormones in our body, our heart and brain, and every organ becomes more active, and we then feel very, very good. You people only love to be a little in the sun, but for us it's the greatest pleasure you can imagine (perhaps similar to your sexual excitement).

We also like to swim in very warm water or other liquids to raise our body temperature. If we stay in the shade for several hours, our temperature drops again to the range of 30 to 33 degrees.

It doesn't cause us any harm, but we feel much better in the sun. We have artificial "artificial sun" rooms (places) in our tunnels, but they do not have the same characteristics as the radiation of the sun on the surface.

Question: What do you eat?

Answer: In general, various products like you: meat, fruits, vegetables, special types of mushroom (from underground farms) and other products. We may also eat some substances from entities that are poisonous to you.

The main difference between you and us is that we have to eat meat because our body needs proteins. We cannot live completely vegetarian like your species because our bodies would shut down and we would die after a few weeks or perhaps months without eating meat.

Many of us eat raw meat and other foods that would be disgusting to you. Personally, I prefer cooked meats and fruits from the surface of the earth, like apples or oranges.

Question: Can you tell me something about the natural history and development of your species? What age is your species? Did you evolve from primitive reptiles?

Answer: Oh, this is a very long and complex story, and it sounds, of course, incredible to you, but it is true. I'll try to explain this briefly. About 65 million years ago, many of our old dinosaur ancestors died in a great global cataclysm.

Most of the dinosaurs died. Almost all dinosaurs and reptilians died over the next 20 years. Some of them - especially those in the oceans - were able to survive 200 to 300 years even in this changed world, but this species also died because the climate changed.

Nuclear winter ended after 200 years. Despite the cataclysm, some species were able to survive: fish (like sharks), birds, some creepy mammals (your ancestors), various reptiles like crocodiles, and there was a special type of small but slightly advanced dinosaurs that evolved along with the last great ones. animals of the reptilian variety.

This new reptile walked on two legs and looked similar to your Iguanodon (it originated in this family), but smaller (about 1.50 meters tall) with some humanoid features - modified bone structure, larger skull and brain, hand with thumb, which was able to capture things, a different organism from the previous one, more developed eyes in the middle of the head like your eyes, and most importantly a brain with a new and better structure. This was our direct ancestor. Over the course of millions of years, our species has developed and improved.

About 10 million years ago, our development almost stopped (in fact, there were some minor changes in species, like most humanoid and similar mammals, appearing over generations).

You see, we are a very old race compared to your species. Which then existed in an ape-like form, lived in the trees at a time when we invented technology, colonized other planets of this system, built large cities on this planet (which disappeared without a trace for centuries) and engineered our own genes, while yours the genes were still in the animal stage.

10 million years ago, when the small ancestors of humanity began to grow, they then descended from the trees to the ground (again due to climate change) - especially on the so-called African continent. But they evolved very slowly, as is normal for a mammal, and unless something extraordinary happened to your species, we could not sit here and talk, because I would be sitting in my comfortable modern home and you would be sitting in a tree. Or you might be sitting in one of our menageries. But events developed differently, and you now think that you are the “Crown of Creation” and can sit in a modern house, and we must hide and live below the earth in its remote areas.

About several hundred thousand years ago, another extraterrestrial species reached Earth. And it would be even more amazing if you knew how many different varieties there are today. The interest of this humanoid species - you call them Elohim or (Tall white aliens) - was not raw materials or copper. These were, to our surprise, advanced humanoid apes.

Despite our presence on this planet, foreigners decided to “help” you develop a little faster, making you like themselves.

The fate of your species was not really important to us, but we did not like the presence of the "Elohim" on our planet, and they did not like our presence on their new "galactic menagerie." So, your sixth and seventh options, created by them, were the reason for the war between us and them. You can read about that war, for example, partly in the book that you call “The Bible,” but it is described in a very strange way.

The real truth is a very long and difficult story. May I continue?

Question: No, not now. I've made some notes about your story and now I'd like to ask some questions.

Answer: Please ask.

Question: First of all, you are dealing with a very large time scale. You claim that your primitive ancestors lived with the dinosaurs. Also, your development began more than 40 million years ago, and was completed 10 million years ago. This sounds very incredible to me. Can you say something about this?

Answer: I understand that this must seem absolutely incredible to you because you are a young and genetically engineered species. Your historical horizon ends at the scale of only a few thousand years, and you think that's right. But this is not so.

Your programmed mind is obviously not capable of dealing with such large time scales. Our time of development may seem incredibly long to you, but this is actually the original path of nature's development. Remember that your early mammal ancestors, who evolved with the dinosaurs, also survived the bomb just like us. And they evolved slowly over the next millions of years. They have divided into different varieties and forms, some larger, others smaller.

This is the development of the body. But what about their intelligence? They were simple animals. Mammals evolving since then do not allow us to talk about 150 million years, but only about the last 2 - 3 million years, during which they were able to become intelligent and reflective.

Think about it, within this short period of time, could creatures like you be created by nature? 148 million years are needed for the development of animals like you - mammals. And 2 million years of this time for the development of (more or less) intelligent beings like you?!

Ask yourself: Do you really think this accelerated development is natural? Then your species is even more ignorant than I thought. It was not we who developed incorrectly, but you.

Question: You mentioned skeletons of your species. How can it be that human scientists have not found any trace of you and your ancestors if you really have been living for such a long time on this planet? We have found many skeletons of primitive dinosaurs, but none of the advanced reptilians, having a large skull and brain and a hand with a thumb, as you described it before.

Answer: Yes, you found it. But your "big" scientists are not able to restore the skeletons completely, because they wanted to restore reptilian animals, not intelligent creatures. You will laugh very much if you know how many (especially small) saurian skeletons in your museums are completely incorrectly restored and represent creatures that never existed. Because your scientists used a lot of bones that didn't really belong together, and sometimes your scientists made artificial bones if something was missed when needing to build the "animal" saurians.

Many of your scientists know this problem, but they do not say it in public because they cannot explain it. And they demand that only the “correct” bones be passed through and their reconstruction is therefore right.
Many of our bones are used for Iguanodon reconstructions. For example, hands with a visible thumb (look at Iguanodon in a museum and you'll see I'm right.)

A scientist in the country you call the United States had an almost correctly constructed skeleton of our species several years ago, but local authorities (who are partially aware of our existence) confiscated the reconstruction. Because we live today (and, since thousands of years ago) almost entirely below ground level, you won't find any corpses or skeletons of us.

Question: You sometimes talk about underground cities and artificial sunlight. You mean something like "Hollow Earth"? Is there a second sun inside our planet?

Answer: No, the Earth is not completely hollow and there is no second sun inside. This story is false and physically impossible (even your species must be intelligent enough not to believe it.) Do you know what the mass of the sun must be to produce energy and light for any length of time? Do you really think there could be a small active sun inside a planet?

When I talk about our underground home, I'm talking about large cave systems. The caves you discover close to the surface are tiny compared to the real caves and the huge caves deep within the earth (2,000 to 8,000 of your meters, but connected by many hidden tunnels to the surface or to surfaces in the vicinity of the caves). And we live in large and developed cities and colonies inside such caves.

Our main cave sites are Antarctica, Inner Asia, North America and Australia. When I talk about artificial sunlight in our cities, I don't mean the real sun, but the various technological light sources (including gravity sources) that illuminate caves and tunnels.

There are special cave areas and tunnels with strong UV light in every city and we use them to heat up our blood. In addition, we also have some areas of sunny surface spots in remote areas, especially in America and Australia.

Question: Where can we find such surfaces - near the entrance to your world?

Answer: Do you really think that I will tell you their exact location? If you want to find such an entrance, you should look for it (but I would advise you not to do so.) When I arrived on the surface four days ago, I used an entrance about 300 kilometers north of here, close to a large lake, but I doubt that you might find it (there are only a few occurrences in this part of the world - more - many more in the north and east.)

As a little tip: if you are in a narrow cave or in a tunnel or even something that looks like a man-made mine, and the deeper you go, the smoother the walls become; and if you feel unusual warm air flowing from the depths, or if you hear the sound of flowing air in the ventilation or lift shaft, and find a special kind of artificial things; else - if you see a wall with a door made of gray metal somewhere in a cave - you might try to open that door (but I doubt it); or, you find yourself underground in an ordinary-looking technical room with ventilation systems and lifts in depth - then this is probably the entrance to our world;

If you have reached this place, you should know that we have now determined your location and are aware of your presence, you are already in big trouble. If you entered a circular room, then you should look for one of two reptilian symbols on the walls. If there are no symbols or there are other symbols, then you are perhaps in even more trouble than you think, because not every underground structure belongs to our species.

Some new tunnel systems are used by alien races (including hostile races). My general advice if you find yourself in an underground structure that seems strange to you: run as fast as you can.

Question: You mentioned earlier that you use the name "Lasserta" when you are among people and that you like to be in the real sun on the surface of the earth. But how can you be among people? You don't resemble us, so anyone will see that you belong to a different species. Why is there no one who has seen and described emerging creatures like you, if your species has been living, since our “creation,” with us on the same planet. Can you explain this to me?

Answer: My species was, of course, first seen and described (many times) in your primitive past, for example in your religious books, like the Christian Bible. You can find descriptions and even simple drawings of our species also in the southern part of the American continent on various temples.

The so-called "wise" people from India and the Asian mountains have described our species many times in letters, along with other "wise" people from the African continent. I think we are the most mentioned non-human species (possibly also as "Elohim") in your history. If you don't believe me, take a look at your history and you will see the truth in my words. Your “great” scientists have called our description “superstition” and “religion” and today “intellectual” people have forgotten our presence on the surface in the past.

Moreover, our species is seen even today by human surface observation means in our original form on the ground, or on our surface - near entries and tunnel systems. But fortunately, you and your media don't take such messages seriously (that's good for us, and that's the reason why we let people see us for real.)

Some of my species are also in direct contact with human scientists and politicians on the surface, but this is top secret - as many would tell it - and none of your public knows anything serious about it (the subject of these meetings is the coming war with alien species and our help in this war). But there is also another explanation why we may be among you and you are not able to recognize us. This is mimicry.

The following may again sound unbelievable and even disgusting to you, but since you asked, I won't be hurt by it. I told you before that we are more developed mental abilities than your species, and by "more developed" I mean that we are capable of using telepathy and telekinesis from our birth (in fact, mother and newborn child communicate telepathically within the first months ) without special training. You can and should develop telepathy and telekinesis by activating dormant parts of your brain.

Our brain structure is slightly different from yours, and our pituitary gland is larger and more active than yours. Especially when we are in sunlight. Our own powers are very strong compared to yours, but weak compared to the "0matterstring/bubble" consciousness powers of some of the alien species on this planet. I have never had a good opinion about this state of affairs, but we all have these primary abilities and can use them, for example, for our defense or even for attack.

When we are on the surface, and we meet people (even a large group - it doesn't really matter, all your minds are like one consciousness) we are able to "touch" their consciousness and stimulate them through telepathy, with the command "See us as one of your kind "and weak human consciousness will accept this order without discussion, and they will see us (despite our reptilian appearance) as normal people.

I have done this many times with you too, weak people generally see me as an attractive brunette woman because I created this special “mimicry image” several periods of time ago and I can instill this in your minds without problems.

I needed some time in the beginning to learn how to use mimicry correctly, but then it worked almost automatically. I can even walk among a group of your people and no one will know who I am.

There is a simple switch (“See us as we really are / “See us as we want you to see us”) in your consciousness that was placed there by the Elohim when they created your species, and we can use this switch to convince you that you see people when you look at us (others different from you also use this switch) more easily than you think.

When I met Ye Fa for the first time, he saw me as a normal human woman, and I remember that he was very scared and shocked when I showed him my real appearance.

Question: Are you implying that you can really show me how you do it by making an “image” that I am now talking to an attractive brunette woman instead of a reptilian like you?

Answer: Probably, but I don’t think so, since your case is special. When someone expects to see a human woman instead of me, I can do this without problems with his consciousness (even with large groups) because no one expects to see a reptilian woman. But I allowed your consciousness to see me in my original form from our first meeting, and I never switched some things in your consciousness, so you already understood that I am not a species of homo sapiens.

If I were to try to change this now, it would probably lead to an absolute mess in your head or to an unconscious state, and I don't want to harm you. Because, as I say, I'm not very good at these things.

Question: This is very scary. Can you kill with these abilities?

Answer: Yes, but it is prohibited. Although this does not mean that this has not been done before.

Question: Do both sexes have these abilities?

Answer: Yes.

Question: How do you appear in photographs?

Answer: This is a stupid question. I appear in photographs as a real reptile because I cannot have any influence on the photograph or the camera itself, but only on the opinions of the photographers. If he or she made a film and showed the photos to others, they would see me in my original form.

This is the reason why it is forbidden for our species to be filmed or photographed, and we must avoid every camera on the surface (which is very difficult, and we have been filmed sometimes in the past without our knowledge, especially by some of your government and secret services).

Question: What other commands can your kind stimulate into our minds? Something like "Serve you" or "Obey"?

Answer: This is again a strange question. We are not your enemies (most of us are), so why should we do this? To answer your question: it is the fear of human opinion and that the reptilian is hostile. There is no one who "Serves us" or "Serves me." The switch is in your mind and such a command is much more difficult to instill.

If human consciousness and communities' opinions are weak, and the reptilian has experience in these things, and also spends a few hours in the sun before he or she tries it, then this could probably work for some time. There is secret teaching about such things, but I never knew anything about it. I use my primal abilities for mimicry and to communicate with my own species - and sometimes for other private things, but I have never used it to harm people or their consciousness.
It would be better for me if we end our dialogue with this topic.

Question: Last question. You said earlier that you can hide your UFOs? Are you using the same abilities to do this?

Answer: Yes, but on a technical basis. There is a powerful device inside each ship that can send an artificial signal to your minds to convince you that you are seeing anything or just the sky, or that you are seeing a normal plane like your planes instead of our ships. This is not used often because we avoid human audiences when moving through the atmosphere.

If you are able to see our "UFOs", it means that the device has been damaged, or deactivated for some reason. The camouflage effect doesn't work in photographs - to answer this possible question of yours already in advance - which is why if someone takes a photo of the sky, they might see something unusual there.

By the way, most of the surfaces near the entrance pointing to our tunnels are also hidden using this device, and you will only see the normal walls of the cave instead of the door. This is one of the reasons why I said that I doubt that you will be able to find such a secret door to our world (although it has happened several times in the past.)

Question: Back to your and our, in fact, history. You mentioned the Elohim race, those who created our human race. Where do they come from, where do they come from, and how are they mentioned? What exactly happened when they arrived? Are they our “God”?

Answer: Yes. The "Illojiim" (Elohim) came from this universe, from the solar system you call "Aldebaran" on your maps. They were a very highly evolved humanoid yeti species - usually had very light blonde hair and they had very white skin (they avoided sunlight because it damaged their skin and their eyes (this was absolutely incredible to us sun lovers) They seemed to be intelligent and peaceful at first, and we began to maintain more or less friendly relations with them.

But later they showed their real intentions and plans: they wanted to develop a new breed of "monkeys", and we were alarmed by their plans to create their new "menagerie planet". At first, they captured 10,000 or perhaps even 20,000 of your simian ancestors, and were absent from the planet for some hundred years. When they returned, they brought (now more) your ancestors back.

After that, they left the Earth again for several thousand years, and the primitive ancestors of humans lived with us without any problems (they were only afraid of our ships and technology). The "Illojiim" had access to their consciousness and enlarged their brains. Their body structure was changed and they were now capable of using tools and fire.

"Illojiim" arrived seven times over a period of 23,000 years and accelerated the rate of development of some individuals of your species. You must understand that you are not the first human civilization on the planet. The first more advanced people (who lived at the same time with the less developed ancestors of people, because the "Illojiim" experimented with different speeds and stages of development) with technology and speech, existed about 700,000 years ago on this planet (your scientists do not understand this , because they only found the bones of human ancestors and some primitive drawings in caves, without finding the remains of more advanced and flying people).

This genetically advanced human species lived with us, but they avoided contact with my species because the "Illojiim" teachers warned them with misleading intent that we are evil beings and that we are subordinate to them.

After several centuries, the aliens' interest in their first creation was withdrawn, and they accelerated the evolution of a second and better test species, and so on and so forth. It is also true that your modern human civilization is not the first on this planet Earth, but already the seventh.

The last creation of the seventh civilization of your series was begun only 8,500 years ago, and it is the only creation that you can remember and to which your religious writings refer. You rely on archaeological and paleontological forgeries that show you an incorrect and short past. But how will you know anything about these six civilizations before?

And if you find evidence of their existence, you deny and distort the facts. This is partly programming your consciousness and partly pure ignorance. I will inform you further only about your seventh creations, because the six previous humanity are lost and therefore they should not worry you.

There was a long war between us and the Illojiim, and also between some of the Illojiim groups within, because many of them were of the opinion that creating the human species over and over again on this planet makes no real sense.

The last battles in this war were fought about 5,000 years ago in orbit and on the surface. The aliens used powerful sonic weapons to destroy our underground cities, but on the other hand, we were able to destroy many of their surface structures and bases in their place. People of your kind were very afraid when they witnessed these battles, and they wrote it down in the form of religious myths (their consciousness was not able to understand what was really happening).

The "Illojiim" - who appeared as "gods" for the sixth and seventh races of yours - told them that this is a war between good and evil and that they are the good ones and we are the evil race. This depends, of course, on the point of view.

This was our planet before they arrived, and before they began their development project with your species. In my opinion, it was our right to fight for our planet.

Many of us have been in contact with some of the more southern tribes of your species for many centuries, and we were able to convince some of them that we were not "Evil", but the aliens did not want them to believe that.

Your current civilization does not know anything about your real origin and your real past and your real world and universe. And you know very little about us and our past. And you don't know anything about events that will happen in the near future. Until you understand and believe my words.

I tell you the truth because we are not your enemy - but for a long time there has been another danger to your species. Your enemies are already here, but you don’t understand it. Open your eyes or you'll be in big trouble soon. If you did not believe any of the described events that I told you before, then you must believe and remember it.

Question: Why do you think that I don’t believe you?

Answer: I have some feeling that you do not believe me, despite the fact that I am sitting here in front of you. Everything I told you in the last two hours is the absolute truth about our world.

Question: How many alien races are currently active on Earth?

Answer: As far as we know, there are 14 varieties. 11 from this universe, 2 from another "bubble" and 1 very advanced species from a very different universe from ours. Don't ask me the names, because almost all of their names are unpronounceable for you, eight of them are unpronounceable even for us.

Most species - especially the more evolved ones - are just learning about you as animals, and they are not very dangerous to you and to us, and we work together with some of them. But three species are hostile, including one that was in contact with some of your governments and traded their technology for copper and other important raw materials, and which betrayed your species.

There had been a "cold war" between these two hostile races for the last 73 years, and the third species seemed to be the "winner" in this futile struggle. We expect a "hotter" war between them and you will be involved in it in the near future (I would say in the next 10 or 20 years) and we are excited about its development.

Last time, there were some rumors about a new, fifteenth species that arrived on Earth just 3 or 4 years ago, but we don't know anything about their intentions and we haven't been in contact with them until now. Perhaps the rumors are wrong.

Question: What do hostile foreign races want?

Answer: Various raw materials, including copper for their technology, your water (or better yet, the hydrogen in your water, which is the source of energy in advanced bonding processes), and some chemical elements in your air.

In addition, two of the species are also interested in using your body, your human tissue and blood, because their own genetic structure is defective due to poor development and due to exposure to radiation (as far as we know). They need intact strands of DNA from your species and animals to use to restore their own genetic apparatus. They try this over and over again, but they really are not able to restore the defective part of their DNA completely, because their DNA and your DNA are not completely compatible. My species is completely incompatible with them, so they are very uninterested in us. And they are trying to make a more compatible hybrid between you and them using artificial insemination and artificial wombs.

We assume that in the coming war between the three races, or between you and one of them, there will be a struggle for raw materials, hydrogen, air and DNA.

Question: is this the reason for the “kidnappings”?

Answer: Partially, especially when the aliens took eggs and sperm samples from your species. Sometimes the researcher is from another more advanced race and they only want to study your body and your consciousness (which is more interesting to some of them than your dense body).

Because I have listed three alien hostile species, this means that they do not care about your fate, or about your life, and those people who have been "abducted" by them very rarely come back alive. If someone can report an abduction, it means, in my opinion, that he or she has not encountered one of the aggressive species, or that he or she is a very lucky person to survive.

Question: You said that there are only 14 species active on earth. But why do those people who have seen alien creatures describe them so many times and in different ways?

Answer: I think I have already answered this question. Because I said that most alien races have developed their consciousness abilities much more than you. Even I have a more developed consciousness. There is only one alien race completely devoid of such abilities. They are able to appear in your consciousness and memory, regardless of what you want, and this forced image has nothing to do with their real appearance.

You remember them as normal people, or gray dwarfs, or even bizarre animals, because that's how they want you to remember it, or for you to completely forget about meeting them.

Another example: You may, for example, remember that you were only in one of your human hospitals, and that ordinary doctors examined you, and you think this way about what happened to you (perhaps until you discover that there is no hospital on the street where you assumed you were), but in fact you were examined by them in one of their laboratories.

Believe me, there are only 14 alien species on this planet and only eight of them are currently abducting humans (again, as far as we know). Additionally, not every abduction reported in the media is of alien origin, in reality it is just imagination or not true.

Question: How can we protect ourselves against this suggestible influence on our opinions?

Answer: I don't know. I doubt that you can do this, because your consciousness is like an open book, which is open to read and write, for almost every species that I know. The Illojiim themselves are partly to blame for this, because they built, or better said, incorrectly built (partly deliberately) your consciousness and thinking apparatus without real defense mechanisms.

If you know that someone is trying to control your opinion, you can only concentrate on this suspicion and try to analyze each of your thoughts and memories. Very important: do not close your eyes (this leads to different brain wave patterns that are easier to access) and do not sit or lie down for this analysis.

If you remain active during the first minutes, you can perhaps filter different thoughts and waves in your brain and the manipulator will give up after a few minutes of effort because it will begin to damage his or her own brain.

Question: What do you mean by “one species came from a very different Universe from ours”?

Answer: Before I can begin to explain what is right for you, you must understand the universe, and this would mean, perhaps futilely, training your consciousness (including removing some barriers) over many weeks and combined with training other than words. I said it with your word "field" or "level" because, again, there is no better word in your vocabulary. And the measurement would be completely wrong in this case (this is quite wrong even for another “bubble”) because the measurement cannot exist without fields.

If you were a species living in another field or level and if you were, moreover, able to enter that field without technology so that your body would transform into one of those types of matter, you know, then you would be the most powerful of the living. This very advanced race that I mentioned did not evolve here, and in fact they have been evolving for over billions of years.

They could destroy all of you and us with just one single thought. We have only been in contact with them 3 times in our entire history because their interest in your planet is different from that of all other races. They pose no danger to you or us.

Question: What happens when a war starts?

Answer: This is difficult to answer. It depends on the enemy race's race and their tactics. “War” is not always the primitive events that you imagine; in “War” you can fight on different levels.

One of the possibilities they may use is to "disrupt" your social system by influencing political leaders, another is to use powerful weapons systems that can cause earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, or other disasters (including weather disasters) that may seem natural to you. .

The copper alloy - which I mentioned earlier - has special fields that can influence your weather in the world. I think that they will not directly attack the planet before human civilization weakens, because even you have the ability to destroy their technology (but not many). I am not allowed to say that we are absolutely sure whether such a war will really happen in the next few years. I don't want to talk further about this.

Question: This is the end of the interview. Do you have anything final to say?

Answer: Open your eyes and look. Don't just believe your wrong history or your scientists or your politicians. Some of them know the truth about various events, but they do not tell them to the public to avoid confusion and panic. I think your species is not so bad, as part of my species thinks, and it would be a pity to see your end. That's all I can say. Walk into your world with your eyes open and you will see - or perhaps not. Your species is not at all aware.

Question: Do you think that many people will believe that this interview is true?

Answer: No, but it is an interesting experiment for my social activities. We will meet again in a few months, and you will let me know then what happened after my message was published. There may be hope for your species.

Question: Why do you think that I don’t believe you?

Answer: I have some feeling that you do not believe me, despite the fact that I am sitting here in front of you. Everything I have told you in the last two hours is the absolute truth about our world.

Question: How many alien races are currently active on Earth?

Answer: As far as we know, there are 14 varieties. 11 from this universe, 2 from another "bubble" and 1 very advanced from a very different universe. Don't ask me the names, because almost all of them are unpronounceable for you, eight of them are unpronounceable even for us.

Most species - especially the more advanced ones - are just learning about you as animals, and they are not very dangerous to you and to us, and we work together with some of them. But three species are hostile, including one that was in contact with some of your governments and traded their technology for copper and other important things, and which betrayed your species.

There has been a "cold war" between these two hostile races for the past 73 years, and the third species seemed to be the "winner" in this futile struggle. We expect a "hotter" war between them and you will be in it in the near future (I would say in the next 10 or 20 years) and we are excited about its development.

Last time, there were some rumors about a new, fifteenth species that arrived on Earth just 3 or 4 years ago, but we don't know anything about their intentions and we haven't been in contact with them until now. Perhaps the rumors are wrong.

Question: What do hostile foreign races want?

Answer: Various raw materials, including copper for their technology, your water (or better yet, the hydrogen in your water, which is the source of energy in advanced bonding processes), and some chemical elements in your air.

In addition, two of the species are also interested in your body, your human tissue and blood, because their own genetic structure is defective through poor development and radiation (as far as we know), and they need intact DNA strands from your species and animals to repair their own genetic apparatus over and over again, but they really are not able to repair the defects completely, because their DNA and your DNA are not completely compatible (my own species is completely incompatible with theirs, so they are very uninterested in us) and they try to do a more compatible hybrid between you and them with the help of artificial fertizilations and artificial queens.

We assume that in the coming war between three races, or between you and one of them, they will fight for raw materials, hydrogen, air and DNA.

Question: is this the reason for the "kidnappings"?

Answer: Partially, especially when foreigners took eggs and sperm samples from you. Sometimes the explorer is from another more advanced race and they only want to study your body and your consciousness (which is more interesting to some of them than your dense body).

As I stated three alien species are hostile - this means that they do not care about your fate or your life and those people who are "abducted" by them very rarely come back alive. If someone can report an abduction, it means in my opinion that he or she has not encountered one of the aggressive species, or that he or she is a very lucky person to survive.

Advanced and "friendly" races also sometimes took eggs and sperm samples, but for different reasons.

Question: You said that there are only 14 species active on earth. But why do those people who have seen so many alien creatures describe them differently?

Answer: I think I have already answered this question. Because I said that most alien races have much more advanced consciousness abilities than you, or even me (there is only one alien race completely devoid of such abilities). They are able to appear in your consciousness and memory, regardless of what you want, and this forced image has nothing to do with their real appearance.

You remember them as normal people, or gray dwarfs, or even bizarre animals, because they want you to remember it that way, or for you to completely forget about meeting them.

Another example: You may for example remember that you were only in one of your human hospitals and that ordinary doctors examined you, and you think this way about what happened to you (perhaps until you discover that there is no hospital on the street where you assumed you were) but in fact you were examined by them in one of their laboratories.

Believe me, there are only 14 alien species on this planet and only eight of them are abducting people currently (again, as far as we know.) Also, not every one of your media reports of aliens is actually just imagination, or not true.

Question: How can we protect ourselves against this influence on our opinion?

Answer: I don't know. I doubt that you can, because your consciousness is like an open book, which is open to read and write, for almost every species that I know. “Illojiim” themselves are partly to blame for this, because they built, or better said, incorrectly built (partly deliberately) your consciousness and thinking apparatus without real defense mechanisms.

If you know that someone is trying to control your opinion, you can only concentrate on this suspicion and try to analyze each of your thoughts and memories. Very important: do not close your eyes (this leads to different brainwave patterns that are easier to access) and do not sit or lie down to rest.

If you remain active during the first minutes, you can possibly filter out different thoughts and waves in your brain and the manipulator will give up after a few minutes of effort because it will begin to damage his or her own brain.

Question: What do you mean by "one species, came from a very different field"?

Answer: Before I can explain what is right for you, you must understand the universe, and this would mean, perhaps futilely, training your consciousness (including removing some barriers) over many weeks and combined with training other than words. I said this with your word "field" or "level" because, again, there is no better word in your vocabulary. And the measurement would be completely wrong in this case (it's quite wrong even for another "bubble") because the measurement cannot exist without fields.

If you were a species living in another field or level and if you were furthermore capable of entering that field without technology so that your body would transform into one of those types of matter you know, then you would be the most powerful thing alive . This very advanced race that I mentioned did not evolve here, and they actually evolved over billions of years.

They could destroy all of you and us with just a single thought. We have only been in contact with them 3 times in our entire history because their interest in your planet is different from that of all other races. They pose no danger to you or us.

Question: What happens when a war starts?

Answer: This is difficult to answer. It depends on the enemy race's race and their tactics. “War” is not always the primitive thing that you imagine; in “War” you can fight on different levels.

One possibility they have is to "destroy" your social system by influencing political leaders, another is the use of advanced weapon systems that can cause earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, or other disasters (including weather disasters) that may seem natural to you.

The special fields of copper alloy that I mentioned earlier are capable of having an effect on your world weather. I think that they will not attack the planet directly before human civilization weakens, because even you have the capabilities to destroy their technology (but not many.) I am not allowed to say that we are absolutely sure whether such a war will actually happen already in next years. I don't want to talk further about this.

Question: This is the end of the interview. Do you have anything final to say?

Answer: Open your eyes and look. Don't just believe your wrong history or your scientists or your politicians. Some of them know the truth about various things, but they do not tell them to the public to avoid confusion and panic. I think your species is not so bad, some of my kind think so, and it would be a shame to see your end. That's all I can say. Walk into your world with your eyes open and you will see - or perhaps not. Your species is completely ignorant.

Question: Do you think that many people will believe that this interview is true?

Answer: No, but it is an interesting experiment for my social activities. We will meet again in a few months, and you will let me know then what happened after my message was published. Perhaps there is hope for your species.

Some time has passed since this material. After which Ole K. again met with the reptilian Lasserta. And again I published this dialogue (continued).

The information is shocking...
So far only in machine translation.


I once again confirm that the following text is the absolute truth and is not fiction. It was compiled from three original tape recordings that were made on April 24, 2000 with a tape recorder during my second interview with the reptilian being known as "Lacerta". At Lacerta's request, the original 31 page text was revised and condensed to deal with some of the questions and answers. Some existing questions have been partially shortened or corrected. It has even been attempted to extract the message and meaning from it. This part of the interview, either not mentioned or not mentioned entirely in the transcript, deals primarily with personal issues, supernatural demonstrations, the social system of the reptilian species and alien technology and physics.

The reason for changing the date and time of the second meeting was possible observation and observation of my own personality after the publication of the first transcript. Although every effort was made on Lacerta's advice to keep my identity secret, it was only two days after the document was distributed abroad that various unusual events took place. Please don't think I'm being paranoid; however, I believe that the publication of the interview attracted either official attention or the attention of some organization to me. Up until this time, I usually regarded people who believed they were being followed by the state to be nothing more than jokers. But now I have begun to reconsider my ideas about this since the events in January. It started with my phone not working for a few hours. When the phone came into service again, there was a quiet echo and strange clicking and popping sounds when I made calls. The defect could not (allegedly) be found anywhere. Overnight, important data disappeared from the hard drive in my computer. The testing program reported "bad sectors" where strangely enough there was only data that dealt with illustrations and completed text material from interviews. These "defective sectors" also contained material of a supernatural nature in my area of ​​research. (Fortunately, the material was also stored on floppy disks.) Additionally, I discovered by sheer chance some hidden data in a similarly hidden directory index. The name that appeared on the data and directory index was "E72UJ". A friend who is a computer expert couldn't make anything out of this notation, and when I was about to show it to him, the directory index disappeared. One evening my apartment door stood wide open, my TV was running - and I'm absolutely sure I turned off the TV.

A minivan with British markings and the imprint of a supermarket chain across Europe parked in front of my house. I noticed the same minivan again driving in the distance behind my car several times, even when I visited the city...... 65 kilometers away. When I returned, the car was on the other side of the street again. I never saw anyone get in or out of the car. Impact on the vehicle door and tinted windows did not produce a reaction of any kind. After about two weeks, the minivan disappeared again. When I informed E.F personally of these events, he suggested that I change the meeting place and time to ensure our own safety and that of Lacerta. The meeting took place on April 27, 2000 at another isolated location. This is unobserved as far as I can determine.

Once again, this may all seem strange and paranoid, like the fantasy of a cheap sci-fi movie; however, I can only repeat myself and assure the reader once again: all this is the real truth. Believe my words or don't believe them. These things have happened and they will continue to happen whether you believe it or not. Before it's too late. Our civilization is in danger.

[Comment by Ole. K.: The meeting began with an assessment of the various questions and opinions that I received from readers of the first transcript in an anonymous manner through distribution from my trustworthy friends. Some of these opinions together were over 14 pages of paper contained comments, shaped by everything from the radically religious to the fanatical tendency to welcome contact with the reptilian species. Some of these comments contained stereotypical phrases such as "Servants of Hell" or "Kinds of Evil." I don't want to go into any kind of detail here, since I don't want to carry on any false and radical realm of thought.]

Question: When you read these religious and hostility-ridden comments here, what do you think and feel then? Did the relationship between your species and ours really form from such complete denial?

Reply: Does it surprise you that I'm not completely outraged by this? I expected those kinds of extreme reactions. Programming to completely deny another species (especially reptiles), and in your own case, has deep roots in each of your own individual consciousnesses. This ancient conditioning stems from the days of your third artificial creation and is biologically speaking passed down as genomic information from generation to generation. Defining my species with the forces of darkness was the main intention of Illojim/Ellohim, who loved to see himself as a force of light - which in itself represented a paradox, since humanoids were extremely sensitive to your solar rays. In case you expected me to act offended, I think I will have to partially disappoint you. These unclear intentions are really not your fault, you are simply following for the most part what you inherited from your ancestors. It's actually somewhat disappointing that many of you don't develop a particularly strong sense of self-awareness that will help you overcome conditioning. As I said, we have been in direct contact in the last few centuries with some of our more primitive human tribes; these tribes themselves have managed to break through the old "creation programs;" they were able to meet us without tension, hatred and complete refusal. Apparently many of your modern civilized people are not able to think about their own, but allow themselves to be guided by programming and religion (which is also a manifestation of this ancient program and an integral part of the Illojim/Ellohim plan). Thus, it is too early for me to consider comments of this kind as funny, rather than annoying, they simply confirm to me, to a large extent, my assumptions about your certain way of thinking.

Question: Therefore, you are not a “Kind of the Evil One,” as previously noted?

Answer: How should I answer this? Your people still think according to a simple and completely inappropriate generalization scheme. Simply put, there are absolutely no absolute evil species. There exist in every terrestrial and extraterrestrial species, as well as good and evil persons, this even applies to one's own people, but there is no such thing as an absolutely evil species. This concept is really very primitive. You people have believed since time immemorial that you must believe what your creators intended you to believe. Every well-known species, even more highly developed countries, consists of a large number of individual consciousnesses (at least part of the human consciousness, although there is a connection to the field of consciousness); these self-sufficient spirits are able to freely decide for themselves a way of life that is neither good nor evil, according to your own human standards. This depends again on the respective points of view; your people are not necessarily in a position to judge whether the affairs of much more developed species are good or evil, because you stand at a lower point of observation, from which an assessment is not possible. Your simple words "good" and "evil" are in any case examples of a tendency towards generalization; in my language there are many concepts for different shades of meaning of individual behavior compared to the norms of society.

Even those species that are extraterrestrial tend to act with antagonism towards you are not "Species of the Evil One", even if they act negatively towards their own race. They do it for their own reasons and do not consider themselves evil; were your structured way of thinking more linear and more focused as they are, then you will also behave that way. The relation of species to other species of existence naturally depends very much on the corresponding structured mode of thinking; each species sets its own priorities. To classify that as "good" or "evil" is indeed quite primitive, for the survival of any species, claims for many species, including its own, and even for a wide variety of worse or negatively oriented matters. I won't even exclude my own kind in this regard, for there are certain cases in the past that I personally do not welcome, but about which I would also not like to go into detail. None of these cases occurred in the last 200 years of their time scale. But pay attention to the following: There are no absolutely good and there are no absolutely bad species, because every species always consists of people.

Question: In the letters that I received, there was often a question whether it was possible to go to any more detailed about advanced physics, which you commented on last time. Many people have said your words have no meaning. For example, how do UFOs function, how do they fly, how do they perform the maneuvers that they do?

Answer: I have to explain what to people? It's not all that simple yet. Let me think about this for a minute. I must always use very simple words to make clear to you the basic principles above a kind of science. Let's try this: You should have a clear understanding of some basic facts. The very first thing is that you must separate the concept of the physical world, since each existence consists of different layers, let's say for simplicity that it consists of the illusion of the material and the sphere of influence. ("S Translator's Note: No legitimate translation exists for Feldraum "this word", "field" means "field", "Raum" means "place, room, space". Therefore, I translate it as "sphere of influence".) Certain physical conditions associated only with the realm of material (as in "concrete"), while other, more complex conditions associated only with the sphere of influence of the material world. Your concept of the physical world is based on a simple illusion of material. This illusion is in turn subdivided on the three elementary or fundamental conditions of matter. A fourth and very important condition also exists, that you simply pay attention to more or less, as you choose, it is one bordering the sphere of influence or plasma region. For you, for the theory of controlled transformation or increase in frequency matter and the stable existence of this fourth aggregate state of matter is not very common, or it exists at the most primitive level.(By the way, there are simply five states of matter, but after the plasma state would really be taken too far, and it would only confuse you ;. Moreover, it is not necessary to understand the underlying theory that is associated with a variety of phenomena that you would characterize as paranormal.) Now, back to the need for plasma... now, with plasma I don't just mean "hot gas" like the concept as a whole is simplified by your people - I mean the higher state of aggregation of matter. The plasma state of matter is a special form of matter that lies between its real existence and sphere of influence, that is, a total loss of mass and a net gain of energy of a different form when the matter is "pushed or pushed." (Note: No explanation has been given for the use of the word "pushed, thrust" used in this context. Your guess is as good as mine.)

The fourth state of matter is very important for certain physical conditions that can be used, for example... How should I express this for you... to generate anti-gravity. (This is a rather strange human word and not entirely correct, but you should understand it better.) Essentially, in the world of real physics, there are no bipolar forces, but only “observer-dependent reflecting behavior” of one, large unified force at various levels. With antigravity or the movement of gravitational characteristics in levels, it is possible, for example, to cause apparently solid matter to levitate, this method is used partly by us and by aliens, as well as by means of propulsion for UFOs. You humans are moving on a very primitive level in relation to a similar principle for your secret military projects, but since you have more or less stolen this technology (and it was later falsely passed on to you intentionally by aliens), you have no real physical understanding, as a result, you must contend with instability and radiation problems with the "UFO". According to my information, there were a large number of deaths of your people due to intense radiation and disturbance fields. Don't you agree, this is also an example of business on the issue of "good" and "evil"? You people are playing with unknown forces and thereby accepting the death of a colleague of your own kind because they are dying for a higher purpose, namely to advance your technology, which as a result is being put into action once again for the purpose of war, i.e. for negative activities. Now, we can give you the benefit of the doubt that only the smallest number of you have any knowledge about these alien projects which, as you explain it, are Top Secret. This was reported to you by saying that the higher the serial number of the rating or basic matter, the easier it is to aggravate the condition, but this is only partially true. If you cannot bypass these powers, then you are better off not trying it. But your kind has always been ignorant and since time immemorial have tried to play with forces that you did not even understand. Why would that ever change?

Do you remember this copper synthesis business? By oscillating at right angles with an induced radiation field, copper is fused with other elements. (The illusion is that the fields in the sphere of influence are fused, superimposed on each other, but the main forces will be reflected from this process and will assume a quasi-bipolar nature.) As a result of the connection, the field will therefore not be stable in the normal state of matter and not suitable for the task. As a result, the entire spectrum of the field is shifted to higher levels, as the condition to which the spectrum comes along with this severe transition to the opposite pole of the side word is different from the required force field, and this is quite closely reminiscent of a gravitational shift. This displacement leads to a "tilt" from the reflection of the quasi-bipolar force, which currently does not enter the interior of the force field, but flows partially to the exterior of the field. The result is a stratified inter-field reflecting force that is very difficult to modulate within certain technical boundaries due to its own characteristics. He can also perform many tasks, such as causing massive flying objects to levitate and maneuver. She can also provide camouflage functions in the field of electromagnetic radiation, as well as manipulate the temporal sequence of events, really only for very limited scales and other things. Are you familiar with your "quantum tunnel effect"? Even amplitude equalizations among genuine subjects can be achieved with one of those kinds of fields if the frequency and distance from the field plane are high enough. Unfortunately, all this that I have already explained to you in your words has come out rather primitive, I'm afraid. This sounds quite strange and of course impossible for you to understand, but perhaps this simple explanation can be useful for you to help you understand. But then again, maybe not.

Question: Is there a scientific basis for paranormal abilities, such as with the powers of thought?

Answer: Yes. In order to explain what must be recognized is the physical reality of the sphere of influence () Feldraum. I will try to do this... Wait a minute... you will have to separate yourself mentally from the illusion that what you see is the true nature of the Universe. This is, at best, on the surface side. Imagine that the whole thing is here, you, in this table, this pencil, this technical device, in this document, does not actually exist, but it is most likely the result of field fluctuations and energy concentration. All the material that you see, every person, every planet and star in this universe, has an “information-energy equivalent” in the sphere of influence, which is located on the main fields of the general level (things). Now, there is not only one level, but several. Last time, I mentioned that there are highly developed species that are capable of changing levels (something completely different from a simple bubble changing, for the bubbles are part of each level). You understand? Dimensions, as you call them, are part single bubbles, bubbles or universal foams part of the level, and layers of layers in the sphere of influence, while the sphere of influence, acting as one physical dimension, is essentially infinite, it is made up of countless energy layers information and general level. There are no zero-level spheres of influence, they are all the same, but they are divided according to their energy conditions. I notice that I'm confusing you now. I think I should stop with this explanation.

A reptilian wrote to my friend Igor Tkachenko on VK, introducing himself as Sergei. No need to laugh. You read first, then give your ratings. Whoever he is. What he says is worthy of the most careful reading and deep understanding. Not because he said something sensational, out of the ordinary. Rather, because it indirectly confirms what most of us have known for a long time, but do not find material confirmation in the world around us.

So, Transcript of the group chat on Igor Tkachenko’s page. The primary editor is the owner of the page. (Removed personalization of chat participants, deleted questions asked again, etc.)

Question to Sergei: What could you tell people about the essence of reptilians?
Answer: This is a whole treatise to write to answer. Even extremely condensed and simplified, about 3 hours. I already had the opportunity to tell one person on Skype. He asked for it himself. The person wanted to troll me, and did not take into account the simple fact that I give a direct answer to a direct question. As a result, there was one more “spoiled” inhabitant of the planet. Humans are quite an interesting creation of the creator, with their own twist. We don't have one. If I could envy, I would envy.

Question: Isn’t there something like that?

Answer: The meaning of existence. Lizards have a clearly defined growth limit, above which you cannot jump, no matter how hard you try. But people have no ceiling. At all. The result of the action of the introduced growth inhibitors. They are necessary, but harmful. There is more benefit than harm. Without them, people would do nothing but hit each other on the head with clubs for food.

Question: At one festival, I saw two girls change the color of their irises in the twilight. And they stood out for their sexuality, bending in dance, clearly showing their experience in using tantric practices. Standing out strongly in the crowd. At the same time, their physiques were different, one was thin, the other was plump. Do you think this description is enough to say that they are reptilians? There is an essence in them, this is undeniable, but what kind? And one has problems with conception, I haven’t talked to the second about this topic, I heard that reptilians have such problems.

According to the reactions, there was a sensitive sensation of energies and at this time the body stopped obeying the mind. It twisted and wriggled, as if in an animal, some unearthly orgasm. This was very obvious, if, of course, you consciously observe the behavior of such individuals. I would not have insisted so much if I had not had such communication before, and also: a change in eye color and EVEN the pupil became slit-shaped!!! A bony figure, the impossibility of conception, esoteric thinking that turns into stupidity.

Answer: Body type matters little. You need to monitor reactions more. Like, “catch a fly in flight alive in the dark.” The optical range is a pitiful percentage of what can actually be detected by the human body. The problem is in interpreting the incoming data.
Yes, lizards do not interbreed with people, or with each other. Limitation. I haven't encountered any exceptions.

Question: Where does this restriction come from? How do you know about this? illogical, because they should prolong their family?

Question: How are you born?

Answer: Mutations can be launched or not. DNA replication occurs from the information field. Let's call it that for simplicity. Considering that the human body is, in principle, a successful design, there is no need to change it. There is a good chance that the body will be destroyed, but a new one will not be found and will dissipate in space. I just built up my immunity so that I wouldn’t have to deal with doctors. And in general, you have illnesses - ugh. There is no clear division by body. Anyone can at least grow horns. The question is different - why? The most correct way is always the simplest. The feeling of descending down a calm, full-flowing river. Any sharp corners mean you are doing something wrong.

Question: Are you a reptilian?

Answer: Yes. A lot of sadness. In particular, the memory of death. All deaths in the human body. No... There are very few crazy people about this. Most of them go crazy by 20 times. As a result, maniacs, schizophrenics and so on are so tasty. Moreover, this is rarely “natural”; people instinctively do not like us. They can kill you simply because they really wanted to, and then the investigator is sincerely perplexed as to why he was caught in the first place.

Question: What is your world order? Like ours (would you like to know which one we have exactly?) or something else? What can you do that we can't? remember past lives?

The question immediately arises, do you have “RA”? (For information about what RA is, see Igor Tkachenko’s VKontakte page and his YouTube channel. Not advertising! This is actually interesting!) For you, in particular, this is an indicator of divine (spiritual) energy, in theory , it should be. Your text says zero RA, but if you give me your photo, I can be more precise about RA.

Answer: RA=God? Everyone has one. The creator of this universe. Information space. I try not to think too much about this, it could go downhill and the body will no longer be needed. Have you heard this thing called “ascension”? Well, only in people this happens in the correct form. For us it's like division by zero.

Question: No, “RA” is the unit of God’s energy.

Answer: It is difficult to imagine infinity in the form of units. It's not clear how to measure. Can't find a starting point.

Question: So far it has been established that most people have 0 Ra. This is the norm. The higher ones already have potential or developed extrasensory abilities; the RA level can be increased or reset. Before 13 there is a step of 1 RA, after 13 there is a step of 10.

Answer: There is no photo of my face on the Internet. Perhaps only very ancient ones, filmed without asking, by surveillance cameras or other things.

Question: Well, if you are hiding, you can draw something on a piece of paper and show it, I will scan your RA with a photo of the drawing. Tell us about the ascension, how does it happen for you, what kind of Gods or Angels are there?

Answer: The Universe is infinite. The energy of the universe is infinite. Therefore, human energy is potentially infinite. In practice, most often, it is very, very finite, due to incorrect formulation of thoughts and requests. You formulate it for destruction, manipulation, suppression... Submission and the flow is cut off. System protection. Given an infinite source, it would be possible to create a paradox by capturing the creator.

Question: Maybe you can help me understand about my RA surges? I don't understand the rule of these raises. My friends and simply viewers of my sessions on YouTube raise their RA by one for 3-5 video views, for 10 minutes of communication with me or when looking at paintings, but the increase is one. My jumps are as follows: 13-53-103-223-603. Today there was a jump to 603, I didn’t do anything like that)) Well, if we take into account the video sessions on YouTube... Or they’re pumping me up for some mission... Yes, and at the end there’s definitely a C, that’s also a mystery.

Answer: YouTube is twofold. You can pump yourself up with it, the same principle works as in sects. In this sense, porn actors should generally be immortal. But it creates an unpleasant side effect. Man is an extremely lazy creature, and having become accustomed to receiving energy from the “flock” at the time of the death of his carrier, he gets a catastrophic problem. The supply of energy from people stops, and during his life he never learned to draw it from space. It turns out I would call it a ghost. He can no longer be reborn into a human being, because he has outgrown a monkey, and he also cannot grow higher, due to the impossibility of nutrition. As a result, again a man (cat) / ficus in the desert... Many options. This is about the unenviable fate of those who created all kinds of sects, and generally grew up in the wrong way. Well, this concerns us too. It is quite difficult to achieve this, but some have succeeded.

Question: No, you don't understand. On the contrary, I give energy. And there were two moments when I thought, how much am I enough? And at these moments there were two leaps in the RA.

Answer: There is no release of energy, but pumping through oneself, with a change in frequency. This is approximately like an LED powered by a Tesla resonator.

Question: So I think something like this, that my “battery capacity” is increasing and, of course, divine (cosmic) energy is being pumped, in which I also note traces of my energy (I count according to RA).

Answer: Not really a battery. It would be more correct to say bandwidth.

Question: Yes, that’s more accurate, I agree! Can you comment on the video about reptilians?

Answer: It is dangerous to give people some knowledge, in the sense that it needs to be dosed somehow. Ideally, when they “get there” on their own. Because... Well, have you read in the tabloids about spontaneous combustion of people? This is not a complete plasma rebirth (ascension). A consequence of rapid peak growth. You need to grow as a sphere, not a peak.

Question: Again, are you talking about your own people?

Answer: Not about everyone. A lot of troubles from uncontrolled information. On the one hand, it is forbidden to close it, on the other hand, it is also forcibly poured in. The ideal option is to explain how it generally works, to say that I am not a guru, there is no need to love me and it is harmful, the correct attitude is like an old chest. Explain what should not be done, but not by order, free will, so to speak. You cannot categorically push any dogmas. And then let it grow on its own. If he wants.

The insider at one time was quite good at chewing on some things. It’s true that it’s written in a version for the Alternatively Gifted, but it’s also digestible. Better than nothing, or all sorts of religious dogmas, mostly created for control and manipulation rather than for revealing one's flock.

I'm not him, by the way. In one of his answers, he clearly indicated that he is not a lizard. Well, that’s how it’s read. Compared to him, we are something like your pets. No more. Therefore, I have an extremely negative attitude towards the exaltation of lizards, and this other hysteria on this matter. People just like things that are unusual, but in the end this will lead to people starting to shoot us in squares.

Question: That’s what I also say, I’m not a Guru. But even for what I say, I am accused of pride and boasting. And I’m just sharing my experience, I’m not inventing anything and I’m not creating a sect. Is he not a lizard or a human? Or an advanced person?

Answer: An advanced person who, of his own free will, stopped growing. Serious self-sacrifice I would say.

Question: What is the meaning of such an act?

Answer: Well, someone should stop you from blowing yourself up with a nuclear bomb. As this has happened several times already. The whole planet is in craters. From the outside it is impossible. Violation of divine law. Only from the inside.

Question: Watch the video above, who could I see? From yours.

Answer: lizard. According to the indicators, it is. Possibly a local species. They are here too. The origin is different. Locals are not much different from people. But tourists wouldn’t even be able to live here. Complex crystalline silicoid form. It’s problematic to describe, and it doesn’t matter, it’s impossible to recreate.

Question: I saw them exactly as lizards, can they change their appearance or appear at night? There were three types of lizards and one humanoid type.

Answer: Everyone can change their appearance. In general, consciousness determines the appearance of reality. The observer effect is in full effect. It’s just that all the inhabitants of the planet sincerely believe that black is black. If you want to make black white, get yourself the same number of fans to create an antiphase module.

Question: That is. everyone wants to see people and see people? If you wanted to see a lizard, would you see a lizard? And if this is a person and not a lizard, do you need to be aware? Explain how to look correctly? Do you see yours?)

Answer: You have to work very hard to see like a standard person. To be able to type on a laptop, and not see what it is made of down to the level of atoms, and all the processes occurring in it at that moment. This is normal vision for anyone who has understood how everything around them works. 90% of your energy goes into suppressing yourself in order to remain yourself. For this reason, reptilians are never drug addicts/alcoholics. This is terribly dangerous. And people in general too))

Question: What does “from the word” mean?

Answer: This is a turn of phrase. “Never” in a cube.

Question: That's why? can they relax their concentration and appear covered in scales?

Answer: they will get divorced altogether. We are not you, ascension is impossible for us, it is worse than death in your understanding.

Question: Nowhere to ascend? there is no place for your Souls?

Answer: A person’s final point for a given universe is when he understands everything at all, and thereby creates a paradox in the system. There can only be one God in one universe. Therefore, the system will throw out the younger version. And he will create his own. With its own laws and so on. Don’t ask about further information, the information is closed to me

Question: What do you call the Universe? One of the Universes or All Space?

Answer: Lizards have a clear growth ceiling. The average person outgrows a lizard in half a year. Even if it is very tight.

Question: Why do you have a ceiling? Did you “mess up” something, or did it just happen that you didn’t include such options?

Answer: All space, this is a very interesting thing. I don't know how to describe it. It is easier to manipulate the term universe. It’s strange, of course, to talk about this “simply,” but we have to start somehow. Well, firstly, we messed up a lot, and secondly, we are your Alpha Version. Buggy, with bugs, crashes.

Question: I’m clarifying because they say, for example, God, and one thinks about the Creator of EVERYTHING, another about the creator of the solar system, a third about the creator of the Earth, and a fourth about Christ, and GOD is everywhere.

Answer: Our conscience is so pure and transparent that it is practically invisible. And you have a whole specially designed individual module.

Question: You say that each Universe, of which there are many, has its own GOD, right? And probably above them, the Gods, there is a PAPA-GOD or a MOTHER?

Answer: It is not advisable to consider God as a grandfather in the clouds. God = universe. Complex multidimensional informational something. It’s just that if you teach it to people in this way, then you end up with defective citizens. It is then not clear how to manipulate them.

Question: Religious people see God wherever the priest’s finger points. Do you want to say that you have no conscience?))) Or is it clear, like a child’s? Do all reptilians realize who they are?

Answer: More likely the same as a dog’s. We are animals. Highly developed and so on, but animals. All sorts of emotions, morals... Pass by. Some try not to break any laws, many frankly do the opposite.

Yes, everyone understands. It's just being checked. If you see your legs in a dream, it means this is not a dream, but a parallel. Multidimensional beings do not have dreams in the human sense. We never sleep in your option.

Question: This is another feature of those two girls - they practically do not sleep at night...

Answer: 4 hours a day, one hour in pieces is enough to service the body. Unless, of course, you unload the wagons. Then 8 is better, otherwise the body will quickly deteriorate.

Question: So they communicate with us, realizing that they are different, making plans with us, dreaming of children, but they themselves understand that this is impossible? How are you still born? Do you inhabit people's bodies at birth?

Answer: Not at birth. I already wrote. In order for the body to be occupied, it must be killed. Well, so that the original owner leaves. All these wonderful stories with receiving a drop-dead fatal injury of a coma and a death certificate, this is it.

Question: Here! One of those girls had an accident with a lot of injuries and seemed to be in a coma!!!))

Answer: if you suddenly start living according to the laws of the universe, we’ll be kaput)) We’ll have to look for other less intelligent creatures. Without a body, the soul does not live indefinitely, and neither does it exceed the speed of light.

Question: I don’t understand here, who are you talking about and what Laws? If we learn the Laws of the Universe, accept them and begin to live by them?)) Live and do not worry, Allah Akbar!))

Answer: it won’t be possible to fly away. You need to build something on which to fly away. although every time you reached the vimana, you joyfully killed yourself to the point of the Stone Age, monkeys with clubs

Question: What, you can’t fly in subtle bodies? Move to another planet with other people and that’s it. Or can't you?

Do you have a MAIN? Chief Serpent God or something. Who manages or organizes you? Or are you on your own?

Answer: The problem is that a lizard cannot rule over people (at most, be an advisor without the right to vote), after which you will be divided into zero almost in the literal sense. So all these stories about evil reptilians blowing up something are shoving their joints onto someone else. For this same reason, religions have different versions of the devil. Well, blaming problems on God is somehow not right. It smacks of heresy. In the age of technology and rejection of religions, other “enemies” have been found.

The soul cannot violate the general laws of the universe. Yours is possible if it has developed enough. Whether we have a body or not, everything is practically the same.

I was not in your form, I base my assumptions on guesses and achievements I once saw. You cannot invent something that once did not exist.

I would be glad to go somewhere from here, but I don’t have a vimana, you’re not in a hurry to build them, the basic facilities are poor... Everything is sad.

Question: That is. astral travel is not available to you?

Answer: There is no concept of astral. This is an invention and a misinterpretation of 3+ dimensions. Technically, everything that surrounds you is the astral plane. Concentrated structured emptiness playing at various frequencies.

Question: Well then, in a different way: you cannot visit other planets?

Answer: We need to build something for this journey. We do not have any kind of clanism or mutual assistance. We are not people, we are rather evil reptiles from the very beginning. You can't force people. You can tell me how. But you usually, no matter what, end up with a bomb. And “later” in this case no longer exists. Still, it won’t work with oil, but with those transformers, you will destroy the planet.

Question: Have I tormented you with questions?)

Answer: No, but I start smearing on the keyboard. There is a sin

Question:)))) This is forgivable, are you a lizard?))

Answer: You ask a question, I am building a module in my mind. What follows is a rather painful process of describing it. In reality, communication looks much more fun. 2 bodies meet, stand next to each other, say something like “aha” and “uh-huh”, all this lasts a few seconds - the conversation has taken place.
This is comparable to an attempt to describe the process of operation of an internal combustion engine in real time

Question: Did you tell about your communication?

Answer: Yes

Question: Are you looking for each other as a couple or do you not care who you live with? Are you family? Do you have children?

Answer: I am against bestiality, try not to be offended.

But I personally, I don’t have the right to speak for everyone.

I honestly tried to be like people. All sorts of family and stuff. But this is harmful for “karma”, so let’s call it. It is a continuous process of manipulation and suppression. Give a little slack, and they instantly start hating you. Well, this cannot last long. People are stronger, people grow fast. Maximum 3 years possible.

Question: Why be offended?) Do you like to communicate with people?))

Answer: Many people are offended by projecting bestiality onto themselves, not realizing that in this version I consider myself an animal.

Question: Got it...So is it possible for a human woman to have a child with you?

Answer: No, but there were many attempts on their part. Still a great way to get property honestly.

Question: And also about moving into a coma. Your Soul moves into someone else’s, but after “returning” to life you must continue your previous life, how will you recognize and communicate with everyone? Are you using old memory? How?) Do you remember how you moved in, how many years ago?

Answer: It's difficult to describe. I won't risk it. The difficulties are strong in this regard. Failures are very common, like a person who doesn’t remember anything. Regarding memory, this is a misunderstanding of functioning. The brain is the control driver of the carcass. Touch your paws and wag your tail, if present. There is no memory or thought in it. And all attempts to use it this way are harmful to its shelf life. It's more of a broadband radio. With flexible frequency adjustment. In general, the essence of thinking itself is the correct formulation of a request to the “server”. If the request is correct, the answer comes in full, instantly, in absolute completeness. Then there are problems of interpretation.

Reptilian Sergey S. is engaged in creativity in his spare time. The favorite material for creations is steel.

Question: There is an opinion that your cities are underground, is this true?

Answer: There are quite a lot of interesting things on this planet. But most of the underground structures are yours. Either from the current civilization, or from previous ones. Naturally, no one will give you the coordinates so that you can immediately stuff a nuclear warhead there? Thank you, there are no takers.

Vladimir from Amazing revealed everything about lizards quite well. There's quite a bit of fiction there.

Question: Did you give him the material?

Answer: No, we had no interaction, and he was even offended. I explained to him why he was so terribly upset when he decided to take a walk without his body. And what could this lead to?

Question: Is it yours too? And who is there among the people living underground? Do modern people have access, or only remnants of past civilizations? I wish I could chat with them!

Answer: No, he is the same person as everyone else. YouTube is a dangerous thing, I’ve already written about it a couple of times. Even what I'm doing now is quite dangerous. Let's hope that we won't just arouse sympathy, and everything will remain smooth. There absolutely cannot be non-humans on YouTube. Being a guru in any form is harmful to existence.

On the topic of buildings, look for yourself. You have all sorts of interesting military and government organizations. Everything can be classified, but there is no desire to reveal other people’s secrets.

Question: Why are you being shot?

Answer: Not people or revealed people, very wrong citizens of any state. It is not clear how to manipulate them; it is technically impossible to threaten them. Well, what will you do to them other than destroy the body? No, well, you can put a device on the TE, then it will be a rather sad event, but this is a slightly impractical method, and expensive. For the majority of the population, it’s too much to think about. People are very lazy creatures. This is done on purpose. To overcome laziness.

I don’t get involved in breaking social formations. I personally. Almost complete humility. There are outbreaks, but I fight them. Nothing good has ever happened to things or processes that my paws got to.

Question: Do you feed your body, as expected, from the store? Anything specific?

Answer: I eat once a day, 3-4 slices of bread with vegetable oil. But technically, of course, I can eat everything. I don't feel the need for this. If the activity is severe physical, then you need meat, no matter how sad it is.

Question: Sergey, won’t anything happen to you for telling us this? You’re just telling an interesting story; you can’t watch and read something like this in every program or on YouTube.

Answer: The maximum that they can do to me is kill the carrier. This will be quite sad for the “relatives”. And in general, a rather technically dangerous procedure. Because nothing will interfere with breaking into the killer himself. You'll get tired of killing murderers. So you can kill the entire planet. It’s more practical to leave it as it is and not notice it. I don’t go where I’m not invited.

Question: Good position. And alternative historians got to the bottom of it, and Insiders said that the Capture took place 400 years ago. By whom? Please write down the laws of the Universe.

Answer: Capture from outside is a violation of laws. It's like dividing yourself by zero. Just a change of civilizations. And not 400, but approximately 200. I am not a calculator, I can calculate exact dates. Approximately 1820. TY devices were clean. You have staged quite a civil war for yourself. Considering the specific side effects of the mass use of such products, no one remembers about it, but an incredible amount of material evidence remains. You'll get tired of hiding. Dates have been shifted. In general, the story is a funny thing. In the age of the Internet and the media, you can twist a story as often as you like once a week.

The laws are simple: Have fun as you please, but do not force others to entertain you. This is greatly simplified. You should not leave unfinished actions tied to someone other than yourself. Like quarrels. Because the module is built, the negative channel is created, then you both die, but the channel remains, and how will you then look for each other? In the veil of death, you won’t be able to remember what happened the last time.

Question: 1. Don’t interfere where and when you don’t ask. Please continue. Through the channel of negativity = accumulated karma, they meet every time. 2. Do not create tails - pacify? Love, warmth, forgiveness... Right?

Answer: The simplest way, the most correct. The feeling at work is like the flow of a full-flowing lowland river. No bumps, thresholds, sharp corners. Any obstacle = wrong, harmful action. You need to think whether everything is going well. Is that what you want? This turns life into a continuous thought, with the construction of a complex multidimensional tree of analysis of possible consequences. You won’t be able to predict everything, because when you do, the system will throw you out of the universe. But we have to try.
Unfortunately, I described it very confusingly. The defense here is simple: - Love the one who kills you. The mirror principle works. You imbue him with a continuous flow of energy, and he directs this energy against you. “Bites his hand,” the system cuts off the power to him, in order to avoid creating the paradox of “Capturing God.” Well, you never know what he’ll think of. As a result, he burns himself out. It is important to understand that with an aggressive attack for no reason, in a preventive manner, you will certainly achieve your goal, but the payback will be unpleasant. Being born with cerebral palsy is not fun. This is an approximate, clumsy description.

Question: There is a famous blogger among us who could retell our conversation, will you allow me to retell this conversation?

Answer: I have no right to interfere. Moreover, this is the Internet, the social network “myl-ru”, in addition to the participants listed here, another 20 people can read us.

Question: Tell me, Sergey, if you are in the carcass of a person, and I, who seem to be a person according to the attached “crust”, also feel like I am in the carcass, then what is the difference between us?

Answer: The method of checking the difference is unpleasant. To kill a “reptilian”, you need to saw off the head. Ideally, blow it up completely. A person can break from a careless fall. Therefore, I do not advise anyone to check their suspicions using effective methods. A couple of times people hung me on the rack for fun. It’s not clear what they wanted to know! But I couldn’t die. They haven't shot or cut into this body yet, but there's more to come. I have no illusions.

Question: Do you think this is unfair? Remember all the horrors and partings of past lives?

Answer: I wouldn’t call it such a horror, but it’s not very pleasant, and it doesn’t have a beneficial effect on the mind. Someday I will break too.

Question: What to do if your most native biological carrier is a Tyrant and Despot? Castaneda had a similar situation with Don Juan.

Answer: I'm passed. Narcotic stimulants of Castaneda's visions are not our method. It’s quite difficult for me to maintain a sober mind, due to the physiological cycle of human digestion, and then in general...

Question: You eat once a day and sleep little. Are you fueled by energy from space, the Sun or people?

Answer: All of the above is space, strictly speaking. And on a low level, quite a lot of people don’t like me, to put it mildly. It's quite nourishing on its own. With the exception of a few serious mistakes not long ago, I did not in any way evoke these vivid feelings. People are just like that, nothing can be done about it.

Question: Sergey! Can the past change? We call time a series of events, but events are multivariate, each point grows its own branch of reality, therefore the future has an unlimited number of scenarios. But what if we chose a different branch in which events are developing, radically different from the previous branch, doesn’t this mean that the past also changes its vector. How about math?

Answer: The response picture is close in size to the universe, it flashes in small fragments for a moment, and it is impossible for my frankly defective abilities to comprehend it as a whole. It's like trying to load a magazine cover into TIFF in pre-press, on a computer with 2 gigabytes of RAM, with the swap file disabled. The process starts, something is loaded, and suddenly... Cutoff.

It's better for you to ask yourself these questions. You have no restrictions. People almost don't have them. The question about the nature of time, in a simplified version, gives an answer that is worse than the question itself.

Question: How can someone identify you when they meet? Can you tell me? I noticed about the girl that when she entered a nervous state, her movements began to become unbalanced, her body did not obey her head. Just movements, but meaningless, as if in prostration.

Answer: It is necessary to ask a direct, not difficult, and not provocative question. Lying is prohibited. There will be either a very detailed answer, or if the answer may violate any laws, there will be stupid silence, but from the general reactions it will be clear that the answer is ready. Well, or force him to drink. It’s just better to combine it with tying, in order to avoid serious troubles.

Question: Direct question about something specific? I also answer honestly, so what? I’m not a reptilian, I don’t drink now, but I used to be able to hold on for a long time. If you get drunk, will it be like a girl's? Head to one side, hands to the other? Or aggression? Are you stronger than us when you're drunk?

Answer: Strongly stun. It takes a lot of heavy damage. But from the point of view of the law, it looks... Well, you understand))). You must understand that you are removing all residual inhibitors from the crocodile. I have had several very sad moments like this. There were no casualties or destruction, but people were left with an aftertaste. ~70 people will be very happy if I get hit by lightning.

Question: Are you stronger than us in a fight? Can this be compared, but the potential may be different? Of course, I am for BL (Unconditional Love) and Peace-Peace, War-Poop, but I still wonder how you can be dangerous? Don't you spit poison?)))) Just kidding)

Answer: I see the human body structurally. I can wag my finger. Therefore, I never fight or resist. This is a Special Olympics discipline for bringing me to the point of assault. I can well imagine the upcoming consequences.

Question: That is. just as a chiropractor knows all the points on a person’s body, so you can “poke” once, and the person will disappear... Or not? Which Olympics? Where did she go?

Answer: This is Lukomorye slang. You have such a wonderful, in quotes, encyclopedia. Much of the information on it is extremely accurate.
The consequences may vary. but for me, killing someone is many times worse than if he kills me. It’s hard for me to imagine a situation where the scales will tip.

Question: Returning to the identification of the reptilian. An honest answer won't work, although thanks for the hint. Is there a keyword or word in your language that can be said and elicit an honest reaction from yours?

Answer: Some words in Arabic, when pronounced without using the vocal cords, are very similar. Pronounce with a deep exhalation, stretching it strongly. From an information point of view there will be a billet, but triggers will work and the thought will be read. But most lizards are paranoid, and what follows will be quite funny.

Question: Do you speak the same language? All over the Earth? Are there people with your language on other planets?

Answer: Language is a rudiment. It is used more for ritual purposes than for transferring information. Most of the information cannot be conveyed in any language at all.

Question: Sergey! What can you say about the Flat Earth Theory?

Answer: There are a lot of extremely rubbish theories created and promoted to conserve the population, within a given framework. The planet is most similar to a dried apple. If you “remove” the water from it.

Question: Does the Oort cloud exist? Can we leave the solar system?

Answer: Yes and no. Technically, you can build something like a UFO in a garage with current technology, but in reality there won't be much for you to do there. You can’t get along on the planet. The situation is constantly on the brink of disaster. The wonderful movie "Avatar", in reality, would have ended with a massive bombardment of this planet, until the species was completely erased, in response to the attack and enslavement of the blue Papuans for the sake of resources. Most of the local population goes straight into panic attacks at the thought that someone could fly here from outer space and enjoy the sight of the fierce chaos that you are doing to yourself.

Question: Let me clarify the question. Specifically, in our earthly carcass, is it possible to fly somewhere further than Earth’s orbit? I suspect not.

Answer: Antigrav, radiation protection 2-3 meters of gold. It's good armor. With anti-gravity, thrust is proportional to the load. Size doesn't matter. It's even better if it's big. More support cushion comes out. You have a theory of “hyperspace”. You have everything in your veil, for a very long time. The only thing missing is consciousness, the required level.

Question: Judging by the dynamics of approaching the BP, consciousness will no longer appear. And what are flying saucers anyway, or who?

Answer: The plates are yours. Replications + dug up. A simple thing in general. There are few people who want to fly to the Papuans to be caught, tortured for a long time, and for dessert they perform an autopsy without first killing you. People have the “observer effect” in full effect, based on the fierce, rabid envy of people. If you want to completely destroy any idea, tell people about it.

Question: How do Papuans catch a plate?))) Are you kidding?

Answer: They seem reasonable, but killing is bad. This is completely beyond comprehension. The creatures sit down and begin to communicate. And you club them on the head and into the bushes while they are warm. This is the principle.

Question: Whose pyramids are they? Who built it? I want to compare it with what I myself saw in a past life.
Answer: Remains of the former power system. In the era of oil, they are harmful, because they work even when badly damaged. The Egyptians are visible, and they are embarrassed to blow them up. Unlike the Far East.

Question: And how did they work, or are they working?

Answer: Emitters, Schumann resonance amplifiers. Now, from the most powerful of them, you can charge a mobile phone at most. About 10 hours.

Question: How is energy generated? Pressure on quartz or collection of Earth energy? I saw that large translucent quartz was laid in the foundation, and there were also basements. These are American pyramids.

Answer: The Planet, strictly speaking, is a multilayer capacitor, an electrostatic generator. You have a huge iron core in the center, and it also rotates. Out of sync with the rest of the planet. There is no energy problem. But it had to be invented, for obvious reasons.
These, in my opinion, are simple official things. I feel like a broken phone.

Question: So do you know who built the pyramids? Humans or reptilians? Or demigods?

Answer: People built it. There have been many attempts to launch civilizations. There are also more ancient buildings. Now, for unknown reasons, Tartaria has been formalized. So... It starts now. It’s even difficult to predict the outcome. Because they will start digging to prove that all this did not happen, but they will dig up such that they will have to rewrite everything.

Question: Tell me about dolmens

Answer: Yes, they are, in principle, the same as about the pyramids. The network is destroyed. So these are just curious monuments of a bygone era. I have virtually no interest in inoperable structures. There are a lot of intact and functional ones. Although these are also monuments of that era. On the one hand, it would be interesting to “turn them on” on the other hand. You need to do this. Well, because they are yours, and the defense will turn me off, and this is in the best case.

Question: For example, what of that, or what time, can work now?

Answer: Isaac is completely whole. In general, Peter, no matter how much it was spoiled, is a huge, efficient complex.

Question: Here is your opinion, who built all this?)

Answer: 2 Masonic temples. The pillar too. The fortress is almost 3 thousand years older. There is a curious apparatus underneath. Like under all the “stars”.

Question: What do you know about Tartary?

Answer: Everything has been said about Tartary many times already. But all the storytellers conceal the reasons for the fall. People tend to blame anyone other than themselves. Although there was a classic suicide. The rulers “lost their shores”, as a result of the deepest moral decay, local riots in the cities. TE destruction of rebellious cities, chain in the atmosphere, tectonic shifts... Full 3.14zdets. There is a wonderful monument, and the greatest mass grave with not even covered traces. Lake Pleshcheyevo. When it was even too lazy to disguise the narrow-gauge railways going along vectors to the center of the lake.

Question: So Tartaria collapsed on its own? Pleshcheyevo, what province is this? Yaroslavskaya?

Answer: Pereslavl is there. More precisely, what is left of it. Suburbs. The TE device is approximately 7.5 megatons with a depth of about 100 meters. Well, on the subway. You just need to understand the way of thinking of people of that time. TE devices are clean. No nuclear trigger. They are now dirty, not because they cannot do clean things, but because governments are greedy. They are clean, orders of magnitude more expensive, impressive in size, and do not scare people. Just a very strong bomb. The populated area has rebelled; it must be removed so that there are no harmful refugees. Everything is very human.

And the versions that are pressing with might and main that evil aliens have arrived are a blur, a distraction from the main problem. Even if you forget about all the “stupid” laws of the universe, then the very fact: - fly to God knows where, bomb God knows who, it’s the same thing as if you get off the couch, buy a plane ticket to South Africa, then you’ll be shaking for 3 weeks on a camel, so that at the end of the journey, put a firecracker in a termite mound.

Question: Sergey, do you work somewhere? What city do you live in?

Answer: What I'm trying to do is open on the page. All sorts of specific Art Objects. Most of them are not for sale. Due to, to put it mildly, the crisis, I am working at a loss. Well, it will be cool for the archaeologists of the future to unearth all this. Money is a sore subject. The main reason why I even crawled out of the virtual cave, my, so to speak, food base, there was a crisis, and I started to deal with the reasons. So I would sit and make my hedgehogs in peace and quiet. Make a hedgehog for 24 hours. The hedgehog feeds me for a month. Fed, to be more precise. Now I regret crawling out. But it's too late.

Question: That is. Are you your own boss and don’t rush to work in the morning?

Answer: The mass of rejected ones, due to the complexity of execution and innate perfectionism, are drowned in the surrounding swamps. So it will be fun for archaeologists. About half are made from “non-killable” materials. Shelf life is the lifetime of the planet.

Question: You can regulate the duration of your life in this body, i.e. keep the body in better condition than if a person lived in it?

Answer: I, at almost 40, look 22. Yes, I try to maintain it.

Question: I’ve set my sights on living for 165 years in good spirits, and I’m thinking, which Seryoga will teach me this?)))

Answer: The limit is 140 in the current environmental situation. Although I will most likely be killed earlier. There are many actively willing people, and a complete lack of motivation to resist.

Question: Is your limit 140? Okay, that's fine with me too. I am writing down! What should I do, what mantras should I chant?))

Answer: Do not use the body and its parts for purposes other than their intended purpose. For example, to rape the brain with thinking. All the answers have already been available for a long time, you just need to formulate your request correctly.

Question: It almost works out, sometimes I just turn off my brain and go on autopilot of the subconscious and get what I need) What else?

Answer: the brain can think, but this is a very unhelpful process for it. And for the whole body as a whole. More details from Professor Savelyev.

Question: I agree, the more intelligent a person is, the more problems he collects in his head. But at the same time, he can understand at some point that he doesn’t need this garbage, it’s not important, and then the wrinkles are smoothed out, the smart convolutions too, and the person is happy, like, for example, Igor Tkachenko?)))

Answer: The brain is the control driver of your personal home biorobot.

Question: Yes! And I understand that it works on impulses that program, including the duration of our body’s work. This means that it is possible to reprogram some parameters, and voila, we live and run for 140-160 years! So?

Answer: The environment is not getting better. This is the worst factor in all of this. Convince the entire planet to give up all the accompanying goodies... Excuse me.

Question: What about women?

Answer: Why? With a 99% probability, the zoophile, as a result, will begin to hate me, which, in general, will have a sad effect on her own karma. There is a 1% chance that you will become addicted to a lizard as if it were a hard drug. Also a sad result. Therefore, 6 years ago I decided not to create any more unpleasant problems, either for myself or for people. Stop playing human, it turns out badly and clumsily.

Question: Can you find someone similar to yourself for mating? Each... A pair. Is it more fun to make hedgehogs?

Answer: Quite a complicated procedure. And you won’t have to do it in pairs. 5 floors The human will jump up, and the rabid females will make a drum out of the lizard. We've already passed. Any pleasant relationship goes extremely poorly with continuous self-control. One thing is suffering greatly. Usually the second one. The result is always the same. So it’s easier to grow a “halo”. More rational.

Question: Yes, then of course it’s better with hedgehogs. But it’s not clear that you are both men and women?

Answer: There is no such division. It's more complicated. There has been no point in describing technology for billions of years. This is not transferable to human bodies. There have been, are and will be attempts, but the result is always sad. This generally has little to do with people. I don't want to remember. You have a future, but we only have eternal life imprisonment without the right of amnesty. Just don't feel sorry. They achieved it carefully and skillfully.

And instead of taking care of yourself, you are thinking about how to domesticate a crocodile, and divide your karma into zero. Even a domestic iguana has more benefits. It can at least be used as a simple detector of good/bad people. If she doesn't like a person, she becomes as red as a carrot.

Question: Can you tell me about reptilians that you can’t read on the Internet?

Answer: What can’t you read on the Internet? Dates? They cannot be verified; there is no material evidence. And those that exist need to be dug. It is prohibited to dig in private, and it is a problem to open a 70-meter quarry. The state will never do this. Only in secret. I found a couple of such quarries.

I would like to do all this myself, so that there is something to show, something that can be touched. To make anti-gravity using current technologies, you need several tons of mercury. Under 40 million rubles of equipment. I don’t have that much yet, so I won’t borrow it. The launch of such a device produces a kilometer-long exposure on meteorological radars. So, most likely, I won’t even live to see the calibration.

The explanation is simple. Magnetic levitation trains work fine in Japan. In order for something to fly, you need to create a support cushion that is orders of magnitude larger. And calibrate in antiphase to the planet’s magnetic field. Now they are creating a flying skateboard. The second version, which no longer needs a special “mat”. And they will create it in the near future. Then I can be taken to the zoo ☻

You need a fairly powerful computing system on board to adjust the field parameters to the “magnetic lines” of the planet. They are all known. Without this knowledge, navigation will be difficult.

The funny thing is that all this is on the Internet, although it is very scattered. It’s difficult to piece together a whole picture. But you can if you want. To prove it in such a way as to completely... You can arrange an autopsy, but then I will inevitably be spoiled. If I survive, I won’t be offended in earnest.

Question: I haven’t received an answer, how can I give a sign to a reptilian when I meet, so that he responds to me? Some kind of gesture, sign, word? Do you have your own names? You have a reptilian name so that I can say: Greetings from Sergei - Ugumukhtu!

Answer: The simplest thing is to attack. Or approach with a clear desire to attack. Well, how to scare away stray dogs. When you look into her eyes and imagine cutlets from her. Runs away 100%

You can't mix it up. Everything is visible. You persistently demand that something that cannot be formalized in this way be formalized in text. I have already given an analogy. It's like talking about the operation of an internal combustion engine in all its forms in real time. As applied to the real atmosphere entering the cylinder atomic by atomic.

Question: What is an internal combustion engine?

Answer: ICE is an internal combustion engine.)))
Not 100% of lizards are our species. There is a hybrid, if you can call it that, if we consider hybridization, a gradual controlled mutation of a person into a convenient form. Here you have an Apple phone. Its basic essence is “mak axis”. Or you can take it and install “Android”. This is hybridization.

Question: In general, there is no good way to identify a reptilian? only if you scare me? Anyone will run away if you scare her. Okay, shall we continue about longevity? We said that there is no need to overload your brain. What else do you recommend? Do alcohol and smoking interfere with health or is it neutral?

Answer: I have 2 ideas in my head at the moment on this issue. 1) it is not clear how to transfer the process; 2) won’t you catch us and make drums?

It is impossible to eliminate alcohol 100%; read the physiology of human digestion ☻ Getting drunk to the point of a stroke, it is clear that it is not healthy. Well, then over time, you yourself will understand why it interferes. From the outside, pushing dogmas is useless and often harmful.

If it is very difficult to get unstuck from the external supply of nicotine, then vaping is better. If you have smoked for many years, the synthesis of PP in the body atrophies, and you can die a little. Usually this is 5-6 years of experience. Then you'll have to pop the pills.

Simply put, you need to be completely autonomous. No dependencies at all. As a Soviet citizen, he is ready to launch to Mars at any moment. Or whatever it was said.

There is an addiction - you can manipulate, you can manipulate - my condolences.

Question: Well, you smoke, don’t you? So we're addicted? Or is it good for you?

Answer: For me it is an inhibitor. I cut off many functions for myself so as not to use them. They will turn on in a month if the inhibitors are removed. I cannot call myself a very stable creature. There is impulsiveness. As they say now, it might bomb. The “canned food” is banging – not a big problem. If it's full of bombs, the enemy's nerves will burn out. And I will have to buy a new mobile phone, at a minimum. And the laptop too.

Nicotine is actually a nerve poison. He's killing me little by little. What causes a continuous immune response. The lizard is passionate about the process of not dying and regenerating. There is no strength left for dangerous actions.
We remove the inhibitors, and we get a rather unpleasant creature, with a lot of strength and capabilities, but without these human complexes of yours, such as conscience

Question: You don’t want to answer about longevity? we “move away” from this topic regularly during the conversation.

Answer: With longevity, in my opinion, everything is simple, just right. It is technically possible in 20 years to develop and completely outgrow the body until it is no longer needed. Then an article will be written about you in the yellow press, and several, very dumbfounded, investigators from the local police department will go crazy. When the walls of the room are burnt, all things made of light materials are intact, your clothes are intact, and instead of a body there is ashes. There is no clear sense in prolonging the torment in the human body. And then in a few milliseconds there will be “Agu-Agu”, and everything will start again. Perhaps this time in the family of an oligarch. Or in some more normal country. But with the memory of the previous launch completely erased. All purgatories, heavens and hells are fiction. Everything is much sadder.

Question: What is the purpose of reptilians and people on earth?

Answer: Trying to grow in a human body. Well, a person can do that. The attempt failed. There is nothing to fly away from you. In fact - life imprisonment.

Question: Where to fly?

Answer: The Universe is infinite. There are many options.

Question: When did you arrive and from where?

Answer: 12,300 years ago. Not on purpose. It happened. Infiltration of yours into ours, riot and cremation in the atmosphere. Quite a lot of people died there. Only 2 million landing forces. All kinds of animals. There were few lizards. And they flew in to kill you, for the cause of bringing democracy to the surrounding worlds.

Question: Have you conducted a census of reptilians in the world now, in our days? How many are there?

Answer: 0.4%. Average temperature in the hospital. In Jews the density is greater. But not higher than 1%. It will take a long time to count by country and there is no need, because all those counted will be put on the reels without leaving the cash register. Well, maybe someday people will come up with a new enemy for themselves, and it will become easier.

Question: All rulers are probably yours

Answer: When you look at a person, what do you see? Pretty skin? And I have everything at once, including my soul. If all the rulers were ours, you would have been flying to Mars on weekends for 200 years to barbecue. And they would collect the animals into a personal cosmic zoo. Lizards are progressors

Question: but everyone tells us something else - lizards are enemies

Answer: Well, it’s impossible to say how it really is. Then states will collapse. How then to dominate? A fairly simple way to determine who the ruler is. There can be no offspring. Therefore, there is no need to take care of it. None of your material assets are interesting. There is no need to plunder and dominate.

Question: What about Elizabeth and Jolie? Are they people or not people?)

Answer: Do you have children? Biological? Here is the answer.

Question: So reptilians don’t die?

Answer: They even die. Mostly through violence at a young age. Up to 60 years old. In its prime. It’s just that, unlike people, there is no veil of death. A child, if it was a child, is never one. This is immediately obvious. By communication and behavior. Depends on who your brilliant doctors brought to clinical death nearby, and how suitable the carrier was at all. Sometimes there are simply no options. Being a ghost isn't fun.

Question: If reptilians cannot have children, how do they come back?

Question: That is. is a reptilian not a physical being?

Answer: We blew up our planet during the civil war. The species, as such, does not exist in physical form.

Question: Well, we usually bury the carcass. Or do you quickly “come to life”?

Answer: Who buries the carcass right away? What about criminal murders and stuff like that? What about staying in a coma for six months?

Question: Well, anything can happen to carcasses. There is probably no shortage of them. Murder is, let's say, a hole in the heart. You get possessed like that and what, do you heal the hole?

Answer: Many options do not reach the officials at all. Like accidentally pouring a solution of soap in methanol instead of cough syrup. Like mine was. The damage shouldn't be that critical. Ideally, poisoning or brain injury.

Question: Instead of a potion, did you pour a solution of soap with methanol?

Answer: Soap alcohol in the USSR, remember, was sold as a detergent? He was very popular.

Question: Sergey, it means you have the ability to see down to atoms, right? Is this yours or can we also develop this in ourselves? I heard from one that he, like, can see this way, but then I doubted it, watching him talk about himself.
Can you see the future and the past? If so, how accurate?

Answer: It's yours. I already wrote. The human body can cover almost the entire available spectrum. Some ranges, however, are dangerous. Gamma, X-ray, UV... But it’s possible. A question of interpretation of the data obtained.
The future cannot be seen because it has not yet happened. It can be predicted. You can look at parallels where something has already happened and also do an analysis. But all this is extremely imprecise and depends on many factors. Let’s just say that when you can do something like this, you definitely won’t ask such questions anymore.

Changing the past will not make changes in the present; it will create another branch of reality, which in no way intersects with the current one.
It won't be like the movie about dinosaurs and a squashed butterfly.

Question: So those who supposedly predict the future are mere talkers? Vanga is there, Nostradamus...

Answer: Yes and no. If you predict the end of the world or the arrival of aliens, then the collective consciousness of people, out of considerations of fierce envy and hatred of everything “not like that,” will cancel this very end of the world, and the aliens will suddenly die at ease. This is exactly a prediction. How is the weather. If we hypothetically microchip 100% of the planet's population, from cockroaches to dolphins, and start a super computer, then the future can be predicted very accurately.

Question: By the way, about dolphins. Do you understand them?

Answer: This will not work with human consciousness. Because the moment he succeeds, it will cease to be human. This will be the demiurge

Question: We did an experiment. During a collective session, the total amount of personal RA is added up, i.e. collective prayer or meditation collects energy, and then... Where do we direct it?)))

Answer: The stadium is cooler. The lower the level of emotions, the stronger they are. A large stadium, where football players play with axes and severed heads of penalty box players, can revive Lenin.

And collective meditations worked well in Aum-Senrikyo. If they had not run to spray sarin, there would have been a great future. Someone installed a provocateur in their structure.

To grow up normally, you need to be completely independent, no groups, families, children, attachments.

Question: What does it mean to “grow up normally”?

Answer: Development should ideally be like an inflating balloon, not a hedgehog.

Question: Do you mean thorns - flaws, or distortions in development?

Let's just say that you do interesting experiments to obtain experimental data for yourself. It’s useless to show it from the outside; they won’t believe it.

Holy man = oxymoron. You can do experiments, but if you try to expand and deepen, you will still end up with a sect.

Question: The question of the moment of connection to the body during and after a coma remains unclear. How does a reptilian connect to previous experience and memory? How does he recognize his relatives and go to work where he has never been? How did you, Sergei, inhabit your body, do you remember? How did you adapt to what came before you?

Answer: Experience and memory are not stored in the brain. It is important to tune in to them. This doesn't happen right away. It is important not to go crazy in the process. Because often you name events that happened in parallel, but did not happen in this world.

But usually, as if after coma, or clinical death, they don’t torture - WHO ARE YOU!!

It is very interesting to communicate with those who received a bullet wound to the head, but did not die. This clearly shows the true purpose of the brain.

Question: There were cases when bullets got stuck in the skull without reaching the brain, but there were also those who survived a bullet wound to the head?

Answer: Over the past 25 years, many. You love to fight very much.

Question: How did your planet die?

Answer: Nuclear detonation, voluntarily forced. We are animals.
when you get ready to organize a thermonuclear war here again, you might find out “how.” There is such a chance. Because the planet will not survive one more time.

Question: Once again?

Answer: Well, it happened 8 times already.

about 200 years ago Tartary itself. Euthanasia through civil. The funnels are very fresh, this can be calculated without any occult knowledge; the metal of the structures has not yet been completely oxidized.

Part of the infrastructure is in use. The tunnels are the same.

Question: What were people like before the thermonuclear war?

Answer: A little taller. The parameters of gravity, humidity and oxygen content were better. Not 12-15% but from 32%. There were “Vimanas” and thermonuclear fusion. The energy system is not oil based. The brains are essentially the same. What is the result?

Question: Do you have moral limits: “Do no harm” or “The end justifies the means”?

Answer: I can’t speak for everyone. Some live like ordinary people, taking advantage of additional pleasant properties to the fullest. It won't be any worse than it is. Some of them periodically come out into the world to chat. Mainly during crises. Some become monks in a vain attempt to ascend. The restrictions are not moral. It’s just that when you do something that’s frankly wrong, it requires incredible effort. You have to break the system's defenses. The good path is always the simplest, the most pleasant. Happy people are running around, emitting rainbows, and farting butterflies. Exaggerated.

Question: Is there an Us and Them problem? And is this a problem for humans now rather than for reptilians?

Answer: When many people stopped believing in God and the devil, new enemies were invented for you. For humanity, someone else is always to blame, but not themselves. They make drums out of us, so the problem is ours. Why don't you, you've been making drums out of each other for thousands of years, without even considering that there is anything bad in it.

Question: Narrow gauge railways in Pleshcheyevo - transport of the Previous ones?

Answer: There was a city on the site of the lake. The city has the honor of surface railway transport. Part of the metro. They brought the device into the subway and banged it. The city turned into dispersed dust and launched into the stratosphere. Together with all buildings and residents. How this happens in real life is shown in the example of 9/11. The charge is simply orders of magnitude weaker.
If you study the literature on civil defense, then all the remaining ruins, including metro stations, can be easily read from a satellite image. They trace and so on. I won't go into detail about this. It’s more interesting to search for yourself... This way you can make a complete map of the world before the war, the metro system was global

Question: Has the Vatican recognized your existence?

Answer: Well, not exactly. The Pope said that aliens are also God's children, and it logically follows from this that burning them at the stake is bad manners.

I don’t really want to write about religions. There can be all sorts of insults to feelings. But in general the essence is the same as with football. He's just not everyone's cup of tea. And I want to eat. In all senses.

On the topic of search methods: - Under almost every such video, there is naturally a population census.

Question: Do you have a hierarchy?

Answer: It was. An empire with a very totalitarian structure. Not anymore. But something like submission remains.

Question: Can you inhabit a living person and gradually displace his soul from the body, take over the body?

Answer: Living is impossible. People are stronger. Well, in general, this is violence, there will be nothing to move in with. The only option is for this person to kill me. Preferably personally, and not artillery or a sniper. Therefore, dismissing us to the drums is a somewhat futile task.

Question: What do the most important people on planet Earth do? And won't they give you a smack for disclosing information in this chat?

Answer: I am more afraid of People. From my point of view, I didn’t say anything that I couldn’t reach myself. It’s just that many years of searching have merged into a few hours. Rationality. I will believe more that my neighbors will kill me. They are so... Cool.

This was the last phrase of Sergei, who claimed that he was a reptilian. I don’t know what really happened, but he never got in touch again. And today, January 19, 2017 at 12:50 Moscow time. His profiles on VKontakte and Facebook were deleted. At that very moment when I was choosing another photo of his metal works. I hope that nothing bad happened to this person, or reptilian, whatever. In the short time I got to know him, I managed to fall in love with him, even become somewhat close to him.

Letter addressed to Christian Pfeiler

“I, Ole K. from Sweden, officially certify that this interview is absolutely true information and is in no way connected with fiction. There's no point in lying to me. I was also skeptical like 99% of ordinary people and also thought that this was science fiction and fiction, my friend, who periodically informed me about his contacts with an alien - also a female one - I simply did not believe him and mocked him. Until December 16, in a city in southern Sweden, in a small house, I saw a truly non-human. It is a fact!

These are portions of the transcript of an interview I conducted with a female reptoloid alien, Lacerta.

She said and showed me so many incredible things during the meeting that I can no longer deny the reality and truth of her words. This is not fiction, although ufologists themselves tend to misinform the public in their so-called transparent and public magazines. I am convinced that this transcript contains the only truth and that is why you should read it.

I talked to her for over 3 hours, so the following transcript shows that you only cut parts of the interview because she asked me after the interview not to publish everything she told me now.

The order of the questions in this transcript is not always the same order in which I asked them, so it may seem a little confusing to you at times. It was not easy to remove all the important parts she asked me to remove from the transcript, so I apologize for the possibly unusual order. I am in possession of the complete transcript of the interview (49 pages with some of my drawings of her body organ) and her equipment. and also some tapes where I have a full interview, but I won't show it until I have permission from her.

I will send this abridged form of the still sensational document to four of my trusted friends in Finland, Norway, Germany and France, and I hope they will translate it into their language and into other languages, and I hope as many people as possible will be able read and understand the transcript.

If you receive this, please send it to all your friends via email, or make printouts and copy them.

I certify, moreover, that various "unexplainable" abilities of her species like telepathy and telekinesis (including moving and dancing my pencil on the table without touching and flying an apple around 40 centimeters over her hands) were shown to me during these 3 hours of the meeting, and I am absolutely sure that these abilities were not tricks.

The following is of course difficult to understand and believe for someone who has not experienced it, but I was really in touch with her opinion and I am now completely confident that everything she said during the interview is the absolute truth about our world.

Unfortunately, if I read the full transcript, and (much more) this is a very abbreviated form of one I have the strong impression that everything I wrote sounds too incredible to be true, which makes the whole thing sound rather like a bad science fiction story , and I have doubts that anyone will believe my experiences. But they are true. In fact, it’s not even that important whether you believe it or not. I cannot expect you to believe my simple words without physical evidence, but I cannot give them to you yet without permission.

Please read the transcript and you may see the truth in my words. There will be a new meeting between me and her (again in the same house in Sweden) on April 23, 2000, where she promised to give me perhaps some physical evidence for her existence.

In the meantime, I'm collecting questions that I'll ask her then. Maybe she's giving me permission to show more of the missing pieces in that transcript and about the coming war.
Believe it or not, it’s not on your part - it’s up to you, but I repeat - it’s not so important anymore!

Interview with LASERTA

Question: First of all, who are you? Are you an extraterrestrial species, or can your origins be found on this planet?

Answer: As you could see with your own eyes, I am not a human (!) like you, and to be completely honest I am not a mammal - despite my partially mammal-like features of the body organs, which are the result of some kind of evolution. I am a female reptile , belonging to a very old race of reptiles (reptilians).

We are native earthlings, and we have lived on that planet for millions of years. We are mentioned in your religious texts like your Christian Bible, and some of the ancient human races knew our presence and some worshiped us, such as the Egyptians and Incas and many other old tribes. Your Christian religion has misinterpreted our role in your creation, so that we are referred to as the "evil snake" in your letters.

If you ask me if I am an alien, I have to answer no. We are native earthlings. We have, and have some colonies in the solar system, but we come from this planet.

Question: Can you tell me your proper name?

Answer: It is difficult because your human language is not capable of pronouncing or understanding it. Our language is very different from yours, but my name would sound something like “Sssshiaassshakkkasskkhhhshhh...” with a very strong emphasis on the “k” and “sh” sounds.

We have no proper names like you, but only a single one in a special procedure at a young age during a special religious initiation. Please call me “Lacerta”, this is my name that I generally use when I am among people and talking with them.

Question: How old are you?

Answer: We measure time not like you in astronomical years and in changing from the earth around the sun, because we usually live below the surface of the planet.

Our measurement of time depends on the periodically rotating cycles in the earth's magnetic field and according to this and according to your chronology I have reached my adult stage and my "age" is 16,337 cycles ago (this is a very important date for us.) According to your human time scale I'm about 28 years old.

Question: What is your task? Do you have a “job” like us?

Answer: Yes, in your words: I am a student of social behavior of your variety.

That is why I am here and talking to you, that is why I showed my real nature of existence to your friend, and now to you, and that is why I am giving you everything that also concerns secret information and why I will try to answer all questions honestly.

For myself, I will observe how you react, how other individuals of your species react. There are so many crazy people and liars of your kind on this planet who have claimed to know the truth about us, about these phenomena you call UFOs, about aliens and so on, and some of you believe their lies. This is unpleasant even for us - these are scoundrels from our point of view.

I am personally interested in personally seeing how your species reacts if you see the truth, which I will tell you now publicly! I am very sure that each of you will refuse to believe my words, but I hope so... because you must understand how to survive the next years...

Question: Can you now give me a short answer: Are UFOs (UFOs) actually flying “objects” controlled by aliens or are they your species?

Answer: Some UFO sightings - as you call them that - belong to us, but most do not. Most of the "mysterious" flying objects in the sky are not technological devices, but mostly misinterpretations of natural phenomena that your scientists have no understanding of - like spontaneous plasma flares in the high atmosphere.

However, some UFOs are real, belonging to your own species and especially to your military or to another alien species or, finally, to us. For some reason your people are deceiving you... it’s not fair.

The fewest module objects you observe actually belong to us, because we are generally very careful with our movements in the atmosphere, and we have special ways to hide our aircraft.

If you are reading a report about finding a metallic bright gray cigar shaped cylindrical object with lights... at an altitude between 20 and 260 your meters and if this object made a very deep buzzing sound and if there were 5 bright red lights on the metalish surface of the cigar (one at the top, one in the middle, two at the end) then it is likely that someone saw you one of our ships.

And this means that it was either partly a defect or that someone on us was not careful enough. We also have a very small fleet of disc-shaped modules, but such "UFOs" are usually of the foreign variety.

Triangular UFOs belong generally to your own military corps, but they use alien technology to build them. If you really want to try to see one of our objects, you should look at the skies over the Arctic, Antarctic and inland Asia (especially in the mountains).

Question: Do you have a special identification symbol with which we can identify your species?

Answer: We have two main symbols that represent our species.

One (more ancient) symbol is a blue snake with four white wings on a black background (the colors have religious meanings for us).
This symbol was used from some parts of my society, but it is - today very rarely - You people copied it very often in your ancient manuscripts...

Another mystical symbol is what you would call the “Dragon” in the shape of a circle with seven white stars in the middle. This symbol is much more popular today.

If you see one of these symbols on a cylindrical vessel object, I would advise you to get away from there as soon as possible. Earlier I explained why.

Question: These seven stars in the second symbol that you mentioned - do they mean the Pleiades?

Answer: Pleiades? these seven stars are planets and moons, and they are a symbol of our former seven colonies in the solar system. The stars are shown in front of a blue background, and the dragon's circle signifies the shape of the Earth. The seven white stars mean the Moon, Mars, Venus and the 4 moons Jupiter and Saturn, we colonized them in the past. Two of the colonies are no longer in use and have been abandoned, so 5 stars would be more appropriate….

Question: Since you did not allow me to take photographs - which would be very useful to prove your real existence, and the truth of this story - can you describe yourself in more detail?

Answer: I know it would be helpful to prove the authenticity of this interview if you could take some photographs of me. You people are big skeptics. Even if you had such photographs, many of your kind would say that they are a fraud, that I am only a human woman in disguise or something like that...which would be insulting to me.

You must understand that I cannot give you permission to take photographs of me or my equipment.

This has various reasons, which I do not want to discuss with you further, but one of the reasons is to maintain a high level of mystery of our existence, another reason has religious significance. However, you have permission to make drawings of my appearance and my equipment, I can show it to you later.

I can also try to describe myself, but I doubt that others of your kind will be able to imagine my real view only from mere words, because automatically denying the existence of a reptilian species and in general an intellectual species of another then your own is part of the programming of your opinion.

Okay, I'll try to describe myself...

Imagine the body of a normal human woman. Like you, I have a head, two arms, two arms, two support legs and two feet, and the dimensions of my body are like yours.

Since I am female, I also have two breasts. Despite our reptilian origins, we started giving milk to our babies during development - this happened about 30 million years ago - because it is the best thing.

Evolution did this for your species already at the age of the dinosaur and - a little later - also for ours. This does not mean that we are now real mammals, but that our breasts are not the same size as those of a human woman, and their size is generally the same for every woman of my species. External reproductive organs are for both sexes, smaller than those of humans, but they are visible, and they have the same function as yours (another developmental gift to our species.)

My skin is mostly green-beige in color - a paler green - and we have some patterns of brown irregular dots (each dot size 1 - 2 centimeters) on our skin and in our face - the patterns are different for both genders, but women have more. especially in the lower part of the body and on the face.

You can see them in my case as two lines across my eyebrows, across my forehead, in my cheek and in my chin. My eyes are slightly larger than human eyes - for this reason, we can see better in the dark.

We have outer round ears, but they are smaller and not as curved as yours, but we can hear better because our ears are more sensitive to sound - we can also hear a wider range of sound frequencies.

There is a muscle or “cover” over the ears that can completely cover them – for example under water.

Our nose is more sensitive and curves between the nostrils, which allowed our ancestors to “sense” temperature.

We have lost most of this ability, but we can still sense temperature much better with this "organ". Our lips are shaped like yours—women's are larger than men's—but pale brown in color and our teeth are very white and strong and a little longer and sharper in a way your soft mammalian teeth are not.

We don't have any different hair colors like yours (but there is a tradition of coloring hair at different ages) and the original color is like mine, a greenish brown. Our hair is thicker and stronger than yours, and it grows very slowly. In fact, the head is the only part of our organ - the body, where we have hair.

Our body, arms and legs are similar in shape and size to yours, but the color is different - green-beige, like the face.

Our five fingers are a little longer and thinner, then human fingers and our skin on the palm are plain, so we don't have any lines like you, but again a combination of scale-like skin texture and brown dots, both genders have dots on the palm and we don't have no fingerprints like you.

If you touch my skin, you will feel that it is smoother than your hairy skin.

There are small sharp horns on the top of both middle fingers. Your nails are gray and generally longer then. You see that my nails are not so long and rounded...

This is because I am female. Men have sharp pointed nails, sometimes 5 or 6 centimeters long.

The following feature is very different from your body and some of our reptilian origins: if you touch the back of my body, you will feel a hard bony line.

This is not my spine, but a very difficult shaped outer structure of skin and tissue following exactly our spine from head to hip.

There are an extremely high number of nerve endings and large blood vessels in this structure and in the plates - this is the reason why we always have problems sitting on your chairs - like the ones in this house.

The main task of these small plates is simply to regulate our organ-body temperature and if we sit in natural or artificial sunlight, these plates become more blood-active and the vessels become wider. Therefore, the sun can heat our reptilian blood (which circulates through the body and through the plates) to raise the temperature of the skin, which gives us great pleasure.

What else is different about your species? Oh, we don't have any navel because we were born in a different way to your mammal birth. Other external differences from your appearance are minor, and I think I should not mention everything now, because most of them are not visible if we wear clothes.

I hope the description of my body was detailed enough.

Question: What kind of clothes do you make and generally wear? I'm guessing this isn't what you usually wear?

Answer: No, I wear these clothes of yours every day, wearing them only when I am among people.

To be honest, it's not very comfortable for me to wear such tight-fitting things, and it's always a very unusual feeling. If we are in our own underground house or in our large artificial areas of the sun and if we are together - we are usually completely naked...

Is this disgusting to you? When we are in public, and along with many others of my species, we wear very wide and soft clothing made of thin, flammable material.

I told you that many parts of our organs are very sensitive to contact, mainly the small plates at the back, so we cannot feel completely comfortable in tight clothing because it can injure us. Different individuals of reptilians wear different types of clothing by color - for distinction.

Question: You said "others are close to your own name." Do you mean your family?

Answer: No, not really. You called it "family," but with this word, you mean only those of your species that belong genetically together like father or mother and child.

As I said earlier that we have a very difficult and unique name. The "family" part of that name is absolutely unique and there is no other analogue with the same name, but the middle part of this name is explicit in the way "family" I have to use the word because you don't have the correct analogue in your dictionary . You belong...

This does not mean that everyone in that group is genetically related to you, because these groups are usually very large and contain between 40 and 70 of our individuals.

This group generally includes your genetic relationships - except for one of them, I decided to leave this group - and your connection with your father and mother is often the strongest. It would be too difficult for me to explain to you now our ancient social system, which is very complex and we would need many hours just for the primary things. Perhaps we can spend another time and I can give you detailed descriptions of all these things.

Question: Do you personally have a tail like normal reptiles?

Answer: Do you see him? No, we don't have any visible tail. If you look at our skeleton, there is just a small rounded bone at the end of our spine behind the pelvis. This is a useless vestige of the tail of our ancestors, but it is not visible from the outside.

Oh, our embryos have tails during the first months of development, but those tails disappear before they are born. The tail makes only sense for a primitive species that tries to walk on two legs and needs to keep balance with the tail, but our skeleton has changed during development, and our spine is almost the same shape as yours, so we don't need any what kind of tail to stay on two legs like you..

Question: You said that you were born in a different way from ours. Are you laying eggs?

Answer: Yes, but not like your birds or primitive reptiles. In fact, the embryo grows in the protein fluid inside the mother's uterus, but there is also an oval but very thin chalky shell around it that fills the entire uterus. There is also a cord like your navel cord that is connected to a point hidden behind.

When the baby is about to be born, the whole egg is pressed through the vagina, enclosed in the mucous substance of the albumen, and the baby comes out of this soft egg after some minutes. These two horns on our middle fingers were instinctively used from babies to break through the chalk body to take their first breath.

Our baby is not as big as your babies when they were born, they are between 30 and 35 of your tall centimeters, the egg is around 40 centimeters (this is because our vagina is smaller than that of a human female) but we are growing to normal size from 1.60 to 1.80 meters.

Question: What about your body temperature? You said that you like to lie in the sun. What effect does this have on your body?

Answer: We are not mammals and like reptiles, our body temperature depends on the temperature of our surroundings. If you touch my hand, you may feel that it is colder than yours because our normal body temperature is around 30 and up to 33 degrees Celsius. If we sit in the sun, especially naked in the sun, our body temperature can rise up to 8 or 9 degrees within a few minutes.

This increase increases the production of many enzymes and hormones in our body, our heart and brain, and every organ becomes more active, and we then feel very, very good. You people only love to be a little in the sun, but for us, it's the greatest pleasure you can imagine (perhaps similar to your sexual excitement.)

We also like to swim in very warm water or other liquids to raise our body temperature. If we are in the shade for some hours, our temperature returns again to 30 to 33 degrees.

It may not cause any harm to us, but we feel much better in the sun. We have artificial rooms (places) of “artificial sun” in the underground (underground), but this is not the same for us as the real sun.

Question: What do you eat?

Answer: Generally various things like you: flesh, fruit, vegetables, special types of mushroom (from underground farms) and other things. We may also eat some substances from entities that are poisonous to you.

The main difference between you and us is that we have to eat flesh because our body organ needs proteins. We cannot live completely vegetarian like your species because our bodies would shut down and we would die after several weeks or perhaps months without eating meat.

Many of us eat raw flesh or other things that would be disgusting to you. Personally, I prefer cooked flesh and surface fruits like apples or oranges.

Question: Can you tell me something about the natural history and development of your species? What age is your species? Did you evolve from primitive reptiles?

Answer: Oh, this is a very long and complex story, and it sounds, of course, incredible to you, but it is true. I will try to explain this briefly. About 65 million years ago, many of our non-advanced dinosaur ancestors died in a great global cataclysm.

The reason for this destruction was not a natural disaster (asteroid impact) as your scientists believe falsely – but a war between two enemy alien groups that were taking over primarily space in the orbit and high atmosphere of your planet.

According to our limited knowledge of the early days, this global war was the first foreign war on planet earth, but it was far from the last in the past (and a future war may come soon, while the "cold war" - as you call it - between foreign groups, continuing since then in the last (past) 73 years on your planet.

Next Google translation

The opponents in these 65 million year wars were two advanced alien species whose names are again unpronounceable to your tongues. I can say them, but it will hurt your ear if I tell you their names in an original way. One race was humanoid like your species (but much older) and was from this universe, from the solar system in the constellation of the star that you call "Procyon" today in your charts.

Another species we don't know much about was the reptilian species, but they have no relation to our own species because we evolved from native saurians with no outside influence (other than the successful manipulation of our own genes by us. More on this later. ) The advanced reptilian species did not come from this universe, but from a more advanced one, as I can tell this to you.

Your scientists truly do not understand the true nature of the universe because your illogical thinking is unable to see the easiest things and relies on incorrect mathematics and numbers. This is part of the genetic programming of your species, I will talk about this later. Let me say that you are almost as far from understanding the universe as you were 500 years ago.

To use other terms, you may understand: another species came not from this universe, but from another “bubble in the foam of the Universe.” You would call it perhaps another dimension, but that is not the right word to describe it correctly (by the way, dimension is generally the wrong term in the way you understand it.

The fact that you must remember is that the more advanced species are able to move between bubbles using - you would call it - quantum technology and sometimes in special ways just by using their thinking (my own species has also advanced mental abilities far beyond your species, but we are not able to move between changing worlds without technology. But another species active on this planet is capable, and it looks like magic to you, since it must be your ancestors).

Back to our own history: the first species (humanoids) reached Earth about 150 years before the reptilians, and they built some colonies on the former continents. There was a large colony on the continent that you call "Antarctica" today and on another continent that you call "Asia" today. These people lived together with similar saurian animals on the planet without problems.

When the advanced reptilan species arrived in this system, humanoid colonists from "Procyon" tried to communicate with them peacefully, but were unsuccessful and a global war was started within a few months. You must understand that both species were interested in this young planet not for their biology and undeveloped species, but for only one reason: raw materials, especially copper.
To understand this reason, you must know that copper is a very important material for several advanced species (even today) because it – together with some non-permanent materials – is capable of producing new stable elements if you induce a high electromagnetic field at the right angle with a strong nuclear beam field, then something happens at the intersection of these oscillating fields.

An alloy of copper with other elements in such a magnetic/radiaton field coupling can produce a force field of a special nature, which is very useful for various technological tasks (but the basis for this is a very complex formula that you are not able to discover due to the limitations of your primitive thinking .
Both species wanted the copper of Planet Earth and for this reason, a short war was fought locally and in orbit. The humanoid species seemed to be more successful the first time, but in the last battle, the reptilians decided to use a powerful experimental weapon - a bomb made of a special alloy that was supposed to destroy life forms on the planet, but should not harm valuable raw materials and copper.

A bomb was released and exploded at a point on your planet that you call "Middle America" ​​today. As she exploded in the ocean, it produced an unpredictable fusion with hydrogen, and the effect was much more powerful than the reptilians expected. Deadly radiation, overproduction of oxygen, fallout of various elements and a “nuclear winter” for almost 200 years were the result.

Most of the humanoids were killed, but the reptilians lost interest in the planet after several years for reasons (even to us) unknown - possibly due to radiation. The Planet Earth was on its own again, and the animals on the surface died. Incidentally, one of the results of the fusion bomb was the precipitation of various elements and materials created during the combustion process, one of which materials was Iridium.

Your human scientists today see concentrations of Iridium in some layers of the earth as evidence of the impact of the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. This is not true, but so should you know it?

Well, most of the dinosaurs died (not all in the explosion, but in the bad things that came after the war, especially the nuclear winter and the fallout.) Almost all the dinosaurs and reptilians were dead within the next 20 years. Some of them - especially those in the oceans - were able to survive for the next 200 to 300 years even in this changed world, but this species also died because the climate changed.

Nuclear winter ended after 200 years, but it was colder on earth then before. Despite the cataclysm, some species were capable of survival: fish (like sharks), birds, some creepy mammals (your ancestors), various reptiles like crocodiles... and there was a special species of small but advanced dinosaurs that evolved along with the last big animals reptilian variety. You call them tyrannosaurs.

This new reptile walked on two legs and looked a bit like your Iguanodon (it originated in this family), but smaller (about 1.50 meters tall) with some humanoid features, modified bone structure, a larger skull and brain, a hand with a thumb, which was capable of capturing things, different organism and disgestion, advanced eyes in the middle of the head like your eyes and... most important... with a new and better brain structure. This was our direct ancestor.

There are theories that radiation from the bomb took part in the mutations of the body of this new breed, but this has not been proven. However, this small humanoid-like dinosaur evolved over the next 30 million years (because I said earlier that the need to develop thinking abilities takes much longer, but this development was forced - by mutation) from an animal to a more or less thinking creature.

These creatures were intelligent enough to not die in the next millions of years because they learned to change their behavior, they lived in cold climates rather than caves, and they learned to use stones and objects as early tools. They also used fire to help them stay warm - especially to warm their blood, which is very important for our species to survive.

Over the next 20 million years, this species was divided by nature into 27 subspecies (unfortunately, the former reptilian species tended to divide itself in a more or less counterintuitive manner into subspecies during the process of evolution. You can clearly see this in the unnecessary high number of species dinosaurs in earlier times) and there were many (mostly primitive) wars between this subspecies for dominance.

Well, nature was not very friendly to us, and as far as we know of the 27 subspecies, 24 were destroyed in primitive wars and in evolution because their organism and mind were not developed enough to survive, and (as the main reason) they were not able to change their blood temperature in the right way if the climate changed.

50 million years after the war and after the end of the Dinosaurs came, only three (now also technological) reptilian-species advanced and remained on this planet along with all the other lower animals. Through natural and artificial selection, these three species were combined into one reptilian species and through gene manipulation, we were able to "eliminate" fission-prone genes in our genetic structure.

According to our history and belief, this was the time when our ultimate reptilian race - as you see me today - was created through genetic engineering. This was about 10 million years ago, and our development almost stopped at this point (in fact there were some minor changes in species, like most humanoid and similar mammals, appearing over generations) we did not split into sub-varieties again.

You see, we are a very old race compared to your species, who were jumping around while little monkey-like creatures lived in the trees while we invented technology, colonized other planets in this system, built large cities on this planet (which disappeared without a trace for centuries) and engineered our own genes while your genes still remained in the animal stage.

10 million years ago when humanity's small ancestors began to grow, they then dropped from the trees to the ground (again due to climate change) - especially on the so-called African continent. But they evolved very slowly, as is normal for a mammal and if nothing extraordinary had happened to your species, we could not sit here and talk, because I would be sitting in my comfortable modern home and you would be sitting in your cave dressed in fur and trying to light a fire. Or you might be sitting in one of our menageries. But events developed differently, and you now believe that you are the “Crown of Creation” and can sit in a modern house, and we must hide and live below the earth in its remote areas.

About 1.5 million years ago, another extraterrestrial species reached Earth (it was the first species since over 60 million years). And it would be even more amazing if you knew how many different varieties there are today. The interest of this humanoid species – you call them Elohim today – was not raw materials or copper. These were, to our surprise, unadvanced humanoid apes.

Despite our presence on this planet, the aliens decided to “help” you develop a little faster in order to serve them in the future as some kind of auxiliary slave race in future wars.

The fate of your species was not really important to us, but we did not like the presence of the "Elohim" on our planet, and they did not like our presence on their new "galactic menagerie." And so, your sixth and seventh creation was the cause of the war between us and them. You can read about that war, for example, partially in the book that you call “The Bible,” but in a very strange way of describing it.

The real truth is a very long and difficult story.

Meeting with Lasserta again after some time

Some time has passed since this material. After which Ole K. again met with the reptilian Lasserta. And again I published this dialogue (continued).


I once again confirm that the following text is the absolute truth and is not fiction. It was compiled from three original tape recordings that were made on April 24, 2000 with a tape recorder during my second interview with the reptilian being known as "Lacerta". At Lacerta's request, the original 31 page text was revised and condensed to deal with some of the questions and answers. Some existing questions have been partially shortened or corrected. It has even been attempted to extract the message and meaning from it. This part of the interview, either not mentioned or not mentioned entirely in the transcript, deals primarily with personal issues, supernatural demonstrations, the social system of the reptilian species and alien technology and physics.

The reason for changing the date and time of the second meeting was possible observation and observation of my own personality after the publication of the first transcript. Although every effort was made on Lacerta's advice to keep my identity secret, it was only two days after the document was distributed abroad that various unusual events took place. Please don't think I'm being paranoid; however, I believe that the publication of the interview attracted either official attention or the attention of some organization to me. Up until this time, I usually regarded people who believed they were being followed by the state to be nothing more than jokers. But now I have begun to reconsider my ideas about this since the events in January. It started with my phone not working for a few hours. When the phone came into service again, there was a quiet echo and strange clicking and popping sounds when I made calls. The defect could not (allegedly) be found anywhere. Overnight, important data disappeared from the hard drive in my computer. The testing program reported "bad sectors" where strangely enough there was only data that dealt with illustrations and completed text material from interviews. These "defective sectors" also contained material of a supernatural nature in my area of ​​research. (Fortunately, the material was also stored on floppy disks.) Additionally, I discovered by sheer chance some hidden data in a similarly hidden directory index. The name that appeared on the data and directory index was "E72UJ". A friend who is a computer expert couldn't make anything out of this notation, and when I was about to show it to him, the directory index disappeared. One evening my apartment door stood wide open, my TV was running - and I'm absolutely sure I turned off the TV.

A minivan with British markings and the imprint of a supermarket chain across Europe parked in front of my house. I noticed the same minivan again driving in the distance behind my car several times, even when I visited the city...... 65 kilometers away. When I returned, the car was on the other side of the street again. I never saw anyone get in or out of the car. Impact on the vehicle door and tinted windows did not produce a reaction of any kind. After about two weeks, the minivan disappeared again. When I informed E.F personally of these events, he suggested that I change the meeting place and time to ensure our own safety and that of Lacerta. The meeting took place on April 27, 2000 at another isolated location. This is unobserved as far as I can determine.

Once again, this may all seem strange and paranoid, like the fantasy of a cheap sci-fi movie; however, I can only repeat myself and assure the reader once again: all this is the real truth. Believe my words or don't believe them. These things have happened and they will continue to happen whether you believe it or not. Before it's too late. Our civilization is in danger.

[Comment by Ole. K.: The meeting began with an assessment of the various questions and opinions that I received from readers of the first transcript in an anonymous manner through distribution from my trustworthy friends. Some of these opinions together were over 14 pages of paper contained comments, shaped by everything from the radically religious to the fanatical tendency to welcome contact with the reptilian species. Some of these comments contained stereotypical phrases such as "Servants of Hell" or "Kinds of Evil." I don't want to go into any kind of detail here, since I don't want to carry on any false and radical realm of thought.]

Question: When you read these religious and hostility-ridden comments here, what do you think and feel then? Did the relationship between your species and ours really form from such complete denial?

Reply: Does it surprise you that I'm not completely outraged by this? I expected those kinds of extreme reactions. Programming to completely deny another species (especially reptiles), and in your own case, has deep roots in each of your own individual consciousnesses. This ancient conditioning stems from the days of your third artificial creation and is biologically speaking passed down as genomic information from generation to generation. Defining my species with the forces of darkness was the main intention of Illojim/Ellohim, who loved to see himself as a force of light - which in itself represented a paradox, since humanoids were extremely sensitive to your solar rays. In case you expected me to act offended, I think I will have to partially disappoint you. These unclear intentions are really not your fault, you are simply following for the most part what you inherited from your ancestors. It's actually somewhat disappointing that many of you don't develop a particularly strong sense of self-awareness that will help you overcome conditioning. As I said, we have been in direct contact in the last few centuries with some of our more primitive human tribes; these tribes themselves have managed to break through the old "creation programs;" they were able to meet us without tension, hatred and complete refusal. Apparently many of your modern civilized people are not able to think about their own, but allow themselves to be guided by programming and religion (which is also a manifestation of this ancient program and an integral part of the Illojim/Ellohim plan). Thus, it is too early for me to consider comments of this kind as funny, rather than annoying, they simply confirm to me, to a large extent, my assumptions about your certain way of thinking.

Question: Therefore, you are not a “Kind of the Evil One,” as previously noted?

Answer: How should I answer this? Your people still think according to a simple and completely inappropriate generalization scheme. Simply put, there are absolutely no absolute evil species. There exist in every terrestrial and extraterrestrial species, as well as good and evil persons, this even applies to one's own people, but there is no such thing as an absolutely evil species. This concept is really very primitive. You people have believed since time immemorial that you must believe what your creators intended you to believe. Every well-known species, even more highly developed countries, consists of a large number of individual consciousnesses (at least part of the human consciousness, although there is a connection to the field of consciousness); these self-sufficient spirits are able to freely decide for themselves a way of life that is neither good nor evil, according to your own human standards. This depends again on the respective points of view; your people are not necessarily in a position to judge whether the affairs of much more developed species are good or evil, because you stand at a lower point of observation, from which an assessment is not possible. Your simple words "good" and "evil" are in any case examples of a tendency towards generalization; in my language there are many concepts for different shades of meaning of individual behavior compared to the norms of society.

Even those species that are extraterrestrial tend to act with antagonism towards you are not "Species of the Evil One", even if they act negatively towards their own race. They do it for their own reasons and do not consider themselves evil; were your structured way of thinking more linear and more focused as they are, then you will also behave that way. The relation of species to other species of existence naturally depends very much on the corresponding structured mode of thinking; each species sets its own priorities. To classify that as "good" or "evil" is indeed quite primitive, for the survival of any species, claims for many species, including its own, and even for a wide variety of worse or negatively oriented matters. I won't even exclude my own kind in this regard, for there are certain cases in the past that I personally do not welcome, but about which I would also not like to go into detail. None of these cases occurred in the last 200 years of their time scale. But pay attention to the following: There are no absolutely good and there are no absolutely bad species, because every species always consists of people.

Question: In the letters that I received, there was often a question whether it was possible to go to any more detailed about advanced physics, which you commented on last time. Many people have said your words have no meaning. For example, how do UFOs function, how do they fly, how do they perform the maneuvers that they do?

Answer: I have to explain what to people? It's not all that simple yet. Let me think about this for a minute. I must always use very simple words to make clear to you the basic principles above a kind of science. Let's try this: You should have a clear understanding of some basic facts. The very first thing is that you must separate the concept of the physical world, since each existence consists of different layers, let's say for simplicity that it consists of the illusion of the material and the sphere of influence. ("S Translator's Note: No legitimate translation exists for Feldraum "this word", "field" means "field", "Raum" means "place, room, space". Therefore, I translate it as "sphere of influence".) Certain physical conditions associated only with the realm of material (as in "concrete"), while other, more complex conditions associated only with the sphere of influence of the material world. Your concept of the physical world is based on a simple illusion of material. This illusion is in turn subdivided on the three elementary or fundamental conditions of matter. A fourth and very important condition also exists, that you simply pay attention to more or less, as you choose, it is one bordering the sphere of influence or plasma region. For you, for the theory of controlled transformation or increase in frequency matter and the stable existence of this fourth aggregate state of matter is not very common, or it exists at the most primitive level.(By the way, there are simply five states of matter, but after the plasma state would really be taken too far, and it would only confuse you ;. Moreover, it is not necessary to understand the underlying theory that is associated with a variety of phenomena that you would characterize as paranormal.) Now, back to the need for plasma... now, with plasma I don't just mean "hot gas" like the concept as a whole is simplified by your people - I mean the higher state of aggregation of matter. The plasma state of matter is a special form of matter that lies between its real existence and sphere of influence, that is, a total loss of mass and a net gain of energy of a different form when the matter is "pushed or pushed." (Note: No explanation has been given for the use of the word "pushed, thrust" used in this context. Your guess is as good as mine.)

The fourth state of matter is very important for certain physical conditions that can be used, for example... How should I express this for you... to generate anti-gravity. (This is a rather strange human word and not entirely correct, but you should understand it better.) Essentially, in the world of real physics, there are no bipolar forces, but only “observer-dependent reflecting behavior” of one, large unified force at various levels. With antigravity or the movement of gravitational characteristics in levels, it is possible, for example, to cause apparently solid matter to levitate, this method is used partly by us and by aliens, as well as by means of propulsion for UFOs. You humans are moving on a very primitive level in relation to a similar principle for your secret military projects, but since you have more or less stolen this technology (and it was later falsely passed on to you intentionally by aliens), you have no real physical understanding, as a result, you must contend with instability and radiation problems with the "UFO". According to my information, there were a large number of deaths of your people due to intense radiation and disturbance fields. Don't you agree, this is also an example of business on the issue of "good" and "evil"? You people are playing with unknown forces and thereby accepting the death of a colleague of your own kind because they are dying for a higher purpose, namely to advance your technology, which as a result is being put into action once again for the purpose of war, i.e. for negative activities. Now, we can give you the benefit of the doubt that only the smallest number of you have any knowledge about these alien projects which, as you explain it, are Top Secret. This was reported to you by saying that the higher the serial number of the rating or basic matter, the easier it is to aggravate the condition, but this is only partially true. If you cannot bypass these powers, then you are better off not trying it. But your kind has always been ignorant and since time immemorial have tried to play with forces that you did not even understand. Why would that ever change?

Do you remember this copper synthesis business? By oscillating at right angles with an induced radiation field, copper is fused with other elements. (The illusion is that the fields in the sphere of influence are fused, superimposed on each other, but the main forces will be reflected from this process and will assume a quasi-bipolar nature.) As a result of the connection, the field will therefore not be stable in the normal state of matter and not suitable for the task. As a result, the entire spectrum of the field is shifted to higher levels, as the condition to which the spectrum comes along with this severe transition to the opposite pole of the side word is different from the required force field, and this is quite closely reminiscent of a gravitational shift. This displacement leads to a "tilt" from the reflection of the quasi-bipolar force, which currently does not enter the interior of the force field, but flows partially to the exterior of the field. The result is a stratified inter-field reflecting force that is very difficult to modulate within certain technical boundaries due to its own characteristics. He can also perform many tasks, such as causing massive flying objects to levitate and maneuver. She can also provide camouflage functions in the field of electromagnetic radiation, as well as manipulate the temporal sequence of events, really only for very limited scales and other things. Are you familiar with your "quantum tunnel effect"? Even amplitude equalizations among genuine subjects can be achieved with one of those kinds of fields if the frequency and distance from the field plane are high enough. Unfortunately, all this that I have already explained to you in your words has come out rather primitive, I'm afraid. This sounds quite strange and of course impossible for you to understand, but perhaps this simple explanation can be useful for you to help you understand. But then again, maybe not.

Question: Is there a scientific basis for paranormal abilities, such as with the powers of thought?

Answer: Yes. In order to explain what must be recognized is the physical reality of the sphere of influence () Feldraum. I will try to do this... Wait a minute... you will have to separate yourself mentally from the illusion that what you see is the true nature of the Universe. This is, at best, on the surface side. Imagine that the whole thing is here, you, in this table, this pencil, this technical device, in this document, does not actually exist, but it is most likely the result of field fluctuations and energy concentration. All the material that you see, every person, every planet and star in this universe, has an “information-energy equivalent” in the sphere of influence, which is located on the main fields of the general level (things). Now, there is not only one level, but several. Last time, I mentioned that there are highly developed species that are capable of changing levels (something completely different from a simple bubble changing, for the bubbles are part of each level). You understand? Dimensions, as you call them, are part single bubbles, bubbles or universal foams part of the level, and layers of layers in the sphere of influence, while the sphere of influence, acting as one physical dimension, is essentially infinite, it is made up of countless energy layers information and general level. There are no zero-level spheres of influence, they are all the same, but they are divided according to their energy conditions. I notice that I'm confusing you now. I think I should stop with this explanation.

Question: No, please continue. How do specific paranormal abilities arise?

Answer: Well, okay then. Let's try something simpler. Again, this is not entirely correct, but let's start this way: The material matter on this side is reflected in the sphere of influence () Feldraum as a field with different layers. These layers contain information, such as the simple structure of matter or a line of frequency, but they also store information arising from the development of matter. Are you familiar with the human concept of "morphogenetic fields"? One part of the layer may be as such. Now there is another mediating layer, for which, unfortunately, there is no human concept, since theory has nothing to do with human thinking. Let's call it the "para-layer," for this layer is basically responsible for everything that you call PSI and paranormal and which lies beyond your primitive science. This point layer is located between the layers of matter and the morphogenetic layers of the field in its sphere of influence. It can be actively integrated into. Your body, for example, is reflected as a field in the sphere of influence () Feldraum. This does not mean that it also does not exist here, as well as flesh, blood, bones in the form of string matter or atoms, but not only that. Existence is always duality. Some layers of the field contain simple information about the solids of your body and its frequency, while other layers (contain information about) your spirit, your consciousness or, speaking from a human-religious point of view, your soul. The enhancement or consciousness in this case is a simple energy matrix, divided into different layers of your area in the sphere of influence, nothing more, nothing less. True understanding can exist here too, on the question side, but only in the form of post-plasma (the fifth form of matter). With the need for physical knowledge and related technology, the consciousness/awareness of the matrix, or soul, can also be separated from its resting realm. It can, despite its removal, continue to exist in a self-sufficient manner for a certain period of time. This has the strange name of the occult "soul rob". But, above all, we are talking about science here, and not about magic and dark forces.

[Comment by Ole. K.: "Soul plunder" was mentioned in one of the radical, religiously motivated remarks in connection with reptiles].

But getting back to your question: Creatures with more powerful mental abilities can have a direct influence on the item layer through their consciousness/awareness fields. Now this layer is not limited to just the individual, but rather as part of a general layer of information you could call it in the prosaic sense of the community of the soul that is connected to all living and inanimate matter and the consciousness of all that exist on this core level. The biological reasons for these abilities lie on the side of the issue, by the way, in the pituitary gland, which is always able to generate frequencies to actively control the sphere of influence () Feldraum. Even you humans can theoretically do this, however, you are firmly blocked in these things. As I already said, the para-layer can interact with the mind as well as with matter. For example, if I decide to use my mental faculties once again to move this pencil, then, simply said, I think in my head how my consciousness/awareness expands/strengthens itself on this side in the form of post-plasma on pencil. In the sphere of influence of this reason, simultaneously an automatic command from consciousness / raising the para-layer interacts with the substance of the pencil layer. Since the point of the layer is not limited to the body, it is not even a problem that the beam lies there, for I can reach it without fail, even without moving the body is my business. After the plasma on this side, the layer point on the other. I have control over the pencil and the interaction brings the matter beam's field to the point where it changes in the order in which it moves, for example.

[Comment by Ole K.: I confirm that the pencil mentioned above suddenly jumped into the air at that moment to a height of 20 cm, and then fell back to the table surface. The sound is clearly audible on tape. No one noticed that he touched it with a pencil.]

Question: That is, fascinating. What types of paranormal activities can be generated with this?

Answer: All types. Everything you call paranormal phenomena. As I already said, this special layer is in the sphere of influence () Feldraum between the morphogenetic information layers and the layers of matter and can interact with respect to both sides. That is, it can be interaction with solid matter, as well as with the mind or psychic information, with which we can achieve everything that is usually designated as telekinesis and telepathy. "Connections of absorption" with other consciousness/understanding are usually separate in order from the simple influence of matter, since different consciousnesses/increasing fields operate with different vibrations. Consciousness/awareness of what is sending or consciousness/awareness of what is listening must first adapt to the other species before access is possible. Most species also have the ability to block alien access, but you humans don't have that. The following are generally valid: strong paranormal abilities of the species, easy adaptation and access. Our own abilities are not so powerfully developed, so first we must learn specifically the alien mind's influence in order to use our mimicry, for example, where mimicry is actually quite simple in your minds due to the on/off imposition. Some of these abilities were also partially inherited; mothers and children of my kind, for example, are tuned precisely in the first months of life, partially also in the egg covering the expectant mother, and communicate telepathically. In order to influence you people, we need a certain amount of time to practice, despite your simple structure. Thus, it is forbidden, for example, for adults of my kind before the "Age of Enlightenment" to come to the surface of the Earth. (This term is synonymous, along with other things, with full physical strength.) If the abilities were not fully developed, the danger of discovery would be too great. By the way, there are, of course, numerous secret teachings about the real possibilities that these abilities can give one, but I really don't know anything for sure about this.

Whenever an alien mind needs to be influenced, then there are several generally significant steps that are established in the movement of other extraterrestrial species. Firstly, the alien oscillations must be felt, something in general this will be done automatically by the brain, that is, for one field of oscillations, for others the quasi-electric waves of the brain are here in normal space (which have the meaning of inhabiting). It's not particularly difficult. After this you just need probes for other consciousness/awareness in mind from the post-plasma manifestation, the sphere of influence () Feldraum reacts and the connection is there. Now you can read information from the first and write the necessary information to the second in the right place. You asked me the last time whether you people have the ability to protect themselves from this influence, and I told you that only an awakened and focused mind had any ability to resist it. In this state of mind, the fluctuations change very sharply and access becomes more difficult, or rather, it can come as a painful return. Whenever you close your eyes, the field becomes “flat” and foreign access to (the) mind is immediately possible and without restrictions. As for the chances against more advanced species, you have no chance at all. They are able to adjust fluctuations faster than you can change. I could even demonstrate this to you, but you were really horrified and confused last time, so we'll just leave it to explanation.

This explanation presumably sounds to you like-how you say something esoteric or occult or magic. The reason for this is simply that you lack basic knowledge for background reasons. All paranormal phenomena are of purely scientific origin. All this has nothing to do with supernatural abilities. We grow up with this kind of knowledge, we know how these powers are used and where they come from. We are familiar with theory and practice. You do not. So you don't really understand what's going on in your world, you only see one side of existence and not the others (I mean both are physical). All the paranormal is dualistic, and it exists in the space that the matter inhabits, as well as in the sphere of influence (the) Feldraum. To explain... this can only be explained by the adoption of the latter, because the sphere of influence () Feldraum is the basis. I would welcome an end to the scientific questions, since you're not really understanding them anyway. We waste more or less valuable time by doing this.

Question: Just one last question. At our first meeting in December, you made it abundantly clear that you did not want to discuss scientific and paranormal issues. Why openness now?

Answer: Last time I saw there was really no need for you to be overwhelmed with facts of this kind (and now you are obviously overwhelmed). Therefore, I preferred to only mention these topics in a peripheral sense. Apparently, however, some of my speeches today have made you think about your world, something that can't all be bad. And by the way, your human scientists tend to consider my comments as "hoax". And so I don’t see much danger in disseminating this information widely. No one will pay much attention. By the way, the words of people who characterize me as a "Being of Evil" have their basis in the belief in occult powers and magic, both of which things do not exist. There is no magic, only highly advanced science, and everything you label as "magical" is just a part of science. If only you understood that, then you would be a step forward in your development. My openness on this issue ends here. Pose other questions please.

Question: Okay. Let's talk about UFOs. Can you explain to me how our governments got their hands on UFO material to the point where they could start their own projects? Does this have anything to do with the "Roswell Incident?"

Answer: Yes, but that the incident was not the first. I'm not a historian, I only study your current behavior, so my knowledge of those events in your history is presumably not very extensive. I will try to explain to you what I know about the things that happened at that time. Let me think about this for a second. In the years 1946 to 1953 on a time scale, there were five cases where extraterrestrial craft crashed onto the surface of the Earth. In this accident, which you call the "Roswell Incident," there was only one foreign ship involved, with the exception of two that crashed after a collision in different parts of the land in the west - what you call the USA. (You should know that ships of this type can remain floating in the air for a certain period of time, even if they are damaged; there is a spatial difference in their () accident locations. That) It was indeed not the first one that crashed, but by the time the second and third. Another ship crashed in 1946, but it was destroyed for its ease of use.

One thing before the explanation: it certainly sounds ridiculous that such highly advanced extraterrestrial vessels simply collapsed, and that a relatively large number did so in a relatively short period of time. An explanation that is also more than strange, but it is correct. It does not lie in the ship-drive, but rather in the direction of the field towards your planet. This kind of thing that we are discussing, and it has always been in this period of time, that this kind of use the form of a disk of a ship used by the engines of the system, which ran according to the normal principle of fusion, of course, but that at this time occupied a more than unconventional method of leveling the field. This method had a number of advantages, but also disadvantages. The repulsive fields must, of course, lie at the absolute right angle to the Earth's surface. This type of alignment technology is used in its ships, with which the field is fixed in place at all points in the Earth's magnetic field. And at that time, this species had just arrived on earth and its point of departure lay on a planet with a more stable magnetic field, for which they were developed and their disk was aligned. The Earth's magnetic field is not actually all that stable; it is subject to cyclic variations and field shapes that vortex under unfavorable conditions. Whenever a ship with one of those types of disks gets into a oscillation field or a vortex that is too strong, then for a short time the repulsive field can no longer join correctly and the ship slides uncontrollably on its flight path. The drive works correctly to be sure, but the field oscillates in all directions and because of this, the ship can crash. In the case of the 1947 to which you are named, as far as I understand, one of the ships was caught in a oscillation, his field is connected inadvertently, that his squadron and he collided with another ship in which they were both badly damaged. The cause for magnetic fluctuations at that time was probably an electrical disturbance caused by a weather event. Both ships crashed as a result, one of them falling near the point of impact, the other hundreds of kilometers or so away. All passengers were killed on Wednesday. The thin structure of the shell of such a disk ship itself is not very stable, since these disks were not designed for accidents, nor for flying in a field where there are external forces.

Now, your human military has collected the individual parts first until they discover an entire ship with dead creatures on board. Immediately they classified everything as "Top Secret" and brought them to their military bases for the purpose of disk analysis. The secret was to seek to install alien technology in place later against the evil enemies of this great country. That is, how primitive, how funny it is. I think I remember, I don't want to pinpoint the date, but it was probably between 1949 and 1952, which was an accident during some research being done on one of the shipwrecks. According to what I heard - what members of my species reported to members of the government - this resulted in the inadvertent activation of one of the drive components in an unshielded state. As a result, within a very short period of time, as I have to say, the shift of the plasma medium as a state was lifted, which, on the other hand, through a very, very accident caused by a rollover from a general field of power into a magnetic pulse of enormous power. Do you have any idea what effect plasma magnetic push has when it comes into contact with the body? No, how should you know that. You certainly don't. Disturbances in field structure and bioelectric feedback. Imagine, if you like, human bodies that were engulfed in a bright flame during 3 or 4 of your days. Those flames apparently do not go outside and they burn bodies down to their last components. Well, then you have a rough idea of ​​what happened. I think 20 or 30 of your scientists were killed in this laboratory.

Two more accidents occurred in 1950 and 1953 in the water catchment area of ​​the American continent. These vessels could be recovered from the failure relatively intact. (One in 1953, as far as I remember, even if the main drive was intact. It was the account that the device you saw the first time you got the whole concept completely wrong and that you had reverse-engineered it completely wrong. Even Today you still don't have that right.) that the species that the ships were built in the first place are the species that I, by the way, count among those who are unfriendly to you, naturally concerned about researching their own technology by your kind. They did not want, however, at this early point in time to start a direct conflict with you, and so they chose the diplomatic route and made contact with the government during the 1960s. Of course, they did not divulge the real reasons for their stay here, copper, hydrogen, air, but they pretended to be curious "researchers" and proposed to show people the functioning of the principle of ships which they would expect the return of some "services." Simple-minded as you, you, of course, agreed to this... and were deceived. You gave them raw materials, you gave them secured space for their bases, you gave them access to the most sensitive defense data, you gave them access to your DNA and much more, all just to quench their thirst for power and information. The alien species, of course, quickly noticed that they were dealing with simple-minded creatures, and they gave you false and inferior information about their technology, so that they gain much more from cooperation than your species does. For example, they gave information that the drive could be built with only unstable elements of the highest periodic number, but they withheld information that the drive field could be built with various modifications to work, and with stable elements of the lower periodic number, and, as a rule, this so how to do it. Through these half truths they made you dependent on the synthesis of high (number) elements, and thereby again according to their own technology. Their keys to building your "UFO" were laid in such a way that the solution to old problems caused new problems to arise simultaneously. They never told you the whole truth, but always built up again and again clever lies, which can later lead to technical problems and your dependence on them.

In the last years of your 1970s and your early 1980s, he finally descended on various events, between alien species and human governments. I don't want to go into detail here, since there is a lot that even I'm not entirely sure about. All this lies in the context of some new, or better yet, old technical problems with self-built ships, whose camouflage and disk partially do not function in test flights in the open air. Because of this, the privacy function was threatened. Your military and your politicians have slowly, very slowly come to the conclusion, after more than 20 years, that they have been duped by an alien species. Numerous inconsistencies and exceeding the boundaries of treaties on both sides ultimately led to a quarrel between you and the aliens, which culminated in the launch of three alien air objects through a special, as you say, this is -? EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weapons and military firefight in one of their underground facilities. As a consequence of these attacks, the alien species eventually abandoned all contact with you and it was understandable that the more angry about your kind. Therefore, I consider these aliens to be among the three groups that are hostile to you, and while the other two are more occupied with their own business, including waging a cold war for dominance of the planet, old "friends" and partners are preparing to ensure itself, finally, with sole and absolute dominance over the raw materials and human DNA. For now, it is probably true that they lack some of the technical capabilities and large amounts of force that they need to achieve their goals directly. Regardless, we expect negative actions, perhaps of ever more subtle kinds, against you over the next few years or decades.

Question: Will other extraterrestrial species do nothing against these bellicose actions? In particular, there must be something on Earth of more advanced species.

Answer: You are mistaken. In particular, for more advanced species there is simply at least the fate of yours. You are animals for them. Animals in a very large laboratory. It's understandable that alien interference on your planet would interfere with their projects, but I don't think they take confrontation with other species for that. Many of them might be looking for another planetary exploration for themselves or they might be learning from a long distance your behavior and consciousness/enhancement, since crisis situations might be an attraction for their exploration. Whenever you people look at an anthill and another person comes and steps onto the anthill, what will you do? You are walking along the road, or looking for another anthill, or you are observing ants in a state of crisis. But would one of you, even if he were larger and more powerful than the one who stepped on the anthill, in the first place, protect the ants senselessly? No, you must imagine for yourself the point of view of more highly developed beings. You are ants. Don't expect any help from them.

Of course, we would also ask for help when it became clear that old partners had rallied behind you. Some members of this human government were fully aware of our existence, and partly because of the old religious basis. For example, there is a gigantic partially underground construction project in the capital that is entirely dedicated to mine views and that also has direct access to the elevator shaft and underground systems. In this building, partial meetings have already taken place and are taking place between us and people. We've gone through the information you've had in the last few years, depending on what I know, we'll keep ourselves out of conflict as much as we can. You must learn to solve your own problems yourself or become smart enough to never create these types of situations. What will come of this and who might put themselves on your side, only time will tell. I don't really want to make any indication about this.

Question: I have 5 different UFO prints here that claim to be a UFO show. Can you look at the photographs and tell me, in which of them can you actually see extraterrestrial aircraft?

Answer: I can try. You present many questions to me today, which even I cannot answer unambiguously. Do not overestimate your knowledge, I am not an expert in alien technologies and the construction of extraterrestrial ships. It should be noted that there are mainly some technical details and features about genuine “UFOs”, with the help of which you can easily distinguish them from natural phenomena or human fakes. You sometimes falsify a picture of a genuine trial, so it is not so easy to simply identify an object with absolute certainty. I'll try this. Show me the photos.

[Comment by Ole K.: She counted the photographs, respectively, for just a couple of seconds, and then sorted out photographs 1, 3 and 5.]

The three photographs here are obvious fakes or misidentifications. In one photo, it certainly seems to me that a real-life ship of an alien species has been adapted for the small model here. It lacks important characteristics that are linked to technically and physically related fields. Generally speaking, the painting is increasingly fake, with a clear plan and colors, because the levitation of the vessel is usually hidden in shifted-field conditions, which even distorts the colors or shapes depending on the alignment. This may seem strange, but hazy and spectrally shifted photographs should sometimes be interpreted as an indication of possible authenticity. By the way, this object is floating above the water. If it were a genuine ship, we should have seen in any case either a trough or a swell on the surface. Since the surface is flat, it is obviously not a genuine ship. In my opinion, none of these three pictures are genuine objects in flight or UFOs. In this picture I see, first of all, not an artificial body in flight; It seems a lot more to deal with just the light reflex in simple optical cameras. You really have to be smart enough not to get confused like that. When your general public is chasing fakes and scams for a long time, then they will presumably discover too late what is actually happening in front of them in their atmosphere.

It appears to be genuine, at least it displays the required characteristics. I would like to assign it to the seemingly alien species that have been visiting your planet for the past 35 years or so. The object itself is metallic and disk-shaped, of course, it is a distorted shape and color using a field effect. These four white and very long "processes" at the bottom of the ship themselves depict a kind of quasi-gravitational light manipulation, i.e. the universal force field is currently shifting in the direction of simulating gravity. In fact, this is not genuine light (it is basically not genuine light when you see an illuminating "UFO"), but a special highly charged form of field that manifests itself in the space that the matter inhabits as quasi-light. The reason for the activation of this special energy system high in the atmosphere is not entirely clear to me, it is quite possible that it is some kind of investigation or environmental influence. In any case, it is terribly careless of this kind of technology to be photographed by people. Well, I think most of you just don't understand, and those who do won't say anything about it to the general public.

These are in fact genuine aerial objects; they are in no way extraterrestrial. Triangular aerial objects in flight are simply not used by alien species, or not in this form, at least. It is a streamlined view of the shape of a human concept. This is one of your own secret military projects that you are building with the help of immature alien technology—technology that was given to you by aliens in the 1960s and 1970s. As a rule, the shape of the hull for a genuine extraterrestrial ship does not have any significance, because inside the field itself there are no external forces that have any influence, in general, ships are round in shape and they are built without sharp corners like a disk or cylinder. that the field can flow more easily. Your projects decree that along with the alien drive fields there are also conventional jet engine systems, so they are always triangular and built in such a way, with rationalization, to be controlled with this primitive recoil principle.

In the example here the ship glides first of all, from its true field disk. Do you see distortion and quasi-light in the rotating cylinders? This is an unmistakable indication of the authenticity of the photo. But why, you ask, are there 4 cylinders? This is unusual, even the spacing seems wrong. The coloring is very dark and the interior optical distortion is very noticeable. Presumably a reconstruction of the original system by your scientists. Since the alien species simply didn't give you more information, because of the disagreement, they are restoring the system alone, without actually being able to understand how dangerous they are doing there. This design does not make the system better, only more unstable. Both forward cylinders are located too close to each other; they will definitely flow into each other. The color shows me a powerful residual radiation, it was probably the case that the high elements were used again as usual to change gears. It is in any case very dangerous to be unshielded in the immediate vicinity of the field. Did the person who took a photo display of any type of radiation and record the damage?

Question: I don't know. Where did these military "UFOs" come from? From the United States?

Answer: Yes. I think this is generally true. From the western continent.

Question: Why do they fly over densely populated areas of Europe? This photograph comes from Belgium. This doesn't make any sense. Can you explain?

Answer: Why is it that only I can explain strange human actions? It is possible that these long distances are testing or testing the electromagnetic cloaking system. The old enemy of the American nation is on this side of the world, so why don't they test here? In the house they had enough time to have their ships crossing back and forth. Maybe they caused too many sightings there. With one of these types of unstable field structures like your photo indicates - I find it somewhat incredible that this ship is capable of flying that length over the ocean. Perhaps there is a testing station here on their continent. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about this.

Question: Many readers of the first transcript have asked how your original contact with EF came about. I already know the story from your stories, but could you repeat it here again for this volume and for the new transcripts?

Answer: Of course. Now the story started about two years ago here in Sweden. I have been greatly interested in your views and your behavior since my youth; I had already studied your literature at that time in the best possible way. (Naturally, it is not easy in my homeland to enter into the possession of human books, but since my group or family is ranked higher in order, I was able to collect some material together, and sometimes talk with others, my good one, who were in contact with you. already) I was indeed very curious about your kind and, as soon as I was allowed to come to the surface, I tried to gather more information immediately; First of all, it was expressly forbidden for me to initiate direct contacts with people, because in my position at that time there was no need for this.

It was in 1998 when I was on my way north of here, in the remote forests just outside the entrance to my world and looking for biological samples that we use to monitor the pollution and destruction of your flora and fauna statistically own species. At that time I was already on the way back to the entrance, we can even navigate more easily, by the way, through our senses, to the Earth's magnetic field and was already in the immediate vicinity of a large lake, when, to my great surprise, I came across a hut in the forest. In this hut I felt human consciousness/awareness. This was EF In fact, I did not have permission to contact another species, but by doing so I put in place my mimicry possibility quite successfully before, even with large groups of you (I have never encountered human existence when I was alone) . Now, let's call it primitive curiosity, I wanted to talk to the person in this booth, and so I knocked on the door. E. opened the door and we got into an interesting conversation. His language was not quite yet common at that time for me, but that's not all, it's difficult to learn a new language when you can read information into the consciousness/awareness of an opposing personality. I simply told him that I came from another country in the East. Of course, at the time, he didn't really "recognize" who I was; he was completely convinced that he was talking to a being of some kind, although it was simply just a facial expression of the image.

Since my appointment was still intended to explore this area, which was supposed to last for several days, I visited it during this period of time three times as a human person. At first we talked mainly about really ordinary things, then we got into religious and physical topics. He seemed impressed by my knowledge, and I was also impressed by his thoughts being clear and his-for-a-person, and displaying his personality structure and his own opinions. You really want to give yourself completely to public opinion or conditioning, like "reptilian species are evil" and stuff like that. I was at the helm of a conversation along these lines, and EF said something about how he believed in alien species and that they need not necessarily be evil, but perhaps just different from their own kind. I liked this. At that point in time, of course, I could not talk specifically with him about my knowledge, because he would not believe me, he would take me for a human joker. I cultivated a very, very unusual idea (in my opinion) to show him my true appearance, which is what I did during our conversation at our fourth meeting in the salon. In fact, he was destined for contact: he was open, honest, intelligent, not religiously inclined or conventional, he lived alone and isolated, and no one would believe him if he decided to go public with his story. I dared to take a step, but then I had serious doubts about the correctness of my actions, especially when he reacted... very... cruelly. He gained control of himself again after a while and we could finally talk specifically about certain issues. Now he had no choice but to believe me. This was the beginning of a series of meetings that initially took place here in the forest, but then took place at his remote residence. Finally, he brought you into contact with me... and for this reason we are now sitting here once again, and talking about things that probably would not be believed out there in human society.

Question: You said you would not have permission to contact the person at this time. Do you now have permission to talk to EF and me about all this and even make it scientifically public?

Answer: Yes. It's hard to explain, and so you understand. Let's just say I'm in a position now to organize this resolution without considering any consequences. In this position I am quasi-"immune" with respect to certain restrictions. Let's look at it this way. Yes.

Question: If other people want to come into contact with your kind, do they have a chance to do so?

Answer: Not at all. We avoid contact with you and we only work on the surface in remote areas, and there we use mimicry techniques in case we have to meet some people. The fact that I am speaking to you now does not mean that others will follow my example. It goes without saying that you could try to find the entrance to my world and sneak your way into there. At the same time, this can lead to unpleasant consequences for the Scout early on. You are nearby and there is no chance of recognizing us on the surface. You can't even contact us directly, we have to contact you, just like I did with EF. This kind of contact, however, is not the rule, but very rare cases.

Question: Can you describe your underground homelands?

Answer: I can try to do so, but of course I will not tell you where this place is. My homeland lies in one of our small underground settlements east of here. I'll give you some numbers so you can give yourself a better impression. Just a minute... I'm going to try to convert the dimensions to approximately your units. This is a dome-shaped cave at a distance of about 4300 meters from the surface of the Earth. The cave was organized into a colony about 3,000 years ago, the main part of the ceiling structure artificially integrated into rock forms was rebuilt in almost elegant proportions and a very flat dome with an oval ground. The diameter of the dome, according to your measurements, is about two and a half kilometers. The height of the dome at its highest point is about 220 meters. Underneath that high point in each colony stands a special whitish-gray cylindrical building—a kind of support column, which holds the cellular network supporting the dome structure. This building is the tallest, largest and oldest in the entire dome for it is always located as the first construction along with the safety of the ceiling. (At the same time, of course, there were times when it was completed and restored). This building has a very special name and religious significance. We only have one of these columns; large colonies even have several columns for ceiling construction.

One of the main colonies in Inner Asia as an example supports 9 of these species, but that colonies are also more than 25 kilometers from your size. The central building is usually the center of religion, but also the center for climate control, and the center for behavior and regulation of the lighting system. We have in place all together 5 large artificial light sources that generate your UV light and its heat through gravitational sources. Air shafts and light systems from the surface also pass through these columns and, naturally, they are very highly controlled.

By the way, we have 3 air shafts and 2 elevator systems, and even a tunnel connecting to the next main colony, which is located about 500 kilometers to the southeast. One elevator shaft leads to a cave near the surface, the other leads to one of our warehouses for ships - you remember, cylindrical ships, that is, naturally hidden closer to the surface behind a rocky mountain face. Generally, there are only three ships there, which is a small warehouse. The other buildings of the colony are, for the most part, concentrically arranged in oval circles around the main supporting column, and they are without exception much to flatter; generally only 3 to 20 meters in height. The shape of the buildings is round and domed. The color is even differentiated depending on the circle and the distance from the main column. To the north of the column, there is an additional, very large, but very flat circular building. This building interrupts the concentric system of the colony with a diameter of about 250 meters. This is an artificial sun in the zone of which specially illuminated corridors and rooms are located. In these areas, very powerful ultraviolet light predominates and is used to heat our blood. There is even a medical dispensary and conference rooms located there. Apart from the outer ring of the colony, there are areas in which animals are kept, you know, we must consume meat as food and gardens in which food plants and fungal crops are grown, there is also hot and cold water there from underground springs. The power plant is located on the edge of the colony. The station is controlled by merging as its base and supplying the colony and "suns" with energy. My group or “family,” by the way, lives in the fourth ring of buildings from the central support column. So much in such a short period of time. To describe to you all the buildings and their tasks would go too far. It is difficult to describe something like this to you, for it is a completely different set of environment and culture from what you are used to in your life on the surface. You really have to see it for yourself to be able to believe it.

Question: Can I see this myself someday?

Answer: Who knows, maybe. Time brings new opportunities.

Question: How many of your creatures live in this colony?

Answer: Approximately 900.

Question: That is the end of the interview. Do you have any final messages for transcript readers?

Answer: Yes. I am thoroughly surprised by the many comments on my words, of course, I am naturally also disappointed about the religious portrayals of me as the enemy that have been expressed and which have buried themselves deep in your mind. You must learn to establish yourself beyond the old conditioning and not stand quasi under the control of something or someone who has already left for 5000 years. You are, after all, a free spirit. These are my last words.

Without translation

Translation by Doug Parrish.

I once again reaffirm that the following text is the absolute truth and is not fiction. It was composed from three original tape recordings which were made on April 24, 2000 with a tape recorder during my second interview with the reptilian creature known as "Lacerta". At Lacerta's request, the original text of 31 pages was revised and shortened up to deal with some questions and answers. Some existing questions were partially shortened or amended. It was even taken to extract message and significance from it. This part of the interview, either not mentioned or not mentioned completely in the transcript, deals primarily with personal issues, paranormal demonstrations, the social system of the reptilian species and alien technology and physics.

The reason for the shifting of the date and time of the second meeting was a possible observation and surveillance of my own person after the publication of the first transcript. Although everything was attempted on the advice of Lacerta to keep my identity a secret, just two days after the dissemination of the document abroad, and various unusual events took place. Please don"t think that I am paranoid; however, I believe that the publication of the interview has drawn either official attention or the attention of some organization to me. Up until this time, I usually recognized people who believed that they were being followed by the state to be nothing more than jokers. But now I have begun to revise my ideas on that since events in January. It began with a failure of my telephone for several hours. When the phone became operational once again, there were quiet echoes and strange clicking and whirring sounds when I made calls. A defect could (ostensibly) not be found anywhere. Overnight, important data disappeared from the hard drive in my computer. The testing program reported "defective sectors" where strangely enough there were only data which dealt with illustrations and completed textual material from the interview. These "defective sectors" also contained material of a paranormal nature in the field of my research. (Fortunately, the material was also stored on floppies.) In addition I discovered by pure chance some hidden data in a likewise hidden directory index. The name which appeared on the data and the directory index was "E72UJ." A friend, who is a computer expert, could not make anything of this designation, and when I was about to show it to him, the directory index had disappeared. One evening, my apartment door was standing wide open, my TV set was running -and I am absolutely confident that I had turned the TV set off.

A minivan with British markings and the imprint of a Europe-wide supermarket chain parked in front of my house. I noticed the same minivan again on several occasions traveling at a distance behind my car, even when I visited the town of ...... 65 kilometers away. When I returned, the car was on the other side of the street once again. I never saw anyone get into or out of the car. A knock on the door of the vehicle and on the tinted windows caused no reaction of any kind. After about two weeks, the minivan disappeared again. When I informed E.F. personally about these events, he suggested that I change the place and date of the meeting in order to ensure our own and Lacerta's safety. The meeting took place on April 27, 2000 in another isolated location. It was unobserved as far as I can determine.

Once again, all of this may sound strange and paranoid, like a fantasy from a cheap science fiction film; however, I can only repeat to and ensure the reader once again: all of this is the unadulterated truth. Believe my words or don"t believe them. These things have happened and they will continue to happen, whether you believe it or not. Until it is too late. Our civilization is in danger.

Ole. K. – May 3, 2000

Date of Interview: April 27, 2000

Question: When you read these religious and animosity-ridden comments here, what do you think and feel then? Is the relationship between your species and ours really shaped from that kind of total negation?

Answer: Does it amaze you that I am not completely angry by that? I had fully expected those kinds of extreme reactions. The programming for the utter negation of another species (especially the reptilian species) as in your own case is deeply embedded in each of your own individual consciousnesses. This ancient conditioning stems from the days of your third artificial creation and, biologically speaking, is passed down as an information genome from generation to generation. The identification of my species with the powers of darkness was a primary intention of the Illojim, who liked seeing themselves in the role of the powers of light -something which in and of itself represents a paradox, since that humanoid species was extremely sensitive to your sunlight In case you were expecting me to act offended, I guess I"ll have to partially disappoint you. These obscure intentions are not really your fault; you are simply following for the most part what you have inherited from your ancestors. It is indeed actually somewhat disappointing that many of you develop no especially strong individual self-conscience, for this would help you to overcome the conditioning. As I already said, we were in direct contact in the last several centuries with some of your more primitive human tribes; these tribes had themselves succeeded in breaking through the old "creation programming;" they were able to meet us without tension, hate and total rejection. Apparently many of your modern civilized individuals are not in a position to think on their own, but rather let themselves be guided by programming and religion (which is also a manifestation of that ancient programming and part and parcel of the plan of the Illojim). Therefore, comments of that kind I"d sooner regard as amusing than irritating; they simply confirm in large measure for me my suppositions about your defined mode of thinking.

Question: Therefore, you are not the "Species of the Evil One" as was remarked earlier?

Answer: How am I supposed to answer that? Your people still think according to a simple and completely inappropriate scheme of generalizations. Simply put, there are absolutely NO purely evil species. There exist in every terrestrial and extraterrestrial species alike both good and evil individuals; it "s even true of your own people; but there is NO such thing as an absolutely evil species. This conception is really very primitive. You people have believed from time immemorial what you are supposed to believe-what was foreseen for you to believe by your creators. Every well-known species, even the more highly developed ones, consists of a great number of individual consciousnesses (at least a portion of the consciousness is individual, even though there are connecting fields of consciousness); these self-sufficient spirits are able to decide freely for themselves a lifestyle which is either good or evil, according to your own human standards. It depends again on the respective point of view; your people are not necessarily in a position to judge whether the deeds of a much more highly developed species are good or evil, because you stand at a lower observation point, from which an assessment is not possible. Your simple words "good" and "evil" are in any case examples of a tendency towards generalization; in my language there are many concepts for the various shades of meaning of individual behaviors in comparison to the norms of a society.

Even those extraterrestrial species which are inclined to act with antagonism towards you are not "Species of the Evil One," even though they operate negatively with respect to your own race. They do this for their own reasons and do not regard themselves as evil; were your structured way of thinking more linear and more focused as theirs is, then you would also behave in such a fashion. The attitude of a species towards other kinds of existence naturally depends very heavily on its respective structured way of thinking; each species sets its own priorities. To classify that as “good” or “evil” is really quite primitive, for the survival of any species argues for many varieties, among them your own, as well as for even the most varied of the worst or negatively-directed deeds. I won't even exclude my own kind in this regard, for there have been certain occurrences in the past which I don't personally welcome, but about which I would also not like to go into detail. None of these occurrences have happened in the last 200 years of your time scale. But please note the following: there are NO absolutely good and there are NO absolutely bad species, because each and every species always consists of individuals.

Question: In the letters that I got, there was often the question, whether you could go into any greater detail regarding the advanced physics that you commented on last time. Many people said, your words made no sense. For example, how do UFOs function, how do they fly, how do they perform the maneuvers that they do?

Answer: I ought to explain that to people? That"s not all that simple. Let me think about it for a minute. I always have to use very simple words in order to make clear to you the basic principles of a higher kind of science. Let"s try this: You have to be clear about some fundamental facts. The very first thing is that you must divide up the conception of the physical world because each existence consists of different layers; let"s say for simplicity"s sake that it consists of a material illusion and a sphere of influence. (TRANSLATOR"S NOTE: No legitimate translation exists for this word "Feldraum"; "Feld" means "field," "Raum" means "space, room, expanse." Therefore, I"m translating it as "sphere of influence. ") Certain physical conditions are associated only with the realm of the material (as in "concrete"), while other and more complicated conditions are associated only with the sphere of influence of the material world. Your conception of the physical world is based upon a simple material illusion. That illusion is further subdivided into three elementary or basic conditions of matter. A fourth and very important condition also exists, which you simply pay attention to more or less as you choose; it is the one bordering on the sphere of influence or plasma realm. For you, the theory for a controlled transformation or an elevation of the frequency of matter and the stable existence of this fourth aggregate condition of matter is not very common, or it exists at a very primitive level. (As an aside, there are simply five states of matter, but the post-plasma state would really be going too far and it would only serve to confuse you. Besides, it is not necessary for an understanding of the basic theory; it is connected with diverse phenomena which you would characterize as paranormal.) Now, back to the essentials:, with plasma I don"t mean just "hot gas"-as the concept is generally simplified by your people-but rather I mean a higher aggregate condition of matter. The plasma state of matter is a special form of matter which lies between its real existence and the sphere of influence, that is, a complete loss of mass and pure accretion of energy of various form whenever matter is "pushed or shoved." (NOTE: No explanation was given for the use of the word "pushed, shoved" as used in this context. Your guess is as good mine.)

The fourth state of matter is very important for certain physical conditions which can be used for example should I express this to you...generate antigravity. (That"s a rather strange human word and not really correct, but you ought to understand it better this way.) Essentially, in the world of real physics, there are no bipolar forces, but rather only "observer dependent reflective behavior" of a single, large unified force at different levels. With antigravity or the displacement of gravitational characteristics into levels, one can, for example, cause apparently solid matter to levitate; this method is employed partly by us and by extraterrestrials as well as a means of propulsion for their UFOs. You people are moving on a really primitive level towards a similar principle for your secret military projects, but since you have more or less stolen this technology (and it was later falsely passed on to you intentionally by the extraterrestrials), you lack the real physical understanding; as a result, you have to struggle with problems of instability and radiation with your “UFOs.” According to my information, there have been a great number of deaths of your people because of intense radiation and field disturbances. Don"t you agree, this is also an example of the business regarding the question of "good" and "evil"? You people play with unknown forces and thereby accept the death of colleagues of your own kind, for they are dying for a greater cause, namely, for the advancement of your technology, which as a result is being put into place once again for the purpose of war, i.e., for negative pursuits. Now, one can give you the benefit of the doubt, that only the least number of your kind have any knowledge about these alien projects which are -as you explain it- top secret. It was told to you that the higher the ordinal or ranking number of basic matter, the simpler the heightening of the condition, but that is only partially correct. If you can"t circumvent these powers, then you"re better off not attempting it. But your kind has always been ignorant and has from time immemorial tried to play around with forces which you have not even understood. Why Would that ever change?

Do you remember this business of copper fusion? By means of the fluctuation at the right angle with the induced radiation field, copper is fused with other elements. (The illusion of matter is fused, the fields in the sphere of influence overlap each other, but the main force would be reflected by that process and would assume a quasi-bipolar character.) The resulting connection and the field would therefore not be stable in the normal condition of matter and unsuited for tasks. As a result, the entire field spectrum is shifted to a higher plasma-like condition, whereby the spectrum comes together with this harsh shifting to the opposite pole side -the word is NOT correct- of the force field and it resembles quite closely a gravitational shift. This shifting causes a "tilting" of the repulsing quasi-bipolar force, which now no longer flows to the interior of the force field, but rather flows partly to the exterior of the field. The result is an inter-stratifying reflective force field which is very difficult to modulate within certain technical boundaries in relation to its own characteristics. It can also carry out a multiplicity of tasks, as for example, causing massive flying objects to be levitated and maneuvered. It can also exert a camouflage function in the realm of electromagnetic radiation as well as manipulate temporal sequences of events—indeed only to a very limited extent—and other things as well. Are you familiar with your "quantum tunnel effect"? Even the amplitude equalizations among matter can be achieved with one of those genuine kinds of fields if the frequency and the distance from the plane of the field are high enough. Unfortunately, the whole thing that I have explained to you in your words has come out to be rather primitive, I'm afraid. It sounds rather strange and certainly impossible for your comprehension, but perhaps this simple explanation can be of some use to you in helping you to understand. But then again, maybe not.

Question: Is there a scientific substantiation for paranormal powers, as for example with your powers of thought?

Answer: Yes. In order to explain that, one has to acknowledge the physical reality of the sphere of influence (Feldraum). I"ll try to do it...wait just a are going to have to separate yourself mentally from the illusion that that which you see is the true nature of the universe. It is, at best, the surface of a side. Imagine for yourself that all the matter here -you, this table, this pencil, this technical device, this paper- does not really exist, but that it is rather only the result of a field oscillation and a concentration of energy . All matter that you see, every creature, every planet and star in this universe, has an "information-energy equivalent" in the sphere of influence which is located on a main field -the general level (of things). Now, there is not only one level, but several. Last time, I had mentioned that highly-developed species which is capable of changing levels (which is something completely different from the simple bubble changing, for bubbles are a part of each and every level). Do you understand? Dimensions, as you call them, are a part of a solitary bubble, bubbles or universal foam are a part of a level, and levels are layers in the sphere of influence, while the sphere of influence, acting in the capacity of single physical size, is essentially unending; it is composed of innumerable information-energy layers and general levels. There are in the sphere of influence no null-levels; all are the same, but they are separated by means of their energy conditions. I notice that I am confusing you now. I think I ought to stop with this explanation.

Question: No, please continue. How do concrete paranormal powers arise?

Answer: Well, OK then. Let's try something simpler. Again, it is not completely correct, but let's begin in this manner: Tangible matter on this side is mirrored in the sphere of influence (Feldraum) as a field with distinct layers. These layers contain information, as an example, about the simple structure of matter or the string frequency, but also there is stored information stemming from the development of matter. Are you familiar with the human concept of "morphogenetic fields?" One part of the layer could be designated as such. Now there is still another intermediary layer for which you unfortunately have no human concept, since the theory is not common in human thinking. Let"s call it a "para-layer," for this layer is mainly responsible for everything which you call PSI and paranormal and which lies outside the boundaries of your primitive science. This para-layer lies between the layers of matter and the morphogenetic layers of a field in the sphere of influence. It can actively integrate with both. Your body, for example, is mirrored as a field in the sphere of influence (Feldraum). That doesn't mean that it does not also exist here as well -as flesh, blood, bones- in the form of matter strings or atoms, but not only that. Existence is always a duality. Some layers of the field contain simple information about the solid matter of your body and its frequency, while other layers (contain information about) your spirit, your consciousness or, speaking from a human-religious point of view, your soul. Awareness or consciousness in this case is a simple energy matrix, divided into different layers of your field in the sphere of influence -nothing more, nothing less. Genuine awareness can also exist here on the matter side, but only in the form of post-plasma (the fifth form of matter). With the necessary physical knowledge and the corresponding technology, the consciousness/awareness matrix, or soul, can also be separated from its field of rest. It can, despite its removal, continue to exist in a self-sufficient manner for a certain amount of time. That has the strange occult name of "soul robbing." But above all, we're talking about science here, not about magic or dark forces.

But back to your Question: Creatures with more powerful mental powers can have a direct influence on the para-layer by means of their consciousness/awareness fields. Now this layer is not limited only to the individual, but rather as a part of a general information layer -you could call it in a prosaic sense the community soul- that is connected with all animate and inanimate matter and all consciousness which exist on this main level The biological cause for these abilities lies on the side of matter, by the way, in the pituitary gland, which is always in the position to generate the frequencies to actively control the sphere of influence (Feldraum). Even you people could theoretically do this; however, you are solidly blocked in these things. As I have said, the para-layer can interact with mind as well as with matter. For example, if I decide to use my mental powers once more in order to move this pencil, then, simply said, I imagine in my mind how my consciousness/awareness expands/amplifies itself on the matter side in the form of post-plasma to the pencil. In the sphere of influence this causes simultaneously an automatic command from the consciousness/awareness layer to the para-layer to interact with the matter layer of the pencil. Since the para-layer is not confined to the body, it is not even a problem that the pencil lies over there, for I can unerringly reach it, even without moving my matter body. Post-Plasma on this side, para-layer on the other. I have control over the pencil and the interaction brings the matter field of the pencil to the point where it changes in the manner in which it moves, for example.

Question: That is fascinating. Which kinds of paranormal activities can one generate with that?

Answer: All kinds. Everything that you call paranormal. As I said, this special layer lies in the sphere of influence (Feldraum) between the morphogenetic information layers and the matter layers and can interact with respect to both sides. That is to say, it can be interacted with solid matter as well as with mind or mental information, wherewith we can achieve everything that is generally designated as telekinesis and telepathy. The "connection absorption" with another consciousness/awareness is generally separate in the procedure from the simple influence of matter, since different consciousness/awareness fields work with different oscillations. A consciousness/awareness that sends or a consciousness/awareness that listens must first adapt itself to the other mind exactly, before any access is possible. Most species also have chances to block the alien access, but you people don"t have this. The following is generally valid: the stronger the paranormal abilities of a species, the simpler the adaptation and the access. Our own abilities are not so powerfully developed; therefore, first we have to learn specifically alien mind influence in order to use our mimicry, for example-where mimicry is actually quite simple in your minds due to the implanting of the on/off switch. Some of these abilities are also partially inherited; mother and child of my kind as an example are attuned exactly during the first months of life -partially also in the egg covering in the expectant mother- and communicate telepathically. In order to influence you people, we need a certain amount of time for practicing, despite your simple structure. Therefore, it is forbidden, for example, for adults of my kind before the "Age of Enlightenment" to come to the surface of the Earth. (That term is synonymous, along with other things, with full physical strength.) In the case of not fully developed abilities, the danger of discovery by you would be too great. By the way, there are of course numerous secret teachings about the real possibilities which can give one these abilities, but I really don"t know anything exact about that.

Whenever an alien mind ought to be influenced, then there are some generally valid steps, which are set into motion by other extraterrestrial species. First and foremost, the alien oscillation must be felt, something generally that is done automatically by the brain, i.e., for the one the field oscillation, for the other the quasi-electrical brain waves here in the normal space (which matter inhabits). That is not especially difficult. After that, one simply probes for the other consciousness/awareness in the mind with a post-plasma manifestation, the sphere of influence (Feldraum) reactions and the connection is there. Now one can read out information from the first one and record the desired information to the second one in the correct location. You asked me last time whether you people have the opportunity to protect yourselves against this influence, and I told you that only an awake and concentrated mind had any kind of a chance to withstand it. In this state of mind the oscillations change very abruptly and access becomes complicated; more precisely, it can come as a painful recoil. Whenever you close your eyes, then the field becomes "flat," and alien access (to the mind) is immediately possible and without restriction. In terms of your chances against a more highly developed species, you have none at all. They are able to adjust the oscillations faster than you can change. I could even demonstrate it on you, but you were really horrified and confused the last time, so we"ll just leave it at an explanation.

This explanation presumably sounds to you like -as you say- something esoteric or from the occult or magic. The reason for that is simply that you lack the basic understanding for seeing the background reasons. All paranormal phenomena have a purely scientific origin. None of this has anything to do with supernatural powers. We grow up with this kind of knowledge, we know how one makes use of these powers, and where they come from. We are acquainted with theory and practice. You are not. Therefore, you really don"t understand what happens in your world-you see only one side of existence, not the other (I mean here both that are physical). Everything paranormal is dualistic, and it exists in the space that matter inhabits as well as in the sphere of influence (Feldraum). To be can only be explained by the acceptance of the latter, because the sphere of influence (Feldraum) is the basis. I would welcome an end to the scientific questions since you really aren't grasping them anyway. We"re wasting more or less valuable time by doing this.

Question: Only one last question. At our first meeting in December, you made it quite clear that you didn't want to discuss scientific and paranormal concerns. Why the openness now?

Answer: The last time I saw really no necessity in overburdening you with facts of that kind (and now you are obviously overburdened). Therefore, I had preferred only to mention these topics in a peripheral sense. Apparently, however, some of my performances today have set you to thinking about your world, something that can"t be all bad. And by the way, your human scientists will tend to regard my comments as "humbug." And so I see no great danger in spreading this information widely. No one will pay much attention to it. By the way, the words of people who have characterized me as a "Creature of Evil" have their basis in the belief in occult powers and magic -both of which things DO NOT exist. There is no magic, only highly developed science, and everything that you label as "magic" is only a part of science. If you would only comprehend that, then you would be a step ahead in your development .My openness on this issue ends here. Pose other questions, please.

Question: Good. Let's talk about UFOs. Can you explain to me how our governments came into possession of UFO material to the point that they could start their own projects? Did it have anything to do with the "Roswell Incident?"

Answer: Yes, but that incident was not the first one. I am no historian, I am studying only your current behavior, so my knowledge about those events in your history is presumably not very extensive. I will try to explain to you what I know about those things which happened at that time. Let me think about it for a second. In the years 1946 to 1953 in your time scale, there were five cases where extraterrestrial ships crashed to the surface of the Earth. In that crash which you call the "Roswell Incident," there was not only one alien ship involved, but two that crashed after a collision in different parts of the land in the west—the one you call the USA. (You have to know that the ships of this particular species can remain levitating in the air for a particular period of time even though they are damaged; that accounts for the spatial difference (in their crash locations).) These were indeed not the first crashes, but by that time the second and the third. Another ship had crashed in 1946, but it was destroyed beyond usability.

One thing first before the explanation: it certainly sounds ridiculous to you that such highly developed extraterrestrial ships simply crash, and that a relatively large number did so in a relatively short amount of time. The explanation for that is likewise more than strange, but it is correct. It does not lie in the ship's drive itself, but rather in the direction of the field to your planet. This species that we are discussing -and it was always in this time period that this species used a disk-shaped craft- used a propulsion system which ran according to the normal principle of fusion, to be sure, but one that at that time employed a more than unconventional method for field alignment. This method had various advantages but also disadvantages. The repelling field must of course lie in the absolute correct angle to the surface of the Earth. This species used an alignment technology in their ships, with which the field is locked into place all points of the Earth's magnetic field. Now at that time this species had just arrived on the earth and their point of origin lay on a planet with a more stable magnetic field, for which they had developed and aligned their drive. The magnetic field of the Earth is not really all that stable; it is subject to cyclical variations and it forms field eddies under unfavorable conditions. Whenever a ship with one of those kinds of drives gets into a field fluctuation or into an eddy that is too strong, then for a short time the repelling field can no longer align itself correctly and the ship glides uncontrolled on its flight path. The drive is operating correctly, to be sure, but the field fluctuates in all directions and because of that, the ship can crash. In the case from 1947 which you addressed, it is my understanding that one of the ships got caught in a fluctuation, its field linked up unintentionally with that of its squadron leader and it collided with another ship whereby both of them were heavily damaged. The cause for the magnetic fluctuation at that time was probably an electrical disturbance brought about by a weather event. Both ships crashed as a result; one of them fell near the collision point, the other a hundred of your kilometers or so distant. All occupants were killed in the impact. The thin hull structure of that kind of disk craft is in and of itself not very stable, since those disks have not been designed for crashes as well as for flight in a field where there are exterior forces at work.

Now, your human military collected the individual pieces at first until they discovered the whole ships with the dead creatures boagd. Immediately they classified everything as "Top Secret" and brought them to their military bases in order to analyze the drive. The secret endeavor was to set the alien technology in place later against evil enemies of that great country. That is as primitive as it is ridiculous. I believe I remember-I don"t want to specify exactly your date-that it was probably between 1949 and 1952 that there was a rather bad accident during some research being done on one of the wrecks. According to what I heard-what members of my species were told by members of that government-it resulted in an unintentional activation of one of the drive"s components in the unshielded condition. As a result, for a very short period of time-how should I phrase this-there was an unchecked shift of the environment to a plasma-like condition, which on the other hand, through a very, very unfortunate accident, caused an overturning of the general power field into a magnetic pulse of immense power. Do you have any idea what kind of an effect a plasma-magnetic jolt has, when it comes into contact with an organism? No, how should you know that. Of course you don't. Disturbance in the structure of the field and bioelectric feedback. Imagine, if you will, a human body which is engulfed in bright flames for 3 or 4 of your days. Those flames apparently do not go out and they burn the body right down to its last constituents. Well, then you have an approximate impression of what happened. I think that 20 or 30 of your scientists were killed in that lab.

Two further crashes occurred in 1950 and 1953 in the water catchment area of ​​the American continent. Those ships were able to be recovered from the crashes relatively intact. (The one in 1953, as I remember, even had an intact drive core. It was by means of that device that you saw for the first time that you had understood the entire concept fully incorrectly and that you had reconstructed it fully incorrectly. Even today you still don"t have it right.) That species, which had built the ships in the first place -a species which I, by the way, count among those who are unfriendly towards you- was naturally worried about the investigation of them own technology by your kind. They did not want, however, at that early point in time, to begin direct conflict with you, and so they chose the diplomatic path and came into contact with that government during your 1960"s. Of course, they did not divulge the real reasons for their being here -copper, hydrogen, air- but rather they pretended to be curious "researchers" and offered to show people the functioning principle of the ships whereby they would expect in return some " favors." Simple-minded as you are, you of course agreed to it...and were deceived. You gave them raw materials, you gave them secured locations for their bases, you gave them access to your most secret defense data, you gave them access to your DNA and much more-and all just to quench your greed for power and information. The alien species of course quickly noticed that they were dealing with simple-minded creatures, and they gave you false and inferior information about their technology so that they receive much more out of the collaboration than your kind do. For example, they gave you information that the drive can only be constructed with unstable elements of a higher ranking number, but they withheld the information that the field drive can be constructed with various modifications to work as well with stable elements of a lower periodic number , and generally, that's the way it's done. Through these half truths they made you dependent on the synthesizing of high (numbered) elements, and thereby renewed by their own technology. Their clues to the construction of your "UFOs" were laid out in such a way that the solution to old problems caused new problems to arise simultaneously. They never told you the complete truth, but always built in again and again clever lies, which later lead to technical problems -and to your dependence on them.

In the last years of your 1970"s and your early 1980"s, it finally came down to various events between the alien species and that human government -I don"t want to go into detail here since there is much that even I am not exactly sure of. The whole thing lay in the context with some new, or better said, the old technical problems with your own self-constructed ships whose camouflage and drive partially failed to function in test flights in the open. Because of that, the function of secrecy was threatened. Your military and your political slowly-very slowly-came to the conclusion after more than 20 years of this that they had been deceived by that alien species. Multitudinous incongruities and the overstepping of bounds of the treaties by both sides finally led to an altercation between you and the extraterrestrials, which culminated in the lift-off of three of the alien aerial objects through a special -how do you say it?- EMP (electromagnetic pulse) weapon and a military skirmish at one of their underground installations. As a consequence of these attacks, the alien species ultimately withdrew from all contact with you and was understandably more than angry about your kind. Therefore, I count these extraterrestrials among the three groups who are hostile towards you, and while the other two are more occupied with their own business, among them waging a cold war for dominance on your planet, your old "friends" and partners are preparing to supply themselves finally with the sole and absolute dominance over raw materials and human DNA. At the moment it is probably true that they lack some of the technical possibilities and the large amount of forces which they need in order to achieve their goals directly. In spite of that, we are counting on negative actions -possibly ever of a more subtle kind- against you in the next few years or decades.

Question: Will the other extraterrestrial species undertake nothing against these war-like actions? Specifically, something ought to be developed on Earth for the more highly species.

Answer: You"re wrong there. Specifically, for the more highly developed species there is simply at the very least your fate. You are animals for them. Animals in a very large lab. Understandably, an alien intervention on your planet would disturb them projects, but I don't think that they accept a confrontation with other species for it. Many of them could look for another research planet for themselves or they could study over a long distance your behavior and your consciousness/awareness, since crisis situations could have an attraction for their studies. Whenever you people take a look at an ant hill, and another person comes along and steps on the ant hill, what do you do? You go on your way, or you search for another ant hill or you observe the ants in their crisis condition. But would one of you -even though he were larger and more powerful than the one who stepped on the ant hill in the first place- defend the meaningless ants? No. You have to imagine for yourself the viewpoint of the more highly advanced creatures. You are the ants. Don't expect any help from them.

Of course we would also ask for help when it became clear that your old partners were ganging up on you. Some members of that human government are fully aware of our existence -also partially owing to an old religious basis. For example, there is a gigantic partially underground building in the capital which is totally dedicated to my species and that also has a direct approach to an elevator shaft and to an underground system. In this building partial meetings have taken place and do take place between us and humans. We have passed on information to you in the last few years; according to what I know, we will keep ourselves as far away from the conflict as we can. You ought to learn to solve your own problems yourselves or to become intelligent enough never to create those kinds of situations. What will come and who will possibly place themselves on your side, only time will tell. I really don't want to make any indications about that.

Question: I have here 5 prints of different UFOs, which claim to show UFOs. Can you take a look at the pictures and tell me in which of them actual extraterrestrial aerial craft can be seen?

Answer: I can try it. You pose many questions to me today which even I cannot answer unequivocally. Don't overestimate my knowledge, I'm no expert in alien technology and the construction of extraterrestrial ships. To be sure, there are mostly some technical details and peculiarities about "genuine UFOs," with whose help one can easily differentiate them from natural phenomena or human forgeries. You falsify sometimes the pattern of genuine ships; therefore, it is not so easy simply with absolute certainty to identify an object. I"ll try it. Show me the photos.

These three pictures here are obvious counterfeits or erroneous identifications. In the one picture, it certainly seems to me that a real existing ship of an alien species was adapted for a small model here. It lacks important characteristics which are tied in with the technically- and physically-associated field. Generally speaking, a picture is all the more a fake, the clearer the outline and the colors are, because a levitating ship is generally hidden in a shifted-field condition that even distorts the colors or the forms according to alignment. It might perhaps sound strange, but hazy and spectrally-shifted photos are sometimes to be interpreted as an indication for a possibly authenticity. By the way, this object is floating above the water. If it were a genuine ship, we would have to see in any case either a trough or a swell on the surface. Since the surface is flat, it is obviously not a genuine ship. In my opinion, none of these three pictures show objects in flight or UFOs genuine. Here in this picture I see above all no artificial object in flight; it seems much more to deal with only a light reflex in your simple optical cameras. You really ought to be intelligent enough not to fall for a mix-up like that. When your general public chases counterfeits and frauds for a long time, then they will presumably discover too late, what is really going on in front of them in their atmosphere.

PHOTO 2: Albiosc, France, 1974

This one seems to be genuine, at least it displays the necessary characteristics. I would assign it at first glance to an alien species who have been visiting your planet for the last 35 years or so. The object itself is metallic and disk-shaped; certainly it is distorted in form and color by means of a field effect. These four white and very long "processes" on the underside of the ship itself portray a kind of quasi-gravitational light manipulation, i.e., the universal force field is being shifted in the direction of a simulated gravity. Actually, it is not a genuine light (it is mostly not a genuine light whenever you see illuminating "UFOs") but a special strongly charged form field which manifests itself in the space that matter inhabits as a quasi-light. The reason for the activation of this special high-energy system in an atmosphere is not completely clear to me; it "s possible that it is a kind of investigating or influencing the environment. In any case, it is terribly careless of that species to allow this technology to be photographed by humans. Well, I guess that most of you just plain don" t understand it, and those who do will not say anything about it to the general public.

PHOTO 4: Petit Rechain, Belgium, 1990

This is in fact a genuine aerial object; it is in no way extraterrestrial. Triangular aerial objects in flight are simply not used by alien species, or not in this form, at least. That streamlined kind of form is a human concept. It is one of your own secret military projects that you build with the help of immature alien technology -technology that was handed over to you by the extraterrestrials during the 1960"s and the 1970"s. Generally, the form of the hull for a genuine extraterrestrial ship is of no consequence, for inside the field itself there are no exterior forces that have any effect there; in general, the ships have a rounded off form and they are built without hard edges -as a disk or a cylinder- so that the field can flow more easily. Your projects decree that along with the alien drive field there also be a conventional jet engine system; therefore, they are always triangular and built thus with streamlining in order to be steerable with this primitive recoil principle.

In the example here the ship glides above all on its field genuine drive. Do you see the distortion and the quasi-light in the rotating cylinders? That is an unmistakable indication for the authenticity of the photo. But why, you might ask, are there 4 cylinders? That "s unusual -even the interval seems to be incorrect. The coloring is very dark and the interior optical distortion is very noticeable. Presumably a reconstruction of the original system by your scientists. Since the alien species has just not given you any more information since the disagreement, they are rebuilding the systems single-handedly without actually being able to understand what kind of dangerous thing they are doing there. This construction does not make the system better, only more unstable. Both of the forward cylinders are too close to each other; they will definitely flow into each other. The color shows me a powerful residual radiation; it was probably the case that high elements were used again as customary for the shifting. It is in any case very dangerous to be unshielded in the vicinity of the field. Did the person who took the photo display any kind of radiation and burn damage?

Question: I don"t know. Where do these military "UFOs" come from? From the United States?

Answer: Yes. I think generally that"s true. From the western continent.

Question: Why then do they fly over thickly populated areas of Europe? This photo comes from Belgium. That doesn't make any sense. Can you explain?

Answer: Why is it that ONLY I am able to explain strange human deeds? It"s possible that these are long-distance tests or tests with the electromagnetic camouflage systems. The old enemy of the American nation is on this side of the world, so why shouldn"t they test here? At home they"ve had enough time to have had their ships crossing back and forth. Maybe they have aroused too much observation there. With one of those kinds of unstable field structures -as your photo indicates- I consider it somewhat improbable that that ship is capable of making a flight of that length over the ocean. It"s possible there is a test station here on your continent. Unfortunately, I don't know anything about it.

Question: Many readers of the first transcript have posed the question how your original contact with E.F. came about. I already know the story from your narratives, but could you repeat it here once again for this volume and for the new transcript?

Answer: Of course. Now, the story began about two of your years ago here in Sweden. I have been strongly interested in your species and your behavior since my youth; I had already studied your literature at that time, as well as possible. (Naturally, it is not easy in my homeland to come into possession of human books, but since my group or family stands in a higher ranking order, I was able to gather some material together and sometimes to speak with others of my kind who have already been in contact with you.) I was really very curious about your species and as soon as I was allowed to come to the surface, I attempted to assemble more information immediately; above all, it was expressly forbidden for me to commence direct contact with humans because in my position at that time, there existed no necessity for doing so.

It was in your year 1998, when I was on my way further north from here in the remote forests in the vicinity of the entrance to my world and was looking for biological specimens, which we use in order to watch over environmental pollution and destruction of your flora and fauna statistically by your own kind. At the time, I was already on the return path to the entrance-we can even orient ourselves more easily, by the way, through our senses to the Earth's magnetic field-and already in the vicinity of the large lake, when much to my surprise I came across a cabin in the woods. In this cabin I sensed a human consciousness/awareness. It was E.F. Actually, I had no permission for contact with another species, but by the same token I had set in place my mimicry capability quite successfully prior to this-even with larger groups of you (I had never ever come across a human being when I was alone). Now, let's call it primitive curiosity; I wanted to talk with the person in this cabin and so I knocked on the door. E. opened the door and we got into an interesting conversation. His language was not quite yet common at that time for me, but it"s not all that hard to learn a new language when one can read the information in the consciousness/awareness of the opposite individual. I simply told him that I came from a foreign country in the east. Of course at the time, he did not really “recognize” who I was; he was totally convinced that he was talking with a creature of his own kind, although it was simply only a mimicry image.

Since my assignment anyway had as its goal an investigation of this terrain which was to last for several days, I visited him in this span of time three times as a human person. At first we talked mainly about really ordinary things; later we got into religious and physical topics. He seemed to be impressed by my knowledge, and I was likewise impressed with his clear thoughts and his-for a human being-well displayed personality structure and his own opinions. You really like giving yourselves over completely to a public opinion or conditioning, as for example, "reptilian species are evil" and stuff like that. I steered the conversation in this direction, and E.F. said something to the effect that he believed in alien species and that they did not have to necessarily be evil, but perhaps only different than his kind are. That pleased me. At that juncture of time, of course, I could not speak concretely with him about my knowledge because he wouldn't have believed me-he would have taken me for a human practical joker. I cultivated the very, very unusual idea (for my kind) to show him my true exterior, something that I did during our conversation at our fourth meeting in the cabin. Actually, he was predestined for contact: he was open-minded, honest, intelligent, not religiously inclined or conditioned; he lived alone and isolated, and no one would believe him, should he decide to go public with his story. I dared to take the step, but then I had serious doubt about the propriety of my act, especially when he reacted...very. ..violently. He got control of himself again after a time and we could finally talk concretely about definite matters. Now he had no choice but to believe me. This was the beginning of a series of meetings which initially took place there in the woods , but later took place in his remote residence. Finally he brought you into contact with me...and for that reason we are now sitting here once again and talking about things which probably won't be believed out there in human society.

Question: You said, you would not have had permission at that time for contacts with human beings. Do you now then have permission to talk with E.F. and me about all these things and even to make this scientifically public?

Answer: Yes. That is difficult to explain and for you to understand. Let"s just say, I find myself in the position now to arrange this permission without having to take into account any consequences. In this position I am quasi-"immune" against certain restrictions. Let"s look it that way. Yes.

Question: If other people want to come into contact with your kind, do they have a chance to do so?

Answer: Generally not. We avoid contact with you and we operate on the surface only in remote areas and there we use the mimicry techniques in case we should meet some people. That I am talking with you now does not mean that others will follow my example. It goes without saying that you could try to find an entrance to my world and penetrate your way into there. However, that can sooner lead to unpleasant consequences for the infiltrator. You have next to no chances on the surface of recognizing us. You can"t even contact us directly, we have to contact you, just as I did with E.F. Those kinds of contacts however are not the rule but are very rare occurrences.

Question: Can you describe your subterranean homeland location?

Answer: I can attempt to do so, but I certainly will not tell you where this place is located. My homeland lies in one of our smaller underground settlements to the east of here. I"ll give you some numbers so that you can make a better impression for yourself. Just a minute...I have to try to convert the measurements approximately into your units. It is a dome-shaped cavern at a distance of about 4300 meters from the Earth's surface. The cavern was organized as a colony about 3000 years ago; a major portion of the ceiling structure is artificially integrated into the rock and the form was remodeled into an almost elegantly proportioned and very flat dome with an oval ground plan. The diameter of the dome according to your measures is about two-and-a-half kilometers. The height of the dome at the highest point is about 220 meters. Underneath that highest point in every colony there stands a special whitish-gray cylindrical building-a kind of supporting column which holds the honeycomb net-carrying structure of the dome. This building is the tallest, largest and oldest in the entire dome for it is always situated as the first construction together with the security of the ceiling. (In the meantime of course there were times when it was completed and reconditioned.) That building has a very special name and religious significance. We have only one of those columns; larger colonies even have more columns according to the construction of the ceiling.

One of the main colonies in Inner Asia has as an example 9 of those kinds of supports, but that colony is also over 25 of your kilometers in size. The central building is generally a center of religion, but also a center for climate control, and a center for the behavior and the regulation of the lighting system. We have at our location all together 5 large artificial light sources which generate your UV light and its warmth through gravitational sources. The air shafts and the light systems from the surface likewise run through these columns and naturally, they are very intensely controlled.

By the way, we have 3 air shafts and 2 elevator systems there, and even a tunnel connection to the next main colony which lies approximately 500 kilometers to the southeast. One elevator shaft leads to a cavern near the surface, the other leads to one of our depots for the ships -you remember, the cylindrical ships- that is naturally concealed closer to the surface behind a rocky mountain face. Normally, there are only three ships there -it"s a small depot. The other buildings of the colony are, for the most part, concentrically ordered in oval circles around the main supporting column, and they are without exception much flatter; generally only between 3 and 20 meters tall. The shape of the buildings is round and dome-like. The color is even differentiated according to circle and distance from the main column. To the north of the column, there is an additional, very large but very flat round building. This building interrupts the concentric system of the colony with its diameter of about 250 meters. It is the artificial sun zone in which specially illuminated corridors and rooms are housed. In these locations very powerful UV light predominates, and they are used in order to warm our blood. There is even a medical dispensary and a meeting room located there. Beyond the outer ring of the colony, there are zones in which animals are kept-you know, we MUST consume flesh as nourishment-and the gardens in which plant nutrition and mushroom culture are cultivated; there is also hot and cold running water there from subterranean sources. The power station is located on the edge of the colony. The station is driven by fusion as its base and it supplies the colony and the "suns" with energy. My group or "family" lives, by the way, in the fourth ring of buildings out from the central support column. So much in such a short time. To describe to you all the buildings and their tasks would be going too far. It is difficult to describe something like that to you, for it is a completely different set of surroundings and culture from what you are accustomed to in your life on the surface. You really have to see it for yourself to be able to believe it.

Question: Will I myself see it sometime?

Answer: Who knows, maybe. Time brings new opportunities.

Question: How many creatures of your kind live in this colony?

Answer: Approximately 900.

Question: That is the end of the interview. Do you have any final message for the readers of the transcript?

Answer: Yes. I am thoroughly surprised at the many comments to my words; of course, I am naturally also disappointed about the religious portrayals of me as the enemy which have been voiced and which have buried themselves deeply in your mind. You should learn to set yourselves apart from the old conditioning and not to stand quasi under the control of something or someone who has already been gone for 5000 years. You are, after all, free spirits. Those are my final words.

Those who sent this translated interview can read it in a normal translation. This interview exists on many sites, but the quality of the translation left much to be desired and made it difficult to understand the essence of the conversation and the answers given by the mysterious reptilian named Lacerta.

Transcript of interview with " LASERTOY"

Answer: Please ask.

Question: First of all, you are dealing with a very large time scale. You claim that your primitive ancestors lived with the dinosaurs, and survived - as you call it - a man-made cataclysm. Also, your development began more than 40 million years ago, and was completed 10 million years ago. This sounds very incredible to me. Can you say something about this?

Answer: I understand that this must seem absolutely incredible to you because you are young and a genetically engineered species. Your historical horizon ends at the scale of only a few thousand years, and you think that's right. But this is not so.

Your programmed mind is obviously not capable of dealing with such large time scales. Our time of development may seem incredibly long to you, but this is actually the original path of nature's development. Remember that your early mammal ancestors, who evolved with the dinosaurs, also survived the bomb just like us. And they evolved slowly over the next millions of years. They have divided into different varieties and forms, some larger, others smaller.

This is the development of the body. But what about their intelligence? They were simple animals. Mammals evolving since then do not allow us to talk about 150 million years, but only about the last 2 - 3 million years, during which they were able to become intelligent and reflective.

Think about it, within this short period of time, could creatures like you be created by nature? 148 million years are needed for the development of animals like you - mammals. And 2 million years of this time for the development of (more or less) intelligent beings like you?!

Ask yourself: Do you really think this accelerated development is natural? Then your species is even more ignorant than I thought. It was not we who developed incorrectly, but you.

Question: I understand. But I have another question. You mentioned many facts about the ancient war between aliens 65 million years ago. This happened much earlier before your species became truly intelligent (as far as I understand you). Why do you know so many things about the "first war" and the development of your species?

Answer: This is a good question (much better than the previous ones) and I did not explain it properly to you. Our knowledge of the first war comes entirely from an ancient artifact that was found about 16,000 years ago on the continent in what you call North America today.

They found there a round plate with a diameter of approximately 47 of your centimeters. The plate was made of a magnetic material unknown even to us, and inside the plate was another smaller crystalline plate that contained a huge amount of information encoded in the molecular structure of the crystal.

This "memory plate" was made before the last war 65 million years ago. But she had absolutely no damage when we found her. Our scientists were able to encode messages and data in the same way, and we heard for the first time about events that took place in the distant past that led to the extinction of the dinosaurs.

The plate contained detailed descriptions of both species (but more about the humanoids) and about events and weapons, including the fusion bomb. It contained also a description of animals and saurians on earth, including our pre-intelligent species. The rest of our knowledge about our development comes from studying skeletons and decoding our DNA. You see, we know the real truth about our roots dating back 16,000 years. Before that time there was a more religious idea regarding our creation.
Question: What happened to the alien species?

Answer: We don't know for sure. The surviving humanoids on earth apparently died after the bomb and their other species and reptilians never returned to Earth (as far as we know). Regarding the reptilian aliens, there is speculation that it was physically impossible for them to return because the distance between the "bubbles" sometimes changes rapidly. The current theory suggests that both species ceased to exist within millions of years.

Question: You mentioned skeletons of your species. How can it be that human scientists have not found any trace of you and your ancestors if you really have been living for such a long time on this planet? We have found many skeletons of primitive dinosaurs, but none of the advanced reptilians, having a large skull and brain and a hand with a thumb, as you described it before.

Answer: Yes, you found it. But your "big" scientists are not able to restore the skeletons completely, because they wanted to restore reptilian animals, not intelligent creatures. You will laugh very much if you know how many (especially small) saurian skeletons in your museums are completely incorrectly restored and represent creatures that never existed. Because your scientists used a lot of bones that didn't really belong together, and sometimes your scientists made artificial bones if something was missed when needing to build the "animal" saurians.

Many of your scientists know this problem, but they do not say it in public because they cannot explain it. And they demand that only the “correct” bones be passed through and their reconstruction is therefore right.
Many of our bones are used for Iguanodon reconstructions. For example, hands with a visible thumb (look at Iguanodon in a museum and you'll see I'm right.)

A scientist in the country you call the United States had an almost correctly constructed skeleton of our species several years ago, but local authorities (who are partially aware of our existence) confiscated the reconstruction. Because we live today (and, since thousands of years ago) almost entirely below ground level, you won't find any corpses or skeletons of us.

Question: You sometimes talk about underground cities and artificial sunlight. You mean something like "Hollow Earth"? Is there a second sun inside our planet?

Answer: No, the Earth is not completely hollow and there is no second sun inside. This story is false and physically impossible (even your species must be intelligent enough not to believe it.) Do you know what the mass of the sun must be to produce energy and light for any length of time? Do you really think there could be a small active sun inside a planet?

When I talk about our underground home, I'm talking about large cave systems. The caves you discover close to the surface are tiny compared to the real caves and the huge caves deep within the earth (2,000 to 8,000 of your meters, but connected by many hidden tunnels to the surface or to surfaces in the vicinity of the caves). And we live in large and developed cities and colonies inside such caves.

Our main cave sites are Antarctica, Inner Asia, North America and Australia. When I talk about artificial sunlight in our cities, I don't mean the real sun, but the various technological light sources (including gravity sources) that illuminate caves and tunnels.

There are special cave areas and tunnels with strong UV light in every city and we use them to heat up our blood. In addition, we also have some areas of sunny surface spots in remote areas, especially in America and Australia.

Question: Where can we find such surfaces - near the entrance to your world?

Answer: Do you really think that I will tell you their exact location? If you want to find such an entrance, you should look for it (but I would advise you not to do so.) When I arrived on the surface four days ago, I used an entrance about 300 kilometers north of here, close to a large lake, but I doubt that you might find it (there are only a few occurrences in this part of the world - more - many more in the north and east.)

As a little tip: if you are in a narrow cave or in a tunnel or even something that looks like a man-made mine, and the deeper you go, the smoother the walls become; and if you feel unusual warm air flowing from the depths, or if you hear the sound of flowing air in the ventilation or lift shaft, and find a special kind of artificial things;

Also - if you see a wall with a door made of gray metal somewhere in a cave - you might try to open that door (but I doubt it); or, you find yourself underground in an ordinary-looking technical room with ventilation systems and lifts in depth - then this is probably the entrance to our world;

If you have reached this place, you should know that we have now located your location and are aware of your presence, you are already in big trouble. If you entered a circular room, then you should look for one of two reptilian symbols on the walls. If there are no symbols or there are other symbols, then you are perhaps in even more trouble than you think, because not every underground structure belongs to our species.

Some new tunnel systems are used by alien races (including hostile races). My general advice if you find yourself in an underground structure that seems strange to you: run as fast as you can.

Question: You mentioned earlier that you use the name "Lasserta" when you are among people and that you like to be in the real sun on the surface of the earth. But how can you be among people? You don't resemble us, so anyone will see that you belong to a different species. Why is there no one who has seen and described emerging creatures like you, if your species has been living, since our “creation,” with us on the same planet. Can you explain this to me?

Answer: My species was, of course, first seen and described (many times) in your primitive past, for example in your religious books, like the Christian Bible. You can find descriptions and even simple drawings of our species also in the southern part of the American continent on various temples.

The so-called "wise" people from India and the Asian mountains have described our species many times in letters, along with other "wise" people from the African continent. I think we are the most mentioned non-human species (possibly also as "Elohim") in your history. If you don't believe me, take a look at your history and you will see the truth in my words. Your "great" scientists called our description "superstition" and "religion" and today "intellectual" people have forgotten our presence on the surface in the past.

Moreover, our species is seen even today by human surface observation means in our original form on the ground, or on our surface - near entries and tunnel systems. But fortunately, you and your media don't take such messages seriously (that's good for us, and that's the reason why we let people see us for real.)

Some of my species are also in direct contact with human scientists and politicians on the surface, but this is top secret - as many would tell it - and none of your public knows anything serious about it (the subject of these meetings is the coming war with alien species and our help in this war). But there is also another explanation why we may be among you and you are not able to recognize us. This is mimicry.

The following may again sound unbelievable and even disgusting to you, but since you asked, I won't be hurt by it. I told you before that we are more developed mental abilities than your species, and by "more developed" I mean that we are capable of using telepathy and telekinesis from our birth (in fact, mother and newborn child communicate telepathically within the first months ) without special training. You can and should develop telepathy and telekinesis by activating dormant parts of your brain.

Our brain structure is slightly different from yours, and our pituitary gland is larger and more active than yours. Especially when we are in sunlight. Our own powers are very strong compared to yours, but weak compared to the "0matterstring/bubble" consciousness powers of some of the alien species on this planet. I have never had a good opinion about this state of affairs, but we all have these primary abilities and can use them, for example, for our defense or even for attack.

When we are on the surface, and we meet people (even a large group - it doesn't really matter, all your minds are like one consciousness) we are able to "touch" their consciousness and stimulate them through telepathy, with the command "See us as one of your kind "and the weak human consciousness will accept this order without discussion, and they will see us (despite our reptilian appearance) as normal people.

I have done this many times with you, weak people generally see me as an attractive brunette woman because I created this special “mimicry image” several periods of time ago, and I can instill this in your minds without problems.

I needed some time in the beginning to learn how to use mimicry correctly, but then it worked almost automatically. I can even walk among a group of your people and no one will know who I am.

There is a simple switch ("See us as we really are / "See us as we want you to see us") in your consciousness that was placed there by the Elohim when they created your species, and we can use this switch to convince you that you see people when you look at us (others different from you also use this switch) more easily than you think.

When I met Ye Fa for the first time, he saw me as a normal human woman, and I remember that he was very scared and shocked when I showed him my real appearance.

Question: Are you implying that you can really show me how you do it by making an "image" that I am now talking to an attractive brunette woman instead of a reptilian like you?

Answer: Probably, but I don’t think so, since your case is special. When someone expects to see a human woman instead of me, I can do this without problems with his consciousness (even with large groups) because no one expects to see a reptilian woman. But I allowed your consciousness to see me in my original form from our first meeting, and I never switched some things in your consciousness, so you already understood that I am not a species of homo sapiens.

If I were to try to change this now, it would probably lead to an absolute mess in your head or to an unconscious state, and I don't want to harm you. Because, as I say, I'm not very good at these things.

Question: This is very scary. Can you kill with these abilities?

Answer: Yes, but it is prohibited. Although this does not mean that this has not been done before.

Question: Do both sexes have these abilities?

Answer: Yes.

Question: How do you appear in photographs?

Answer: This is a stupid question. I appear in photographs as a real reptile because I cannot have any influence on the photograph or the camera itself, but only on the opinions of the photographers. If he or she made a film and showed the photos to others, they would see me in my original form.

This is the reason why it is forbidden for our species to be filmed or photographed, and we must avoid every camera on the surface (which is very difficult, and we have been filmed sometimes in the past without our knowledge, especially by some of your government and secret services).

Question: What other commands can your kind stimulate into our minds? Something like "Serve you" or "Obey"?

Answer: This is again a strange question. We are not your enemies (most of us are), so why should we do this? To answer your question: it is the fear of human opinion and that the reptilian is hostile. There is no one who "Serves us" or "Serves me." The switch is in your mind and such a command is much more difficult to instill.

If human consciousness and communities' opinions are weak, and the reptilian has experience in these things, and also spends a few hours in the sun before he or she tries it, then this could probably work for some time. There is secret teaching about such things, but I never knew anything about it. I use my primal abilities for mimicry and to communicate with my own species - and sometimes for other private things, but I have never used it to harm people or their consciousness.
It would be better for me if we end our dialogue with this topic.

Question: Last question. You said earlier that you can hide your UFOs? Are you using the same abilities to do this?

Answer: Yes, but on a technical basis. There is a powerful device inside each ship that can send an artificial signal to your minds to convince you that you are seeing anything or just the sky, or that you are seeing a normal plane like your planes instead of our ships. This is not used often because we avoid human audiences when moving through the atmosphere.

If you are able to see our "UFOs", it means that the device has been damaged, or deactivated for some reason. The camouflage effect doesn't work in photographs - to answer this possible question of yours already in advance - which is why if someone takes a photo of the sky, they might see something unusual there.

By the way, most of the surfaces near the entrance pointing to our tunnels are also hidden using this device, and you will only see the normal walls of the cave instead of the door. This is one of the reasons why I said that I doubt that you will be able to find such a secret door to our world (although it has happened several times in the past.)

Question: Back to your and our, in fact, history. You mentioned the race of "Elohim", those who created our human race. Where do they come from, where do they come from, and how are they mentioned? What exactly happened when they arrived? Are they our "God"?

Answer: "Illojiim" (Elohim) came from this universe, from the solar system you call "Aldebaran" on your maps. They were a very highly evolved humanoid yeti species - usually had very light blonde hair and they had very white skin (they avoided sunlight because it damaged their skin and their eyes (this was absolutely incredible to us sun lovers) They seemed to be intelligent and peaceful at first, and we began to maintain more or less friendly relations with them.

But later they showed their real intentions and plans: they wanted to develop a new breed of "monkeys", and we were alarmed by their plans to create their new "menagerie planet". At first, they captured 10,000 or perhaps even 20,000 of your simian ancestors, and were absent from the planet for some hundred years. When they returned, they brought (now more) your ancestors back.

After that, they left the Earth again for several thousand years, and the primitive ancestors of humans lived with us without any problems (they were only afraid of our ships and technology). The "Illojiim" had access to their consciousness and enlarged their brains. Their body structure was changed and they were now capable of using tools and fire.

"Illojiim" arrived seven times over a period of 23,000 years and accelerated the rate of development of some individuals of your species. You must understand that you are not the first human civilization on the planet. The first more advanced people (who lived at the same time with the less developed ancestors of people, because the "Illojiim" experimented with different speeds and stages of development) with technology and speech, existed about 700,000 years ago on this planet (your scientists do not understand this , because they only found the bones of human ancestors and some primitive drawings in caves, without finding the remains of more advanced and flying people).

This genetically advanced human species lived with us, but they avoided contact with my species because the "Illojiim" teachers warned them with misleading intent that we are evil beings and that we are subordinate to them.

After several centuries, the aliens' interest in their first creation was withdrawn, and they accelerated the evolution of a second and better test species, and so on and so forth. It is also true that your modern human civilization is not the first on this planet Earth, but already the seventh.

The buildings of the first varieties of man are lost, but the fifth civilization was one that built large triangular structures. You call them "Egyptian Pyramids" - about 75,000 years ago (your Egyptians just found them in the sand and tried, not very successfully, to build similar ones), and the sixth civilization was the one that built the cities that you consider destroyed, and you You can find them today below sea level in the so-called Bimini region. Their age is about 16,000 years ago.

The last creation of the seventh civilization of your series was begun only 8,500 years ago, and it is the only creation that you can remember and to which your religious writings refer. You rely on archaeological and paleontological forgeries that show you an incorrect and short past. But how will you know anything about these six civilizations before?

And if you find evidence of their existence, you deny and distort the facts. This is partly programming your consciousness and partly pure ignorance. I will inform you further only about your seventh creations, because the six previous humanity are lost and therefore they should not worry you.

There was a long war between us and the Illojiim, and also between some of the Illojiim groups within, because many of them were of the opinion that creating the human species on this planet over and over again makes no real sense.

The last battles in this war were fought about 5,000 years ago in orbit and on the surface. The aliens used powerful sonic weapons to destroy our underground cities, but on the other hand, we were able to destroy many of their surface structures and bases in their place. People of your kind were very afraid when they witnessed these battles, and they wrote it down in the form of religious myths (their consciousness was not able to understand what was really happening).

The "Illojiim" - who appeared as "gods" for the sixth and seventh races of you - told them that this was a war between good and evil and that they were the good ones and we were the evil race. This depends, of course, on the point of view.

This was our planet before they arrived, and before they began their development project with your species. In my opinion, it was our right to fight for our planet. It was exactly 4.943 years ago - according to your time scale - when the Elohim left the planet again for unknown reasons (this is a very important date for us because many of our historians called it a victory).

The fact that we don't know is that we don't know what really happened. Why did the "Illojiim" leave one day, they disappeared without a trace along with their ships, and we found most of their surface structures destroyed by them. People and your civilization were left by them to your own development.

Many of us have been in contact with some of the more southern tribes of your species for many centuries, and we were able to convince some of them that we were not "Evil", but the aliens did not want them to believe that.

During the time of 4,900 years ago until today, many other alien species arrived on the planet (some of them used the "old training and programming" of your mind and again "played" God for you), but the "Illojiim" as such never again returned.

They left the planet for several thousand years, just like before. So we expect them to return one day in the future to finish their project, or perhaps they have also cooled down to the seventh kind of you, but we really don't know about what happened to them (answering this question of yours in advance).

Your current civilization does not know anything about your real origin and your real past and your real world and universe. And you know very little about us and our past. And you don't know anything about events that will happen in the near future. Until you understand and believe my words.

I tell you the truth because we are not your enemy - but for a long time there has been another danger to your species. Your enemies are already here, but you don’t understand it. Open your eyes or you'll be in big trouble soon. If you did not believe any of the described events that I told you before, then you must believe and remember it.

Question: Why do you think that I don’t believe you?

Answer: I have some feeling that you do not believe me, despite the fact that I am sitting here in front of you. Everything I told you in the last two hours is the absolute truth about our world.

Question: How many alien races are currently active on Earth?

Answer: As far as we know, there are 14 varieties. 11 from this universe, 2 from another "bubble" and 1 very advanced species from a very different universe from ours. Don't ask me the names, because almost all of their names are unpronounceable for you, eight of them are unpronounceable even for us.

Most species - especially the more evolved ones - are just learning about you as animals, and they are not very dangerous to you and to us, and we work together with some of them. But three species are hostile, including one that was in contact with some of your governments and traded their technology for copper and other important raw materials, and which betrayed your species.

There has been a "cold war" between these two hostile races for the past 73 years, and the third species seemed to be the "winner" in this futile struggle. We expect a "hotter" war between them and you will be involved in it in the near future (I would say in the next 10 or 20 years) and we are excited about its development.

Last time, there were some rumors about a new, fifteenth species that arrived on Earth just 3 or 4 years ago, but we don't know anything about their intentions and we haven't been in contact with them until now. Perhaps the rumors are wrong.

Question: What do hostile foreign races want?

Answer: Various raw materials, including copper for their technology, your water (or better yet, the hydrogen in your water, which is the source of energy in advanced bonding processes), and some chemical elements in your air.

In addition, two of the species are also interested in using your body, your human tissue and blood, because their own genetic structure is defective due to poor development and due to exposure to radiation (as far as we know). They need intact strands of DNA from your species and animals to use to restore their own genetic apparatus. They try this over and over again, but they really are not able to restore the defective part of their DNA completely, because their DNA and your DNA are not completely compatible. My species is completely incompatible with them, so they are very uninterested in us. And they are trying to make a more compatible hybrid between you and them using artificial insemination and artificial wombs.

We assume that in the coming war between the three races, or between you and one of them, there will be a struggle for raw materials, hydrogen, air and DNA.

Question: is this the reason for the "kidnappings"?

Answer: Partially, especially when the aliens took eggs and sperm samples from your species. Sometimes the researcher is from another more advanced race and they only want to study your body and your consciousness (which is more interesting to some of them than your dense body).

Since I have listed three alien hostile species, this means that they do not care about your fate, or about your life, and those people who have been "abducted" by them very rarely come back alive. If someone can report an abduction, it means, in my opinion, that he or she has not encountered one of the aggressive species, or that he or she is a very lucky person to survive.

Advanced and "friendly" races also sometimes took eggs and sperm samples, but for different reasons.

Question: You said that there are only 14 species active on earth. But why do those people who have seen alien creatures describe them so many times and in different ways?

Answer: I think I have already answered this question. Because I said that most alien races have developed their consciousness abilities much more than you. Even I have a more developed consciousness. There is only one alien race completely devoid of such abilities. They are able to appear in your consciousness and memory, regardless of what you want, and this forced image has nothing to do with their real appearance.

You remember them as normal people, or gray dwarfs, or even bizarre animals, because that's how they want you to remember it, or for you to completely forget about meeting them.

Another example: You may, for example, remember that you were only in one of your human hospitals, and that ordinary doctors examined you, and you think this way about what happened to you (perhaps until you discover that there is no hospital on the street where you assumed you were), but in fact you were examined by them in one of their laboratories.

Believe me, there are only 14 alien species on this planet and only eight of them are currently abducting humans (again, as far as we know). Additionally, not every abduction reported in the media is of alien origin, in reality it is just imagination or not true.

Question: How can we protect ourselves against this suggestible influence on our opinions?

Answer: I don't know. I doubt that you can do this, because your consciousness is like an open book, which is open to read and write, for almost every species that I know. "Illojiim" themselves are partly to blame for this, because they built - or better said - incorrectly built (partly deliberately) your consciousness and thinking apparatus without real defense mechanisms.

If you know that someone is trying to control your opinion, you can only concentrate on this suspicion and try to analyze each of your thoughts and memories. Very important: do not close your eyes (this leads to different brain wave patterns that are easier to access) and do not sit or lie down for this analysis.

If you remain active during the first minutes, you can perhaps filter different thoughts and waves in your brain and the manipulator will give up after a few minutes of effort because it will begin to damage his or her own brain.

Question: What do you mean by "one species came from a very different universe from ours"?

Answer: Before I can begin to explain what is right for you, you must understand the universe, and this would mean, perhaps futilely, training your consciousness (including removing some barriers) over many weeks and combined with training other than words. I said it with your word "field" or "level" because, again, there is no better word in your vocabulary. And the measurement would be completely wrong in this case (it's quite wrong even for another "bubble") because the measurement cannot exist without fields.

If you were a species living in another field or level and if you were, moreover, able to enter that field without technology so that your body would transform into one of those types of matter, you know, then you would be the most powerful of the living. This very advanced race that I mentioned did not evolve here, and in fact they have been evolving for over billions of years.

They could destroy all of you and us with just one single thought. We have only been in contact with them 3 times in our entire history because their interest in your planet is different from that of all other races. They pose no danger to you or us.

Question: What happens when a war starts?

Answer: This is difficult to answer. It depends on the enemy race's race and their tactics. “War” is not always the primitive events that you imagine; in “War” you can fight on different levels.

One of the possibilities they may use is to "disrupt" your social system by influencing political leaders, another is to use powerful weapons systems that can cause earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, or other disasters (including weather disasters) that may seem natural to you. .

The copper alloy - which I mentioned earlier - has special fields that can influence your weather in the world. I think that they will not directly attack the planet before human civilization weakens, because even you have the ability to destroy their technology (but not many). I am not allowed to say that we are absolutely sure whether such a war will really happen in the next few years. I don't want to talk further about this.

Question: This is the end of the interview. Do you have anything final to say?

Answer: Open your eyes and look. Don't just believe your wrong history or your scientists or your politicians. Some of them know the truth about various events, but they do not tell them to the public to avoid confusion and panic. I think your species is not so bad, as part of my species thinks, and it would be a pity to see your end. That's all I can say. Walk into your world with your eyes open and you will see - or perhaps not. Your species is not at all aware.

Question: Do you think that many people will believe that this interview is true?

Answer: No, but it is an interesting experiment for my social activities. We will meet again in a few months, and you will let me know then what happened after my message was published. There may be hope for your species.

Translation of the transcript.
