Why Mikhalkov called the story a New Year's story. S. Mikhalkov "New Year's story", A. Barto "It was in January ...

In the forest, not far from the forester's house, a Christmas tree grew. Mature trees - pines and firs - looked at her from afar and could not stop looking at her - she was so slender and beautiful.
The little Christmas tree grew like all Christmas trees at her age: in summer it was watered with rain, in winter it was covered with snow.
She basked in the spring sun and shivered during a thunderstorm. Around it was the usual forest life: field mice ran back and forth, various insects and ants swarm, birds flew. For my short life The Christmas tree met a real hare, who once spent the night under her branches. Despite the fact that Yolochka grew up alone in the middle of a clearing, she did not feel lonely ...
But somehow in the summer, out of nowhere, an unfamiliar Magpie flew in, without thinking twice, sat on the top of a small Christmas tree and began to swing on it.
"Please don't swing on me!" Yolochka asked politely. "You're going to break my head!"
- And what do you need your top of your head for? chirped Magpie. "You'll still be cut down!"
- Who will cut me down? For what?! - Yolochka whispered softly.
- And who needs it, he will cut it down! Magpie replied. - Don't you know that on New Year's Eve people come to the forest for people like you! And you are growing in front of everyone! ..
- But I've been in this place for more than a year, and no one touched me! - Yolochka objected uncertainly.
- So touched! - said Magpie and flew off into the forest ...
Yolochka lived summer and autumn in fear and anxiety, and when the snow fell, she completely lost her peace. After all, she couldn’t run away anywhere to hide, get lost in the forest among the same Christmas trees.
In December, so much snow fell that even mature trees broke branches under its weight.
And the little Christmas tree was completely covered up to the very top.
- It's even good! Yolochka decided. Now no one will notice me!
The last day of the outgoing year has come - the thirty-first of December.
“Just make it through the day!” - Yolochka did not have time to think, when she saw a man approaching her, he was walking straight at her. Approaching her, the man grabbed her top and shook her. Heavy layers of snow fell off, hanging on the branches of the Christmas Tree, and she straightened her fluffy green branches in front of the man.
I chose you right! the man said and smiled. He did not notice that at these words the Christmas tree lost consciousness ...
When the Christmas tree woke up, she could not understand anything: she was alive and stood in the same place, only light colored glass balls hung on her branches, and she was all wrapped in thin silver threads, and the very top was decorated with a large golden star ..
And in the morning, on the first day of the new year, his children, brother and sister, came out of the forester's house. They got on their skis and headed for the Christmas tree. The forester came out of the house and followed them. When all three were near, the boy said:
"You've got a good idea, dad!" This will be our Christmas Tree! We will decorate it like this every year! ..
This story happened many, many years ago. The old forester had long since died. His adult children live in the city. And in the forest in the middle of the clearing, opposite the new forester, a tall, slender spruce rises, and on New Year's Eve she remembers her childhood ...

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Compiled by: Poleshchuk Tatyana Yuryev, teacher of MBOU secondary school No. 11 Sergey Vladimirovich Mikhalkov " New Year's story". Speech warm-up. There is one game for you: I will start the poems now. .And toys-Flags, stars sway, ... crackers shine. Read slowly and gradually speed up the pace. Read in a whisper and gradually increase your voice.

Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov (1913-2007) Born in Moscow. The father instilled in his son a love for Russian literature, introduced him to the poems of V. Mayakovsky, D. Poor, S. Yesenin. The influence of poetry affected the childhood and youthful poetic experiences of young Mikhalkov. Graduated in 1930 high school. Moves to Moscow and works as a laborer at the Moskvoretskaya weaving and finishing factory. He took part in a geological exploration expedition to the Volga and Kazakhstan. Mikhalkov's poems were increasingly published in the capital's press and broadcast on the radio. In 1935-1937 he studied at the Literary Institute. M. Gorky. In 1935 he published his poems in the Pioneer magazine. Inspired by success, Mikhalkov ventured to compose a whole poem for children. So "Uncle Styopa" was born. Mikhalkov finished writing "Uncle Styopa" for almost ten years. In 1939 he was drafted into the ranks of the Red Army, for the first time he tried himself as a war correspondent. Continuing to work in the army press, he does not forget his little reader. He writes poems for kids. He wrote fables. He wrote 36 plays for children's and adult theaters. He is the author of scripts, both artistic and animated. THE CREATIVITY OF S. MIKHALKOV Checking perception. Why did the author call this fairy tale a reality? What is real in this fairy tale and what is fictional? What did you like about this story? S. Mikhalkov wrote down the same story in verse. In the snow stood a Christmas tree-Green bang, Resinous, healthy, one and a half meters high. An event occurred One winter day: The forester decided to cut it down! late in the evening She came to her senses. What a strange feeling! Fear disappeared somewhere .... Glass lanterns Burn in her branches. Decorations sparkle - What an elegant look! At the same time, without a doubt, She stands in the forest. Uncut! Whole! Beautiful and strong! ... Who saved, who dressed her up? The forester's son! Which version of the story did you like best? Find passages in the text that match the illustrations. Read out. REFLECTION.In today's lesson, I learned…..In this lesson, I would praise myself…….After this lesson, I felt like…….Today I managed…..CHOOSE AND CONTINUE THE OFFER THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION!

Tyutrina Oksana Vladimirovna
Job title: primary school teacher
Educational institution: MOU "Ulkan secondary school №2"
Locality: Ulkan village, Irkutsk region
Material name: summary of the open lesson
Subject:"S. Mikhalkov "New Year's story"
Publication date: 06.04.2016
Chapter: elementary education

Lesson literary reading at 2 in class.
Topic: "S. Mikhalkov" New Year's story "


to acquaint students with the work of S. Mikhalkov “New Year's story; develop reading comprehension skills.
learn to work in pairs; develop the ability to listen to friends.
to cultivate the ability to listen and hear, to correctly express and prove one's opinion, to answer reasonedly, to prove one's opinion, to respect the opinion of classmates.
Predicted results:
students should be able to predict the content of the work; to understand the features of the fairy tale text; compare and characterize the heroes of the work on the basis of their actions; read expressively.
textbook of literary reading by L.F. Klimanova and others, cards for work in pairs; Christmas tree; signs “What was it like”, “How did it lead” Lesson progress
I. Organizational moment

II. Header work
- Guys, what holiday will we have soon? - Do you like this holiday? - What do you expect from him? Slide 1 - Today we will get acquainted with the wonderful work that the writer Sergei Mikhalkov wrote for us. - Let's open the textbook p.203 and read the name of the work. -What does New Year's mean? - Why do you think the author named the story?
III. Primary perception of the text.
gifts holiday dreams come true Santa Claus Snow Maiden fabulous mood sparklers
Children read the work by roles (magpie, Christmas tree, author, forester, boy). - You have now listened to the piece. - Why did the author call the work New Year's story? - What do you think, what is true? - Let's explain to you what a true story is? (on the tables there is a table in them, the children themselves continue) -So, that's what a true story is! - And nothing bothers you in the work? What is unusual in the work? -What doesn't happen? - What conclusion can be drawn? In what works does this happen? - and that is why Mikhalkov called his fairy tale a New Year's reality. Why did he do it. We will learn about this in class. - Why a true story and why a fairy tale?
IV. Secondary Perception
- and now we will carefully read the fairy tale and try to unravel the author's intention. - Let's see how Yolochka lived, what she was like and how she behaved. So let's read the text carefully. Campaign to explain, stop, and reason why this is so. ..... Why do you think the author put three dots here. So, what it was, continue. A story grows in the forest A forester lives Magpies live hares In the forest a lot falls and small trees fall asleep Snow Decorate a Christmas tree in the forest and at home On New Year they go to cut down a Christmas tree a fairy tale It is written with a capital letter Mature trees Birds are talking Spruce fainted
Do you think the animals loved her? Why was she swinging? (forty was unfamiliar) How did the Christmas tree behave? (politely asked) What did the magpie bring in when she said Such as you? (beautiful, fluffy) Why did the Christmas tree object uncertainly? (worried) Why did she want to hide, get lost in the forest? (she was scared, she didn't want to be cut down) What's going on here? (cheered up) What was she like? (fluffy, green) Why did he say that? (he liked her) What did she become? (smart), but at the same time where did she stay (stood in the same place) What Christmas tree has become? (NEW YEAR) what did the Christmas tree (joy) What was the Christmas tree (tall, slender spruce) What do you think happened next? How did the fairy tale end? And why, what do you think? Why Mikhalkov wrote. What did Mikhalkov want to show us?
V. Reflection.
If this work taught you something, then take it .. yellow bow If it was difficult for you to work, but you liked it, take .... blue bow If you still need to learn how to work with text ...... green bow
VI. Summary of the lesson.
Y / Z Choose any passage from the work and read by role.

New Year's story

Sergei Mikhalkov
New Year's story

In the forest, not far from the forester's house, a Christmas tree grew. Mature trees - pines and firs - looked at her from afar and could not stop looking at her - she was so slender and beautiful.
The little Christmas tree grew like all Christmas trees at her age: in summer it was watered with rain, in winter it was covered with snow.
She basked in the spring sun and shivered during a thunderstorm. Around it was the usual forest life: field mice ran back and forth, various insects and ants swarm, birds flew. During her short life, Yolochka met a real hare, who once spent the night under her branches. Despite the fact that Yolochka grew up alone in the middle of a clearing, she did not feel lonely ...
But somehow in the summer, out of nowhere, an unfamiliar Magpie flew in, without thinking twice, sat on the top of a small Christmas tree and began to swing on it.
- Please don't swing on me! Yolochka asked politely. "You're going to break my head!"
- And what do you need your top? chirped Magpie. "You'll still be cut down!"
- Who will cut me down? For what?! - Yolochka whispered softly.
- And who needs it, he will cut it down! Magpie replied. - Don't you know that on New Year's Eve people come to the forest for people like you! And you are growing in front of everyone! ..
- But I've been in this place for more than a year, and no one touched me! - Yolochka objected uncertainly.
- Well, so touched! - said Magpie and flew off into the forest ...
Yolochka lived summer and autumn in fear and anxiety, and when the snow fell, she completely lost her peace. After all, she couldn’t run away anywhere to hide, get lost in the forest among the same Christmas trees.
In December, so much snow fell that even mature trees broke branches under its weight.
And the little Christmas tree was completely covered up to the very top.
- It's even good! Yolochka decided. Now no one will notice me!
The last day of the outgoing year has come - the thirty-first of December.
- Just to survive this day! - Yolochka did not have time to think, when she saw a man approaching her, he was walking straight at her. Approaching her, the man grabbed her top and shook her. Heavy layers of snow fell off, hanging on the branches of the Christmas Tree, and she straightened her fluffy green branches in front of the man.
- I chose you correctly! the man said and smiled. He did not notice that at these words the Christmas tree lost consciousness ...
When the Christmas tree woke up, she could not understand anything: she was alive and stood in the same place, only light colored glass balls hung on her branches, and she was all wrapped in thin silver threads, and the very top was decorated with a large golden star ..
And in the morning, on the first day of the new year, his children, brother and sister, came out of the forester's house. They got on their skis and headed for the Christmas tree. The forester came out of the house and followed them. When all three were near, the boy said:
"You've got a good idea, dad!" This will be our Christmas Tree! We will decorate it like this every year! ..
This story happened many, many years ago. The old forester had long since died. His adult children live in the city. And in the forest in the middle of the clearing, opposite the new forester, a tall, slender spruce rises, and on New Year's Eve she remembers her childhood ...

Mikhalkov S., fairy tale "Herringbone. New Year's story"

Genre: literary fairy tale

The main characters of the fairy tale "Herringbone. New Year's story" and their characteristics

  1. Herringbone. Young, beautiful, timid.
  2. Magpie. Malicious, envious, cruel.
  3. Forester. Kind, caring.
Plan for retelling the fairy tale "Herringbone. New Year's story"
  1. Young Christmas tree
  2. Magpie prediction.
  3. Christmas tree fears
  4. snowy winter
  5. Last day of December
  6. Forester and Christmas tree
  7. elegant beauty
  8. mature tree
The shortest content of the fairy tale "Fir-tree. New Year's story" for reader's diary in 6 sentences
  1. A Christmas tree was born in the forest and grew in the middle of a forest clearing
  2. From Soroka, Elochka learned that it could be cut down for the New Year.
  3. She thought about it all year and was afraid.
  4. On the last day of December, a forester came to Yolochka and she lost consciousness.
  5. When the Christmas tree woke up, it grew in the same place, but was decorated in a New Year's way.
  6. Many years later, Elochka recalled her childhood with pleasure.
The main idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fairy tale "Herringbone. New Year's story"
No need to cut Christmas trees for the new year, it is better to admire them in the forest.

What does the fairy tale "Herringbone. New Year's story" teach
The fairy tale teaches a careful, caring attitude to nature, and specifically to Christmas trees. Teaches not to ruin the young beautiful trees for one new year's eve. Learn to be kind and compassionate.

Review of the fairy tale "Herringbone. New Year's story"
I liked this fairy tale, which has a subtitle Reality. Apparently the author came up with this story, taking as a basis something that really happened. But the main thing in this tale is that the Christmas tree remained alive. And for a long time it brought benefit and joy to people and the planet. This is a very good deed of a forester - to decorate a Christmas tree right in the forest.

Proverbs to the fairy tale "Herringbone. New Year's story"
Look at the Christmas tree and it will warm your heart.
A large tree will hide both from rain and snow.
The tree is soon planted, but not soon the fruits are eaten from it.
Breaking a tree in a second, growing it takes years.
Do not protect the shoots, do not see the tree.

Read summary, brief retelling fairy tales "Herringbone. New Year's story"
In the forest, not far from the forester's house, a young and beautiful Christmas tree grew. In the summer it rained, in the winter it was covered with snow. She grew like all the other Christmas trees.
Once a hare spent the night under its branches, and another time a magpie flew in.
The magpie sat on the top of her head and began to rock it, and Elochka became worried. She began to ask the Magpie not to break her tops, and the Magpie arrogantly said that the Christmas Tree would be cut down anyway.
The Christmas tree was horrified and asked who would cut it down and why.
Magpie replied that people always come to the forest on New Year's Eve and cut down beautiful Christmas trees.
The Christmas tree timidly said that it had been growing for several years and no one had cut it down, and Magpie rudely predicted that they would cut it down anyway.
All summer and autumn, Elochka thought about the words of the magpie and worried. And when December began, she completely lost her peace.
That winter there was a lot of snow, and even branches of tall firs broke off under the weight of snow, and the little Christmas tree fell asleep to the very top. And this only pleased Elochka, she thought that now people would definitely not notice her.
And from came December 31st. The Christmas tree dreamed of surviving this day, when she suddenly saw a man who was heading straight for her. It was the forester. He went up to the Christmas tree and shook its branches with force. Then he admired the beautiful Christmas tree and said to himself that he had chosen the right tree.
The fir tree lost consciousness from fear.
And when Elochka came to herself, she was very surprised. It turns out that it still grew in the middle of the clearing, but all its branches were decorated with multi-colored balls, wrapped in silver threads, and a star shone on top.
On the morning of January 1, two children came out of the forester's house and went on skis to Yolochka. They went up to the Christmas tree and looked at her for a long time. And then the boy told his sister that it would be their Christmas tree and they would decorate it every New Year.
Many years have passed, the forester has long passed away, his children have long grown up, and a beautiful and slender tree rises in the middle of a forest clearing and recalls its childhood with a smile.

Drawings and illustrations for the fairy tale "Herringbone. New Year's story"
