Reader's diary on literature: how to properly design a diary and templates for filling. Why do you need a reader's diary

Why do you need a reader's diary?

Keeping a reader's diary is not a goal, but a means! So that the knowledge gained while reading books is not lost, a reader's diary is needed.

Diary entries will help you remember the book after a while. It will be pretty easy to find necessary information about the works she read - who are her heroes, what happened to them, what she liked, what made her think. The diary will help you pay attention to both the authors of books and illustrators - you will be able to navigate the "book sea" more easily.

How to make a reader's diary?

It is better to take a notebook in a cage as the basis of a reader's diary. Write on the cover " Reader's diary", specify a name andlast name of the owner. You can design the cover (for example, with drawings for books) in your own way discretion.

This picture can be printed and pasted on the cover - click on it.

At the beginning of the diary, you can write or paste List of books for reading and various Reminders- hints ("Learn to read correctly", "How to talk about a book?"...).

It is better to fill in the diary immediately after you read the book or the next day. In this case, the memories will be fresh, and if necessary, you can refer to the book. From time to time it is necessary to look through the diary - then the knowledge of the content and impressions of the book will be fixed in memory.

How to make entries in a diary?

For those who are just learning to read on their own, the easiest way is suitable.- make entries in the table:

If the book liked:

  • draw a character you like or paste a coloring picture with him
  • find and paste a portrait of the author of the book, write it full name and patronymic

If the book I liked it very much:

  • make drawings-illustrations (or comics) based on what you read;
  • come up with riddles or puzzles about heroes;
  • make a crossword according to what you read;
  • write and "send" a letter in the diary to the characters or the author of the book;
  • learn and write Interesting Facts from the writer's biography.

More experienced readers can write in a diary, answering the following questions:

2. The genre of the work (fairy tale, story, story, poetry, fable, epic ...)

2. Tell us about the main character of the book:

Age and appearance of the hero

Traits of his character

His favorite activities

What he likes or dislikes, his habits, etc.

Who are his friends? What are they?

Would you like to be like this hero? How?

Is there anything you don't like about it? Why?

Draw a portrait of your favorite hero

3. What part of the book did you like (or remember) the most? What is he talking about? Why did he leave you indifferent?
Draw an illustration for the passage.

4. Did you like the book? How? Write your impression or opinion about what you read.

5. What would you tell your friend about this book so that he would definitely want to read it?


These items can be used not all, partially! You can rearrange the items as it is convenient for the owner of the reader's diary. You can come up with your own pages, add your own items.
The main thing is that the reader's diary becomes an assistant and interlocutor of its owner.

What a Reader's Diary might look like, see

You can also use ready-made :

At the end of the school year, many teachers give students lists of literature that needs to be studied during the holidays. However, books are not just meant to be read. Teachers require that the studied material be entered in the reader's diary. Unfortunately, many children do not cope with this task, because they do not know how to keep a reading diary and what it is all about.

Who needs a reading diary

Some parents have a negative attitude towards the management of CHD. Very often you can hear the phrase: “How to keep a reader’s diary for a child, even if sometimes I don’t remember the name of the author or heroes of the read work? I liked it - I remembered it, I didn’t like it - why keep it in memory! reads under the sticks. Unfortunately, such statements can be heard quite often. Based on this, we can conclude that we read only for the sake of a moment of entertainment. However, this is not quite true.

The general education curriculum includes works that teach children about kindness, mutual understanding, relationships and other necessary qualities intellectually developed person. In addition, the purpose of the reader's diary is not at all to develop a love of reading in the baby. As a rule, children read any work (even a fairy tale) in order to learn something interesting that they have not heard about before. In addition, many competitions, quizzes or marathons are held, in which children will have to remember what they once read. For example, tell a fairy tale, a riddle, answer a question about some hero. And how will they be able to do this if the material they read has flown out of their memory a long time ago? If the kid knows how to keep a reading diary and use this knowledge, then the information will be available to him at any time.

What is a reading diary for?

The reader's diary is a kind of cheat sheet that will help the child remember all the material they have ever read. In addition, the black hole teaches children to analyze the work, brief conclusions from what you read. After all, this is what the students elementary school given the most difficult. Studying works, writing summary in BH, the child also trains writing skills. Memory is also trained, because writing down the names of the main characters and the author, various dates, the content of the text, the child remembers them better. Among other things, parents, by controlling the maintenance of CHH, can understand which genre is more interesting for the child and what should be paid attention to. Now you should figure out how to keep a reader's diary.

Keeping a reading diary

In principle, a black hole is an ordinary notebook in which the student writes down his thoughts, some quotes from the work, a summary, the names of the author and the main characters. The simplest model is when the sheet is divided into two columns, in one of which they write the title of the work, in the other - their conclusions. However, this scheme is more understandable to the older generation; it is not suitable for kids. How to keep a reading diary for children? In principle, there is nothing complicated in this. However, it will be difficult for the child to draw up such a model. It is best to do this with your parents. So, they take a simple student notebook (preferably not very thin) and draw it into several columns:

Doing this regularly, the child consolidates the material read and in the future will be able to easily answer any question about the work.

How to keep a reading diary - sample

Reader's diary for a student lower grades may look like this.

Reader's diary (sample)

How to use

It is advisable to fill in the CD immediately after reading the work or the next day, having the text at hand in order to remember the most important points. From time to time, you need to look through the completed pages to refresh your memory and consolidate the impression of the work. At the end of the CD, a content page should be made, where the titles of the books read and the page number with their description will be entered. Thus, it will be much easier to navigate the black hole.

On summer holidays teachers often give a list of references recommended for reading in free time. During the study period, this will reduce the time for preparing for the lesson. In the process of reading, a person of any age expands his horizons, which is very important, especially for teenagers. note-taking short story will help to keep in memory the key moments of history, remember the names of the heroes. Subsequently, at school in the classroom, such a memo will become an indispensable assistant. In order for all entries to be concise and easy to read, it is important to understand how to design a reader's diary.

Start by choosing a notebook, let the child decide on his own what the reader's diary should be. You can make it yourself using a simple, suitable notebook or notepad, or you can purchase a ready-made version in the store, for example, choosing it according to the class.

At the beginning of the diary, you can leave a sheet for compiling the content, it is filled out last, after the design of all subsequent pages.

To give originality and individuality to the diary, when filling it out, you can use various beautiful stickers, clippings from magazines, but the best option there will be interesting drawings.

Depending on the age of the reader, the size and essence of the written text changes. For younger children school age it is enough to allocate 1-2 pages for filling. Here the name of the story or fairy tale is indicated, the surname and name of the author, the main characters are listed. Next, you need to briefly describe the plot - just a few sentences so that the child can remember what the book was about. And be sure to write your opinion about the material read. For first-graders, an album for drawings often acts as a reader's diary.

Literature lessons at school are among the most interesting and exciting. Many modern children enjoy reading epics and fairy tales, express their opinion about the plot and characters, and are not afraid to ask questions. But often this is not enough to get an excellent mark in this subject. We offer you to get acquainted with several recommendations that will help you figure out how to design a reader's diary.

What it is

A reader's diary for a student is a thick notebook in which students write out quotes from the work being studied, retell its plot. The benefits of such work are undeniable: if you need to prepare for a test or writing an essay, you don’t need to reread the text, just open your diary and refresh events or characters in your memory.

Design secrets

How to arrange a reader's diary so that it is convenient to use?

  • First of all, you need to make pagination and content - this will help you quickly find the work you need.
  • Be sure to indicate the sections - "Oral folk art”, “Literature of the 18th century”, “Literature of the 19th century”, etc. The titles of these sections should be written large print, you can use printed capital letters and colored pens. To make the diary look neat, you need to use the same color for headings of the same level.
  • Within each major section, there are subsections. So, "Literature of the 19th century" will necessarily include parts of "Pushkin's Creativity", "Lermontov's Poetry", "Gogol" and so on, depending on school curriculum. The name of the subsection must also be highlighted in color, underlined.

As a rule, at school, teachers do not put forward clear requirements for how to arrange a reader's diary, because this is primarily a hint for the student. Therefore, you can freely express your imagination.

Form Features

A very convenient form is a table that includes the following columns:

  • Full name of the author;
  • title of the work;
  • main characters;
  • place and time of action;
  • key events or quotes.

It is very important to make columns of different widths in the table. The last one should be the widest.

How to design a reader's diary without a table? You can write in solid text, emphasizing or highlighting with color the titles of works, authors and main ideas. Some students, who have a rich imagination, come up with schemes that reflect the relationship of characters. literary work and the events that happened to them. Work on such a presentation of the material will take some time, but remembering the text later will not be difficult.

Content specifics

How to arrange a reader's diary so that it is easy to prepare for writing an essay? First of all, when retelling, it is imperative to indicate the pages of a book or textbook, where we are talking about one event or another. This will allow you to quickly find in the text required space and quote.

An obligatory part of the diary are quotes from the work, helping to characterize the hero, to understand author's intention, text idea. They can be abbreviated if necessary, marking the place of reduction with an ellipsis. It would be useful to indicate the genre and year of writing the text, these data can be used in the introduction to the essay. Be sure to write down difficult-to-pronounce character names, especially from ancient or foreign literature. This will save a lot of time, because you don’t have to look for them in the book.

Younger students can decorate their notebooks with illustrations and pictures.


Consider how to design the cover of a reader's diary. There are several ways:

  • The easiest is to buy a suitable notebook, on which the “Reader's Diary” will be written, you just need to indicate your full name and class.
  • You can buy an ordinary notebook with a one-color cover and show your imagination: stick an illustration from your favorite work on it, write a few quotes you like, beautiful letters(for example, in the Old Slavonic style) display the words "Reader's Diary". Then the notebook will become a real treasure for any student.
  • With the help of ordinary braid, you can make a bookmark: a braid is taken, the length of which is about 7 cm longer than the notebook, one end of it is carefully glued on adhesive tape in the upper left corner of the back cover, and the rest is laid on the required page. The cover can also be pasted over with a braid.

We looked at how to beautifully design a reader's diary so that long years he made his owner happy. You should not throw away such notebooks, because in preparation for the final and entrance exams in literature, you will need to recall previously studied texts. And diary owners won't have to go to the library.

NB Reader's diary completed during the semester. Submitted for verification not later December 20 (for odd terms) and May 20 (for even semesters) 1 . After specified date diaries for verification not accepted and not allowed for use during the exam / test.

If all the requirements are met, the diary is allowed to be used at the exam / test (texts of works, abstracts of scientific literature, cheat sheets, telephones and other means of “rescue” cannot be used).

Diary structure:

    The title of the read work (if the poetic work does not have a title, then the first line is indicated as the title), the author (if it is not anonymous).

    Quotations from the text, reflecting the essence of the work (small lyrical texts - up to 8 lines - can be quoted in full).

    Main names actors, their characteristics, briefly note the sequence of events (for dramatic and epic works). Characteristic lyrical hero(for lyrics).

    Quotes from research literature and textbooks on this author or work 2 (mandatory links to the source of citation with a full indication of bibliographic data drawn up according to the standard). The number and volume of citations is determined by the common sense and erudition of the author of the diary.

Wikipedia,, etc. are not considered research or educational literature!

    Characteristics of the work in terms of its genre (define the genre and indicate its features in this work).

    Characteristics of the work in terms of its belonging to one of the aesthetic paradigms 3: determine literary direction (artistic method) and indicate its features in the poetics of the work.

    (Optional) Own thoughts about the read work (reflections and reasoning, but not evaluation of the work!).

Notes: for several small volume poetry by the same author belonging to the same genre, paragraphs 4-6 may be common.

Texts in italics in the list of references are required reading, but are not described in the diary.

A sample of filling out a reader's diary

A. For poetic works

    “A crow once a piece of a fox”, “Well, it finally worked out”, “Night street lamp pharmacy”.

once a piece of a fox was sent to a crow by some kind god and the fable became both shorter and fairer at times

Well, finally, it turned out Sisyphus wearily lit a cigarette on a stone, sat, thought, jumped up and pushed him down

night street lantern pharmacy in earnest uncle fell ill tell me uncle because it’s not without reason that poets bake pies

  1. In the first and second poems there is no lyrical hero, because in both cases the plot is not lyrical, but epic. In the third work, the lyrical hero is presented implicitly: there is no explicit nomination, but the poem itself is the speech of the lyrical "I".

    “The Internet was conquered by pies - fast, ruddy and hot quatrains, written without punctuation marks, without capital letters and usually without rhyme. Pirozhkovy poetry is actively spreading through social media, and therefore most of the quatrains have already lost their authors: they move from page to page, like aphorisms or Internet memes.<...> The pie, as follows from the rules of the communities, should "excite, not be banal and correspond to the spirit of the pie"". (Vagina, M. Pies: how they write and what they eat with [ Electronic resource] / M. Vagina // – URL: 4)

“Once upon a time, there lived, there were wonderful authors... They live now, but once upon a time they wrote... They write now, but then they wrote haiku. It was quite a big and fun hangout on the site, as well as its branch At some point, the owners of the site stopped working on it, and it began to periodically stop working. In this regard, an author named Vadim Sakhanenko (Sokhas) opened a forum on the fastbb engine (later turned into borda), where he invited his friends and acquaintances from hokkuru to write haiku, as well as experiment with other minimalist poetic genres: double haiku with rhyme, limericks and others; subsequently, all these sections of the forum were closed, and only one cherished genre remained.

At the beginning of 2003, the user al cogol (Vladislav Kungurov) published on the site poem "Pies" It consisted of several quatrains, written in iambic four-foot acatalectic, lowercase letters, without rhyme or punctuation marks. The poem was very cool and unusual, the quatrains were, in general, unrelated, most of the quatrains were about food. Vadim saw this poem, he liked it very much, and he suggested that Vladislav create a genre out of this and write pies on his forum. Quickly defining the rules of the genre in mutual correspondence, Sohas and al cogol began to exchange these short funny poems. This happened at the end of 2003. This moment can be considered Starting point for pirozhki as an independent genre. (Vasiliev, V. History of pies [Electronic resource] / V. Vasiliev // Pirozhkovaya. - URL:

    All three texts belong to the "pie" genre. Common features: quatrain, iambic tetrameter, writing in lowercase letters without punctuation marks, numbers and hyphens. Number of syllables per line: 9-8-9-8. The syllables are written explicitly: « Vŏ -Ró -nĕ Rá h toў -Withó to lŭ -Withú -tsӹ // Pŏ -slá OKă -Toó th tŏ dó -brӹ th bó G". Abbreviations are written with vowels, numbers with letters. The rhyme is mostly missing. It is worth noting that the first poem retains the features of the fable genre, of which this text is a parody: the absence of a lyrical hero and lyrical experience, a didactic beginning (morality), and an epic plot.

    Patties are a phenomenon of modern network literature, in which some features of postmodern poetics are observed: citation classical works, transformations of famous stories, game with the reader. So, for example, in the first text, the plot of the classic fable by I. A. Krylov “The Crow and the Fox” is transformed and parodied, which results in a rethinking of didactic poetry as such, subject to all the rules of “pies”. In the second poem, there is obviously a mythological plot, which is also rethought: Sisyphus is not the performer of the will of fate, but the creator own destiny. The third poem consists almost entirely of exact or distorted quotations from the famous poetic works of Blok, Pushkin and Lermontov, which, following one after another in certain order, form a completely independent original plot. The absence of punctuation marks, characteristic of pie poetry, allows you to read the text both as a centon and as the lyrical hero's own speech.

B. For epic works

    "Ryaba Hen". Folklore work.

    Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman, they had a pockmarked chicken. The hen laid an egg:

Motley, sharp, bone, tricky, I planted an egg in an aspen hollow, in a kut under a bench.

The mouse ran, returned its tail, broke the testicle. The grandfather began to cry about this testicle, the grandmother to sob, the faiths to laugh, the chickens to fly, the gates to creak, the rubbish under the threshold began to smoke, the doors were bumped, the tyn crumbled, the top of the hut staggered ...

And the pock-marked hen says to them: Grandfather don’t cry, don’t cry grandma, don’t fly chickens, don’t creak the gates, don’t smoke rubbish under the threshold, don’t crumble, don’t stagger the top of the hut - I’ll lay you another testicle: motley, sharp, bone, tricky , the testicle is not simple - golden.

    Event series: the hen laid an egg - the mouse broke it - the world is collapsing - the hen promises to lay another egg, better than the previous one, and restore the world order.

Characteristics of the characters: Grandfather and Baba - the characters do not have any personal characteristics, therefore they are not individualized and, most likely, are the embodiment of the mythological idea of ​​the ancestors.

Hen Ryaba is the personification of cosmic forces, endowed with speech, since she is a character in a fairy tale.

The mouse, the personification of demonic forces, breaks the egg that the hen laid and becomes the cause of chaos.

    “From other details that are significant in connection with the motif of the egg as the beginning of the universe and one way or another found in the Slavic folklore or ritual tradition, one should emphasize the splitting of the egg and the golden color of the egg as a whole. It is permissible to think that an extremely degenerate version of these ideas is found in the well-known children's tale about the hen that laid the golden egg and the mouse that cracked it; the parallel can be continued by pointing to the role of the bird, and often it is the motley one (pockmark). And this combination of the motifs of a golden egg on the water and a bird, as has long been established, is equivalent to the motif of the sun rising from the waters and setting in the waters. (Toporov, V.N. To the reconstruction of the myth of the world egg (on the basis of Russian fairy tales) [Text] / V.N. Toporov // Toporov V.N. The world tree: Universal sign complexes. T. 1. - M .: handwritten monuments Ancient Rus', 2010. - S. 399).

“The main steps in the process of transformation of a myth into a fairy tale: deritualization and desacralization, weakening of strict belief in the truth of mythical “events”, development of conscious fiction, loss of ethnographic concreteness, replacement of mythical heroes with ordinary people, mythical time with fabulously indefinite ones ... shifting attention from collective destinies to individual and from cosmic to social, which is the reason for the emergence of a number of new plots and some structural restrictions. (Meletinsky E. M. Poetics of myth [Text] / E. M. Meletinsky. - M., 1976. - P. 264).

    This is a folklore household tale. Features of the genre: the image of the cosmogonic principle through everyday scenes; characters usually do not have individual characteristics. The fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen" is an interesting text in which you can see several myths related to cosmogony, eschatology and the traditionalist cyclical epochs.

    This text is folklore, therefore, it cannot be considered from the point of view of belonging to one or another aesthetic paradigm.

    Previously, “Ryaba the Hen” seemed to me a fairy tale of absurdity, without the slightest practical meaning, like a spell: they got an egg - and you seem to be glad that there is a golden thing - but for some reason they want to break it (into pieces, I thought so). They beat for a long time and decisively, although it is clear that you cannot break a metal thing. Left alone - but then the mouse came running. Why they did not break, but the egg broke on the floor is a mystery. Well, it crashed - here, rejoice! And they suddenly roar! From what? Because the mouse stole the thrill of breaking from them? Out of envy and resentment? Or did you suddenly realize that it didn’t hurt and you wanted to break it? And sorry for his whole?

And then the chicken comes and consoles: they say, I’ll take down one more, but simple! So they also needed gold !!! How can they be comforted by her simple stupid egg??? These are two different things, and the simple will not console you about the gold. In short, it was a complete mystery to me. And I thought - it's just like that, conspiracy rubbish - to speak teeth to the kids.

1Students studying at the correspondence department must turn in the diary on the first day of entering the session.

2Research literature is preferable to academic literature, so a diary containing references only to textbooks will not be read.

3Aesthetic (artistic) paradigm - a set of ideas about the world, man, the place of art in the life of society in a certain historical period (antiquity, middle ages, Renaissance, baroque, classicism, sentimentalism, pre-romanticism, etc.).

4 Links can also be made in accordance with GOST 2008: Vagina, M. Pirozhki: how they write and what they eat with // URL:; Toporov V.N. On the reconstruction of the myth of the world egg (on the basis of Russian fairy tales) // Toporov V.N. The world tree: Universal sign complexes. T. 1. M .: Manuscript monuments of Ancient Rus', 2010. S. 399
