Andrey Gubin passed a DNA test and put an end to the dark story with his illegitimate son. The illegitimate son of Andrei Gubin - Maxim Kvasnyuk Is Maxim the son of Gubin

Shocked fans with a story about his illness. The artist suffers from a disease nervous system, in which he feels severe pain in the face. Now the public is dumbfounded by the new news - announced illegitimate son singer.

A 21-year-old young man named Maxim came to a talk show, where he stated that in the eighth grade he learned from his mother that he was a son famous musician. Maxim shared with Dni.Ru his emotions from the meeting with his father and his impressions of the show.

“In general, I am satisfied, but it was not without deceit. We were told that samples for DNA analysis had already been taken from Andrey, but in fact it turned out that they were not. I did not come to the program for fame and PR, as many tend to believe "I wanted to see Andrey, to see the reaction. I have no offense. He did as he saw fit. It's a little frustrating that they tried to put my family in a negative light, but many still support me. I'm very pleased" - said Maxim.

Some of those present in the hall sharply condemned Andrey for refusing a DNA examination. It would seem that it would be much easier through the test to prove to yourself and to all those who doubt that they were not involved in the birth of a guy who, by the way, is a novice musician. Gubin took his son with hostility and began to deny everything possible options his paternity.

“As far as I know, Andrei does not plan to do the test. And I think that there is no point in this. I don’t know how this story was edited and presented to the viewer of the program. There is absolutely no logic in it, everything is sucked from the finger. real life He doesn't look like Andrew at all. He's just an aspiring singer and he needs PR," she stood up for former lover in a conversation with Dni.Ru singer Julia Beretta.

“And I think that the boy is very similar to Andrey,” commented Masha Tsygal. “Gubin generally behaved rather strangely. Maybe this, of course, is due to his illness, but it’s much easier to take a test and calm everyone down. Andrei is no longer young, he has no children. And the guy was quite pleasant and positive. "If it turns out to be his child? It will even brighten up Andrey's life. Again, he behaved so strangely that I had stress after this transfer. Pick up chewing gum from the floor, continue to chew it just so as not to take a test..." Dni.Ru designer.

Recently, the star of the 90s Andrey Gubin spoke about his illness, which caused him to leave the stage. The singer said that he suffers from left-sided prosopalgia - a disease of the nervous system that causes facial pain. The once popular artist leads a secluded life, does not perform or appear in society. Andrei's personal life is also not going well, but it recently turned out that Gubin has an illegitimate son.

On the show of the NTV channel "The Stars Came Together", the artist met 21-year-old Maxim, who claims that he is the son of Gubin. The young man said that many years ago his mother had an affair with the singer. Guests in the studio noted that Maxim is very similar to Andrei. The singer himself was skeptical and even wanted to deal with the alleged son in court.

It seems that Andrei decided to change his anger to mercy. September 23 on NTV channel new issue Lera Kudryavtseva's program "Secret for a Million". Gubin became the hero of the show. The singer decided to sort out the situation with his illegitimate son without the participation of the court, and for this he agreed to take a DNA test. The result of the examination was announced on the air of the program.

On the show, Gubin also spoke about leaving the stage, difficult relationships with relatives and romances with fans.

Musician Andrei Gubin in the 90s had incredible popularity, collected stadiums and earned millions, remained a bachelor and left the stage at the peak of his fame. The singer, who had millions of fans, assured that he had neither a wife nor children. Suddenly, a guy appeared who calls himself the son of Andrei Gubin. Is he an impostor or bastard performer?

The secret of paternity will help to reveal the DNA test, which was carried out right during the filming of the Secret for a Million program. The musician frankly spoke to the host Lera Kudryavtseva about his income during the years of his musical career, the purchase of a 4-room apartment and several cars. Gubin admitted that he came to the recording of the program in a jacket for 2 thousand rubles.

The performer remembered his childhood. According to him, his father did not indulge him, but spread rot, while making good money on musical ability son. Gubin also told about how taking care of his sister fell on his shoulders. In the studio, the idol of the 90s had to listen to the claims ex girls and confess all the betrayals.

A young man named Maxim, who calls himself the illegitimate son of Andrei Gubin, is like a musician like two drops of water. About who his biological father was, Maxim was told by his mother, who was one of the singer's many fans.

Gubin himself listened attentively detailed story about an alleged casual relationship and a possible heir who is engaged in music and sings from the stage the hits of the 90s that glorified him. For more than 8 years, Maxim remained silent and did not seek meetings with the idol of past years, whom he considers his father. The young man passed the biomaterial for a DNA test in order to get a definite answer to the question: is the musician his biological parent?

Gubin himself had previously refused to conduct such a study, but then he suddenly agreed. Lera Kudryavtseva announced the results of the examination in the studio of the Secret for a Million program. The guy was not the son of a famous artist.

A 21-year-old young man named Maxim came to a talk show, where he announced that in the eighth grade he learned from his mother that he was the son of a famous musician. Maxim shared with website emotions from meeting with his father and impressions from the transfer.


“In general, I am satisfied, but it was not without deceit. We were told that samples for DNA analysis had already been taken from Andrey, but in fact it turned out that they were not. I did not come to the program for fame and PR, as many tend to believe "I wanted to see Andrey, to see the reaction. I have no offense. He did as he saw fit. It's a little frustrating that they tried to put my family in a negative light, but many still support me. I'm very pleased" - said Maxim.

Some of those present in the hall sharply condemned Andrey for refusing a DNA examination. It would seem that it would be much easier through the test to prove to yourself and to all those who doubt that they were not involved in the birth of a guy who, by the way, is a novice musician. Gubin, on the other hand, took his son with hostility and began to deny all possible options for his paternity.

“As far as I know, Andrei does not plan to do the test. And I think that this makes no sense. I don’t know how this story was edited and presented to the viewer of the program. There is absolutely no logic in it, everything is sucked out of thin air. A boy in real life he doesn’t look like Andrei at all. He’s just a novice singer and he needs PR, "singer Yulia Beretta stood up for her former lover in a conversation with the site.

“And I think that the boy is very similar to Andrey,” commented Masha Tsygal. “Gubin generally behaved rather strangely. Maybe this, of course, is due to his illness, but it’s much easier to take a test and calm everyone down. Andrei is no longer young, he has no children. And the guy was quite pleasant and positive. "if it turns out to be his child? It will even brighten up Andrey's life. Again, he behaved so strangely that I had stress after this transfer. Pick up chewing gum from the floor, continue to chew it, just not to do the test…" website designer.

IN next issue the program of Lera Kudryavtseva and Oscar Kuchera "The Stars Came Together" dealt with the piquant situation that the singer Andrey Gubin got into. A 21-year-old boy named Maxim appeared in the studio, who stated that he was allegedly the illegitimate son of the artist.


Maxim said that he was brought up by his mother, without a father, and when he was already a teenager, she told him that his father was allegedly Andrei Gubin, whom she met at his concert in Donetsk.

Gubin reacted very categorically to the story of the young man, who, by the way, is very similar to the singer. Andrei stated that he could not have illegitimate children. “I know that I have always had a certain cleanliness in relations with women. I followed very carefully, because I understood that abortion is a serious thing for a woman,” Gubin said.

The audience in the studio, among whom there were many domestic celebrities, suggested that Andrei take a DNA test for paternity. “I don’t deny that twenty years ago I walked and hung out with girls in different cities when I was on tour in Russia. Anything could happen. But if this guy is serious, please meet him in court,” ready for radical action singer.

Among the public there were those who suggested that Maxim showed up for PR. The guy started musical career. Interestingly, Maxim even pointed out in official group V social network that he is the son of Andrei Gubin. He reacted quite harshly to this. “Thank you for spinning me,” Gubin said caustically.

Note that Gubin's alleged mistress, Maxim's mother, a woman named Marina, did not appear in the studio. However, Maxim himself explained this circumstance by the fact that she gave him carte blanche - so that he himself would understand this issue.

Recall that in Lately Andrei Gubin, who disappeared from the field of view of fans and members of the press, is regaining his popularity. It all started with the fact that the singer gave an interview, explaining the disappearance of a serious illness that torments him greatly - left-sided prosopalgia. This is a lesion of the nervous system, because of which he suffers from pain in the face.

Recently, news appeared in the media about the illness of the 90s star Andrei Gubin, who himself spoke about his condition. According to the singer, he was diagnosed with left-sided prosopalgia, which is a violation of the nervous system and calls for facial pain. In this regard, the artist had to abandon his career as a singer and begin to lead a secluded life without public performances and publications.

43-year-old Andrei admitted that nothing serious happened to him in his personal life either. However, Gubin's illegitimate son, Maxim, was recently found, who became a guest of the NTV channel program "The Stars Came Together". In the studio of the show, the 21-year-old boy said that he learned about his star father at school when he was in the eighth grade. It was then that his mother told him that his real father is an artist who became famous in the 90s.

Gubin also became a guest of this program. Those present in the studio noted the incredible similarity between Maxim and Andrey. However, the singer said he was skeptical. He admitted that in his youth, during his tours of the cities of Russia, he met with many female fans and had fun with them. Gubin offered the 21-year-old boy to prove his paternity in court. “I do not deny that twenty years ago I walked and hung out with girls in different cities when I was on tour in Russia. Anything could happen. But if this guy is serious, please meet him in court.” Andrey noted.
